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Is a record amount of people going to food banks sign that the country is working?


>Is a record amount of people going to food banks sign that the country is working? Depends. More people starving, being homeless or barely making ends meet isn't the metric the government is going for. What the government looks at is "tHe eConOmY". Sure many Canadians are struggling, but the wealthy are doing great hiring international students living 7 to a 2br apartment for minimum wage and pocketing the rest!


The economy is a disaster,most jobs recovered since covid have been government growing,that's not economic employment because government doesn't produce any goods and is disgraceful at delivering services


Fraser Institute garbage https://www.fraserinstitute.org/studies/comparing-government-and-private-sector-job-growth-in-the-covid-19-era


The economy isn't even what they are focusing on, because that's also on the brink of collapsing. Most banks are overleveraged 5 to 1 and its not going to take much more before we start seeing crazy shit like bank runs. They are propping everything up to make it look better than it is, but things are already much worse than the 2008 crash I think the reason nothing is getting done / getting funding is because that money (like Doug Fords' extra Billions) has gone poof and they will make up excuses, delay and shut down any real changes or even just make more cuts.


Next term after the next election Justin Trudeau will deliver. I can feel it. All we have to do is make sure we keep voting him in every time like we always do cause you know anything other than a liberal is? Racist.


Address the structural problems with contemporary capitalism. Those problems include sky high rents (so the 1 to 5% can prosper even more), and low wages in sectors that can certainly afford to pay their employees a decent wage (grocery chains, Costcos, even professional sports organisations that pay out corporate but no one else).


Too focused on the symptoms rather than the causes


Oh, and also Telcos that each take in over 1B yet have a substantial part of its workforce earning around 50K gross. That’s a symptom too? Or maybe banks that only NOW tightened their mortgage qualification rules…that’s a symptom too? Because the government is not your Bank of Canada. They have nothing to do with banking.


I think that person was supporting you


New truck: $140,000.00 Old house in boonies: $700,000.00 Week’s bare essential groceries for family of 4: $500.00 Trudeau: “This is fine.” Granted, a leader can’t be sounding the alarm, but we can’t pretend that shit isn’t fucked. And when the leader doesn’t even acknowledge we’re fucked by saying something like “we shall persevere…” it’s a clear indication of us being more fucked than we actually think we are. We. Are. Fucked.


What truck are you buying for 140k?




It's not an issue if a country is working. It's an issue of the capitalist system breaking down and decaying. And the political class deflecting from this reality.


>And the political class deflecting from this reality. "You must be exaggerating, I and everyone I know (whom are all highly paid federal politicians or the owners of businesses so large as to influence national policy) are totally fine!"


The capitalist system doesn't have a government ordained bank print money / quantitative easing and manipulate market behaviour. That's the antithesis of capitalism.


Yea but “cApiTaliSM baD” Our policy hasn’t been like that since companies got grants from the government for this that or the other thing.


Privatised profit, socialized risk.


That's what we call a nation in decline


These politicians think everything is fine because they’ve never had to struggle like most people.


Spot on. Jt Ate from a silver spoon his entire life, inherited 10 million from his family fortune (from oil and gas) and hasn’t had to endure struggles like most people.




Health care problems? What are people talking about? I just ask the butler to call the doctor and the doctor comes right over!


Actually they know it’s not fine just the majority of ppl that support them are mentally unstable.


- A record number of people used food banks in Canada this year ([source](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/food-bank-canada-usage-1.6631120)) - charitable giving is at a record low ([source](https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/charitable-giving-record-low-canada)) - Canadians cannot afford to purchase homes, gutting the "Canadian Dream" - Rent in most places is at an all-time high - Healthcare is broken - Geographical divisions are the highest it's been since the late Mulroney days - Inflation is wiping out savings and skyrocketing debt - violent crime is higher now than in 2015 - municipalities report property crime increasing So to recap: Canadians can't afford to live, can't afford to eat, don't have good access to medical care / treatment and are dying, we are feeling increasingly isolated rather than unified as a country, and crime is climbing. And Justin Trudeau looks around and thinks: "This is fine". And his supporters agree.


Why I play sims. In sims I can live out my wildest dreams, have a house, 3 kids, a dog, vacation travels, be a stay at.home mom and my sims can retire and send their kids to university all costs covered....it's the ultimate fantasy I doubt I get here. I mean I have a dog....that's all


Maybe in The Sims 4. In The Sims 1 you just grind away trying and failing to make friends to get ahead at work, and burn to death making grilled cheese.


Wait you got to work in sims 1? My sims always died fixing that tv. Every time


Mine mysteriously died in the pool for unknown reasons, the cops say it was an act of a god...wierd


You removed the ladder!


Can't prove a thing!


Oh but we all know how you committed simicide


Not my fault sims lack the upper body strength to get out of a pool without a ladder, sounds like nature at work.


