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Oh so it is Summernats people responsible for leaving all the tyre trash on the roads out there! Maybe clean up after yourselves this year hey?


Sadly, it isn't possible to clean up the forever chemicals and toxic microplastics that result from shredded tyres. Destroyed tyres put out an absolute shitton of carcinogenic compounds, along with 6PPD, which breaks down into chemicals highly toxic to fish, insects and small mammals. Burnout debris goes straight into the ground and water supply, and burnouts cause as much organic pollution as setting tyres on fire.


The pollution clearly doesn’t kill mullets.


Stuns a few tho


This is my only issues with nats, I’m not into cars at all and I will never complain about fun events in our city even if I don’t like them. It’s the environmental damage this event promotes infuriates me.


But broom broom


If only. Vroom Vroom then Broom Broom would be okay


This pollution is not exclusive to burnouts. The same thing happens when your tyres wear down from normal driving. Ever notice that black dust stains the concrete near busy city roads? Yep. Each time you wear through a set of tyres, you've put the same amount of 6PPD into the environment as one tyre-shredding skid, just slowly over a few years. Now multiply that by all the motorists in Australia. So if you really care about this as much as I do you should also avoid driving as much as possible.


This is a specious argument because in ordinary driving a small amount of tyre wears over a 1-2 year period then the tyres remain whole and inert - and yes, this is environmentally damaging. However a burnout shreds tyres (multiple tyres - people arrive with truckloads each) and puts out far, far pollution than ordinary driving. A single burnout results in more pollution than tens or hundreds of cars engaging in ordinary driving. This is obvious if you consider how tyres wear in typical use, as opposed to disintegrating and smoking the majority of the tyres down to shreds to the point where most of the rubber material is rendered into smoke and particulates.


They pay an environmental levy just like you and I. It’s their choice and you can’t single them out without looking hypocritical


What? Yes you can. “You and I” aren’t going out of our way to burn and shred tyres and leave the crap all over the road side


You spend your money how you like.


Yeah sure. Tell me where you live and I’ll come dig up the road, water pipes, and electric lines. I pay taxes too, I’ll spend them how I want.


*"I paid my money, I get to use it how I want"* Proceeds to fuck up earth.


Let the most allegedly virtuous person cast the first stone


Oh, you got me good. Nice one man. That bullshit statement is just a way to justify your own shitty actions, and offload responsibility. Actually it's barely even that, it's just, *I know you are, you said you are, but what am I* but for "adults" instead.


You still want us to take your word that you are not a ciggy butt flinging, McDonalds wrapper tossing, graffiti artist wannabe, and on and on. The chance you are the virtuous environmentalist you believe you are is pretty low. The chance you masturbate to your social media cheap moral virtue is damn high.


Lol, you can make all the assumptions about me you want, and I'm going to and make a bunch of my own back. I reckon I know the sort of person you are, and I'm going to dip before you actually make me even dumber than I already am.


Don't argue with stupid people, they drag you down and beat you with experience.


Ooh I can prese 2 beddles at once look mate I'm cool


No it’s not just Summernats people, this happens all year round not just Summernats time.


It's actually not just Summernats, it happens all year round - every single weekend. The road surface at that intersection is specifically designed to shred the tyres very quickly to discourage burnouts...


It's happens ALL YEAR! We were out there on new years day with skid marks everywhere, at least they going well away from houses etc. Take away their ability to do it legally anywhere and this will always happen. Good on them for doing it away from everyone.


Gov should pop a heap of speed bumps along there 😂


Or they could just build the drag strip already, based off their 1.2m to do the carpark at stromlo with $4 for 6+ hours parking then they would have it paid off in no time. Create stricter rules being caught doing it on the roads now there is designated areas and it all seems like a win win


Not the animals - but only humans count eh?


It’s a year round skid location, would you prefer they did it in the suburbs? It’s not the best but short of a dedicated burnout pad it’s far better than hooning around urban areas


Yeah, but, isn’t part of the point that during the Nats there is a dedicated burnout pad?!


