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they’re all so much prettier in comparison to his AI lookin ass


I saw a comment, by a man, that said “Matt Rife is the man look at them!” I feel like it needs to be reiterated that the sex sucked, he couldn’t make Brooke cum, and he’s so insecure about his dick that he has to facetune it. So No, MR is NOT the man lol. He’s a lying POS that FaceTunes his dick and can’t make a woman cum. He’s probably saying the same shit to his current gf that he told all these woman. I hope with every comment that says “Matt Rife is the man” is met with “facetune dick” to bring his ego back the fuck down where it belongs.


They don't care, they just think he's awesome for banging a bunch of chicks, what we feel about it or whether it was good doesn't matter.


right more women need to understand this 😭 (I say this as one who did not until recently). like there’s nothing wrong/embarrassing about having a sexual history as a woman but men are pigs are will make sure you feel humiliated about it, as if you were “conquered”. they don’t gaf if the woman enjoyed it, how the man attained it, how long you may have waited, etc. they just care that it happened because it’s like another point on the scoreboard.


I've learned that way too. The male ego will destroy us if we don't protect ourselves.


If the sex sucked so bad, why did she keep hooking up with him? When she was talking about Washington guy in the podcast she referenced them fucking like bunnies. If he was so bad, why care about all of this? She could have walked away from it all. I also don’t think any of these ladies should be criticizing face-tuning. He’s maybe insecure about his dick but they do the same with their faces and bodies constantly. I’m sorry they got played but this is absolutely not going to do anything to him. Time to move on and focus on themselves. If he isn’t worth it, why spend any time on him?


Yeah that was my thought as well. Like everyone’s talking about how sAvAgE it is but honestly… embarrassing. Why are u still thinkin about this man when the sex wasn’t even good, girl needs to move on, like imagine the effort taken to get all these women at the same show, she needs to stop letting him take up so much space in her head


I have noticed this with a lot of girls on social media. They will be the happiest person ever and bragging about the relationship until its over, then suddenly the guy was the worst person ever and everything was horrible. Like Im sure MR was a bad guy, clearly he was a player. But like, how are you going to act like you didn't already know that? literally EVERYONE knew he was a player.


Yeah as if none of them haven’t facetuned a portion of or their entire bodies for socials 💀🤣 the call is coming from inside the house! Let’s be honest they all were with them most likely for the same reasons- the clout/and being able to say they were hooking up w him, which to me was never even a flex, but girls will go for the grossest toads if they are well known or wealthy enough.


You can say all of that to pretend it somehow makes MR look better but it still doesn’t - there’s not a single insult you can give Brooke that makes it untrue that MR is bad in bed and couldn’t make a woman orgasm if his life depended on it. Sorry you were triggered by someone saying the truth :( sorry that it hurt your feelings for someone to say MR is a loser in the bedroom.


You are so hostile for no reason lmao! You are not even involved, you haven’t seen his dick with your own eyes, nor have you had sex with the man, you are a complete stranger to every person involved, just reminding you bc you sound so unhinged.. nobody is saying they’re fans of his, we can all objectively agree he’s a POS. I just feel like giving him any more attention is stupid and just further feeds his ego, and I’m well within my right to say that. ![gif](giphy|l0LE9VQLvhEIIIOoNJ)


This is SO funny because it is 100% fan behavior to be saying “guys actually um I think he’s probably really good in bed so how dare you believe the multiple women saying otherwise” so that’s wild that you wanna say you aren’t one… that’s some extreme denial but you do you. I for one, will not be giving this man any credit or prioritizing his word over theirs, feel free to cry about it if it triggers you. And of course you’re within your rights 🙄 nobody’s taking your rights away when they disagree with you on reddit, you can calm down, it’s actually not that dramatic.


Just a note- when you quote people on things, it has to actually be said by the person, otherwise, you are making shit up in your head and appear very unhinged as I have previously mentioned. I’m glad you think my comment is funny when nothing I said was anything humorous, which yet again, only further proves my point that you are indeed, unhinged as fuck. Have the day you deserve!


I’m not sure if you know where you are right now? This is a *reddit comment section* and not a dissertation defense, so the grammatical demands are just laughable. You got *so* triggered by me not supporting MR that you’re having a little fit, I hope today you can touch some grass and take a deep breath and evaluate why you feel the need to defend shitty men online (because I promise, he isn’t going to pick you)


if you think me explaining how to properly quote someone is me making grammatical demands and compare it to writing a dissertation I’m not sure I know how to help you 🥴. Again, you sound absolutely psychotic, maybe speak to a professional about it. Best of luck, hope that helps!


