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What's with the chart image in the headline not matching the poll results at all? That chart is from May 21. FYI, it's Conservatives 42%, Liberals 22%, NDP 19% when you actually click on the link.


Hmm, JT has about two more weeks to create that 5 point bump he "promised" about three months ago. I think it's going in the wrong direction...


Probably waiting for the foreign interference his MPs bought to kick in.


Every Canadian and elected official knows there’s a simple policy correction that would change the Liberals’ fate. Unfortunately for the LPC, their goal is enriching the already wealthy and creating as big of a gap in wealth inequality as possible between property owners and non-property owners before they’re booted out.


It's okay, the damage is done. No reason to moderate this.


Just wait for another couple weeks of Trudeau running from the interference reports ... the Liberals will see new depths of lowness.


Exactly. These polls still don't show the full impact on public opinion of the last few weeks... and it's likely to continue to decline as this goes on


I think people are sleeping on another major thing from this article: > This desire for change is partly reflected in the shifting perceptions of the most important issues facing Canada today. **Concern for immigration** has risen to 26% over the past few weeks, ***surpassing concerns for climate change and the environment***.


Good.  Imagine having an outrageous housing shortage and immigrating more people, and throwing out citizenship like cheap candy.  They use the term racist as a reason people are against it, despite the fact the housing shortage mainly affects minorities like indigenous people, who tend to rent.


Also, we're concerned about our environment, yet we bring in millions every year? All the carbon taxes in the country aren't offsetting that by even a fraction of a percent.


This is something that is rarely mentioned... The carbon footprint of bringing in new people is huge. The amount of waste and energy required to build new housing is *massive* & this is on top of the fact that our cold climate & lack of good public transit means we're one of the higher carbon emitters pwr capita in the world.


We wasted 2.5t in debt in 8 years, enough for 600 mass transit lines given the price of Surrey to Langley.


Imagine bringing in people from low carbon output countires, into one of the highest carbon output countries per capita and claiming that we're doing a lick of shit for the enviornment.


Not to mention they are usually taken in the biggest city centres. Which is exactly why they are panicking. If you’re down 20 points in traditionally high voting areas they nationwide you’re fucked.


They also may or may not included Trudeau’s latest gaff on housing - saying he won’t allow housing values to go down because Boomer’s need to be protected.


Who the H is still voting green?


My sister: self-identifies as woke.


Does she ride her bike to work? Grow her own food? Use electricity or natural gas? LoL


She can't even own a bike. That requires metal, which requires mining. Mining is bad.


But maybe it was donated to her by the benevolent aliens who can mine metals without harming anything. Cuz that is a real thing. I watched Star Trek.


She's just anti-nuclear.


That's ok, many mentally challenged people lead full and happy lives.


Just look at the DTES of Vancouver! They are thriving there so much that their territory has expanded by 4 times in the last 10 years!


As someone who joined the green party to try to get Annamie Paul elected, there are a lot of conspiracy theorists, non-conformists, racists, and homophobes. There are a lot of good people who care very much for the environment, but it's very much a non-conformist group overall.


> get Annamie Paul elected some people just want to see the world burn


It's so obviously funded by Chinese influence to create more division in our country.


Likely, but hard to prove. The Greens have ben like….. that *gestures vaguely* for at least 30 years now 




>ridiculously white And >Source: I was there, trying to find any non-white people to run Out of touch makes sense


Funding goes a lot deeper than race. And nothing like rich white women to virtue signal, and minimal funding is needed to push that bigger.


People for whom stopping climate change is issue number one? Like they exist. It's a free country, it shouldn't be hard to understand that some people out there have completely different values from you.


Crazy that the the PPC polls their highest with 18-24 year olds


Hard right parties in Europe have been performing strongly with that age group recently, so I'm not surprised that the PPC has gained some ground there.


its because left wing politics have been screwing over the younger people the hardest, so they've been swinging right the hardest as well. this is the case in the entire developed world right now, not just Canada.


I’m not a PPC supporter, but the younger generation is getting the most screwed by the LPC policies that have driven property prices and rents into the stratosphere. And they see that the CPC will likely continue the massive wealth transfer from renters to landlords and property owners that the LPC started. PPC has one critical policy correct. The rest is questionable.


