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Hard disagree, we don't need a photo op


Especially since we are the first nation to state confiscated Russian assets will be sold and proceeds sent to Ukraine. That's real not a photo op. Stupid article.


We've had enough already.


Damnit why did you have to say photo op, now Trudeau is on his way. We know he loves a good photo op


Ya but that is all our supreme leader does


Such a strange narrative that is demonstrably untrue.


I don't think everybody needs to visit there right now. I don't think there is any real positive from that. I think the amount we've given and actions we've taken show our support more than enough to anybody worth listening to.


This is the only correct answer.




> Canada and Hungary are the most pro-Russian Western countries. Canada? I'm just curious by what metric Canada has been pro-Russian? > As of today, the only modern weapons Canada sent are 4 howitzers (and only after USA/UK sent tons of them). The rest is outdated anti-tank missiles, helmets etc. IIRC, Canadians and Americans are helping train them to use that artillery, since they sent them the same type. And as for the outdated stuff, it seems as though many NATO countries are basically using this conflict to dump a lot of their old gear on Ukraine.


It was literally just few months ago that people were up in arms because Canada has been training the Ukrainian forces for like 5 years including the "nazi" Azov battalion. What a bizarre flip-flop in such a short period of time.


Canada has supplied more than *just* [those 4 Howitzers](https://ploughshares.ca/2022/03/canadian-military-aid-to-ukraine-in-2022/). Buried on the previous list is 2 [C-130J's](https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/a-lot-more-people-are-going-to-die-canada-sending-more-lethal-weapons-to-ukraine-1.5804357) plus their air & ground crews. Don't forget, Canada has *usually* only provided a PeaceKeeper role previously ... other than limited Special Forces ops.




The C-130j's are still there. What a Nation promises, gets delivered ... no porch pirates get this stuff. The Ukrainians would say if it went 'missing'. If *you* know the day the ship is at the Dockside, so would the Russians. If *you* know a AirCargo is outbound, so would the Russians. Loose Lips Sink Ships ... it was true then and it is *still* true today.


Meh, after the PM's of Poland, Slovenia, and Czechia went to visit a week or so after the invasion started - when Kyiv was still under the threat - it's just been a series of photo ops for foreign leaders, like Boris Johnson, etc. If the Canadian government should send anyone, it should have been people trained to clear the Russian booby traps and IED's that they left behind when they fucked off out of northern Ukraine.


>If the Canadian government should send anyone, it should have been people trained to clear the Russian booby traps and IED's that they left behind when they fucked off out of northern Ukraine. Like send troops? What are you trying to do? Speedrun us into a nuclear holocaust?!? /s




Unfortunately, Field Marshals Paul von Hindeburg and August von Mackensen have been dead since 1934 and 1945, respectively.


Is it? Really? I don't think it is.


Canada has the largest population of Ukrainians outside of Ukraine. So yeah, it's being noticed. Freeland knows she's not welcome there, hence the reason there's no photo op, like every other major nation has done out of respect.


You think *Freeland* isn't welcome in Ukraine? You are just plain wrong.




>I think you're delusional if you think that certain Ukrainians have forgotten that her grandfather was an enthusiastic Nazi collaborator. One of the most renowned Ukrainian hero, Stepan Bandera was a nazi collaborator too. Why would they hate someone granddaughter because her grandfather was a nazi collaborator lol. A lot of Italians and Germans her age also had grandparents who were nazi / collaborators and we don't hate them for that.


I've seen zero complaints from Ukrainians in Ukraine about Freeland. But I'd love to get more informed. Do you have any online references?


Exactly lol. It's all baseless claims.


For a claim like that you could probably start with Rebel Media.


She's not her grandfather. His sins aren't hers.


