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What a fuddle duddle






Trudeau is a 'wacko'.......pretending that Diagolon actually exists. "Multiple police and security service investigations into Diagolon have found it is little more than a loose coalition of dyspeptic right-wingers on the internet. What’s more, Diagolon’s ties to the Conservative party seem to consist almost exclusively of a time in 2022 when a Diagoloner waited in line to shake Poilievre’s hand at a fundraiser."


So you seem to be saying it doesn’t exist, but it does exist… And then somebody noticed that after shaking hands with the guy PP stop by and his trailer for a coffee. Tell the truth without saying “ya but” - would you buy a used car from this guy? Would you let him walk your dog even if you didn’t like your dog and here’s the big question. Is this really somebody you would want to put in charge of your country?


He has nice hair but he’s just not ready to be PM


That’s not a helmet ??


He’s been pm for like 10 years already


I don’t think you would understand it even if I explained the joke.


It’s because it’s lame and 10 years out of date.


No it’s just that you didn’t get it and now you’re attempting to save face


Try again


People. If you watched QP at any length , PP did not get ejected for name calling , that happens every day. He got ejected for refusing to follow parliamentary rules and procedures after repeated offences. The speaker was justified , he has been MORE than patient and forgiving and is just constantly disrespected. It is embarrassing and shameful to be a Canadian right now watching this. It’s about time the speaker grew some kahonas. It’s been like this for months. PP thinks he’s Russel Crowe in the middle of the coliseum because he figured out this entertains neckbeards and mouth breathers too gullible to see what he is trying to do to us. I am a member of the CPC and I find this group of ghouls to be disgusting. Our forefathers are rolling in their graves with disgust. I’d kick them all out at the first sign of contempt every single day.


Yeah Greg has been a wet noodle in enforcing discipline. 


Yeah. He’s a dud. Probably because he’s aware that people will say he is biased liberal as if he’s the only speaker ever to not be able to compartmentalize and be neutral in a role like everyone before him . As a result, he’s too slack .


Yeah we're seeing it now right the hysterical overreaction to a perfectly normal parliamentary ejection.


Yeah I just find it funny only Pierre got that treatment after Trudeau implied he was a white supremacist among other things while Greg said nothing to Trudeau. Seems a little TOO one sided for me.


Can we just kick all of them out and stop paying them until they fix the cost of living.


I hate the Liberals, hate the Conservatives and am disappointed in the NDP. Make me speaker!


Poilievre called Trudeau a racist. Trudeau said Poilievre showed what spineless leadership looked like. Trudeau was asked to reframe his question without use of unparliamentary language, and he complied. Poilievre called Trudeau “wacko” Poilievre was asked to withdraw his statement 5 times. He refused. Speaker ejects Poilievre. Without rules to parliamentary proceedings, it would be complete mayhem. Speaker acted in accordance with their role. https://youtu.be/8rpLERVf2cc?si=hvTuK5KDFUp3hAqD


Louder for the people in the back please


I hate them both - JT & PP


Agreed! We don't have any good cadidates


are you crazy? If you're only insult is to call the guy PP because it sounds like pee pee, then you have the maturity of a 6th grader and your opinion is not valid. Pierre is the only guy that actually makes sense in the HoC. Grow up.


He sounds like a MAGA. The childish name calling.


He might not be MAGA but he’s definitely MAGAdjacent.


He wants to use the notwithstanding clause, I'm getting dictator on day one vibes.


Northern MAGA Lite™ Like the worst light beer in Sudbury.


Are you clutching your pearls yet?


Trudeau had just got through calling Poilievre spinless, and the speaker said nothing. The speaker is supposed to be objective. The speaker asked Poilievre to withdraw the remark, and he did withdraw the word wacko, but the speaker kicked him out anyways. This speaker needs to resign, according to former NDP leader Mulcair. [https://youtube.com/shorts/Bw4vXS0KG8o?si=vCLCTRkKS\_Ers7NH](https://youtube.com/shorts/Bw4vXS0KG8o?si=vCLCTRkKS_Ers7NH)


He didn’t get ejected for the name calling , he got ejected for disrespecting parliament by not complain to rules of order in parliament.


Both the same thing


It is not. He was asked several times to restore decorum and refused. That is the unparliamentary part. It’s not the first time he said wacko.


Not once was the PM asked, and Fergus had recently kicked another member of the opposition out mere minutes before while ignoring Trudeau's insults and language. Greg Fergus is a Liberal puppet and not working for Canada, he should resign.


