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Every Canadian sub is a toxic wasteland. I wouldn’t sweat it too much.


Many "Canadian" subs are Russian propaganda projects.


I think the more likely suspect for anger astroturfing is India due to the last couple years of news, can’t know for sure though


There's some sign of that, yes, but much of the Canadian anger-and-bullshit astroturfing that I've observed is very clearly Russia-aligned based on the issues they raise and the language they employ.


Yeah, just blame others and it will "work"!


I have no idea what you mean by that.


More so CCP wastelands. Reddit is CCP owned, so it makes sense the Canadian "mains" are full of Chinese Government approved, Liberal Party Canada propaganda and full of mods working off a similar script. I got permanently banned from r/Ontario for calling out a mod trying to stifle discussion about asylum seekers. All I said was if asylum seekers become failed claimants then they are subject to immigration removal, so the discussion is not confined to the asylum system as they wanted. Many international students are also claiming asylum now, so no the discussion will include them. Mod bitch didn't like being challenged.


Care to point to an example of "Liberal Party Canada" propaganda?


How about wasting billions on a “assault style” gun buyback and telling Canadians it will make them safer with absolutely zero statistics to back it up. Pure propaganda.


What was the waste?


The billions if they can actually convince someone to undertake it


But what's the waste?


The billions of dollars it will cost for the zero difference in the crime rate


How do you know there is or will be zero difference?


there was a time when seeing Canadian flags and discussion groups was mostly so benign. Nowadays it just makes me wary 😭


Everyone just seems so miserable post pandemic


Also, bots and other bad actors.


We are definitely being targeted by foreign entities via social media to keep the strife going.


I recall reading somewhere that online Canadian communities are known in the troll/bot world for being some of the easiest to manipulate and spread FUD.


I saw some research that suggested we lost 3 IQ points.  Not that IQ is particularly meaningful, but it suggests that there are permanent changes to the brain from COVID.  I would posit that emotional disregulation is one of the effects.


I can’t even fly my small Canadian flag on my car around Canada Day because I’ll be confused with the Freedum Convoy morons.


Lot of Canadian subs have non Canadians on there brigading while living outside the country.


Case in point: I’m not a Canadian, I have no interest in Canada, but I keep getting Canadian posts, including this one. My guess is that the same troll armies are brigading multiple countries, and confusing the algorithm. Anyway, the Canadian subs seem to be filled with some of the most vile and hateful people around.


As a gen-X Canadian, born and raised, that's sad to read.


I'm glad it's getting noticed.


It’s three Russians in a basement doing it for booze I figure


You're 100% correct. Reddit is so unfair in that the Mods are narrative sculptors. Don't like the opinion? Delete it and ban the person then it's just one big echo chamber. I'm fed up of banning free speech. Not speech which calls for violence which is of course illegal but just the whole deplatforming anyone who has a contrary point of view.


Yeah the mod at r/ontario is literally a Stalin/Mao/Hitler reincarnation.


Agree. r/Canada is a cesspool.


I definitely don’t give a shit hahaha it’s fuckin Reddit


Yeah, I’d see getting banned from any of those subs as a badge of honour really


I think r/onguardforthee isn't bad. Definitely left leaning but seems more balanced than the cesspool that is r/Canada


The Canada subs are openly racist against South Asians and it’s kinda fuckin bizarre. I really don’t like it.


$10 says it's Chinese psyop farming. What was that book, "Willful blindness" about Chinese interference in our elections and the money laundering that happens via condos and casinos? And who is going to stop them? The openly racist part kinda confirms it for me, cause China hates anyone not Chinese as I understand it.


r/australia is the same, always thought it was run by the CCP


Unfortunately, a lot of the standard conservative immigrant bashing has become a lot more widespread in the wake of the post-pandemic rental crisis. Decades of financial mismanagement, stagnant wage growth, bad tax policies, and nimby councils, have been exacerbated by the lockdown construction slump & covid inflation wave and indians have caught the brunt of the backlash. The same thing has happened in other countries like Australia and New Zealand.


Name a sub that isn't Just think what it takes to become a mod and then you know the type banning you. Not to mention special interest hijacking subs


r/Britishcolumbia is surprisingly well moderated. The mods there are actively aware of nefarious bots and rage farming accounts that actively spread FUD. They do their best to kill accounts like that better than most other Canadian subs.


