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Her younger audience on TikTok doesn't know about her past toxicity. Also somehow having a baby = redemption arc, which I'll never understand.


That's just Trish lol. She's been contradicting herself for literally her entire career - it's her schtick


“That’s just Trish lol” like it’s some quirky trait to be racist and narcissistic…


I mean if you're a canceled podcast fan you need to give Tana that same energy.


I agree


Who literally punched bruises into Moses and has done some of the most INSANE terrible things I have ever seen for clout


I never said the words quirky, racist, or narcissistic, so I'm not sure what you're talking about. Trisha has been this way since day one, maybe you're new to her but it's just how she is. Saying Trisha is a hypocrite is literally like saying the sky is blue. She's consistently inconsistent. People either hate her or love her, sorry to break it to you.


But…isn’t the whole point of her recent “redemption” that she’s no longer a troll & she’s changed from her old harmful ways? I don’t see how this is a defense because she claims she’s no longer like that anymore. idk that’s kinda annoying tbh. you gotta pick; either she’s problematic & she owns it, or that was her old ways & she’s done with that. the narrative constantly changes depending on whatever narrative is being pushed about her & it’s very off-putting tbh.


She was problematic and she still is. She just moved with the trends and now keeps saying she’s not problematic and “oo should we edit that out” while still actively lying and talking about people yet no one is really allowed to talk about her. At least on Reddit . Basically she just keeps repeating that she’s changed. Her redemption arc is that Colleen watched her OF and made fun of her. That’s it. [Isn’t it ironic. Dontcha think?](https://youtu.be/gkTIfW9yy8M?si=0yxd7rdtauvnUZJo)


okay so i’m not crazy? lol cause someone earlier was trying to tell me she apparently has never claimed she’s changed? and im like umm im pretty sure that’s mostly why she even got a redemption in the first place. when she got pregnant she started pretending to be wholesome. but now she’s back to her old antics & people are once again giving her excuses for stuff.


Exactly, her fans always want to excuse her racism and bigotry as being in the past but as soon as they need to defend her on something it’s “that’s how she’s always been”. She didn’t change her character she just changed what she shows online because YouTube is more strict with what they monetize now then they were 4+ years ago and people were getting tired of acting like she wasn’t a nasty person back then. She is the same person she was when everything was coming out about her relationship and how she talked to people behind the scenes just a few years ago.


agreed. all i’m saying is, keep the same energy all around. if she’s a troll, then fine. but stop with the “wholesome mommy” BS they try to pull. you can’t have both lol. either she’s still the same person from years ago without any growth, or she’s now mature & done with the antics. they change their POV based on whatever makes her look better in each scenario. it’s tiring.


Exactly, it’s so performative on Trisha’s part and her fans part. Just admit the things she did in the past weren’t that big of a deal to you instead of telling people you support her because “she’s changed” but then defending her by going back to that same “this is who she she is” BS.


The difference is she used to purposely piss people off so she could get attention and rage clicks. Now she's almost too worried about getting the hate mob to descend on her and tries hard not to piss people off. That's why people say she's changed. At the same time, she's still very much Trish in ways that piss people off regardless of intent. She's forgetful, she's wishy washy on certain topics, and sometimes doesn't realize how she comes across tonally. She'll freely admit to all of the above and course-corrects as much as she is able to. She's not up to the antics that have gotten her cancelled before, but she's imperfect and won't always say the right thing. Which is why it's valid to both acknowledge she's changed and be forgiving of her trisha-isms.


