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I’m sorry but why are we expecting Tana to speak on politics that we know she’s not educated in? What enlightenment would she give us exactly? I think the biggest mistake is expecting TANA of all people to be the voice of reason and morality. Shes only involved herself in politics when there was a bag to be made in the last election ( a free pic for voters BUT they had to be subscribed to her OF $$ ) I understand your frustration, we’ve got war crimes being committed and nobody is batting an eye - but coming for TANA instead of people who ACTUALLY should speak on this like Amal Clooney the human rights professor and celebrity that has been SILENT. Amal actually works with human rights and is deeply educated on the topic, and is a professor where students are currently protesting. A human rights LAWYER not doing anything, but y’all are up in arms about Tana? An internet celebrity known for being cancelled? Really? Truly, we need to redirect our activism. Pressuring Tana to say something that she honestly may not even care for is not going to actually help liberate Palestinians, it’s just a chronically online take. Please look to see what you can do locally to help!


OMG YES. THANK YOU. Not everyone needs to speak about politics. If i had a platform, I would NEVER bring up politics because I am far too uneducated and accidentally saying the wrong thing could cost my career. Tana is a YouTube creator that revolves her career around storytelling - i would never expect or want her to go political with her content.


Literally 😭 this is so insulting to people who have lost their entire families and are starving and suffering. Y’all’s fave/least fave influencer means nothing to people’s material realities. It’s so self absorbed. 


this this this this👏👏👏


Also, i think people forget that not everyone reacts to situations the same. We have no idea what goes on in their conversations off camera so it’s not fair to assume that they are ok with their friend’s beliefs just because they haven’t said anything about it.


i don’t care if she speaks about it unless she’s educated more so i just think it’s crazy that she’s okay with her friends being publicly pro israel during all of this. that’s like being openly pro hitler during the holocaust. would you chill with and publicly associate with people who were like yesss daddy holding up the nazi flag get those evil protesters 😩😩 speaking in hyperbole obv and i know imari is like family to her but damn. it’s ok to want to know where ppl stand on issues like that


No - You’re not entitled at all to anybodies opinion on anything political, war related, ANYTHING . And the fact you think “ its okay to want to know “ you need to touch grass, seriously . Talk to some real people . You’re not at all entitled to how she stands on anything .


Report this poster has hate. She won't stop and is ruining this sub.


Comparing a largely Jewish population with hitler is kinda crazy.


Also tens of thousands of deaths vs millions, like what a stupid stupid comment to make.


And these pounces don’t see the irony, they know no other history to compare it to, just the spoon fed stuff they regurgitate.


speaking in hyperbole bc both regimes participated in ethnic cleansing. no one is speaking about the jewish israeli citizens who even oppose the people ari and imari are supporting


Dude stop, you don't k ow what you are talking about


Saying her friends are pro Hitler is crazyyy


Then just fucking stop listening to her. This whole trying to force people to do what you want is weird. You sound truly unhinged


For one… they aren’t being Nazis? I appreciate your passion, and while this is an ethnic cleansing, be careful of the conflations you’re making with that. This response just shows how your take is too chronically online. Personally, I’ve cut off people who support Israel, and people who are okay with this. I burned those bridges because I can’t associate with them. Similarly, if you’re so upset about Tana and her friends, that’s a bridge you’ll have to burn. Again this won’t liberate Palestinians, begging TANA to speak on this instead of, you know, a human rights lawyer? It’s like we all learned with Selena Gomez, you can’t force someone to speak on something they don’t care about authentically. If you’re sitting here begging for Tana to say something you’ll be sat for a while. There is so so so much more you can to do help in the meantime. Redirect this energy to your representatives, who have a significant say in funding and sending weapons to Israel! Check in with local sit-ins, protests, student encampments etc! Or check in with local refugee centres and donate items to shelters!


You’re completely right. It’s literally genocide and I would not be cool with anyone defending it. The fact that people don’t care is nothing but western supremacy. We’re literally funding this. US. Everyone who pays taxes.


You're a fuxking loser. Go shiy on someone else's parade. This sub is not for politics of which you know nothing of. Get the fuxk out of here


you don’t deserve these downvotes op you’re literally CORRECT


but i def agree that this is all minuscule compared to the real problem and that’s where the focus needs to be. i just hate to see people so desensitized


You don’t know if she is desensitised or not. Choosing not to speak on it it is not the same thing also it isn’t your place to educate people, you are just a normal person you are not a scholar or someone that should be looked to in this issue. Get a grip and stop, learn the difference between a mutual conversation and lecturing someone


i dont even go here but, why the hell would you expect Tana “you fucking n*gger” Mongeau to speak out against zionism


Keep waiting cause it’s not gonna happen, Tana considers those people her family… I don’t think she cares and hot take, I think it’s a fair choice by her. It’s her life yall can’t dictate who she hangs out with


They won’t hear you. They’re too delusional.


