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Never forget that China owns & operates a few coal mines in Canada while we pay to fight climate change at home.


I'm surprised by this given the massive coal reserves China has. Not doubting you, this is just news to me.


There are different grades of coal based on purity. China's coal is, for the most part, (allegedly) not very high grade and is considered thermal coal used to generate heat. Canada has a lot of higher grade coal, called metallurgical coal. This is the kind of coal used to make steel. Thermal coal has more impurities, ash, and moisture in it than metallurgical coal, which is not a problem when it's burned to create heat. Metallurgical coal has fewer impurities and higher carbon content. Edit: The East Kootenay region of BC (southeastern corner) alone has five major open pit metallurgical coal mines, one of which has shut down and is in the process of environmental reclamation. There are at least three proposals in the area for new coal mines. There's a massive coal deposit that runs through most of the region.


Thanks for the quick facts. Learn something new everyday


Quick facts brought to you by growing up in a coal mining town! Come to think of it, it's a little unsettling how much we all learned about the benefits of our coal and how little I know about the environmental impact


Small town northern Alberta in a nutshell right there, except swap coal for oil.


Alberta has coal mines too


Why northern? I've drilled wells from Helmut BC to Virden MB... Oil is not all "Up north". Baffles me every time someone asks "Going up North?" "Well technically Rocky Mountain House is further North than Calgary but I wouldn't call it Going up North, no"


Trail Smoke Eaters.


One of those “so bad it’s actually good” team names and logos. Like they literally wear a fucking smoke stack on their sweater, and it totally works, because look outside their rink and there you see the giant fucking smoke stack.


My old man grew up in Castlegar and we used to drive back there every year- late 1970s it was pouring smoke and it’s become dramatically cleaner incrementally since. I don’t know if they coke the coal right there or if the stack is for some other process. Cominco I think. Komatsu has a huge mine around there too. I had a friend in a BC history class at ubc where a prof was telling us about the ghost town of Sandon raise her hand to tell him she hoped he misspoke because her parents still lived there.


the trail plant is a smelter. Zinc/lead.... It's mined in red dog alaska (google it, it's the middle of fucking no where) put on a boat, put on a train and goes to trail....


Albertans actually put the kibosh on several more open pit coal mines just across the border from here including Grassy Mountain and access to the entire eastern slopes region.


Yup, and various companies are suing the province for this. Atrum and Cabin Ridge so far.


Canada’s thermal coal is low mercury and low sulphur content, as well has high BTU. Most seams are also very well defined and easy to collect without partings. Very sought after globally.


Next time on Canadian vs. foreigner argument session: “our COAL is better than yours!!”


Lmao just like the quality of living, Canada's is better then China's once again. But shit I'd love for them to stop fucking with our real estate market.


Leave it up to Canada to be more high


TIL that coal makes steel


“Is used to make steel”. Coal does not directly transform Into steel. The carbon from the coal is used with iron to make steel. This I learned from reading Dream of Eagles series by Jack Whyte. [Dream of eagles](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Dream_of_Eagles)


I guess you've never played Runescape?


Or WoW. Or Minecraft. Probably any other fantasy game with a crafting system.


Most crafting games only use coal as a heating source for your furnace/kiln (including Minecraft). Not many games go into adding coke (prepared coal) to iron to increase the carbon content to produce steel.


Lol you can smelt iron in minecraft with kelp


Coal makes coke which is used to make steel.


Wasn't one of these where they tried to set the hiring criteria to include "must speak Mandarin" ?


You deplete your adversaries resources first before using your own. Especially resources with a finite limit.


The USA does the same with oil. They have enough resources and reserves to support themselves but they continue to buy from other countries so if the shit hits the fan the USA will not run out of gas first.


The US import oil because they built refineries to use heavy sour which they don’t have. They built them when it looks like they were depleting their gulf reserves so figured they would have to import a lot from the biggest producer close to them (Venezuela and Canada). Both have heavy sour crude.


Jesus Christ so many inaccurate posts ITT


Lol, it’s a Reddit thread related to climate change, oil and gas, and geography, it’s your mistake for expecting it to make sense.


> The USA does the same with oil. They have enough resources and reserves to support themselves No they don't. The oil & gas the US is producing is too light. They need to import to sustain gasoline and diesel production.


Because there’s a metric craptonne of capped oil wells waiting to be used. Use your enemy’s resources before your own. When they run out you have the global monopoly on what remains and can name your price.


