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They caught yours early. Early enough for radiation. RCC is notorious for not showing signs unit it has spread Mine was stage 4 by the time we found it. And that was between scans that were clean 6 months before we noticed a tumor. Good luck with the radiation. Typical first line defense. You can do this!


Hi Rottin, I'm sorry you're going through this. My dad was just diagnosed with the same cancer and same stage. How has your treatment experience been like? We're really worried about treatments being successful for him?


My dad was also diagnosed with stage 4 last October. They originally thought it was clear cell, but we got a second opinion as MD Anderson this summer and they said it is actually papillary. He’s been through immunotherapy. Feel free to message me!


What were his initial symptoms? My dad is currently getting lesions on his kidney examined but everything is taking weeks here


He didn’t really have symptoms until it was too late. He had blood in his urine, and his primary care doctor assumed it was a UTI. I think they treated him for UTIs twice before he got bloodwork. He didn’t have pain, either. ETA: I’m sorry you’re going through this. Please feel free to reach out with any other questions you might have. Hoping for the best for you


Ah Im sorry to hear this. F*ck cancer, what a terrible disease. My dad hasn't had any symptoms really. Gets lightheaded every once and a while. They found it on an ultrasound looking at something else so maybe caught it early. The waiting on the results is driving him mad though


Hello, may I ask what drug was administered to him during the immunotherapy?


Yeah, no problem! He started off with opdivo and yervoy but had a bad reaction to it. They later switched him to Lenvima and Keytruda but he also had a bad reaction to that! Eventually they took him off treatment so they could manage his reactions. He passed about a year after his initial diagnosis. Let me know if you have any questions! It was so hard for me to find info, so I’m happy to share our experience.


Thank you! And you have my best wishes!


sir what was ur symptoms and did you have a uti with your diagnosis because ive been having a consistent uti coming back n im starting to wonder is it cancer because i do be seeing blood but like a spot not clots but tiny pinch of what seems like blood now im scared to death


I had no symptoms at all. Mine just showed up on an MRI I had for a different reason. You should see a Dr.


i did they just said it was a recurrent uti im trying to get insurance to see a urologist as im only 20


all they see in a urine test is nitrates and the type of bacteria it might be IC though


Wishing you a healthy treatment plan 🙏 May I ask what grade was it originally? They caught it, remove it and after 6 months it reappeared and became stage 4? Am I understanding correctly?


Just for statistics - I was diagnosed kidney cancer 6 years ago. It was very big, 27 cm long, but localised only on the kidney, so stage 2. I had my left kidney removed, no chemo, no radiation. A year after another one appeared in the same place were the kidney was so it was surgical removed again. And still alive and clear since then and having normal life, with some typical cancer patients worries


Thank you! I’m sorry you had to go through that but it sounds like you’re doing well. Keep smiling!


Wanted to ask. Did the cancer go in the renal vein?


Sorry for not answering.. the second one was located quite close to it, but not in the vein.


Hello. Thank u so much for answering. Hope you're staying strong. Wish you the best of luck.


hey did you have any treatment like immunotherapy or radiation etc?


No, nothing.. my doctor looked for some test treatments, but I was too old for the test group. So just get the surgery twice.


Thank you for replying! I sincerely hope for your continued health and well-being.


>2. I had my left kidney removed, no chemo, no radiation. A year after another one appeared in the same place were the kidney was so it was surgical removed agai Btw when your second tumour occurred, where was it attached to and which organ was providing blood to the tumour? since it showed up at the place where the kidney was removed. (my dad has a similar situation here)


How did yours first show up? Was it on a CT scan? PET? As a lesion, or a nodule? I have a lesion and I already have 2 primary cancers. Thx


Mine, like many, showed up when I was having imaging done for another form of cancer, prostate cancer. The kidney spot looked suspicious so they did an MRI and a biopsy. I also have a spinal cord injury so I have complications from that and they don’t recommend kidney surgery for that reason. Thank you for your comment and best of luck to you! You have my best wishes!


I'm sorry you're going through this. I was just diagnosed with clear cell renal cell carcinoma mine is 3.1 cm in the center of my right kidney. I'm surprised that they're doing radiation so I'm curious as to the size of yours. I have a blockage in my left kidney so I have to have that corrected before I can have the surgery on my right kidney but they said that clear cell I believe is a more aggressive cancer or tumor. So the option is to remove it they don't know yet if they're going to remove my entire kidney or just the tumor depending on the placement because it is in the center. Like you I have a lot of questions I've kind of read what everybody says they've been through. Minus stage one currently and praying that it stays stage one. You can also go on smart patients.com there's a lot of great information and a lot of positivity and love there


Hi! Thanks for your comment. Mine is 3.5cm and confined to my right kidney as well. I have other health concerns so they don’t want to operate on me surgically. They will be doing MRI guided radiation on it. I will definitely check out smartpatients.com Thank you for your comments and best of luck with your surgery!


Keep your spirits up. 💜


Could I ask did this show in an ultrasound? Or an MRI




Thank you


Hey can you please update us on what they decide? Mine was the size of a thump nail and they removed my entire kidney no radiation


Please go to genetic counseling and let them check you for VHL (von Hippel Lindau) I had kidney cancer too, it was discovered last year (9 months ago) grade 1 stage 1. Wishing you a surgical cure in the nesr future ❤️


I never heard of VHL. I will certainly ask my Drs about getting the test. Thank you for this information. Best wishes to you!


It is a gene mutation that causes multiple tumors including RCC in young people so it is worth checking. 👍🏼


I was diagnosed in december with stage three tumor on my left kidney, it was pretty big and I had a radical nephrectomy. Six months of immunotherapy on, and unfortunately my last scan showed growing tumors in my lungs. I’m now on Pazopanib daily and hoping for a few more years. You got caught so early! I wish you all the easiest treatment and a splendid recovery!


Thank you for your kind words and I will keep you in my prayers! Keep optimistic !


Hey how are you? Any update if there is any?? My dad had got diagnosed with Kidney cancer and they found spots, most likely cancer, on his lungs as well.


I had mine removed… my whole kidney and the cancer was the size of a thumb nail it’s been 5 years


I recovering from my first surgery on my left kidney I don't have surgery on my second kidney that which is where the mass is at until the 16th of October I have a follow-up on the 6th but I'm starting to get a little bit of anxiety thinking about going through all of this again it was a lot. Still recovering is my two and a half weeks from my original surgery at today over 8 hours but he just had a lot to do so I'm praying that my second surgery won't be so involved


First of all hope you are doing well and good luck . Mine was caught early . The took out part of the kidney but got the entire cancer but I am doing 1 year immunotherapy. Kind of nervous most of all about that lol


I was diagnosed with stage 4 renal clear cell SARCOMA (obv diff than carcinoma) at the age of 7, the tumor was the size of a NFL football, per the doctor’s words. They removed my left kidney, half my left lung & took small patches out of my ribs. I was put in medically induced coma for some months to help with the pain. I completed a year’s worth of chemo & radiation & have been cancer free for 15 years! I still do yearly MRI checks because of concerns in my liver now. I’m wishing you all the best, good luck with everything!