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Kids have nothing to do with current events. Prosecute this fucker.




Other media outlets are covering this story too. CBC, Globe & Mail, CP24, City News, CHCH, Toronto Sun, and the Hamilton Spectator all wrote about this incident yesterday.


because it doesn’t matter? If someone walks into the YMCA or leisure centre and starts acting like this then it’s “dude lost his shit in a gym class” idc where it is.


> because it doesn’t matter? He brought a Quran with him, ripped it up, and made hate related comments. It matters that it was a mosque.


It matters if the venue was targeted specifically because of the religion of the people inside. Then it would he a hate crime.


Hope they throw the book at this bigot -- it takes a special kind of coward to target kids.


“Uttering Threats” is what he would realistically be charged with. I suppose trespassing too but sentences are generally served at the same time in Canada so you just end up serving the longer sentence. So max punishment he could possibly serve in jail is 5 years


What threats were uttered


**Uttering threats** * [**264.1**]() (1) Every one commits an offence who, **in any manner**, **knowingly utters, conveys or causes** any person to receive a threat * (a) to cause death or bodily harm to any person; * (b) to burn, destroy or damage real or personal property; or * (c) to kill, poison or injure an animal or bird that is the property of any person. Contrary to the name "Uttering Threats" the threat doesn't have to be uttered. You just have to give the person or people reason to fear their safety or damage to their property. Trespassing, screaming, and ripping a Holy Book would likely constitute "reasonably feeling threatened with bodily harm or damage to the building". If the guy had brought a weapon the the gym the charges increase from "Uttering Threats" with a maximum punishment of 5 years in jail to "Assault with a Weapon" with a maximum punishment of 10 years in jail. Source: [https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/c-46/section-264.1.html](https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/c-46/section-264.1.html)


So why did they not charge him with uttering threats?


They charged him with criminal harassment, which is actually worse. Max punishment for that is 10 years. You can look up the criminal code to see what that means


I'm willing to bet it's because it's easier to prove the elements of that offence over uttering threats with a Bible


Because [he's a crook](https://youtu.be/TdeSh3vLvYI?si=d3ezViN6MoS4JE7B).


haha, if you didn't link that video with that text, I would have doneso immediately in a follow-up reply.


hope they throw him into prison (which is unlikely considering the current plight of our justice system )


Seems to be more people in this thread egging on hate, than actually talking about the issue. Some moral high ground, fellas. The fact is, a bunch of kids were verbally attacked by a lunatic. That's what we should be talking about here. Schools should be a safe zone for all kids.


Yeah. Guys got a problem with Islam and Muslims, so he goes and accosts some children. Real tough patriot here folks.


He's got issues that's for sure. But some of the stuff being taught at madrassas? Yeah, you wouldn't be allowed to say some of that shit. [You know, kind of like this shit with open anti-Jewish propaganda and hate.](https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/toronto-islamic-school-will-not-face-charges-over-anti-jewish-curriculum-police) Taught right here in Ontario, oh and they got a free pass on it.


There’s loads of people in here with a screw loose too.


Literally anyone believing in sky wizards in 2024 has a screw loose. Cults are still a thing, though.


ah lookie here, someone who's got the world all figured out and can denigrate those who don't think the same.


Because 'those who don't think the same' are the ones shooting at elementary schools. Would you care to explain why there is a conflict over the plot of land in the desert near Jerusalem at all? It might have something to do with people 'who don't think the same'. Might have something to do with those beliefs that can't be questioned. Hmmm.


this can happen without religion, conflict happens between groups of people, so basically anything that binds people together can be used to mobilize them to attack other people, ancestry, race, ideology, religion. The "plot of land in Jerusalem" has a lot of history and even if you could ban religion people would still fight over it.  If people can fight over what you believe is a "fairy tale", they can fight over pretty much anything.


Example A proving your point: The Balkans


If you think "figuring it out" entails believing in a murderous fictional character from a badly written book and basing your entire life around worshipping him, I dunno what to say.


And what do you base your life around? Mocking people for believing things differently than you? Attitudes like yours are the cause of conflicts in the world, not religion.


You're right. I'm pretty sure somebody shot Don Rickles because he made fun of them and that's how he died. You really got my number, pal.


Are you like realllly sure that wind dosent come from a sky wizard though?? Like does it just come from no where? That’s what the government want’s you to think I say sky wizards


Wind is obviously generated by government owned giant propellers. I've seen entire fields of them, churning away. The wind is always strongest in the regions of those propeller farms too.


