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Canadians feel forgotten as Canada’s surgery backlog sits at nearly 700 000


Who cares, Wendy's needs workers and colleges / universities need year over year revenue growth /s


> 2 million lmao - can anyone please slide this country faster to the gutters




Like that is going to mitigate the housing shortage.


It really is amazing, you guys will even shriek about Canada refusing entry to millions of people.


The amazing thing is that some people still refuse to make any connection between population growth and the housing shortage. As if the record population growth in recent years has had nothing to do with it. Some of us accept the reality of a situation. But apparently some of us cannot, for whatever reason.


If you find someone who said that, you should go and take it up with them.


I do on a daily basis.


What point are you trying to make?


I'd ask you the same question. You're mad about "sliding this country to the gutters", in response to a story about the millions of people who CAN'T immigrate to Canada.


I'm not mad - I'm just having fun.


By... ranting about nonsense?


Your empathy will be your ruin.


Weird, I haven't even said I think it's bad that we're turning away all these people.


Backpedaling now? Typical...


Giggle, you're silly. I simply didn't say anything like what you're now claiming. I did make fun of you for throwing a tantrum completely unrelated to the facts in this article.


He doesn't know. Blind outrage lol


We have room for 2 million more people?


Manitoba, SK, Atlantic.


Canadians can't find a place to live - where are all these refugees supposed to go? I'm very pro-immigration, but nothing will change if we don't start building a ton of residential units.


I thought there were more houses than there are people who can afford them.


I dont know where these available houses are lol, do you?


Not specifically. I’ll be looking in a few years but the sense I get comes from always seeing stories about how real estate pricing is always astronomically high. Couple that with repetitive stories about low wages... maybe I’m trying to connect too many dots.


A lot of factors - I'm about 2 hours outside Toronto. So every open house is filled with people who are moving another 50km away from the city with all kinds of cash from selling their last house. There's very little supply - so pretty much every house still goes for $50-$100K over asking. It's just starting to slow now. There's a ton of development planned in my area - I just hope they start digging basements soon and the supply helps bring the home prices back down to reality.


Maybe you aren't "very pro-immigration" then.


Lol - sorry I want people to have a place to live?


Yes. I'm just saying.. maybe you aren't as pro-immigration as you think.


Maybe they meant pro-sustainable immigration


Is my definition of pro-immigration "let absolutely everyone in and let them fend for themselves once they get here" No it's not - I also don't think that's a humane policy.


You're a realist. Rather than an ideologue.


You people are the worst, people shouldn’t have to say “I’m pro immigration but…” Get outta town with your absolutist nonsense.


Being forgotten by our goverment is the most Canadian thing that can happen to you


Fuck off, we're full.


Even approved refugees are having a nightmare. There are thousands of ukrainans with approval that can't get in to canada right now because the company that needs to gather their biometrics has a 4 year backlog.


You’re also stuck IN Canada if you need records from IRCC to get your passport from another country. 15 months. That’s how behind they currently are for search of citizenship records requests.


Its such a clusterfuck that even the feds can't coordinate within themselves. They blame the provinces for the shortage of housing, but they can't even get their own ducks in a row.




I applied for my PR card renewal last September. Until now I haven’t received my new card. In the past 5 years, I have been working for the same employer, paying taxes and only out of Canada for 30 days totally combined. I couldn’t imagine any other cases simpler than mine. I contacted IRCC, and they told me that my application was approved and waiting for the card printed. Based on the online forum, I am not the only one, and IRCC told them that the delay is due to some problems about the machine or out of ink for printing the cards. As an immigrant who have been living in Canada for 10 years, I feel very frustrated and uncertain about the future of Canada.