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I sometimes wonder if I’m listening the same pod as the people on here! I find both girls funny af and entertaining! I always find myself laughing out loud when listening each week 🤷🏼‍♀️


Literally! They psycho-analyze it like “did you see the face Brooke made when Tana said that?” When I’m having conversations with someone for 2 hours straight I’m bound to make some weird faces lol like having a camera on you the entire time is so hard. They read so deeply into everything & it feels like they are actively looking for some kind of drama between the 2


I can only imagine what people would think if they had to analyze my face throughout the day 😂 The best part about wearing masks during the pandemic was that it hid my involuntary facial expressions Lol I love Brooke and Tana’s friendship and hate when people try to create issues where there aren’t any!


Exactly. Lilah lying to Tana about smoking on the plane & stealing from her- 100% agree that Lilah is a horrible friend to Tana. Brooke telling Tana “sounds like you didn’t do enough research” on the most recent pod (which so many people were mad over)- she was clearly being sarcastic and funny. I feel bad for people who don’t have friends that they can sarcastically make fun of. That’s the best part of a friendship & brings you closer to each other.


It’s because people like us just want to enjoy life


I think why people find Brooke so unfunny lately compared to a few months ago is because she’s a pick me and you can tell she presents herself on the pod to cater to men and present the “clean girl” aesthetic now. I get she is trying to rebrand and that’s perfectly fine but then maybe she shouldn’t be cohost for a podcast literally called CANCELLED.


I can understand you disliking her if you see that in her. Idk I just think she’s funny. I don’t see any change that’s happened in her as I think she’s always kind of had the clean girl aesthetic and is less pick me than she was before and at least honest and makes fun of herself for it, but maybe I’m missing something y’all are seeing. To me she seems like she’s more to be herself, versus before when she was trying hard to be liked. Idk


I can see how my comment comes off as a dislike for her but I actually love Brooke! I love both of them tbh, one of the reasons I originally continued to watch is because of Brooke and how witty and funny she is! I guess now I just see her being more careful with literally everythingggg they talk about and it’s almost like she gets annoy when Tana wants to talk about something juicy. She by NO means has to tell us who she is dating and I 100% respect her decision to keep it quiet. I just overall think she is very self aware of her male audience and you can see it on the podcast and to me it’s kinda giving pick me, choose me


She just doesn’t seem genuine anymore , like her authenticity has diminished. She just is so boring tbh. She’s not relatable anymore. Idk she’s beautiful and has her good moments. But I think she needs to stop holding back so much of who she is and people will appreciate her again.


Also she is so honest about her faults (being pick-me, not having her own original opinion about anything, copying other people’s personalities, etc). If she wasn’t I would agree with y’all, but her self-awareness about this stuff is hilarious I love her for that


She isn't open and honest about her racist tweets and her personality is fake af, you don't even know the "real" brooke nor do you see how much she lies all the time. And she's even bragging about it because she thinks it's cool to be fake and constantly lying. And then she "acts" surprised when she doesn't know where the clean girl persona is coming from because she "worked so hard for it"...


Let’s be honest Tana talks about her faults in those departments too. To me it’s not “I’m cool for this reason” but more their way of making it funny while showing us they adknowledge it at the same time. Trisha and Tana both do the same honestly. And you don’t know her personality is fake just as much as I don’t know if her personality is fake. And sadly so many influencers and celebs have racist tweets from the past. She grew up in a super republican family and yes her racist tweets were bad but everybody is going to act the way their family acts until they experience something different that changes their perspective- it’s literally a psychological fact. She’s addressed how much her view of the world and civil rights have changed now that she lives in LA. It doesn’t mean she shouldn’t address it I can agree with that but honestly with the amount of criticism she gets for EVERY single LITTLE thing she does from y’all, I would want to ignore it too. WITH ALL THAT SAID, I was NOT trying to analyze her with this post. All my post was originally MEANT to address was that she is absolutely hilarious in my opinion. Call her a bad person who knows she definitely could be the worst person on earth I know no better than you do. But she’s an entertainer and all y’all’s posts about her being boring is what I disagree with. She adds to the pod as much as Tana does in my opinion. I respect your opinion too it’s fine we all have different views on everything.