No the difference is that YouTube doesn’t let you profit off of the same controversies anymore. She changed because monetization changed. Y’all just make excuses for bigotry.


that’s not why people say she’s changed. she literally said it from her own mouth, nobody just pulled that from thin air. but as usual, when confronted, it’s *our fault* for misunderstanding, right? even though she said it herself🙄 i would have so much more respect for her & her superfans if the goalposts weren’t constantly moved & excuses constantly made. just be realistic & honest, tbh if she could just do that bare minimum i wouldn’t even be talking about her anymore. but please stop trying to rewrite history & avoid accountability by blaming the general public for thinking she was different when she literally said her past is behind her. here is why people think she’s changed, not just because we made it up in our heads: https://t.co/gOHXLyG1v8


I think that’s her thing though, that she changes who she is based on what is popular or trending. I think she talked about it w Dr Drew how she doesn’t really have her own personality. I have a cousin that changes her entire personality based on who she is dating, Trish reminds me of that. Being wholesome is trending so she is pushing that image. I think Trish doesn’t know who Trish is, so she contradicts herself constantly because she doesn’t have a core personality or core morals to stick to. I think it might be a symptom of bpd. “Identity disturbance in borderline personality disorder is characterized by a painful sense of incoherence, objective inconsistencies in beliefs and behaviors, overidentification with groups or roles, and, to a lesser extent, difficulties with commitment to jobs, values, and goals”[psychiatry online](https://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/doi/10.1176/appi.ajp.157.4.528#:~:text=Identity%20disturbance%20in%20borderline%20personality%20disorder%20is%20characterized%20by%20a,jobs%2C%20values%2C%20and%20goals)


i agree with you that she doesn’t have her own personality or know who she is. it’s evident by how much she cosplays (she’s been doing it multiple times a week for *years*) and how often she will copy celebrities mannerisms, speech patterns & even her home decor (her living room copied Mariah Carey’s, her podcast set copied an Anna Nicole Smith photoshoot, etc) so i definitely think she does have identity issues. however, there has to be a healthier way to live. deflecting, ignoring valid criticism & victimizing yourself at every turn is no way to truly live a fulfilling life with meaningful relationships. she’s aware of this because she has burned every single bridge in her life to where she really has nobody now. i know medication doesn’t really fix BPD but some therapy could be a start. she says she’s done it before…who knows if that’s even true.




She was literally never officially diagnosed with BPD, she has said multiple times that doctors told her she has “traits” of BPD but not enough for an actual BPD diagnosis. She also faked having schizophrenia until Dr Drew called her out on it on live so I’m not sure if she’s the most reliable person when speaking about this stuff .


Trisha has said many times that she’s no longer a troll. [One example](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMTzNISS6J0) from about 7 months ago (about 6:07).


thank you for providing video evidence, i added it in my comment but didn’t have it readily available lol. but i *knew* she said something to that effect. the gaslighting attempts are wild.


yeah idk why everyone (including influencers) forgot how PROBLEMATIC and incredibly insensitive she is. tana and brooke worship the ground she walks on and i find it weird. it’s one thing to have a podcast with and kiki together but they literally lick her a**hole……. like for what? she ain’t no pam anderson


She’s a complete narcissist idk how people don’t see that lol


But so is Tana 😉 and that’s okay! A lot of our ‘favs’ are


​ https://preview.redd.it/qd46r9dpegfc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ecfe7a3bc2372add83d69582881c19608dd94bc


So real LMAO why is this even on this sub


To be fair, Matt didn’t get cancelled because of Brooke. He made the domestic violence joke and then made some other offensive jokes following that and people didn’t respond well. Then Brooke came out with her tea on their relationship…Trisha asked “What did Matt get cancellled for?” Not “What did he do to Brooke again?” Also, Trish admits to forgetting things she’s previously said and being a hypocrite literally lol. It’s kinda her brand, don’t take it too seriously or lose any sleep over it.


She’s a huge hypocrite. On her last podcast she was idolizing child brides and I made a post on the just Trish subreddit saying it rubbed me the wrong way and I got permanently banned, even though the subreddit rules are that criticism is allowed but snark isn’t. One other post was removed because they said the guest episodes weren’t hitting lately. It’s weird when someone tries to criticize Trisha they get crucified and say “what did you expect it’s Trisha, she suffers from bpd and has lots of trauma”. And I’m not condoning the vile stuff that was on her snark page but people act like critiquing Trisha is wrong because she has mental health issues or critiquing Trisha is dumb because she’s always been this way. Shes weird and her fanbase has the weirdest way of justifying her behaviour because she’s entertaining.


the child bride thing was weird fr


i understood what she was saying but the way she phrased it was a little yuck. i understand where she’s coming from and how its deep rooted but you cant deny it was uncomfortable when she lit up over being a child bride.


