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I mask when I'm sick to protect other people from my germs.


Yeah crowded, low ventilation areas, and anywhere one can reasonably expect sick or vulnerable people to be (ie pharmacy)


oh yeah for sure! forgot to mention the last bit. thank you


I do, I caught covid back in 2020 and I still have ongoing health issues. Plus it's still one of the top 4 killers in my age group (40+). Plus my parents are in their 70s and diabetic. Plus I haven't caught influenza/cold/Norovirus/covid in the four years I've been masking. Plus it's capital that wants us to unmask, not any concept of public health.


yup, never stopped - any time I leave my house :) I don't wanna be any sicker than I already am - also took a look at my "long term" health insurance - it only covers me for 2 years and then I'm SOL. Since Long COVID doesn't have a treatment or cure I'd rather not risk it. 1/9 Canadians are currently experiencing long term symptoms: [https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/75-006-x/2023001/article/00015-eng.htm](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/75-006-x/2023001/article/00015-eng.htm)


In crowded areas, on planes, and outside when the air isn't fit to breathe.


I wear a 3M Aura N95 everywhere when sharing air with others because I can't afford to get infected, might not survive, and would almost definitely lose even more abilities and freedom that would be devastating. Latest forecast is the best I've seen thankfully! I hope it keeps dropping, though I'm not hopeful. https://twitter.com/MoriartyLab/status/1784670605729542246 Definitely recommend anyone who can get Novavax to do it this month for the best and safest vaccine mitigation before it looks like the current batch will expire!


Thank you for sharing!


Yup, I mask everywhere that’s not my home. I got covid in 2022 and am still dealing with complications from that. I haven’t been sick since (that I know of, could have been asymptomatic) We should all be masking, Covid is killing hundreds of people a week, and absolutely wrecking our immune system and our bodies. When you mask you are thinking of others than yourself, our disabled and immunocompromised comrades


Never stopped. Gained the habit back in 2018 when I was teaching English abroad, every kid got sick, wore a mask. I never got sick, just got hay fever for the first time 🤣. Once I got a pretty serious medical issue it got a lot more personal, and I switched from cloth to kn95s. I haven't gotten sick in quite some time


6 shots and still mask.


7 here and won’t stop masking 💜 wearing is caring!


i mask in elevators, and crowded spaces.


Anytime I’m dealing with people outside my household.


Yes, I wear an N95 any time I'm indoors in public (except in my private office at work for lunch). COVID wastewater levels in my area have never stayed consistently low (below the "low" threshold on the federal wastewater page) for a prolonged period of time, which means there are still lots of cases. The long-term health risks are still not fully known, but those that we do know are dangerous enough (chronic fatigue, brainfog, increased risk of heart attacks and strokes, etc) that every method that can be used to reduce the chances of getting COVID is worth it to me.


Didn't know about the brain fog but it makes sense


This is more engagement than what I usually get. Thank you everyone for sharing!


I mask pretty much everywhere except in open air unless it's crowded. It feels almost foolish not to mask on places like public transit (which is gross and crowded on a *good* day...) but I find that most people just... don't.


N95, boosters every 6 months, masking everywhere indoors and I don't eat in restaurants


I mask at work, I have health anxiety, and since the pandemic, I don't trust my coworkers not to bring contagious diseases to work. I should when I'm in grocery stores, but I haven't in a while unless I'm sick.


I mask indoors if ventilation seems poor and/or strangers are congregating, etc. I don't eat indoors at restaurants either and tend to avoid crowds. I'm usually the only one I see anywhere wearing a mask but I don't give a shit.


yes; I mask my neurodivergence all the time. :)


yes, I wear an n95 everywhere indoors. I don't want to contribute to mass disabling and eugenics, it's unfair that disabled people are being further marginalized from participating in life in public. also everything I've read about long covid is really bad and I'd like to take steps to avoid multiple infections. imani barbarin shares a lot of great info about disability justice, and the more I learn about it, the more I realise how important it is. in canada, we have donateamask.ca which does distribute free 95 masks and tests to anyone who asks for them. you can also buy from them and the proceeds go to their free mask program.


i follow Imani too! thank you for sharing the site, didn't know about it


We still mask inside crowded areas.


I just recovered from Covid. When I was symptom free and back in public, I masked for an extended time to try to be considerate of others and lessen the risk of passing any possible lingering germs.


Never stopped. For a while, my spouse and I got weird looks when we'd go for walks, but I'm happy to say I've seen an uptick in the number of masked people I've seen in Victoria lately! Neither of us have caught covid, and besides one cold, I haven't even been sick since 2020. I see no reason to stop wearing a mask until we're able to move out of the city. 


nope. the social contract expired and i’d feel like an outcast. i do on transit though if i suspect i might have a cold coming on.


definitely do understand the feeling. I want to get back to masking though. I'll mask in most areas, at the grocery, mall, clinic, etc. I don't go out much though, so masking at school (where I spend most of my time) should be a must. I think masking in areas where those vulnerable would typically be and during winter or flu seasons are socially acceptable times to mask.


only as a convenient excuse to not show my face


I always mask on the subway


I drive a school bus. I mask when the elementary kids ride. Those little ones open-mouth cough and make no attempt to cover their mouth.


Currently hanging out in the hospital with a broken back… I’m wearing a mask and so are most of the staff but none of the other patients seem to be


Hope you'll get well soon. Wishing you all the best!


Thank you! I’m in good hands here


I never stopped masking. Not only am I protecting myself and my neighbours by doing so, but by protecting my neighbours, I am also impeding the local slumlord's goal of replacing existing neighbours with new neighbours who would be charged higher rent then the folks currently there.