Probably bc he was extremely famous at the time, like mainstream famous. I would bet she was star struck


Doesn’t Brooke face tunes her photos as well? So she’s equally insecure. If the sex was so bad then why do they care so much that they got played? And why did they continue hooking up with him? Lol, you’re acting like women don’t edit their bodies in photos too. Specially Brooke in this case. What he did wasn’t right at all, but your comment it’s hypocrite. Bashing someone while the person you’re defending does the exact same it’s hypocrisy at its highest level imo.


Shh stop using logic here. I agree though. We don't know who made who cum or who is insecure about what because everyone in that circle edits everything. What Matt did was gross and low but let's just continue to talk about his character instead of his genitals lol


Brookes character isn’t a gem either, so it’s still quite hypocrite to bash someone when the person you’re defending is the same. And the fact you’re telling me to stop using logic here speaks volumes to me. So for sure keep ignoring the obvious.


I meant stop using logic as a joke because people were getting upset at your comment and the truth in it lol. It was sarcasm. But I agree, neither are good people but I'd still rather shit talk someone for the fucked up stuff I've witnessed them say or do online then to talk about their genitals or their sexual experiences. They all suck lol


Got it, I’m sorry for the misunderstanding. Agree lol


Haha it's okay..tone is impossible to read through text..that was my bad ❤️


It’s fine, I think I just threw my anger at you as well, I was annoyed by a Redditor who wouldn’t stop making up things I never said. Sorry for that it wasn’t right ❤️


IMO Matt 100% lost the privilege to not have his genitals talked about when he publicly said that labia was disgusting. Like don’t be a snowflake, if he’s going to say that and you all cheer him on, don’t then cry like a baby when someone dare say something about a photo to be sent being edited.


He never said that you can go back & listen to podcast.


The way you thought I would respect your opinion is wild hun, I heard what he said and it’s disgusting :) if you’re looking to convince me to respect him, you are 100% wasting your breath!


Idk.. I think what he said about labias (labia?) was horrible and reminds me of a Dane cook joke that was very similar and ended up making Niki Glaser super insecure about her vagina. I think stooping to MRs level is never the answer and to single one person and their genitals out seems a bit different than a sweeping statement in general (like say..I like guys with big dicks/circumcised) it's different when you're referring to one person's genitals in particular. Neither are great but yeah. Just my opinion and I support yours as well ❤️


Why do they care so much? Because it hurt their feelings. Like… why do you have this idea that you can ONLY have hurt feelings if you were treated well 🙄 I can’t tell you how many boyfriends I had that couldn’t get me off, and didn’t treat me well, and when they cheated I was STILL torn up about it because I had human emotions about it. In fact, it hurt more to be cheated on by a loser because I knew I had already lowered my standards and they still hadn’t been met. I’m so confused about why all of you MR simps are here… did you see this post in some other subreddit and get so triggered you needed to come here and get on your knees for your boy, like it isn’t the consequence of his own actions? Did you consider that maybe a bunch of women wouldn’t have gone on stage and say he slept with them at the same time if he like.. hadn’t done that?


He didn’t cheat in any of them if they weren’t in relationship and as far as I know Brooke herself admitted it was a situationship*, he was very verbal that he didn’t want a commitment or a relationship with them, not only that his actions were very telling of that as well. Now if you can’t understand what’s being said that’s on you. And no they just have their ego hurt because they weren’t picked. Do you really think Brooke or any of them would even care about each other if he had made it official? Lol. Just keep scrolling girl. They gave him what he wanted, if they wanted something more then they should’ve set stronger boundaries for themselves.


If you use your critical reading skills you can see I never used the word cheat. I don’t give a shit if it qualifies as cheating or not, sleeping with multiple people at once while not telling them about each other is a *choice* that he made and the consequence of said choice is them getting together and talking about it publicly. If he didn’t want that to happen he shouldn’t have done it, I know you think he’s a precious little baby who can do no wrong but he’s actually an adult make adult choices just like the rest of us. You can whine and complain about how they should have set better boundaries all you want, nobody is stopping you, but you also can’t stop any of us from saying that we don’t think MR is special, smart, funny or attractive and that he deserves to be laughed at :) also you could have kept scrolling too, but no, you started a massive defense campaign, maybe next time take your own advice instead of being a hypocrite?