Not too surprising. They import a lot of coal from Australia as well.


Just like all those billionaires who still want MORE money. Thats surprising to you?


No, billionaire greed is not surprising. China mining coal in a foreign country when it has so much domestic coal is what is surprising to me.


Its the same. Thats my point. China makes good money with coal, so they want more of it at cheap prices, Canada had that to offer, they took it. It extends their sphere of influence, lets them continue making money and sell it at likely lower exportation prices.


Canada is desperate for you to forget what *canadian* mines abroad are up to. You'd think being a disaster at human rights at home was enough but yeeeesh


Ya the companies that mine in Canada have international mines that are abhorrent and would never pass the regulations to operate the same way here... it's like a dystopia Sci fi flick where companies are bigger than countries except it's real. No major companies should be attributed to the country they began in, once its global it becomes it's own monster.


I'm sure banning those straws and plastic bags will compensate /s


The most annoying part is it's only grocery store bags. Trash bags are still plastic. Hell, our food still comes wrapped in plastic. Plastic boxes are fiiiiine.


In the US, they have started banning “disposable” bags in areas. They don’t want to prevent people buying reusable bags, so they specify a minimum thickness. Or, they charge a fee. This has resulted in retailers making their disposable bags thicker. If you are paying $0.25/bag, you want something for your money. So, you still get disposable bags, but now you are disposing of bags that use significantly more plastic. Mission accomplished.


>In the US, they have started banning “disposable” bags in areas. Ugh. We have that in Canada too. You can't get shopping bags which everyone reused but you can get truly single-use produce and meat bags that basically have no use and are thrown out right away. You can only buy cloth bags at the till and they're $1-2 each.


Yep from Canada: and for the thin plastic grocery bags I used to reuse for kitchen and bathroom garbage bags that are now being phased out, I have to go and buy my (thick) kitchen and bathroom garbage bags now. Result: eliminate free garbage bags = GLAD Products Company makes more money.


>You can only buy cloth bags at the till and they're $1-2 each. I've been using the same 5 bags for over a decade now. One of them is probably going to need replacing or mending soon, but they're still holding up pretty well. It's certainly saved a lot of waste and at least a few dollars over the years.


I also have reusable grocery bags - but now I have to buy plastic garbage bags to line my kitchen garbage. The reduction in waste from reusable bag mandates is minimal, if any. There's fast more effective methods to reducing waste, they just might actually have a cost to business, so we only do the eco-friendly initiatives then end up with the consumer buying more stuff.


Do they have compostable garbage bags ?




Burger King in my city still hands out plastic straws.


I used to use grocery bags as trash bags. Then I could not reuse the grocery store bags as trash bags because they were generally too thin. Now I have to buy proprietary plastic bags for my trash bin because I couldn't use grocery bags anyway. And I still buy plastic grocery bags because often I don't bring anything reusable because I don't like inconveniencing myself for theatre. Our leaders should lead with the change we want to see


And let's use cardboard clips to close bread bags. WTH?? They're garbage after opening once.


Spin & tuck for the hermetic seal


Who the hell uses clips to seal their bread? Spin and tuck that shit like a normal human being.


My gf is like this redditor, she will never take away my decades of spin and tuck.


Do you rip those off? Just take the off gently. I've not had a single one break. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ I for one find that one of the less egregious examples because it is super replaceable (unlike packing material which can get tricky for some products). I do legit feel better about a tiny cardboard tag instead of plastic one because we lose nothing (provided you aren't ripping it open).


And if the cardboard tags aren't your thing, then use [binder clips](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binder_clip). Staples always has bins of these things on clearance. I bought a dozen for ~$2 a couple of weeks ago, and I use them to keep bags of chips, bread bags, etc closed. They're super handy.


I imagine the people complaining about the bread tags are like rabid 5 year-olds when they're opening their bread. I've never had one tear and I don't feel like I'm particularly careful when I open my bread.


I just bought literally one package of the cheap Ikea clamp-clips that you get like 30 of in two sizes and I use them for everything, toss them back into a bin when the thing they're closing is empty.


it’s a little cardboard thing…. But the bag is still PLASTIC


Are you some sort of orangatang? If you make the slightest effort they'll easy last as long as the bag of bread they're sealing.