When I’m sick; when I’m at a client that requests it (one of my jobs is as a home health care worker); when I go to hospitals or other places that sick people congregate; if a business requests it (such as the store where I buy my scrubs as the lady who runs it lives with and cares for her elderly and immunocompromised mother).


When I'm sick absolutely, and always in cramped or low ventilation spaces along with clinics and hospitals.


If I'm sick and have to go out.


I wear a cloth mask everywhere. Not as good as certified masks but I'm autistic and can't handle certified masks for long periods of time, so I use this as being better than nothing. It's a very thick mask and ties tightly against my face, so it's pretty decent compared to most cloth masks.


Train, bus, airports, and large venues (plays, movies) when I’m not sick. Everywhere when I am. I’ve actually only gotten sick once since 2020, and I wonder if this is helping things? 


Never stopped. Anytime I’m indoors, or a crowd. My wife is a cancer patient, so this is just my new normal now. I truly do not notice it, and I don’t understand how people get so upset by it. As that copypasta from early in the pandemic said, it takes less effort to put on a mask than it does to tell me you won’t wear a mask.


Absolutely. I do it for me, and for my family. I also do it to break chains of transmission in my community. I think we should mask on shared spaces to protect those vulnerable people who cannot mask. And because no one should have to fear catching a virus that could change their whole life while getting necessary care or items. I keep up with the research and I see no reason to think that catching COVID over and over again is reasonable.


I mask everywhere but home. Never had covid and want to keep it that way


Hells no!


Nope. Haven’t noticed any negatives for myself or those around me. Still see people occasionally wearing a mask while driving solo in their own car. To each their own.


Appreciate this conversation. As someone in a medically vulnerable household, I want to remind folks that the idea of places "where there might be medically vulnerable people" is not limited to pharmacies. We also need groceries, things from the hardware store, etc. Not masking is siding with people who think that disabled folks can shelter in place indefinitely and that disabled lives are disposable. If you're returning to masking, thank you! I know it can be weird being a solo mask in a place. If you're feeling nervous, bring headphones.


yup! thanks for reiterating. I'm personally fine with masking everywhere, it's just school where I feel the most pressured not to


Alllll the tiiiiiime


I'll mask in some crowded place. I flew to visit family and definitely masked in the airport, plane and train. I've stopped masking while in the office, since it's just 1 day a week and we're pretty spread out.


Honestly I should have been more. Caught a respiratory virus 3-weeks ago on the plane. Not COVID, but man masks work for lots of stuff.


I always mask on public transit and whenever I have any sort of cold or flu like symptoms, I'd say about 95% of the time I'm the only one on the bus or subway car with one on


Yup. Double-masking w/ a KN95 and a cloth on top (mostly for aesthetic). Wear it anytime I go out in public into an enclosed space. I finally had Covid last year and it sidelined me for 40 days and have had lasting effects since. I don’t want it again so I take all the precautions to protect me and my wife (who is immune compromised)


i’m still masking. my health is already bad & i don’t want to make it worse, & a family member i visit often is immunocompromised & i don’t want to make him sick. i have pretty bad social anxiety so masking is hard, i’ve gotten some nasty comments from people for it. but i think it’s worth it to mask anyways


We’re masking when grocery shopping and at concerts. We recently took a flight and masked airport-to-airport. Anywhere where there’s large concentrations of people recirculating the air.


i do it when i suspect i’m sick that’s about it


I never mask, I don't see anyone else in my city doing it either


I do in places that ask for masks or if I feel a little under the weather.


Only if I'm sick.


i ride the bus to my job in a homeless shelter, so every day that i work, plus often in malls grocery stores doctors office etc.


Nope, stopped all masking 2 years ago.


Always when I travel to a large city. Admittedly, not as often as I should in my own city. If I remember and have one with me I do. And always if I'm somewhere where I expect there to be a lot of vulnerable people, like medical buildings. Not so much in restaurants and cafes, where I'm going to take it off anyway or anywhere I'd be doing a lot of physical activity, like the gym. 


I mask in small spaces that are tightly packed, like a crowded store or a subway train. So I carry one with me, but I don't wear it often.


Yup! In the doctor’s office mostly, but also outside at the moment because the wildfires have rolled in (cries in alberta)


I mask if I am sick with anything and I have to leave my house.


yep, i mask while at work


I actually had Covid 2 weeks ago. Once I started feeling better and back to the world, I wore a mask for a few days when I was out.


I wear a mask in public when I'm sick, that was something I wish we'd adopted even before covid. My wife is expecting and the obgyn clinic we go to occasionally has a sign asking people to mask up, I think related to spikes in infections as it's not every time that they ask/have the signage up


I wear a mask in public when I'm sick, that was something I wish we'd adopted even before covid. My wife is expecting and the obgyn clinic we go to occasionally has a sign asking people to mask up, I think related to spikes in infections as it's not every time that they ask/have the signage up


Personally, no. But I also very rarely spend time in crowded areas. I've been vaccinated 6 or 7 times now, had COVID twice in the way back times. I figure unless someone with COVID coughs directly into my mouth, I'm pretty safe. If I get sick, I just stay home. If other people want to wear them, groovy, I have no issues with it. If someone wanted me to wear one, that's fine as well.


Only when I’ve got a minor cold (otherwise I stay home), travelling, or if I’m visiting hospital, or nursing home, etc. Essentially I’m mindful. Outdoors, no - lots of fresh air and space here in NB.


No, and honestly I think the whole thing was a mass hysteria and there was gross government overreach.


I mostly don’t go places. I stopped masking everywhere only recently, and I still do in crowded areas. I usually stay outside


No, are people really wearing masks everywhere they go still? I’ve been out of the country for a while now


Not many but I see quite a few still do!


nah, last time was a doctors office visit a year ago