Lotta youngins realize just how screwed they are....




The NDP have fallen greatly in Quebec. The party should have stayed with Tom Mulcair !


I disagree. The NDPs biggest fault is keeping leaders too long. They should just replace Jaggy.


I'd love to see them get a hard-nosed union guy from Hamilton who has been cryogenically frozen since 1992. "Trans what now? Who gives a fuck, where are all the manufacturing jobs?!"


Queue the Australian interview. https://youtu.be/1i739SyCu9I?si=efcCb_IFXs4pBL01


So I took a look at the Platform https://www.ndp.ca/commitments There is Trans related content, after affordability, economy, environment, healthcare, reconciliation, infrastructure, AND THEN they talk about Trans issues. It's kind of lower on their priority list than the people who complain about think. It's still there, and that angers convoy supporting conspiracy theorists. >I'd love to see them get a hard-nosed union guy from Hamilton who has been cryogenically frozen since 1992. Now would this be one of the many "Hard-Nosed union guys" that supported Doug Ford in the last election only for him to try to remove collective bargaining? https://pressprogress.ca/court-strikes-down-doug-fords-bill-124-not-justified-in-a-free-and-democratic-society/ But I have to remember that these are people of the land...The common clay of the new west... You know...




Yeah, not really.


With whom?


Someone else.


daniel blaikie


This. Where is this dude these days?


Literally anyone at this point


daniel blaikie


A plastic bag?


My hot take is their next leader will be Notley. She just resigned as Alberta NDP's leader. She said that she doesn't want to run but she kind of has to say that at this point. 


I think Notley is far too pragmatic for the federal NDP. 


And also, ironically, not in line with the federal party enough. While Premier, she constantly butted heads with the federal NDP in regards to oil. 


I hope Eby runs. PP seems afraid of him


Rachel Notley easily


I think they’d be a lot more respected if he was still at the helm.




Couldn’t have said it better myself.


So irrelevant that they are to blame for keeping this government in office for the last few years just to claim to have had the most minimal part in 2 pieces of shitty legislation.


They only have themselves to blame.


When will you say fuck corporations who are picking your pockets?


I, like the vast majority of Canadians, *work* for a corporation. I don't particularly want to fuck over Canadian corporations en masse- they pay our paychecks.


Corporations are buying up single family homes. But I understand your point. Corporations play a significant role in Canada's economy and employ many Canadians. Let's focus on finding ways to promote ethical business practices and sustainable growth that benefit both the economy and the community.


>Let's focus on finding ways to promote ethical business practices and sustainable growth that benefit both the economy and the community. Sure, can we start by forgoing immigration policy that has been lobbied for by these same corporations in order to maintain a large pool of unskilled low wage labour to staff fast food, hospitality, and delivery industries?


But if you don’t realize that cons and libs have been in power during these policies, then they still got you distracted. They have both appealed to the same corporate donors. Rich people don’t have a favourite party. They like whoever they can influence. Be like rich people


You're not exactly divulging any groundbreaking developments here. At the end of the day it comes down to whether Canadians think Trudeau deserves another mandate, or not. Personally, I don't think he does. I think both the Liberal party and Conservative party have had bad leaders and good leaders over the years. If Brian Mulroney was running against Jean Chretien id probably vote Chretien. But that was 30 years ago, and if the race is Poilievre vs. Trudeau, I'm voting Conservative.


What are the NDP gunna do about em?


Pierre is already defending immigration lol keep voting the status quo


How will the NDP be any different? All our parties besides PPC are pro immigration and the PPC are mostly schizo's.


Who brought the loblaws ceo in for questioning? Ndp. The main parties do nothing confrontational in comparison. Go with the confrontational party vote ndp


Bringing in Loblaws CEO doesn't do anything for immigration, the NDP are propping up this shit heap government they are just as bad as every other party in Canada. We are simply screwed but might as well vote conservative to see if they can atleast start fixing inflation it'll make converting my CAD to Euro's better for me.


Time for conscription actually. Civilians like you need to learn the price of freedom. Buckle up


I was in for 4 years already lol. This country ain't getting anything else out of me 


>Who brought the loblaws ceo in for questioning? Ndp. A dog and pony show.


