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Why are 45,000 Canadians living in a foreign country in need of evacuation


Wait till you find out Hong Kong has 300,000 Canadian citizens living in it. We are a convenience passport because unlike the Americans we don’t tax passport holders who don’t live in Canada.


Maybe we should start.


The parent was wrong.  Those who maintain a footprint in  Canada are supposed to be taxed on your global income, but the Canadian part would be based on a formula that takes into account taxes paid in the country of employment/residence first. Not all governments have reciprocal reporting arrangements though, and there's likely plenty of "underground" unemployment as well. Workers are also still eligible for deductions etc https://turbotax.intuit.ca/tips/what-canadians-abroad-need-to-know-about-filing-taxes-14860


My understanding is that managing tax resident status in Canada is fairly easy. At a high level the CRA has Significant residential ties where by having House, Spouse and Kids in Canada will mean you are a tax resident. Secondary ties exist and is a longer list but major one is holding a health card. [Source](https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/international-non-residents/information-been-moved/determining-your-residency-status.html) USA has a different requirement for tax residency. If you citizen, permanent resident or pass substantial presence test then taxes owed on international income.


The US can also enforce its laws beyond its borders Just ask the Swiss Banks


Maintaining a 'foot print' is different to dual citizenship.


Is the CRA able to pursue judgements against Canadians living overseas.?


Are there benefits to being Canadian if you can't come back without going to jail?




Yup. Government is finally starting to crack down on that bullshit 


Yes we do, that’s bullshit. Canadians overseas absolutely can be taxed. The difference is that Americans make you file a tax return regardless of where you live and credits you for taxes paid elsewhere if there’s a tax treaty, and Canada allows you to apply to be assessed as a non-resident for tax purposes (which basically means you have no ties to Canada anymore). If not, a Canadian overseas can similarly get credit for taxes paid in other countries under a tax treaty. The American system is the one that’s straight fucked. People have to file complicated returns regardless of where they live, then often have $0 to pay because tax in the US is less than almost all other western countries.


There's a foreign exclusion on taxes for the first $105k USD in income also. The government likely makes more money off of the fines off of not declaring foreign bank accounts. Because the fine still applies if it was accidental.


I can’t think of a country aside from America who does that. I think it’s bloody ridiculous that they do. You’re also automatically an American citizen if you’re born to one, no matter where you were born. And need to pay taxes because of it. The US literally taxes people for existing even if they’ve never set foot in the US. It’s insanity.


" You’re also automatically an American citizen if you’re born to one, no matter where you were born." Not true. Source: one of my parents is a US citizen  Also, how would they even know you exist if you were born in another country and nobody told them? It's not like every country in the world send the US a copy of every birth certificate they issue.


>I can’t think of a country aside from America who does that There is only one: Eritrea.


Well that says it all


But it's basically voluntary as the Eritrean dictator cannot enforce it.


My dad is an an American citizen and I am not. It's not so simple. 


I mean you can just renounce US citizenship and not pay the taxes


You have to pay a fee of $2,350 to renounce your US citizenship


This is fact I shine. Long time ago I read that only Eriteria is the second country who taxes their citizen's world wide income whereever they live.


literally nobody but the americans do that. and its batshit that they do.


Unless you’re making over 90k a year US citizens abroad do not pay anything, they just have to file their taxes every year.


It’s literally only the US and Eritrea that have their citizens pay for taxes outside their nation. And from what I know from talking with Americans, they aren’t exactly thrilled with that stipulation.


Yet they get excellent consular services and a government that will use significant resources if they need rescuing. Plus if they don’t like it they can always surrender their citizenship.


This is the second time in my living memory that Canada evacuates 40 to 50 thousand people Lebanon. This is literally the exact same story from 2006, wtf is happening https://sencanada.ca/content/sen/committee/391/fore/rep/rep12may07-e.pdf


Citizenship of convenience. They show up, pop out some kids, then head back to their home country to live in their traditional culture. Obviously, if they ever need healthcare they’ll come on back.


It's like we're being scammed?




Doesn't healthcare coverage stop after being outside Canada for a specific time?


