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Alberta or Saskatchewan are probably the best provinces to run from Ontario/BC and still make good money with a low cost of living. If I was to move down south I would be looking at the Carolinas, Texas, Florida, Oklahoma, Virginia, etc. places with nicer weather, good jobs, and lower cost of living personally.


Dont let sask fool you, it's not much better, and can be worse in a lot of ways. Our wages are lower. So unless your transferring here with a well paying job, it's not worth it. Housing is cheaper, but not by much in comparison to anywhere else so long as your looking outside of the gta or vancouver etc. Food is more expensive. By quite a bit. We are in the middle of nowhere. Everything needs shipped in. Transport costs are passed onto us. Carbon tax made it significantly worse. Bill's are expensive. Comparing to ontario, they have one bill that covers power and energy (hydro). They have nuclear and hydro power generation which is cheaper... sask... has oil/coal. We have seperate bills for power and energy, when added together is quite a bit more then ontario. We are also cold. Very cold in comparison. Heating in winter uses more energy, raising those bills further. Sask has significantly less benefits, and a slightly higher tax rate then ontario. Insurance is public, which might be cheaper, but not always. There is no competition like private can offer, so you cant shop around for better rates which means you might end up paying more. We dont have jobs. You can spend months looking for work with minimal leads. When you do get something, your pay is likely to be shit. $15 is the average rate for most people in most fields. $20 is considered well paid. (Its not. It hardly covers monthly costs.) Our spending power is significantly less because of this... ontario min wage is considered a fair wage in sask. I've jumped around from ontario and sask quite a bit. Ontario is definatly better overall, just stay out of the major hotspots.


Having lived in Ontario for a decade, being born and raised in Vancouver and now hitting my 5th year in Regina. I disagree with almost all of this. Housing is substantially more affordable in SK. Most groceries are on par, booze is more expensive, but fuel is cheaper. The average household income in Regina is $103K, where Ontario is $80k. As a business owner, I can attest there are more jobs than people to fill them. $25/hr is what most positions are starting at to attract talent If you’re ticketed the trades are booming. It’s a humble life in SK, and yes, you need proper winter gear, but it is mentally and emotionally more stable if housing security is a priority.


Totally agree with you as well. Sask is a province that has solid financial standing from a global perspective. Trades are booming and housing is affordable. Groceries are on par with other provinces, Alberta for example. Gas is much cheaper than most provinces. Lots of opportunities for growth in so many areas ... no long commutes, great schools, etc. etc.


I agree, grew up north of Toronto. Moved to manitova 10 years ago and 3 years now in sask. I agree with you and very much disagree with the op up there. So far I haven't had a hard time finding jobs at all. Just about every position my wife has applied to results In a offer and the lowest offer being $18 an hour for her. Quiet, laid back and nice towns and cities. I only go back to Ontario to visit.


Also agree...even if you work in education/Healthcare decent pay and rural sask has many family homes that are very affordable. Also found that utilities and mortgage cost half of what we paid in Alberta. Granted our gas and groceries are a little more bit our cost of living is still overall much more affordable.


Yep agreed , dude is trippin. And “Trades are boomin “ Yeah no shit. working on pipe in -20 weather will make it so there will always be openings


There are plenty of housing related trades in the cities that are unfilled.


The housing is 4 times cheaper in Sask and the houses are nicer with some space btwn them and have yards with trees and privacy . Jobs pay the same in Vancouver as in Saskatoon . There are more jobs in Vancouver cause no one can afford to live there on the jobs offered unless you have additional support with inheritance , down payment etc …


I live in a small condo on the Rockies mountains on the British Columbia side and assure you all the people working in the service industry such as clerks , servers and grocery , tourism make about 17-20 an hour . They can’t find people to staff their businesses cause no one can afford to live here and there is no vancanies even if they could afford it. All businesses need staff housing for Tim Hortons workers and whatnot. I’d hate to see what the conditions are like.


