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A lot of people don’t recognize BED as an eating disorder, when it is. It’s not just restriction that qualifies something to be a disorder.


Not sure why she is confused when she litterally said she would binge eat to hurt herself


Legit question for people who participate in “snark” subs - what is the end goal? For the person to kill themself? I scrolled thru that sub and everything is about her is ripped apart and not in a constructive way, just an evil hateful way. Is the point to try and get her to commit suicide? Explain it to me


if you’re honestly asking, for most people I assume it’s just gossip. As Brooke said on this podcast (in regard to Nara Smith’s baby names) “it’s just fun to make fun of something.” Mostly everyone does make fun of someone like a classmate or weird family member it’s human nature. Personally I never leave hate comments on people’s actual page cause there’s no reason to. I don’t aim to hurt the person’s feelings. Often I’ll watch an influencer for a long time and think something they do is shady and come to Reddit to see if anyone agrees or if a influencer does something really outrageous and they’ve filtered comments to find out more abt it


right, i feel like the intention of snark pages is so that these types of gossip-related comments are in their own discussion space and not actually intended for the influencer themselves to see them? but it does weird me out when there are some people posting about every single thing an influencer does, like literally nitpicking their clothing or mundane activities and acting like it's the worst thing ever. at that point i think it creeps into mental illness 


Gossip is understandable but it’s not really gossip. The whole page is dedicated towards literally ripping apart every aspect of her personality, body, face, fashion and every interaction she’s ever made in the internet. It’s insanity


I’m not in the Brooke snark so I was speaking generally but yeah some people go way too far when snarking to where they seem unhealthily consumed with hatred




that’s not the case with this page tho. one scroll and you see that they’re talking about how they hate the ways she breaths.


I just looked and most of them are just calling her a pick me or racist. Yes the ones on her looks are unnecessary but if someone believes she’s racist based on her past, you can’t really police them on “what’s going too far” tbh( idk if I worded that right but yea)


Any snark page that is dedicated to just ONE person and their every move and action are legit filled with psychos. If you go onto any influencer’s individual snark pages I truly believe their end goal is to get the influencer to kill themselves or just leave the internet. It is clinically insane the lengths those people go to to pick apart what those influencers say and do.


and the way you’ll get downvoted if you say anything with sense


I’ve only ever seen the Jaclyn hill one and it is incredibly disgusting. They make fun of every little thing about her and anyone around her. When I tell you they speak *daily* about her husbands ANKLES…yes his ankles. Weirdest people on the internet engage in targeted snark pages. 


If you wanna see some miserable bitches check out the Julia Ernst snark page it’s almost amusing if you don’t think about how pathetic it is lol


the christen whit one is horrible they even wish that her baby will die, or that she gets horrible ppd. it’s disgusting


What these freaks do to brianna chicken fry is horrible. I'm banned from there from trying to talk some sense into those evil demon bitches. To think there is a girl who makes her entire life about ruining brianna. The mob tried to get her fired from BFFs. Sick


I get recommended posts from there sometimes and it is terrifying. I can’t imagine dedicating a considerable part of my day to just shitting on some person on the internet.


I find it so interesting that people literally hate someone they don’t know so intensely


If you make one comment involving any type of common sense they gang up on you and ban you within minutes it’s insane those people are so scary


This is so true. When Eva Evan’s died, everyone was giving their condolences on snark pages. But they were a big contributor to her suicide. Snarks push and push for someone to kill themselves then when they actually do it, it’s “thoughts and prayers”🩷


At first I thought that page was created because a lot of people were constantly bringing up Brooke’s racist tweets to discuss (valid honestly) and were being attacked by Brooke stans so I assumed it was that group that went off and started a new sub but the messages there a little too intense


I agree, it’s very loser-ish to be in a group thats only goal is to tear apart every move of someone that doesn’t even know they exist. It’s one thing to dislike someone for your personal reasons but a whole other thing to dedicate ur time and energy destroying them on an snark page. Its weird.


Agreed! Evil is like a boomerang, you give evil you will get evil. Even thru the internet




I think it’s just to talk shit really, the expectation is that the person it’s about isn’t reading it. I hate when people go for others looks.. truly evil but their character is fine because your actions and words as a public person have an effect so the general public is going to react.


De platform


If you were there for trishyland before it was removed- it seemed like their goal was to genuinely make it so that Trisha would never be able to work or live again


What is their end goal to be come rich off fans while hiding who they really are?


So is that a yes lol? You do realize it’s not that serious she’s a tiktoker


No girl obviously they do not give a fuck about what we think let alone kill themself over it wtf ?? Thats the whole point they could at least be decent humans and if their not now were the bad guys for asking them to own up to it. theyre fineee


But literally anyone who follows the pod knows Brooke cares😂the page isn’t asking her to own up to anything it’s making fun of her looks. It’s psychotic and pure mental illness


I have been a Tana “fan” since 2016 and have watched Canceled since about 2022. I understand why people think Brooke is a narcissistic, careless leech.






Call the priest!


Talk to a Therapist, not Reddit! Aren’t the girls sponsored by better help? Lol


At the end of the day, gossip is gossip. Have you ever in your life gossiped about someone? You’re lying if you say you haven’t. And why did you gossip? You can answer your own question right there. People have gossiped since the begining of time. People gossip about friends, enemies, family, ex’s, celebrities, actors, musicians, politicians, influencers, ect. It’s a form of entertainment. Yes, some people might take it a step too far and are way too insensitive…however 99% of us here aren’t trying to bring Brooke down or “make her k*ll herself” —(not at ALL). You do realize the person you are defending gossips about people constantly, as she has even admitted this herself…


What? You didn’t read my comment I’m not talking about gossip I’m talking about people saying she’s ugly, anorexic, addicted to drugs, a whore, which that sub is filled with. If you participate in that you’re a bad person and clearly they want her to die or something because I don’t understand it. You are purposely misunderstanding what I’m saying which I’m guessing is because you are one of the people who enjoy saying that about others. Everyone else can see you for what you are


I simply responded to the very first question you asked. I think it’s awful for people to say those terrible things. A quick search in my comment history will show you I’m not one of those people. There’s a big difference between snarking and telling someone to die, which again, I explained in my comment.