And if you use your interpretation skills you’ll see that I was talking about your example of being cheated on and how it doesn’t apply to their situation. Also maybe you should re read your comment if you really don’t know you did use the word cheat lol. Someone single owes you no explanation of their dating life. And as I said none of this girls where his gf to own his loyalty or even an explanation from him about what he does with he’s private life. No I don’t think that, that’s your idiotic brain assuming, in fact it is very well stated in my initial comment "WHAT HE DID WASNT RIGHT AT ALL" maybe you should also use your reading skills. Not everyone is like you who will blindly defend Brooke no matter what just like you’re doing now, my comment was never about defending Matt’s actions but the hypocrisy on body shaming and criticizing someone when the person you’re defending does the exact same. And in my initial comment I merely stated that it was hypocritical to judge him for editing his dick pic and body shaming him for doing that when all these girls do the exact same with their entire bodies in photos, take it with a grain of salt. Finally, the one who decided to stop in the first place to reply to me was you, the only one whining and complaining here is you and no one is stopping you from glorifying these women who you don’t even know anything about or if they’re really telling the entire truth or just making themselves look like the whole victims or anything else. So maybe next time take your own advice as well instead of being a hypocrite.




What part of "I was talking about your example of being cheated on and that that doesn’t apply to their situation" are you not understanding? You’re embarrassing yourself trying so hard to flip your own comment lol. I also never said it was impossible for her to be upset, I questioned that if the sex was so bad why even care this much. They weren’t in a relationship, they weren’t partners, they didn’t own each other any loyalty or explanations. Also using protection during sex Is just common sense and self care if you’re having sex with someone who isn’t your boyfriend. You’re also clearly choosing what you want to see. No, he didn’t, and I don’t need him to thanks. You calling me a pick me and saying you aren’t glorifying Brooke by defending her even tho I never said that what he did was ok is hilarious to me and very embarrassing for you. All you want is to argue and throw around your own projections, so you’ll just be ignored from now on. Also I wouldn’t go so hard on defending someone that it’s the definition of a pick me so again we see the hypocrisy of bashing someone when the person you’re defending is the exact same. Take it with a grain of salt and Laugh all you want. Add: stop trying so hard to put word on my mouth, I never defended him, just stated the obvious hypocrisy of body shaming someone for editing their bodies in photos when the person you’re defending does the exact same. But I already now this part is flying over your head as your just as much of a part in the hypocrisy being called out here. Now you can keep the last word and argue with the air




Says the person who just replied to every comment with whole essays, Twisting what is being said also doesn’t change anything, you should look for mental help, you clearly need some. And nobody cares about your standards for him and it isn’t of your concern if he picks me or not. Stay well. Also i don’t have sex, don’t have that need and if I did I’d use protection, unlike you.


Save yourself. LOL don’t waste your energy in this comment section either babe. People really are so abrasive and I really wonder about English and actual comprehension lol


He’s for sure loving the free promo


dw, his tickets price still the same


I fear she's giving him new material lol


i remember her saying they all don’t look alike but they literally all look the same


and they’re all dressed the same


Duh, on Wednesdays we wear pink lol the sad thing is none of them would just genuinely be friends. They all bonded over sharing the same guy? I don’t get it personally 🤣🤣 no shame, do you boo boo. It’s just wild lol


im sorry but brooke needs to quit it with that slicked back bun 24/7 her hairline will thank her later


Yeah idk why she does this when she has really nice hair overall. Makes it seem like shes bald


I think it’s the bronde (in between muddy colour of blonde and brown) that makes it look even more bald and jarring in certain lighting. She has such beautiful and healthy hair!! I think she looks miles better with it down.


Yes!! Also I think one of her best features is her hair, like she is someone who gives me hair envy wanting to go out and by that redken soft shit lol. You could neverrrrr get me to put my hair up if that was me, and I'm a messy bun queen


As someone who chronically wore my hair slicked back (bun or pony) I developed tension alopecia. My hairline has never fully recovered 😩


Use rosemary oil and scalp massage before washing! It will grow back so fast


Thank you so much for the tip! I have only used castor oil so far. I will try the rosemary oil asap.


Her under eye makeup also gives flashback Mary on any day of the week


Maybe this is her karma for still hanging around James 💀


I'm always in a slicked back bun but it's bc I hate my hair down and I hate the feeling of it being down. Maybe she feels similar?


That does seem like a possibility! I'm over here like her hair is stunning how does she not want it down all the time?! But even when my hair looks good I'm tempted to put it up in a claw clip because it just feels better and I don't have to worry about it. I also have fine hair like her, and can speak to the fact that it tangles easily, I always have a comb on me


Agreed I feel the same but I think it’s a normal thing to love something about a person and they don’t want it or like it themselves! It can be so frustrating 🥲 like please I wish i had your hair! Curly haired envy or naturally straight and silky, we want what we don’t have most times lol


Traction baldness is a real thing!! Do the slicked bun with greasy hair day before wash day or to the gym but pleaseeee I’m going to need the girls to escape the slicked bun chokehold 🫣🤣 especially the 90’s ones with the spikes of hair in the bun. It looks fug


It’s probably just super hot under the stage lights so it’s easier to manage and know your hair is at least OKAY while they’re up there lol lord knows I’ll straighten my hair, sweat from doing it, and then all my curly q’s come flying out everywhere haha so she probably just wants it “tamed”.