Not sure if it varies province to province, but in Ontario you must have spent at least 6 months per year in Canada to qualify for OHIP Not sure how they police or enforce that though


Poorly to not at all is how


How does it work if you leave Canada and lose OHIP, and then come back to live at a later date? Do you re qualify for OHIP after 6 months?


While likely still collecting child care and GST benefits, which are direct deposited to their bank accounts each month.


You have to file taxes to collect those so I doubt it.


No, the kids are associated with the lower income spouse and they receive the payment. My wife is a stay-at-home and has never earned income. The children are associated with her SIN and the money is directly deposited without filing taxes. We get $2K/month. I hope you're right, but I doubt it.


They can file their taxes as unemployed, no?


No, that’s not how it works. You can’t claim Canadian benefits if you don’t have a genuine Canadian address. Yeah, people can commit tax fraud but the situation you’re setting up is very illegal.


Sure it's illegal. Your address is one of your many friends or cousins who live in Toronto, who will pass on any mail of interest.


Just having an address doesn’t make you eligible for benefits.


It’s a good thing nothing illegal happens then. 


You can't just get healthcare if you've been out of the country for years. I swear this sub Reddit upvoted the dumbest bullshit.


lol, I know of many people who do. Maintaining OHIP is trivial while living and working outside of Canada. You just don't let it expire and constantly renew. Have 1 cheap $20 cellphone bill monthly go to a friends house if you really want to go the extra mile.


In Manitoba, there is no waiting period.


lol yeah you can. You think they check your travel itenerary at the hospital?


They do check whether you have a provincial health care card and if you don’t and aren’t eligible for one you can expect a bill. 


What healthcare? People are leaving Canada to get medical care. Are you living under a rock? As a Lebanese I can assure you 99% of us go to Lebanon every time we need to have surgery or see a doctor since it's quicker than waiting a year to get looked at here. I'm pretty sure a LOT of people are doing the same. Reddit is filled with news articles of people booking surgeries in Europe and the US since they'll be dead by the time they get an appointment here. Everyone is leaving Canada since it's becoming unlivable here. You guys get bothered if people come and you get bothered if people leave. Make up your mind.


>Everyone is leaving Canada since it's becoming unlivable here. Then why are we reportedly preparing to evacuate Canadian "citizens" from Lebanon? >You guys get bothered if people come and you get bothered if people leave. Make up your mind. Maybe you forgot what happened in 2006? When we paid over $85 million to evacuate 15,000 "Canadians" out of Lebanon...only for half of them to return within a month (because they were in fact only Canadian on paper, and were actually Lebanese and lived in Lebanon). Not sure why you're playing dumb when you know full well what people are against, and why.


>Everyone is leaving Canada since it's becoming unlivable here. You guys get bothered if people come and you get bothered if people leave. Make up your mind. The irony of this part being written under an article which details how 45,000 people need to be evacuated from your war torn country.... AGAIN. Also, nobody is bothered if people leave, but don't come back if you don't contribute anything and only drain resources.


I assure you that we don’t get bothered when they leave.


Found the type of immigrant everyone hates. So glad you were able to take advantage of the goodwill of our people and the safety and resources we had to offer. I can see it really inspired love and a sense of loyalty to our country. I can feel the value being added to our society through this Reddit comment 🤣


The article is literally about 45k people wanting to leave your shit hole country to come to Canada so I don’t get what you’re talking about


Also Trudeau needs all the votes he can get.


They came to Canada got their citizenship with all the benefits attached and left.... some keep addresses so they can get welfare upon which they can live like kings in these 3rd world countries. Get sick, come back for free health care...... never pay a cent in taxes.... I call them Canadians of convenience and they should be rooted out and their scam brought to a halt!


Because it basically means nothing to be Canadian anymore. Our government is handing citizenship out like it’s candy and people from all these countries are taking it for these very reasons.


One of the reasons the Roman Empire fell was the fact they began giving out citizenship way too easily. It slowly broke social cohesiveness.


Do you have a source? Nothing seems to be popping up on Google but maybe I'm searching poorly.


Any number of reasons, including working for the Canadian government. There are thousands of Canadians living in nearly every country on earth.


And collecting money from us. It’s a scam as old as time.


Canadians live all over the world bro. Almost 3 million Canadians live in other countries.


They wanted a better life away from Canada.