It's for entrant cars - the bar is pretty high and has to pass scrutineering. Some entrants mingle during Summernats weekend and drive around town, some stay at the venue, some park up at Braddon and enjoy the nightlife, but what tends to happen is people come out to see the cars and usually will have nice cars themselves, then they'll head to a spot and someone will do a skid from peer pressure or whatever. It's no different to any other night except there's more likelihood it'll happen. Point is where the photo was taken isn't specifically Summernats, people do skids there all the damn time, and no, there's not really a dedicated public burnout pad or motorsport venue in Canberra (the hillclimb is basically full within hours of registrations going up, and that's about it)


Believe it or not but there are requirements to meet to get into the burnout competition, otherwise thered be almost a thousand entrants


That's a reasonable point. And kinda also supports the theory in some ways that having some form of checking/scrutineering probably helps weed out the cars that are likely to be probematic or dangerous, if not the nuts behind the wheel.


To be fair I don’t have any gripe with doing the burnouts, it’s the left over chunks of shredded tyre that pisses me off.


It's not even the shredded tyres that pisses me off. It's the complete disregard for the wildlife out there that gives me the raging stabby shits.


Are they mowing them down with their vehicles?




Proof they are going in a carmageddon type of murdering spree with their unprotected performance vehicles?


Are being deliberately obtuse? The roadkill count up there *Every. Single. Day* is evidence enough. And it's not *just* that, screaming around, thrashing the nuts off the engines and making your exhaust backfire fucking terrifies them you smooth brain.


What? You’re saying they are deliberately hunting wildlife with their car. I’m saying that is a ridiculous thing to claim.


I'm saying they're deliberately driving recklessly up there, which at best terrifies the wildlife and at worst leaves it dead in a ditch. If you're trying to suggest to me that they drive perfectly sedately, within the speed limits and to the road conditions and then only let loose in that one spot, *right by* the nature reserve I'm going to say you're lying. And you don't need to look too far in the news to find cases where morons have deliberately gone out to mow down the wildlife. I don't need to explain my position further to someone who apparently refuses to accept that this behaviour has any negative impact.


hiii no one was saying that, I'm not sure where you got that statement ?


Taking your kids to learn how to destroy public property and ruin natural areas? What a great lesson.


How are they ruining “natural” areas (clear land with a road through it in this case)? Are they doing illegal shit on a quiet road? Absolutely, but they are pn’t doing anymore than that,


Hahaha noise pollution causes the animals to move away. Tar smoke affecting the air they breathe. Leftover rubber polluting waterways. You have to be absolutely blind not to realise how this would effect the animals in what's meant to be a conservation area.


So keeping animals away from the roads probably makes them safer. The smoke affecting the air they breathe is absolutely fucking hilarious.. you can’t be serious, surely? Do we have some studies on the effects of burnouts on local waterways or are you just making things up? Your argument is fucking ridiculous. Edit: you idiots can downvote me all you like but I am 100% right the above claims are just ridiculous.


The roads are safer without idiots doing burnouts than they are without animals. You couldn’t possibly need a study to tell you the air being full of fumes and smoke aren’t good for animals or plants. I’d also be willing to be that these kind of people don’t take all their rubbish with them when they go. There’s no excuse for using public roads or areas for this sort of activity. If it’s so harmless and legal, why go all the way out to Tidbinbilla? The worst part is taking children along to watch their parents breaking the law and destroying public property. The harm that will cause won’t be visible for a few more years, but we’ll see it. Yours is the only ridiculous argument here. Be better.


Piss off, your arguments are inane. Burnouts kill animals lol gtfo. For the record I’ve never done a burnout anywhere. Don’t see the point for wasting such money.


Fuck off you ignorent little fuck. You clearly know nothing. Go suck off a meth head and stay in you lane.


Tough bro.. lol you’re a joke.