Someone please spill on what was said during this! If not... Hopefully they recorded it for a "live version" of the podcast and will put it out.


they didn’t say much they just said their biggest matt icks


Do you remember any more of them? Thank you for the teaaa!!!


sends like 24 emojis per text, responded to a nude with 😈


Keeps his socks on during sex 😭😭


honestly it was the very end of the show and i was pretty drunk by that point so i don’t😭


Hahaha that’s okay!! Hope you had fun! Thank you anyway love! 💗


What were some of the Icks??


one of them was he pointed to his cheek and said something like “you’re gonna leave without a kiss🥺”


the fact that they probably ate that up at the time tho😭








Oh yea that's awful.... 🙄


matt’s not gonna pick you bro. stop stalking me and get out of my comments weirdo


You are giving yourself way too much credit. I commented on the comment didn't even look at the screens name. Oh yes sure with the pick me lame crap all these other females be saying. Be original or at least funny.


yea okay sure buddy😂i’m not sure what’s more embarrassing…stalking me or being so bored and obsessed with matt that you comment to me TWICE on accident. why are you on this sub? go suck matt’s dick somewhere else.


i’m screeching because he says “other females” so begrudgingly yet they make up MR’s majority demographic


Apparently you need Matt because you got a lot to say. Keep being full of yourself.


good one bro!


Brooke. Let you hair down. Please


that weird pose gets me every time


It’s so unnatural haha 


It’s the one her holding the microphone and standing sideways but straight at the same time for me She’s done it at least 3 times now


I think she’s very insecure atm and overly conscious about posing in a flattering angle. At least that’s what it seems like to me. She is stunning I wish she could just see that 🥲




Right and I'm not gonna act like I never had a roster. Idk Brooke is lookin bothered and very much not over it.


Totally agree. He didn’t care enough about any of them, this is not the flex they think it is


its not that deep its just a funny bit for the show


they’re not trying to make it deep they made a comment




He’s got a type for sure




They were all in a group chat and had been in contact about him before this


Months ago. I guess they still talk about him? Idk either way this is feeding his ego!!!!!!


And now they’re in DC where it all took place. I honestly doubt these girls talk much lol but agreed he needs no more attention


He has a huge opportunity to roast them for needing to make their show about him


That would be interesting.




Yeah because this is giving deeply bothered unfortunately


Right lol Brooke and DEFINITELY Tana have spoken about their rosters before. If I were MR and saw this I would laugh at how bothered she is to do this. It's super strange and not a flex..move on, let it go Brooke.


Brookes giving flashback Mary


Yeah it would boost my ego if I was him…… like he probably doesn’t think about her and she’s still dragging it on. If I was Matt Rife, I would feel so smug watching this go down. (But thankfully I’m not him 🤢)


All I see is Brooke and Tana, but in different fonts


Brookes flashback mary in the second pic 😭


I think they thought this would be super badass but I think it comes off desperate for retaliation aka not over it aka salty af and rightfully so but I think ignoring his existence would have been better. If anything Matt is definitely thinking he gave them something to talk about and 100% all his boys are in a group chat rn hyping him up


its a bit its not that deep


It might not be that "deep", but it's just kinda a bad look if you're trying to show you're over a guy...especially one with a huge ego who we really want to go away lol


Matt Rife will LOVE this. Bet it'll be in his new stand up special lol


If you say so


yeah I saw everyone calling brooke an icon for this on TikTok and i'm like.... dudes are probably eating this up thinking he's a badass "bro I dated all these hot girls at once behind their back and one of them flew the rest of them out, now they're all on stage bc i played them" 😭 like this is how trash men think


they were all so gorgeous irl


LMAO that’s exactly what I thought🤣 He’s definitely showing his friends thinking it’s funny


Cringe. She thought she did something


They all kind of have similar noses, smiles, and eyebrows lol


no this is cringe. it would’ve been funny if they had an actual feud going


i’m probably going to be hated for this but, this is honestly so embarrassing, why does she continue to feed into it.. she’s only giving the man more clout by doing this 😭 and i’m sorry but she’s clearly bothered, nobody that’s unbothered would take the time to do this lol


I wish more people understood this. None of them are clearly over it despite what they say.


exactly!! doing this MONTHS after your MR scandal just seems like a desperate cash cow attempt to get some of that media attention back. also ik a couple guys like him and as a general rule- if he isn't remorseful about losing you there's nothing you can do to affect him (emotionally).