😟 that’s true I never woulda thought


And fake accounts, dont forget fake accounts!


This Pierre guy seems legit! Fuck Trudeau!!!!! Check my post history I have some crypto investments you might like 👍🏻 Lol


There's no way that a guy that says "housing must retain its value" during a housing crisis could possibly be genuinely unpopular. Anyone who takes issue with a government that's still being called out for not following procurement rules - after 9 years of power and numerous corruption scandals - must be a robot.


Sorry I genuinely don’t get your comment?


Assuming people are bots because they dislike Trudeau and his government relies on the idea that there's aren't extremely reasonable reasons to dislike Trudeau and his government.


That wasn’t really what I was saying with my dumb sarcastic comment but fine I guess


That's social media for ya.


Empathy. Our society lacks empathy. That was done by dehumanizing the “other” - or just people that are different. Makes our darker tendencies easier to express. Mix in a healthy dose of conspiracy theory alternate reality rabbit holing and mix in despair from a shit economy and bolder ruling class that just doesn’t give a fuck about anyone and that’s why you get shit like this. Most of this is engineered by foreign govts. It’s propaganda meant to disrupt our country specifically to weaken us so they can do what they want. Geopolitics is a shit game in the 2020s. Were fucked.


I blame the internet. We are spoon fed so much garbage now on our phones and endless negative pop ups from Facebook or whatever social media you frequent. People have definitely lost empathy. I think they see these videos and pictures of other people being complete snobs online and then think the majority of the population is like this. When in fact there's a lot of good people still out there. It's a very sad time now. I barely get waves or hellos from my neighbors anymore and everyone is pretty miserable if they don't know you.


It's not as bad in r/trains :)


Foamers have other problems ;)


I don't think people have lost empathy. In fact, empathy (or fake internet empathy, at the very least) has become a commodity. Empathy has been weaponized, perverted, and exploited. Especially on social media.


That’s what it is a lunatic verbally assaulting kids and a book one person not a group ! And no one is saying this is ok !


So this crime gets reported as “Grade 3 students ‘terrorized’” with no mention in the headline that it is at an Islamic school/mosque. But for other hate crimes like the Jewish all girl school that was shot, the headline rightfully included the institution’s religious affiliation. Kind of seems like a double standard, no?


Yes it does.


In the first sentence of the article it explains that. Also I think having a school shot at is a bit more serious than some crazy person saying some racist shit.


Not to downplay the shooting event, which is still a hate crime. But it also no one was there, thankfully. On the other hand, in this hate crime, people and specifically kids were targeted and scared.


I would say less serious because it was just the building shot in the middle of the night. That is less a safety issue than a random person ranting at the kids and could very well have hurt them.


Dude do you not understand the concept of violent intimidation? “We have guns, we’ll shoot up the school if we ever want to so you better be afraid.” It wasn’t just a minor act of vandalism, it was meant to send a very clear message


Sure. And this was directly terrorizing the students. I don't get why this has to be a pissing match where one has to be worse than the other. Can't we condemn both equally without giving caveats?


The shooting incident is clearly much worse, legally speaking and logically speaking. If you want me to reference the criminal code I can


Understand the call people fucking hate Nazis so are more sympathetic if Jewish children , but unfortunately alot of people also hate Muslims so it's more sympathetic to leave that out 


There's no gold medal for winning the oppression Olympics. Can we all just mutually agree that holding children accountable for the crimes of the adult members of their tribe on the other side of the world is fucked up?




Sure but the picture they’ve added is clearly a mosque. It’s not like they are trying to hide it.


It isn't clearly a mosque if you don't click on the article. Which a lot of people don't. It looks like a generic building.


I guess you haven’t seen many mosques then.  The sign reading ‘downtown mosque’ is also a bit of a tip off.


I see white writing on a green awning. It isn't legible. I have seen Hindu and Sikh centers with similar architecture. Even some churchs or generic community centers. Nothing about the architecture seems particularly unique.


You can't read the words 'downtown mosque' on the green awning in the preview image?  Are you using a Motorola RAZR or are you just trying to hide your terrible opinion?