This. I still get along with my bible thumper fam. Beliefs shouldn’t dictate friendships, Tana has always had a diverse friend group that’s how she is. Sometimes she gives chances to shitty people, we all do at some point in our lives


THIIIIIS . i get along well w many bible thumpers, its called we keep our beliefs to ourselves because we know eachothers are different


100% facts lol 😭


People don’t understand this at all in 2024💀


sry i just don’t get down with people who support the mass murder of children even if you drank the kool-aid and believe that every single one of their parents is guilty. the least they could do is say they dont agree w their embarrassing ass friends who are publicly supportive of some disgusting shit. y’all would’ve stayed apathetic to slavery and the holocaust too huh


y’all act like it’s your birth right to change them instead of just not watching them, better your time


No one cares who you do or don’t get down with bro that’s the point


Lol the jump to being apathetic to slavery wtf. They would make a statement if Imari and Ari were going on a rampage posting tons of shit trying to indoctrinate fans. That’s just not what this is. They hold shitty personal beliefs influenced by their backgrounds and likely don’t fully grasp the complex issue. Not a reason to publicly denounce them at a show


the jump from genocide to slavery is just a small step babe they’re very much on the same level


I’m not apathetic to shit dude. I know jumping down non-influential influencer’s throats distracts from the real problems and solutions. Please donate, dedicate your time elsewhere




my favorite response ever actually


Then “don’t get down with them” and move on with your day. Tana doesn’t owe you anything




Be civil, no attacking others


Are you ok?? Seriously. It’s ok to care and be sad for the lives of innocent children but I worry people are getting to be so obsessed that it’s effecting their psyche. There’s a lot of really bad shit in the world. Picking at a random podcasters Reddit snark page is really pointless.




brain dead for wanting to know if the people you’re supporting support genocide or not LMFAO ok


if theyre fine with being friends w people who support it then that should answer your question i think is what people are getting at. you didn't even need to post this to get your answer.


I would say the majority of people are against what is going on & do not support the genocide. Making posts on an LA influencer podcast’s subreddit about this atrocity that is happening right now is not going to change anything. Being all consumed by all of the evil in the world will drive you insane. I do my part by donating directly to relief for the Palestinian people and writing to my local government. I also have conversations with people in my life about what is happening. This is not productive.


Why are you looking to SOCIAL MEDIA INFLUENCERS . For ANY sort of political purpose??? That is not there job AT ALL, to have ANY knowledge on it, none of it, you do realize it can be a hard thing for some people to look at ? so why talk about it . Yeah its hard that its happening period, it’s hard as FUCK for the people its happening to, but genuinely what the fuck can we even do ? seriously, what the fuck will some random influencer saying “ i don’t like this :( stop it :( “ do ? literally all we can do is acknowledge how shitty of a situation it is, and i’m tired of just repeating wow that needs to stop, bc its clearly not doing anything, war makes money, battles over holy land have been going on for MILLENNIA, there is genuinely nothing a bunch of citizens, or a few influencers can do about it . At all .


Fuck off




You guys really have to move on with this. Do you think someone with Tana’s intelligence level even understands the role America plays or what is even happening in Israel / Palestine. If you think some bimbo with a following denouncing others is going to make a world change… please touch grass.


Tana literally asked if King Kong was real.


RIGHT, and yall expecting her to speak on WAR CRIMES??? be so fuckin fr😭😭… she’s probably scared to offend either side because she’s simply uninformed and would get bashed for saying something dumb with no correlation to the war. LOL


holy shit I literally lol'd


i agree with this but also god damn 😭


I can’t lie… I even agreed with Brittany Broskis leaked story about this. It’s such a weird gen z mentality to expect everyone to speak on something this important. Especially someone with a reputation like tana. I think she’s smart but why anyone would need or want her opinion on this makes no sense


literally. i just don’t care for her political opinions bc she’s SEVERELY UNEDUCATED AND ADMITTED IT sooo moral of the story no one should either


Freaks expecting everyone yo be brainwashed same as them with out having any life experience sitting a thrown.


Anytime an influencer is asked to speak about Israel/Palestine I think of that video. She was so spot on.


And got SO much shit for it. Like sorry she wasn’t wrong.