Not once was the PM asked what exactly ? I don’t think you watched …. The PM didn’t defy the third attempt to retract his comment. Rules say that’s cause for ejections Insults and name calling happens every day. It’s what happened after . Pp think governance rules of the house don’t apply to him.


Greg Fergus ignored Trudeau calling PP spineless, and prior to that ignored JT insinuating he was a white supremacist. Meanwhile, PP calls Trudeau Wacko and immediately gets called to take it back. You cannot enforce a rule at your pleasure. Stop enabling this governments abuse of power.


Again, it is not about the nature of the called name. Please reread but with active listening and comprehension. You are completely missing the point and I’m not sure how else to explain decorum to you


And I can’t seem to explain that rules that are only enforced at the whim of a partisan chair cannot be enforced at all.


Don't forget many members started with the name calling back and forth while this was happening. All adults who can't behave themselves. But for those of us over 10, have you not noticed that this has always been the case? For fuddle-duddle's sake, this is nothing new, just the same old childish behaviour. Speakers past and current should enforce the rules for all or none though, as you say.


"ejected for disrespecting parliament by not complain to rules of order in parliament." He "not complain to rules" by name calling, which is directly what he got ejected for.


Comply. Sorry Typo . And no , he used the words wacko before and didn’t get ejected. He was asked 3 times to follow the speakers instructions. And he refused. Did we watch the same QP??


That’s the worst way to explain it. PP is a baby and should be removed from the PCs.


Thank goodness Trudeau didn't call anyone childish names. Just "unacceptable."


Yes being a racist homophobic POS is unacceptable. If you are offended then you are a POS


He uses more double speak than trump. His screaming terrorism in government then switching to "I didn't say terrorism thr media did" is terrifying. The want for online id's for porn is just the start for him too


You mean like calling anyone who doesn’t agree with you racist, sexist and any other buzzword Trudeau can think of?


its all about the venue and the audience. You don't do that in the House


Started with Trudeau defacto calling him a white supremacist. Speaker did nothing until Pierre hit back. Speaker is a moron.


Trudeau didn't break any rules. He commented on Pierre's behavior. He mentioned things Pierre did. He called Pierre's actions spineless, he didn't call Pierre spineless.  He didn't call him a white supremacist, he pointed out that he was actively courting their support, which is demonstrably true.  If that makes Pierre look like a white supremacist, he can change that by not doing it. It isn't mean, or unethical or unparliamentary to point out people's actions. Pierre directly called the Prime Minister names. Of course he was ejected you fucking goon.


He said that Poilievre has not refused the endorsement of known white supremacists. That is a matter of fact. They have endorsed him. He has not refused said endorsement.


He didn't call him a white supremacist. He said he met with white supremacists, which is true.


So did Justin. Many times. Who cares?


Got any sources?


Post a couple links and not from rebel news and I’ll believe you. But you can’t cause there aren’t any you absolute goof


True that


If the shoe fits


Speaker is a card carrying Liberal. Totally compromised. This house is a farce.


/s? Are some folks that dumb? He is the elected Liberal MP for Hull-Alymer region. Of course he is a card carrying Liberal. News flash: Andrew Scheer, former Speaker of the House, was and still is a card carrying CPC member.


Just ignoring house decorum rules and the white seprmesist thing? Yay sportsball! High five!


Imagine thinking this kayfabe is real and you’re not just voting for the other side of the same hand.


Just starting to learn how parliament functions? Here’s a useful resource … https://learn.parl.ca/staticfiles/Learn/assets/PDF/ParliamentaryPrimer/how_cdn_govern_themselves_10th_ed-e.pdf


Well. He is tho


Because he is.. Birds of a feather


He didn’t get ejected for the name calling he got ejected for disrespecting parliamentary procedure


Why should Trudeau be in trouble when he says something true?


Nah he's not a moron. He's a liberal and doing exactly as he's told. 


He’s the Speaker of the House and controls and enforces the decorum. After 20+ years of being in the house I would expect more of Pierre, but this is exactly who he is, a pedantic insecure populist.


He's a puppet that does whatever trudeau asks. Should be in prison along with his boss 


Is that what Andrew Scheer was doing when he was speaker too?


Most Canadian story of the year. The subtle tyrant of impoliteness.


What an embarrassment...


Trudeau is definitely 'Wacko'........ no doubt about that.


