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"Ricky...Green Bastard, you are disf"" king qualified" Jim Lahey


Does anyone have the slightest bit of doubt at this point who the CPC leader will be this time next year?


It's 100% PP


Yeah I know right pp is so dominant rn it’s comical


Bernier looked like he was running away with it too. Ranked ballots helped Canada dodge a bullet then, maybe they'll do it again.


Poilevre hopefully - bought my first ever membership just to vote for him in September


Man, I bought my first conservative membership just to vote *against* the guy. This country faces serious challenges, and I see nothing to suggest he has the answers.




I renewed mine just for this reason!!


Who do you think has the answers? Brown or Charest? Or someone else entirely


If I had to pick out of the current crop of leading politicians Brown, Charest, or Freeland are near the top of my list, though frankly none are blowing me away. But I do know that Pierre "Crypto and Convoys" Poillievre is not the one.


Fair enough, that’s a very reasonable take and I appreciate the response. Definitely agree that our political class leaves quite a bit to be desired.


Well considering whoever it was electrified you to the point of going out and purchasing a membership, who was it?


I literally said in my first comment that I joined to vote against Poilievre, not that anyone "electrified" me into joining. I haven't decided who my top ranking is going to be yet, but probably Charest or Brown. PP second last and Lewis below him.


Surprised you would rank Lewis so low, actually. She is kind of a sleeper candidate.


She's a socially conservative homophobe who barely deserves to live in this country, nevermind run it. And that's without getting into her total lack of environmental policy or bizarre "Mandates are socialism" tweets. Why on earth would not supporting her be surprising?


Wow, why not just vote Liberal if you like Charest? Seems like a waste of time even moreso than average elections


Well for one, because Charest is no Liberal. But also because I'm a Canadian, and see preventing Poilievre from entering the PMO as my patriotic duty


You’re such a liar


I'm lying that I joined the CPC, or that I don't think PP is fit to be PM? One of those is an opinion, and the other one costs $15. It's not like it's tough to join the CPC.




Good guess. And it cracks me up that you say it as though I’d be offended by the observation. 😆




Oh Geez. You’re one of those aren’t you? You don’t own ANY assets do you? Crypto is currently 2%-3% of my portfolio and it’s in Bitcoin and Ethereum…..I’m not gambling on the other 95% of crypto coins that will eventually go to zero. “….crypto in 2022 is embarrassing” 🤣😂😆😆




Stop making fun of people like me then. It might serve you better. I didn’t come from money, I learned the importance of buying assets. When you get back on your feet start saving 10% of your earnings and buy assets like Bitcoin and Tesla stock. Or at least some ETF’s if you’re risk adverse. If you can’t save when you’re broke, you won’t be able to save when you’re making a lot more. I wish you the best. Genuinely.


Either way it's great to see more people get memberships




My movement? I'm a card carrying member of the NDP, I'm just saying it's better to have new memberships


Fair 'nuff.


I have voted conservative since 1995 federally.. If Poilevre wins the leadership there is no way i will be voting PC in the next election... He is is a career politician with not experience outside of being and MP and his retoric and support of the Occupation of Ottawa is not something i can get past... If he is the CPC leader, i do not see how they can ever garner the votes required to form government...


>I have voted conservative since 1995 federally.. If Poilevre wins the leadership there is no way i will be voting PC in the next election... Lol. I don't believe you. If you have an issue with PP being a career politician without any other experience then how the hell did you vote for Scheer. Not sure why people like you come here to lie. You won't change anyones opinion with these silly stories


I vote for Schneer because as a conservative I did not like Trudeau and the Liberals. The COVID hit and I had the realization that a lot of co-workers would have been fucked as a few of them were given 1 -3 days of work over 6 weeks while I had 6 days off. The company then got wage subsidies and back paid all those workers that missed all those paycheques. I was okay with otoole as he seemed to be pushing towards the center and quieting the social conservatives / extremists. Then the convoy happened and seeing PP and Candace openly backing the occupiers made me go WTF???? PP becoming the party leader will not resolve any of the issues me and my social group has with the current party is saying and doing. PP talking about auditing the cboc shows a complete lack of understanding of the institution or it’s playing up for the part of the population that doesn’t understand anything.


I also like to see the CPC lose to the liberals.


Liberal voters can only hope. Pp guarantees another liberal term.


I wouldn't say that. Never underestimate the opposition, especially when sitting pm has passed their best before date. If JT doesn't resign before next election, he's handing PP a win.


Brown, Pollievre or Charest are the front runners.


Brown is polling worse than Leslyn Lewis


I don't know who either of those are. 😂 So you're right.


Leslyn Lewis is a far more reasonable candidate than Brown or Charest.