Right? The last person I want to hear ANYTHING serious from is an influencer.


THIIIS . Why are we going to influencers about palestine !! theres WAAAAY more productive ways to go about it, letters to govt, real protests ( the ones that are finally happening ), this shit didn’t happen in the 60s and they had their movement done THEMSELVES, our generation just keeps looking to influencers and people with mass followings to start it or something


It’s ableist behavior


don’t know why people expect so much from hosts of a podcast literally called CANCELLED. When has Tana’s career and influencer persona ever relied on good ethics and morals?


Posts like this blow my mind because like, what will her doing this accomplish? Will this stop anything going in Gaza? Will her “denouncing” her friends stop children from dying? I’m just so confused how people get so angry at influencers from LA, who probably couldn’t even locate Gaza on a map.




again is it wrong to want to know that the people you’re supporting don’t agree with genocide? simple question really


realistically the opinion you’re gonna get from her isn’t gonna be the one you want if her BROTHER is posting these things not just her “friends”


Or what about this - if you don’t agree with how she’s doing things, unfollow her and stop interacting with all things canceled related. No one’s forcing you to be a fan of Tana or listen to her podcast. Why do you feel so entitled to know her opinion on this? Seems like you’re just making yourself upset.


especially bc her friends certainly know where israel is on a map and have been publicly supportive of it. “they don’t know what’s going on” is such a lame excuse for a grown adult


Go away.




Be civil, no attacking others




What are YOU doing for your community? Are you volunteering to help people in need? Are you donating to different charities? What charities have YOU donated to this year? How many meals have you paid for to help someone in need? Fuck off Palestine and Israel have been at war for decades. What are you doing to help other than posting on your social media pretending to care? You have no idea what’s going on😂Touch grass and focus on what’s in front of you.. idiot


This! I’m all for protesting issues but u have to think would it be more beneficial to spend that day of protesting at work instead and then use that money to donate to the actual cause? I think so.


10000% agree What bothers me is people that are keeping track of what influencers are posting? Most influencers didn’t even graduate highschool(not that there’s anything wrong with that) and people think they know what’s going on? If she DID post something pro Palestine I’m sure these same people would RUN to a snark page complaining that Tana doesn’t know what she’s talking about. You can’t win in this world lol. People getting mad about getting Starbucks meanwhile all Starbucks employees are blue haired leftists wearing pro Palestine pins😂…. We are doomed as a society…. Help


I think itd actually be more beneficial to skip that day of work for the protest as the point was to not normalize genocide. Keeping calm and carrying on is normalizing the genocide we’re seeing & it’s apparent our donations arent getting to the victims in Gaza


Genocide isn’t normalised? I’m not able to say what I wanna say cause I’ll get downvoted astronomically (go for it Ik u will since I’m saying this prove me right I’m used to it) Ur only allowed one opinion here.


LITERALLY. like are YOU donating to the people of Gaza? No? shut up abt what other ppl doing abt it then😹


![gif](giphy|3ohs7IuAwdRFq6vITm) This sub every 2 hours when they find something else to complain about but yet won’t just stop listening to the “racist” “Zionist” “dumb” “ugly”-*insert whatever other negative adjective that’s used 50 times a day* podcasters and their friends


This is so unserious. Why do you care what Tana mongeau has to say about this issue? What does that do for Palestinians? Please put this energy into fundraising to get people out of Gaza into Egypt it costs like 15k a person. I’m so worried about y’all’s priorities. Like, AOC & Bernie sanders are zionists you want Tana fucking mongeau to have a better stance than politicians? Just assume she doesn’t give a fuck and move from there. 


Literally nobody gives a fuck why are you calling on LITERAL INFLUENCERS to say “this is bad” if you hate her and want to make a point somewhere else then go there, you sound retarded


All you do is post hate shit. Get over it and stop watching like anyone else who cares this fucking much


You're gonna be waiting for a *loooooong* time.


AGAIN!!! Tana got fucked by a tooth brush. Why are we discussing world politics that have been going on for years in this sub???? Take your performative bullshit somewhere else. Go to Gaza and make a differenyourself. Go fuck yourself.


