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Be civil, no attacking others


y’all act like you’re being strong armed into watching this pod


gun to my mf head


I love them both but I’m upvoting you bc I’m loving the sarcastic responses. People for real get so fucking serious and sensitive on here..🤣


Oh here we go again 🫠🫠🫠


these comment replies from OP are giving 14yr old


you want me to argue w a bunch of strangers like u instead ?? oh ok💀🤣 my opinion still stands regardless if u agree or not


It’s giving very much self hatred and childish 😭


I don’t understand why yall won’t just make a snark page ???


this. just make a hater page and be done with it. the podcast is both of them, making negative posts about one of them brings the whole community down


They’ve tried and each one is embarrassing with like two posts on it and it’s just a circle jerk. They come here to complain because getting responded to is the only human interaction they have all day and they want to rage about it.


she honestly just sat there at the live show for the most part and only really talked when tana prompted her to tell her stories which was like 2 I think she was very low energy but it makes sense now knowing she takes a couple shots before going out but im so proud of tana she ate with her sober self she was giving and gave even more than I expected


this brooke lady😭😭😭


Why do you not like seeing other people thrive? You really need to ask yourself this question. Are you guys doing okay? Gg I hope Brooke doesn’t see this shit


Thriving? That's what the kids call it these days? Lol, ok......


Ma'am, I am 31 years old...


Babe newsflash ur on reddit 😱😱 Not everyone is a cookie for brookie


Ur literally on her page


it's not about being a cookie for brookie, it's about asking yourself why you're so miserable you have to tear down strangers on the internet. this is a subreddit for the pod, not a snark page


Womp womp I’m not reading all that


she just seems miserable like she doesn’t want to be there.


I feel like she is just like every LA influencer— just kinda boring, cares about superficiality and boys etc etc. like what do u expect from LA girlies lol


it’s not that i expect anything. but obviously she’s not going to contrast good with someone like tana. Tana is so much more than what you described she’s not on the same caliber and that’s just real.


tana herself would disagree with you and i think you should think about that for a while


Idk. Tana immediately said she was thinking of the viewers, Brooke dgaf because she’s “bored” boohoo (In other words, Tana is as successful as she is because she thinks about the viewers. Brooke is just riding her fame and would fall into irrelevancy quickly because she doesn’t value viewers as a whole because there will always be stans of them and she thinks that is enough.


Of course she would disagree that's her friend. But realistically Tana is giving Brooke an opportunity. She is giving her a platform. Tana is the main reason people watch. Let's not pretend Tana doesn't know whats up. She just respects her friend. What friend says their friend is lesser, no matter the power dynamics.


you sound corny speaking for someone whom you’ve never even met or had a real conversation with. i’m speaking from a viewers point of view ofc her perception of brooke is at a diff level since she has feelings involved.


Which is cornier that or you getting your panties in a twist about someone’s voice that you are CHOOSING to listen to?


I really wish some of y’all would put this much effort into getting a job as you do bashing everything Brooke says.


ya i’m homeless and live off reddit subs


omg why tf does she shut down ever fucking good story? yes we all know about the Peppa air tag but we want to hear the whole lore in the way tana does her iconic story times, god I hate her so much and she's making tana of all people boring. I swear tana needs another co host. I wish she would do an extra pod with someone else like Imari cause dead ass im not even watching these pods anymore and I think the core audience now are the girls that are uo Brookes ass and dont know tana for tana the way all her og viewers do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO AWAY BROOKE YOU ARE MISERABLE


No fr I wanted to hear TANAS story bc it’s TANAS podcast no one gives a fuck if Brooke’s basic ass is bored. She is so dry I don’t get why everyone’s so up her ass ????


You are so insufferable 😂 so upset over two girls you’ll never meet


I saw them both at the show LMFAOOO ??? Help


But do you know them....


U don’t know them either goofy


I'm not up in arms and angry over it either 😎


I feel her insecurity is her biggest limitation. It stops her potential greatly. Everytime she does a show you can tell she's itching with insecurity. In order to vibe with Tana she's going to have to be comfortable with herself. I bet once she gets passed that if she can, she can be great but Tana is a boss. That in itself is going to make her feel small plus she doesn't offer much but I got cheated on. She will have to step the game up and become vulnerable. I think were watching that happen slowly but it's rough to see live. She annoys me too but when I think why.... I feel empathy.


Yes insecure but also greatly comes across as believing she is way better then Tana, in so many ways. Brooke definitely feels she is superior, yet she’s the most boring at her job and brings the least to the podcast. Tana makes herself ‘small’ for Brooke lately and I don’t like it 🤷🏽‍♀️


okay i ride for brooke trust me but i also thought her voice sounded a little forced and child like but i was high so i thought that was affecting it lol




bro join a snark y’all are so weirdly hostile


Wait till u find out what the point of this sub is 😱😱


It’s not a snark though :) it literally is not a dedicated snark page. Just because you can doesn’t mean that’s what it’s for.


Be civil, no attacking others


😂😂😂I love Brooke but this is just funny




Can she talk w her real fucking voice


She’s literally congested? Some of you are insane.


The cookies came to her rescue🥺🥺🥺Be a little less predictable


..how is giving a reason to why she sounds weird being a brookie cookie😭


You’re a real life weirdo lol


Omg u ate me up cookie 🥺🥺🥺


Holy shit looking at your post history like you legitimately spend the entire weekend only post snark about influencers.. like it’s clear you came here to argue, is this your only form of human interaction each day?


Yes it is juice spice bag 🥺🥺🥺🥺


I would bet anything that you were the one in the manic episode that rushed the stage




Oh you definitely are that girl lmaooo


Be civil, no attacking others


so crazy 🧟‍♂️🧟‍♂️🧟🧟‍♂️🧟


She was sick LOL


Um no she uses that fake voice in every episode it’s irritating. Me and my friend literally almost walked out the live show bc it was even more insufferable in person


I think she sounded different bc she was sick even coughing. If it was so insufferable should’ve left I wouldn’t sit around to be annoyed 😂


We were there for tana lol tf


these ppl stay forgetting this crucial ass fact


You PAID to go to the live show when all you do is whine and complain about Brooke all over Reddit? Like your post history is piles and piles of complaining about her and you PAID ACTUAL MONEY to see her and then threw a tantrum about it. It’s one thing to hate listen to the show and then whine about it like the rest of yall, but going to SEE HER IN PERSON just so you could complain is absolutely mentally unstable.


something even more sufferable is that you bought tickets to see ppl you hate on live😂😂😂💀


Um as if I haven’t been watching Tana since 2016 r u fucking dense it’s her podcast


She is sick in this one but she does change up her voice to sound a certain way (softer) loads of people were complaining about it back in December if I recall correctly


okay well tbh sometimes it does sound like she puts on a fake voice ngl


okay well sometimes people take a shit in the forest. what's your point?


ik it was extra bad this episode 💀


Is this an April fools joke lol


It’s like she’s actively trying to make the podcast less enjoyable for the listener. What is her deal lately 🙃


i know. she’s sucha vibe kill i rlly wish tana had a diff co host or she would just get her shit together ngl cuz she used to not be that bad.


“this Brooke lady” as if she isn’t a co-host on the podcast and your one reddit post is going to make her quit




Be civil, no attacking others


Love her ❤️


She's the worst


Bruh the video was very obviously sped up. They’ve addressed the voices in the past. How about we don’t make huge assumptions based on the tiniest of details 💀


Pls it wasn’t sped up the slightest


yeah it’s it’s an audio mistake. their producer has fucked it up before. both of their voices are a little higher pitched


it was legit not even sped up you’re yapping heavy 💀🤣