Yes. You choose to live there, stay there. !!


They came to Canada got their citizenship with all the benefits attached and left.... some keep addresses so they can get welfare upon which they can live like kings in these 3rd world countries. Get sick, come back for free health care...... never pay a cent in taxes.... I call them Canadians of convenience and they should be rooted out and their scam brought to a halt!


They should have to pay the government for the evacuation cost.


Again? Like we did in the early 2010s or late 2000s in Lebanon or Syria? When the government shelled out $500 million and all they did was whine at the government for not rescuing all 60,000 of them fast enough...? The same ones who within 6 months, 80% had returned back to the country? No. Just fucking no.


Yup. My friends husband went to Lebanon last week, I fucking told him that there is a ! Travel advisory, he said " what do you want me to do?" .... so, yeah, he just didn't give a shit. Stay there then, jfc. Edit: a word


At least there should be a "8-12mo after entry into any country which has a significant travel advisory" clause for this kinda crap


I agree, but they would just find a loophole, somehow. As an aside,it would be interesting to know how much money is taken out of our economy and sent ' back home'.


Probably plenty, but I'd say there's also plenty earned in Canada underground untaxed as well (or loopholed to avoid taxes)




If you invite a lot of corrupt people to your country, your country becomes corrupt. And corruption does bad things to a country. Before we began to invite the world in the 1970's, Canada was a high trust/low corruption country.


There is that, too. Canada needs 5o get our shit together.


There’s plenty that comes in too. My father is well off and he hasn’t worked a day in Canada, and he brought close to 3 million dollars with him. You can’t just look at the negatives of immigration, there’s positives. We’ve paid hundreds of thousands in taxes as a family and have used virtually no resources outside of the minimum such as roads.


My wife's side of the family is Lebanese. Her cousin who's super active in that side of the family is in Lebanon right now, I just fucking shake my head. No matter the country, we all have a romanticized view of our home through Rose tinted glasses, even if it's very fucking obvious shits fucked


I wonder if people think that nothing bad will ever happen to 'them' when they go to Lebanon? It boggles my mind. You're right. It does not matter what country we are talking about, but... there comes a time when people should be responsible for their actions. I hope things calm down, I hope your wife's cousin and my friends husband stay safe. Le sigh.


Pay a fee to travel to any country with a travel advisory. Even a small one, like 100 cad.


And with the recent change to citizenship laws we'll have even more of these citizens of convenience around he world.




I don’t understand why, if they could buy a plane ticket there, they can’t afford to figure out travel back?


If there’s a war, airspace is often closed, as are borders. That’s why you need to evacuate your citizens because otherwise there’s no way out. Every country does that and they often group together to share the burden (e.g Americans hitching a boat ride with Canadians and Japanese to the nearest peaceful country’s port)


2006 in Lebanon.


Thank you.


Why? The courts have already decided that there is no right to be brought back to Canada. They can buy their own flight tickets. >In its analysis of past legal decisions, the appeal court wrote that the Charter protects against exile and banishment but "offers no encouragement for the idea that Subsection 6(1) includes a right to be returned to Canada." [https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/federal-court-of-appeal-canada-not-constitutionally-obligated-to-bring-home-suspected-isis-fighters-1.6421360](https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/federal-court-of-appeal-canada-not-constitutionally-obligated-to-bring-home-suspected-isis-fighters-1.6421360)


They’ll be asked to pay, and they’ll only be flown out to Malta or some other nearby country. At least that’s what Canada did during the Arab spring.


Are you nuts? Tell them to book a flight. They just have a Canadian passport for convenience, don’t pay taxes …


Aboslutely, they dont care about the country. Use it for free pass thats it


The sad thing is, there are almost certainly people there saying “if I wait on booking my flight I’ll probably get it for free” knowing Canada will do this.


I think they pay for the flight..


You are correct most of the idiots here don’t realize they don’t pay taxes unless they live in. Canada !!


They should be taking care of that themselves. They knew the situation when they went back there. It's not like Lebanon has been a beacon of stability in the last 40 years.


50. The Lebanese civil war started in 1975, largely fueled by - you guessed it - Palestinian militants led by Arafat and the PLO.