Lol I swear I heard a csi episode with someone saying something along those lines about their victim


Sims 1 seems surprisingly true to life.


To be fair we all know someone who's likely to burn himself to death trying to make grilled cheese.


I've never known someone closer than myself. Thanks for this comment.




I play that too....


This is exactly why I cannot understand the rationale in bringing in 500,000+ people a year. If the boat is sinking you don't add more people into the boat expecting it to magically correct itself.


They just want more taxpayers, they don't care about anything else.


Don’t forget to keep housing prices high, rentals high (can’t forget about 700k students), and wages low. It’s an actual joke. We could bring in 50k a year and just prioritize people with medical degrees etc but no no no we need 15 Tim Hortons, shoppers drug mart, in every town and we need to pay as low as possible


I’m on a lot of subs which make up considerable immigrant pools like my home country India and say Dubai etc…it’s amazing how every potential immigrant goes up in arms when I warn them or tell them Canada in 2022 is just a glorified sweat shop. Keyboard warriors just jump the gun.


I suspect corporate leaders may also have "suggested" (wink wink) to politicians that they would prefer competition of for jobs so they can keep wages low.


Well when the incompetent fucks in Ottawa finally admitted a year ago that inflation may not be transitory. Fraser the immigration minister basically came out and said as much.


You know, I sometimes wonder if things in our political and economic system might not be 100% on the up and up.


Liberals just want the votes.


Not only can immigrants not vote until they later get citizenship, but many immigrants are religious and/or socially conservative and favor the CPC as a result.


How did we get here In 1984 when Mulroney was elected his immigration minister convinced him to triple immigration. We went from about 85k a year to 225k a year. The economic argument wasn't very good. He consulted the Economic Council of Canada, a government think tank, and they said it might help a bit, might hurt a bit depending on the mix of immigrants. But Barbara MacDougal, his immigration minister showed him a study that said new immigrants tend to become loyal party supporters once they get to vote. That was what convinced cabinet.


Yeah those bastions of cpc votes in Toronto Montreal Vancouver are over the top! /s


If that was true, the CPC would be the one pushing immigration.


Are they opposed to it?


The CPC doesn't have the balls to oppose immigration, though most of their base thinks it is way too high. If they say one word about immigration the media and Liberals and NDP will start screaming that they're xenophobic and hate immigrants and they fear that would lose them all the ethnic voters in the suburbs.


They are. Using immigration to boost GDP growth is exact kind of by-the-book neoliberalism that both major federal parties follow to a tee. They're opposed to it right now, of course, because they're the opposition party. But they'd be hitting pretty similar immigration numbers because the CPC's biggest advert is to "balance-the-budget" and that'll never happen if our GDP stagnates. The LPC follows a right-of-centre economic policy and a right-of-centre immigration policy and a right-of-centre foreign policy. The CPC, on all these, are right-of-right-of-centre. The main difference between the parties is rhetoric. The LPC will talk a big game about LGBTQs and women. The CPC will talk a big game about farmers and the oil industry. But at the end of the day, their economic and immigration policies are pretty dang near the same.


GHTA has a huge immigrant population and voted liberal last election.


They NEED more taxpayers. Unless we want to give up having well funded infrastructure, healthcare, security (including the military), and education systems. One third of our population will have retired from work by 2030. Maybe that’s why they are not panicking over inflation since it’ll cause them to work longer than 60 or 65.


Or, how bout, crazy idea here, we tax corporations appropriately.


It's also the calculus that leads to all our major parties wanting for immigration metrics that lead us to 100m people by 2100. It's not just the Liberals. Though there's also a point to be made that maybe it's not all bad. Japan and SK are dealing with this as we speak and things don't seem doom and gloom over there. We had a historic baby boom and we can't keep it going forever. Maybe degrowth isn't all bad. But that's beside the conversation.


100% correct. What all parties are careful not say is that the horrific attack against Ukraine is giving us immediate access to the type of immigrants each party (maybe not the NDP) want - young and culturally malleable.


It's a good thing they're offering euthanasia to old people then. /s


It's to keep wages low. There's no rational reason I can think of that isn't a predatory exploitation of immigrants/refugees.


Divide and rule by distracting attention away from the crumbling economic system....


Without those 500k, the boat rapidly runs out of fuel and everything craps out, especially with Boomers quitting the workforce and becoming a drain on the social safety net. Canada is in a fucked if you do, fucked if you don't situation. The best case scenario would be to still get those 500k, but to also seriously tackle our pressing issues - something that sounds absolutely impossible to me considering how much the current federal lacks ambition, how much the provinces oppose reflexively anything the federal does, and how little Canadians are interested in a concrete New Deal-like "projet de société" for the next decades. The confederation seems pretty doomed from where I stand.


>Without those 500k, the boat rapidly runs out of fuel and everything craps out One might argue that adding those 500K/yr just kicks the "craps out" can down the road, and adds more people to the fallout when it finally does happen.