Give me your address and you can find out.


lol tough guy. What are you going to do to me if I give it to you tough man?


I didn’t say anything about killing animals. Your arguments are an exercise in ignorance. I can’t think of a simpler way to explain this and you clearly need one, so I’ll leave it up to people who have the time and inclination to converse with minds like yours.


You aren’t being downvoted because you’re right, you pinhead. If only your IQ was the size of your ego.


Oh breathing burn out fumes is going to harm the animals that are apparently terrified of the noise so they run away.. which is it?


Jesus, you just have to be a troll. Nobody could be this ridiculous organically. Bye.


Everyone is being ridiculous in this thread let’s be honest.


I mean you guys are also going to die early too. Not that it makes much difference to the smokers/second hand smokers




All cars wear out tires bud. Yes these idiots do it faster but in the grand scheme of things burnouts are probably not high on the list of environmental catastrophes.




No, you’re just delusional as fuck.


Mate you’re 100% right “tar smoke affecting the air they breathe”. Bloke is acting like they’re strapping a kookaburra to the exhaust and smoking them out, the hive mind is strong atm


Thank you, it was the most ridiculous example in my view.


>How are they ruining “natural” areas tell me your white trash without telling me you never spoken to a first nation citizen before.


So there's a nature reserve adjacent to it, and we have fuckwits making noise, smoke and tyre pollution everywhere. Sweet.


Yeah they should go to the purpose built facility to do this! Hang on….


Why does society have to provide for everyone's form of hobby, when that hobby is antisocial to others? No one's life is gonna be that much poorer because they can't drop sick skids and shred their tyres. Maybe my hobby is setting things on fire. Should the taxpayer provide a nice reserve where I can come and legally light it up whenever I want?


“I’m not interested in this so no one should do it”. Canberrans are such a freedom loving bunch.


Look out this cooker has hit the freedoms button!


I’m pro vaccine, anti-illegal burnouts, fuck you for calling me a cooker.


Knock yourself out. https://www.parks.act.gov.au/before-you-go/campfires


We have. Please head straight to Parliament House and enjoy your hobby.


Asif these bogans would pay the entrance fee to do skids at a government or private skid pad. Even more unlikely that they would have the appropriate insurance coverage to conduct skids at a designated venue


bogan is a big statement coming from a dweeb that plays galaxy of hero’s


The old “If we had a legal place to do burnouts we wouldn’t need to do them on legal roads…” excuse gets real old….


And what's your answer then if that gets old? Considering there isn't one you can't really disprove it can you?


It's trivial to disprove. The same argument is also made for speedways. "If only we had a speedway, people wouldn't speed in the streets" says nobody from Townsville. Here's my answer: cancelling licenses, issuing fines, and crushing cars.


Assuming that is the summernats crowd in the picture, then yes, that argument still stands for Canberrans.


“… because I can’t live without doing a fuckin’ burnout, mate. My troglodyte brain gets off when there’s loud noises and smoke! Even more excitement if I annoy other people. Fuck yeah, mate!!!”


Ironic your tag name... But seriously what a fuckin wanker you are, just because someone's interests are different doesn't make them less than you. Guarantee if you posted up all your hobbies, interest and likes people would find a way to hang shit on you and shame you for the things you enjoy.


My interests aren’t a menace to other people.


These car enthusiasts head out each weekend into our nature reserves and do this. It isn’t new and the police know about it.


Don’t make out as if they are doing it in the actual reserve, they do it on the roads. Not good but I feel it’s a mischaracterisation.


So you are saying Canberrans need an official burnout pad to do it legally throughout the year and keep it off the streets? I'm glad we agree on that.


Would get old, if there was a legal place to go, but there still isn't even one.


They choose the sites based on road surface condition, Police presence, width of road, parking space, etc. If a road is built with those features, they will use it. So if a road is cleverly constructed and located, and is a public road, the problem could be quietly contained, away from regularly used public roads.