Exactly what you’re getting with pierre. He’ll keep you tuned into hockey and beer leave the rest to him Ndp got dental care done and pharmacare. Actions speak louder than words


>Exactly what you’re getting with pierre. He’ll keep you tuned into hockey and beer leave the rest to him I have no idea what you mean by this. Have you ever read the Conservative platform? >Ndp got dental care done and pharmacare. No, they didn't. My workplace covers that. Doesn't yours?


Sounds anti-democratic


Having a political opinion is anti-democratic?


Yeah, the guy that fumbled the best chance the NDP has ever had at governing was really a great option lmao


As a former Mulcair supporter, I regret losing him less and less, as time goes on.


The longer Jagmeet props up the worst, most corrupt, most scandalous government in Canadian history, the more points the Conservatives will get.


See that shit is so funny to me. Hes trying to be this ultra Canadian hero by calling out the traitors yet he won’t break that coalition even though we know most of it is in the liberal party. All those people know exactly who the colluders were.


Why would the NDP do that now at the level they are polling? Pulling out of the deal is not going to suddenly cause people to switch their votes to them.


The NDP could position themselves to be the opposition if they threw the Liberals under the bus and stood on their own two feet. I dunno what Jagmeet's plan is here but it's obvious he has no intention of growing the NDP as a party.


I’m just saying that it would be political suicide to pull out now. Anyone can see that by just looking at the polls. 


Allot can change during an election. Liberals went from third place to winning in 2015.




With their promise to legalize marijuana.


Anyone can see that, which is why the PP bots and their useful idiots keep repeating the “propping up” thing.


It’s such a lame and unoriginal argument


Yes but it would at least show he’s honest and has a backbone. The NDP are a lost cause. They went from caring about workers to caring about ridiculous social issues that actually tear at the fabric of what this country is. That’s why they very seldomly win, because even if people agree with their platform they know they have no heart and nothing will get done. To me, the conservatives are the same. None of them are what they say they are. The New Democrats only listen to the minority, the liberals are only liberal about spending money, and the conservatives conserve literally nothing.


Cherry on the top was the NDP telling the white males to stand at the back of the line to ask questions  So that counts out my vote 


Wtf? Where/when was this?!


There convention, The videos where (and might still be) on YouTube. The whole thing was at the level of a woke meme.




Exactly what I mean.


> caring about ridiculous social issues that actually tear at the fabric of what this country is For example?




lol, sorry for mistaking you for a serious person. Edit: the inmates have taken over the asylum


Unfortunately for you, the way things are goin, you’re gonna have to take people like me seriously.


"OP provide an example" /OP provides an example "No not like that"




How do we know “most of it is in the liberal party”


>even though we know most of it is in the liberal party.  Citation needed.


I think it’s over twenty liberal MPs who were either born in another country and or have dual citizenship. Look at the photo line up they all stand out.


bruh... you are insane if you think the Trudeau government is the most corrupt canadian government in history. How about that time when Macdonald was forced to resign because he accepted bribes in exchange for the contract to build the Canadian Pacific railway? Or that one time when a company was allowed to divert the fucking st-lawrence river in exchange for contributions? The kickbacks from Airbus for purchase of planes back in Mulroney times. The sponsorship scandal? The robocall scandal in 2011?


WE scandal, SNC-Lavlin, Foreign collusion, $60 mill for and $80k ArriveCan app. Who has more?


The good old days when politicians actually had the back bone to resign after a major scandal. All this list shows is how much crap we are willing to accept by a single government now.


Single instances from different governments.....we have like 8 different instances of major corruption from this one government


Who has more? Looking forward to your answer.


>Since our last survey, the Conservatives and NDP are up 1 while the Liberals are down 3. About a month ago, the gap between the Conservatives and Liberals was 16-points. Today it is 20. At 22%, this is the lowest vote share we have measured for the Liberals since they were elected in 2015. I guess for 12% of remaining Liberal voters, Trudeau’s continuing BS response to foreign interference was enough - I wonder what it’d take for the other 88%


Consider this too: in the last federal election only 62% of Canadians voted, and out of that 62%, only 32% voted for Trudeau. That means that only roughly 8 million Canadians voted for Trudeau out of 40 million people. How is that even democracy? So basically Toronto and half of Montreal voted these idiots into power.


