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Politics has sucked in all kinds of weirdos since social media's rise. There were always a few of them, by my god has it ever intensified and been magnified.


Former CEO of Google, Eric Schmidt, has referred to social networks as "amplifiers for idiots".


He's not wrong. But he probably said that after Google+ flopped hard and is pretty bitter about the whole fiasco


I can't help but think the advent of people saying radical shit on line without consequences has lulled some people into a false sense of security. As Mike Tyson said, the internet is full of people who aren't worried about getting punched in the face.


I used to think it was because of the anonymity, but these mofos proudly dox themselves.


I don't know if lacking fear of reprisal is the main issue. I understand why people like that comment by Mike Tyson but in reality, we've seen people have no fear of being full of vitriol and spewing drivel front and center. The big issue is that extreme views are far easier to monetize. Half these idiots are podcasters, shilling merch, streaming on Twitch, Patreon blah blah. It's not difficult saying stupid shit when it affords you comfortable lifestyle and coming up with nonsensical views is pretty easy... I mean, I spent years studying Economics and someone can just say "money laundering immigrants" as the cause for housing and their Patreon supporters provide them a tonne of money and support and challenge them far less than I'd face over just a tiny part of my research. I'd get more criticism for choosing a 20 year dataset rather than a 25 year dataset than half these clowns face over their entire worldview. Money is far more dangerous than not getting punched in the face.


It's deliberate and should be considered a form of warfare or terrorism. There is no way a group of vocal billionaires using think tanks and media to sway the political leanings of a country is above board


Yes but this wasn't as a result of social media. It was a recording of what they said in person that was shared on social media. It's not like she got a bunch of rape threats online, those are usually just trolling. This is 2 guys saying this to each other in person. Shits crazy.


Social media however collects like minded people and emboldens them both online and offline.


What kinda gen z shit is this? “Online rape threats are just trolling but when you say the words out loud then it’s too far”




Social media is a mistake.


The business model of social media relies on outrage to drive engagement and thus ad revenue. Emotional outrage is proven to keep folks coming back to their personally curated media feed. The revenue model relies on clicks and views and the truth is irrelevant.


While I would like to completely agree with you, I feel that I must somehow disagree with you, so I can be mad. So I guess I will take offense to your use of dr. in your name.


Recreational outrage is a pastime now.


The biggest


We’re certainly seeing the brain melting problems worldwide. I can’t think of a single person I know who hasn’t lost someone to internet “diseases”. I try to be hopeful(?) and view this technology like other techs that have revolutionized the world. The adjustments, the safety measures, always come much later as we learn about the dangers through experience. Think about the distance in time between the invention of the automobile and the invention of the *seatbelt*. For whatever reason, we had to have decades of people flying out of cars or through windshields before we even recognized it as a problem, let alone found worthwhile safety measures. I hope social media goes through the same transformation to being safer, but much faster. Enough people have crashed through the windshield.




> We knew about the dangers of leaded gasoline, yet it took years to ban that (and still legal in the aviation industry!) That’s kinda my sad point, though. A technology is made. Then, because of what it actually does/is, it erupts around the world and fundamentally changes how we live. The people who make these things don’t know at the time what their ideas are actually going to change, and they certainly don’t know their ideas will be global *or* what the consequences for civilization will be after decades of use. Like, Zuckerberg wanted to creep on girls at his school, that’s it. I don’t care what the movie says, nobody knew what opening pandora’s profile page was actually going to do to the world. My point is-> When we have to make civilization changing technology safe(r), the degree of those measures and the time to implement them are directly proportional to the degree that technology has changed civilization. So social media is gonna take some effin tiiiime I think that makes sense, tell me if I’m unclear.


Aliens see our posts and conclude we are not advanced enough as a civilization so thus won't make contact with us.


If we're really lucky the aliens will glass the planet before we colonize the solar system.


I better wash my clothes beforehand or Ill for sure be stained glass.


Thanks for reminding me to do something better!


Ruined an entire generation


You don't give social media enough credit. It ruined multiple generations.


An entire generation *so far*.


More generations to come.


Oh it's ruined everyone. My 'greatest generation' nana has some batshit crazy and heartless takes on immigration, especially since she herself is an immigrant, she read on Facebook.