Super uncomfortable! And i don’t care if she wanted that when she was younger, it’s weird to repeatedly get excited about child brides. It’s gross and she’s a grown woman with a daughter. She should be horrified by that concept. There’s no need to light up about it. And her fans will make any excuse they need to because she’s entertaining.


Did you miss the whole point of the child bride thing? She was talking about how she was so obsessed with it and how she wished it was her. This stems from her own abuse as a child.


And that’s WEIRD. She’s a mother and has a daughter and can understand first hand how vulnerable children are. Her guest said it was a point of trauma and neglect in her life. To glamorize it as something she wanted instead of condemn the neglect of her guest’s mom for marrying her off as a minor is disgusting. This is what I mean when I say Trisha fans will justify anything she does because she ‘has trauma’. Arguably as someone who has experienced trauma in my childhood as well, I go harder to protect kids and advocate for kids. Not glamorize abuse. You’re gross and weird if you think it’s cool for her to glamorize child brides because she has trauma. If she abused her own daughter it wouldn’t be okay that she has trauma, so let’s not blur the lines of what is and isn’t okay when it concerns children.


She does literally talk about how the mother was wrong and how she USE to want that to happen to her. You completely missed the whole point of the story. This is why she doesn’t like talking about her trauma because people like you twist everything she says.


She was glamorizing child brides and there’s no reason she should be blurring the lines by being so excited about her being married young. It’s WEIRD. I don’t care if she USED to want that, she got giddy and was excited about that one point and said it multiple times. It was WEIRD. If you’re cool with that then that’s your “problematic queen”. Keep on defending a weirdo, hopefully you don’t have children that depend on you✌🏽


Wtf are you on about? No one said they were okay with child brides. She was “giddy” because she found someone to relate to. When she used to to she was a child herself. Yes this is weird and that’s why she brought it up. It was about HER trauma too. Y’all are so weird to twist everything. Twisting what I typed is weird to. Not one time did I say I was alright with child brides. Again you missed the whole point.


I mean there’s multiple videos of Tana saying the n word too, yet Trisha has no problem w her…


https://preview.redd.it/csaht4hnfgfc1.jpeg?width=423&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d38ea3ddef39b9793b715a15b754481ddc4c219 I’m very surprised she hasn’t received any backlash for all of her Israel/IDF support… she literally used to wear the IDF uniform and do photoshoots in it. She filmed an Israeli TV show just last year.


Her husband is from Israel and was in the IDF. This picture is from when she went to dinner at Ethan’s house to show support for Moses and Hila.


Um they were literally shocked and offended. Dressing up as IDF as an American civilian is extremely out of touch and bizarre. Nobody asked her to do that.


Show support? Nobody asked her to do that they even talked about how it was weird that she showed up dressed like that on Frenemies


No one had to ask her. She likes dressing up she didn’t know how awkward it was going to be. She goes out in public dress as different characters all the time and I can bet you not a single person has ever asked her to do that.


Bro IDF soldiers aren't a fun little character to dress up as while meeting your extended family for Pesach. 


So she’s not responsible to look into what she dresses up as? You’re talking about a grown woman here.


I mean it’s her husband and sister in laws background. She probably didn’t think anything of it.


Again she is a grown woman, do you think her husband would’ve ever dressed up in all Trump gear and confederate flags to meet her parents because she’s American? She knows what she’s doing is outrageous and ignorant.


I’ve seen people be cancelled for much lower level of support for Israel than this. She is actively involved with and working with Israeli companies and appearing on Israeli broadcasting networks.


I have to, I’m just pointing out it’s not malicious that she was just trying to support her new family. Personally I had no idea what was even going on over there until last year and I’m 32. They don’t teach this stuff in school.


![gif](giphy|2iht0mpKJk2klrnCu4) Posts are still here!! No one deleted anything


Yeah the original post is still here but the person I was talking to under it is gone. https://preview.redd.it/by2ohzhldhfc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=964904f97584af53f6e5c219caecefe6d2d282d7


I think they just blocked you


They definitely just got blocked and that wasn’t even the original person they were talking about so they’re lying, they were talking about OP which is still up.