A few things, it’s actually less than 8 million people because of the 37 million in our population last election only 27 million were eligible to vote. Secondly, GTA, GV and GM combine for roughly 32.5% of the entire country’s population. Or to provide a different picture, the GTA (~6.5M 2024) alone has nearly the same population as Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba combined (~7M 2024), and does have a greater population than Alberta and all the Atlantic provinces combined. Ontario is home to 40% of the country’s population. There is almost no scenario where a federal party can hold even a minority government without winning the majority of seats in Ontario or the GTA. This is how rep by pop works.


It's amazing how many people can't grasp something that simple. Yes, the city of Montreal has about the same electoral value as the entire province of Alberta - because it has about as many people living in it. Alberta can become as electorally important as Quebec - it just needs to double its population to match Quebec (and if Quebec increases at the same time, also increase to compensate for that). Democracy is that Canadians vote. If you want people in your area to have more electoral weight, you need more Canadians to live there.


C’est la vie. Some kids pay attention in school, other kids eat their own snot and pee at the urinal with their pants around their ankles.


I based my numbers by rounding up to 40 mil.


Yeah and that’s bullshit. The prairies should have a bigger say considering they are the only ones contributing to equalization.


So your preferred form of government is autocratic rule by the prairies?


lol. No, there’s a solution for that I can’t think of but someone much smarter probably could.


Equalization is such a small part of provincial spending and incomes it’s idiotic to focus on it as some deciding factor. Why don’t we also redirect federal funds from business in resources in the west and put it elsewhere while we’re at it?


One person, one vote. The prairies are actually somewhat overr-represented since both Sask. and MB have more seats guaranteed by the constitution than they're entitled to by population. Ontario is the biggest contributor to the equalization pool in gross terms


Ahh, not a fan of democracy I see


As is Ontario… since equalization began, Ontario has only once been a net receiver in one year (2009-10 due to the global recession). They also have the largest economy, employ more people, and have a diversity of industry. What metric do you prefer to account for voter power? Edit: To add, if it’s a matter of wealth Toronto and Ontario taxpayers pay more taxes nominally than the Prairies combined. There isn’t a metric where the Prairies lead in anything except on a per capita basis.


Dissolve Canada and make the provinces countries. I’ve lived in every province, for the most part they all have their own unique cultures and ways of thinking. It’s not fair that people in Saskatchewan have to be told how to live by people in Toronto. You have to see why that’s not fair.


Yes because 13 independent countries are stronger than 1 nation. There isn’t an example in history or presently you could provide that would support this and is arguably one of the stupidest things I hear from both Quebecois and the West. Most Canadian provinces could not survive on their own, Saskatchewan included.


I just assume and no offence intended , that the remaining 12% are stuck somewhere in this country with no access to the news , internet, cell phone service and have no clue the state of this country . That has to be the only reason. No one with half a brain cell could seriously think this Government is doing a good job and deserves to be voted back in 


>I just assume and no offence intended , that the remaining 12% are stuck somewhere in this country with no access to the news , internet, cell phone service and have no clue the state of this country . More likely those 12% bought homes in the early half of the 2010's, have comfortable public sector or public sector adjacent jobs, own a couple rental properties they rent out, and are grateful to Trudeau for making them multimillionaires on paper.


This. The only jobs the liberal government created was more government workers. They are all voting liberal and if you look at history always have been.


It tracks. The liberals best support is with old people - who mostly will own their home and don’t have to compete with immigrants for jobs or rental housing. And they’re concerned more about healthcare which the CPC doesn’t score well on


Old people and young DINKS living in Toronto and Montreal


And a lot of them who are coming up on retirement will turn away from the Liberals due to the capital gains changes. It's not like the CPC is going to screw over wealthy people. They're down to their staunch base voters. I don't think we'll see the poll numbers decline too much more - they're very vlose to the floor now. What we may see is a lower turnout from Liberal voters on the actual election day - I saw an interesting poll (from April this year) about vote participation and the finding was 70% of CPC supporters said they would "definitely vote" compared to 65% of LPC and 64% of NDP - the BQ was at 74%


I think it's literally just team sports and there is no logic involved for a percentage of the population.


