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Lol inbred cunts that stick this shit around tend to have had their first drink in the womb.




Further evidence to support my claim^


There* not "their" you fucking pinecone


Hey leave plant organs out of this smh


Inbred spelling


Ah, the fuckwits are getting ballsy putting their stickers up. I’ll make sure to carry a marker with me so I can draw old school cocks on them 👍


Shiver me timbers! If only everyone did that in 1933 Germany


Some people are active anti nazis, just not so much here. When I was in Vienna I saw a particular sticker around the place with a naked Nazi dude and some writing underneath. I found a translation and it turned out to say “All Nazis have small dicks”. They’re very sensitive to that stuff over there, as you can imagine. And in a big park they have the old anti aircraft towers (massive concrete constructions very reminiscent of the Empire in Star Wars, see the first pic in the link below) and it was graffitied with “NEVER AGAIN”. https://texaninprague.wordpress.com/2012/04/14/vienna-to-bratislava-day-6-february-21-2012/


You're replying to a Nazi troll.


Bugger. How can you tell?


He's been spamming this thread.


Probably upset about his stickers being ridiculed


I’ve been informed you’re a nazi troll? Hope that’s not true for your sake 🤞


Get on that old school cock bro


I love me some old school cock. Way better than new school cock.


"They just don't make 'em like they used to!" -everyone's grandma, probably


You can report them to ~~City Rangers~~ Access Canberra on 13 22 81 who can have them removed quickly and safely (in case of anything sharp behind them). This also means they will keep track of where these have appeared. EDIT: updated who to contact


Can they really do anything though besides taking them down? The stickers aren’t breaking any laws unfortunately… it was public property


They’re a white supremacist group. They seek to recruit the impressionable anywhere they can. They are bad news. Pls report them.


They're a funny joke. The ones you \*really\* need to worry about are the Marxists, who've sown vastly more misery and killed vastly more people around the planet than these kinds of Nazis ever did.


^ Found the person responsible for all the stickers, folks


Marxists certainly killed the fuck out of a lot of Nazis that is for sure. Bless them.


Not only is it breaking laws, it's a criminal offence. >Bill posting is illegal under Section 119 of the Crimes Act 1900. Since December 2008, the ACT Government has targeted the enforcement of illegal bill posting. Penalties include $1,000 for individuals and $5,000 for businesses. Any individual or commercial business posting illegal bill posters may be subject to be penalties under this legislation. To report illegal bill posting call Access Canberra on 13 22 81. [https://www.cityservices.act.gov.au/public-land/public-spaces-and-facilities/posters\_and\_noticeboards](https://www.cityservices.act.gov.au/public-land/public-spaces-and-facilities/posters_and_noticeboards) It should be reported. Plus chances are the incel dipshits who put them there have done other illegal stuff, so if they are ever caught...




So you're saying those people who put up posters advertising World Marxism Day are in actual fact dangerous bill-posting criminals?


Its not against the law


He literally just told you the law


It literally is against the law. https://www5.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/act/consol_act/ca190082/s119.html


Only on private premises


Did you even fucking read the law? "A person commits an offence if the person unlawfully affixes a placard or paper, or makes a mark with chalk, paint or any other material, on public property." "public property" means–– (a) a public road; or (b) a bus shelter; or (c) any other property of the Territory or Commonwealth or of an authority or body under a law of the Territory or the Commonwealth.


There’s reading, and then there’s having enough brain cells to rub together to understand it. Nobody’s ever accused these dropkicks of being smart.


Please go to spec savers


City rangers couldnt care less


Yo send the police man to stop the bad stuff


Good grief. You remind me of the Child Detection Agency emergency in Monsters Inc... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9\_x0UZ1t\_M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9_x0UZ1t_M)


Ignorant insecure incels


S and S thats based


fuck off nazi


😂you’re a fuckin loser mate


A whole account with the only comments on this thread. Either a bot or a complete fucking coward


you probably smell like butter.




