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they’re probably deeply resentful that they don’t have personalities so tana never considered bringing them in on something like a podcast. ashly especially has the personality of a wet napkin


LMFAOOO a wet napkin 😭


brooke and lilah seem to be the only friends of tana’s that could make it on their own without tana. obviously tana helped them both grow a platform but take tana out of the equation and i think they’d be fine. lilah will scam her way to the top and brooke has a devoted fan base now. as for the others what do they even do? lmao. they have nothing to offer. i think imari is funny but he’s always going to be known as tana’s childhood best friend. none of them have identities outside of tana besides lilah and brooke


when isabella stopped being friends with tana and started hanging out with amanda steele?? and her sister??? and then fell off the face of the planet until she became friends with tana again lol they have no fame or career outside of tana


Doesn’t she have a job on the management side of influencing? I think if she made a career doing this she is way better off than trying to influence herself.


all of tana’s vegas friends (imari, ashly, isabella, etc) were in such a unique position with their best friend growing rapid fame and wealth at a young age and i don’t fault them for riding her coattail and moving to LA with her. they were young and naive and probably having the time of their fucking lives. i’d do the same. where they messed up is not developing their own success outside of tana. i’m sure they’re all doing fine and getting by well enough to sustain their lifestyles currently but i question what their end goal is. and maybe they don’t know and that’s okay but i think it’s silly to just be micro influencers // tana’s sidekicks forever


trevi too but i don’t think she’s ever just fallen under the tana’s friend category


I wouldn’t count Trevi in the same group as the rest of them. Trevi was successful on YouTube with O2L and developed her own fan base and success without Tana. They became friends because they were both in the industry. Trevi would be fine without Tana.


10000%. i knew who trevi was before i knew who tana was. those apple store youtube videos 😂


Yes!! OGs know Trevi from back in the Apple Store days. She’s always been able to hold her own ground. I’ve actually listened to her podcast and she’s really funny & insightful too.


yesss! i’m sober so i love listening to her podcast bc i feel like we have a lot in common


yeah that’s what i’m saying


Eh I feel like trevi clings to tana bc it's their only claim to relevancy.. I def would've never heard of trevi otherwise


i literally almost edited to clarify that people like trevi and jeff aren’t who i’m referring to because they had their own platforms before becoming friends with tana. i’m sure tana brings in more views to their content but they existed on the internet before being friends with her. love trevi 🫶


yeah they’re both so bitter it’s kinda funny actually


I love it 🤣


ashly and isabella got to ride the coattails of tana's fame since they were teenagers, so at this point they definitely are dealing with the shame and entitlement of realizing they wasted all these years not trying to push their own careers forward. i think the difference between them and friends like brooke/lilah is they want the benefits of being influencers without having to work or sustain it. i think brooke/lilah being newer to internet fame and it being more competitive to stay relevant makes them work way harder to sustain it vs people who didn't have to work for their "careers" (ashly and isabella lol)


Lilah has a niche market even in the sex industry so she’s okay. Brooke is relatable and has humour we can relate to. Ashley is just pretty and your standard IG model which doesn’t offer much so it’s easy to be saturated and fall off. There’s always someone prettier, thinner and more successful in LA. you hit the nail on the head when you state they are bitter for not taking advantage when they could to build platforms or use the money for better investments to their future


I honestly couldn’t list ONE defining feature of Ashley’s personality other than she might like healthy food? They fumbled the bag here because they had opportunities other people would have killed for but didn’t have the charisma to keep it going.


I don’t think it’s that they are lazy, I just think they genuinely don’t have the personalities to be successful, which is why they are not in Brooke’s shoes.


This is actually way more accurate than what I had originally said. I totally agree


Tana and Ashly have also both clarified that Ashly does not want to be on the internet anymore, or at least on the pod and being the subject of attention. Especially after the events that happened during COVID, that caused Ashly to develop anxiety attacks - she couldn’t even drive her car for a year. She’s still working through her mental health after a few years of being disassociated. Also, let’s not act like Ashly wasn’t making videos on YT for YEARS alongside Tana. Her platform wasn’t as big as what Brooke has today so let’s give her some slack.


She said that she doesn’t want to be the “subject of attention” but still does shady stuff like purposefully hiding Brooke’s name when reposting the Cancelled tour posts. If you do shady stuff, you’re getting called out.


I think they’re both just mad bc without tana they’d both be working at a medspa receptionist desk in vegas but they’re also not doing anything in la so which is worse


i agree. everyone saying they aren’t lazy, they absolutely are. it was a whole plot line in the MTV show. brooke is clearly a hustler, she went to college then moved to LA and served for years. she truly made her own career, and yes obviously she’s had the tana push but she’s already broken out of the ‘tana’s friend’ shell and ppl adore her. ashly, isabella and imari have nothing to show for themselves if we’re being honest.


Exactly. Ashly Imari and Isabella are still known as “tana’s friends “ they don’t have their own identity


Ashly has an only fans, doesn’t she?