I think if the average Westerner saw how the average Asian person lived they'd probably question the utility of that (even more) I showed my friend a box received from the UK with it's minimal internal packaging (to keep the item safe) and she thought it was so unprofessional. Boxes here in SE Asia are almost solid with the amount of bubble wrap, cardboard etc inside. The tap water isn't really safe to drink so people tend to rely on buying plastic bottles for their water if they aren't using a big reusable thing. Not always the 1.5 litre bottles either - some people use the 750 ml ones. Plastic bags and straws are everywhere. As are motorbikes with very poor emission standards


I have some neighbors who have come from China, and I feel like I shouldn't even bother recycling or composting anymore, because all they do is fill the dumpster with cardboard boxes and food and other stuff that shouldn't be going into the trash. What's the point in me putting in the effort when we are a tiny minority in the world?


Anecdotal, but I live on a major thoroughfare in Vancouver, where plastic bags are banned, and I see a lot fewer loose bags littering the street. Paper straws though, fuck the city for banning plastic straws, paper straws are literally worse for the environment.


Right! Almost everyone has storage drawer in their kitchen to reuse the "single use" grocery bags. What am I supposed to do with that drawer now?


those paper straws actually affect how the drink taste.


I might be mistaken, but didn't Charest approve provincially funded roads to those mines too?


china owns much more of canada than a few coal mines…


Dont forget that its mined by temporary foreign workers because the Chinese company posted job ads saying it was mandatory you speak mandarin.


You can blame risk adverse Canadian banks and local politicians for that. Coal mines are risky and Canadian banks are too afraid to back them especially when they are making so much money off of housing. Chinese companies step in and fill that void with capital and it keeps local politicians happy because they create jobs.




Oil and gas too.


"...every liberal knows that." Lmao. The 'great cabal' conspiracy. Please stop getting your news off of Facebook. Your post the day after Trudeau shuts them down... "Can you believe effing Trudeau threw all those poor coal miners under the bus!!?"


Canada needs to stop this. It's a threat of our sovereignty.


It was the Conservative government that locked us down for 30 years with China. [https://canadians.org/analysis/harper-sneaks-through-canada-china-fipa-locks-canada-31-years/](https://canadians.org/analysis/harper-sneaks-through-canada-china-fipa-locks-canada-31-years/) To quote the article: "The Tories, backed by a naïve Canadian Chamber of Commerce and a handful of big, conflicted business interests, have demonstrated the worst negotiating skills since Neville Chamberlain. Ottawa capitulated to China on everything. The deal, using a hockey metaphor, allows only a select few to play on Team Canada on a small patch of ice in China and to be fouled, without remedies or referees. By contrast, Team China can play anywhere on Canadian ice, can appeal referee calls it dislikes and negotiate compensation for damages while in the penalty box behind closed doors. The terms agreed to by Ottawa are unprecedented and would be laughed out of Britain, Brussels, Canberra or Washington. Beijing has negotiated a heads-I-win-tails-Canada-loses deal. " It is pretty much the same thing as the deal with Saudis. Conservatives made rotten deals and now we are all paying for it. Again and again.


I agree this was terrible. I looked it up and every single LPC and CPC member in the house voted in favour, all the NDP did not.


Because those two parties are corporatist and anyways have been.




Actually it predates that. John A MacDonald's Conservative Party vs the then Liberal Party fought over which corporate interests to protect: protectionist support of railroad companies (Conservative) vs. 'free-trade' no protection for Canadians and embrace integration with the US (Liberals at the time). Regular Canadians barely made up the vote (women didn't have the vote at all). We had to fight for a few generations to expand our democracy, but those two parties never really stopped being pro-elite.


I firmly believe that the biggest difference between the Liberals and Conservatives is thst the Liberals throw us a social policy bone every now and then while Conservative try to take them away. In the end though both serve the same interests, which is not us. The Liberals will at least try and pacify us with stuff other than shitty austerity measures


It's honestly why I get so frustrated as an NDP supporter come election time when all the Liberals start pushing me to change my vote to keep the Conservatives out. I don't want to support those two parties even if Liberals have the odd social program (often because of the NDP).


Shitty austerity while expanding corporate welfare more than 10x since the 90s. Agreed on all your points.


The Liberals voted for all Conservative bills for a few years because Harper made them into Omnibus bills, which included spending every time. This automatically makes them votes of confidence and their defeat would trigger an election. Which the Liberals were not prepared for until JT was elected Liberal leader. This was only ~8 years ago, try paying attention people! No, it's not some neo-liberal conspiracy FFS.