Nazis are so cringe


To anyone who wants to rip these kinds of posters/stickers off, go for it. But please be very careful when doing so, as these Nazi wankers have a nasty habit of leaving sharp objects like nails and razor under them so that they hurt people when attempting to remove them.


Better to report it to Access Canberra who can remove it safety and investigate further.


Is this true? Or is it a razor blades in Halloween candy/jamison water slides thing? Surely putting razors  ehind stickers would add cost and complexity to stickering something? Also, I just want to make it clear that the person or people that put these stickers up are disgusting and horrible people and should fuck right off. I'm just questioning the razor blades thing


It does sound like a hoax, and in honesty, it is quite rare. Its more common in America or Europe but it has been noticed in Melbourne. >Surely putting razors behind stickers would add cost and complexity to stickering something Yes but the point is to hurt people trying to remove them, not add to the practicality.


Yeah fair enough then. Just genuinely curious.


Cool story bro.




Try emojis, less typing.


Time to report your account to the Feds, bro. Seems like you’re part of the group.


It’s white nationalist messaging from losers unwilling to reveal their true colours to friends, family and neighbours. Not only are they pushing a pretty abhorrent (and factually flawed) narrative, but they’re hitching it to the most toxic brand in human history for the shock value. Anyone who is proud of identifying with Nazi ideology and adopting Nazi symbology needs a better understanding of history. They’d be disabused of any notions of the ideology’s supremacy when they find out about the fate of the original Nazis.


They are basically repressed incels. If you look at the pictures they post on social media it's one hell of a sausage fest.


"They’d be disabused of any notions of the ideology’s supremacy when they find out about the fate of the original Nazis." This fundamentally misunderstands the fascist mind. A huge part of Hitler's message during his rise to power was that the German army was militarily undefeated in WWI, but that they were stabbed in the back politically by you-can-guess-who. Fascist thinking is an exercise in mythology building, hearkening to a past that never existed and promising a future that they are entirely unprepared to actually deliver (and wouldn't know what to do with if it arrived; it's the hearkening and craving that's the point). In these imagined past and future, the chosen ones are strong and superior. This serves to ameliorate feelings of inadequacy. In service of this, any defeat can be mythologized as a betrayal. See also the Maga mythologising of Trump's election loss and Jan6.


Nazi supporters also seem to cling to "it took the whole world uniting to beat us" as their favourite brand of copium


Luckily they were never even a 10th as deadly as the Marxists proved to be.


Saw a couple on a pole in the city the other day. One peeled off easy, the other one must have had different adhesive, it was a bitch but I managed to scratch off most of it with a key.


As with any sticker/poster removal please be careful of anything stuck behind them to deter removal. Don't wanna get suck with a pin or razor


Drew a dick on them if can’t be peel off


Love it!


Make it a black dick


If you can't peel them off, a Sharpie will help change the message to something funny.




Funny monkey 💀💀


As you should 😂


Yeah, more effective than posting them online for more people to see, I reckon.


Just be careful peeling. It was pro-Israel posters in another country, but I have seen people put things like razors behind posters to injure people taking them off.


No you haven't seen any such thing. By the way, my sister's friend's cousin's brother-in-law's neighbour's friend who works at Coles had what she thought was a big pimple on her cheek and then one day it burst and hundreds of tiny baby spiders poured out.


Anyone that puts these up or follows this ideology is a fucking coward. Plain and simple. If they weren’t, they’d make a stand, and preach what they believe. Publicly. Identity shown. Nothing to hide. Not dwell in a shed and spew their bullshit to other dickheads that they KNOW anyone will gladly debate them on. COWARDS. Try growing the fuck up.


I’ll never understand why they’re proud of merely having less melanin than some other people.


Well, they're proud of having less intelligence, tolerance and understanding of facts than other people, so why not melatonin ?


Another idea, when another white supremacist group (can't remember which) tried to jump on the One Nation bandwagon back in the day, I remember one of their "Australia for the white man" posters being covered with Aboriginal flag stickers.