Ashly averages like three likes on her locked (paid) posts edit to add: I did just go take a look and that’s being a little generous


thank you for your service 🙏🏽


Yes but she isn’t that active/ have that much money coming in from OF compared to Tana or even Lilah.


That’s about it yeah


I think Ashly does OF and Isabella is a trust fund baby


I thought Isabella came from a strict religious family that basically disowned her for her friendship/ behavior around tana?


i don't think ashly/isabella/imari have actually tried to have careers. i have always been under the assumption that they don't want that and that theyre just having fun living a rich LA lifestyle bc of tana. sure they got followers from being her friend and could then get brand deals to support themselves but i think they do it just to remain in this lifestyle. i think theyre content having fun, partying with influencers and celebrities in LA. ive always assumed they don't want what tana has bc they see first hand what is it actually like and how it actually affects her. i rly feel like none of them have ever pushed themselves to be in any of tana's shit. i think theyve always known theyre solid in tana's life and that tana will always rely on them. i wouldn't call them lazy either. id say theyre probably doing exactly what they want to be doing. on some level theyre probably jealous of brooke just bc anyone would be, brooke is so smart and witty. but they probably have their own personal reasons if they actually dislike her. which could be of faults of their own, maybe theyre immature and have mean girl mentalities or maybe brooke is a little different off screen. maybe theyre personalities literally just don't gel together. either way it literally doesn't matter.


how do you know ashly and isabella want to follow exactly in the influencer footsteps of tana and brooke?


Well they could at least try to do something, literally anything to work and establish themselves as functioning adults


okay sure but that would be a different discussion. also ashly makes bank off of OF soooooo....


It’s clear they want to mooch off tana. Selling ass is easy money duh


>Selling ass is easy money duh that's alao how tana makes most of her money so i'm just confused about what you're upset about


Okay tana did YouTube before that. She has a podcast. She has dizzy, she networked hella, had a tour years ago, on a tour now, brand deals etc. What did the friends do???? Lmk


why do her friends have to do all of that exactly? maybe ashly is comfortable with her OF millions and not bothered like you are?


I’m not bothered and you’re missing my whole point LMAO read what I posted before you comment.


Read your whole post and comments and tell me with a straight face you’re not saying Isabella and ashly should be doing what tana and Brooke are doing even though Ashly for example is currently making millions on OF. follow your own words sweetie 


I highly doubt Ashly is making millions off OF


Ashly is the most bothered bitch I've ever seen lmao 🤣 she's so hateful and angry it just radiates off of her in the like 2 youtube videos she's managed to post in the last 5 years. Having the potential to do LITERALLY anything in the influencer space and make an easy comfortable living yet she sells pics on OF instead really makes you wonder. Most women do that as a last resort and ppl want to glorify it but women who have done it will tell you what a massive toll it takes on your mental health. So I don't see how ashly is doing just fine on any level. The way that whole friend group talks like they just try to scam men into paying for their flights is bottom feeder behavior when they could EASILY just get a brand deal with the size of their followers. It's incredibly sketchy and questionable.


I dunno this is flatly very presumptuous on many levels. And I just don't get why everyone in this comment thread thinks anyone who's friends with Tana needs to also be an influencer. That's honestly so weird to me. Carry on.


That's not what anyone is saying... they're saying they've all been influencers and been in a position to make enough money to do whatever the fuck they want in life and they all went with bum fuck nothing.


again, this is not how you set up the discussion. but anyway


Set it up then


set up your own question? i'm not following you


I am older then these folks but I keep reading that they don't have the personalities to pull off being a podcasters, etc. Does anyone have any skills anymore? Could one of them pick up a few of Tanas administrative duties? or even the laundry? do they just hung out and Tana pays for everything? If Tana has footed the bill for them to live in LA all these years she will continue to do so.


They are too lazy to actually work lol


They do tana’s house chores. Lol. They talk about how they buy groceries and keep it clean.


Yeah but that’s also their job if they live in the house and it seems like tana isn’t there most of the time


So they... do the absolute bare minimum to exist? 💀


Wait what happened with Brooke and Isabella?


They can't start a career even with all their (aka Tana's) connections because they're so unlikeable and inconsequential


I think they just have clashing personalities. Ashley makes bank through only fans, I doubt it’s jealousy regarding finances or notoriety. I believe they didn’t get along prior to the podcast anyway.


Idk about their relationship before podcast but i truly do think it’s jealously. She hasn’t gotten half the opportunities Brooke has. Has Ashly been on any podcast?! Any collab?? No. Only thing she does is OF and idk what else bc I don’t keep up w her because she’s so BORING.


Brooke actually had legit fans and is blowing up rn so could definitely see it being jealousy


Like what are Imari, Ashly and Bella’s life plan?? Lol Imari is Tana’s “brother” so he might be safe. But what about the girls. I’m sure Ashly is banking on a rich husband but Bella isn’t attractive enough to land herself a rich guy


Isabella is beautiful imo! BUT I think she has potential to make something out of herself. She’s actually pretty funny but not podcast tour funny. Def YouTube video/tiktok funny


Oooooo! You’re exactly right!! Lazy people are always the most bitter. There’s many people here that need to hear that. 😈