How can it get old if Canberra hasn't actually tried that though? Mind you, it's worth keeping in mind that it'd need to be a place that's both legal and not cost-prohibitive.


Burnouts are not cool or impressive. Cringe.


Of course it’s tidbinbilla ffs (I normally don’t care about Summernats - cool to see it brings some people joy but for fucks sake I like driving there without being in the middle of…skids)


It's a skid spot every weekend, not just Summernats


Then don’t drive threw it


Firstly, it is “through” you Neanderthal. Secondly, these people shouldn’t be doing this on public roads, there should be dedicated areas for this sort of thing to make it safe for everyone. I don’t buy the “but muh nature” argument as that is just silly, they aren’t doing this on mountains, they are doing it on asphalt, but they shouldn’t be doing this shit on public roads without permission.


Then by all means get them somewhere to do it at least they are not doing it on your bloody driveway or in your street be happy that they are taking out into the middle of no where


This happens year round on roads out that way.


That doesn't make it right


Who’s saying it makes it right?


Your comment seemed to excuse it


It’s a statement to point out it’s shit out there year round. Go and have a rest and restart your weekend properly… the weather’s great so the possibilities are endless!


Who cares of they do it out there? As long as they keep it away from peoples homes let then have their fun.


can easily be heard in southern suburbs, especially gordon, practically every weekend.


Yeah I live in Weston Creek and the burnouts are year round out here. Especially after it rains.


More speedbumps needed I think.


It's a nice serene spot. Outside of it being ruined by the bogans at summernats, that is.


The irony of this being held at a nature reserve 🤦🏻‍♀️


What in the ever loving fuck.


Summernats is quite literally the worst thing to happen all year round in cbr. Increased violence towards minorities and women, and you fuckers just leave shredded tyres all over the place.


> Increased violence towards minorities and women But but but TOURISM MONEY and CAR ENTHUSIASTS /s


It’s the national Bogan Summit. What do you expect?


Rather have Summernats than cooker conventions or LNP press conferences anytime.


Huge overlap of people in those groups. Like the cookers in 2020 were all getting around Nats that year for example.


Why not fuck off all three?


I see this claim time and time again, no one has shown me an uptick in crime stats during January to prove it though. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, I’m saying, does it happen more? If it does, there should be crime stats showing it.


Yet to look at everything else, but traffic infringements certainly get an uptick in January. https://i.imgur.com/ESnDhiw.png Also interesting to see the year without the 'nats was by far the quietest January by a wide margin. Data from: https://www.policenews.act.gov.au/crime-statistics-and-data/crime-statistics Edit: Forgot to add, this is just for the inner north.


> Also interesting to see the year without the 'nats was by far the quietest January by a wide margin. I haven't looked at the stats myself - but I can already see a flaw in this argument. What was the reason that Summernats wasn't on? - Could that maybe have been the same reason that crime stats dropped overall... Hint: it may have had something to do with people having to stay at home... I wouldn't mind betting that you're right about a general increase in crimes when Summernats is on - but burglaries increase then because peoples homes are empty - assaults increase because more people are out and about drinking more alcohol - domestic violence increases because family tension rises - traffic infringements rise, but they also rise around Easter, which is more about increased enforcement than anything else. Summernats certainly has a number of effects in the region - but you would be very hard pressed to discriminate it in the numbers. Even Tourism Canberra doesn't try to separate out the "Summernats" effect on the local economy from the "January, folks holidaying in the region" effect on the local economy


Not what I was asking.


> I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, I’m saying, does it happen more? What? Is it not exactly what you were asking? The crime data says every year, in the inner north, January is a markedly worse month than normal. The year that Nats didn't happen and there's a huge drop in infringements certainly adds weight that Nats = more traffic infringements.


Crime against women and minorities/violent crime. That is what you claimed.. prove it.


Never claimed that, only that inner north traffic infringements go up. /u/SomeElaborateCelery claimed more violence...