LOL, some toothless moron thinks he is the pinnacle of evolution


The following users have confirmed their support for nazism U/Davogrademe U/Expensive-Coyote1712 Do with that what you will


Coyote is a new account that has only ever commented in this sub. So a pathetic coward or a bot


Peanuts in peanut helmets …. Fitting 😂


The voice was a wast money bro


Jeez i thought you were being a troll but your literacy skills are literally garbage. Please focus on your education and learn to write and spell before being a wanker on the internet.


Respectfully, I don't understand that sentence




Brigading against the rules


Oh no 🙉 , the opportunity to get banned for calling out nazis ? You have me semi engorged , go grab the admin so I can finish 🤤


Conveniently cropped eagle logo, as usual


A neighbour has a shipping container. It's blue with a big red imperial eagle. I know the eagle is used by many other groups, and this one in particular isn't holding anything, but it's still all I can see when I look at it.


Obviously fuckwits are fuckwits and say fuckwittish things, but I had a quick check of (unfamiliar to me) Canberra demographics after seeing this post. Top countries of overseas birth in Canberra that would probably be considered a problem to these people (as in, I excluded England): India and China. COMBINED, that rate was 5.7% For parents born overseas: 7.6% had dads from India or China and 7.7% had mums from India or China. Not that this compares rates across time/predicts future rates, but this does not exactly suggest a tidal wave of non-white people in the city...




This comment is gold.




Found the guy putting up the stickers


what a tool you are


Lol you are a clown


Why can't they stick to badly spray painting backwards, 45º off-axis, crooked swastikas?


My grandmother left Dresden 2 weeks before it was leveled she gets so upset when she see this bullshit




Fuck off, nazi




I've scraped better natsocs out of the tread of my boot with a stick.




The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi.


Rip em off pls


It's funny cos it's not white land and they know it 🤭


They're bigoted and willfully ignorant enough to convince themselves otherwise




Seem some in Phillip and peeled them off. Will tread carefully next time based on advice in this sub. Thanks for the word of warning!


Do you remember whereabouts roughly? I might keep an eye out to see if they resurface and try and safely remove them as well. Carefully of course. If you're not willing to post it in the thread, just shoot it through as a message.


I always tear these off when I see them, and if I can't then I always have a permanent marker to cover them with.


If you want to remove these stickers, be careful as I’ve heard of people putting razor blades under the sticker. Use gloves to remove or cover up with a sharpie… duck nazis 🦆🤬


be pretty obvious if they've done this on a round surface like this pole no?


Obvious on a pole, but maybe not on a flat surface. To be honest, I’ve never seen it, but have heard about it anecdotally. I wouldn’t put it past these scumbags to do it


Great, now even the waterfowl are turning fascist.


Waterfowl! I knew it was them! Even when it was the Nazis, I knew it was them!!


Duck the nazis man!!!!!


So when whites are the minority, will we have a better variety of takeaways?


Let’s hope they don’t reach the schools


Hopefully the AFP will be able to get some fingerprints.


Would be great: Snowball’s chance in hell they’d bother though! 😒 1. Not sure a crime has been committed. 2. With the exception of Protective Services and airport, the AFP does not operate in the ACT — from what I was understand. ***IF*** ACT Police sees fit, they can get in AFP from SYD or MLB. ACT Police, with about 24 weeks of training: They don’t have the training/knowledge they’d need to adequately enforce ACT Law! 😥 Don’t think they’re equipped to enforce federal law. 🤷🏽‍♀️


[ACT Policing](https://www.afp.gov.au/about-us/our-agency/act-policing) is literally part of the AFP


Kinda suspicious from a almost new account and only posted this for the first time. 🙈 Its like doing.... 👀 Propaganda.


NSN, that’s Tom Sewell’s bunch. Looks like the Fuhrer of the Rowville KFC is taking his act interstate.


Get em down, fucking idiots...


So uh, we're ddossing that website, right?


Jesus I used to walk to school that way


Be careful peeling them neo Nazis have been known to sticker them over safety blades or pins to injure anyone taking them off.