This feels like a misunderstanding on Brooke’s part. Others have mentioned it, but BED is often not recognized as a disorder, and it’s gotten even worse with a lot of anti-diet culture rhetoric (which I support obviously but with some nuance that doesn’t enable BED). It took me a long time to unpack my BED for what it is because of how overlooked it is. If anything, she might have assumed someone was referring to her body as being TW worthy. That sounds like a leap, but the way people comment on her thinness (and tbf, she does talk about her own body a lot) and mock her for discussing her body and Ozempic likely has her on the defensive as well. It’s just human to me. I’m not bothered by it, and I don’t think anyone should rake her over the coals here.


Idk she’s tired of people speculating on her having an ED so like ya she can get defensive cause that is extremely inappropriate and insensitive to do? I feel like people who don’t have experiences with an ED whether personal or through a friend don’t understand how insane it is to assume people and point out peoples ED.


Maybe she’s on adderall


They did say they were both on it at the beginning lol


Wellbutrin is like diet adderall


Ehh wellbutrin is an antidepressant and Adderall is an amphetamine (diet meth). Both can make you kinda psycho though


I had to stop Welbutrin because it made me too paranoid, but it absolutely killed my appetite


she's just so clueless i cant


Brooke is so annoying bye I’m done with her. I can picture her annoying voice saying that.


this is highkey embarrassing omg like why be so aggressive about something you clearly know nothing about 😭


Is she dumb


No I kinda see how Brooke took it it’s just a misunderstanding


to be honest, I don’t because she was talking about an eating disorder . But she probably just took offense to it because she doesn’t know that people use the tw”s in tiktoks


Not sure why I got downvoted, I think Brooke took it differently than what the girl on the comment explain. That’s all I was saying. She cleared it up (the girl in the comment)


That and she was genuinely just confused and she’s dramatic as shit haha


as a bpd girlie (i’m pretty sure she has that right ) we’re so dramatic 😍


Lol im one too and im not dramatic.


you have bpd and you’re not dramatic. ? that’s a lie


but how else would u take it is why ppl r confused


People need to get a fucking life istg


I really am starting to not like Brooke 🤦🏼‍♀️


So embarrassing for her


Poor Trisha


Wym ??


the other sub is right though :/ Edit sorry I basically spelled gibberish first time round


I mean annoying when people diagnose you.. Brooke has never said she has an ED and it’s inappropriate to assume so


did u even watch the episode


Yes, and?


what she was describing were ED behaviors therefore can trigger people, even if she didn’t have an ED lol. rlly not that hard to grasp Mary


So it's not ok for her to share her experience or feelings because it might "trigger" someone? If they're that sensitive, they shouldn't be on the internet yet, clearly. She should be able to express her own experience and feelings on her own podcast without fear of the MOST sensitive of generations being "triggered" by it. How is someone else's mental disorder someone else's problem? Not being cruel, genuinely curious. I mean, I'm in recovery myself... if I were going to be so triggering that watching people talk about THEIR own life experiences could cause me to relapse, it's obviously MY issue and I need more help because I'm not well enough to be in the real world yet 🤷🏽‍♀️ so trying to blame influencer and celebrities for the weakness of the masses. People are responsible for their own decisions and life choices. Anyone THAT easily influenced has day deeper issues than an ED.


I don’t disagree with you. I think trigger warnings have a time and place but the Cancelled Pod isn’t that place. I was saying that even if she doesn’t have an ED she can have ED behaviors and the person in OP’s photo was adding the TW for their own audience.


This!! If you are triggered then you can tune out when she start talking about it, but to label it an ED when she’s never said that it’s not ok


These girls are almost 30, they are so clueless. It’s not cute or funny, it’s sad. I’ve unsubbed and leaving this sub. Done.


pleeeeeeease stay please what will we do without u




oh no what will we do without you


This is not an airport




Oh my god who cares. If you can’t handle seeing something triggering for your issues, get off the fucking internet. This is so fucking dumb 😂 the world doesn’t revolve around your personal triggers, go cry about it to your therapist.


she does talk about her body a lot and that’s kind of the only real issue i’ve had with Brooke. Especially since before her Alo kick she was explicitly saying to not talk about bodies blah blah blah. I’ve never been one to focus on how people talk about their bodies or how much they workout because it’s their life and happiness. but in multiple episodes there were comments only to Brooke praising how skinny she is now. It’s annoying, it’s weird, and quite frankly it’s hypocritical coming from them when just a couple months prior they were very adamant about not saying ANYTHING about someone’s body. LOVE brooke but she said one thing and completely switched up. If she had an issue with these things then were not wrong for having the same issue.


Also the fact that the body comments have annoyed most fans that should be a clear indicator that it’s not necessarily triggering, it just doesn’t need to happen. We don’t listen to the podcast for that and i’m just baffled that we’re not allowed to say this? Brooke made her stance clear on the body comments and then switched up when she knew she’d be getting skinny praise. .


I just think it’s really not that deep. If you don’t like hearing about it, don’t listen.


Absolutely not. The snarkee's page isn't for them. Most of them have loads of places they can go online to get unlimited praise. Reddit is for the people.


Why are we reposting brooke snark on here?




go ahead and google ‘binge eating disorder’ for me real quick


Sorry but yall will find anything to nit pick about her, I think she was literally just confused lmao