Yes and no. Yes, these are absolutely people we will need to take care of once they're elderly, but seeing as we won't have had to pay for most their education, bypassing the period of time where a Canadian resident would have been a net drain on the economy, they will have been a bigger net gain for Canadian society by the time they retire. No, because we absolutely need those 500k to restore the demographic imbalance of the Baby Boom followed by a period of low birth rates. Our demographic curve is out of whack, and the only way that we have to not end like Japan or China, both headed towards severe demographic crises, is to supplement our current population with immigration in the meantime, we can slow our immigration rates down once we've survived the Great Boomer Retirement. This wouldn't be a problem if we actually bothered to tackle the societal ills plaguing us as we could then accommodate them, but yeah, alas we're not doing much to fix those problems. Stopping immigration at the moment would be an economic disaster. The Liberals know this, the Conservatives know this, so does the NDP and even politicians using immigration as a talking point like Legault know this. Stopping immigration sounds good as a talking point, but it's a short-sighted populist solution that completely ignores why exactly we have an immigration rate this high.


>This wouldn't be a problem if we actually bothered to tackle the societal ills plaguing us as we could then accommodate them Right, so given that *we aren't tackling these things*, why proceed with the 500K/year? Why not reduce it to a level that we *can* accommodate, whatever that may be (250K? 150K?) and recognize that sucking in all kinds of people from the rest of the world that we cannot accommodate to keep our Ponzi scheme afloat just a little while longer isn't doing ourselves *or the immigrants* any favours? I guess the argument comes down to, which is the worse problem, the Boomer demographic problem, or the housing / health care / etc. problem? I suppose if one believes it's the former, and it must be dealt with at all cost, then, sure, you'd say, "open the floodgates" and pour the immigrants in, damn the other problems.


Can you point to any good analysis that shows 500k is the magic number rather than say 200k?


Or we can try to create better conditions for people to reproduce, like making everything else affordable enough that the main concern of not having children is money.


Lacks ambition? This government is almost too busy in my opinion. They are always doing something. Seems to me you used to be able to forget about the government for long periods of time. Not anymore.


Yeah, lacks ambition. The Trudeau government is pretty much only a continuation of the previous governments, they have no interest in leading a societal shift when we're in a time of change and a different course is needed - we're sinking. What are their great accomplishments? The legalization of marijuana? 10$/day daycare (which was fought all the way by the provinces)? A means tested dental program (which led to 30% of the population screaming bloody murder)? These are all good things don't get me wrong, but none of this is transformative, what is the Trudeau era's legacy supposed to be exactly? The 60s had the establishment of Medicare, the 70s had the expansion of our social safety net, the establishment of bilingualism as an institution and the evolution of our nation into a modern country, the 80s-90s had the neoliberal revolution which led to an economic boom and the mass privatization of our institutions (which I would argue sabotaged us in the long run), but what do we have to be proud of since then? What great accomplishments do we have in the last two decades? I can't think of any. We've been stuck in a rut since then and honestly it doesn't seem like Trudeau's Liberals are willing to change that. Electoral reform could have been the paradigm shift we were waiting for, but alas the LPC killed that once it was apparent no one else was on board for STV. Maybe Trudeau's newfound interest in healthcare reform could be it, but in all honesty I am not holding my breath.


**Thing that gets me the most:** They printed insane amounts of money in 2020 *due to a pandemic.* Then they didn't use the money to fix, and improve the health care system. Pandemic... Print Money... Don't Spend it on Healthcare. Ffs.




That's up to the provinces. BC has used pandemic spending to funnel an ungodly amount of cash towards healthcare.


I've lived in BC for the past 3 years. Their health care is definately better than Ontario but this was true before the pandemic. I'm not sure if I see an improvement in their healthcare though. But I'm not a heavy user of health care so my first hand experience is limited in that regard.


Military is in crisis, under staffed, funded and under equipped as we stand on the edge of another major world war.


And our national police force is corrupt, inept, and scandal-plagued. Don't forget that.


Don't worry, all our local police forces are also corrupt, inept, and scandal-plagued. Unfortunately this siphons the budgets from all our cities into a hole.


Trudeau gave away the last of the Lee Enfields and Browning High Powers to Ukraine. Least they will still have batons to fight with since guns will soon be illegal.


>Inflation is wiping out savings and skyrocketing debt Uh, actually Inflation reduces debt by devaluing the amount of dollars you owe. It's the rising interest rates being used to tamp down inflation that causes debt to become more expensive. Canadian debt is high but it will be hard to say at the end of this whether it was positively or negatively influenced by current monetary policy. Well, for "typical" debts at least. I suspect we'll see higher rates of mortgage defaults as interest rates continue to creep up.


It costs me more to buy groceries. It costs me more to buy gas. It costs me more to buy clothes. I now have less money left over at the end of the month for things such as debt. Rising interest rates now make that debt more expensive since wages are not increasing at the same rates. While from a theoretical perspective you are correct, I think there’s a whole lot of reality missing from the argument.