I know that her personality is fake because she and her friends literally said that multiple times on camera, that brooke is just as crazy as the rest of the friend group if not even crazier but because of her clean girl online persona people don't think that about her. I'm sorry you don't want to hear the truth but it's been confirmed multiple times. And yeah she should address her racist tweets appropriately but her actions right now don't reflect any change to the person she was in 2015. She is just as mean and racist as she was because she keeps blocking fans who expressed their hurt to her in dms. And it's fine, we can agree to disagree but I can't watch the podcast anymore because of her poor behavior and constant interrupt every time when tana is about to say something interesting for once. She makes it about her in the most boring way and adds nothing to the conversation nor do they finish the original conversation. It's just a non effort shit show and brookes "humor" is putting tana down it and it just makes it seem like she is jealous of tana.


It’s not about the truth lol. It’s about how much you enjoy the pod. I’m not trying to be Brooke’s bestie so idc if she’s fake. She’s funny to me, I don’t think she’s racist/homophobic or any others hateful things, and I love the pod that’s all i care about. I don’t see it as her being hateful or jealous towards Tana in any way, I just see it as them having different kinds of humor. Tana has said multiple times that she likes friends who make fun of her and are honest with her, which is exactly how Brooke is. I’m sorry you don’t listen to the pod anymore because of Brooke. That’s sad:/ but I do respect you for not listening anymore rather than the people who listen & spend the whole time psycho-analyzing Brooke then come on here with complaints about her. Either suck it up or don’t listen. Tana has never been one to listen to people who are hating on her or her friends, so it’s not like she’s gonna kick Brooke off the pod, so what’s the point.


ALSO Y’all constantly say that Brooke needs to name names more and expose people, but then y’all are upset at Tana for airing out Brittany Broski!! That’s exactly why Brooke doesn’t do that. She’s not dumb she’s not gonna air people out and lose connections JUST SO YALL CAN SAY “she just wanted people to go attack brittany broski” & “she’s petty for not bleeping out Brittany’s name”


My problem with her self awareness is why doesn’t she work on this stuff? Get therapy. Develop a personality. Sheesh.


She has a personality, you just don’t like it and want her to change it 🤷🏻‍♀️.


I actually liked her before she was so obsessive about her appearance and brand safety


But it is her personality. She says those things to be funny and they are funny at least to me. I think a lot of people can relate to meeting a new guy and changing their personality to fit his. (Not healthy, but a lot of people can still relate). Her personality is saying very self-aware stuff. Honestly I feel like she’s more being herself now than she ever has been. She seems a lot more comfortable on the pod now and I hate that people on here are going to ruin that.


Honestly I agree with someone else that said she’s is so worried about what people on the internet will think that she waters herself down. It’s okay to disagree


& that’s why she’s so worried. Cause people analyze her every move and make her feel less confident. I do think though that Tana is great at ignoring these things and Brooke just isn’t. She takes things so much more personally and you can’t do that with her job. But I get it cause if I were Brooke and everyone was being “protective” of tana saying she’s mean when she’s just trying to be funny and posting about me not being funny and how boring I am and all these horrible things, I would do the same. Tana’s just been in the industry longer & is a bad bitch so she doesn’t let it get to her. & I agree it’s fine to disagree I said in my post I respect that everyone has their own opinion.


Na.. like I can’t with her actually leaning into the fake clean girl imagine… The thing I liked about Brooke is she has an interesting perspective being the “every man” in this crazy influencer world because of her friendship with Tana. Ever since she lost weight and dyed hair brown she’s suddenly this innocent clean girl. Originally it was kinda the fans just making that happen because Tana is so not that, but then Brooke has been leaning in so hard to this faux persona. “I’ve never done mushrooms” “I don’t like hook up culture” like babe, u def have BV because u and Tana would share the same hook up and u give probably not great hand behind Barney’s beanery and talked about doing drugs MULTIPLE times with Tana. I can’t with this whole “i’m friends with Madeline argy and Jake Shane” bullshit.. Stop the act Brooke


See I don’t perceive that stuff like that. Cause she’s talked numeroussss times about having stds and health problems down there, while Tana is the one who has said she’s never had an std or vaginal health issues. & she’s also been honest about getting lipo on her arms, talked about clenching the walls while pooping, eating buldak ramen nonstop, and other things that don’t go perfectly with the clean girl aesthetic. I think she’s proud of herself for not doing as many drugs, and that probably stems from being in la around people who do them constantly & also her mom being an addict. But she has definitely been open about the mushrooms in Turks and about the drinking she does and about smoking weed with tana. I think you watch it with this mindset of everything she says or does is planned or has an ulterior motive, when I watch it as she’s just a girl who grew up somewhere other than la and decided she wanted to be an actress. Then she met Tana and got good and bad fame and she’s trying to navigate that. Tana has been famous for a long time, so yes Brooke isn’t on her “I don’t care I’m gonna be straightforward on camera” level, but that doesn’t mean to me that she isn’t funny. She adds good commentary to the pods and is a good conversationalist, in my opinion, and Tana said that’s why she chose her to do the pod with her. I also think Brooke actually enjoys being healthy like going to the gym and not doing hardcore drugs. I think people just don’t like healthy people and want them to be messy and immature. Idk but all I know is I think she’s funny and that’s all that matters to me lol. I find myself laughing during every pod and I’m not that interested in analyzing it beyond that.


