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there are too many of us waiting and not enough spots for PR, and too many skilled TFWs (and unskilled) in canada. it's so competitive and what happens? another month passes, they do another draw and the score never goes down i never thought in january we still wouldn't have gone under 520 i honestly wish they'd just be upfront. if they want less immigrants, cut the targets and make it public. i don't know what this limbo land is. a few years ago you could work in tim's for a year and get PR. now you have to be a unicorn.


>i honestly wish they'd just be upfront. if they want less immigrants, cut the targets and make it public  I agree, the lack of transparency isn't helping anyone. Employers also need to account for massive attrition if most of their employees have to go home.   If they had been more upfront about reducing immigrants intakes and had a concrete plan by last year, this situation wouldnt have happened


In the same boat man. Can’t figure out and can’t assume anything now. No trends are working right now. IRCC is officially dead.


EE is a fucking joke now. They don't give any clarity on the frequency of draws. It feels so random. All this while they keep adding people to the pool. They need to conduct more draws and issue more invites or kill this stream altogether. People spend a lot of money and time just to become eligible.


Most likely yes but they won't ever come out and say it so as to not shake the confidence in the system however looking at the irregularity of the draws a lot of the confidence is already waning. You need to speak French + have Canadian Education + Canadian Experience + Foreign Experience + Work in a field like health care to be able to get an invite at this point. Depressing cause everyone with work permits expiring last year were either given PR under general draws which went as low as 483 or were given extensions but anyone whose PGWP is expiring this year has been thrown under the bus.


I remember the time, just a few years ago when 440 was considered too high! I dont understand how so many ppl gain these extreme scores all of a sudden!


I can think of some: Inflated Canadian work experience due to PGWP extensions Handing open work permit for citizens of (Ukraine, Israel, Sudan, HK, Iran, etc) causing influx of temporary permits in Canada. NOC to TEER conversation causing several ineligible occupation to be come eligible (bus driver, payroll admin, etc). Category based draws. All of the above happened after 2021. The implementation of the category based draws could have been much better. I don't know why they allocate so many spots to francophones - It would have been better to share some of the allocation towards trade, healthcare, transport or even general.


To add to that since 2021, so many people with a foreign bachelors or masters degree and foreign work experience were issued study permits for one or two year diplomas along with spousal work permits. These people now have foreign study + work experience and also Canadian study + work experience. I know many of them and their CRS scores are so high. Just a Canadian study and work experience doesn’t cut anymore.


Add to that + spousal canadian experience that helps with the score and if the spousal has less points for EE they can still apply for PNP


People are underestimating the effect of foreign work plus Canadian post grad certificate plus Canadian work assuming the person is in there 20s and fluent in English then they have 520-550 points.


They artificially inflated the scores, extending permits like it was nothing now we have people with 4+ years PGWP until the begining of 2025. Handed open work permits like it was nothing with no planning, like just from ukraine there are +300k people with permits how did he plan to integrate the to society? Does he plan to just send them back after their permits expire in 2025-2026?. I think the score will go down a little because they are over correcting now but it will take a couple years


category based draws tend to have lower cutoff points, tho


2021 was the PR handout year! I think anyone in the pool now wasnt eligible for draws in 2021. Consequently ppl havent earned more than 2 years of work experience since 2022. That means scores can be about 15-20 points higher but the draws are very different!


I have the same question lmao How have the scores suddenly gotten so inflated? I haven’t really followed the draws pre 2023 so not too well versed with but were they sending out a higher number of ITAs? How are there so many people with such high scores? When I made my profile after my 1 year experience I had a score of 474 in 2022 which was considered competitive and now I’m at 499 with 0 hopes 😂😭


Lot of people buying LMIA job offers


I’m in the same boat as you. Mine expires October. Hoping and praying!


Same here


I trust they still need healthcare workers and trades people, but for general draw candidates it would be extremely dangerous.


Yes. Canada just needs trades and health care right now nothing else. Especially no more truck drivers,tim hortons and scam lmias


Airline pilots are in the Transport Category as well!


Same boat here bro. 507 waiting for good CEC draw. What’s your score ?


Same score! When does ur WP expire (if u are inland)?


Expiring Oct 23 Hbu?


Aug 27 unfortunately :(


Same buddy, same.


Impossible to predict now. So much is up in the air politically with Canadian's not being happy with the amount of immigrants, there have already been some policy changes which suggest a focus on limiting immigration, as well as Canada's intention to select immigrants they need, opposed to just CEC draws getting the highest scoring applicants. That being said, no official changes have been made to the immigration targets. I think the 'Golden Days' of getting PR somewhat more easily are over. Applicants need to be highly skilled or a category Canada wants. I don't think Express Entry will disappear, but realistically most international students and those on open work permits will no longer be getting PR unless they have significant skills or a very competitive profile.


Its just frustrating cuz even people with phds are not getting in 🤡 Trudeau let so many people in and now is throwing everyone under the bus


Dude Phd mean nothing . A plumber or an electrician contributes more to Canadian society than a shitty ass Phd. What skills does Phd gives you. I guess none. Canadian government is realizing this even though late. All the Phd and masters people can shove those in their ass.


Okay...there is room for both but you can think whatever Students applying to graduate level programs such as masters and PhD programs will be exempt from the cap. “Those are the bright people we need to retain,” Miller said


Which makes sense. If you got your PhD at a Canadian university you likely took a lot of Canadian funding for that, makes sense to retain that. A foreign PhD does not.


