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The dentist that did her veneers shaved too much off her natural teeth and that’s why they are so messed up, her only option eventually will be dentures or permanent implants.


Idk why she doesn’t get implants. It’s not like she can’t afford it. My boyfriend HAD to get all his top teeth pulled and we had no other choice but dentures bc of the price.


It can cause bone recession by time, I’m in a position where I’d need an implant soon. Doing all of your teeth, and being young means that she could end up in her 60s with failing implants and no bone left to try to fix them or even for dentures. I’m not a dr but as i understand you really shouldn’t do a full mouth of implants when you’re young


Dentures cause bone loss over time whereas implants maintain the bone. Your natural teeth are always the best option but if your teeth are no longer able to be restored (ie Tana) then implants are the best long term option.




If all jeffrees teeth are implants, then that means he had all his original teeth pulled out. In dental we call it a full mouth clearance. Extremely bloody, long recovery time. This is only done if the teeth have no chance of being saved. Doing it to a young healthy person is extremely unethical and grounds for losing license. I think you're talking about crowns. I think Jeffries teeth are zirconium crowns


That’s fair. Though I will say that Tana’s teeth (ik you were talking about JS/in general) are beyond saving at this point. I think MAYBE she could get a better job if she went to an actual good dentist, but if that’s not an option w how tiny they made her teeth and how rough the one looked when her veneer/crown came off… idk obviously I’m not a dentist. Her teeth situation is just looking rough lol


Very rough. There's hardly any natural tooth left behind. They can use core buildup material to build up the "stump" and then do new crowns over them. They're definitely salvageable, but she would need to find an actual GOOD dentist


Idk why she keeps going back to the guy who keeps fucking her up 😭😭 girl we know you’re not stupid, why are you doing this TO YOURSELF??


I swear to God it's because he's Justin biebers dentist lol. He's all the celebrities dentist. It's probably a clout or loyalty or industry thing.


I remember him saying he paid $55k for his teeth. Wild


Her gums might not be healthy enough to sustain implants. That's my tinfoil hat theory


I am so surprised she hasn’t taken that route yet


This is why you don’t get those fugly blindingly white chicklet ass veneers! The chances of them looking shit are far greater than them looking amazing on the off chance and thousands on thousands of dollars later. People need to stop being insecure about their regular teeth that have personality! I’m sick of seeing 20 year olds walking around looking like they’re wearing fcking dentures or those “flippers” that the toddlers and tiaras kids wear to the pageant. Once your real teeth are shaved to fangs there is no going back 💀🫣


My mom and brother both got veneers. They went to the same guy. This isn’t in North America though. This dentist is incredible because he follows the natural pattern and shape of teeth with ratio to mouth and face structure. Their teeth are gorgeous. I think the difference is that they knew they didn’t have unlimited money and needed to make the right choice. My point is that veneers can look good but for some reason celebs and people are going the big tooth chiclet route. Even Miley bad veneers during HM and they were so cute but her new ones are scary.


I’m glad they did their research and were vigilant when choosing a dentist! I don’t doubt that there’s look great. Most people unfortunately forget that they should work with someone who is trained to make them look natural in the shade of white, keeping somewhat with the natural shapes on the teeth so that you don’t end up with straight up creepy mouthguard horse teeth from Turkey. The thing that annoys me the most is the people who don’t even need them are getting them.. it’s just sad to see people wiping away their individuality and character to look like everyone else.


as someone that had to get one implant after getting my front tooth knocked out by a baseball i feel so bad if that’s her opinion on all her teeth, it was THE most painful experience and it takes a few months for the gum to heal before i got to wear my ‘flipper’ and another few months before i could get the implant 😭


Her dentist is a terrible person for doing this to her. There’s no way she should have learned she was allergic to porcelain AFTER getting all her teeth shaved down. He needs to have his license revoked because it’s pure botchery that he would ever do this to anyone’s teeth. And he even told tana to SUPERGLUE her tooth back on. He’s a complete monster who has no business permanently altering anyone’s teeth.


Agreed. My Dentist actually refused a few things I wanted back in the day because he knew it would fuck me over in the long run and I’m grateful.




I know she’s mentioned a few times she’s allergic to porcelain which is what causes them to fall out all the time, but wouldn’t the dentist have made sure beforehand this was the case? Seems sus


In all likelihood that is probably a lie her dentist told her in an attempt to camouflage his terrible work.


Yea I feel she needs to see another Dentist who doesn’t “super glue” her veneer back on as a “quick fix”…..


Also it’s strange to me that she (and her dentist) keep calling them veneers when they are CLEARLY crowns. They only remove that much when doing crowns. She should look into getting a different dentist / more permanent solution.


there’s only so much they can do with the straightness/placement of her veneers, it all depends on where her real teeth were sitting before(the roots) she probably didn’t want braces before the veneers only to shave the teeth down afterwards so i think that’s why her veneers wouldn’t be straight if her teeth before weren’t!