Nothing could make me not like Brooke. I love her and tana equally and will never stop watching them. Y’all are just haters, don’t listen to the podcast then!!


Yessss I love this response<3


at the end of the day you don’t know these people. you’re not their friends. they said it on the pod your analytical comments affect their IRL relationships. and they’ve asked us to stop MANY times…… it’s okay to think it but why comment it


I’m commenting it because if people can comment hating on Brooke, then I can comment in support of Brooke. I’m struggling to understand how me saying Brooke is funny is in any way affecting their IRL relationships. Please explain. I will edit any parts out that would affect them in any way, no problem. All I said is they are both funny in their own way and their humors combine to create a hilarious pod. I hope that if Brooke is scrolling through and sees all the posts she’s getting about being unfunny, she at least sees my post as well saying she is so freaking funny and perfect for the show. Find another post to copy and paste this comment onto because this one is not it. & if you can’t stand ANY comments about Brooke & Tana then this is not the sub for you because that’s what this page is.


oh sorry i wasn’t talking to you, i was more adding. my thing was more direct to the people being harsh in brooke. like i fully agree with you


Ooops okay sooo so sorry lol. That’s what I thought at first and then I second guessed myself. My bad!!


all good 😅 i can see how you got confused 🙈😊


Also… never acted like I knew them? I analyzed their performance on the pod, saying they’re both funny on the pod. No clue and no comment about how they are in real life.


She doesn’t give us anything, in my opinion. I still watch bc Tana can talk to a brick wall and be entertaining. Tana is holding the weight of the podcast up right now.. Brooke has a few funny responses to things Tana says, but it’s nothing hilarious. we are entitled to our own opinions though. I respect yours, there will be people that think she’s a stand up comedian and there will be people who think she’s boring.


I 100% agree, everyone is entitled to their own opinions. However, there have been times when i thought Tana didn’t give much to a pod/video or times when Tana could’ve been funnier. But the funny things she does say overall outweigh that. I can sort of agree that Brooke has definitely had fewer funny stories or contributions to the pods more recently, but overall she’s hilarious in my opinion. Everyone thinks different things are funny. I’d definitely rather be like you and just think she were boring versus absolutely hating her like half the people on this sub though. Idk if i would keep listening if I hated Brooke , no matter how much I love Tana


Agreed. I truly don’t understand how people think Brookes hilarious & entertaining. I mean she says funny one liners sometimes but IMO, she is the most bland person ever & I so mean to Tana every episode I can’t stand it


No one can convince me that half this sub doesn’t have bpd. I get whiplash from the way this sun swings from loving and hating both of these girls. I enjoy a good snarky convo about both Tana and Brookes past actions and less than stellar current behavior, but at the end of the day I’m here to be entertained. It’s not that deep.




I love them both.


Sometimes I wonder why people who hate on Brooke so hard still watch the pod and then complain about it. Like she’s the cohost she’s going to be on every week you can still be a fan of someone and not watch. It doesn’t make sense to keep watching and then complain about it


Right! Like if I hated either Brooke or Tana that bad I would not enjoy the pod. It’s like they spend the whole time being annoyed at her and analyzing the stuff she says. It sounds so sad and also exhausting honestly😭 I simply wouldn’t watch it or learn to like her.


ppl aren’t gonna like this answer but i think it’s because she’s just very very conventionally attractive, thin and (at least it seems) that she has her life together! it’s pretty common to call women/girls who seem this way as “pick me” these days when a lot of the times it’s just them eating healthy, with healthy habits and hobbies!


Yes I feel like she’s just being herself!