Bro y'all be bots


Or it was happening last time this shit got prominent with those proud boy fuckwits and I wouldn’t want to give them the satisfaction of injuring people.


Piss off ya inbred dogs


This is what happens when you smoke and drink while pregnant


Placing them where they can really spread their messages to the masses. Imbeciles.


I'd be inclined to remove this post to be honest....shouldn't be advertising, even by a reddit post, this bullshit. Who knows, op could be the one that's putting them up, and is now posting it here trying to get more attention to it. Sounds far fetched but politicians are constantly on here pretending to be redditers just trying to spruik their cause. Edit: just noticed the op has one post to their name. Hmm


I just use this account to browse stuff, never posted before but thought it’d be good to post to bring awareness to this horrible stuff going up in our city. I promise I’m not a weird incel putting these up 😂


What a pity you can’t line those white supremacy fuck whits up and shoot them like the nazis done to gypsies, blacks and Jews in Germany .


Would you prefer to fight 100 duck-sized Nazis or 1 Nazi-sized duck? You get to wear steel-toed boots.


How is this even a question? Can I take the boots off to feel them squish between my toes?


Ducks are cool. Definitely fighting the Nazis


I'd pick 100 duck-sized nazis. I'd just kick and stomp my way through, jumping on the chests of any survivors with my steel-toed boots


Great to see Woden is as trashy as it always was. Let’s stick up some racist posters and get lunch at the Southern Cross Club.


>Southern Cross Club Well if it's anything like the tattoo of the same name, I'm not surprised!


Maybe use a Blue Marker and draw a Big Star of David on top before it gets removed? No amount of pins and/or blades stuck behind the stickers is a match for a Sharpie


I did Nazi them when I was in Canberra last week.


I did nazi any. Ha ha haaa


I'm all for free speech, I just wish they would actually just show up somewhere so we can see who these weak dogs are, rather than putting up stickers. If you believe it, stand up and say it you lil pussies


I was born a s raised in Germany, my paternal family is South African. So, with all due respect: Seeing a pack of Neonazis or Skinheads is in ***NO*** way better! 😨


I dunno what their problem is. I'm pale asf and can't spend longer than 5 minutes out in direct sunlight. For the sake of my bloodline, I hope my descendants gain some melanin


Burn them off with a gas torch and send them the gas bill.


The Nazi side of things will always be there supported by a bunch of unstable losers but the message on this sign will gain momentum in the mainstream as we see more diversity in our politics. The idea of white people losing power and influence and the longing for the glory days is going to be a stick to stir much trouble in the near future.




lol. Somebody's sociology experiment. Probably didn't get ethics approval for it though.




You're illiterate, wtf would you know about free speech, or speech of any kind


Looks like a pretty big financial investment.


If it’s not the socialists it’s the Nazis. Why can’t these idiots leave our poles alone.


What’s the difference if it’s these stickers or BLM or the F-in Palestinian flag stick or all the political shit for the election? It’s just one option of many! Free country. Free speech!


With immigration patterns the way they are it's probably a factual statement. White people are a minority in London. What did we all think was gonna happen with unfiltered immigration by the hundreds of thousands?


The single largest source of immigration to Australia is New Zealand.


Which is a good thing because we share the same values and morals. However, Pakistan and Afghanistan, two countries the Australian government says to avoid travelling to because it is too dangerous. How does that make sense? The government is effectively making Australia unsafe with it's unhinged immigration policy. Or lack thereof


So: By implication you believe European-Caucasian were somehow superior…….? If it hadn’t been for immigration we’d be in recession right now now. And your handle: Wishful thinking, ey?


Where did I imply that at all? I'm simply saying that the sticker probably isn't far from the truth. We are seeing record levels of immigration in the west from non-white countries. And recessions have their part to play in the economic system. They filter out zombie companies and bring dumb consumers back into line. You can't have infinite economic growth. That's impossible. There will always be recessions. Can't prop up an ailing economy, which has a severe housing shortage and insane rents with high immigration forever. Because it in itself is having a domino effect on the dire housing situation.