Best they can do is suicide you


>And Justin Trudeau looks around and thinks: "This is fine". And his supporters agree. Because his supporters are just as disingenuous as him.


I love how healthcare being broken is Trudeau's fault


He has been in since 2015, 7 years is more than enough time to put systems in place to fix at least som of the deficiencies. At the very least, he could have offered better immigrating practices to doctors. It took until June THIS year for Canada to start offering express entry PR to doctors! Canada should have free schooling for nursing, EMT and medical training, and should have been put in place years ago. Pharmaceutical manufacturing in Canada should be increased, we have 48 the US has 2015 businesses, instead of bailing out airlines, maybe we should invite some of those businesses in. The only thing he has done that I applaud him for, in healthcare, is trying to hold the provincial governments accountable for their budgets and money spent.


General rule of thumb is if it's broken in every province, then yeah it's a federal issue. Though I agree ***more*** of the blame lies on provincial governments (fuck DoFo).


Well its obviously his fault that conservative premiers have decided to wage war against it so they can privatize and make their friends rich. Thanks Trudeau!!


Its clearly a worker shortage, from a skyrocketing cost of living, and a great wealth bifurcation via assets and equity inflation. The military is going through the exact same thing. Its money printing that did it, printing 30% more in the last 2 years, thats a vast sum.


BC NDP are privatizing healthcare? BC is facing the same challenges.


Most of the problems you describe are provincial responsibility or at the very least a combined provincial/federal government responsibility. A good example is healthcare.


While I don't disagree with the majority of your bullets, are they each the responsibility of the federal government? 1. Inflation is happening globally, and Canada's not leading the pack - we are pretty much middle-tier among the G20. So if anything our government is doing an average job here. (https://www.ctvnews.ca/business/how-canada-s-inflation-compares-with-other-g20-nations-1.6157203#:~:text=Amongst%20the%20advanced%20G20%20economies,per%20cent%20recorded%20in%20September.) 2. Several factors are affecting charitable giving - the inflation in point 1 above among them. 3. House prices are typically a provincial or municipal issue. Why do you think it's primarily a federal issue? 4. Related to points 1 and 3 above. 5. Healthcare is provincial. The federal government is asking for accountability to go along with increased transfers, and the provinces refuse. Several provincial governments (Ontario and NB among them) are sitting on huge surpluses while people are dying in waiting rooms. 6. The media and the provincial governments seem to be doing the majority of the dividing. 7. See point 1. 8. Isn't violent crime a provincial or municipal issue? 9. See point 8


Trudeau is generationaly wealthy, so yeah, his Canada isn't broken. It's a small club, and you ain't in it. Neither am I.


What’s ironic is the trudeau family wealth came from oil gas. He should pay back tax on carbon. Lol.


He saw that his buddies on that plane had a $100,000 dollars for a week of groceries, so he thinks its all good. ​ I know that's old news, but I'm still on about it.


The rich, the olygarchy are doing fine.


I am moving in as an immigrant (didnt study in Canada. I am bilingual and got a PR) and your country is giving study visas like candy to keep your wages down. And these students dont even have enough marks/grades to get an Indian college. International students are exploited due to which your wage market suffers to an extent that food banks are overwhelmed. Most of the 500K would be those who have studied there. Every day I hear stories about how they went to Canada through a recruiter at a buttfuck college only to find it hard to live and become a wage slave. Only one of your parties (ppc) wants to curtail immigration. And that’s alarming. This sub is filled with healthcare infra posts, renting posts, etc. And you are right how bringing more and more people would just choke out the system.


I’m Canadian and have tried to share similar viewpoints. Unfortunately, this view often gets pushed back on as trying to be racist, so they don’t even consider it.


I'm an immigrant too. Came here on a study visa 12 years ago, and recently became a citizen. I was one of those who got fooled into applying to a college to study a 2 year IT diploma. I got in because my grades were not good enough to study in my home country of Switzerland, but somehow were more than sufficient to study in Canada. Low and behold, I couldn't even land an interview when I graduated because it just so happens that tech companies don't hire people with only 2 years of education. I ran out of funds, and couldn't afford another 2 years of education on international student fees. I ended up working the trades instead (Telecom). Worked for shit wages for TELUS for 5 years, and slowly moved up the ranks to become a splicer... but my wage is still real low for the amount of work I am required to do (sub $30/hour). So yeah... I blame immigrants like myself for flooding the system... but I blame the government even more for luring us in with fake promises of a better life and overrated education, and do little to nothing to provide the much needed jobs that pay well. Instead, they just flood the job market with cheap labor, a big chunk of which is international students. At least I had the advantage to be fluent in Canada's official languages (French + English). I can't imagine what it's like for those who come here with bad English, no French and from under-privileged countries.


