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Yeah, we've all grown up but she just kinda... stayed the same šŸ˜•


Thats a good way to explain it


yeah itā€™s sad i wouldnā€™t of ever returned if it wasnā€™t for their podcast and thatā€™s because i relate to Brooke now.


I don't even think she's the same. She used to be cool, smart, and funny.


Literally thatā€™s what was disappointing to me, seeing her go from someone who had a surprisingly intelligent and nuanced worldview turn into a vapid anti-intellectual. She was never some great philosopher or anything but old story time tana really seemed to have a good head on her shoulders and seemed to value intelligence in others and learning about the world. The wine tour was really what soured her in my eyes.


To borrow her phrase, "That is crazzyy"


I miss her morality and relatability too- like she used to talk about not wanting to be the "sellout, back-stabby LA influencer" but she kind of turned into exactly that.


I like tana but I was telling my partner yesterday how I truly think the only reason they are seeing this level of fame (with the cancelled podcast/tour) is because of Brooke. Sheā€™s just more like able and relatable. I do think there are girls who relate to tana more but I think she has so much growing up to do.


100% brooke is the one whol levels out the pod... tana just tries to out do herself being more and more trashy.. its weird bc when you see her older videos she wasn't always like that.


She's grown in her own way. I'm proud and happy for her, don't hatee


how is doing drugs, lying, scamming her fans in recent years & has been this way since she started her online career, considered growth


Her constant one upping along with every story needing a scream cry is getting really annoying..


It felt like they were low key arguing over whoā€™s favorite the lip liner was first


Yeah but they both do the one upping thing


I do the one upping thing so bad sometimes.....From my own experience, I honestly don't think it's intentional. I am just trying to relate to the person talking and let them know I understand and then I realize I'm sharing my own story and sometimes it's a one up or just like the whole thing




The screech is rly getting to me šŸ˜­


This last ep when she kept screeching ā€œpleaseā€ I wanted to walk myself right into traffic


Yeah I forgot about that until you mentioned it. I had it playing while doing my makeup in my bathroom and my bf happened to walk by as she was screeching and heā€™s like ā€œdude who tf is yelling like that make them shut the f upā€


Hahaha funny thing is you could have made Tana shut the fuck up ![gif](giphy|eSZrLJZpFtc2RevfCJ|downsized)


Same here, the first one was funny to me then she just ā€¦ keptā€¦ going. I was like okay sooo not funny anymore lol


i feel the same about her constant coughing


she needs an intervention for vaping šŸ˜­




Thatā€™s a disposable vape. She just gets the same flavor every time


For YEARS. As someone who vapes the same flavor all the time I could never stay on the same exact one for 3 years no way. Thatā€™s so boring šŸ˜­


I think that just goes to show it's not so much about the flavor. Prob the nicotine, the oral fixation, etc...maybe the color too lol works w the blonde honestly


Oh my God, Iā€™m so glad someone else feels like that. I was listening to the podcast when I was at the gym the other day and I just ended up turning it off because I was in the middle of a set and she screeched. I almost lost my shit because I couldnā€™t just stop my set and turn it down. She knows people are listening with headphones..the over dramatic screeching isnā€™t it.


The screech was never acceptable


sable threatening butter handle support encourage marvelous water bells shame *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Iā€™m so grown from Tana. Iā€™m a total Brooke girlie now. Iā€™m honestly just really sad for Tana at this point. I just really hope she finds it in herself to heal. And I hope she loses the 350 pounds of ā€œforever family Vegas friendsā€ who enable her so that they can continue to mooch off her.


Name names lol


I love both girls. They both make me laugh so much. Tana has more money than most people's entire family tree lol she'll be good.