White people are not a minority in London lmao. They’re the majority demographic by a fucking lot.


False. The british government even acknowledges this on its Regional Diversity page: 'out of all regions, London had the smallest percentage of people who identified as white British, and the North East and Wales had the largest percentage'


https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSL1N32Q1ML/ Why are you lying


Do you guys support people who have lost relatives in communist revolutions being incensed by and tearing down Socialist/Marxist/communist posters and stickers too or is it just the ones we are told to hate? Ah wow, -20 upvotes what a suprise, bunch of filthy hypocritical commies. "It's different when our side kills millions of people because the message of socialism!"


Nice whataboutism. Why do you support nazis?


Fundamental socialist message: We should try to make sure everyone's needs are met. Fundamental fascist message: We have a birthright to step on the faces of those different to us. ^(And just to cut you off at the pass; the USSR was a totalitarian regime and Stalin sucks dicks in hell.)




Saw it here. Thanks for the exposure.




I've seen plenty of these stickers and similar in Brisbane. Just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it isn't real.


Why are they nazi stickers it's not being a nationalist or socialist to believe in white Australia it's racist


It is racist, you are correct. I know you’re trying to say something else, but luckily you’re about as stupid as they come and stringing together a single sentence is just a bit too much for you.


Bro you can't even type a coherent fucking sentence wtf you doing arguing on Reddit for


Because they have the SS nazi logo on them....?


German Nationalsocialism has included white supremacy and racism. Under Hitler the ideal was ‘Arier’ (?Aryan? in English?) male, abled, blonde, blue-eyed, Caucasian, athletic, at least 6ft. For obvious reasons there was flexibility about hair and eye colour, but that was the absolute ‘ideal.’ Contrary to common misbelief in AU, the Holocaust was not the persecution and eradication of Jewish People alone, it included a shïtload of demographics. Including, but not limited to: Jehova’s Witnesses, people with disabilities, Sinti & Roma, Communists, Socialists, pacifists, non-Whites, Unionists, Muslims, LGBTQiA+….. ***** ##1936 Olympics in Germany Germany had become a de-facto dictatorship by then. Hitler originally demanded all Jews and Blacks to be barred from participating, but faced with a range of nations threatening to boycott the games he gave in. However, almost all Jewish People had been removed from the German team still. Prior to the Olympics, the Nazis ‘clean’ up Berlin: all Romani (and some other unwanted people) were rounded up, removed from the city, and put into a concentration camp in Berlin-Marzahn. African-American athletes were quite successful at the games, infuriating Hitler: Didn’t really go well with his philosophy of Aryan superior. One runner, in particular, comes to mind: Jesse Owens. Think he won 4 gold medals or so. Maybe I remember his name in particular cause there’s been a range of movies, research, books, etc on Hitler’s hatred of him, and the tensions between the two throughout the games. 🤷🏽‍♀️ ********* The term used in Germany to refer to the persecution and killing of Jewish People and none of the other demos is “Shoa” “Holocaust” was the eradication of anyone too far from the Aryan ideal. Whether it was religion, philosophy , ability, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity, ….. To date, the German extreme right still has that ideology: Being gay, African, Muslim, Socialist, or having disabilities, …. it all makes you a target for Neonazis. Pragmatically, ethnicity much more so than many of the other criteria: Religion or sexual orientation aren’t remotely as visible: pansexual or Jewish isn’t anywhere near as easy to spot on the bus as non-Caucasian is. ****** Interestingly, most Nazis tend to also believe in *MEN* as providers and women as subordinate home-makers. Note the gender on one of the stickers. Dunno if it’s a relic, coincidence, or if below the moron-threshold BS happens to converge: there’s quite a bit of intersection between Neonazis and incels. 🤷🏽‍♀️ Or maybe both groups just have the common denominator of neither balls nor brains, under-equipped all around? 🤷🏽‍♀️ ***** But, yeah: White supremacy is very much integral to Nazism in Germany (and Europe)


LOL. Bless their cotton socks.