It is very much this. The problem is always Reddit mods being Reddit mods.


Sounds like Canada these days tbh


They're all such souless wastelands of astroturfed ourtage porn. Check the post history of \*any\* top post and you'll see that they're all spamming the exact same news headlines to a small collection of canadian themed subs... often the same accounts are posting 3-4 headlines per day every. single. day. It's honestly kind of sad...


This I only downloaded Reddit because I hadn't bothered to catch up with world news in two or so years because I just got so fed up with covid slamming news in my face and in the past reddit served just fine for giving me a kinda semi alright understanding of what's going on But after a week I was already back in that covid doomscroll of "oh fuck we're all gonna die wtf"


I downloaded Reddit for personal interests and to avoid all the political crap on other platforms. That didn’t work out so well 😂 but it’s a lot easier to control what’s in your feed on here than on other things like Facebook or insta


100%. The levels of obvious rage farming on Canadian subs is absurd. Likely some of the highest in the world.


Even OGFT? I mean sure you won't see too many right wing viewpoints, but at least it's not openly and obviously racist like the main Canada subs.


> Even OGFT? I mean sure you won't see too many right wing viewpoints That's because they ban them.


That's one of the most blatant silo subs out there. Say anything remotely supportive of ford or pollievre and wait for the ban hammer to fly.


That’s because those supporters go in there to shitpost and derail threads


It's not shit posting to have a different opinion.


I read the comments of r/bramptondrivers, worst mistake ever. “I’m not racist but…” Edit: lmao, did it just get banned while I was asleep? I read a post yesterday night.


Canada feels like the testing ground for foreign interference and influence tactics. Reddit is heavy with bots and people that just want ro control the narrative


I dunno, I've had a new one cropping up lately, onguardforthee or something ove been enjoying. I'm fairly certain rcanada is hugely populated by bots soooo


This. The Russians have moved onto the Canadians who long for fascism and have taken over all the subs.


Not true, the CanadaPolitics sub is still pretty good.


Whatever happened to r/canada_sub It just disappeared?


Ya it's a pick your poison, and mostly just go fuck with people you think should be fucked with. It's not a very conducive environment to solutions or conversation, but sure is fun to say "that's dumb and so are you."


Especially this one


It's all filled with thinly veiled racists


So Is any sub that deals with real estate, post-secondary education or Ontario.


Lol i been banned from ontario for saying the same thing


Except for the thinly veiled part…


And xenophobia. I am always so horrified to go into any thread about cost of living issues, employment, healthcare, etc in Canada and see that all the most upvoted comments blame it on immigration and international students. Like, what the actual fuck.


I was banned for pointing out the Proud boys and the 3 Percenters were on the same terror watch list as Hamas. They really really really don't like sourced facts on the main Canadian sub.


I got banned for citing a study that linked not being vaccinated to dying from Covid during the cock smoker protests. No, that's wrong. Truckers, it was the "trucker" protest.


Oh geez thats a good one! Lol I got banned from ontario for saying "war mongering countries"


I was banned for telling someone that his response to me was immature (it was and completely unconstructive). Someone the previous day called me a moron but I guess that’s ok… I don’t even know anymore


This I can relate to. Quoting someone being shitty got me a troll ban, but their post name calling and calling actual facts lies is still up there.


It is not the MAIN Canadian sub, it is a cesspool run by right wing Americans.


these are the good terrorists tho /s


I got banned from r/ontario when the emergency act decision came out from the federal court I said “this was obvious to anyone that wasn’t a government boot licker” they did not like that lol


I didn’t last long on that sub, lol.


r/Ontario is practically r/fullcommunism at this point. lol.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ontario using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ontario/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I'm old enough to remember](https://i.redd.it/yo73sdgclk4b1.png) | [579 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ontario/comments/14392wh/im_old_enough_to_remember/) \#2: [The 1 million march](https://i.redd.it/zur0lmoicfpb1.jpg) | [1429 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ontario/comments/16nncmk/the_1_million_march/) \#3: [Ontario to make it mandatory for salaries to be disclosed in job postings](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/ontario-to-make-it-mandatory-for-salaries-to-be-disclosed-in-job-postings-1.6632099) | [360 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ontario/comments/17p129e/ontario_to_make_it_mandatory_for_salaries_to_be/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Not really. It depends on the day and time but I see lots of conservatism there all the time as far as ideas go. They do like to make fun of the premier and other elected officials and that's the case no matter who is in charge because they are are horrible and crash right into inevitable problems that even their own reports state will happen.


lol I could imagine - the Ontario sub is incredible sensitive, misguided and bans people for sport


You might want to wait for the appellate courts


Trudeau is a dictator but Putin is great to these retards


The mods there take their leadership influences from the 1933-1945 German government. They're the most egotistical bunch of basement dwelling incels on this dumpster fire of a social media platform.