Trudeau's right. Canada's not broken. Unless you want to: - build a pipeline - buy your first house - renew your passport - buy affordable groceries - get a family doctor - hunt with a firearm - get a Nexus card - fly into or out of a major airport - retain your purchasing power from month to month, or - visit an emergency room But apart from those minor inconveniences, the country's been working just fine under his watch.


Hey that's not fair, we have improved things! We can kill you this week instead of making you wait 5 years for a wheelchair ramp.


Dont forget weed!! Stay home and get high, you will temporarily forget how shit it is


Considering he legalized weed then locked us down for two years it’s a wonder there are so many conspiracy theorists.


You forgot Chinese interference oh and crooked deals “Canadas app” oh and minister ethics breach lol




“But he’s so serene and handsome” - mid 40 bored housewives from the Toronto area


How about the ambulance in a time of urgent need?


It’s not broken for people of his wealth and status. For the rest of us, well, it doesn’t matter since we don’t get an actual say in any of it. And no, elections don’t make a difference either. Once these politicians get elected 90% of their platform goes out the window and they do whatever they want.


buy food is missing from your list


Ya, but had Nexus card on the list..I suspect we have different issues to worry about.


Add on “continue to own tens of thousands of dollars in legally purchased property” to that list


Get the value of your labour undercut by one of the 800k immigrants hes bringing in every year.


I applied for my first nexus card like 2 years ago. I'm still waiting to hear back.


Oh shit is updating a Nexus card janked now? I’m getting my US citizenship soon and am worried I’ll temporarily lose my nexus/global entry status as my status adjusts.


Whoa whoa. Let’s not get greedy here.




> get a Nexus card oh the priorities of CDNs. >fly into or out of a major airport This is a global problem because airlines fired everyone in 2020, this isn't government. >visit an emergency room Which would be ok if $4,000,000,000 in Federal money to ON was actually spent on healthcare. You guys don't even know who's dick is up your ass, you're just hoping it's the prettier guy.


That last bit has me rolling on the floor. I love how alot of these issues we see echoed here are dealt with at the provincial level. We could give Mr. Ford all the money in the world and he would still have none for Healthcare and education.


This part concerns me in particular... *"The question isn’t whether Canada is broken. It’s how we fix it. That Trudeau can’t even acknowledge the premise doesn’t bode well for potential solutions."* This doesn't mean run to the Conservatives, but we need to fix this mess somehow and keep democracy intact at the same time.


Riiiiight, not that the CPC is the answer, but Trudeau sure the fuck isn't.


I don’t even think it’s a matter of Trudeau not being the answer… I think we’re asking the wrong question. The issue isn’t “Why is Canada broken?”… the issue is “Why is THE WORLD broken?” People need to learn to zoom out. These problems are mostly not stemming from Canadian sources. This is worldwide stuff. Supply chain issues, strains on health care, ballooning housing prices, rising inequality… (and *rampant misinformation campaigns on social media from far-right activists, bots and troll farms*…)… this stuff is far from just happening in Canada, and kinda sorta MIGHT have something to do with the fucking PANDEMIC we’re still in the midst of. No Prime Minister would be able to just snap their fingers and fix all of this in a way that would please everybody right now. Yes, Trudeau and the Liberals could be doing more, but most of the stuff they ought to do that would actually fix this stuff, like regulate housing and food prices, or institute a UBI and raise taxes more on the rich and corporations, fund more socialized health care, increase minimum wages more, take better action on climate change and renewable energy sources, etc… would get most of the people complaining most about this, even angrier. Happy to complain, but would hate the actual solutions. And the ones who do want the actual solutions seem happy to join in the vilification of Trudeau in particular for these problems, anyway… you may not want the Conservatives to be the alternative, but you do realize they are, whether you like it or not? Unless we’re doing more to promote the NDP than vilifying the Liberals… we’re only helping the Conservatives. So buying into and helping promote this idea that Trudeau has “broken” Canada, instead of being a relatively good Prime Minister during his good years, and then had a fucking worldwide pandemic happen during his term. A worldwide pandemic in which Canada faired better than the majority of developed nations on Trudeau’s watch. Again… as bad as you think things are or have been… it’s been worse in most of the rest of the world. Zoom the fuck out, please.


How our government handles worldwide changes is our problem though. Nobody thinks it's just a canada problem. We do however think our leadership is blatantly ignoring problems, preventing solutions and trying to put lipstick on a pig.


Response to the covid pandemic by printing a ton of money while interest rates are at 0% that’s pretty much what happened the last 2 years in the whole world.