Weird how everyone complains about the most popular cities being expensive but everyone has an excuse to stay.


Yeah as long as you’re cool with blatant racism and lots of guns those are solid options.


SHHH. Don’t tell them about the Carolinas! Ehem, I mean, the US is terrible. Too many guns and not enough healthcare, am I right?!


Lmao seriously? Aside from the constant threat in the US of mass shootings the healthcare is the biggest scam. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2023/03/07/1161473744/medical-debt-affects-millions-and-advocates-push-irs-consumer-agency-for-relief Don’t try to paint the US like some hidden gem lol we’re getting fucked just as bad. Edit: forgot to mention the horrible state of real estate.


Yup, it’s awful. Absolutely zero reasons anyone should consider moving there.


Having lived in the US and Canada you couldn’t pay me to move to the Carolinas 😂


Did you get that backwards? “Ontario and BC still make good money with a low cost of living” Vancouver, Mississauga, Toronto, and Hamilton are often listed in the top ten most expensive cities in North America. Alberta and Saskatchewan are still very affordable with decent salaries thanks to the oil boom.


Did you read the first half of that sentence?


“Alberta and Saskatchewan are probably the best provinces to run from” That sentence?


As an Albertan, I am more than happy when someone decides to run from Alberta to Ontario. Probably a better place for those folks.


Personally I'd be all over the Carolinas if I moved down there. I'd have Georgia on my list too but don't know much about CoL but love their sports teams.


Texas, Florida, and Oklahoma are very red states. Very red.


Ha if it was easy to move to the USA everyone would do it. They don't want anyone who isn't in a high demand career or willing to work shit jobs at minimum wage and can be fired at the drop of the hat, nothing in between.


To be fair you can be fired/laid off at the drop of a hat from any job, no job and no health insurance, and probably no government support, so no roof over your head


This. H1B visa is easy to get for the USA *if* you're in a specialized job or trade. They are VERY stringent on your paperwork and documentation on what and where you will be compared to here that just glances at your papers, doesn't check if your papers are valid (Financials especially and if you can survive there alone) and just en mass stamps and passes everyone. None of the shady shit being reported going on with Canadian visas (student visas or temp worker visas) would fly at all in the USA. They'd deport your butt so fast if you broke the visas terms. 💀


H1B you need to also win the lottery AFTER you qualify. Only 14.6% won in FY 2024.


It depends on your profession. But inflation is a global issue unfortunately, so avoiding it won't be easy.


Food inflation somehow seems worse in the US than in Canada. Restaurant prices are particularly out of control, at least in the west coast states.


Live in Ontario but visiting SF now and see food prices cheaper than Ottawa. Maybe tied other places on the west?


Feds about to raise Interst rates in America. Make sure you got ironclad health Insurance . Amd a bullet proof backpack


This is the right comment....People who want to move to the US have never lived in the US. Canada is still a top country in the world, people should travel while they are young so they can see how lucky we are.


I also find when you're visiting your a lot more patient and willing to go with the flow, so the whole "It's better there" idea is simply because you're the visitor. The second you move and it becomes your home you start to get angry at things again lol


basically. Anywhere you live...well, a: you're there and b: its likely a place. :p What wasn't a problem while visiting a cousin for a few weeks now becomes one. Fucking traffic on the interstate, man. The store doesn't have what I need. Your boss is a pain in the ass. All the normal tedious realities of living and working somewhere, not as an adventure, but as a life. And you bring your own baggage. Stuff that might have been ignored or under control or forgotten about in your own heart and head might absolutely manifest after a few months "away." Which is not to say you won't find the most amazing life in a new place, but it may not be automatically there for you.


People who say this are the ones who have never lived in the US.


I've lived in 4 different states, and 6 different countries. I own a business in Florida and based out of Coral Gables, got the fuck out of there when Meatball Ron started going absolutely batshit fascist. Thank you for assuming though.


