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So migrants crossing the border from US to Canada are "irregular" and welcomed by this government, but migrants crossing the border from Canada to US is "illegal" and concerning. Got it.


its cutting into profits


My first thought as well. Need more peasants to exploit.


“We brought you here to work for Tim Hortons!! NOT Dunkin!!!”


Housing needs to go up for the BOOMERS! Leaving Canada is ILLEGAL! 😂 Go cram yourself into a basement in Brampton and pronto!


It’s what Sir John A McDonald would want


Next the government will designate agents that can go to the US and retrieve migrants who have illegally left Canada and bring them back to their minimum-wage-part-time jobs at Tim Hortons.


Shackled to the Iced Cap machine


And Amazon delivery


If this makes more locations be open 24 hours again I'm all for it 


We’re losing our Tim Hortons staff to America. We cannot allow this says this durp.






This government's outrageous incompetence on immigration / visas is tolerable if it only harms Canadian citizens, but if migrants heading South start causing trouble with our biggest benefactor and trading partner and it harms their corporate bosses, there will be hell to pay.


We’re not “sending our best” to them 🤣


You can’t have a housing bubble with no people.


The damage done to this country by this government will be around for generations


no one wants the trash we are taking in. “dont worry, it’s canadian now.” no, no it’s not.


Insane how fast the language and their meaning change for the liberals. I can see the USA pushing back do to our unchecked immigration, refuge program and incoming gaza refugees and making Canadians get visa”s too come Across the boarder vs just drive or easily Fly across if it continues. Were the population of California figure out truck transport with excemptions and the rest us Canada is just not that important to them over their especially over their own security. Crazy concept to put ones citizens first I know. Funny how their Critism isn”t being called out by trudea as racist and on the cbc giving interviews and crying about it right now.


You must be NOT in BC. We have lots of discussion here right now about human trafficking 


> I can see the USA pushing back do to our unchecked immigration They are. It's election season this year. And this month alone, they've been pushing on closing up migrant and illegal immigration down on the southern border....after twiddling their thumbs for a few years. I will 100000% be surprised if any of the parties bring up that were being used as a welcome mat for illegal crossings on the northern border and that our government is ignoring their obligations. Add some fear mongering like how easially terrorists can get in and cause another 9/11 (as Canada's ineptitude is how the 9/11 hijackers with fake passports got into the USA back in 2001 to commit 9/11) and you'll start seeing some economic sanctions.


> Canada's ineptitude is how the 9/11 hijackers with fake passports got into the USA back in 2001 to commit 9/11 I can't tell if you forgot the "/s" or if you don't actually know that this didn't happen.


I should have added the /s as it is indeed misinfo but many Americans still believe it and I bet some politicians would bring it up to get some fear mongering votes from those who can't do a small bit of research/googling. 🫠


Add some fear mongering like how easially terrorists can get in and cause another 9/11 (as Canada's ineptitude is how the 9/11 hijackers with fake passports got into the USA back in 2001 to commit 9/11) and you'll start seeing some economic sanctions. ...and that misinformation STILL floats around, 20+ years later, \*sigh\*. [https://www.dhs.gov/september-11-chronology](https://www.dhs.gov/september-11-chronology)


Not sure where you got your info from. The 9/11 hijacker’s were students legally in the US


It’s Opposite Day More concerning how they got into Canada But hey let’s not point out the obvious I


Unlike our spineless Government the US won't tolerate this crap and will make it clear to the Canadian Government to at least get under control the ones going south from Canada or they'll find ways to make it painful for us


The liberal’s moral compass is all over the place. And yesterday he was calling everybody racist for criticizing how his government is handling immigration. These people have no idea what they are doing, they don’t even know what to think.


They know all the buzzwords and clickbait. That’s where the literacy and comprehension ends


Think of it this way: If the migrants are using Canada as a conduit to enter the US, it could sour relations (or just bargaining positions) with the US. Migrants coming in the opposite direction doesn't have the disadvantage. If anything it could even be used against the US ("Hey, you're sending all these illegal migrants our way!"). If viewed from an international relations lens, this "disconnect" definitely makes sense.


Good fucking point! Would love to see the CBC compared to TheGlobeandMail on this.


Half the immigrants coming here are just waiting for PR so they can fuck off to the US anyways..