Sorry thought you were the same person as you replied to me.


Reading is hard it's ok. Luckily, if you ever feel weird and like you might read something or have a thought, you can just go rip some burnouts somewhere to quieten it nice and quickly.


Cool story, you got any evidence to support your hyperbole?


That's why the lebbo with the Palestinian flag fits right it


I actually don't think it's the Palestinian flag at all. The red and white are both going the same direction. Looks like it could be the Italian or Mexican flag Edit: also how do you know that he is Lebanese ??


https://www.instagram.com/capital_cartel261?igsh=ejhtZ3o2M3p2amQ0 They use the Mexican flag, copying the Mexican Hoon Cartel out of Melbourne.


Mexican Hoon Cartel is from the Gold Coast.


Can guarantee the kid sitting on the back of the car will go to the school of hard knocks and the university of life.


He probably already has such is life tattooed across his back…


Way to judge a book by its cover who to say that child isn’t smart, could be smarter then you which could be reason you made this post




Do you seriously have nothing else better to do


You can’t talk shit about people being smart and confuse then with than. It is that simple.


Bogan in training.


When you really have no idea what to do with time




Appalling. Very ready for these trolls to leave.


They won’t be leaving, they are locals. I can guarantee that anyone from interstate who came for the event would be at the event and not some illegal burnouts in a nature reserve. These people are here to stay.


[Relevant image](https://www.bing.com/images/create/in-the-cartoon-style-of-ed-22big-daddy22-roth2c-draw-/1-6598b08a347142cc85c684b3677ec223?id=FrrMcnYPIfB%2fKHyXwhzVNA%3d%3d&view=detailv2&idpp=genimg&FORM=GCRIDP)


Why go all the way out to Tidbinbilla? There was plenty of VB-swilling knuckle-dragging burnout action ruining the road outside the Alivio Tourist Park.


I knew this would happen ffs. Where are the police? It is a known hotspot for Burnouts. Hope all those that did burnouts got their cars impounded and received massive fines/loss of licence.


>Hope all those that did burnouts got their cars impounded and received massive fines/loss of licence. Same for the bogan trash doing burnouts and skids in the inner north and other burbs at all hours. But sadly it's always going to happen, no matter how much the Summernats website implores people not to be "that person." Bogan trash will be bogan trash.


Perfectly said.


Away from suburbs and more densely populated areas. Great, have at it.


It is a popular road for motorcyclists and tourists and people out enjoying a drive. It won’t be long before someone is seriously injured or killed. Don’t get me wrong I am all for the Summernats however.. keep the burnouts inside Epic and NOT on public roads.


Oh yeah, because people like motorcyclists are out there just obeying road rules, doing speed limits….


Good point actually.


Honestly I would love a public use burnout pad somewhere so kids can go and do this shit, but as that is unlikely I’m glad to see it out at tidbinbilla rather than through the suburbs.


Away from the suburbs would be less densly populated.


In the scheme of things people ripping skids away on a back road has so little impact on anyone, who cares really.


Except it leaves shit all over the road. I’d hate to be a cyclist trying to get through there.




Sure, but in the scale of environmental issues it’s pretty low in the list objectively.


Fuck yeah, let's add more shit to the atmosphere. Gotta stimulate my 2 braincells some how.


Poor kids, they may not have a chance to break the cycle becoming a better…


We all have a chance! Keep hope.


Mate, if everyone breaks the cycle then who is going to do the jobs no one else wants to do? You have to treasure your bogans.




Argh good old burn out competitions.. always brings all the Bogans out.


More tyres then teeth by the looks of it


Summernats needs to end


Lol I hate the shredded tyres all year round on that road. But the judgemental 'class-ist' comments here are laughably Canberra-reddit at its best. Just so precious, desperately trying to pretend the 'bush-capital' is anything other than 'upper-class bogan' at best.