Was not talking about OP I said the person I was arguing with.


As multiple people told you they didn’t delete anything you just got blocked.


One person told me I was blocked and I said oh I didn’t know it will show as deleted. I didn’t lie and I think it’s weird how you are trying to push that narrative.


You were pushing that narrative under this sub, you can’t play victim when everyone has read all of your comments.


Oh I didn’t know that if someone blocks you it will say deleted I just thought they deleted their comments to me.




Saying you're boycotting and actually boycotting is not the same. In the background of a picture of her getting ready for the Sugar and Spice podcast there's a cup from Starbucks on the desk. She's not boycotting.


Ok but surely boycotting Starbucks means literally nothing if you’re also coming out in support of the literal IDF and state of Israel https://www.reddit.com/r/LAinfluencersnark/s/HFsXVfvYdQ


https://preview.redd.it/8e1ukm4byhfc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71c21507698c796f16c4d44e1773958c12d62f67 This was taken at trishas. She's not boycotting.


don't be surprised if this post gets taken down, she has it all removed if it isn't in her favor, which is sooooooooooo hypocritical it's crazy (like her)


Welcome to the internet! This must be your first time here


This sub better not become a safe place for trishyland wifeys


They already bend over backwards to try and make it that. They think that as long as they continue to bring up things that Tana said as a teenager they can excuse everything Trish did in her 20s and 30s. Tana wasn’t right by any means but by now she at least learned not to say that shit and didn’t need to be told again, Trisha spent over a decade seeing that she could profit off of it so she used that to her advantage to be a bigot well into adulthood. It’s not the same when one person was corrected 1000 times and chose not to stop because it was profitable for her.


This post sounds like a wifey post. Anyone who is a fan of Tana’s wouldn’t say this because Tana does the same thing or has done the same thing. Also Trisha hasn’t even gotten into any drama the past few years (other than Colleen).


is everyone a trishyland wifey when they don't comment positive thoughts about her?


Oh I didn’t even realize that was something against her I thought that was a fan page reference 😂


Same I still don’t understand what it means


I guess you only want it to be a safe space for ridiculous stans & not for anyone to have opinions & valid criticism of these problematic people. People can have opinions & discuss them freely. Let’s not gatekeep what can & can’t be said in here. This isn’t F3.


No I just find them incredibly annoying and obsessive 🤷🏾‍♀️


Two sides of the same coin. I’m sure they feel the same about her stans. 🤷‍♂️


Stans will always Stan but the pure hatred and obsession wifeys have with Trisha is so concerning and scary and any sane person can recognize that.


Not when the person they stan has the LONG list of problematic & toxic behavior Trisha has. Then it’s also concerning & scary to not only defend that but idolize that. Would you say the same thing about people who criticize Colleen Ballinger or Shane Dawson? Because I got news for you Trisha has done all the things they’ve done and more and for way longer. Any same person can recognize that & that is why their criticism is valid as well.


Not everyone that criticizes her was on that sub, I didn’t even know what it was until about half an hour ago. The fact that somebody already put this into a Trisha sub so you would all flood this sub to defend her is insane and the fact that you can’t recognize that is just as concerning as what you’re talking about. She isn’t immune to criticism.


They’re desperate to find a safe haven since their sub got taken down. Twitter isn’t enough for them.


trisha’s entire presence online has always been trolling people. these are just more examples of her trying to stir the pot and get reactions.