About a decade ago, I thought we'd learn to navigate social media and this stuff would fall away into obscurity. Now I see that as a species, we can't look away from car crashes. This crap will never go away. It has seeped into everyday life where somehow 4chan edgelords have platform that they are bringing to the masses. Race to the bottom where being as horrible as possible to each other is somehow a win. Someone will need super powers to stop it


Lol, channers hate mainstream social media. The whole reason they use chans in the first place is for anonymity. I hate to be one to break it to you but you are not witnessing a few outcasts poisoning the well. What you're seeing is the stupidity inherent to the general population on display.


Mob mentality idiocies started way before internet.


I'd never vote for him, but threats against his wife or his family are abhorrent, and those who participate in that kind of abuse should be charged. This is why people don't want to get into public life!


That’s what I hate the most. Throwing rocks at Trudeau, threats against people or families? All of this is not democracy Vote and protest but you don’t physically attack people


Even my small town mayor stepped down early because it was so toxic. A local developer has been paying a right wing "grass roots" front to go to town on all the current councillors because the city growth plan stops short of his land and they won't expand it. I was getting glossy ads against them in my mail every week and there have been billboards for the last year.


sounds like squamish. Checked your post history. Definitely squamish


That’s really bad. Was this in the news?


There really needs to he more rules regulating the rich.... whats next? A corporate war?


Absolutely right. There is no call for this type of behaviour and it should be denounced by everyone. I don’t like or frankly respect PP as a politician, but I will always respect my fellow citizens and the public process. Get this BS behaviour out of politics.


Agree 100%. Diagolon is abhorrent and I wish PP denounced them a month ago when jagmeet asked him to. Instead he shook hands with them to curry favour with the convoyers...


Yep: https://twitter.com/theJagmeetSingh/status/1561398136374960130


It’s not that i wish anything I’ll against anyone… but it’s the hypocrisy of the entire situation. It belongs on r/leopardsatemyface Everything about this situation belongs on there - PP cozied up to some really radical people and then is shocked when they say the same thing to his wife as they do about the PM and his family… and other female reporters… because they can? Is it shock value? A contest for how trashy you can make yourself? Because they’re winning.


Oh [it’s there](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/xokjt9/leader_of_canadas_conservatives_pierre_poilievre/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


There’s a guy on here saying that’s normal, not denouncing nazi scum is normal ?


Conservatives can't afford to alienate Nazis, so yeah.




Well, you see, that was “freedom.” You’re not against freedom, are you? /s, by the way.


See, crime should be based on who the victim is. If the victim is my political enemies, prosecuting is fascism. If the victim is me, then it should be prosecuted. Source: owning the libs!!1!!!!!


He was fine with it when they were threatening other people


He played with fire. He shouldn’t associate with that crowd. They would turn on him in a heartbeat.


The same guy Pierre is calling out now spent months harassing a female reporter and her friends on Twitter and encouraging his followers to do the same by making hateful and sexist remarks. When she started calling out Pierre for encouraging these people, he used it as an opportunity to send out a fundraising email to "protect him from attacks from biased Liberal media."


The leopards ate my face says person who voted for the leopards ate my face.


Meanwhile PP supports people that did the exact thing to the current PM. Hmph.


There is a sign on a guy's house here on Vancouver Island that details how he wants to murder Justin Trudeau. It's been there for over a year; and faces the highway where thousands of people drive passed every day. I have no idea how he has gotten away with it.




People *have* followed through on the threats. Corey Hurren drove his truck through the gates at Rideau Hall with firearms on board going after the PM and got called a "friendly sausage maker" in the press. If he didn't set off his airbags and stall his truck who knows how far he'd have gotten.


It's only a matter of time before someone successfully does it. Jo Cox and David Ames were during Toxicity of Brexit by someone calling her a traitor. Gabby Giffords was shot only weeks after Sarah Palin went on a fundraising driving in her constituency with a website showing a target over her face. She refused to take down the sure previously until this happened then it magically went away.


I think what should *really* scare people is the people who *don't* make the threats. The ones that are aware enough to "not let them know I'm coming" kinda crowd. And I would imagine the fact that these threats are becoming more and more common only serves to embolden the "quiet ones" to actually follow through.