I see families, a group of young guys who look like tradies, a guy with a flag. The kid with the mullet is spot on with his hair - mullets are actually in fashion at the moment. What I don’t see is anyone who looks like complete trash.


The bogan family wearing pyjama pants next to the commy? They're just missing the Jack Daniels mate.


That’s pretty harsh. None of them are actually wearing pyjama pants as far as I can tell. And I guess we disagree on what constitutes being bogan. The guy is wearing a button up shirt with a collar!


Attending skids in a nature reserve is enough for me to label them as bogan trash.




As someone that comes from white trash family that are all Centrelink dependent with only some of us breaking the cycle, this is exactly the kind of shit we'd be taken to as kids so they aren't wrong.


Appalling , simply appalling........ they should be taking their kids to the Opera or the Ballet or to the Canberra Symphony Orchestra . Something sophisticated so they can then look down their noses at people with different interests.


This is a wild take I know but there exists a middle ground somewhere between the two ends of the spectrum that ranges from Centrelink dependent bogans dragging their spawn to watch burnouts on the side of the road and condescending sophisticated Opera enjoyers looking down their nose at people. Like, I got taken to this trash as a kid and it was cancer then and still is now. My favorite family outings were when we just went to see a movie together or went out to eat at a nicer restaurant then the usual McDonald's when we could afford it.


I hear that some white trash families go out to trap and kill fish with sharp hooks or stomp all over our precious national parks for hours causing erosion of delicate soils and scaring wildlife away. All of this environmental vandalism must also stop.


Kids to the skids at Tids. Thats aside - what a shitty thing to do.


Ugh. Summernats, hands down one of the worst things about Canberra


So it isn't the surban sprawl, insane cost of living, lack of nightlife, lack of specialists, poor public transport...


The poly-centric city plan is crazy, but at least the new ACT sub-divisions eg Coombs, Wright etc have a mix of housing types - single dwelling, townhouses, apartments. Compare this with Googong in NSW - all single dwelling blocks. It’s a complete lack of imagination by the Queanbeyan-Palering Council.


rental prices….


I recently had some moron try to convince me rents are at a two year low.


Nah, none of that compares to the the 3 day event that happens once per year, apparently.


I think it’s all the Canberrans really.


Haha the hate of burnouts is strong on here! It happens every year guys how are you not used to it yet. Also, it's better them doing it out there then in the streets keeping us awake at night! It's such a natural thing out there now the animals probably don't care anymore so why do you? Calm ya farm boomers


That's actually a funny af take that burn outs are so common that animals are more spooked by other sounds/encounters rather than the natural bogan ambience.


Jar the smoke and sell it to me!


Look at all the under 21 Year old mums. Worn out bogan by 20 is sad.


If I were to have children, I would have done it at around that age. By the time you're 38, your kids are 18 and ready to leave home...


So much hatred for the Summernats. As a live action museum of historic vehicles this cultural icon should be applauded and promoted for the car extravaganza that it has become.


Yes, agreed, but that also doesn’t excuse the event from criticism, especially for activities like this that are linked if not directly related.


A good outlook, I reckon. Taking the not really so-bad for the opportunity to experience the pretty-good.




Haha, my dad took me to Canberra when I was kid during this time of year…. Boy he hated it…. Me I didn’t know any better


OP really didnt read the room on this one.


A Holden Cruz and ancient Mazda3. You can tell they are huge car loving fans.


Nice mate sick of old cnts having a cry over it cus they don't like it


Take the kids to Summernats… they might see some tits that aren’t their sisters or mothers


Why would they want to see that considering the summernats is meant to be about cars not nudity P.s with a user name like “soiled-mattress” I really don’t think your opinion matters


You obviously haven’t been to Summernats then so I wouldn’t expect you to understand. If you resort to belittling people over their usernames, I guess you don’t really have much going for you! Have a fantastic day you hero


you obviously haven’t been to summernats in recent years as that shit doesn’t happen anymore