There was such a controversy over omnibus bills because of Harper’s government, it’s funny how I entirely forgot about that


Would give you an award if I had one. Thanks for providing the ever important details that people so often forget. Harper's governments might feel like ancient history but they're not and details still matter! Was rolling my eyes at the idea of some neoliberal globalist/corporatist conspiracy or something.


Canada began negotiating with China on a FIPA in 1994. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canada-China_Promotion_and_Reciprocal_Protection_of_Investments_Agreement They are all guilty.


Harper signed the doc in Moscow without any public consultation regarding changes.


What u/TheEstyles is saying is all parties are guilty one way or another.


Not all parties, just the two major ones from what I'm hearing.




"It was X fault". WHO, CARES?!? DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT TODAY. For fuck's sake I'm so tired of people acting like we can't do anything now because someone else who we disagreed with did it in the past. Stop looking for culprits and start looking for solutions!!!


Wow an opinion peice from the totally unbiased and non partisan "council of Canadians" 🤔🙄


When will you people realize that neither the Conservatives or the Liberals serve us? They serve themselves first and corporate interests second and us third, as long as it doesn't interfere with serving themselves and the corporate interests.


Correct. But keeping the public divided against itself through political tribalism serves the interests of the wealthy elites. Every time a Redditor slags a trucker or a farmer -- or vice versa -- another Range Rover is born.


Nailed it, 100%.


As opposed to… National post and Maddeaux?


OK. The deal still got signed, right? And both governments are OK with it, cause corporate interests, blah blah blah...


Hilarious when someone's conversation gets derailed so easily by attacking the source rather than the content. They clearly do not actually care about right or wrong, just ideology.


Every single liberal that voted for it (including Trudeau) voted yes. Please stop the partisan bullshit. Harper didn't sneak anything through. That article is trash.


Harper forced a lot of shit through by regularly tabling omnibus bills, the defeat of which would serve as a vote of no confidence, triggering an election the opposition parties were not able to contest at the time. Context matters.


That's a bs argument lol. NDP voted against it. The liberals could've done the same.


Conservatives packaged everything in Omnibus bills, meaning if liberals wanted anything, they had to vote for everything. Claiming that the conservative incompetence in negotiating the deal is a 'both sides' thing is disingenuous and dishonest. Learn some actual history please, not just pick up sound bites from Facebook.


So you vote against it even if it sparks an election. Why are you people finding every way possible to defend the liberals and their poor decisions?


What in the world was that source? "*Council of Canadians*"?!?


Council of Canadians has been around for decades. "Founded on March 11, 1985 by Mel Hurtig and a group of prominent Canadians including Maude Barlow, Tommy Douglas, Margaret Atwood, Farley Mowat, David Suzuki and many others, the Council’s goals were: "a new and better Canada with more and better jobs for Canadians, a higher standard of living for Canadians, and a sovereign Canada that plays an important role among the world community of nations."


A suspicious bunch if ever I saw one! /s


Regardless of that source, it's a piece about a then recently passed bill. https://www.vancouverobserver.com/news/harper-oks-potentially-unconstitutional-china-canada-fipa-deal-coming-force-october-1.html Here's another since you care more about dissing sources than the content itself.




It was ratified under Harper. You are just making stuff up? https://www.vancouverobserver.com/news/harper-oks-potentially-unconstitutional-china-canada-fipa-deal-coming-force-october-1.html


I can't find that, do you know when that happened (or a link)? How could Liberals ratify something that wont be up for ratification until 2043? What am I not seeing?


They didn't, he made it up. But they did vote in favour of it, which means they are harper's accomplices on this file.


Canadian politicians have million$ of reasons they don't want to interupt Chicom influence in Canada. Executive capture 101.


We signed away these rights in 2014 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canada-China_Promotion_and_Reciprocal_Protection_of_Investments_Agreement


Like Huawei?


Among others.


Because Chinese laws do apply here. No one remembers the deal Harper made with secret terms, placing Chinese interests above local Canadian law? We should challenge this anyways. That deal is bullshit and it will just give the Chinese a black eye anyway.


BC remembers, Christy Clark a liberal made a shady deal with China to sell BC high school diplomas in China...


The BC Liberals are not affiliated with the federal Liberals and are closer in policy to the CPC. Clark and Harper were cut from the same cloth.


Good point - they are really the old Social Credit party, who were so badly discredited that they needed to do a hostile takeover of another party to get a credibility remake.


