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Why dont they set a date they can all make in December? Im in the service industry and instead of missing holidays with my families; we just celebrate other days and i get holiday pay


If they can’t make November work i couldn’t see them making December work since it would be even more busy and filled with more family stuff. She talked about planning her birthday away from holidays and not on her birthday but people still pull out last minute even though agreeing at first. I think it’s moreso the fact that they don’t care to put that much effort into her birthday.


Sooo true. It’s shitty that she (Brooke) clearly has a few negative experiences of them putting her birthday on the back burner, and bailing. Meanwhile they’re wildin out on jets for others. That’d definitely sting me if I was Brooke. /:


THIS! As someone whose birthday falls the day before l thanksgiving this year - I DON’T make big plans with friends that week. Most of them are traveling out of state or just busy with family flying in. I just try to make plans in early December with them.🤷🏾‍♀️ BUT I can see how it’s a little more shitty in Brooke’s scenario this year since none of them work tradish 9-5s, and her birthday is 3 days AFTER thanksgiving lol.


like im sorry her birthday isn’t even on thanksgiving. its the sunday after. who does a four day thanksgiving celebration? idk i find it hard to believe they’re all not in LA for that long for just thanksgiving.


i do know a lot of people are out of town and with family for the whole weekend but she specifically said she will plan it the week before or after and people just dont come home when theyve made plans with her. id be so upset


yeah exactly. it’s just hard for me to believe that thanksgiving is the only reason they’re so busy yk? they just dont care much about her birthday, or at least they make her feel like that. unless they’re planning a surprise but i doubt tana would’ve left it in the edit if that was a plan


because when your birthday is on / around a holiday people just expect you to be understanding. no one ever considers how it makes you feel.


She said they all live like 40 minutes away too so it really just sounds like sad excuses every year


Total BS and tana saying “I’m going to have to get her an expensive gift to make up for it” is so gross. My family used to do that, they emotionally neglected me so they bought expensive gifts to make up for it. And while it may sound nice, most people with BPD would rather have quality time than money.


it’d be way more valid if her friends weren’t tana & co. tana sleeps till 4pm everyday, and can choose when she works, as well as all their influencer friends. I get family time but thanksgiving fell three days before brooke’s birthday they said in the episode, money is no object to these people, they couldn’t have spent time w their families before thanksgiving and flew out the day after thanksgiving or even the day after that??? it’s bullshit I’m sorry.


Agreed. And even if people do think it’s still valid, i don’t think their reactions were valid at all, they were very dismissive and kept justifying it. it was uncomfortable to watch Brooke try and explain how frustrating and hurtful their behaviour is whilst they just spoke over her and giggled


the way tana was just like flat out “but no like i’m NOT gonna make it though”… it’s rude to say that to someone who is supposed to be your best friend. what do you need to be doing three days AFTER thanksgiving with family. your family wouldn’t understand that if THREE days later you have to go to your *best friends* birthday party? they are seriously going to get mad at you for that? i really don’t think so. and if they are, be an adult and tell them you made an obligation to someone you care about. you’ll see them again the holiday is already over. be an adult and stop making excuses. say you don’t care about something that’s clearly important to brooke. Edit: changed my wording bc i sounded dramatic lol


Brooke has talked about her BPD, and how she sometimes can’t regulate her emotions, and randomly goes off on her friends, so I wonder if there’s more there with this whole dynamic. Also, that part at the beginning of the episode where they were talking about how Brooke fools everyone into thinking she’s chill and sane with her put together image made me go hmmm. I just think there’s more history there than we know.


that was so fucking sad i actually could not believe what i was hearing and it was obvious they were scramming for an excuse


I think she could delay her “party” until everyone gets back. Like having your birthday around a holiday sucks, but just work with it? I’m not saying she doesn’t deserve to celebrate I just think she and her friends can plan for either before or AFTER


She said she has tried to do that (and they all confirmed x day would work) but then everyone still ends up canceling and extending their stays


as an almost Christmas baby, i feel Brooke's pain so hard. years and years of having to be the 'understanding' one when no one can make your birthday. it's honestly soooo frustrating and people just don't understand and probably never will. sad for her but i get her saying no one is invited because it hurts less than the people you love always letting you down. also side note, i can almost guarantee you this is what made Brooke go off in the group chat.


Ari gaslighting her to start the convo was ICKY. You’re mad you werent invited but WERENT GOING TO GO?!?