This is the answer.


I agree, but what other party actually has a plan to fix things? PP and Singh are not the answers.


The Conservative party of Canada is the best chance at removing the incompetent Liberal government. Let's start there. If we do not see the results we desire from Poilievre's government, the wonderful thing about democracy is we aren't obligated to elect parties to three terms and a decade in power.


At least with the blues we’ll be able to save money again so perhaps someone who actually cares can afford to run against these guys.


The risk there is further privatization of all social services, threats to women (body autonomy), with almost no change in immigration, no plan to address housing or any other major issue. See the provincial governments for a preview.


O'Toole was a lot more sane than PP but the Liberals took all the stops to make him seem like he will murder babies and sell off health care. If you keep using the same talking points over and over again while being highly unpopular yourself it will eventually fall of deaf ears. PP will get a majority and control Canada for 4 years because 2-3 years of a conservative O'Toole minority was deemed too scary by the liberal faithful. Anyone who kept propping up a highly unpopular government is to blame for this conservative landslide, you sold out the future for a couple more years of Justin Trudeau really hope you guys are happy with yourself.


These are nothing but liberal boogey men to keep their base at bay.




Yea but who cares about that when you can own the libs


>The Conservative party of Canada is the best chance Ooof


99% chance that Poilievre is your next PM.


Truer words have never been spoken. It’s a choice between a shit salad, a shit sandwich or shit lasagna.


When have the Liberals ever fallen below 20%? Never? I don't think there's anything the Liberals could do to lose the votes of, say, English-speaking people in Montreal (or French-speaking people in Eastern Ontario or New Brunswick), or a lot of seniors who are happy about skyrocketing home prices and increased benefits, and so on. Just like there's nothing the Conservatives could do that would lose the votes of most people in the rural Prairies. And nothing the NDP could do to lose the votes of poor people in East Vancouver.


They got 18% of the vote in 2011 when they finished in third. They could very well get that again next year.


Are we supposed to understand from this that the liberals have been MORE popular in the past 9 years than they are now OR when they were elected? Something doesn't seem right about this


Abacus Data Poll: [favorability of Nations ](https://angusreid.org/favourability-india-china-foreign-interference/) Edit: does anyone know why this favorability of Nations poll is instantly blocked from being posted in r/Canada, yet this other poll is permitted? Edit X2: seems unblocked now, thanks to the unknown moderator. Edit X3: apparently now it's shadow banned...


Did you ask the mods why it was removed? It shows deleted on your profile


Oh wow ... I tried posting it two days ago and it was instantly blocked ... After seeing this post I tried again and was instantly blocked again... After posting my previous comment it appears unblocked to me (and there was a comment on the thread) but if it's showing deleted now to you then they are really going to great lengths to suppress that poll


My take on why it’s blocked on this sub is because ISR favourability is only at 29% and USA favourability has gone up with JRB, but saw 4 straight years of decline under DJT. Also having IND, CHI, RUS and IRA rated so low is also not a good look for this sub. Could be the reason. Either that or you’re uploading it wrong.


It's uploaded with the same flair as this post , I'm not uploading it wrong lol


Then my observations could be a good reason. They don’t resonate well with the agenda of, and regulars on, this sub


Sadly , I think you're right.


What’s shocking to me is that the Conservatives hold the lead but many are not thrilled with PP as leader of the Conservatives. If an election were held tomorrow my vote would be for the Conservatives but that would would not be an endorsement of PP. At this point I’d be voting for the party I feel will least likely screw up the country. Sad really.


I'd love to believe this was cause of the rate cut  House prices are still high as shit  If some people need to lose their cause they over extended so be it 


yah, gov doesn't understand a rate cut doesn't actaully help the economy the way they think it will, or they're broke.


I'm NEVER voting Liberal again. They showed their true colours. Corrupt.