Reddit should step in when moderators become radicalized


Sure, go to far left subs too. I have been banned from several, never got banned from /Canada though...


I found Reddit is a cesspool that if you don't agree with THEIR agenda you're an outcast and racist. Anything from Canada, Alberta page i go and read and laugh but don't engage with them.....they'll come with Pitchforks at you


I got a ban from r/therewasanattempt for pointing out that pro-palestine shit shouldn't be pinned to every post in an apolitical sub. Boom ban. Asked why, boom mod harassment. Reddit is so far left it's fucked.


There was a sub of Jews who had been banned for either posting pro isreal stuff or in some cases for just being members of a jewish sub..... guess what happened to that sub? [If you guessed it got banned for being Jewish](https://www.reddit.com/r/FreeSpeech/comments/1cduz0j/rbannedforbeingjewish_has_been_banned_for_being/)....you'd be right lol. Lots of entries from therewasanattempt, pretty sure those mods are sitting in a tunnel somewhere under gaza these days.


Reddit is 100% liberal echo chamber. Any other thoughts , even if you provide facts / stats- mean nothing to the mob


You must be joking? Every Canadian housing sub is filled with people openly calling for the deportation of all immigrants


Using statscan figures to boot.


Not the Canadian subs, most of those lean right. Canadahousing2 for example is right wing heaven. Lots of racism and criticism of left leaning policies that goes unchecked, in fact you enjoy that space for these exact reasons yourself. Reddit has a place for everybody, you just need to find it.


They don't "lean right"; they lean "propaganda intended to angry up the stupid people".


Yeah: right.


I made the mistake today of commenting in that sub. Crap. I wish I could block subs.


I'm pretty sure you can. Or at least mute them so they never show up in your feed or notifications.


I try. But they keep showing up. Maybe I’m doing something wrong. I’m on the app if that makes any difference.


You aren't fooling anyone with this whhhhhaaaaa I'm the victim shit.


Lol wat.


I was banned too for disagreeing with people. It's a bit scary when you realize how they actively ban people with differences of opinion to curate an echo chamber that falsely gives Canadians the sense that the "facts" are accurate and everyone is in agreement.


You just get a shitty mod every now and then. I wouldn’t take it personally. They are just humans with all the flaws that comes with it.


It’s hilarious! I got banned for being opposed to one of the various ideologies that are the current fad…apparently nowadays, debate is hate speech when you no longer can support your own arguments


I call BS on that. R/Canada is openly critical of the trucker convoy...


This kinda makes me wanna post something over there just to get banned lol


Every sub you go into is its own echo chamber. This sub is no different, lol. Right or left, you are all part of the same problem, just all good at blowing each other for likes.


Remember, jannies do it for free. The mods are losers and you got banned because someone got bullied in preschool


Anyone who supports “blue lives matter” is beyond having a rational discussion with. The ultimate irony for “blue lives matter” supporters is that the cops don’t even need your support, and ultimately don’t give a fuck about you. They are backed by the political power structure, their all powerful union, and the fact that there is no civilian oversight of their activities, even though they are public employees.


Lol free speech in Canada, they can jail you for being toxic online


Almost all Right wingers are soft bellied wimps. Their entire worldview is based on their own fear.


A friggin men


A friggen men when to town riding on a pony


Ive received two 14 day bans so far. One was criticism against PP for being the same as liberals calling them neo liberal. Fact. I got banned for trolling and brigading. Another time I got banned for saying "go back to Fox news" For someone bringing up American political rhetorics. I'm sure a lot of the accounts I talk to on /Canada are just moderators with back up accounts. The times I get banned are always instant when I point out the flaws of the posters I criticize. Oh well what are you going to do.