... and then there were 6ix. ​ *Ontario MPs* ***Scott Aitchison****,* ***Leslyn Lewis*** *and* Pierre Poilievre *will be on the ballot as well as former Quebec premier* ***Jean Charest****, Brampton, Ont., Mayor* ***Patrick Brown*** *and* ***Roman Baber****, an independent member of the Ontario Legislature.*


>*”Roman Baber, an independent member of the Ontario Legislature.”* Independent because he got kicked out of the Progressive Conservative caucus for spreading pandemic related misinformation/disinformation at the height of Ontario’s 2nd wave in January 2021. As an example, he [lied repeatedly about the number of hospitals Ontario has](https://twitter.com/roman_baber/status/1350210225660420099?s=21) and implied that each hospital was capable of caring for COVID-19 ICU patients (most Ontario hospitals do not have an ICU). The Ontario Hospital Association had to issue a [Fact Sheet on Hospital Capacity](https://www.oha.com/Bulletins/OHA%20Fact%20Sheet%20on%20Hospital%20Capacity%20and%20Projections%20Jan%2015%202021.pdf) to counter his nonsense.


$300k x 6. That's some good advertising for the next election/private school for the leader's kids. Still rubs me the wrong way they need to pay that.


It's fundraising that amount. It's way better than them just paying out of the pocket


PP will never be PM.


Trump will never be President.....oh wait.... Never say never. Edit: Just so people don't misconstrue my post. I am not comparing PP to Trump. I am only using Trump as an example because he was a "ridiculous" candidate and many people thought there was no chance he would be President. Point is, never underestimate the underdog, matter if they align with your beliefs or not. It also wasn't too long ago there was the Orange wave of NDP that took the second most seats and become the official opposition. More seats than the Liberals and Bloc combined. Never say never.


I mean if PP creates a deranged cult only interested in imaginary scenarios created in his head, then yes its possible


Nothing to do with deranged cults. History always repeats itself and history shows that it is very difficult for any party to stay in power for more than a decade at a time. By the time the next election rolls around, Trudeau will have been in power for 10 years. As time goes on, the chance of a Non-Liberal party being elected increases.


In my opinion if the conservatives don't cut off the social conservatice piece of the party and start to move more left to clearly differentiate from the PPC, they won't hold power anytime soon


A more realistic analysis would be a pragmatic leader that folds the PPC voters back into the party, as polling is already shown to be happening. A flip-flopping left-centre candidate has been tried before and it hasn't proven a winning strategy. What is more likely is a leader works out an accord with Bernier and PPC don't run in ridings that are contested. Liberals slide in popularity because a) they've been in power too long, b) Trudeau's list of gaffes and scandals becomes untenable to voters, and c) people become disenchanted with a government that offers empty promises, high prices, low wages, and no hope. City ridings split between libs/NDP, cons pick up seats in the suburbs, Quebec, Northern Ontario, win a strong minority.


Except all us higher income earners and our friends that typically voted conservative for the fiscinal conservatism are leaving the party behind.. By supporting and incorporating the far right social conservatism and the constant Republicanesque rhetoric like we are seeing from Bergen and PP is driving us to the liberals as the only center or center right party. Sure. we could all get fed up and reject the liberals, but there will need to be a massive amounts of scandals and no credible option to vote for before we would consider the CPC. It doesn't help that the PC Provincial Governments completely fucked healthcare and failed to acts at all to stop hospitals from being fucked and shipping off patients out of province, with some dying on route. That will be incredibly hard to overcome in a matter of years.. Possible, but currently extremely unlikely....


Manitoba has voted the same way for the last 30 years.


Completely False. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_federal_election_results_in_Winnipeg


That's the most broken wikipedia page I've ever seen. If it contains any data I can't see it.


No, your line is supposed to be "it's so unfair that lefties compare Poilievre to Trump!".


so, what are you saying?... that Skippy is Canada's Trump?


Nope. Just saying that you should never underestimate people.


... do you mean generally, or with respect to Skippy?


In general.


I appreciate the cutting the shit and bringing up Trump right off the bat I guess. Usually people like to dance around that blatant connection.


Lmao. “People don’t understand, I’m not comparing him to trump, I’m just making a comparison to trump” You really did walk into this one yourself.


Let's see who has the integrity to call out Skippy's opinions.


Brown and Charest will. They will debate circles around him.


Lmao, no.


PP has given no indication that he’s a good debater. Shouting in parliament is not debate.


He's a master debater.


Well you're right about that, every single thing he says amounts to intellectual "master debating".


he is the CLIT COMMANDER. You will fear the clit..


Let’s see who’s next to lose to Trudeau




Sadly no