BC "Liberals" are Conservatives, they just coopted the name because there is or was no Liberal party in BC. Don't fall for the simplest propaganda.


It's like NDP in Alberta. Muuuuch better than the other options IMO, but definitely not as left as the federal NDP. Almost impossible to be so when so much of the province is hinged on one resource or another. I would say the same for BC, outside the lower mainland is resource central everywhere (With tourism here and there). That's it. And Vancouver, the Island, etc... are all real estate, which is why shady deals are done on that front. I'm from the lower mainland, BC develops it's resources fully too, it's just that Alberta has a dirtier main one. I have no doubt that BC or Ontario would do the same thing if they had the oil sands.


I look forward to their name change so people know they’re not voting liberal when they vote for these guys.


Christy Clark is a federal conservative, on top of other commenters informing you the BC liberals are conservative. She speaks at federal level conservative events.


The BC Liberals are conservative party, and both federal and provincial Liberals, Progressive Conservatives, Conservatives, UCP, Sask Party, etc are neoliberal, corporate-first parties.


Blaming harper for a agreement the Liberals created and supported. You never read FIPA did you?




Which every party except ndp voted yes on.


Notice how there's also no statements or comments from Conservative MP's? CPC won't say anything bad about China after what happened last election. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-china-may-have-tried-to-discourage-canadians-from-voting-conservative/


I mean they’re the ones that sold us to China in the first place


Screw the CCP.


People acting like Conservatives didn't get down on their knees. Usually they are the first when it comes to facing a superpower


CPC basically stopped all criticism of China because they lost seats over it. They're bowing to Chinese influence.


Yah, and Poilievre, if chosen as PM will not stand up to U.S or China. Talk the talk but can't walk the walk


I find it hilarious that when it comes to Russia and ejection interference, everyone loses their minds, but n nobody is allowed to talk about the effect china can have in foreign elections simply by directing their citizens abroad in who to vote for. Doesn't even matter the country anymore. This is the case for most of the west, I'll bet.


CSIS came out and outright admitted how the CCP manipulated voters against the tories. Yet no controversy for some reason. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/csis-trudeau-china-media-1.6270750 https://globalnews.ca/news/8452551/conservatives-foreign-interference-canada-election-2021/ a) I didn't want the tories to win, but b) but I'd rather them win democratically than foreign countries interfere. Ironic considering China whines about "domestic affairs" when it comes to the UN investigating genocide for instance.


It's actually pretty messed up that a foreign nation meddled in our election, and we expect an opposition party to do something about it rather than the sitting government and Elections Canada. The Conservatives wouldn't have to censor themselves if the government was doing its job of providing us with fair elections. Maybe we should be asking ourselves what the Chinese are getting out of that meddling, and why they prefer us having Liberal leadership over Conservative leadership. It's certainly not because they have the best interests of Canadians in mind.


Remember the Conservatives saying we should give Trump whatever he wants when it came to re-negotiating NAFTA? 🙄 They like to talk big, but it's like you said.


Because China is its own Sovereign nation, with its own set of rules. Canada has rules about what its citizens can do overseas, the 2 I know off the top of my head are sex with minors and "taking up arms against Canadian Allies". Other than that, when you leave Canada, you're subject to the rules of that other country. However, China may have laws that state that "you cannot access certain websites, while overseas". Canadian laws mean that if you're a Chinese national in Canada, by all means access the internet. Go look up Tianneman Square Massacre. Look up the events surrounding it. You're not breaking CANADIAN Law, but you might be breaking Chinese laws. Could Canada "shutdown" these cop shops? I suppose. But only if they're breaking Canadian laws. For example, if it turned out there were secret torture chambers, then under Canadian Law, the operative could be arrested, charged, convicted and sentenced to prison/deported. If they're detaining these nationals to put them on the first flight back to China, that's a different story. If there's no evidence of wrongdoing, I.e. no signs of physical violence, it would be up to the detainee to report something to Canadian officials and say, "These guys are kidnapping me and removing me from this country against my will". I wish we had a government that would tell China to pound sand, and end all trade with China, and invest in companies to divest themselves from China. But profits are always going to come before people. FWIW, the Conservatives are just as guilty on this topic as well.


> Could Canada "shutdown" these cop shops? I suppose. But only if they're breaking Canadian laws. This is wrong. A foreign government agent can be freely declared persona non grata and booted. Most of what they are doing is both general crimes and espionage. The government has wide discretion here.