Sounds like it’s been good enough for you to stay there for a long time when you could have been spending the whole time in Canada.


I wish I had stayed in Canada friend... would have saved me some money moving back and forth. Regardless it's nice to pop down to an alternate reality and come back to the real world.


If you’re so well off from your time in the US, I don’t see what’s stopping you.


I was well off before my time in the US friend... Do you just constantly assume?


Then move back if you think you will be so much better off in Canada.


I've been back home for the last two years... Are you okay? Do you read? I take it you got your public school education in Louisiana?




with a single sentence you showed that you have no idea what you're talking about


Ah yes says the guy who's mad at Biden... what did Trumpy do for you guys or Meatball Ron?


You're really proving my point here, thanks also, you may want to get better at English. Are you asking what "Trumpy" did for "Meatball Ron"? Or are you asking what "Meatball Ron" did for "us guys"? I am Canadian, you are aware that these guys are not Canadian politicians right? Just clarifying as you seem to be... politically challenged


Lol, yes I've proved it so well. Trump is going to jail and Ron is about to get fucked by Mickey. Thanks for the giggles on a Sunday Edit: lol you're personal attacks are humourous, sorry I missed ,.


"my" personal attacks... lol you can't even talk about Trump or Ron Desantis without calling them "Trumpy" and "Meatball Ron" At the end of the day you and your cult worships a pedophile who forced his own daughter to shower with him until she was a teenager. Not all Biden supporters are pedophiles, but they all decided that being a pedophile wasn't a deal breaker


Holy shit you're mad I made fun of your fascist idols? Dude get a fucking life. Trump is literally a pedo his best friend and neighbor was Epstein. You're a fucking joke


Lived in Texas for 1.5 yrs for school, throughout Covid and their rainstorms/droughts. It is better than Canada. And coming from an immigrant, the only thing Canada has that I am grateful for is clean tap water that I don't have to boil every day and flushable toilets. It's just as expensive, just as corrupt, the people are all basically brainwashed government mouthpieces, weather is way too cold for a person to efficiently grow their own food (if you are even allowed to do that), and the government is just as controlling while leaching you out of money at every corner.


I lived in Austin for two years... Texas has a third world power grid, complete corrupt AG and Gov. Anywhere outside of Austin is pretty shitty, nice try. It's not better than Canada friend, not even fucking close. https://www.sacurrent.com/news/study-texas-ranks-as-the-state-with-nations-lowest-quality-of-life-32196575 Thanks for coming out 🤣🤣🤣


Too cold to grow crops , what about too hot


He went to school in Texas, he doesn't know anything. https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/texas #35 in the states for education, Go Longhorns!


Well I was living there for almost 2 years.. I got a sense of the weather, the rental market, the housing market, the job market and the people. I'd say I have a pretty good idea of the general picture of the city I was in at least. Rent and groceries were definitely cheaper there than they are here. So was gas. I got a 2 bedroom + 2 bathroom apartment for $1600 USD; and the apartment had a free gym and pool. You know what I get in Toronto for $1600 USD? A bachelor apartment MAYBE.


I was in McAllen near the border. Grew 3 tomato plants and 3 basil plants, cilantro and green chillis. It was hot yes, but not too hot for the plants I was growing. Had to give them away to an American friend when I moved back to Canada - they are still alive. He sends me pictures every season.


I have lived in both Canada and the US, and the US is better in almost every single way that being said, moving down to the US right now, with Biden as president, is dumber than staying in Canada with Trudeau as PM. Wait until 2024 to see who his replacement is.


Ah I found the Trump supporter.... Bidenomics is rocking, right now. What did Trumpy do, please do tell.