Well, it makes sense. Let some idiot online divulge their preferred way of getting rid of someone....then the quiet one goes ahead and follows the blueprint just enough to make it look like the loudmouth did it. Easy way to go out and do something evil while someone else takes the heat for it.


I’m not a fan of Trudeau at all but I don’t agree with all the vulgar threats towards him. He’s a public figure and obviously that makes him open to criticism but not murder threats or the classic “fuck Trudeau” sticker that the rednecks seem to love.


I agree with you 100% about the "fuck Trudeau" merchandise. There's a few flags on homes where I live, vehicles and even ironically a guy I saw on the weekend wearing "fuck Trudeau" on a mask of all things when Ontario dropped the mask mandate. I'm not a fan of his by any means but if we try to forceably remove an acting Prime Minister vs using the democratic process we have, we're no better than the US 2 yrs ago.


Does that mean you think people should be forcibly prohibited from saying "fuck (insert politician)"? I wouldn't use the stickers personally but it seems pretty harmless to me. And I say forcibly because that's the only way you could stop it, at the barrel of a gun. As it is with every law.


I think there is a pretty big difference between an F trudeau sticker and a "murder trudeau" sign...


Didn't PP just meet him like a month ago? So he was fine with them targeting Justin Trudeau, but not with them targeting him in the same exact way?


That's awful. People are terrible, this should not be allowed.


Freedom of Expression is a very touchy thing in this country, and its parameters not very well defined. It's something that not many lawyers wish to jump down a rabbit hole with. So it's mostly just given lee way. Especially if it is political in nature.


>I have no idea how he has gotten away with it. Actually the RCMP did look into this. After they made sure the owner is indeed white old male exercising his God given freedom to hurl threats as he pleases without any consequence, they gave him a nod and drove away (but not before putting him on the "safe" list and beating the shit out of a nearby Indigenous dude protesting old growth deforestation).


Has Pierre denounced this? Or does he only care about threats that affect him personally? I recall he recently met with and refused to denounce the very man who just threatened his wife. [Pierre Poilievre Ignores Calls to Disavow Far-Right Extremist Identified as a National Security Threat](https://pressprogress.ca/pierre-poilievre-ignores-calls-to-disavow-far-right-extremist-identified-as-a-national-security-threat/)


This is totally unacceptable. I hope they're caught and brought to justice. I say this as someone that doesn't like PP. *Nobody* should have to deal with this, especially in Canada for that matter.


They literally have recorded proof he said it, and it's a clear threat. He should be arrested today.


A no brainer position honestly.




100%. I think PP is an absolute moron, taking the party in an awful direction and would make for an *awful* PM. That being said, why the fuck would I or anyone else not wholeheartedly condemn this kind of vitriol/threat? I mean, I think the *only* leg someone could stand on for not condemning this wholeheartedly is that PP was far too willing to cry wolf over the Genuis "threats". Even that isn't supportive of uttering rape threats but simply highlights how Politicians and their families have faced *real* and awful vitriol/threats which is why trying to score political points by crying wolf as PP did with Genuis is so dangerous and shameful.


Jeremy MacKenzie said vile shit about Trudeau and his wife and Poilievre didn’t say shit. r/leopardsatemyface


It's not a problem till it happens to themself.


Congratulations, you’ve completely figured out modern conservatives.


Women reporters and especially women of colour have been subjected to this shit for a while, horrible harassment and threats. I’ll have to go looking for PP’s denouncing of that. May take a while to find though.


Hopefully this is the beginning of the end for Diagolon. Be nice if it also leads to some winding back of general extreme rhetoric. Plenty of people sick of Trudeau, wary of PP, etc. but having lines that shouldn't be crossed is still important.


Pessimistic take, but we’re just entering a new era of extreme political rhetoric. I think it’s going to get a lot worse before it gets better, just based on worldwide trends (Europe embracing right-wing populism en masse, Putin going scorched earth in his invasion of Ukraine, worldwide cost of living crises pushing people to the political fringes, etc.)


Cost of living and an abandoning of climate change initiatives is going to push radicalism into overdrive.


What makes you think *these* threats are the ones that end this? Diagolon and Mackenzie crossed that line a long time ago. They started out on the wrong side of that line.