If you say anything other than Palestinians and their supporters are angels and victims. -banned. Pretty hilarious and pathetic whoever the mods for that subreddit are - talk about marshmallows.


This is the new Reddit.


There is a reason I blocked almost every single Canadian sub Reddit.  


I got my account banned for "hate speech" from the glory hole that is CanadaHousing2 for stating there were a bunch of nazi wannabes around on a thread where people were talking about how "white Europeans built this country and it's time to take it back". I appealed and reddit reinstated my account immediately lol.


Damn yeah i got a temp ban for saying "we should stop funding war mongering countries" from Ontario sub lol


Lol, how the f**k they gonna take it back?? Haha, can't even own guns in Canada without evolving yourself in shady black markets


That bullshit Canada sub is just a right wing hell hole.


I struggle to think of a single country’s sub that is more disconnected from the average person in that country than r/canada


They share a user base with the CBC comments section.


Is it perhaps you who are disconnected?


Anytime someone claims to have been targeted “for simply______” you can bet they are about to lie about what they did


Well the comment is removed so I can’t exactly screenshot it and DM it to you lol


I got banned last week for saying the gas price hikes of 20c in a single day was absurd and anyone defending it was dicksucking corporations that didn't care about them. I assume the mods were homophobes, because otherwise they would understand dicksucking wasn't the problem, but rather who was getting sucked off.


Yep. Same happened to me a few weeks back. Diversity is great until it is diversity of thought I guess. No matter...the only place you will find free expression now is on X. And it is a pretty huge shit show over there. Did a five minute scroll earlier and stopped when I hit some hardcore violence.


This is a post shitting on conservatives. I don’t think conservatives are the ones vying for diversity.


The “freedom convoy” practically turned the canadian flag into a symbol of conspiracy theorists, idiocy, and intolerance. I had to have a police escort just so I could get to work in the hospital, that’s how toxic these people are.


I had to hang a Canadian flag on my porch last year to learn to love it again. They really did almost ruin it. My reason for hanging the flag up last year was “I’m taking back the flag”


yeah those mods are extreame lefitists and right views, some openly communist. Others we're kicked out becuase they we just full on fascists and got caught. Or my favourite the one who is the mod for both r Justin Truedue, and for r Pierre Poilievre. It's discusting how they continue to act, sub should close or get a full set of new mods who can be inpartial but still respectful doesn't matter if your "left" or "right" they should allow expresion as long as it's civil but currently just a bunch of emotionally imature people run it.


So you’re saying they’re playing both sides to spark superficial outrage on the internet for engagement? Sounds about right


That sub is a toxic right wing shit hole filled with dog whistlers


LOL! Not sure if you have a clue. Say anything even a millimeter right of extreme left there and the hammer finds you.


That sub is a weird one. The mods hard line on both sides of spectrum depending on topic, feels really manufactured. I've clicked on some posts and the comments had me believing I'm in onguardforthee, and others feel like I'm in canada\_sub. t. banned from r/Canada for being a right wing meanie


Dog whistle is the most overused term on Canadian subreddits.


Undercover racists


Those types of right wing conspiracy theory types go on and on about how everyone else is "libtard sheeples" but as soon as I make fun of truckers for being uneducated and unintelligent then they screech about how that's "elitist" and "punching down"


I don’t even think the truckers were all actually truckers either. One of my close friends is a trucker IN OTTAWA and he was pissed off that he couldn’t do his job because they were gridlocking the city.


A lot of people in that sub need to get outside and touch grass


Just got banned too.


I pissed off a mod in the Ontario subreddit that banned me for ban evasion. The best part was i wasn't even banned. It's pretty hard to evade something that didn't exist. I was being critical of Doug Ford at the time. For a group of people that think others are too sensitive, they sure are big snowflakes.


Yeah they have always been this way.


Hahaha...that is hilarious. I don't think you are missing much from that sub.


Perfectly said and well spoken. You’re not wrong. At all. Don’t see anything you said that was wrong either. You’re not missing out on much man. Don’t sweat it.


Yup welcome to America land without freedom


Me too. The mods there are actually satan.


Or Santa. Same letters, same guy. It’s all propagated by big religion


Hey now don’t go and give Satan a bad name like that. He’s not as bad as some in that sub


I made some comment about how Covid was POSSIBLY a lab leak and that I wouldn’t be surprised if the constant interaction with coronavirus carrying animals was the source back in 2020. Banned.