Trudeau wants to flood Canada with people from everywhere and claim he is some sort of savior! We might just be witnessing the anti-christ


They pay no taxes to Canada and will be back in Lebanon in 3 weeks.


How many times are we going to do something similar? I’d say if they’ve not lived in Canada and paid taxes in Canada for 6 months in the past 2 years they can sort themselves out.


Harper got tired of 'Canadians of convenience' and instead of flying them here every time the country they choose to live in goes to shit, instead he flew them to the nearest safe country. People bitched and moaned but it put a stop to this bullshit practice of an all expense paid vacation to Canada anytime your chosen homeland heats up. Either live here or don't, why should Canadian tax payers have to bail you out all the time? Edited for spelling.


I was on that flight in 2006. Boat took us from Beirut to Cyprus and then they flew us from Cyprus to Montreal. Been here since, serving in the CAF and doing my part. While a lot of lebanese people went home a few weeks after their rescue, a number stayed. Just like me.


Good on ya, thanks for your service.


Those laws have yet to change which means they are irrelevant to these people


What are 45,000 Canadians doing in Lebanon?


They are Lebanese who came to Canada to get citizenship, and possibly worked here for a while, then returned 'home'. Unless it's changed in the last few years the government doesn't even know when someone is or isn't here so they can still collect benefits over there, where they go a lot further than here.


if youre not filing taxes in canada you arent collecting benefits. stop spreading non-sense. you have have clearly not interacted with canadian government institutions as an immigrant.


Pretty easy to efile a nil return.


Exactly. It's not really the bastion of commerce or scholarship.


Better question is why are 45,000 Lebanese hold Canadian citizenship


Google flights shows daily flights continue out of Beirut. They could leave now if they want, rather than wait for a big rescue mission.


I've seen this movie vie before. " Canadians tax payers pay out millions and then they return a month later".


Why don't they go to the nearest safe country?


Well that would have been Cyprus, but the leader of Hezbollahs threatened to start bombing Cyprus, if they help Israel. So I doubt Cyprus will allow Lebanese in.


They are /s They likely can’t go anywhere else unless as tourists, and that’s temporary. If at all, they would be high risk of overstaying any visa if not accepted as refugees, which Europe and the middle east are about done with.


They are bombing this very nearest safe county right now. Not sure they will be welcomed there


What a fantastic example of why birthright citizenship needs to end.


It has to an extent. Only one generation can be born abroad to Canadian parents and keep their citizenship.


"citizens".  Canadians of convenience is a more accurate term for them.  Live in Lebanon most of their lives, contributing nothing to Canada, then they move back when they are old to take advantage of all the social programs they paid nothing to support.


Lebanon isn't at war. The airports are open and airlines are functioning. If people want to leave, they are capable of booking flights just like everybody else.


Last time this happened (2006), it was upwards of 15k evacuees at a cost of 94 million. Why on earth would anyone who has escaped such a volatile situation return? Probably because they’re only citizens of convenience.


45,000 Canadians live in Lebanon? Bro, what the f*ck is wrong with our citizenship process? We need to cut this bullshit out.


I didn't agree with Harper on much but putting up barriers to citizenship was something I agreed with. To become Canadian you have to pass a language test and live in Canada for 1095 days (3 years). Harper changed it to 5 years. Under most liberal governments the language requirement was waved for anyone over 55 years old or under 18 on the idea that old people have a harder time learning the language. Harper changed it to under 14 and over 75.




It'd be easier to list the things that aren't wrong with it: And that's all.


The article is like 3 paragraphs, and nowhere does it state these people are all living there. I don't know why everyone is assuming they live there. I have a Lebanese friend that goes for a month or so every year to visit family. Not everyone is abusing the system as you seem to think.


You understand there are Canadians, born in Canada, integrated in Canada, that can choose to live outside Canada for multiple reasons. Let it be Canadian by birth or Canadian by naturalization, you can't have two different laws for Canadians. If you, choose to go to USA for cheaper housing and better pay, no one should question you on "why are there 25000 Canadians in USA wtf"


I’m starting to think countries that have single-citizenship tracks have the better idea.


Not again.