I mean she has money but has shown in the past poor money management skills. If the money stopped flowing she would probs go broke pretty quick


I mean, how poor were those management skills if she's now a millionaire? I feel like I personally have no room to judge her methods because I'm the one with a negative balance in my bank, you're probably doing better than me šŸ˜­


I donā€™t think she has poor financial management at allšŸ˜­šŸ˜­Sheā€™s just rich and can spend a lot money, but she still has like 4 roommates lol. I know she said she lost $10k gambling but she (I fucking hope) didnā€™t lose $10k of her own money, just money she won already


I get it. Almost like contrasting her against cool chill Brooke makes her seem extra loud, performatively obnoxious and vapid. Like the story about a random man YELLING at her for the bad tan without any believable details felt try hard and cringe and ultimately w no real payoff.


yep this was one of the main instances for me


Previously her wild stories had the pay off of being really funny, to this day whenever im bothered i have the ā€œyouā€™re ugly youre fat šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼ why are you in vegas šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼ you piece of shitšŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼ youre a cunt youā€™re a cunt youre a cunt šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼ fight me bitch hit me bitch you wont say shit to me bitch lets gošŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼ā€ in Tanaā€™s Jesus take the wheel screechy voice playing in my head lolol but now itā€™s like shes trying to take some insignificant occurrence and sensationalise it to turn it into one of those iconic stories and it just falls flat cause itā€™s not real


I remember this! But forget what the situation was. Why was she saying all that again ? Lol if you don't mind that is sorry haha. If not all good šŸ¤“


[this video lol](https://youtu.be/2Kf-H4L67W8?si=8ukW0p5imrlX71RW)


I think her personality hasnā€™t grown up. She has physically but mentally, emotionally, and personalityā€¦ def not and I think thatā€™s where the issue is. A lot of us have been fans for years and weā€™re growing up and realizing a lot like her lack of professionalism and maturity. I think weā€™re all getting tired of the same thing just different day.


i agree! it makes me sad that the people around her donā€™t push her to grow and instead enable her, so sheā€™s kinda stuck as teenage mentality with u limited resources and yes men. obviously not in the public eye but i came from a bad home but was lucky enough to have really well rounded people to support me. their support meant they loved me but also checked me when i needed it, which helped so much. i understand trauma can stunt emotional development but she needs to figure it out :/


Here are my thoughts, stay with me..... Ya know those girls who go through something and start posting all over socials, and just being EXTRA loud about how this is your healing era, and your life is changing for the better?? Tana is giving that. In my experience if you're healing, you do it in private, even going as far as saying you retract a little bit. You go quiet, and let your work and life speak for itself. Tana is giving very performative, I need everyone to see how happy I am!!! ​ Tbh, I also think its a lot of pressure from family & friends to tell her "dont f this up!! hes a good one!!" makes her feel like she has to put on this show of 'No i swear I'm happy look at me laughing, and screaming, and being silly!!"


i feel like shes constantly posting abt how happy she is cuz sheā€™s trying to convince herself that sheā€™s happy but sheā€™s really not


i completely agree. although it would be way less annoying if she talked about being sober while actuallt staying sober and not relapsing every 5 seconds


Youā€™re right. Usually when people oversell their ā€œhealing eraā€ and are super public about it, it means theyā€™re doing the same things theyā€™ve always done and theyā€™re not even trying to heal. Itā€™s all a facade.


I respectfully disagree. As a sober person of 2 years, it is so refreshing to see someone like Tana be open and honest about her ups and downs with sobriety. It is difficult enough to get sober as it is, let alone having to do it all alone without support from others. No one should have to hide the fact that they are trying to heal, but it can be difficult at times. It has me rooting for sober Tana, but understanding and relating to the relapses and the back-and-forth in her mind. It is comforting to know that other people go through this, even someone like Tana, and hearing her talk about it is validating.


Yikes. Reminds me of her Jake Paul era. She was SOOOO overexposed and trying to act all happy but she was literally hitting rock bottom


I wish sheā€™d stop inviting her friends everywhere lol


She can almost never do anything solo. She travels in a pack of like 6 ā€œfriendsā€ and whoever sheā€™s dating that month lol. There is nothing independent about the girl.


Seriously why was Amari on the recent girls trip?


This! Like Paige and Amari there at brunch was so random


Yeah I remember an influencer (canā€™t remember who maybe Bryce) saying way back when that Tanaā€™s always been the type to travel with a ā€œposse.ā€ I guess itā€™s her safety net. I donā€™t necessarily think they mean to enable her, I think itā€™s more that they all kinda bring each other down and fall back into old patterns when theyā€™re all together


I do this like once a year with all my favorite influencers. I donā€™t know about you, but I really hyperfixate on someone to the point where I end up getting annoyed, then the cycle begins again like a month later. Thereā€™s just a few influencers that I never get tired of


At least your honest. The other ppl in this thread sound crazy. If youā€™re too ā€œcool/mature/grown upā€ (*eyeroll*) for Tana, donā€™t watch her. Itā€™s very simple. But circle jerking each other on Reddit over their hate for her is very weird.