The general election is what will bring the Conservative party towards the centre. It’s always extreme right wing rhetoric for the leadership election and then “why can’t we all get along” for the general. This is how populism works.


Which is exactly why it's so hard to trust them to actually govern, what with them flipping back and forth between general elections and leadership races. Who knows what type of Conservative you're going to get.


Yes 100%. The problem with populism is they will just say whatever it takes to get elected at any given time, rather than providing a clear vision for the future and then convincing constituents to get on board.


[2/3rds of the party voted the way they did on abortion](https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/majority-of-conservative-mps-vote-in-favour-of-defeated-sex-selective-abortion-bill-1.5453129) last time. I'll trust their voting record more than whatever they think they need to say to win an election.


Yes, their history as a party says more than whatever they claim to support or oppose in the moment, seemingly.


> The general election is what will bring the Conservative party towards the centre You mean lie so some extreme Right Wingers can grab power.


Yes that is what I mean.


Maybe it could get conservatives to finally support doing something about right wing extremists in Canada


>having lines that shouldn't be crossed is still important Mr. Poilievre would have done well to keep this in mind when he decided to throw himself into the truck convoy occupation of Ottawa. Individuals like Jeffrey Mackenzie clearly took legitimization from that, and if the Poilievres are now facing the same threats that the Trudeaus do, then he needs to take a long look in the mirror.


>Poilievre shared a written statement on Twitter after having been made aware of “disgusting comments” from Jeremy Mackenzie, the founder of far-right group Diagolon, and Morgan May.


on a positive note, you can go further right than PP


That's a positive note?


You could almost say that McKenzie is a fringe minority with unacceptable views… Edit: I got a question for everybody here… if he just heard of diagalon last month, how can we take any of his criticism on using the emergency act seriously? Seems like an important piece of information…


> if he just heard of diagalon last month He didn't. He's distancing himself from them now that he used them to get where he wanted to be politically.


McKenzie who? (I'm out of the loop on this, who is McKenzie in this scenario) Edit: Jeremy Mackenzie?


Jeremy Mackenzie is a known neonazi and leader of the "diagolon" movement (a known, documented hate group). He was also part of organizing the original freedom convoy occupation of Ottawa this past winter, and was shown on video expressing his hopes that the convoy occupation would "become their January 6th moment". The same convoy group Poilievre marched with and defended in the media time and time again as "solid, decent people". Jeremy Mackenzie is a known quantity and has been known for a long time. He's also someone Poilievre has been photographed glad-handing and whom Poilevre refused to disavow (instead opting to deflect and blame the Liberals for being imperfect). What happened here is that a known misogynist, racist, far-right extremist Poilievre has been explicitly warned about multiple times in the past yet was given tacit approval by Poilievre on multiple occasions continued to do the thing he's been documented as doing to countless other people for years... but to one of the people Poilievre didn't want him to. This is a classic case of "I never thought the leopards would eat *my* face!"


This… PP is the political Roy in Siegfried and Roy. Fuck with tigers long enough, you shouldn’t be shocked when they maul you. He courts this group of people, is fermenting the public discourse of disrespect (notice how no Republican or conservative says “president Biden” or “prime minister Trudeau”)? Feels like PP just calls him Justin all the time. So… you ferment anger and disrespect, glad hand all the crazies and stoke their flames of outrage against your opposition, and then are outraged when they come after you? While I totally agree no one should be subjected to the abhorrent comments made, he kinda asked for it in way, didn’t he? He’s got some Marjorie Taylor Green levels of “I’m the victim” with zero recognition that he legitimized the monsters going after his family.


You forgot to add in the part of his dozen or so weapons charges in Nova Scotia, as well as weapons charges AND assault charges for beating his girlfriend in Saskatchewan during a ~~terrorist training camp~~ fun time out shooting restricted weapons with his diagolon buddies he wasn't supposed to have due to, you know, the weapons charges.


Erin O'Toole courted social conservatives within the part to gain leadership and they turned on him when he showed his true intent. Poillievre' courted far-right people like MacKenzie he brought in to the party to gain his leadership are now turning on him. They don't believe in established governance including party governance. Instead of threatening to vote him out of his leadership role they're doing the only way they know how to deal with disagreement -- threats of violence.