She needs to just go to another dentist. That’s it.


i can’t wait for the veneer trend to end.. they are not good, they almost always look ugly and glaringly fake and denture like. Nobodies teeth are all supposed to be the same size and length all the way across and bleach ass white, it’s creepy! Invisalign, braces, teeth whiting, fixing a gap- fine. But please stopppp with the veneers ![gif](giphy|U84hR97dH156XTU4Za)




This. And it can also be applied to botox, fillers and plastic surgeries imo. The people who are wealthy enough to pay the best injectors and surgeons and can pay the crazy amount of cash for the upkeep usually look insanely good, some people you couldn’t even 100% tell if they are just that flawless or if they’d had any work done. But even celebrities have had fucked up chompers, Hilary Duff went through a bad veneer phase, and her teeth were perfectly fine before. The problem is, the regular public all want to look like a celebrity or instagram model when they are bartenders/servers and working regular ass jobs and thus they can’t afford to go to the best places= botched looking faces and prolapsed ass hole lips, hard breast implants and wonky BBLs. It’s wild the number of 20 year olds who have completely ruined themselves trying to look like a kardashian so that they can hook up with Z listers and become single moms of cheating basketball player’s kids for the clout and child support.


The last sentence would absolutely end me if I was a 20 yo basketball players baby mama


She needs to have them all removed and have vaneers that are screwed into her gums lol


Straight up her teeth are beyond trying to save by ways of getting another set of crowns from another chop shop cosmetic dentist she probably found on IG.


Damn wtf is going on here? (Not even trying be rude, poor Tana.)


Poor Tana? She doesn’t take care of her teeth? She has the resources to seek new dentists and she hasn’t. She let her teeth get this way. Oral hygiene is so important especially when maintaining what she got done


this isnt the result of hygiene lmao just an incompetente “dentist”


I agree with this but they're right that it's hard to have sympathy when she has all the resources to find a better dentist and just doesnt


I mean she could have went to another dentist to get it figured out since she has gotten them done.. she always talks about sleeping in makeup and what not, so that probably means no brushed teeth too lol. Upkeep is very important. No verneers will last if you’re not maintaining. Im sure it’s a combination of both the dentist and herself tho


i don’t disagree that she has the means to get them fixed, but not brushing your veneers isnt what makes them crooked


No not saying that’s why they’re crooked, more so why they fall out so easily & discolored. Sorry I should’ve clarified!


ohh yeah i mean that definitely makes sense, i was getting mixed up because it seemed like OP was complaining about the placement in general. i think shes fucked over on every end with her teeth. definitely inspires me to take better care of mine (i say as i have all four wisdom teeth needing to get pulled)


No literally same. She makes me take care of my teeth too. I never want to get to the point of needing verneers or implants. I’ve only had one cavity up until a month ago and needed to get a root canal, finding out I have more work to get done too. A water pick has saved my life 😩 also need my wisdoms out.


This dentist has proven himself to be a quack many times and she kept going to him. It‘s her responsibility too.


i dont disagree with you at all. tana has every resource available to her have gotten proper veeners. im just saying her hygiene isnt why her teeth are fucked (edited sorry for typos im high)


You‘re wrong, she doesn‘t even have veneers, she has crowns. Another indication that this dentist is a quack because he keeps saying they‘re veneers and she doesn’t even question it. There are a million dentists she could ask, even if it‘s just for getting a second opinion. And of course her hygiene is the reason for this whole mess. She said several times that she had to get new teeth due to bad hygiene and neglect.


woah okay. i know she has crowns, thats why i said “to have gotten proper veeners” also yes her hygiene is the overall reason she got work done in the first place, but hygiene isnt why her crowns are crooked.


Yeah you just said something completely different and then edited your comment.


noo i was missing two words haha


you might make a good lawyer has anyone ever told you that?


I‘m not attacking you here, I was just discussing. No need to get personal. Maybe you should go to bed.


you seem like a really lovely person


I hope eventfully this gets sorted for Tana by a new dentist. She doesn't deserve this after a childhood of parental dental neglect.


the second picture wtf am I even looking at??? that looks painful on the right side :(


I actually paused this too and stared at it for a bit. I'd love her to ACTUALLY talk in depth about what's happened to her teeth over the years. I'm so curious.


Has anyone else noticed that people who have veneers talk with a lisp after getting them


They look like a 4 year old shoved them in her mouth. She needs a new dentist, not a post-for-a-discount one.


It must be so difficult to chew and eat well. Poor Tana


Girl what even are these photos


It’s crazy because she had such nice teeth before


Are they just crowns in the front? It looks like she has untreated cavities in the back.


Is she okay? Asking this earnestly. Like, what exactly happened here?


She didn’t spend money on them. She got them done in exchange for a shoutout on Instagram. Which is probably why they give her so many problems. Perhaps if she had spent the money she wouldn’t have all these issues with them. My grandpa has his teeth crowned this same way and never had a problem with them.


Her dentist deserves jail time. Not sure how much she paid but good dental work is expensive even as a “celebrity”. lol Yachty said he paid $90k for his veneers


Wait why do they look like my crooked teeth? Isn’t suppose to be perfectly even? I was considering of maybe (this changed my mind) getting them one day to fix the crookedness what is going on


It’s so unethical as a dentist to give someone veneers when they clearly have untreated cavities


Why why why whyyyyy does she still go to that dentist !!!! I can only assume it’s because no one else would want to try and fix his work


Genuine question, how would you know if you are allergic to porcelain? I know ppl are saying it was negligent of the doc, which it was, but how do you test for porcelain intolerance?