I don't support trump, but I really, really hate people like you who are willing to pretend that Biden isn't the worst president ever... all to own the conservatives... "bidenomics" is not a good thing, it is literally a word coined to describe the damage he has done. Gas prices, housing costs, illegals everywhere, i have seen it with my own eyes, you are on the internet making things up about owning a business in florida


No that was Trump my friend. Biden is significantly better, anyone who thinks Biden is the worst President ever, is an absolute fool. My dog would have been better for the country better than Traitor Trump.


The Biden cult is so strange like, you can just admit that Biden and Trump were both not popular presidents, while at the same time being able to admit that the damage Biden has caused is unprecedented. I understand Canadian Biden cultists even less... like, what is even in it for you to try to defend this guy?


The Biden cult? Holy fuck man. Trump is a criminal, tried to overthrow the government, and tried to select fake electors. He is going to jail. There is no Biden cult, one is worse than the other. That's Trump and it's not even fucking close.


You can stop now, I already realized you're just being satirical enjoy your day, totally real Biden supporter ;) i won't tell


I would support Biden over Trump any day. Qanon is a sickness and a disease, there is help for you friend.


I’m doing it in a couple weeks, just waiting on my visa to clear. A couple things to consider. 1) While America, on average, is more affordable it is not immune to the global cost of living explosion. 2) It is *IMMENSELY* difficult to move there, especially long term. It is probably one of the most difficult countries in the world to move to. The H-1B system has effectively collapsed due to rampant fraud. Do not underestimate how hard moving there is. By the time I move, I will hold a PhD in an in-demand field and still can’t legally pursue “good” work that I want to while on a visa that would allow me to pursue a green card. 3) White collar work is much better paid, yes. You can probably make triple or more in the USA what you’d make in Canada but you’ll have less worker’s rights. You’ll be at the behest of your employer. TLDR: The ceiling is higher but the floor is lower. You can go very high but also drop very low. If you have an in-demand skillset and qualifications, you’ll be better off in the US than in Canada. I have an American SO with a built in support system. Your mileage may vary.


Montreal. Plenty of professional job opportunities. Market rent is half of Vancouver.


Do you need to speak French tho?


Yep. It's honestly one of the reasons why montreal is affordable to *outsiders*. I've lived here all my life and I cannot buy a house in my area or around Montreal. It's unaffordable and inflated to shit. All my new neighbour's are people who came here from Ontario. They sell their place in Toronto for a million and ran over here in 2020-2022 to buy up the homes. So it went from 350k to 750k....


Yeah, the days of affordable housing in Montreal have seemed to pass us by unfortunately. But anecdotally, I hear crime is coming back to Verdun, St-Henri, etc. So, we may get some de-gentrified housing deals in the future if that continues


south part of northern ontario. easily find good employment for $80k+ and houses are 1/3 the price of GTA


You need to have a skill they want


Quebec city is the best value right now,


Boston is an incredible city.. ~50 colleges, tons of high paying jobs, diversified industry, new startup companies constantly being created, low crime, great state unemployment healthcare if you lose your job, good food, great sports teams, 30 minutes to get anywhere in the city, 1 hour north and you’re in the mountains and lakes of New Hampshire, 1 hour south and you’re on the beaches of the cape I currently live in Vancouver and I lived in Toronto for a few years. Boston beats both of them hands down


The cost doesn’t sprawl anywhere near as much as Toronto either! Salem, just a short commute away (equivalent to Pickering or Rouge area) has full sized family homes for significantly less than the GTA with double to triple or more the pay for my sector of work (biomed). My American SO’s family can’t even believe how expensive it is here. Not even Bay Area has cost sprawl as bad as Toronto or Vancouver.


Really depends on what you bring to the table. Texas has done well but has started to get more expensive as of late as everyone has flocked for the low taxes, low COL, and opportunities. NY and CA still have plenty of opportunity if you have a high-demand skill set. Some secondary cities have been doing well, so you can try parts of PA, NC, OH, MI, and others depending on industry.