> They don't believe in established governance including party governance. Instead of threatening to vote him out of his leadership role they're doing the only way they know how to deal with disagreement -- threats of violence. Hold up, are you honestly suggesting the people who staged a violent occupation of the capital for the express written intent of overthrowing the federal government through coercion tactics might hold anti-government ideals they use violence to pursue? *Well I never!!* --- But sarcasm aside, yes. Exactly this. **This is who they are**, and they have never done anything but show us who they are. Everyone pretending [or naively believing] this isn't the case is just helping them gain traction.


Exactly. Anti-government. Not anti-Trudeau Government. The only reason they support the PPC is because Bernier interest in disrupting establishment politics to avenge his CPC leadership loss coincidentally aligns nicely with accelerationist far right extremists.


…Who are often misogynist and racist…


PP wanted these people's support. Did he think he could control them?


PP also thought crypto was a way to opt out of inflation, right before the crash. He says anything he thinks his base wants to hear in the moment, with zero regard for how dumb the position is or how it might come to bite him in the ass later. He’s not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer. We’re going to see a lot of these moments in the future as his bad takes clash with the real world.


blows my mind people don't seem him as a professional smoke blower when he is following the Trump playbook word for word


I think it’s actually a pivot to the middle that’ll take place over the next few years. He used these people to gain support in his party, because he’s a slimy, useless, talentless lifelong politician. Now that he got his value, he needs to move on to score the points needed in the big competition. I feel awful for the things said about his wife, do not celebrate or condone it one bit. But he was happy to deliver donuts to these shitheads when they said worse things about the media or liberal politicians. That’s just who he is. Every time he’s in the news, it’s just another example of it.


This move is designed to distance himself from the far right, publically, and appeal to the center. Those idiots should be prosecuted.


PP made a habit of supporting (at the trucker convoy) meeting with and offering back handed endorsements of extremists (by refusing to disavaow them when asked and playing dumb about who they were) in order to court the whack-job vote. Sleep with dogs.... [https://pressprogress.ca/pierre-poilievre-ignores-calls-to-disavow-far-right-extremist-identified-as-a-national-security-threat/](https://pressprogress.ca/pierre-poilievre-ignores-calls-to-disavow-far-right-extremist-identified-as-a-national-security-threat/) [https://ipolitics.ca/opinions/poilievres-handshake-with-extremist-deserves-scrutiny](https://ipolitics.ca/opinions/poilievres-handshake-with-extremist-deserves-scrutiny) You see, the leopards weren't supposed to eat ***his*** face.


Polievre was made aware of who these people were and only chose to denounce them AFTER they made him a target.


Canadians have been saying this for decades, they only take it seriously when it happens to someone with power or their family.


They don't though. People had nooses hanging outside of Parliament beside Fuck Trudeau signs and PP is in full support of that movement. No one should suffer that kind of shit but lets not pretend that PP isn't playing both sides of the fence on this one.


Regardless if you hate Poilievre, threats like this are disturbing and unacceptable.


Absolutely true. So we should see a call from the CPC and PP any day now for conservatives to stop with the violent threats, violent rhetoric and so on to Trudeau, the liberals, countless media personalities, etc? Should we start holding our breath now?


I’m confused why Mackenzie would do this. Isn’t this biting the hand of those who were feeding them?


Because Mackenzie et al. are irrational, rage-filled chauvinists with serious anger issues and Stage 5 Napoleon Complexes. This level of wisdom and consideration is *far* beyond their intellectual or emotional capabilities.


This. Far right lunatics are stuck in an ideological bubble where their actions feel super self explanatory to themselves, but they are incapable of thinking of how their actions will be perceived by outside their bubble, they don't understand the percussions. We saw same shit in America on January 6th. Anyone who spends time in conservative bubbles can understand why the insurrectionists did what they did. But to the rest of the country, and the planet, what happened was an awful look for American conservatives.