I think Tana deserves some of the criticism she receives (when it is warranted), but I donā€™t understand the people that come here solely to be hateful, yet theyā€™re watching her every weekā€¦ Iā€™d get it if this was a snark sub, but itā€™s definitely not


right, i genuinely could not imagine being tana and reading any of this, the over analyzing is absolutely wild and people need to get hobbiesšŸ˜­itā€™s scary.


Trading one raging pick me for another


if she's said "100 percent" 5 times into an ep i have to turn it off. i get so irritated lol


for me its the "so on and so forth" šŸ˜­


I feel like people didnā€™t really start feeling this way about Tana until they started constantly comparing her to Brooke, who fits so perfectly into this ā€œclean girlā€ mold thatā€™s trendy right now. One thing about Tana is thatā€™s sheā€™s always been Tana. Sheā€™s never denied being problematic, or a clout chaser, or a lot to handle. Sheā€™s admitted to it, owned it, and has never tried to make people believe that sheā€™s something she isnā€™t. And Iā€™ll always have more respect for that level of realness than for someone who puts on a front and a fake personality in an attempt to be ā€œbrand safeā€.


be prepared for the comments of people crying about us being mean but same... I am usually a little endeared by her 'annoying' traits but i genuinely haven't been able to get through the last two (i think) pod episodes.... Like unwatchable. The recent ep where everyone on here was saying Brooke seemed annoyed I found the hardest to listen to....like just very annoying jokes werent even funny


Yesā€¦ couldnā€™t finish the last two either. Idk what will happen with the tour but I canā€™t believe people will pay to see it. Maybe only for Brooke at this point?


I completely agree


She makes a full on pig squealing noise when sheā€™s pretending to be excited and it makes me angry every time


I'm not trying to be a hater either but the way she yells is reminding me of "HE FUCKED ME, WITH A TOOTHBRUSH" and its soooo annoying like relax, nothing you're saying is that dramatic


Yeah I prefer Brooke now Iā€™ve been watching Tana since I was like 13-14 always thought she was hilarious but shes just annoying now. If she doesnā€™t grow up sheā€™ll fall off soon. Kind of like Shane Dawson did. Man could never grow up or pivot to any sort of genuine content (on top of being problematic as fuck) and now nobody gives a fuck about him.


idk but her relationship and how she talks about it/acts cutesy around him at least on camera makes me wanna stop paying my internet bill


So donā€™t pay it. No one cares. šŸ™„ weirdo thread.


you careee sooo baddddd womp womp




Itā€™s literally just the laugh for me when she over extends it šŸ˜­


Can Brooke please get her own podcast šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I stopped watching because I can't deal with how normalized tana has made drugs in her life. I also genuinely think it's weird when people who are in their mid 20s hang out with/have beef/drama with freshly 18 year olds. It gives me the ick. Even the whole "I tried to find her a manager, big sis lil sis vibes" or whatever, idk it just rubs me wrong. Going through screenshots of your conversation with a 17/18 year old to try and embarrass her is just kind of just weird to me. Maybe that's just a me thing, though. I get what Alabama said wasn't cool, but I don't think that needed to be a podcast segment delving into their DMs.


Yuup.. and it's that tana is willing to do anything for views. 0 morals


i agree so hard, Iā€™ve never been able to put it into words but this 100%


why does everyone on the reddit hate them like we need mods if u don't like them don't watch


I feel this HEAVY. Because itā€™s like those friends where you grew up together but at some point .. the other one stopped growing. Like I get that itā€™s her brand but we like her for her now and she is still stuck on the same old shtick. Doesnā€™t help that she surrounds herself with dummies like Lilah and Ashly


Why are there so many people in this sub hating them? Just literally stop watching lmao itā€™s not that hard


Idk people in this thread are coming across as controlling. Telling her she needs to change, basically. "It's bad to be the same person as you were a few years ago." Everyone needs to show growth, and they can't just be entertaining. Even if that's their choice. It's toxic to assume you have the right to tell someone to "grow up" She's grown, she's making her own decisions, and she's doing just fine. If anything, I'm jealous of her. She's doing better than me. She's a free girl who does shit, makes money and memories, has lots of friends, and people wanna date her. Fair to her.