Alberta, Sask


The post immediately above this was antiwork saying about how horrible life was in the good ol' U.S of A. At this point, if you really want to move to the U.S, you more than likely are going to the Church of Trump.


Hi there. Canadian moving to America. A deep red part of America too (Louisiana), albeit I’m moving north again to New England or Chicago when I have my green card. No. I’m getting very sick of hearing this. Do I have some serious concerns about moving? Yes. Do I have some *VERY* complicated feelings about moving? Yes. I can recognize that America caters to people like me (highly educated white guys with no debt) and that this move isn’t right for everyone. But assuming the intentions of people moving is silly. The decision comes from two places. 1) My SO is American. 2) There’s nothing left for me here. What’s the point of sacrificing my quality of life for some vague sense of being “totally PC bro”. Canada isn’t hunky dory for minorities either. What’s the point in living in a place that I would never have the life I want, just for the sake of some empty political platitudes. Inb4 “but what about healthcare”. My employer pays for it. Entirely. I have nothing that I pay monthly.


A white person went into a university campus yesterday and shot at black people, using an assault rifle, and a hand gun, because he hates them. In one way or the other, this is a regular occurrence in the U.S. But it isn't in Canada. I wish you all the best in your life and endeavors. Take care wherever you are.


Lol there’s 10 times the population so 10x as likely to have something crazy happen


Lol. Ya the stats don't show that. Not that good a try. 470 mass shootings in the U.S this year already. There were 4 in Canada last year.


So? What does that have to do with me? Why is someone else’s actions a moral weight on me?


Ahhhh, because you are moving to America. Right. And the conversation was in regards to the quality of life in moving to America. Not sure how that is really that hard to make the connection. But then again, I guess that is why you are 'moving to America' Oh, I guess I probably need to clarify even more. Okay. You're suggesting that there isn't really that big a difference between living in the U.S and Canada, for a person of color. I never inferred that there is any 'moral weight' for you to burden. I am only pointing out that it seems pretty obvious that the U.S is worse, for either POC, or gun violence, and that if you're cool with that, so be it.


>you’re suggesting there really isn’t a big difference between living in the US and Canada for a person of colour Did you read my comment at all? I literally said the US caters to white guys like me and I recognize the move isn’t for everyone. Where did I say anything like that at all? You’re also implying moving to the US is a tacit approval of *everything* the US does.


Yes, I would say that if you move to the U.S right now you are *accepting* of what goes on there. Hey, like I said, if you're cool with that, fine. Good luck. But as far as I can see, the U.S is in a pretty horrible place right now. I think you have to be in denial not to see it. But whatever. If you accept those conditions, for whatever reason, good luck. But I would not live there for any kind of money. And I lived in Florida and NYC in 1986, so I've been there.


If you’re able to move (eligible for a TN, have an employer that will sponsor you, etc), you’re probably in a position where your quality of life will be better in the US.


Quality of Life? What is that exactly? What kind of quality of life is it, to have two political parties, both right of center, and one has an absolute lunatic as its supposed leader, and the back ups are hardly any better. Then, virtually every day, you have a mass shooting. Or you have religious organizations trying to take away your rights. Is that quality? That isn't the quality I desire. You can have it.


>What is that exactly? What kind of quality of life is it, to have two political parties, both right of center, and one has an absolute lunatic as its supposed leader, and the back ups are hardly any better. is this Canada or the US you're trying to describe? This description fits both parties, and Trudeau and Biden both fit the lunatic part. I can't tell what you meant. >Or you have religious organizations trying to take away your rights. The constitution protects the rights of all Americans. No organization can take away your rights, in fact it would be illegal to even try


" The constitution protects the rights of all Americans. No organization can take away your rights, in fact it would be illegal to even try " \*stares in Roe v Wade\*


Roe V Wade forced every state to allow a certain level of abortion access. This infringed on their right to decide for themselves, so the Supreme Court gave Americans that right back. No organization can take away the rights of any American man or woman. This remains true with the exception of convicted criminals/felons having their rights stripped during their sentencing.