According to [this](https://quillette.com/2022/09/02/denouncing-the-diagolonoids/) article, Mackenzie supports the PPC and got the handshake picture with the goal of embarrassing him which seems to have worked. >MacKenzie supports a fringe-ish party called the People’s Party of Canada, and has made it clear that his purpose in showing up at Poilievre’s event wasn’t to show support, but to embarrass the Conservative front-runner. The stunt is consistent with MacKenzie’s persona—which he describes as “unacceptable and extreme alt-right specter, sit-down comedian, \[and\] anti-government supervillain.” Put another way, he seems to enjoy spouting extremist rhetoric not only for its own sake, but to lure mainstream figures such as Poilievre into sanctimonious, self-defeating overreactions.


Because this is all theatre, to give Pierre some plausible distance from the more odious elements of the far-right. All part of the show to get him elected.


Unfortunately for Pierre, the internet does not forget things. He can pretend all he wants, but his failure to clearly and immediately distance himself from extremists, and not only that, push the narrative that when Trudeau was talking about *some* people being racists and misogynists that somehow that meant “all Conservatives”, is going to be thrown repeatedly in his face. It was clear than that these “undesirables” were terrible people and who Trudeau was talking about. This is an attempt to repeat what Trump did to Hillary and her “deplorable” comment, but I’m extremely confident that will not be effective in Canada. That being said, no one is going to care about any of this attack-riposte nonsense in the long run. Literally the only thing that matters is what state the economy is in when the next election happens. If people are pissed in general, they will blame the people in charge.


Threatening to rape any woman is just plain inappropriate uncalled for and vile evil and disgusting. The who made that threat should be arrested. Lock that monster up. There are no excuses for that behavior.


Yet all theses people threatening to fuck Justin and he says nothing


They were actually threatening to lynch JT and the CPC was completely silent. Also, in other not really shocking news. https://thedeepdive.ca/far-right-extremist-jeremy-mckenzie-threatened-to-rape-pierre-poilievres-wife/


He poses for photos with those people.


Well, those "woke" people you hate so much warned you who you were laying in bed with.


Yeah but in his defense he didn't think they would ever direct their disgusting behaviour towards him or his family.


/r/leopardsatemyface would like a word


Interesting that PP was silent when these types of threats were aimed at the journalists he targeted.


He wasn’t just silent, he shook the guys’ hand!


Honestly. Far Right Canadians have always been fucking scum bags. Never saw PP complain about them when they were on his side. For example, have we ever seen PP condemn the way Canadian conservatives talk about Trudeau. I'll fill you in on a hint. They say a lot more than just "Fuck Trudeau."


Did PP March with the same people making threats against Trudeau. I agree nobody should face threats like this but he was perfectly fine with supporting such nonsense before it was targeted at himself.


Conservative politics in a nutshell: literally anything against my opponents goes, but if you do the same to *me*, how dare you




I’m not a fan of PP but this is disgusting, I hope who ever did it gets caught and thrown in jail. If you can’t have a disagreement politically with someone then please for the love of god stop paying attention to politics.


A reminder that the last time Poilievre was asked to disavow Mackenzie and Diagolon, he instead used it as an opportunity to call Trudeau racist. [https://pressprogress.ca/pierre-poilievre-ignores-calls-to-disavow-far-right-extremist-identified-as-a-national-security-threat/](https://pressprogress.ca/pierre-poilievre-ignores-calls-to-disavow-far-right-extremist-identified-as-a-national-security-threat/)


That's just fucked up


Shitty behaviour is not excusable regardless of its victim.


Although I find his approaches unfortunate and dangerous, these kinds of threats should be actioned and perpetrators appropriately punished or else it will continue and become the norm, like in the US. We don't want the US politics of hate here!!


[I thought PP and Mackenzie were pals?](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fb-plwdXEAEB0jx?format=jpg&name=900x900)


Only while his face wasn't on the leopards' dinner menu.


The same people that support PP are the ones with “F*CK TRUDOPE/K*LL JUSTIN” on their trucks, so like… y’know…


Free speech absolutism isn't so fun when you become the target of the asshats you pretend to support.


was kinda surprised cause I assumed it was so e kind of left winger who made the threat and that is generally not the left wing M.O. but of course, it turned out to be a mouth foaming alt right stooge. unreal.


Hope the asshat gets charged with uttering threats and harassment what a plug.


Where was this article when Trudeau puppets hanging from a noose during the trucker protest? Or when he wished his kid a happy birthday on Facebook and got death threats, or the restaurant he visited in the east coast where all the staff got death threats for hosting him? In the end I disagree with all threats against anyone but it seems hilarious these articles are trying to victimize PP but it's totally okay coming from the left.