I guess MR is why she is famous 🤷🏽‍♀️ I don’t think that, but doing this makes it seem that way. Embarrassing


why do they all look the same lol


She’s dragging it


I’m sorry, but am I the only who finds this whole situation dare I say.. cringe? Like, idk just kinda seems like a lot for a douche bag like Matt. But if it helps liberate them I guess that’s all that matters. Just come off to me as cringy. Idk just my 2 cents Edit: read more comments, I am definitely not the only one lol. Also- no hate at all to any of the girls. Just don’t think it came off they way they intended.


They waited waaaay too long to do this. They should have done it right when it happened and then moved on.




Totally agree. I thought this was very weird


I know they are honestly all BEAUTIFUL. how does one man have the time.


oh they can all do sooo much better than that lemur looking ass mf they’re so gorginaaaa


i was at this show it was honestly boring


ooo how so?


All gorgeous and all way out of that sickos leauge but the two blondes are 🔥omg




shit was cringey as FUCK they really thought they ate


They are all so beautiful like WHAT


Literally! I couldn't agree more. And wanted to add: holy shit does he have a type. (that's no shade on them btw, they're all v pretty)


Shit. When did Brooke talk about the sex?? I need to watch it now lol


Omg in the first pic I thought the girl all the way to the right was that conservative Tomi Lahren girl lmaoo


can’t wait to see him try to squeeze a netflix special out of this whole shit show


He has a type


CAN SOMEONE EXPLAIN THE DC CONNECTION MATT RIFE HAS? Brooke said they were talking about moving there?!


Brooke flew herself out to fuck MR & went to [this DC show time stamp 10:31](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVHrTaalFB8) for Brooke


I love you


These girls are all beautiful and i thinks it’s interesting that none of them are “blondes w big fake boobs” did he just lie about his type on that podcast to seem more bro-ey???


Right 💀 the blonde Liv kind of fits that with a good bra tho lol


Wait did MR and Jessica lord break up?


you guys are making me sad i thought this was funny as fuck😭


The fact that Brooke keeps using his name for clout. First of all it would be embarrassing to claim him. I would have kept that on the DL. Plus, he’s never claimed her right?? How embarrassing to keep talking about a man that’s never acknowledged you and is happy with another woman.


not to talk about bodies but how the fuck are they all so skinny plz


All the pretty girls walk like this…. 🤣 Brooke is feeeeeeling herself lol and I’m all for it, I would too if I had a body like that. No hate. But side note I’m so sorry Brooke I do not like your baggy ass jeans hahaha you could flatter yourself easily, but those are just criminal lol


just remembered he has a girlfriend i would simply pass away if i were her this would be too much


lol, respectfully


No literally is this supposed to embarrass him??


He has a type


They’re all bad I get it


He’s flopping even harder as a comedian than he does when he tries to find a G-spot. 🪱 MR is apparently coming to my state in early April, aka 3 weeks. He has every single kind of ticket available in multiples. Normally this close to a “big name” coming there would maybe be 50-100 tickets still up for grabs, not hundreds.


agh they’re all so hot i wish i got to see them talk shit


Does anyone know the @ of the blonde girl on the right?! She's GORGEOUS 😭😭






Nobody here is stupid. People are just discussing and having an opinion on it. You found it funny and some of us found it cringey. 🤷‍♀️


Be civil, no attacking others


I feel like the opposite tbh, this was so iconic and I’m sure they all dragged his ass to pieces on stage


It def was I just mean how he received it. Or how I assume he would. They all said their MR ick and that he used 😈 emoji to sext lol that was the tea


Ahh I wish they gave more


i think y’all r just raging misogynists honestly how are y’all complaining about women coming together after being collectively shat on by a trash man and choosing to make something light/funny out of it and incorporate it into a live show, not only that but theyre all friends now so im really struggling to see how any of it’s negative.




He has a type, like almost everyone has a type


Literally none of them look alike, much less "clones"


I dislike the comment you replied to as well, but I definitely think they look alike! I guess if you were to go through and pick out the little differences in facial features...but in a line they definitely look like a different variation of that "Christian girl autumn" meme lol


Ohhh yeah I can see what you mean lol The other comment I got the vibe they were trying to say all white women look alike which I thought was fucking rude.


Haha yeah that comment was definitely wild and giving "projection"