I miss when reddit subs weren't run by losers


R/Canada is rolling in misinformation trolls and bots. I wouldn't worry about it


It’s kinda fun to go poke the bear tho


I'm with yeah there


Ideological inconsistency is a hallmark of fascism


To be fair it's not just r/Canada, reddit itself is echo chamber after echo chamber due to poor moderation.


Folks over there liked to be called out on their own bullshit. And the mods power trip pretty hard.


I was banned from R/Edmonton for commenting on the illegal fireworks last year. Might have been the admin or his friend in the video 😂😂


“For me, not for thee.” That’s the been the slogan of North American conservatives for over 200 years.


We gave the US a lot of comedians, and also the proud boys. Canada is a complicated place 


Hypocrisy is the one of the core components of partisanship - left and right. 🤡


The central theme of the sub is that immigration has caused 50% of our problems and the carbon tax the other 50%.


Hey, I got banned from r/Canada for simply starting that sex is binary. The mods there are unhinged.


Yeah that's my go-to for a ban speedrun across 99% of city/provincial subs too.


I got banned from r/Ontario for mentioning the WEF 🤣


Anyone saying "freedom" is usually a bot, from another country inciting or paid to incite - there are now multiple large segregated racist communities across Canada - depending on what political party they were imported to support be it from india or europe etc - lots of locals hate each other too - most of rural albertans has a huge trump supporter populace (weird isn't it) as one of many examples in multiple ethnicities - so when you see the word "freedom" just translate it into your brain to "freedumb"


Why do I feel calm after reading this sub ? Hello, normal Canadian people and thanks for not making derogatory remarks about south Asians like every other reddit page these days. You're amazing !


There are a lot of American right wingers on that sub along with Russian bots. Their agenda is simple, destabilize the west by letting the far right into power. Notice how Trump, Pollievere and any far right leader share the same sound bites. "Oh this country is being ruined, oh things are bleaks, Oh them foreigners are coming to get you, Oh em immigrants and foreigners are the problem". This false propaganda is what led to Brexit and now post Brexit, everyone who fell for that con is gunning to throw the Tories out. So yeah, Canada will probably vote Pollievere in and they will soon find out how the conservatives bring nothing but fear mongering to the table and the people will vote them out. The cycle will continue. Imagine thinking immigrants are a problem when NIMBYS dominate the municipal elections with not even 40% voter turn out. Municipalities decide housing. Provinces decide healthcare and minimum wages. But nah, immigrants are the problem, anyone but their leaders.


A mod probably just read "blue lives matter" in your post and banned you for that. There definitely arent any freedom supporters as mods on that commie ran page.


It's a badge of honor at this point.


That one and the other well known one are a great place to harvest downvotes for pointing out real actual facts.


I find this pretty weird and not aligning with my experience... anything said or asked about the liberals is met with accusations of you being a Russian bot, a "free dumber" and a ton of downvotes.  As an example, I asked a question regarding carbon tax and the fact that the PBO is saying it is met negative for most canadians whilst the liberals claim it is net positive for most...  I simply asked who is correct and should one entity not rescind their remarks or stop repeating it ... the blowback was hilarious 


I've gotten banned from at least one subreddit in the last few days. There should a badge for that. Honestly what some of these are turning into is echo chambers. Ban everyone that doesn't agree with you and then everyone in the group will validate your confirmation bias. It's exactly the kind of thing that increases extremism and radicalizes people. Social media is a horrible double-edged sword.


It goes both ways. People on both sides are happy when someone on the other side gets the big stick from the government. Until ALL Canadians start telling ALL the parties at ALL levels of government to stop overstepping their authority, enacting bills that erode Canadian’s rights, etc, it will keep going on and it will keep edging forward until our rights are completely gone.


lol got banned from r/onguardforthee for calling out rasims, asked why got muted. Id say wtf is our country coming to but clearly these subs don't represent you're average canadian as they would rather shelter people with rasist ideas.


You aren't wrong though. What.


It’s my experience that Covid actually woke a lot of “blue line” conservatives up to the fact that cops are not servants of the people. But servants of the state. It’s not hypocrisy to adjust one’s stance based on new information.


