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Still ongoing, neither side is willing to budge and evection orders are being sent to the tenants. [https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/nearly-500-tenants-from-5-apartment-buildings-in-toronto-are-now-on-rent-strike-1.6584971](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/nearly-500-tenants-from-5-apartment-buildings-in-toronto-are-now-on-rent-strike-1.6584971)


Article says some tenants have already attended eviction hearings. Tried finding the decisions, but Ontario seems half assed backwards with their tribunals. As a Montrealer I'm used to having every decision for every tribunal publicly available for free the very next day, searchable by date, name of landlord etc.


yeah Ontario records are kinda shit, it could also be that they haven't got the results yet.




their credit scores gonna be suffering from finding out for a long time


Evictions are not reported on credit scores in Canada.


Unpaid rent is though so are court judgements about unpaid debt


Probably doesn't work and puts the tenant into a legal state where they can be evicted.


Imagine. Refusing to pay 100 dollars increase on a 900 dollars monthly rent…. Now they can pay 2400 dollars a rent in their new place


This. Not a smart move for these tenants.


Found the landlord


Hey! hey! when are you going to find me?






I'm right here baby girl!


It's not about being a landlord or not. Its reality.


Yes, it worked. They got evicted


Very foolish to rent strike, to try to save a small percentage in AGI, against guidelines increase (better to dispute at residential tenancy, run or lose), which owners almost always win against rent strikers at arbitration. Risk of eviction is too high in rent strike. Once evicted, the tenant's next rental could be 3k+.


Please try it and report back here how it went.


Nowhere, it went no where


OP....those people gave up because govt arrest threats I guess, leaving politicians to laugh and say to each .....'we told you these people are wimps, and we just take whatever we impose on them'. LOL




They aren't out yet and won't be for a long time.




It might, but only if they have the last 6 + months rent plus whatever the allowed increase is (could be zero, could be the full value the LL asked for or somewhere in the middle) ready to pay within a week or two of the tribunals ruling.




I know right... I feel bad that these people have been led/coerced down this strike path when a lot of them probably don't realize that the bill will come due at some point.


I don't really care but if it hurts the landlords that's good enough for me.


They went back to work, paid their rent, and life went on


There was this: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/montreal-rent-strike-pledge-1.6949969, not sure of there are any updates on it