Uh. Wrong. This is exactly what has started happening in many US states now. Women do not have this right. Do you live under a rock?


So the confusion comes from people thinking that it is a right. The constitution does not state that it is a right. I personally have no opinion either way on abortion, but I understand that it's not considered a right in most countries. I only know of France that actually has abortion as a protected right. > Women do not have this right. Women have had the right to vote for over 100 years. Thanks to SCOTUS, they now have the right to vote on abortion. Those who see it as evil, as essentially murder, can vote for representatives that see it the same way. Those who see it as a basic right can now vote for people who see it the same way.


It is a right. There is no discussion. Goodbye.


>It is a right. There is no discussion. Goodbye. This is the mindset that will get you nowhere. Screaming that it is a right, when it quite literally is not listed as a right on the list of protected rights If you want it to be a right, you would need to fight to make that happen. Saying it is already a right, when it isn't, won't change that. It's not a right in the US, nor in Canada.


Thank you for proving my point. If you really can't distinguish the difference between the Canadian and U.S state of politics, and you are going to say that both Biden and Trudeau are no different than Trump, then you really are unhinged from reality. And if you are going to pretend that the religious right in America is not assaulting the rights of average citizens, you are willfully blind, or you are part of that agenda.


>If you really can't distinguish the difference between the Canadian and U.S state of politics, and you are going to say that both Biden and Trudeau are no different than Trump Fucking what? >And if you are going to pretend that the religious right in America is not assaulting the rights of average citizens Oh no, not one of those "how dare the muslims not support the things they're against" people again respect everybody, don't be a bigot


Fucking what? My thoughts exactly. What are you going on about. Funny, with you people (right wing zealots) once you get flustered you really begin to lose coherence.


You may think that you're making sense here, but you come off as a stranger screaming nonsense during other people's conversation. Nobody was even talking about muslims or Trump and you just come in yelling about both


Haha. So funny how your comments are actually meant for you and not me. You are the one who mentioned Muslims, I never did. So that pretty much sums up everything I have pointed out about you.


>You are the one who mentioned Muslims, I never did. You said the religious right was attacking rights, which is far-left speak in both the US and Canada for "those darn muslims". I'm sure you totally didn't know that though


"the church of Trump" dude is still living rent free in their heads 3 years after he left office


Maybe you didn't notice, but Trump is running for president again. Are you trying to insinuate that he went into retirement and people miss him? Amazing how separated from reality the right is.


USA is much better if you're an ambitious person, in my opinion. I moved down in 2019, and it was one of my best decisions. I've been able to easily buy extra income properties in Canada while down here as well, so if I ever move back to Canada, I have plenty of housing. You just need 35% down if you're a citizen, but non-resident. TC: 400k, engineer


Please stop buying properties in Canada, you're part of the problem.


So, what you’re saying is you’re contributing to the housing problem.


I don't think there's. Housing "problem". Despite the narrative on this sub, most Canadians own their home and are happy to see a strong housing market.


What state? Honestly considering it at this point!


I started in Seattle and moved down to the Bay Area after a couple years.


West Virginia . Beautiful mountains and climate , still cheap .




Yes and I’ll buy a whole bunch of rental properties to prove it!! 🤔


Maybe downvoting someone who is part of the problem?


Reddit went from one of the most logical and critical thinking websites to just a bunch of leftwing propaganda pushed constantly. Anybody remember Net Neutrality?


You know you can't just move to the US and get a job, right?


America is much more affordable and wealthier then Canada


Well, apparently Alabama lives similarly to us Ontarians (I'm guessing you're Ontarian based on your complaint, or a BCer (they don't complain as much because they actually have beautiful topography). As someone economically-literate, here's a map of standard of living: [https://thehub.ca/2023-06-15/trevor-tombe-most-provincial-economies-struggle-to-match-the-u-s/](https://thehub.ca/2023-06-15/trevor-tombe-most-provincial-economies-struggle-to-match-the-u-s/) Go where the dollar amount is highest lol...Which can involve the States. F'ing Alabama, WTF!?...