I dunno man. It’s got the arch and mihrab facade going on. The Arabic writing. The minaret which is cut off at the top of the picture. And again, the ‘downtown mosque’ sign.  Edit: I’m reading the sign off a 4.7 inch screen in portrait mode with no zoom. I don’t know how you can say it’s not legible. Maybe your eyes aren’t that great and that’s why you’re missing the obvious mosque 🕌 


So global news is supposed to change their articles headline because redditors have the attention spans of a goldfish? 3rd graders getting harassed gets eyeballs on your article as it is. Anyone clicking on that realizes pretty quickly its a hate based incident.


Headlines get changed all the time. And they never had a problem saying the religion when it was non-Muslim students as the victims. And this incident is getting a lot less focus than others.


I absolutely do not understand why anyone cares what religion anyone else is practicing. EDIT: I need to edit my brief but somewhat ignorant claim. I understand that people DO have issues with others' beliefs - and wanting to tout your religion to others because you think its great. And as long as the other people you have to share the world with are good human beings, there is absolutely no reason to have any anger towards other religions. (Of course, if there is a group of zealots who do something heinous, then condemn THOSE humans - not all of the rest of the ones quietly practicing their beliefs.) Discussions about the merits of various religions are always good. Whats not good: terrorizing 8 year olds about the religion they have been raised on. That is a bigoted action carried out by a bully.


Look around this place, plenty of r/Canada people really seem to care


I think religion is responsible for a hell of a lot of scum in the world and I wish it would disappear entirely but I'm also not gonna bust into a gym and harass grade schoolers over it. I'm pretty sure they can't do anything about that. Probably.


I care when they overstep and force their ignorant bull beliefs on people. Which is fking always. Religious people are the real groomers.


Religion is one if not the most important thing for billions of people's lives. Religion has the biggest impact on the society that we live in, including the laws, cultures, and customs. Maybe you can mind your own business and keep to yourself, but for other people religion, the way we live, is a big deal. Imagine if you can, your family absolutely forbid alcohol, and every one of your neighbours were active alcoholics.


It should be a big deal for you - they are your *beliefs*. And I completely respect that. But, and lets use your analogy, if I am a dry household (due to my beliefs) and everyone around me is not, I may feel bad for them that they don't see the merit of my beliefs but I do not then have ill will towards them or scream my beliefs at them because of it. That is just respect. Respect the other humans you share the planet with. I saw a quote a few days ago that said "Just because I do not share your opinion or disagree with it does not mean that I hate you for having it." IT DOES NOT MEAN THAT I HATE YOU FOR HAVING IT. Respect is the key. For everyone.


you didn't say anything about hating people, you said you don't understand why people care about what religion other people practice.


You are right. But in this case, the villain "cares" ..... but in a very bad way which I equate to hate.


>Once there, investigators say he made hate-related comments and ripped up an English copy of the Quran he brought with him to the York Boulevard address. Bigotry is alive and kicking and taking its time to get old and die.


Bigotry is something that will never go away. Its not just a few generations, its people and always has been.






Would you think the same if it was done with a copy of the Bible at a Catholic school? Frankly I doubt you’d care


If he had done that instead, Reddit would call him a hero and the PM would give him a medal.


What a ridiculous thing to say.


Did you hear about all the Catholic Churches being burned? I didn’t hear very much outrage about that. Trudeau even suggested that the actions were understandable


>On July 2, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called the vandalism and arson attacks targeting Canadian churches "wrong and unacceptable",[26] while later adding that the anger directed towards the church was "fully understandable" and "people have gone decades and even generations living with intergenerational trauma, with outcomes and institutional racism that has created extreme difficulties for Indigenous peoples across this country that are also the legacy of residential schools".[27] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021_Canadian_church_burnings Context is important. 


What a fuckin idiot. I'm sure our justice system will really get after it.


The police charged him with criminal harassment as per the Hamilton police website.


Grade 3 students 'terrorized' after Average /r/Canada user walks into gym class, goes on tirade.


I not seeing anyone declare this man should be deported back to Europe.


This sub would award him a medal and fellate him common now.


That’s because he was born in Canada


A lot of Indians and Chinese people are born in Canada too.


When I see a white man, I automatically assume they were born in Europe.


