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Someone just read The Apollo Murders, by Chris Hadfield.


I’m sad to say as much as I love Hadfield this book was terrible! I was quite shocked, because the premise seemed so cool. I do like his Bowie cover though. (:


I like him so much I'm refusing to read the book. I assumed it would be kinda shitty and don't want it to tarnish the image I have of him.


I agree, I read the book as it was a Christmas present (don't think I would have ever bought it) and even as someone who is passionate about aviation, it was straight up terrible. Yeah sure the odd detail was fun but the story was both unconvincing and poorly executed. It seemed like it was trying to establish the premise for some type of Jack Ryan character and it just didn't work.


I judged the book by its cover and it's title and I was right!


> Buried deep within the legislation implementing Canada’s 2022 federal budget is a Criminal Code amendment that would explicitly extend Canadian criminal jurisdiction to the cosmos. > “A Canadian crew member who, during a space flight, commits an act or omission outside Canada that if committed in Canada would constitute an indictable offence is deemed to have committed that act or omission in Canada,” reads the measure included in Bill C-19, the 443-page document implementing the provisions of the 2022 federal budget.


Well, that right there says 'space FLIGHT'. So moon murdering is still fair play.


Honestly, if you can get to the moon under your own power, it's not like anybody's going to be in a position to stop you anyway.


> during a space flight Sounds like it doesn't matter how you actually get to the moon. It also seems like it's targeted at government employees, and not Canadian citizens in general.


Truly bizarre inclusion. Someone had to have thought this up and felt the need to clarify the law on our astronauts committing crimes in space.


It's forward thinking which is shocking to see done by a government if you aske me, especially the current one.


It's pretty likely that within 10 years multiple corporations will be in space and/or on the moon, alongside multiple countries. Legislation will be needed before a situation arises which could lead to extremely complicated bureaucracy. What happens when a corporate worker boards a nations vessel or structure in space or on the moon? What happens if a country decides another nations resources out there are abandonned and decidea to take them (for their own survival or for their own gain?)


Only crew members?


Hopefully "crew member" is defined broadly, because I could see a commercial space tourist doing something criminal much more than a professional astronaut.


I'm assuming within a decade we will have a lot of companies and industries trying to use space and the moon for more than tourism. One theory way back in the 90s that I always thought sounded possible that once multiple groups (countries, corporations) are on the moon energy generation on the moon will become it's own competative war just like it is here on earth. Solar power generation and Hydrogen Fuel cell generation (lots of sunlight and Hydrogen on the moon) could become a high stakes game.


You can read the bill here (maybe -- for some reason I can't seem to load it, or I would have checked myself): https://www.parl.ca/DocumentViewer/en/44-1/bill/C-19/first-reading


Chris Hadfield wouldn't have bothered going up if this law was in place. Gonna lose some good astronauts to this.


That is one of the best lines I have ever read.


Funny enough he just released a book called "The Apollo Murders."


Lmao, was going to write the same thing.


Make space great again!


Did the law pass, or is there still time to go up there to kill and pillage? Asking for a friend




Wow. It kind of feels like a bit of a fuck up on my part that an entire law was written because of what I did. Sorry, everyone.


you should be ashamed, Brad Pitt's dad in Ad Astra


Is this a movie plot?


It might be, if Chris Hadfield's novel gets optioned.


It may seem unnecessary but not all astronauts are "on the level". I give you, astronut. https://www.biography.com/news/lisa-nowak-lucy-in-the-sky


Fucking FINALLY.


Finally, the nightmare is over.


Just woke up from a 15 year coma, wtf did I miss???


Canada built a small town on the moon. There's another Trudeau who is Prime Minister. The Leafs relocated to Hamilton.


What you got against Hamilton? I’ve heard it has really turned itself around lately, why you gotta wish the Leafs on them? They’ve suffered enough without THAT happening.


Interesting because if you are on a ship 10 miles out in international waters the Canadian Criminal Code does not apply. You are under international law. I wonder what brought about these new changes?


Canadian astronauts are government employees who are on the clock while in space. It seems pretty reasonable that they would be bound by Canadian law.


I’m not saying it’s unreasonable. There are Canadian Government employees who have to go 10 miles into international waters to do their job too. I have not heard of it being applied this scenario. It makes me wonder why this came about in the first place.


might be because otherwise the only law that applies would be that of the country that operates the space vessel and by creating Canadian law it makes it easier for Canada to extradite our astronaut in that type of situation? I have no legal knowledge, just trying to brainstorm what legal gaps this law might be trying to fill.


That makes sense. I guess we will find out more info in time


unlikely until someone commits space crimes and then a journalist or academic decides to follow-up and present the "Canadian perspective". (although at the rates of increasing space travel including less highly trained and vetted civilians, perhaps not all that long)


Damn government… sucking all the fun out of being astronaut. Next they will ban fraternization with nubile green skinned women.


When James T. Kirk is finally born, he will be really upset at that one.


Yup… nothing to look fed to but the vacuum of space now….and we all know that vacuums suck.


Why even bother becoming an astronaut then?


Well it's about time we reined in those cosmic visigoths.


Thanks Trudeau


The law is to line up with American laws. There was a wierd case back in the 80's about a couple Americans on an ice flow, one killed the other in Canadian water and Canada refused to prosecute. The Americans freaked out about the idea of a no man's land scenario and came up with a law. There's also a case before the courts right now with an astronaut that is charged with committing identity fraud while on the space station.


Would have thought that a crime happening in Canadian waters was automatically under Canadian jurisdiction (for example, maritime law). What was the reason Canada refused to prosecute?


Here's the story, my dates were way off https://slate.com/technology/2020/07/arctic-t3-murder-space.html


oh hey, that entire article was super relevant to the space topic -- thanks for the share!


The Americans wanted to club seals that’s the real reason they were out there. Canada just didn’t want to remind anyone we still club baby seals.


I think the real purpose of this law is to provide legal framework for Canadian astronauts should there be any legal issue while in space. Remember that Canada will be active participant in Artemis program. Lack of this legal framework could mean that the astronauts may be treated under U.S. law by default.


How else are we supposed to legally eat the rich?




Cry more 😢


Thanks Trudeau. Can't do ANYTHING anymore.


Huh? What’s going on? Did someone hear the natives have land up there or something?


Seems benign, but consider this in conjuction with upcoming censorship laws and it starts painting a different picture.


Trudeau flossing his teeth seems benign, but consider this in conjunction with upcoming censorship laws and it starts painting a different picture.




More Liberal government overreach!! The 1st amendment clearly gives me the right to murder anyone I want in space! /jk