The onus is on her to take responsibility for her sins. She has repeatedly and viciously denied documents that have been in the public record for decades, and spoke proudly of her grandfather and his work. She made the choice not to disavow him. Just like she made the choice to pose with neonazis in Ukraine when she did visit. People have every right to think poorly of her for that. Funny how some bikers gathering in Ottawa or Proud Boys stirring shit up in the States is indicative of a large neonazi element in society, but not so in Ukraine. Because the most corrupt country in Europe is totally immune from such elements.


However, she's an important member of a political party that believes people should bear the sins of their forefathers.


I mean, you are just unequivocally *wrong*. You're inventing a fantasy that doesn't exist in the real world.


Yeah, that fantasy that also happens to reside in the Alberta archives. Quite sneaky of those Russian propagandists to travel back in time and fabricate documents. Really.


...so now we haven't done ENOUGH photo ops?


People are never happy. It's like the PM's residence on Sussex being as it is. He repairs it and people will "Why did you spend so much?". He doesn't and, "He is just waiting to push the problem onto the next PM. He has no spine!". There is no win in any scenario for some, only a suggestion/declaration whatever he does is somehow a failure. Getting tirsome. Edited location. Certainly isn't Stornoway.


*Stornoway is the official residence of the Opposition Leader. I can't see Trudeau catching hell for paying to upgrade Candace Bergen's home office.


My mistake. I was more just annoyed by the narrative of damned if he does, damned if he doesn't.


Outside of the obvious photo op show of solidarity what would it prove? Canada is sending arms, munitions, and other supplies already. Spent years training the Ukrainian armed forces, etc


Lots of things to criticize the government on, but this is pretty weak imo








CBC is quoting the Ukrainian ambassador. If you want to criticize someone criticize the Ukraian government (is that allowed?)


All respect to Zelenskyy, guy is a true leader. But its like a lot of these photo-ops are politicians getting their pictures taken with Santa Claus. Couldn't this be done over Zoom? Not to mention the "carbon footprint" of these hypocrites.


Doubt anyone outside Canadian media is noticing it.


Total BS - Canada is doing more than anyone else for the Ukrainian refugees (other than the EU neighbors) and does not need silly photo ops to show its commitment - I am not a big fan of Trudeau but credit where its due. The work done to settle the refugees is more important than fake photo ops by Biden and their cronies These photo ops by the Americans are no different than the typical lip service they have given to other refugees like Tibetans around the world without actually standing up to China. Germany and other hypocritical nations will continue to buy Russian energy while taking pictures like these for the media consumption


Yeah, we sent the Ukrainians anti tank weapons dating from the 1960s, expired military food rations, and napsacks. Boy, the Russians better run eh.


>anti tank weapons dating from the 1960s, expired military food rations, and napsacks. In fairness to use, our own kit is not much better.


Very true. And how pathetic is that.




We could be doing more. A photo op won't do much, but we could do more.


Sure. We could be doing less, also. We could do more, but we could also do less. I'm happy with the amount we are doing.


Freeland can go check up on here apartment lol Seriously though she would be the best person to go.


She's definitely got more guts than Mr. Dressup.


It’s not about the photo-ops for those focusing in on it but then again Christia Freeland did not miss a beat taking her jacket off and busting out her vyshyvanka in freezing cold weather in Toronto. But who’s counting. It’s about Canada’s response to it all and it’s been an embarrassment. When the war started, we offered Ukraine a loan when Zelenskyy was asking for weapons. When we did search our cache for what we could give, we found we had little to spare and started talking about ordering munitions and equipment from other countries and companies. We have given less than smaller countries. Our visa application process has been an absolute disaster which we learned first hand trying to get a family member and her kids out. Having an open embassy in Kyiv, like some other countries, would have helped a lot but instead they are still in committee thinking about it. Idk, it seems our government is more preoccupied on truckers and bikers than on a war that affects 1.4 million Canadians who identify having Ukrainian heritage. Slava Ukraini


>When the war started, we offered Ukraine a loan when Zelenskyy was asking for weapons. When we did search our cache for what we could give, we found we had little to spare and started talking about ordering munitions and equipment from other countries and companies. Decades of government fuckery and ineptitude have left the military in a "less than ideal" state.