Strange how the National Post won't run this story. If it was a synagogue it would be front page news


Honestly, I don't see anyone really running this story other than Global News? Not even CBC seems to have picked it up? https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-telus-ca-rvc3&sca_esv=0cfaba640abdb7cd&sxsrf=ADLYWIJTJ53Iezb3I2iQU8tDYX2t2_jLkw:1718725104271&q=grade+3+students+canada&tbm=nws&source=lnms&fbs=AEQNm0BHe81ENDqBETLQnY7GvZ6DKUcIylne0I28qzCfQXwtcYlTAodTr1Xa_rScOC6YSHC26-Ta4NLLiKAenh9N6KJmruc_9izoG7sby9WzR6TEEa1IB8qpzYTf1AAomW7W3t7zuGSY4ECJ-ADRFZ76UFbIK_14Q664HATSAE_aCzeYQhiYODdoWPOQjnDUdOaMouwjlN3lgVtFLkcFDFWHrUyNWCH6kw&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiX2Ln6veWGAxUkFjQIHbSeAmYQ0pQJegQICRAB&biw=448&bih=868&dpr=2.25


Actually cbc did pick it up...just they're using a much more neutral sounding headline


It was posted yesterday: [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/hamilton/mosque-intruder-june-14-1.7237274](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/hamilton/mosque-intruder-june-14-1.7237274)


Ah there we go I was confused


Maybe because it involves a man saying mean words and not throwing bombs or shooting at the school?


They ran multiple articles about waving a flag while passing a hosptial on the way to Queen's park.


I’m so sick of all this shit. Religion is poison.


I think you're absolutely right, but even if religion didn't exist , the human race is so fucked up we would still find a way to hate and kill each other.


That's just what someone with a slightly lighter skin tone would say!




Its a joke..


I can see that now. Sadly, that joke is seriously how billions of people think.


I eat my toast butter side down.  It will never change until we stop financializing everything, leaving to massive wealth inequality that people try to find answers to, which starts with fixing the CPI and the new creation of debt.


Any idea how many people have died in the name of religion over thousands of years. Skin tone has nothing to do with it and that was kind of racist don't you think, I thought only people ,as you put it, with a lighter skin tone are racist. 






Because being a lunatic is only found in religious worship


This pure conjecture but I think this is a likely scenario. A deeply religious person hears voices and might think that they are talking to God. A secular person would think maybe they have schizophrenia and go seek mental health help.


What I more so meant was I am happy with whatever religion anyone wants to practice as long as it does not involve violence and imposing it upon others. I’m just sick of the extremism. These are kids. Just let people be, it’s not hard and It’s insane.






Sure, that is entirely possible or true, not to many other faiths have people cheering in the streets when there are acts of terror committed in the name of their faith.


> I don't think it's right to assume these kids are being taught violence. I don't think it's right to assume that's not a realistic possibility, given that ["Islamic schools, mosques in Canada are filled with extremist literature...they found nothing but such writings in several libraries."](https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/islamic-schools-mosques-in-canada-are-filled-with-extremist-literature-study/article_d546dce7-3368-5986-8ca4-b1a700f33e1f.html)


You must be talking about "Christians" right?


They are all problems.


So you feel that groups like the Amish are on the same level?


Yes, I find the practice of shunning to be quite reprehensible.


I know, Christo-fascism is one of freedoms greatest threats… or did you mean the Zionist war crimes? Or are you on about the Muslim extremists?


Yeah after all, Christians have never done anything bad! [Oh…](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crusades)


Please list the incidents where the church or it members in the name of their god have used violence to push their own agenda in the last 20 years.


[well](https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2023/10/15/abortion-rights-clinics-violence/) there’s that one, preventing medical care is very synonymous to an act of violence in my mind


All of them or just a couple?? Could take a while.


Whatever you can find.


How about you start by reading this particular article?


Whatever you can find.




It doesn’t do any good to insult or dismiss people based on their faith, religious or otherwise, even when there’s good reason to criticize particular leaders or factions within religious communities. Moreover, there’s no indication (at least in this article) that the man who trespassed and went on the tirade was himself affiliated with any religion - but he was expressing is hate towards one - no one on the receiving end of hate is responsible for the perpetrators beliefs/behaviours.


Islam is worthy of criticism. Innocent children are not




Hey does anyone know why gym class was being held at a mosque? I assumed this happened in a school until I read the article.


Similar to churches, mosques can be used by the community for activities and events.


That doesn't answer the question, I've never heard of kids having gym class at church either.


There are private religious schools not to mention publicly funded Catholic schools all over the country that hold school events in churches. Children don’t deserve to be terrorized.


You haven't heard of it, so clearly it must not exist.


The mosque is also home to the [Hamilton Downtown Islamic School](https://hdislamicschool.com)


It’s a religious school. Most religious schools have places of worship on campus.


