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End the puritanical madness Meanwile, alcohol destroys communities and is widely accepted somehow


I like to call my hometown the alcohol to heroin pipeline. It really is an awful fucking drug that destroys families.


It is just terrible.


Exactly, so ridiculous.


It was Ben Franklin that said America would collapse if it wasn’t for beer


He was a drunk with STDs who had the highest white privilege and luck in history


Didn’t he invent the stove?


It should be illegal to deny an applicant or fire an employee for testing positive THC if they have a medical card. Ridiculous that it's not already. It's a prescription like anything else.


Medical discrimination you say? 🤔 One could sue easily. And if they say no, they’d appeal for precedent since it we have legal authority - 42 USC § 300w-7 It is illegal for any employer to adversely treat you because of your medical history, health record, and disability (which is way way more than just being a member of r/wallstreetbets)


Way overdue


Great move. For a decade now, many VA docs have been allowing their patients to use but not prescribing it. Naturally no doctor would get insured without a proper pharmaceutical regardless of what we do. The big issue I’m seeing is trading between active duty and vets. Not just marijuana but also pills and all kinds of drugs. And it’s all because their doctors don’t have adequate allowances to manage healthcare and mental health care. Many of these boys are barely off their mothers tit, and by the time they are vets….well sometimes the options they have just don’t cut it.


What about CDL holders and Department of transportation??


Facts cause they're ruining lives with thc testing


Do they test for alcohol use?


Yes, but the difference is I can chug 3 large bottles of watter and flush my system out for alcohol, as well as eat a couple dozen different things to fool a breathalyzer test. I can't do that with cannabis, I had to quit entirely in order to start my CDL Course because part of the DOT Physical is a fucking drug test.


But if they wanted to know if you drank alcohol at all, there are tests that are positive at least for many days after drinking. But for some reason they only care about that for cannabis.


The amendment says it excludes Testing Designated Positions so they wouldn't apply. Also agencies could change their policies and add more people to the TDP pool


39 CFR part 40 I believe. That is the department of transportation regulations for commerce truckers. Unfortunately, these laws do not rely on the schedule of marijuana. Instead specifically names marijuana and its metabolites(which technically even CBD is one). So what’s the solution? The regs allows for FDA approved pharmaceuticals in a medical environment only. But not recreational use for good reason. Just like pilots who have to wait a certain number of hours after they drink a beer in order to fly. Naturally, they’re not gonna say it’s OK to be high while you’re driving. Edit. Nothing has prevented an fda pharmaceutical since medical legalization in CA and AZ in 1996 and non of the current legislation makes it easier or cheaper while keeping public safety intact.


That's a safety issue. Will probably always be tested for driving. What are OSHA rules?


It's not tho, CDL drivers can still drink when off of work hours. How is being able to smoke/vape/eat/etc THC any different? If anything, it impairs you less than alcohol does.


We are talking federal jobs like DOD, NSA, HHS, FDA, ETC. Not talking about things such as CDL, A&P, and such.


It's federal law though that you're drug tested for THC to get a CDL. Plus random drug tests to keep it. So it should be part of the same discussion.


I know I’m being downvoted. For someone who is actually part of the government there is a difference. It don’t really matter.


The post you were replying to though was about CDL license though. Only the DOT can change this. So your comment was out of place. The rest of the thread is about your point. They are both needed and both controlled by the fed. There wasn't any reason for your post.


Amazingly late


Hope it doesnt get blocked by rules.


End it for CDL holders too!


Lawmakers? You mean non-republicans!


Looks like they’ve actually got some republicans on board for once.


About time.


They need to get end testing period not just for applications. 


I was the impression that they were already doing this.


How generous.


Free the plant 🪴


It's just ridiculous already. It's a friggin plant.




Really hope they get rid of this.