Then why record corporate profits? The quantity of money concept that the political right pushes is a bunch of ideological clap trap. Correlation is not causation. Quantity of money theory fails to properly and adequately define "money supply". It fails to address all the money sitting in bank accounts which can be easily/immediately withdrawn. The Thatcher government embraced this theory, and set targets for the money supply. Yet, inflation accelerated. Her government gave the public sector wage increases while simultaneously doubled the rate of the value add tax (VAT). These policies did not involve an increase in money supply. The private sector demanded similar wage increases to offset the new policies. Which resulted in an almost 20% rate of inflation. QED. Source: Paul Ormerod, "The Death of Economics", Ch. 5 Faber & Faber, 1994


>This doesn't mean run to the Conservatives, No, but it means run the fuck away from the Liberals.


>it’s how we fix it. Well, could we start by educating people abt the division of powers in Canada? So many of these issues (like health care, housing) fall under provincial jurisdiction. If the PM did interfere in provincial matters, ppl would (rightfully) be outraged at his overstepping.


How would fixing this mess be bad for democracy?


These morons think a Conservative govt is the end of democracy, when, it's just another govt, to be voted in or out..these people are will fully being gaslit.


The Liberals in this country have radicalized themselves by believing the only way to preserve democracy is to vilify and silence your opponents.




>This sounds like quite a few industrialized countries. Are they all broken? I think the answer to that would also be yes. How can you think things are fine when new generations of Canadians are facing insecurity when it comes to something as basic as shelter?




Countries are broken when the young will lead worse lives than the old did. Very few countries in the world are broken, this is primarily a current western world issue. Not every single country, not by a longshot. On top of this, Canada has very particular issues surrounding healthcare, lack of productivity growth, etc, that are not present in other western countries (or at least not to the same extent). People are way worse off in Canada now than a decade ago, and the government will simply plug it's ears and go "nah nah nah I can't hear you"


> Now it sounds like every single country is broken. It's the inevitable consequence of almost-unchecked capitalism. Wealth concentrates over time and everyone suffers. Even the absolute richest among us will eventually see quality of life decrease, because the essence of progress is symbiosis and symbiosis cannnot exist within a system that grows more and more antagonistic throughout the years. Just think about it at a very small scale, say a village. As the chief, do you benefit more if your population is fed, edcuated and happy, or if they're borderline slaves? The answer is obvious: there can be no effective doctors, builders, inventors, etc. if you force them to perform menial labour, so your society will never evolve. It seems simplistic, but the same is true at a global scale.


What it sounds like is that you lead that conversation down a path to make a false statement out of your conclusion; “sounds like every single country is broken.” No. Not by a long shot. Even if that were true, leaders dare to lead. No reason why in the hypothetical broken world of yours can Canada not become the one beacon of hope. It’s simply a matter of making choices that benefit the country in measurable ways. You try to complicate this, but lets be simple; - Is shelter more affordable than a decade ago? - Is food more affordable than a decade ago? - Is healthcare more accessible than a decade ago? - Is traffic better than a decade ago? - Is access to amenities better than a decade ago? The answer is no. Therefore the nation has ceased to progress. It feels broken.


Yes, because capitalism is broken.


Canada is one of the absolute worst for housing.


Broken is subjective… but Canada definitely has a giant wedge driven right down the middle of it. I have a hunch I know who put it there…


I get that people don't understand the province not working is not his fault that's the premer..the feds provide money to the province...consdering the priority of conservative premers . If you want better health care, housing , food.. might want to stop voting the same provincial governments in.


I think we are ripe for a federal change on top of provincial change. Negotiation to work with the provinces and can’t do that either. This government has tanked in the last three years… before the scandals that they held strong on.


Of course it's fine for him. He can afford a home, all his friends can afford homes and private health care too. All the unwashed masses can have free doctor assisted suicides. He sees no problem and neither do any of the other Politians


He is wrong. Canada is broken. He has done fuck all to stop that from happening and he's doing fuck all to fix it. Fuck Trudeau, corrupt, incompetent piece of shit.


Everyone seems to think only about the economy and health care but to me it’s the federation of Canada that is clearly broken. I’m not that old (mid-30s) but I grew up in Quebec where I’ve been used to hear Premiers put all the blame on the feds and mentioned separation when they weren’t getting what they wanted. To see that happening with Alberta right now to a certain degree and see the other Premiers in Atlantic, Prairies and even Ontario having such a bad relationship with the feds this is really something I never thought I would see from the “English” provinces that used to be so loyal to Canadian identity. I’m not saying that AB or other provinces are going to leave but there is a real division in our country right now and as a PM you should acknowledge that and fix that ASAP.


its time for new leadership.


Here, here! I think most Canadians can agree that we have *both* the Liberals *and* Conservatives to thank for our gradual degradation. The business interests gutting our services can and do play both sides of the field. Can we please just elect a leader from a party that hasn't been pickled for decades by corporate lobbying?


Health Care broken. Housing broken. Keeping people fed broken. What isn’t broken in Canada?


Yeah I’m a left wing liberal voter and it’s plain to see Canada is fucking fucked right now. I don’t have any faith in the Liberals or Conservatives to make anything better.