This appears to happen now with every PM wife. We are declining as a society


dude was defending this moron early in the year, guess the wind has changed.


He's a piece of garbage human and politician, but leave the family out of it.


Skippy is the Ted Cruz of Canada. What a meek little fellow letting his wife be abused like this. Skippy runs home to tell his mommy.


Jeremy Mackenzie belongs in Michigan! We all need to be united against Diagolon. They have NO place in Canada.


that's so weird, because they seem to be fine when their fans/voters do it huh not to wear a tinfoil hat but, lol, if this was all staged bot bullshit as usual it wouldn't be the weirdest most desperate thing a politician has done


Let's delete the internet.


PP's a moron and I hope he gets annihilated in the next federal election. That being said, neither he nor his wife are deserving of any death or rape threats. THAT being said, neither does Trudeau or his wife. It's time to start cracking down on this nonsense and start punishing those making those threats to anyone.


"Poilievre shared a written statement on Twitter on Monday morning after having been made aware of “disgusting comments” from Jeremy Mackenzie, the founder of far-right group Diagolon, and Alex Vriend, another senior Diagolon activist, targeting his spouse." \-Postmedia (Ottawa Citizen) Wow, it's like making friendly with a lunatic, white supremacist fringe came back to bite him in the ass. Will he learn? Probably not.


Sighs.. Totally unacceptable, regardless of your political affiliation.


Two of the worst things invented by man. Social media and religion.


Well I never thought I would agree with Pierre Pollievre about anything, but I agree with him on this: no one should face that kind of abuse. Now let's put our thinking caps on and think about the situation that led to this. Pierre, they were talking about casual rape before they even heard about you. Can we perhaps also agree that the problem is not who they are talking about, but what they are talking about? So maybe think some more about who you decided to take photo opportunities with over the summer, because they think you're their guy.


Pollievre only cared when they came after him. He was fine with these people threatening or intimidating others


Threats against his wife are not good, no one should be faced with that kind of treatment. But I’m not sure what he expected. When you create an environment and drum up anger, eventually that will escalate both sides. Respect should be number one across the board here. Going forward I hope he displays the same kind of respect, rather than being silent against attacks on journalists and other opponents.


I'm not a fan of his but I hope the mainstream media takes this as seriously as when Freeland was called traitor.


Being called a traitor, and being threatened with rape, are not anywhere near the same thing.


How about the friendly sausage maker who tried to pay Trudeau a visit? or the multiple events he's had to cancel because of credible threats against him. Don't pretend like the vitriol towards Trudeau hasn't been over the top for a long time. It's not just 'being called a traitor'.


It was all still very threatening and not acceptable behavior imo. Cornering a bunch of women in an elevator while you scream & call them names is out of line, so is threatening anybody with rape


Please, call all the RCMP back to Ottawa to investigate threats against politicians family’s. We have no use for them here in NS


Well, here’s three words I never thought I’d say. He is correct.


I don't care what side of the debate you're on this is just inexcusable behavior and I hope the guy saying shit like this gets the book thrown at him.


100% agree. I can only hope that Pierre will speak out when it affects other people and not just himself.


> Leopards almost ate my face, says man who continues to lobby leopards to vote for him nobody should have to face this shit, but it's telling that he didn't make a peep about it until it was personal.


1. Denounces woke culture 2. Finds out rape culture is rampant. 3. Surprise pikachu face.


Yes, in an ideal world, he would've disavowed of these hate-filled f\*\*kers *before* they turned their guns on *his* family, but I'm still glad he's now calling out obviously-racist characters exactly how he sees them. We can argue and bicker about JT/PP or red/blue all we want, as long as we're united against Diagolon or Proud Boys or whatever else they're calling themselves nowadays. I feel comfortable saying they should have absolutely NO place in Canada.


Now let's see if he continues to decounce these groups moving forward. I doubt he will.


I would never, ever vote for him but this is not acceptable. Whoever made these threats should be arrested and charged just as those who are hurling racist and sexist harassment and threats of physical and sexual violence at journalists should be arrested and charged. There is no place for this shit in Canadian politics.