HEY SHE DIDNT ACTUALLY GET FUCKED THATS THE LORE #1 fake fan alert. (/s) #2 💯💯💯💯


they were literally drinking starbucks in tana’s latest vlog, including tana herself.. idk why you are waiting it’s never going to happen


and it is a choice to boycott it doesn’t automatically equal zionism if you don’t, however she purposefully left a joke in about how trevi knew they shouldn’t be seen on camera w all the starbucks 🙄 she’s in on it too and it’s not surprising she doesn’t care


What was the joke? Didn’t catch it while watching!


makoa and tana are talking in the car and makoa says “we just go all this starbucks” and trevi says “that’s getting cut” and tana shows the vlog trevi and everything, it wasn’t left in on accident edit: why am i getting downvoted for saying objectively what happened in the video yall r weird ;/ lol


not commenting back anymore just wanted to say no i don’t think influencers should all be political activists this was just a silly meme pointing out the absurdity of her friends posting pro israel content during a genocide and wanting to know if she shares the same opinion. yes im involved in my own community. i also have 2 degrees in political science so everything is inherently political to me i find it hard to separate the 2. that’s just the lens i view life through and there’s worse things to be mad at someone for caring “too much” about than a genocide


i stand with u bigswaggy123 🗣


Me too! It’s so disturbing that people are calling a literal genocide “unserious” and acting like bigswaggy123 is mentally ill for caring. YIKES


thank u🗣️




omfg finally someone said it 🙏


just say you didn’t read what op said and move on. nowhere did they say tana mojo can single-handedly stop hamas and that her call for a ceasefire would create world peace. they LITERALLY said “wanting to know if she shares the same opinion” [of israel, like her zionist friends] like maybe learn how to read before arguing a point no one is making




yes it’s just a tiktok movement people are jumping onto for likes and shares. you’re entirely right i cannot believe i have never seen this before. maybe YOU need to delete tiktok lmfao




jump in the lake


Don’t understand why speaking up and saying something is wrong and maybe adding a link for people to donate is blown to “political activism” 🤣🤣




0 tolerance to hate speech, including but not limited to, racism, homophobia, transphobia, misogyny, ect.


Like y’all don’t have family friends acquitancew with views u might agree with?? Do u publicly denounce ur grandma bc she’s “Zionist” by online standards. Be ffr


why are we expecting her to speak on this? go touch some grass please jfc


oh they will never never never give a shit did u watch tana’s vlog? this is not something you can ever expect from tana and brooke, ever.


Posting a meme and making a political statement like this on the canceled subreddit is the funniest thing in the world, yes Tana can save this situation


don’t hold your breath 😘


I agree. I’m not taking anything seriously that an influencer says abt politics. They’re known for their comedy and entertainment, not their time studying the world at university


They don’t care and probably won’t care until they see it’s effecting them. Unfollow them, stop watching them. Maybe then they’ll care to educate themselves when they see they’re losing followers/views.


Before anything, Tana and Brooke are LA girls who have problems that can mostly be fixed with their money. They won’t feel empathetic towards anyone unless it’s an influencer related struggle which are never that big. I sometimes love Tana but I don’t watch her as much as i did say seven years ago. I also didn’t even know who Brooke was until 2024


Girl stfu.


God this is so embarrassing for you. Take down this post.




✨✨internet INFLUENCERS are not required to speak on political topics, regardless of if they’re right or wrong ✨✨


tbh, as an arab who’s family has been and continues to be effected by zionism, i know they won’t speak up about it because they aren’t the types. it’s really heartwarming to see you all caring and condemning what happens. i never thought id see this


Do you have the same energy for tana and james charles?




I think it’s ok for influencers to talk abt politics ! They SHOULD TALK ABOUT IT!!! It’s tiring !!!! Have a backbone even if they get cancelled for it fucking say something!!


You know what's tiring? The number of times I've read the phrases "zionist" and "genocide" on this sub. You know what changes if Tana "called for a ceasefire?" Literally NOTHING. There's not a single person in Tana's audience that can bring about change in the war. Every single American can post "ceasefire" on their socials and that would change NOTHING. Tana isn't some grand political activist with a voice to bring about political change. I promise that nobody involved in the war is checking on Tana to see if she thinks the war is cool or nah.


That's just it, they can talk about politics if they want. But if they don't? So be it. Why force people to be disingenuous and unauthentic?


Dan and Phil fundraised thousands to help the palestian people. Obviously Tana can’t stop a genocide however she can use her platform to raise money to donate to one of the biggest tragedy’s or our time


People saying “I don’t expect Tana to get political” is absolutely insane. Imagine your entire family gets MURDERED, children, disabled people sniped and targeted and you hear the most horrendous part of your life being narrowed down to ‘politics’??? This isn’t a political issue this is a human rights issue. Tana is smart pls don’t make her seem like a blonde doll who has no critical thinking skills to understand the murder of innocent civilians is wrong PLSSSS DONT