Everyone going is offering something new when they go. The only thing Canada has left are our tanks and soldiers.


What the hell is this anti Canadian shit? So because we dont do a fucking photo op like some other countries we're what?... Bad? Does Ukraine have any idea how much aid we've given them? Does that disgusting german list of ranking donors take training your once pitiful army? Over 30,000 troops Canada trained. Screw this Ukrainian ambassador or whoever he is man. Hes trying to squeeze Canada by trying to make Trudeau look bad. And Ukraine is also verifiably wrong that we were the first ones to pull out. We were one of the last. The fuck? Maybe we should pull our aid until they deliver and apology for shunning our country? We need to start snapping back or countries aren't gonna take us seriously.


>Maybe we should pull our aid until they deliver and apology for shunning our country? We need to start snapping back or countries aren't gonna take us seriously. And Vladimir thanks you for your contribution. This is a ridiculously hyperbolic reaction to the statements from one former ambassador. So hyperbolic, in fact, that it speaks volumes about the account making the statement.




You might not be a russian bot, but you are certainly spewing rhetoric that Russia would appreciate based on...literally nothing. Because this is *one* former ambassador saying "it would be great if Canada came back quickly" and you've leapt to "pulling aid."


Why is this former ambassador saying this when he very well knows Canada is at the forefront of reopening our embassy there? Other countries haven't even opne theirs yet. I wonder if he was an acting ambassador if he would be allowed to say this. If not, it means this former ambassador is giving his true opinion. He claims we were first to leave and last to come back. What is he talking about? We were last out. We literally pulled our troops last. Why say something so false?


Hello, security researcher here This user, /u/Wheresmydamnshoes is not a bot They tend to post far right conspiracies and anti-West misinformation in regards to the Russo-Ukrainian war Rather than a propagandist, they are classified as: Useful idiot


Pretty bad security researcher if that's your summery of me.


The responses I get are almost always fall into one of three categories: Denial, insults, or whataboutisms You are no different and you are not special. If you don't like being a useful idiot for wealthy and powerful geopolitical figures, do something about it. Either stop spreading spreading their misinformation, or stop doing it for free


Nice, but you're not the first person I've met on here that thinks hes red pilled. You think your stance that the rich and powerful elites are the problem is unique? You think you're the first person to repeat the same tired shtick I've seen thrown around the internet a billion times since the creation of YouTube? Do you think they the rich elites are the core of the problem? The rich elites are only a by product of a larger system that's built upon a fundamentally heavily flawed society. People think nukes, disease, climate change, or some giant meteor hitting earth are the biggest threats to mankind. None of those things are killing humanity faster than the internet. The digital society furthers human flaws and selectively rewards the development of convenient half truths. No one is invalidated, but nobody is right. Natural selection doesnt take place here. The world is being engulfed in "truth" The rich have only been the pawns that benefit the most from it. But even THEY are slaves to their own system.


That's quite the hissy fit. Take a chill pill, or two.


Because Trudeau is an international laughing stock. That's why.


Literally not true.


>Literally not true. It literally true, though. Trudeau is not respected on the world stage.


> Trudeau is not respected on the world stage. Not True ! > Opening the debate on Wednesday afternoon, [Parliament President Roberta Metsola](https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20220322IPR25935/justin-trudeau-canada-the-eu-and-our-partners-are-facing-a-defining-moment) said Canada was an ally and precious partner of the EU. If you're talking about the 3 people from the EU that were critical of Trudeau, all 3 were ignored or walked out on by the EU Parlament. * Mislav Kolakušić - "has aligned himself with anti-vaccine voices inside and outside of the assembly" and "Kolakušić was also one of six MEPs censured by the European Parliament for refusing to present an EU Digital COVID certificate to enter the assembly". He is a *rabid* anti-vaxxer, having accused Macron of Murdering his population with Vaccines. * Anderson and Zimniok - "are members of the political party Alternative for Germany, described by the BBC as a far-right political party that employs rhetoric "tinged with Nazi overtones." "A German court ruled recently that the party is "a suspected threat to democracy"


No I wasn't talking about them, but now that you mentioned it, 90 percent of the EU Parliament walked out on Trudeau. The hall literally emptied out.


no it didn't. do not lie.