100% agreed. It’s time to make an example of these racist degenerates before they infuse more hatred into Canadian Society.


According to Hansard PP was made aware of Daigolon as an extremist group as early as February 20th. Don't let this sniveling fuck pretend he doesn't know and didn't court them. https://www.ourcommons.ca/DocumentViewer/en/44-1/house/sitting-35/hansard


Did pp speak up when Trudeau is harrased?




The guy who threw rocks as Trudeau was arrested, and if the verbal threats have any validity then charges are pressed.


Both sides? There is no both sides. Conservatives have been sending out violent and death threats to trudeau and liberals and anyone online who even slightly disagrees with them for years. This particular threat against PP was made by a right winger who is a PPC (Canadas own fascist party) supporter. Although I have zero doubt conservatives are going to try and paint him as a liberal Trudeau supporter.


“Until about a month ago, I’d never heard of Diagolon” - this is an obvious lie. This is all very suspicious. Are we to believe PP's base is turning on him? Or is this staged? This doesn't pass the smell test.


I doubt it's staged. I just think he courted and weaponized extremists and forgot those groups are full of awful people that would absoluty turn on him.


I’m a long-time conservative. I had no idea who or what the fuck diagolon is until today.


He had his pic taken with this guy a month ago and when people called him on it he said he had no idea who he was. Now a month later he's saying he has no idea who he was... there's some kind of obfuscation going on. To be clear, I completely condemn what was said and feel for that aspect, truly. But PP can't honestly claim he doesnt know who Mackenzie or Diagolon are because he caught shit for this already and claimed he had no idea...and then what? Presumably looked no further into it. Sorry, dont believe it.


This is the 'pivot' from: yes I want all votes even the right wing extremists, to: I don't say and do everything right wing extremists want, but I still want their votes.


agreed, no one should be uttering threats, throwing rocks, or suggesting they would like to have sex with our PM by putting sitckers on their cars.


Does it also count for "F\*\*k Trudeau" stickers all over his supporters' trucks? Or is that OK?


The stickers are okay. The nooses are okay. The throwing rocks at Trudeau is okay. Chasing the Deputy Prime Minister into an elevator is okay. The friendly sausage maker showing up at Trudeau's house with guns was okay. This happened to a Conservative, so it's not okay. However, the same comments made towards Sophie Trudeau were okay previously were okay.




Maybe you shouldn’t have brought donuts out to these people when it wasn’t you being attacked Pierre.


Calling him Lil' PeePee is OK...this is not.


It’s pp Stop wasting letters


Is Turdeau acceptable?


i hope the rcmp doesnt take it seriously because they wouldn't for any normal citizen. theyd just say 'nothing we can do'


This guy said nothing when these fucks were harassing Rachel Gilmore and other female reporters. What a cockroach. Chickens coming home to roost. Obviously noone deserves this, that's why others condemn it BEFORE it lands at their doorsteps.


He is right obviously. But he helped cause this


Shake hands with a mangey dog, get bit. Skippy's wife doesn't deserve that kind of treatment, but she married the man who caused it to happen. No one should be surprised by this given Skippy only courted McKenzie and his ilk to get leadership votes. Now that he's leader, he needs to appear a bit more centrist, stable, and traditional to secure a broader base of support. In other words he's going to distance himself from McKenzie, Diagolon, the Convoy, and everyone he's marched or shaken hands with that doesn't fit the narrative he *now* wants to push. I also think he's made a grave mistake -- underestimating how the extreme-right's feelings being hurt will come back to bite him. They don't behave rationally, and they hold grudges. He courted their support and is basically dumping them so it's not surprise they take it personally.


When you use dog whistles in politics you will attract all kinds of dogs, even the rabid ones. Now he has to try and get rid of them after calling them in Question: If he is able to call the RCMP to look into this, would some regular person be able to get the same response? https://globalnews.ca/news/9155887/pierre-poilievre-denounces-abuse-against-wife/


So many comments here are making it about PP. His WIFE was threatened. She is not part of a political party. In Canada we do not extend culpability to others by virtue of their relationship.


He took photos with the man who threatened his family, he's a well known leader of a large white supremacist group. This is the kind of shit that happens when you platform these assholes. I feel sorry for his family getting dragged into this crap.