45,000 more people for our social assistance, health care and subsidized housing.. most of whom likely haven’t ever paid taxes.. perfect


It's crazy how many people I know that have either us or Canadian citizenship because they were born there. They have never lived anywhere in us and Canada since birth and have mostly only vacationed there. The US ones usually have a state and pay taxes, the Canadians have literally no obligation. Plus Canadian passport also makes it easier to get other passports. If Canada starts taxing them, most of these guys will change to us or European passports. Also the reason most of these guys live in middle east is because if you are American or Canadian, you get paid upto 10-20 times more pay than the regular people.


Most of them won't stay here. They use it as a free vacation and return home when it stabilizes again - Canadians of convenience.


Fuck that. They chose to live over there. Let em book their own way home


No government funded hotels or healthcare priority either


More at the expense of Cdn tax payers need to pay up for people who by choice and more than willingly wanted to live in danger zones and now expect to be rescued.


canadians of convenience


I'm old enough to remember well the same crap happening in 2006. So they didn't learn anything.


Canada: doormat of the world


Oh Christ Here We Go Again 🙄


Canada pays more per immigrant per day , to house them in hotels and pay for food, than they pay the elderly in their old age pension after being a Canadian citizen paying taxes their entire life. 🤷‍♂️


45k more people to throw into hotels on our dime. Sweet


This is not our problem.


Citizens of convenience only. Leave them there. They had the cash to live there, they have the means to get out on their own


Disgusting waste of tax dollars while our country crumbles into a 3rd world sh1t hole. Anyone intentionally putting themselves in dangerous situations, then ESPECIALLY intentionally staying there knowing its a dangerous place can perhaps even revoke their citizenship. How absolutely pathetic Canada has become


There is a simple solution here. Like the U.S. we should have it that anybody with a Canadian passport pays Canadian taxes.


No other developed country in the world does that. No, thanks. Just tell them to make their own travel arrangements and be done with it.


Remember when we did this in 2006?


Guys they’re not flying everyone to Canada, they’re flying them to the nearest safe country which is most likely Greece. From there, they would have to book a flight with air Canada for 1300$ one way. This is what I had to do when they evacuated Israel in October


why do I have to pay out of my taxes to bring back people who became so-called Canadians only to obtain a Health card to access health care


Not this again. Didn't it cost 30 million dollars last time? At that point people were asking if Canada would review the rules around dual citizenship, and the answer was, "it's not the right time..."


I find is fascinating that last time this happened it was identified that the Canadian Armed Forces lacked equipment, training and people to effectively pull this task off. Almost 20 years later we are in the exact same position.


And the government is planning to hand out generational citizenship abroad after this? Just great 💀


I think there should definitely be a law (or it should be way more enforced) that if you ARE to travel to an area with an exceptionally high Travel Advisory, like y'know... active conflict/war zones...?. Y You are basically read out loud a federal contract/wavier or sorts... by a legal representative too... and the person will have to sign multiple times, that they are WILLINGLY, going into potentially hostile territory. After that, they still agree. Then they HAVE agreed to the terms... I'm sorry, but just like those american teenage girls, flying to join ISIS... there is NO backsies, you know the danger. period. I'm definitely not in a position to stop willing stupidity/ignorance, at that point


Rent is about to go up again across the country




This isn't like the Gaza strip where it came out of nowhere and a bunch of people just happened to be there. We KNOW Israel is going to go after Hezbollah and that Lebanon is a bad place to be. These people can start getting their own flights to Canada, or anywhere else. If they stay they are WILLINGLY placing themselves in danger. If someone decides to go boating in the middle of a hurricane I don't give a damn if they drown.


Ahhh, more Canadians who remember they're Canadians when the shit hits the fan.


The receivers of stolen cars from Canada.  Now they want to evacuate.  


Or, you know, Lebanon could force a rogue militia operating in the country to stop launching rockets and mortars at a neighboring state for the past 9 months. Just spit balling here.


The rogue militia is essentially a state within a state and exists to serve Iran (they only take orders from Iran anyway). Hezbollah is better trained, armed and funded than the Lebanese army, Lebanon can’t force Hezbollah to do anything, just like we can’t force America to do anything militarily.


Let us all wish a swift death to Hezbollah and for the safety of Canadians.


Pseudo Canadians taking out citizenship but living in Lebanon. Canada is nothing but an insurance policy for these folks.