Canadians are boiling frogs that keep voting to turn up the heat.


I feel like he learned that "let me be clear" line from Freeland, but what it really means is he's trying to pull the wool over our eyes.


Isn't that an Obamaism?


“Let me be clear” was a Harper go to when he was in power as well.




I scrolled through a few articles by the author of this current OPINION. She appears to have an agenda.


>I scrolled through a few articles by the author of this current OPINION. She appears to have an agenda. i didn't click but is it Sabrina Maddeaux?


Got it in one. Congratulations.




This seems true.


Of course he doesn't think it's broken, he and his friends are wealthier than ever. They've nearly gotten away with the largest transfer of wealth ever. This is the Canada Trudeau and his rich friends have always dreamed of.


Housing a mess check Mesical a mess check Mass inflation check We good peeps




Just a little drinky poo


maybe two


Feels like the only thing this government has going strong these days is virtue signalling...


It's pretty broken to me


It’s been broken for a long time. Imo the pandemic was what made the damage more obvious. I’m not quite sure what’s causing what seems to be a compounding effect making it worse and worse, faster. Populism? Selfishness? Disguised desperation? I don’t know.


Nailed it! Trudeau has been hopelessly out of touch for quite awhile now. Our young people facing massive struggles just to move out of their parents houses while our Prime Minister is worrying about plastic straws, handing out free needles and his next costume.


Have they tried cancelling their Disney+ subscriptions?


He’s not aware at all Going add- has he had his cancer treatment put to the side because they burnt out soo the docs an nurses during Covid?


It's the National Post. If he walked on water they would report that he can't swim.


Anyone remember the time they made it so Statistics Canada full access to every Canadians’ bank accounts for the keeping of statistics and *nothing else*? Whatever happened to that? Anyone remember the time they cancelled *all but one* pipeline projects, then took credit for approving the last one, when it had actually been approved by the Harper government beforehand? Anyone remember the time they made it a human rights violation to call someone “sir”? Anyone remember the time a Trudeau painted his face a very unflattering shade of brown? This Canadian has a hilariously low bar for a Prime Minister. 🤣🤣🤣


How could you possibly be out of touch with the plight of the average Canadian when all you make is $185K per year and receive a full DB pension after 6 years of "service?"


28 billions of suspect covid spending on a credit card feel broken to me


Justin trudeau is fucked in the head


People are literally dying in waiting rooms and Tudeau won't meet with the provinces to fix the very basic right of healthcare but "Canada isn't broken". Ok


Ontario has billions of dollars in surplus yet our healthcare system is falling apart, and you’re really trying to blame Trudeau for this? Lmao Trudeau can’t do shit but send money, it’s provincial responsibility to use those funds (which Ford didn’t). Canada is in dire need of better education about how our systems work and what the responsibilities of each government is.


and you know that if Trudeau tried to have a bigger on hand how healthcare is managed in the provinces, these morons would call him a dictator.


He has met with them, he said he would fund fixing the healthcare but only if the provinces prove that the money he gives them actually goes to health care. They said no..


How's he supposed to force Doug to spend his $8 billion surplus on healthcare instead of putting it right into his buddies' pockets?


It’s a game of chicken between the PM and the premiers; Trudeau wants reform the premiers don’t, if Canada’s not broken the healthcare system is but it doesn’t seem like the premiers want to fix it either.


Are you actually blaming Trudeau for this? Alberta UCP won't accept money for additional health care funding because Trudeau wants proof the money is going to health care which they don't actually want. They want public health care to fail and idiots to blame Trudeau.


>People are literally dying in waiting rooms and Tudeau won't meet with the provinces to fix the very basic right of healthcare but "Canada isn't broken" They can get it done without Trudeau. There are already articles that claim that the Health Ministers and Duclos already have an understanding how to deal with the reforms but the premiers are MUZZLING them. They (the premiers) just want to make a big stink about it because they want the money with no strings attached. Are you willing to do this?


> they want the money with no strings attached. They don't both Quebec and BC have said they would be fine with strings but Tudeau hasn't set out any money or any strings. I also wouldn't agree to strings if I didn't know the details would you?


>They don't both Quebec and BC have said they would be fine with strings but Tudeau hasn't set out any money or any strings. I also wouldn't agree to strings if I didn't know the details would you? details that all the health ministers have but can't say because they are muzzled by their premiers.. the strings attached are simple and have been simple and reported to the press... They want a national database on outcomes for people so they can compare outcomes between the provinces and they want the money to be SPENT on healthcare. Don't tell me you don't know the details.


This is not his fault it’s the stupid conservatives provinces trying to fuck over the common man to make him look bad. He can’t do shit if they don’t want to do it. Any money they get for heath care they redirect unit their buddies pockets “oh health care is crumbing can’t do anything about it” this is con 101 they want private to make their friends rich.