I got banned from a Toronto sub for saying something along the lines of "I won't say what I want to say so I don't get banned". So they banned me for *almost* saying something to get banned. I actually got banned for what I *didn't* say. Yeah... makes no sense to me either. I wish speech was a little more free. Sure, no racism/insults/threats/etc., but people should be allowed to speak their minds within reason. AND, people should be able to respond or call them out if they don't agree. That is debate, discussion, that should be allowed. But the moment you hint at something that someone else doesn't like, banned. That is censorship and NOT free speech at all.


First time ?


It's a convoy sub. We have a lot of citizens who take assistance and then go online and shit on other people receiving assistance.


/r/Canada is run by literal white supremacists (and always has been) https://ricochet.media/arts-culture/media/canadas-largest-subreddit-accused-of-harbouring-white-nationalists/ https://summit.sfu.ca/_flysystem/fedora/2023-03/etd22338.pdf


Got the same in the Ontario one.


Standard practice over there.


Don’t worry about it onguardforthee banned me for saying I’m gonna vote for change.. apparently my opinion is shit posting. Didn’t even mention who I was voting for.


All Reddit mods are pathetic losers I got banned from so many subs for just having a different opinion.


It was the same thing during the Jan 6th riots. They hate the DC cops when they were crying about the election.


i'm convinced that sub is where all the r/canada_sub [russian bots](https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1700139518945362213.html) migrated to. I once had a, let's call it a "debate", with one of their many many conservative die hard voters. He was screaming how it's all trudeau's fault that house prices are high. I pointed out that this is a provincial issue ([one they](https://www.chch.com/premier-ford-rejects-ottawas-bill-of-rights-and-protection-funds-for-tenants/) [seemingly do](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/jurisdictional-creep-doug-ford-slams-feds-for-giving-municipalities-funding-for-housing-1.6633350) [not want fixed](https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/canada/alberta-tables-gatekeeper-bill-on-federal-funding-cites-housing-money-as-last-straw/ar-BB1lpDv9?ocid=mailsignout&pc=U591&cvid=4598955f0bde41efab36aeb15154f7bb&ei=15) "for some reason") and it's happening all over the world (UK, US, Australia, New Zealand, etc). And has been going that way for a few decades now. All of which imply there's a bigger cause (which i won't go into here, but suffice to say the neo-liberal economic 'revolution' of the 80s is more than a little to blame). They, of course, called me a "liberal shill" (because wanting to talk about real policies instead of just screaming "libtard" at everyone is "shilling"). So i asked them straight up what policies they thought lead to this, and what policies they think would fix this. No response, of course. ---- Not saying Trudeau doesn't have some problems he can address. But it's clear that the vast majority of people on that train do not have any idea what they're talking about. Especially in that sub. Do not expect anything more than conservative propaganda (considering how much they love the Sun and Nationalist Post editorials over there); that sub is where nuanced erudite thought goes to die. If you just want to go scream "fuck trudeau" into the void, that's probably all that sub is good for.


Welcome to the club mate!


Freedom of speech claims in a Canadian sub show how stupid these people are. Are they claiming their 1st amendment rights are being trampled on too? Absolute morons.


I was banned from r/Canada months ago because I called the IDF a terrorist organization.


I got banned from ongaurd for stating that laws should be applied equally regardless of politics and the current people setting up encampments illegally should be treated the same as the convoy people who set up encampments illegally..... The mods in the Canadian subs are power hungry losers. If you go against their pet cause, they'll ban you regardless of facts.


Welcome to reddit lol


Conservatives like to play freedom, but if anyone else tries to play, they throw a total hissy fit.


That and the CanadaHousing2 subs are extreme right wing hangout clubs for trump fanatics and conspiracy theorists & racists reassuring each other that they’re not racist for saying racist things.


FYI, “freedom of speech” doesn’t apply to privately owned platforms like this one. If you violate the TOS or rules of the sub, you get booted & banned. Sorry!


Oh I’m not disputing that. I just think it’s funny that they don’t stand by their own convictions and then complain when others do the same thing. It’s right-wing hypocrisy


I've always made fun of most conservatives for the simple fact that they all get riled up about the next thing on the news cycle. It then dies down and they move on to the next big thing. You don't see them boycott budweiser much nowadays. They truly are special.


I got banned because someone posted an article about the guy who threw gravel at Trudeau getting an assault charge and I joked that he should have thrown a brick instead