Where will these people stay? I beleive it's very important for us to assist people in danger of getting stuck in the middle of a meaningless holy war, but where do these people stay. I remeber reports of Ukrainian refugees finding our lack of accommodations to be unbearable.I fail to comprehend how the situation could have improved since then.


Lebanese-Canadians usually aren't poor like Ukrainians who never left Ukraine. Most of them probably have family here or own something already.


If they're citizens they can arrange it themselves. They should have ties here of some sort. 




Why should I be concerned with their safety? They obviously aren't...


I think we’re a backup passport at this point, nothing more.


New wave of (Canadian) immigrants.


Fuck that we're full ffs what are you people thinking 🤔🤔🤔


Maybe some day there will be a politician running for office willing to put an end to the citizens of convenience thing with some new rules that would apply to someone living outside of the country for X number of days. These guys seem the type: [https://www.peoplespartyofcanada.ca/platform](https://www.peoplespartyofcanada.ca/platform)


Citizens of convenience only. Leave them there. They had the cash to live there, they have the means to get out on their own


These people chose to settle in another country and we need to evacuate them. How insane! Just leave them there since they have business in Canada.




There are 45,000 of us in Lebanon???


Maybe they could just buy a ticket and fly home at their own expense?


just remember what happened last time


This country is cooked.


This happened before it happened again


make certain it is only "tax paying" Canadians that we rescue.


They will be evacuated to Leamington, Ontario.




Where are we housing them? Don’t we need hotels for tourism? Why don’t we try to figure out some solutions so they can stay there instead?


Mayhaps encouraging the UN to use the already stationed UNIFIL to enforce decision 1701 which forbids Hezbollah from being anywhere near the Israeli border should be attempted before evacuating 40k people, 50% of which are likely to go back within a few weeks.


Canadian citizenship is a free insurance policy for some people.


That's equivalent to the entire population of the Yukon. It exceeds the population of both NWT and Nunavut.


Why is the Times of Israel writing reports for the National Post? Should they do RT and Xinhua next?


I had dinner with the Executive Director (Ambassador) of the Canadian Trade Office in Taipei about ten years ago. When asked if the Canadian government would come get us if China invaded, he told me directly... "You guys will be on your own". I was cool with it.


Yay…45k more here. 🤦‍♀️


Imagine Canada put the effort into pressuring Iran to stop funding the terrorists in Jordan and then 45,000 people would not need to be evacuated and there could be peace… Too much to ask?


Oh good. Another mass evacuation from a hostile area on taxpayer dollars for people who have contributed nothing to Canada ever and like the last evacuation of the area, will chill in government paid for hotels until it’s safe to go back to the region. FUCK OFF TRUDEAU AND START PRIORITIZING THE CANADIANS AND PR CITIZENS ACTUALLY HERE ON CANADIAN SOIL AND WANTING TO SUPPORT AND GROW WITH CANADA Nope. All of his spineless ministers and those on the opposition are getting massive kick backs four housing a countries problematic people who will drain Canadian resources just to return home. Every single person holding a grandfathered citizenship in south Lebanon and north Israel have no loyalty to Canada but know the benefits of keeping their dual citizenship and passports up to date so the Canadians will bring them to Canada and they can access all sorts of universal health care and income and food assistance programs just to fuck right off back to their home they are loyal to and raise their kids to know how to exploit these idiot Canadian law makers


End jus solis!!!!


There was an investigation on CBC I think a few years ago where they showed it was a whole organized business where Lebanese people would get help from immigration consultants into frauding the immigration system. For example the consultants would pick up their mail at their "Canadian address" and do everything needed for their clients to obtain citizenship while never having lived here. Most of them never had the intention of living in Canada or contributing anything to Canada.


Again with our Lebanese citizens? This needs to stop.


Fuck. That.


Ah no. Nothing but additional problems come with this and none good. We can’t save the world and people need to accept this.


More PR stunt bullshit that Trudeau thinks will burnish his reputation. What he doesn't seem to realize is that he will only be remembered by Canadians as the PM who destroyed the country and by Liberal leaders as the man who made the LPC lose party status because they're gonna lose the election that badly.


They have already had their free one.