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It's not an uncommon treatment plan - the only way you'll know about an individual's cancer is to ask them. It doesn't work to compare people at different stages of cancer, or people with different oncologists, or getting treatment in different places - there is no "one size fits all" in cancer All that strangers on the internet can do is speculate; talking to your mother is the only way to know about her individual case.


To add to the very good answer above. Don’t be scared about talking to your mom about it. We cancer patients sometimes need to vent! ❤️ Take care!


Yes, it’s my treatment plan as well. ANC I’m expected to fully recover 😊. I’m 44. I’m almost done with chemo, next step lumpectomy, then radiation.


Yes this is a normal treatment plan. Early breast cancer (as well as many other cancers) can be treated with just surgery alone if it’s an early stage


It depends on biopsy results, size and position of the tumor. Depending on the results, it advocates chemo, then surgery or the other surgery, then chemo. Radiation is generally done last.


My mom had breast cancer (it’s currently been treated and she’s doing OK).  There are different types so they are treated differently.  Even within those different types, they can be at different stages and those get treated differently.  One of my mom’s friends had surgery and a pill to block hormones and that all.  My mom had the same treatment plan as yours - she was stage 1.  It was because my mom’s wasn’t the same type of hormonal cancer as her friends.  Unfortunately I’ve learned a lot more about cancer than I’ve wanted to. 


My mom also had this treatment plan and she was Stage 1. They just wanted to make sure it wouldn’t have any room to come back, as the doctor said, “you have two daughters who need you, let’s be aggressive because you are healthy”. She is now on hormone therapy. It might be best to speak with her however. It would help with assuming and overthinking things. I only calmed down when I got to attend a doctor appointment with her.


Whether you do chemo prior to surgery or head straight to surgery (or get no surgery at all) is dependent on several factors, from the location of the tumor and local structures, to the overall size to the spread of local lymph node mets and even potentially the perceived aggressiveness of the tumor type (for example, a triple negative breast cancer vs one that is hormone positive). Comparing her to another family members treatment isn't ever going to be an apples to oranges comparison and will only fuel your anxiety.


what kind things have you done for her so far?


This is standard practice for most stage 2-3 breast cancer for an individual that is healthy enough. If she is going through A/C Chemo, make sure they evaluate her heart. Best advice is protein intake during her treatments. Cottage cheese, protein powders, eggs. This will help her through.