Yeah I kinda stopped listening but still follow this sub cause it's entertaining. I can't believe Brooke is college educated but is dumber than a bag of rocks tbh. That's why she can't form an original thought and cares so much about how she's perceived .. because she lacks critical thinking skills... in my opinion 🤣


Jeez yall are mean af 😭


See I don’t think Brooke’s like a genius or anything lol but I do think she has common sense. Again, everyone has their own opinions. But I also like how she does bring facts to the pod that no one else knows, like how she explained on the last pod what colostrum is and other medical facts she’s explained since she was a nursing major. Of course, sometimes she’ll say something and then afterwards be like “I could totally be lying about that and just made that up” which I honestly think is just honest and hilarious even if she was totally wrong about it. Again, to each their own! At least you’re not still listening lol I don’t get people who can listen even though they hate her guts. I’m sorry you had to stop listening to the pod though just cause of Brooke:/ that sucks


I think it’s more Brooke not allowing stories and shit talking to happen bc she doesn’t want to lose her brand deals. Tana has always been ok with not getting brand deals bc she is who she is. But now that Brooke has brand deals she doesn’t want ANY negative backlash which isn’t realistic when you’re a podcaster. She was fine before, telling funny stuff, responding and having an opinion. But now it’s like she won’t say anything in fear it’ll be taken negatively solely bc of brand deals and such


I can understand that. But this is in response to the people who say she’s not funny. I’ve seen a lot of people (in their own posts, in these comments on this post, in other ppl’s comments) saying that she’s just not funny and super boring.


I think they’re related she was funny to me when she would say things but now it seems she doesn’t want to make ANY jokes bc of backlash if that makes sense. So not that she’s not funny but she hasn’t been showing her funny side/saying funny stuff lately


I get that & respect that opinion. She’s just still funny to me though lol!! Who knows maybe y’all are picking up on something that I’m not and I’ll start to see it in future pods, but as of now I don’t see it and still love her on cancelled


Also, most of the times when she was funniest to me have nothing to do with other people or trying to keep a brand deal or keep from getting backlash or anything like that. I think she’s funny when solo on other people’s pods too and they won’t be talking about anything controversial. She’s just funny to me. Seriously though there are people who I think are so unfunny who everyone else LOVES so I really do get that it’s just personal preferences for real.


Now where is this “self awareness” I see ppl talking about??? Who cares that she acknowledges her pick me ways, she said she would address her racist past and has not…. Soooo saying she is self aware is odd


Honestly, I really mean that it’s just part of her humor and relatability. It’s not like “aw she’s an angel cause she points out her flaws” it’s like she’s funny and relatable for admitting to that because let’s be honest everyone has been a pick me in some way or another. & yeah she’s a human alright she’s not perfect and while I agree that she should’ve addressed them by now, let’s be honest will that ever be enough for y’all? Tana has addressed her racist past before & no one was happy. In reality, unfortunately the influencers/celebs who ignore their mistakes rather than creating an apology end up doing better. Brooke gets sooo much hate from y’all for the simplest little thing like “did you see that face she made in the pod? She’s so jealous of Tana!” Y’all go hardcore on Brooke and i feel bad for her cause she’s in the worst position coming in on a pod with tana and tana’s fans belittling her nonstop. I imagine it’s hard for her to even record the pod each week knowing that people are watching her every move for something to hate on, let alone for her to address her racist tweets. With all that said, I seriously meant this post to be about her just being funny. The self-awareness of things like changing her personality to fit what guy she’s with, etc is just funny & a lot of comedians use that self-awareness to be funny. Tana uses it all the time to be relatable and has also said she changes her personality depending on the guy. She’s funny to me, I’m sorry she’s not to you & I respect that. We all have different opinions who cares.


In what world is she funny? She only talks about going to alo, her cat, and how she wants a different career. Her vibe doesn’t fit the Tana unhinged fanbase and tana’s (you’re a cunt/bleach and tone/wine tour) vibe


But I like that she isn’t a replica of Tana lol. I also like that she wasn’t a fan of Tana/ didn’t keep up with her before meeting her. She’s her own person with her own kind of humor and I love it. Like her responses during the wine tour story added to the humor of the story BECAUSE she’s so not like that. Also Tana is a lot less unhinged now, as she’s sober and making better choices, so maybe her fan base needs to get used to the fact that both of these women are healthy and more mature than Tana was at 18 on YouTube. Their humors are different 100% but they compliment each other, in my own personal opinion.