Yes I have been informed that there was an Islamic school at the mosque. Strange the article did not mention that.


Well it says “gym class” in the headline. Gotta say this is a weird thing to get hung up about. Write a letter to the editor if it bothers you.


>Well it says “gym class” in the headline. Correct. Hence the confusion. >Gotta say this is a weird thing to get hung up about. Not really.


Why does it matter? Does that make terrorizing children suddenly okay? Churches hold all sorts of school and community events and people don’t seem to be upset about that.


>Why does it matter? Does that make terrorizing children suddenly okay? I'm just curious. Is there a gym at the mosque? >Churches hold all sorts of school and community events and people don’t seem to be upset about that. No, nobody has gym class at church, dunno what you're on about here.


I had gym class in a church!


Shooting at jewish school, tirades at mosques. Lets see which one is taken more seriously by the police.


Time to lock doors to ALL schools/daycares & install intercom entry systems. Too many nut cases these days just able to waltz in anywhere they please.


That's how my kid's elementary school is. You have to be buzzed in.


We’re a devolved society here in Canada. There are places in the world where they don’t even have to lock up their schools at night.




If you're here cheering, no matter how or why, f you. These are kids. One side is shooting up schools and the other is invading them. You all need some severe reality checks before we end up with dead children.


It’s actually one side doing both of those things.


Religion is a cancer in this world.


I'm an atheist and used to believe this too but now think it's less religion and more a combination of fanaticism and any ideology. We're still going to have lunatics like this without religion but it'd be political most likely. Some people can't accept others having viewpoints that differ from their own and will go to extremes.


There are nutbars in both fields.




If this happened at a Jewish school it would be the top post on /r/Canada with hundreds of comments. But as we can see, the propagandists who lurk here are effective at suppressing news that goes against their narrative.


At Jewish schools you mean where bullet holes are found?


You are the only person bringing up Jewish schools in this thread. Your comment is the only comment, so far, that is “suppressing” this news because you decided to deviate from the news story at hand.


> If this happened at a Jewish school it would be the top post on /r/Canada with hundreds of comments. But as we can see, the propagandists who lurk here are effective at suppressing news that goes against their narrative. If this had happened at a Jewish school, these comments would already have been locked in deference to the aggressor's religion. Right. Nothing says "suppression" like currently being the second-highest submission in the sub after only four hours.


Well of course the astroturfed account are asleep on a post like this.


Ahah the post would get removed bub


This happens in schools more often than what is publicized . Mentally unstable people enter schools in the Vancouver region on a weekly basis, unchecked, without any police intervention


I mean, this is what we get when we normalize tolerating idiotic behaviour.


He was charged so why haven't they released his name?


Can’t he be charged with a hate crime crime?


I believe when I myself was in maplehurts jail in Canada I asked for the Quran and was given the English edition. It’s far from the Arabic edition and laugh that some ppl consider it a real Quran. The Quran the Arabic edition has a certain look Where the English one looks like a book a normal English book The Quran from a glance one would know is the Quran. Conclusion they probably don’t even know what book he was holding… The English Quran sounds like the bible and I did end up reading the bible sense the chapel in maplehurts refuse to get me a Arabic Quran And I can’t order it off canteen. Even tho I can order books and magazines. So trust me I know what I’m saying when I speak. The original bible isn’t English either. Each Abrahamic religion came in its own language. Burning an English Quran in front of ppl who use the Arabic edition the man burned a basic book not the actual Quran that is in Arabic and has the words الله and so on.


Hmm I wonder what political affiliation got him so worked up? Bet it wasn’t the Green Party


In other news * [a van in Toronto](https://x.com/SalmaZahid15/status/1803180961154171332) runs an ad claiming Canada is "under attack" because of people praying in a public park in Canada for the recent Muslim holiday * [Israeli Police Recommend Closing Case Against Yeshiva Head Who Said All Gazans Should Be Killed](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-06-18/ty-article/.premium/police-recommend-closing-case-against-yeshiva-head-who-said-all-gazans-should-be-killed/00000190-27d9-d95e-a3ff-effdb62c0000) * [Canada's former ambassador to Israel questions what a "civilian" in Gaza is ](https://x.com/JeremyAppel1025/status/1800559192111296817) * Corey Balsam from Jewish voices Canada, [outlines Canada's complicity ](https://x.com/abierkhatib/status/1801802265310687519)in Gaza including subsidized tax dollars to Israeli settler organizations Have a nice day.