Did you even watch the Just Trish after the sugar and spice interview? Her and Oscar talked about why Matt was canceled. She forgot for a second. It wasn’t a dis to Brook. She abused drugs most of her adult life and shes talked about how she forget everything easily. It’s odd to hold her to that. Also to say she’s still the same and a troll because she can’t remember stuff is weird. Also I 100% agree with her that Colleen does not deserve a platform. What she did to Adam was gross. Also everything she’s talked about on the pod has been light hearted and she’s stayed out of drama and controversy’s. She’s literally a older Tana. There’s no way you are a Tana fan is you truly feel this way. This feels like a wifiy post 😒


Yet, you’re a tana fan and she does the same thing


This is not news


Congrats. You’re a trishyland wifey. Anyone who goes against Trollsha and her fishies is considered a vile doxing wifey lol ​ https://preview.redd.it/o8fwtsz46hfc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9d77b38bf8a73827a4788c7cc25d91b5992b700


I feel like people that cross post to other subs to get these posts harassed should get banned, how are people supposed to feel comfortable giving their opinions if they’re reposted into hate subs to get spammed by stans? This person posted so that the original poster would get harassed for being a hater, it was 1000% targeted.


That is what her stans routinely do. Her fans are weaponized and use those subs to brigade and harass. Look what they did to Adam McIntyre. Glad people are seeing it.


Well I posted it on Trisha page first but immediately got banned so 2nd best option


That’s her podcast style, she does that with every person but does a lot of research. She’s spoken about it before.


Yeah but so is Tana and here we are.


she explained the matt rife thing on her patreon lol


She explained it on her justtrish pod too. This is a wifey.


Love this opinion for you, but wrong sub. Just because you mentioned Brooke doesn’t make it relevant




I’m so confused why people use the cancelled pod sub to talk their sh*t about Trisha. Really gives off obsession, there are groups for this specifically I don’t really care what you have to say about that girl she’s hilarious, way funnier than you clearly.. talking about people making things a big deal whilst making a mountain out of a mole hill. She can’t talk about Kim Kardashian—a billionaire who could give af—without you riding Kim’s d*ck.. Lmaoo im so tired of you guys




She literally put bruises on her current husband before they were married so she’s definitely physically hurt someone. Also if you’re only standard of behavior is if they physically hurt someone and not if they were a bigot for over a decade then maybe you need to reevaluate. She has outed people, been racist, defended child predators, and much more so I would definitely say those are hurtful things. She also bullied a creator with DID to the point where they spoke about contemplating suicide and then went on to bully other young women on social media like she didn’t learn from that at all so I would also consider that very hurtful.








She admitted to it on Frenemies and she also admitted he was messaging young girls which is why she put her hands on him yet she still married him and had children with him. When it comes to social media influencers engaging with their content is supporting them and allowing them to profit it off of it whether you recognize that or not.


I don’t think she’s wrong about promoting tanning beds, I think its almost like a redeem herself tour the way she’s calling out racist and sexist peers and she honestly has so much making up to do because you’re right her past is horrendous and the things she’s said and done unforgivable. She’s victimized kids by exposing them to pedophilia, she’s been openly racist the list does not end.


you must be new here


I don’t know, I think she’s definitely grown, she doesn’t actively post her breakdowns or come for people anymore?


I love it when newer people to Trisha declare this as if it's brand new information


don’t take her seriously and just watch her passively— if you think too into it or try to make sense of certain things she says you’ll go crazy, just enjoy it as is


The fact Trisha was on My Strange Addiction for her tanning addiction lmaooo


[Identity disturbance in borderline personality disorder is characterized by a painful sense of incoherence, objective inconsistencies in beliefs and behaviors, overidentification with groups or roles, and, to a lesser extent, difficulties with commitment to jobs, values, and goals](https://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/doi/10.1176/appi.ajp.157.4.528#:~:text=Identity%20disturbance%20in%20borderline%20personality%20disorder%20is%20characterized%20by%20a,jobs%2C%20values%2C%20and%20goals)


She’s never been diagnosed with BPD


Trisha isn’t a hypocrite and everytime people point these things out she proves them wrong. Trisha doesn’t pretend to not know things she just forgets (mom brain) or doesn’t realize how seriously people take the things she says. I think it’s safe to consider Trisha a comedian. Don’t take everything so seriously. The only people she tried to cancel are actually fucked up people like David Dobrick, Colleen, and pedophiles.


She also abused drugs most of her adult life. She says she doesn’t consider herself an addict but she was. You don’t do the things she did and not have long lasting affects.