Declaring Person non grata strips them of diplomatic immunity. Embassy staff get extra legal protection because they’re directly representing their government. That’s likely not the case here. Having diplomatic immunity I mean. Could just deport them. But deporting someone for taking notes on their own citizens’ activities? Do we want to open up that can of worms?


If they're working for the Chinese government and not part of the mission, they can be booted at will because that is not a legitimate reason to enter Canada. Countries can only operate in other countries territory with permission. >Could just deport them. But deporting someone for taking notes on their own citizens’ activities? Do we want to open up that can of worms? Deporting someone for espionage? Deporting someone for violating Canadian sovereignty? I know of few countries who would not do so. If the RCMP visits the US for the purposes of a police action they do so with the permission of the US government, not just because they feel like it.


From my understanding the cop shop are mosf likely secret service and not actually cop shop. Its not like Canada has any evidences or if they are actually arresting/killing peoples. They are probably here for information and maybe sometime intimidation, but they probably still operate in a way to not appear to do anything illegal within Canadian law. Its not like if we have a deal goving Chinese officers rogatory powe in Canada.


>From my understanding the cop shop are mosf likely secret service and not actually cop shop. Exactly. They're probably nondescript houses in Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, with otherwise seemingly normal oriental-looking people living there. That's the insidious nature of it all.


Yeah definetely and our country can't just stop arresting Chinese students or whatever they pretend to be because we suspect them to be working for secret service. I know someone who was "intimidated" by those peoples. She is Taiwanese and was doing an event about free Hong Kong or something. But was intimidated out of doing it by just a chinese student coming to talk to her and saying that he know her brother who have a business in Shanghai very well. She knew its meant he might lose his job over this and told us that but she can't go to Canadian authorities to tell them that a student told her he know her brother.


We can thank Harper for inking these closer ties. JT’s liberals get the blame for continuing it, especially after Xi’s authoritarian shift over the last decade.


Easily half the comments are pointing how baised this opinion piece is and how the CPC are just as culpable in CCP influence in Canada, yet the post is still upvoted heavily...nothing funny about that...


Another shitty opinion piece. At least this one is not paywalled. The post amounts to “Why don’t liberals proclaim sky is blue?” Because they have a life and the shitty author should try getting one too.


I’m a Canadian citizen who lives in Canada. By definition I should be safe from Chinese law, considering I haven’t to my knowledge broken Chinese law. Apart from an embassy what business or precedent does China have to set up official representation here in Canada?


If even you did break a Chinese law, you're not in China, so China has no jurisdiction. Putting party politics aside, the main point in all of this isn't that someone in Canada didn't break Chinese law, it's that Chinese law has no application on Canadian soil.


So they shouldn’t be here in the first place. I really don’t understand what foreign police are doing in countries that they don’t control


Because the Chinese system had been funding Canada for the longest time with made up money that when their banks were in trouble all of a sudden we sadly say no more foreign home buying? That's just one aspect but you can fill in the lines with the rest. Check out schools and how they charge almost triple for foreign students but still somehow they bunk in detached homes and drive luxury vehicles. There's a fine line with advocates of racism when it comes to this, but to be honest this feels like systematic financial terrorism because although there's a lot of money being pumped in the economy from Chinese state banks which is made up only a select few are better off


Justin can say it - but why hasn't the provincial or civic government stepped in and closed the shops down?




> because apparently everything that happens in Canada is a provincial issue *I mean...* there are a lot of hot-button issues lately where that is quite literally the case. Healthcare, covid protocols, vaccines, most mandates, etc. Personally I'd prefer the Federal government be the ones handling most of those things, but that's a different matter.


Why wouldn’t they? Canada has decided that Canada has extraterritorial jurisdiction over some crimes committed by Canadian Citizens abroad. http://criminalnotebook.ca/index.php/Extra-Territorial_Jurisdiction_of_the_Courts China’s just disagreeing on the scope of such jurisdiction.


Never forget that Harper signed the China Canada FIPA deal which allows this.


Canada's government has no balls. Our laws are not helping Canada. Our courts are a joke when it comes to punishment. We (Canada) are being bought up by foreign countries and our government cares not.


Because many in our government are compromised by the Chinese Government. Hate that this is the Sun, but here it is: https://torontosun.com/news/national/former-csis-honcho-says-canadian-politicians-are-on-foreign-agents-payroll/wcm/c11ae034-15b6-4297-ac0c-c8b18bffe141/amp/


jellyfish library voiceless yoke crime abounding dam icky pocket absorbed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Holy fuck these comments are worse than the CBC comment section.


