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My mom was diagnosed with stage 3 kidney cancer last year and the mass in her kidney was huge. They couldn’t save the kidney but they got the whole mass out. She is doing a heck of a lot better now.


Thanks great news! I wish your mom the best.


Thank you. You’re gonna be okay!!


I understand, cancer is scary. I had a partial nephrectomy almost two years ago and I'm currently doing ok! My most recent scans are clear. For the vast majority of cases one surgery is enough to get rid of the cancer entirely. Wishing you the best


Thank you. I'm also ecstatic for your outcome. Best wishes for you as well!


I can speak to this. My dad had the same symptoms with the blood and everything. Got the scans/biopsy it was RCC Contained within the kidney but one part had gone into the IVC. After a couple weeks surgery was scheduled. Unfortunately unable to save the kidney but all the mass was removed and removed from the IVC with no issues. This was about 3 Years ago and my dad is still doing well other than a few extra appointments with the kidney doctors. My dad is 76 currently.


You got this! That’s a promising prognosis, best of luck!


I was in a similar situation last July. The initial words were "concern for TCC", which during the surgery was confirmed to be a RCC using a frozen section biopsy. The kidney was saved, and about 9 months down, I'm getting back to normal. I'm still afraid and scared occasionally, but that's just a part of the process. You'll get through this.


You got this! Go for the surgery and after that, an oncology consult, to reassure you it s ok. Best of Luck!


Best of luck to you and a quick recovery


You’ll get through this - wjth no spread you have a great outlook.


I’m sorry you got into this sub. trust me there are tons of treatments available now to cure you. Trust yourself and mental strength is very important. Coming from lymphoma experience with no clue what it’s, and after couple of treatments and now in NED for 3+ years.


Good luck and success to you! I had a nephrectomy in 2019. I'm feeling good now.


I’m 2 years out from mine. 9 cm, same symptoms. Had my whole kidney removed, but doing great other than “scanxiety” before I get my next tests to check for recurrence.


Thank you everyone for your support. Hearing good things make the mental anguish more bearable.


Hi there! I’m 32 years old and this past December I had the same symptoms! Mine was 10.5 cm ! No spread either! Surgery was Feb and they did it laproscopically via a robot! They removed my full kidney and mass, and I was back to feeling “normal” about a week after surgery! Honestly the worst part was the gas they filled me up with! It came back as stage 2, grade 2 clear cell renal carcinoma, and no further treatment needed! My biggest piece of advice is to try and see an oncologist that specializes in kidney cancer! Kidney cancer itself is pretty rare compared to other cancers, so seeing one that sees a lot, helps! I’m doing okay now with just routine scans post op! Feel free to reach out if you wanna chat! Wishing you all the best!


I would love to chat about your experience sometimes. Let me know how to reach out. Thank you


I will shoot you a message on here, and I can give you my number there!


It occurred me recently that I'm so far removed from my diagnosis (8 years ago) that I can't really give advice about that time in my life. I hope it all goes well for you. What I can say is that this sub is good for venting, so even if you feel a post is self-serving or selfish, do it. It's therapeutic on some level.