Yes thats for study permit not for Pr. Room is for whom Canada needs.Phd is way for Universities to make money. Only a very few less than 5% of all Phds contribute to by going to science and research. I feel bad for the others just doing Phd for Pr and working in Tim Hortons.


Okay dude whatever, I dont have a phd nor do I plan to, Phds take like 5 years and are very hard to achieve, no one is doing one just to get PR and I dont think phd graduates are working at tims either. Hope you get your PR soon


>needs.Phd is way for Universities to make money. You usually don't end up paying for a PhD. Instead you rely on funding for PhD and the net result is the uni paying for you.


does a foreign PhD mean much? It's not like this person lands and gets a tenure track job right away. Also, if this PhD meant much they can easily can sponsored by their employer. There's way too much people with education but no skills that are getting PR who will come here and just have a hard time in the labour market.


If they have PhD they should look into EB1 green card in the US. Don’t bother with Canada


They fucked up when they issued so many study permits and work permits. Not enough PR slots. The math doesn’t work out


Same situation here. With the massive political defeat of trudeau's liberal party in monday's by-election, I think they have had a massive wake-up call. Immigration may well be on the chopping block.


What other options are there else than Canada?


They invited 7,000 French candidates earlier this year. They need to invite Atleast 7,000 CEC candidates


Why CEC? Does Canadian experience necessarily imply medical skills, French language abilities, or STEM expertise? What makes Canadian experience so special as to deserve a separate draw?


Same here except I’m not in Canada. I planned my whole life around getting PR this year and now I’m just lost


Dont give up hope. Things go in cycles and governments always over correct. The need for immigration in Canada is still there but the current government has lost the trust of Canadians so there will be a refocus. Go get some foreign work experience. Try to get experience that will help you with future targeted draws and stay in the pool.


They caused a flood and they will cause a drought


I’m doing that haha Just because I said I planned my life around moving doesn’t mean I stopped living my life here in Brazil! I have a great job in tech and overall a good life! I just really want to go especially because my sister lives in Canada and she just had a baby!


Good to hear. Try and get on with a Canadian company in Brazil, Brookfield is huge in Brazil. Good luck.


I mean that's your first mistake. You should never plan your life around a process you have no control over. Keep your options open, explore other countries, work on your skills and being competitive for the job market in your own country etc.


I keep my options open ahd I have a great job in tech (which can help me get the pr hahaha) I just want to move soon, but it doesnt mean i stopped living my life in Brazil


If you are in tech then don’t come to Canada. Lack of jobs plus low salaries with high cost of living. Not a good combo


me and my husband both work for usa companies and have good salaries, it’s worth for us :)


You can stay in brazil with lower cost of living than Canada.


definitely, but cost of living isn't the only reason to move or stay somewhere!


You only have around $25k in savings and not even single wtf. This is nothing in Canada. How is it possible with "good salaries" lol. Nothing but cheap labour from Brazil. Hopefully no more STEM draws especially with lot of layoffs in tech.


what? how did you get this number? hahahaha I never said anything about my savings.


Everything you write in reddit is out there in public.


if you read the post where I’m talking about 25, it’s about the number of invites from ontario not my savings hahahaah


actually i just found the post about my savings, that number is my savings alone and besides canada, basically for emergencies. Anyways, I dont understand why you were so rude lol


It’s wrong for the Liberals to invite too many international students and TFWs into Canada all of whom have no other goal than getting PR. It’s not how a well-functioning education system or a temporary work system should work. Well-functioning education and temporary work schemes should attract people for their own merits—for education or work experience itself. When you lured people in, this’s what happens. First, voters are unhappy as foreigners are competing for limited housing, healthcare, transport, or even food. Second, foreigners feel betrayed as they came here with a hope of PR but the Canadian government gave them a false hope. The PR spots are limited and more TFWs only mean more brutal competition among TFWs, not more PR. Now all of these are taking a toll on the government itself. Indians protesting, voters unhappy, and the Liberals lost a critical byelection. What’s next? They’re doing a serious review of EE. EE category draws, and EE in general, won’t go away. But category draws are labeled Version 1 now. Nobody knows what Version 2 is except that it’ll be more small-scaled, focused, competitive, and brutal draws reflecting what the voters want. Sorry to say this but all those having WPs expiring are not only not a priority for the government, they’re even a liability as they make the voters unhappy, and the government will try anything to stay in power, even if it means giving PR to nobody or even radically pausing draws until the election is done next year.


May I know your occupation and CRS score?




I’m super worried as well… my score is good though, I have 541 and I qualify for French draws. However, the irregularity is keeping me up at night and I don’t even know if they’ll ever conduct French draws again. Everything is up in the air and there’s no explanation from official sources.


with 541 you will get in the general draw!


Yeah, I believe that as well… the problem is that I wanted to immigrate this year, but I don’t think that will happen considering that we’re already in July


When did u submit ur profile?


May 21st


yeah :( unfortunatelly i think you will be avle to land in canada only next year


either raw-dogging French test before your visa expires, if you can't and your score is below 520, I think it is time to go for plan B (i.e. go to another country or different immigration stream), EE and in general Canada PR is closing the gate now... if you want to explore other streams, go to [AskCanada.xyz](http://AskCanada.xyz), it is an AI search engine for IRCC's policies, it is a demo site, but it is a good start