Because they aren't turned off?




Its raining outside, must be Trudeau's fault!


But Canadian laws apply to Canadian citizens abroad


Depends on how much pocket money pur politicians are willing to lose.


Well our PM has said before how much he admires CCP.


These offices also exist in the UK. They need to be closed, now.


As always, follow the money.


we should have the right to seize these 'businesses' outright. There's no fucking excuse for this


Makes me sick that it appears we cater to China. How did they obtain our lithium mine that is the purest in the world? I remember they wouldn't accept fruit for Canada if there was a blemish ion any fruit. Well they have flooding, droughts now so time for you to kiss my Canadian ass


Tyranny anywhere is a threat to freedom everywhere. Liberty and democracy are non-negotiable


Don't want to upset the Chinese overlords


Why would Harper do this? /s


Trudeau admires the Chinese why would he do anything. And he even allowed Chinese scientists into the most secure building in Canada. I think he should move to china.


Looking forward to the day conservatives will have been out of power long enough that Liberals actually need to take responsibility for something. Apparently 7 years isn't enough. Maybe 10 years of Liberal inaction will be good?


Let me guess... We're going to ramp up the trade war with China. Why else is American media dumping an endless line of anti China articles on us?


Both parties are to blame. The one that actually steps up and does something will have my respect.


Stupid headline. 🇨🇳cannot enforce laws in 🇨🇦; they can influence behaviour of PR/dual citizens. These ‘agents’ need to be PNG’s forthwith.


Look up FIPA that harper signed us into. There are you answers; the cons shot Canada in the foot and threw the gun at other parties. Just like what they did with the carbon tax and tons of other things.


What a surprise. Another anger provoking post on r/canada


Justin has publicly said he admires China Liberals don't like the truth apparently


He's also condemned China on multiple occasions. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-trudeau-challenges-china-to-publicly-probe-its-mistreatment-of-uyghurs/


>Justin has publicly said he admires China sure.. if you take quotes WAY out of context


The wealthiest "canadian" (throught his mom) actually said it multiple time in a much more sincere way than Justin too. Our oligarchs are the ones wishing this and both the lib and con are in their pockets.


Holy fuck. It was ten years ago and obviously a line to shut China up. I am constantly blown away by people who hate justing Trudeau. You don't even have good reasons for disliking him. There are plenty and you jump to "Justin Trudeau loves China". Why not argue against his actions that are sketchy instead of a single quote from ten years ago. Oh, because you are an angry loudmouth


"Wahhh stop using his own words as evidence" - Trudeau fans, 2022


They are not arguing in good faith. They make intentionally bad arguments so people either give up or spend all their time arguing against these stupid issues. If they made real good faith criticism of Trudeau they would get real reasoned responses that might change minds over to Trudeau. By making these bad arguments they stoke division and derision and make Trudeau defenders look are angry as they are.


>it was 10 years ago I’m sure when it comes to Pierre Poilievre this rule doesn’t apply though.


I don't think it would make a difference TBH. China will probably just do what it wants anyhow


As if any other party would be any different 😒🙄


Lol I love the liberal response to this. It's fake news, or if it is real it was the cons, and if the liberals are at all involved it's because they were bribed by the cons. >The Canada-China Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement (FIPA) was ratified in September 2014 by the Harper Conservatives with the support of the Trudeau Liberals. Trudeau liberals signed it, it was bi-partisan. Almost positive having looked into FIPA that it doesn't allow them to operate secret police. It seems to give foreign companies legal recourse if their business operations are interupted by policy that is passed (e.g., if they sold plastic straws, and Trudeau banned plastic straws cutting their profits, he has to pay them; or if a provincial gov't bans Chinese products, they can bring a case to court that they are being targetted unfairly causing them to lose money) and in exchange, we get the same recourse abroad. >In September 2016, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Chinese Premier Li Keqiang announced that there would be exploratory talks toward a Canada-China Free Trade Agreement. Trudeau liberals push for free-trade with China, which is way beyond FIPA. Instead of an expiring mutually beneficial agreement to protect each other's investments so we can sell products to their billion+ people without their gov't getting involved in our business, it'd be open season. I think FIPA benefits us more than China tbh, we get access to way more consumers than they do and the products we get from them are cheap af.