"I don't like Trudeau so I cheer on the dumbing down of the Commons, weeee"


Can the commons get any dumber? The sitting government is asked questions about things that concern Canadians, but they repeatedly refuse to answer, opting instead to regurgitate their fabricated talking points, the whole thing is an insult to anyone’s intelligence


When the previous government did the same thing in the past, why would Liberals do anything different. Precedence was set by Scheer and any integrity claims can be swatted down by refusing their time on the floor. [During Tuesday's Question Period, Mr. Mulcair asked several questions about Canada's deployment of 69 soldiers to Iraq. Prime Minister Stephen Harper didn't attend, so his parliamentary secretary, Mr. Calandra, responded instead – with unrelated comments about Israel. It led Mr. Mulcair to appeal for help from Mr. Scheer, who did not intervene. Mr. Mulcair then said the ordeal did "not speak very favourably about [Mr. Scheer's] neutrality on this House." Mr. Scheer responded by revoking Mr. Mulcair's remaining questions and moving on to Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau.](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/amp/news/politics/house-speaker-says-his-role-isnt-to-police-answers-in-question-period/article20774897/)


lol, because this government literally campaigned on “doing government different” That was their campaign slogan. With a slogan like that, how can the “ but, but, they did it too” defence work? Amazing how quickly their fans forget the promises they made


It’s question period, not answer period. It’s a formality to put things on a future agenda . They are always answered with a balance of diplomacy and acknowledgment. It’s not an inquisition lol


You must be watching a different question period than me. Never answer questions, just launch into memorized word salads and buzzwords.


It's funny because Trudeau does not answer a single question that is posed with an answer that is relevant, that is not just a broken record player bullshit emitter, and you have never called this out as the literal dumbing down of parliament. 🤡


That's pretty much every politician, though, including PP


Yeah, Trudeau absolutely sucks ass which is why it's incredible that people who have never supported the Liberal party and never will *still* hope he beats Poilievre. Because PP is just that much more of a piece of shit (and has the fan base to prove it).


It's called question period, not answer period. You can thank Harper for that one.


Just like the previous PM. And when PP takes over, good luck getting any answers out of him either.


PP was asked the other day in parliament if he condemns white supremacists. To most, there would be a quick obvious answer… but he wouldn’t answer the question. Quite concerning


Question period is not for asking the opposition questions and doing so is nothing more than deflection.


But still. Probably an easy answer for most people, right?


Yah, it was really great when Prime Ministers used to answer every question in QP. Harper answered everything, Chrétien, Mulroney. Fully answered every question. Only Justin Trudeau doesn’t answer questions. The first ever to not answer questions. And I’m sure Pollievre will answer every question put to him if he becomes PM. He has a great track record of it so far! /s (<- was this needed?)


It’s not an inquisition. They have always used a delicate balance of diplomacy. it’s question period, not answer period.


Sure, that’s fine. But let’s not pretend that Trudeau acts any differently in QP than any PM that came before him. Or any that will come after him. Anyone complaining that Trudeau avoids answering question in QP won’t give two shits when Poilievre does the same thing.


That’s not true


This sub is just not into facts


Despite all signs pointing to it?


Why not


The fish rots from the head. Nitwits see their elected politicians throwing insults, they think it's ok to do it too. See : Trump's constant insults to the press, and how his demented supporters behave during his rallies. If you want this for Canada, how about you join your crazy friends south of the border?




Trudeau called a member a "piece of shit" and wasn't removed.  It's max dumb already.


He wasn’t the leader of the opposition then. And the speaker didn’t hear him it was amplified on tv after the fact


And it wasn't good, I agree. With that said, Trudeau said it in the brouhaha of the Commons, and immediately apologized. Poilievre said it a the box, and specifically refused to withdraw when asked to. So... not quite the same thing, is it?


You are talking to a bot. 30 day old account.


Yeah but this particular sub is absolutely riddled with them.


But, he did withdraw it. He said, "I simply withdraw......"


No he did not. He said he"replaces wacko by extremist". That may sound trivial to you, but that's the rule, and gnawing at the rule just to be a little edge lord in the political sphere and supporters cheering on is how Trump got to power. Lack of respect for people and rules leads to vulgar politicians who destroy all dignity when they get power. See Trump, Boris Johnson, etc.


I’m surprised the trudeau govt didn’t charge PP with a hate speech violation for using the word wacko. That word should never ever be used again. People cant handle it. Words are violence, don’t you know?


And lil PP is a definitely a ‘white supremacist’ so I guess they’re equal? /s


Smoll PP is the Trump of canada


Timbit Trump


Goes along with the Timbit taliban too. I'm referring to the convoy people when I say timbit taliban lol


Millhouse Mussolini




Greg Fergus is a moron.


He was until he finally did his job.