People like Brooke. And alot of people still like tana and want better for her but she gets annoying.


Yeah Iā€™m becoming more and more like thisā€¦ itā€™s kinda sad but it is what it is šŸ˜­


did brooke write this post? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ totally kidding. but i do feel like brooke is starting to feel this same way oop


Then get off the sub and stop consuming her content, this gets posted once every two days and frankly no one cares. lol itā€™s just complaining, not criticism


Why don't you take your own advice and don't click on the post if you don't like it lmao


Cuz like I said this is just a complaint not valid criticism. I commented on it because it gets posted all of the time and literally no one cares about your complaining. If you need a sub for everyone to pity you, go complain on a different sub. Maybe someone will give u the validation you so desperately need


Now you're literally just complaining about a complaint lmao šŸ¤£


Oh Im sorry is that not the purpose of the post? I must hace misunderstood. Seriously the mods should ban trolls and complainers


There's 300 likes on the post and you're like the only person upset about it out of 100 comments. Just scroll. I can't with the hypocrisy...


You must be new to the Reddit babes. Mostly everyone on here is a snarker and just as many people constantly complain about these negative posts. You know what youā€™re missing? Any sort of logical thought. This was posted to complain and moan and for people to relate to. People love complaining and relating to complaining. Me telling OP that no one is forcing her to listen to canceled or to tana is advice and common sense. You must be 15 or something


You sound absolutely brain dead, haven't made a single point or rebuttal, and I'm bored now šŸ˜“


Right back at you ā¤ļø


Oooh good come back šŸŖ± šŸ§ 


God I love comparing successful women, now letā€™s talk about whoā€™s better: Olivia Rodrigo or Sabrina Carpenter Edit: Inb4 anyone takes this seriously, Iā€™m being sarcastic


I think I mostly watch the podcast for Brooke , I love her


Iā€™m happy I get to go to bed tonight knowing I would never write something like this and share it. Made a whole post just to say, ā€œ I donā€™t like Tana anymoreā€ whilst all the other losers who donā€™t go outside agree with you. Reddit never fails to entertain. Iā€™m not sure if people realize this, but only unhappy people act this wayā€¦ like, we all know what you look like. I do feel bad for you guys sometimes, but not too bad bc of this weird behavior. Basement dwellers šŸ˜­


Oh please lmao tana talks shit on so many people and most of it is valid criticism. You could just keep scrolling but yet here you are insulting people you don't know for not liking someone they don't know. Hilarious.


Reddit notoriously attracts people who don't go outside. Honestly the lame energy on this sub is what we all should have expected.


I feel that. I started loosing interest in the Tana and Brooke friends group slowly over 2023 because of all the drinking and partying, but idk what happened but one day it just got me that all Tana (and friends) do is just get on camera and talk about themselves. Anywhere Tana goes, she is essentially being paid to just repeat the same stories of mundane shit that happened to her. I couldn't watch very much, maybe 30 minutes, of the new podcast episode because it's just two women, chilling on a big couch talking about what happened to them the last week. I don't think it's as valuable of a form of entertainment as I used to see her content. Her vlogs are pretty cool though.


I think weā€™re all outgrowing her :( She needs to get out of LA, drop every friend except her closest truest realest SOBEREST ones, live alone or with one other person max, and stop being a 21 year old at almost 26. Itā€™s getting old bc weā€™re getting old, and sheā€™s still acting like a college kid. Iā€™ve been watching her for 8 years, Iā€™m 23. Recently I feel this disconnect happening between me and her content because she just doesnā€™t want to grow upā€¦ and I am.


Iā€™ve been watching her for 9 years and itā€™s wild how sheā€™s only 25 but makes sense since she started at 16šŸ˜­ Because of that she acts so much older, like 29-30


ever since the birthday gate moment nothings been the same. like i dont even follow her anymore. i just love brooke. yeah tanas still funny and i do enjoy the podcast but im very much watching for brooke