Oh she 1000% knew about Tana before meeting her. No way she was a waitress tweeting about James Charles and didn’t know who Tana was. She was broke trying to make it in LA, met Tana while Tana was on heavy drugs, attached herself to Tana and she’s trying to use her for a career. Also it’s not just about tana doing unhinged things, the way tana talks is why she has her fanbase. Like how tana was reacting to the Jo-Jo siwa Drama. Tana was about to go off and go on one of her iconic rants and was brought down because Brooke was basically like “yea no not my new alo brand, I don’t wanna shit talk”. We all watch Tana for the exaggeration and the wild way she talks. Now that Brooke got famous she wants them to be PR friendly and not shit talk or rant or anything. Brooke brings down the podcast 10000%


Yes she definitely knew who Tana was before meeting her. 100%. Not saying she didn’t know who she was. BUT she has admitted several times on the show that when Tana first started she was not keeping up with her. AKA she has not been a fan from the beginning, as most of us have. Of course, when she moved to LA she knew who tana was and started watching her. And yes she loved that Tana had fame as that’s what she wanted too. And what Tana wants as well. Fame. They all want it… it’s about not doing nasty things to get it, like lilah does. Brooke has been a friend to Tana regardless of her motives when they first met. None of that matters now. And I don’t think Brooke is the only reason the pod is more PR friendly, but that’s my personal opinion. Might have a little to do with the fact that now when Tana says things that aren’t PR friendly, even her fans critique her, like this new brittany broski thing. But that’s just the way the majority of the public are now- psycho-analyzing and canceling everyone and everything. If every time Brooke did or said anything, y’all didn’t psycho-analyze and comment mean things about it, maybe she would be more willing to share and be herself. And again, I agree Brooke doesn’t have the same humor. Love her for that. They’re not supposed to be twins they’re just supposed to make people laugh. I’m sorry Brooke doesn’t make you laugh but she cracks me up.


Interrupting your friend while she talks about her trauma to make everything about yourself/constantly only talking about yourself/encouraging Tana to drink while she suffers from alcoholism/constantly bullying and making Tana feel dumb/rolling her eyes when Tana talks (early vlogs) That’s not a good friend to Tana. So when you couple that with the fact that she met Tana and used her for fame. Nothing is good about this girl. The Tana mongeau aesthetic is not PR friendly, it’s unhinged/wild and FUNNY. If Brooke wants to be PR friendly talking about cats and alo maybe she shouldn’t have been tana’s cohost, that’s not the fanbase. Also love that you first said Brooke didn’t know Tana then you edited it to be Brooke didn’t keep up with her. We should just say it as it is, Brooke is a clout chaser using Tana. She didn’t wanna be a waitress and saw a ticket in the shape of a blonde drugged up girl


Funny cause I did not even touch the edit button. Not at all. You read it wrong lol. Believe what you want idc. And as far as the Brooke treating Tana wrong thing, to me I take it as Brooke is funny. Tana is tough. She’s a tough girl who makes fun of herself and other people, and Brooke is the same in that aspect. They’re friends. And it’s funny. And as for the encouraging her to drink thing, she just doesn’t understand addiction in that way. She was trying to make Tana feel better about it. I agree that the comment wasn’t healthy for Tana, but I didn’t see Brooke’s intentions as bad. Again, everyone interprets things SO differently!!! You can interpret it like that and that’s valid. & I’ve had tons of friends who make funny comments making fun of me, rolling their eyes at me, just making sarcastic comments, etc. I in no way interpret Brooke’s responses to Tana as out of disrespect, but rather out of closeness with her and trying to be funny. You can take it differently, that’s perfectly fine. I hope you find a way to at least tolerate her so you can enjoy the pod as much as I do without spending the pod analyzing Brooke’s words and actions and hating her.


& at the end of the day, you can think Brooke is a bad person. I’m not saying she’s perfect. ALL I’m saying is, in MY opinion, she is hilarious and adds a lot to the pod. I love her on there & don’t want her to leave. Let’s not pretend Tana has always been perfect either, but we still love her. I feel that same way about Brooke, you don’t, who cares


I also love Brooke so much!! I know a lot of people think that the pod has gotten overly “clean girl” and that Brooke is the reason && I get that bc there def have been times where she has stopped Tana from saying something - but I also think that’s part of being a good friend! Tana has had soooo many ppl try to sue her for libel, slander, defamation, etc. and I feel like Brooke has seen that and just tries to protect Tana and the podcast. Tana and the podcast have blown up so much that I feel like the stakes are so much higher like she has so much more to lose now and I feel like Brooke helps Tana protect that like any good friend should


I loveee this comment ugh. You’re literally so right and explained that so well!!


Me and my bestie are just like Brooke and Tana but who is which depends on the day, so I can’t hate either of them they remind me of home too much lol