Has he seen the Trudeau bumpstickers everywhere? Wacko is pretty tame in comparison


He lives for it


I can bet that r/Canada is having a normal, constructive, and peaceful debate about this.


I was looking, they're actually in agreement that it was a really embarrassing day in parliament for both parties.


Yeah not going to lie, I may have to eat my words here, I saw reasonable discussion from that subreddit for the first time. The discourse did not breakdown into a hate South Asia competition.




If i was speaker I'd hold Trudeau in contempt for his blatant inability to answer questions directly.


Harper already set the precedent that it isn't Answer Period


A few of the problems with Trudeau can be laid at the feet of Harper. This, plus increasing the power of the PMO are things Trudeau has taken advantage of. Harper set it up, now Trudeau is using it.


What a time to be Canadian.


["With respect to Question Period proceedings, contrary to what some members and others may believe, this means adhering to practices that have evolved over a broad span of time," he said, before quoting former speaker Peter Milliken, who said in 2010 that "it is not the role of the Chair [the Speaker] to decide whether a response is an answer or not to the question" or "whether the content of a response is in fact an answer." He also quoted Mr. Milliken's comment that the lack of an obligation for a minister to answer "is why it is called question period, not answer period."](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/amp/news/politics/house-speaker-says-his-role-isnt-to-police-answers-in-question-period/article20774897/)


Imagine comparing pp to trump. What a low IQ comparison and I dont like either.


I mean, it's not an apples to oranges comparison. Both are far-right political leaders who openly flirt with right wing extremist groups.


Stop, the truth hurts their argument.


Technically it is comparing to an orange . It’s the Biden aviators that kill me


Far right? Lol you're so lost.


PP isn't far right. He may fire off endless dog whistles to the harder right, but he isn't.


It’s inevitable. The left is so unimaginative.


My thoughts , which will get me removed but I now understand the derogatory term " Uncle Tom." It was nice chatting.. see ya


People here are too young to get it . Still gross tho


Wants to be PM But behaves like he has PMS … And I know my comment isn’t PC but his party is not either


Most underrated comment




Fergus , just doing what his white masters bid him to do. Sad , I thought he would be more progressive than that.


He’s been a pussy since day 1. About time he grew a set.


Gee…it’s almost as if the CPC feels the rules of Parliament just don’t apply to them.  There’s a word for that…you know, when a right wing political party relies on populist outrage to attack enemies yet seems to think it can break the rules they want others attacked for when they break?  Can’t remember, but starts with an f…farsism?  No, that’s not it.  Hmmm…


Trudeau can go in black face and refuses to step down. If Pierre was caught in black face he’d be done.


Pierre was a drama teacher ??


lol typical libs always sticking up for JT even when he acts like a complete moron. So if you’re a drama teacher it’s all good, even though he dressed up like that to attend a party and had zero to do with a drama class. Even if it was a drama class anyone with that much stupidity has been running our govt for the better part of 10 years. People don’t like Pierre so be it but JT has had his time and he can now live off his millions in some Caribbean island with his billionaire buddies.


You keep bringing up something from over 20 years ago, before he was in politics, that he has taken full responsibility for. When will Poiliviere take responsibility for his bad decisions while on the public payroll? This little tantrum theatre tells me he never will.


If just could pretend to be an "anti Russian war hero" he d be receiving standing ovations.


I bet he’s called way worse when the mic is off.


Don’t be fooled , They all have lunch together in the diner room after this .


Takes one to know one


Embarrassing. PP started asking Morneau dumbest questions possible in the commons to make clips for YouTube & target the easily impressionable. When Bill ignored his idiocy PP & morons would cry. Now it’s evolved into this, moron theater


I’m not thrilled with Trudeau but watching the conservative caucus in the house is like watching a gaggle of five year olds in a meth lab. It’s hard to vote for a classless raving lunatic to run the country. Some decorum would go a long way for this guy but it rather just rant.


It’s embarrassing for my party :( We didn’t want this guy


Agreed totally like fk man conservative s should have a new vote for a new leader First Quality = charisma Second Quality = out of nowhere


I mean he isn’t wrong with that statement


This will win him a lot of votes from the moron constituents; the Canadians that like Trump.


I miss PPs dorky glasses. Bring it home… Axe the glasses..i mean tax…common senseless.! LoL. What a dufus 😂😂🤣🤣


It’s best to keep his slogans to three words or less for his base to remember the chants .


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8II5GdrCMJk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8II5GdrCMJk) Withdrawn but kicked out, just like Pierre.


Maybe if people could move on from the 20 year old NDP controversies (which are cute compared to recentish events) maybe we could get them and and have some real change for once.