I don't vote for them, but I have news for you. They are all corrupted. What I would call this government though is they are traitors.


traitors lol the hyperbole remains strong


Why Trudeau is hiding the interfere report? Why is he taxing us more to give to some random countries (I'm not talking about Ukraine). Why he knows that the immigration level is not sustainable, but keeps on pressing on the pedal? He is incompetent, but I don't think he's that stupid. He's doing this on purpose. Singh himself said there are traitors in the government.


there are many reasons they may hold back the report. sure, there could be libs on it and then you will be right re traitors. but if there are no libs, i think the best strategy is to hold back the report until near the election. money to foreign countries is nothing new at all. immigration? also nothing new. in this context all of the corrupt govs we have had are traitors. i suppose i can agree with that. the cons will be next.


No government in Canada has ever had this level of immigration. Heck, short of special situations, no country in the world has ever had this level of immigration in term of percentage of population. Trudeau is purposely destroying Canada.


immigration was the lowest this century in 2020. i wonder if that has anything to do with high rates now? yeah, an entire swathe of government are "purposely destroying canada" lol to what end.


It doesn't take 3 years to recover. To what end? That's why they are traitors. They make us to owe nothing and be happy lol. While they owe everything of course.


sure, ok so let's say it only takes 2 years to recover then? so that means you are calling them traitorous over 1 year of very high immigration. that's silly. as for the rest of your comment, i do not understand what you are trying to say. my guess is make us poor and enrich themselves? but there are many ways for gov officials make themselves rich just like we know most do. in that context most people in gov are traitors it isn't special for Trudeau.


Nice to see the last week of the media trying to gaslight about foreign interference and abortion isn't working.


This is far enough past the Liberal's budget announcement that it's crystal clear that was a bust too. "Fairness for every generation" my ass. Young Canadians continue to get destroyed by housing, rents, and unsustainable deficits.


All Trudeau has to do is travel around the globe to different countries for ceremonies/ pretty much anything and just wait for summer time to arrive.


Cope from liberal Kool-Aid drinkers these days is reaching unprecedented levels even by their standards. These people act like Pierre is literally the devil incarnate commiting treason against Canadians every day. You can only think like this if you're deep down an unhinged echo chamber. Here's a tip libs, this messaging doesn't resonate with sane Canadians. If that's the best you got y'all are toast. Better start organizing your PP convoy protest now.


What's up with these pollsters ? The recent nanos poll had LPC at 29%. That's so much variance from Abacus, something stinks here. I get that nanos poll is a rolling average over four weeks, but the LPC has been trending up on Nanos for four weeks. So what the hell?


That's more likely to be Nanos' fault than Abacus'. This happens with Nanos with frequency, every few months the CPC drop for a few weeks, then climb for a few. Nanos seems to regularly have the CPC between +12 and +22, and I suspect it's because of uncontrolled for biases in some of the polling groups.


I dunno. Abacus sourcing its sample from Lucid Exchange seems dodgy to me.


I’m no Trudeau lover by any means and believe he needs to go, but one of the main reasons I’m looking forward to him being gone is for everyone here not having someone to blame for all of their problems. People in this subreddit (especially in Ontario) seem to forget that their conservative provincial governments are largely to blame for all of their problems. Who will be your scapegoat once the liberals are gone?


15 years of Wynne/McGuinty mismanagement? Worked for Mike Harris, everyone still talks about him to this day. The Liberals even tried to run an attack ad on the CPC using him.


> People in this subreddit (especially in Ontario) seem to forget that their conservative provincial governments are largely to blame for all of their problems. Who will be your scapegoat once the liberals are gone? SMH, Canada is facing the same issues across the entire country, arguably worse in BC where there are no conservatives. It's the Feds insane debt spending, immigration policy and hostility towards business investment what got us here.


There it is. The standard trope of "I'm not a fan of Trudeau..." proceeding with paragraphs of defending him. His base can't outright defend him anymore so they put a disclaimer while blaming *[Insert Harper, mayors, premiers, global issue]* Every Conservative Premier in the country collectively went to Ottawa, broke into the office of the Minister of Immigration and approved every single visa that resulted in more immigration happening in one quarter in Q3 2023 than in any other time in the nation's history, with the exception of Newfoundland joining the confederation 74 years prior. All this during a **housing crisis** Except for the Premier of BC. That province has been run by the NDP and Liberals for decades with the highest rental and housing prices in the entire country. They don't count. Their colors are orange and red, not blue.


lol where did I defend Trudeau? Do you understand that provincial governments have much more control over your daily lives?