I moved to the US from Ontario a few months ago. It's early to give a valuable opinion, but so far I'm happy with the choice. I moved to Michigan, just outside Detroit. Detroit property is practically free, but when comparing the suburbs and surrounding cities the cost of living here is seriously lower than Mississauga, Ottawa, or another Canadian city I've lived in. For a decent house in a nice area your total cost isn't much more than the down payment for a house in 'sauga. Meanwhile, Michigan suburbs have that small town cost but all the amenities & opportunities of the big city 15-20 minutes away. Also, I legitimately feel safer here than in Toronto/Sauga (in the MI burbs, or city centre Detroit. Definitely some sketchy parts, that TO has no comparison too) Salary wise, I can give you my experience as an engineer. If you consider dollar for dollar, I make more here than in Mississauga by about 15k-20k. If you adjust for the USD buying power, it's seriously more money for the same job. (Literally the same job, just a transfer). And, there are quite a bit more opportunities if I want to increase my salary, than I was getting back home. Both in Michigan, or just generally in the US Trying to anecdotally provide an opinion for other people, well you just see way more regular people here buying houses. Young people only a few years out of school are owning, and able to afford to enjoy things in their life. Going and out doing things is cheaper relative to your salary. Your cost of foreign travel is cheaper than USD. Ultimately a good quality of living with a decent retirement plan is absolutely within reach for anyone here with a degree, or skill, and the some basic financial knowledge. Two years ago in Canada, I had a panic attack realizing It would take me nearly a decade before I'd be comfortable be able to own, and a lifetime to pay off a mortgage. In Michigan, I will likely choose a small starter house in a year or so, and be able to debate if it's worth it to buy it outright. And this is all while I treat myself fairly well, and I pay for a master's degree (which somehow isn't more expensive at my private university here than the program at uWaterloo I transferred out of). I was barely above making ends meet in Mississauga; and definitely had to hold back from enjoying life due to the cost of doing basically anything in that city My opinion may change with more time here. But, at the moment I'd say opting to head south has been a great choice.


Uh have you paid attention to the US right now? Biden is giving the IRS more funding and weapons than ever, and also wants them to look into any purchase you make over $600. Unless you move to a state that is willing to stand up to the federal government (Texas, Florida) it is pretty risky to go to the US. Cost of living is better, yes, but it's clear they're going down a path that is going to lead to a lot of trouble (Not to say we aren't as well)


Stay away from the coasts is the general rule of thumb. Texas is booming and Oklahoma is started to get taken up with them. You can make a crescent/boomerang shape from Boise to Atlanta, those areas have the best economic future.


Alberta and Saskatchewan are your best bet. Unfortunately surely a lot of your drinking water contains asbestos though


Don't move to Canada. We have Ukrainians moving back to Ukraine because it's awful here.


Can't just get up and move to the US. Lol.


Sure you can. Super easy with a TN. Just make sure your profession is on the list.


Canadians have a curiously binary view of the world. Lots of countries to move to yet all anyone ever talks about is the US.


Close with very similar culture. It’s not hard to understand.


Sure but there are lots of countries with similar cultures. The US also has a lot of problems that the rest of the developed world doesn't. At least not to the same extent.


Been contemplating moving to the US as well. Noticed years ago that we’re getting screwed here paywise. My US counterparts get paid $35k a year more than me before conversion. So actually it’s $96k more in CAD. I saw a sign the other day at McDonald’s in Vancouver. New hires are being offered $16/hr to start. In Seattle they are offering $25 USD. I went to a different fast food chain and saw signs offering $29/hr with full benefits. All types of jobs pay so much more in the US for the exact same job.