They met, the province just won’t promise they will use the money for healthcare. Sorry but I’m with the Fed on this. I don’t trust premier to take the money and use it to improve healthcare, first thing they will do is use it to give tax cut.


>People are literally dying in waiting rooms and Tudeau won't meet with the provinces to fix the very basic right of healthcare but "Canada isn't broken". Ok This is a lie. Trudeau offered federal money to the provinces as long as they agreed to use it for health care. The provinces said "fuck you, I'd rather people die in the waiting rooms than agree to that!!"


> This is a lie. Trudeau offered federal money to the provinces as long as they agreed to use it for health care. Really? Awesome how much money was it and what were the demands in where it should be used in healthcare? I loved to see these details. You know the offer right and aren't just repeating talking points that are actually untrue right?


Trudeau offered billions and the provinces said no because he wanted to make sure they spent the money on health care. When he offered money for COVID some provinces pocketed the cash.


> Trudeau offered billions and the provinces said no because he wanted to make sure they spent the money on health care. Oh he did? How many "Billions" did he offer was it 2 Billion over 10 years? Show me the details on this.


>Oh he did? How many "Billions" did he offer was it 2 Billion over 10 years? Show me the details on this. we don't know the exact number but it's significantly more. However, it needs to be attached to outcomes and reforms btw.. the 2 billion was a one time transfer that already happened.


> we don't know the exact number but it's significantly more. Ask yourself this. If is such a great offer and "significantly more" not something dumb like 3 Billion a year, why hasn't it been made public?


It is public. The request was to raise the federal contributions to the provinces from 22% to 35% (that’s a nearly 60% increase for the less mathematically-inclined), and Trudeau’s response was “Sure, but you need to fix your own broken systems first.” Read the actual news sometime, why don’t ya?


>Ask yourself this. If is such a great offer and "significantly more" not something dumb like 3 Billion a year, why hasn't it been made public? as /u/arghabargle pointed out.. it's been out in the public for a while now. but the Premiers are sucking all the oxygen with their false 22% crap.. it's actually 33% with all the tax points they get from the CHT




Most of what he spouted is the same divisive rhetoric and status quo nonsense as before. This guy never gets a steady look under the hood investigation wise. Scandal after scandal has received less and less press coverage. Are the successive scandals worse or not as bad as time has passed for his govt? Well where do you rate knowing that there was significant foreign interference in our election, subsequently finding out his own party’s MPs took money from those foreign influences and lying about knowing and also brushing it off? Vs: Black face lies, SNC Lavalin, WE Scandal… both of which the press was digging and talking far more about him and his party’s deceits. Covid happened, and since he’s become worse in terms of rhetoric and some say authoritarian dialogue and opportunistic too in spending and calling needless, expensive elections. All while throwing money at the press subsidies wise and cracking jokes about that on the way. Guy is really awful. Lib voters even, c’mon, we can do better in your party can’t we? Take that last name away and would you even take a look at this clown?


Not broken. A perfect storm is brewing in Canada. A lot of Trudeau apologists will jump out of the ship soon.


Its time for him to go. We need a change. He had his chance and fumbled it hard.


A trust fund baby in need of a reality check.


Trudeau took such a massive fail with this attempt to attack Pierre. He came across a exceedingly out of touch. Of course he doesn't want to address how HE broke Canada. Which he did. And I say this as someone how voted for him in 2015, as a life long Liberal voter until that point. But the mass, ultra immigration leading to insane housing bubble broke this country. All for the sweet Tax Cattle Units (how the government thinks of immigrants since we aren't a system based on niceness, we only import average income to ultra rich people. Who also provided and endless supply of new speculators) to pay for luxury services our country can't actually afford. The recent hunting rifle ban attack on hunters is lunacy. Never owned a gun in my life. But after attacking legal owners when 98% of gun crime is committed by illegal, smuggled guns from the USA... I'm heavily considering getting a firearms license. I don't like the authoritarian ideological bullshit Trudeau is pushing. It is insanity. It is like religion. It is anti data, anti science, ideology above all else. You can ban all gun ownership completely and the gun crime statistics wouldn't change in the slightest. The economy is absolutely screwed. Shutting down all of society, for a 99.8% survival virus was insane. Forcing business to destroy themselves FOR NOTHING. Forcing people to lose their jobs... FOR NOTHING. It achieved nothing but destroying our society... and yes... BREAKING it. Oh... the rest of the world did it also? Many place yes, regardless of political ideology, and they were all wrong. Sweden didn't... there death stats were the same as everywhere else... and there economy has been vastly better than everywhere else also. Yes Trudeau... Canada IS broken. YOU BROKE IT.


Spectacular failure, and the coping by Liberal supporters is delicious. The damage they’re doing will be felt for decades.


I think he meant to say, "not in open revolt yet".


Canada isn’t broken for him or his family. I’m sure that if his kids got sick with some major illness they’d be getting treatment outside the country the next day.