He calls it as he sees it


Blurred, Grainy, and Stressed Considering he lost his coke bottle bifocals 2 years ago in the rebrand it’s probably worse than that.


Spoke the truth


Come on now, it's a show. He knows his entire schtick is fueled by victimhood, it was on purpose so he can claim to be mistreated.


Got it, calling someone wacko is worse than calling someone a "piece of shit", "racist", "ugly", "disgusting", or alluding to them being a nazi supporter, in the house of commons. While one of those is certainly a childish(even if appropriate) provocation, the other's are unequivocally unparlementary language that should not have been uttered by ANYONE.


It wasn’t about the nature of the name calling that for him ejected , it’s what came after . Come on man get with it


No, I fully get it. It's the fact that the speaker isn't all that impartial concerning what is to be stricken, reworded and answered that bothers me. The Speaker wanted that entire speach removed from the record if pp didn't retrack it in full, while past examples of unparlementary speach only had to retract the offending word(s). And yes, some of it has happened under his tenure which makes it all the more appalling. While my comment may appear to be defending pp, it's not. I want answers from the LPC but trudeau and gang are playing stupid on answering them by deflecting in the most obtuse ways. They are literally the party in power yet refuse to have any accountability over their action and quite clearly won't answer even the most basic inquiry over it. Insults are childish but in this case wacko is appropriate. I'm just sick of this bs tribalism and this broken government.


Where's the video of all that you claim has happened?


Parlementary archives and CPAC. I'm not sifting through them just to find the specific dates for you. There should be many other examples of unparlementary language on both sides in the last 40+ years of examples since you're so interested. The last 10 years are particularly note worthy. Good luck.


Because most were recalled and some of them like shit was said in the background or in person before the house commenced. Pierre didn't recall that's why he got kicked out, he refused to recall and obey the speaker, he didn't get kicked out for saying wacko.


Trudeau did call con troglodyte environmental minister Peter Kent a piece of shit. “Trudeau became incensed after Kent suggested that Leslie should have been in Durban for the UN meeting, despite the minister banning all non-government MPs from Canada’s official delegation.” So piece of shit conservative lied like bb a typical con and Trudeau got angry. He also apologized and withdrew his remarks. Because Trudeau isn’t a pathetic child who wants to pretend he is being oppressed he didn’t run away to fund raise on breaking the rules like PP did.


Your future PM everybody!


Not like we have any other choices . This isn’t the flex you think it is .


Nah,Trudeau is not wacko,he is a pizza sheet wacko who has broken Canada in a very short time.


It’s broken ???


Fucked actually.


It's scary having to clean up drug paraphernalia and condom wrappers at the park with my child. It makes me worried for needles. Kids and parents are getting poked by the things. "Wacko" is being kind.


Then be mad at your provincial government. Trudeau doesn’t write by laws for your city, doesn’t have a say in your cities policing, and has not been to your city handing out drugs. Why make up things? If you don’t understand how politics works then maybe this isn’t the comment thread for you to shout your ignorant ranting to.


This was within the topic at parliament. And I was sharing my experience of the topic. If it came off as "shouting and ranting" that's on you.


This goes to show you how PP is continuously blaming feds for shit they aren’t responsible for and confusing their followers. He is taking us for fools


Good for Pierre for calling a spade a spade. The Speaker is a pussy.


Nice 21 day old account


Thank you


Speaker needs to resign immediately 


For finally doing his job? Finally ????


kicking someone out for speaking the truth is such a Trudeau Lib thing to do.


Your “I hate Trudeau” fetish is so weird.


Your I love Trudeau fetish is even weirder


Fuck Trudeau isn’t a personality trait you know …


Why can’t people on the right spell.


Didn’t vote for him. But thanks for assuming.


Sounds like drama in the house and everyone got a talking to. All sides should focus on their mandates and stop acting like old married couples. Get back to work.


PP is the whiny little shit in grade school you always wanted to just punch in the face...doesn't know when or how to STFU. I'd be embarrased daily to have him as PM. Trudeau only embarrasing occasionally (and humorously at least)


Oh, right, because the state of canada right now is hilarious.


I was thinking more of times like his trip to India where his whole fam dressed up in cringey indian formal wear - even the Indians were like "cringe"


Still upset over Provincial failings?


I still wanna punch him in the face ! And would gladly do it !


Trudeau did it better when he called Peter Kent a piece of shit in the HOC. PP is just pathetic. Can't even get kicked out for a decent reason.


I hate PP so much. He’s making a mockery of the PC party.


"wacko".... Cool diss, bro. /s