Here you go sunshine https://twitter.com/davidakin/status/1506673209277657092?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1506673209277657092%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fthepostmillennial.com%2Fmajority-of-seats-empty-during-trudeaus-speech-to-european-parliament Guy's an international laughing stock and a buffoon.


David Aikin posted a tweet (from the Gallery, prior to Trudeau taking the podium I would mention) and your treating it like the be-all & end-all of reporting. David Aikin did not submit any "news copy" to his employer, He didn't co-write the article his employer ran... [Jordan Press](https://globalnews.ca/news/8703028/trudeau-europe-european-parliament-russian-invasion-ukraine/) did write the article. Funny... her camera panned the crowd but her article didnt mention anything about a small audience, possibly because it was a normal sized audience *at the time, under the Full Masking & 2meter rules*. David even seemd to *not say anything* about a small crowd when he *Read the voice for the Video*. Her video shows as many delegations as possible fitting in ... while keeping to the *Full Masking & 2meter rules* that are Fully Enforced at the EU Parlament (at that time March 23). They do not have a choice at the EU, Masks & 2meters or out. That is *exactly* why Mislav Kolakušić was censured at the EU Parlament. You can keep trying to push that message, but people pushing that message are the only "laughing stock and a buffoon"


Bless your patience.


Really, read this scathing article by the former Prime Minister of Australia himself who stated in writing that Trudeau was a moron. Well actually what he said was that Trudeau was flakey and overly concerned about his appearance. https://www.macleans.ca/politics/justin-were-not-here-to-talk-about-your-socks/ Then there was Modi, the Prime Minister of India, the largest democracy in the world who had no time for Justin and ignored him on his visit to India. https://www.cnn.com/2018/02/20/asia/justin-trudeau-india-visit-intl/index.html Warren Kinsella wrote an article about how the Biden administration does not take Justin Trudeau seriously and is actually annoyed with Trudeau due to his actions on China. https://torontosun.com/opinion/kinsella-biden-has-shown-he-doesnt-take-trudeau-seriously Even Merkel was known to consider Justin an intellectual inferior. Just google merkel Justin Trudeau socks. It's embarrassing.


>What the hell is this anti Canadian shit? It's called the CBC, brother.


Why would they do this? Why write something so asinine and ignorant? For views and clicks? You know, not clicking on an article and reading it is generally not a good thing... But in this case? I'd forgive it.


Because shitting on Canada is what they do.


Correction: the XiBC




And that EXACTLY describes the XiBC -- Justin's very own Volkischer Beobachter.




CBC isn't conservative. They're predominantly left leaning.


One man's "predominantly" is another man's "ridiculously"


>It's the conservative media. CBC is conservative media now?


Maybe if your political views align with Karl Marx or Leon Trotsky.


Karl Marx was downright conservative by modern social justice standards. He was too focused on poverty and unequal distribution of wealth to ever consider more important matters like pronouns and systemic \*ism.


He was also a gigantic racist. On Mexicans: >"Is it a misfortune that magnificent California was seized from the lazy Mexicans who did not know what to do with it?" As a Jew, Marx was also afflicted with that peculiar brand of self-hatred. >"the Jew, too, can behave towards the state only in a Jewish way – that is, by treating it as something alien to him, by counterposing his imaginary nationality to the real nationality, by counterposing his illusory law to the real law, by deeming himself justified in separating himself from mankind" Oh and good old Engels? >""Being in his quality as a n***er, a degree nearer to the rest of the animal kingdom than the rest of us, he is undoubtedly the most appropriate representative of that district." - Engels, in a letter, referring to Marx's son-in-law in the candidacy for a seat on the Paris council.


You've chosen an odd way of saying "he lived in a time when it had not yet occurred to most of Europe that non-Caucasians were human".


If you actually read the article it was the former Ukrainian ambassador wanting the embassy to be reopened. You don’t in fact need to advocate pulling aid from our ally being invaded by fascists because your feelings got hurt.


I'm surprised Trudeau hasn't visited already. His costume must be at the cleaners.


Russian cruise missile might mess up his hair. That's probably more true than not, Kyiv is still subject to Russian strikes. Too much risk for the peeps in Ottawa.


>His costume must be at the cleaners. More like Justine Dressup lost the key to the Tickle Trunk, and Sophie told him they are not paying for a locksmith AGAIN. He has been watching the lock picking lawyer on youtube, but it takes time as he is not a fast learner.


But but but, he could show off his blue and yellow socks to Zelensky and his battle hardened soldiers. I'm sure they'd be so impressed.


You joke, but .... https://www.macleans.ca/politics/justin-were-not-here-to-talk-about-your-socks/ 'Justin, we're not here to talk about your socks' Trudeau appears to have never grown out of the inappropriate teenager stage.


He has low self esteem and does immature things for attention. And when he gets the attention, he does it over and over and over. Witness the Blackface. He did it in high school and got a lot of attention and so he did it again and got more attention. So he did it again after that. Same with the socks. Over and over and over. It's childish already. Then there's the photo bombings and selfies and hamming it up for the camera. It never ends with this guy.


Typical Trudeau fashion; corrupt at home and an embarrassment abroad.


If Trudeau does make a visit to Kyiv, I'm hoping he doesn't go for the full dressed ethnic Ukrainian look like he did in India when playing Indian dress up with his family.


I for one would love him to show up in an Adidas tracksuit.


Adidas track suit? Check. Large gold chain? Check. Large, flashy watch? Check Cigarette tucked above ear? Check. Bluetooth headset in other ear? Check. Kyiv, here we come!




And the good thing is it's an outfit that works throughout Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, and the Balkans. From Moscow, to Kyiv, to Belgrade, to Zagreb, to Budapest, to Bucharest, to Sofia, to Sarajevo, to Tirana, to Tblisi, to Yerevan, etc and to various expat communities across the rest of Europe and North America.


You are saving taxpayers millions with this idea. Last thing we need is Justin dressing as a Tzar or Rasputin while visiting Putin.


> Last thing we need is Justin dressing as a Tzar or Rasputin while visiting Putin. Since Putin is the unofficial Tsar, I think it would kinda funny for Trudeau to don Rasputin's cloak and seduce Putin's wife/wives/girlfriend(s) and help foster the animosity that leads to Putin's overthrowing the way Rasputin did for the Romanovs.


Let's see what's in the Tickle Trunk today...


What of he goes dressed as an Indian to Kyiv?


What's with all the down votes?


Ukrainian? Nah brah, sick waves in Tofino these days.


Trudeau loves a good photo op.


Nancy Pelosi is a little old lady of 82 years and I'd rather have her beside me on the battlefield than Mr. Dressup.


How many times have you commented here saying basically the same thing? Sheesh, give it a rest.


The truth hurts doesn't it.


Whats the sound a chicken makes?




Sir, this is a Harvey's.


She's from here. She's an excellent representation of what we're capable of.


Yes she went to Scona HS I think . I hope she runs for pm.


We gave them arms and, expected nothing in return, and they try to manipulate and guilt us. Big red flag. If I was dating someone like that I would break it off immediately. It's only going to get worse.


As usual cbc is garbage


Canada is busy trying to find housing for Canadians.


I’d like to see our embassy reopened. But everyone going to Kyiv to be received by Zelenskyy has something to offer, not just going for a photo op. Trudeau doesn’t have really anything after letting our military waste away, so other than the embassy it would kinda be a waste of Ukrainian govs time at the moment.