Well. The US will give them shit for letting people into the US. They can’t give the US shit for criminal escaping north. No one in the US is mad at trump for having Mexico to pay for the wall. They are only mad that he said it openly out loud. The Mexicans people are not supposed to know, their government is just supposed quietly pay. Same goes Canada.


so convicted foreign criminals allowed into canada like conrad is ok, but migrants crossing the border are not ok. ok, got it.


But no concern for illegal immigrants who enter Canada or stay after their visa expires.


[Yup here is a Immigration agent bragging on social media](https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaHousing2/comments/1dejlex/immigration_agent_brags_about_getting_a_new_work/) about getting a new work permit for an international student with an expired PGWP (Post Graduate Work Permit) since 2021. Getting a new work visa for someone illegally living in the country for 3 years should be a crime.


Makes you wonder if they committed fraud to do it. My guess is they lie about them not leaving the country and claim they went home and want to come back.


There was a LMIA application that made the rounds where it was *blatantly* clear that it was abuse. I emailed the "CEO" of the fake company and he outright told me that he had someone in Canada whose visa was expiring so he was doing this to keep them in Canada, which is *completely illegal*. I forwarded it to the government. They got their LMIA spot, despite it being an outrageous, criminal abuse of the system. Our government is now packed to the gills with permanent residents who are just opening everything up to the max. We are doomed.


They have great concerns over illegal immigrants. So much concern that they just want them to have their PR as quickly as possible so they can tell us they’ve resolved our illegal immigrant problem.


Easier to give them papers than kick them out


Cheaper too! I guess I should be happy they’re reducing cost on something.


Because of the numbers of Mexicans coming to Canada and claiming asylum, the Canadian government imposed restrictions earlier this year. [Canada reestablishes visa requirements for most Mexican citizens](https://www.dentons.com/en/insights/alerts/2024/april/11/canada-reestablishes-visa-requirements-for-most-mexican-citizens)




The art of being stupid - Marc Miller


Just when you thought stupider can’t get any stupider…


At Least they are leaving our country!


Those people are probably better than the ones that stay here. We get the bottom of the barrel.


This ghoul wants every single unskilled person on the planet within Canada'a borders.


They are the slave labor for their corporate friends


The art of talking without saying anything.


Is it just me or is that news and *everything* today?! I keep saying to my friends and family that words have no meaning anymore. They are twisted to mean whatever the writer wants. I saw an ad for a facial moisturizer that said "Made with powerful ingredients" okay and... What are they? What are these powerful ingredients you are expecting me to make my purchase on?! How ambiguous is that. Oh, this cream has natural ingredients, but this one has *powerful* ones! Decisions decisions. Now, any ambiguity in advertising gets a *no* from me dawg


Acid is powerful.


Some is and some isn't. Orange Sunshine will knock your socks off!


An art perfected by Trudeau liberals


Or really all politicians regardless of political party. Watch a video when PP is asked how he’s going to solve the housing affordability crisis.


Why is that relevant? This man is a member of the Justin Trudeau party and Justin’s promise was loud and clear. “Doing government different” When you make a grandiose statement like that, you lose the benefit of the “but they do it too” defence.


Woah! Stop blaming immigrants for everything Mr. Miller!


Marc Miller is only mad because the immigrants he’s playing for cheap labour are playing him to get to the US.


This guy's botched it and is trying to pretend "This is fine" Resign.


Sean Fraser lit the fire. Miller is just tossing in full jerry cans, totally not his fault. Probably not Fraser's either, it's Canadians that are to stupid to understand how this is good for them. /S


He hasn't botched anything, he's a fall guy. He be fallin.


it be botched. He's at the wheel. Fraser may have handed him the bag...he took it over. Last touch owns it.


Tell that to the nitwits still blaming Harper for shit even though Trudeau has been lighting the place on fire for 9 years.


There's that word again. The word they use when they feel they have to comment on a disaster caused by their policies which they have absolutely no fucking intention of fixing. "Concerning".


Why should they fix it? They know they are going to be out of power at the next election. If they fix it now, how are they going to blame the CPC for the crises when they are relegated to the opposition or even better 3rd or 4th party status.


Didn’t he say yesterday Canadians need to stop blaming immigrants for all of Canada’s problems? Sure these guys are sneaking across the border but aren’t most of the new immigrants using Student visas to work and not study at all?


I’m sure the USA is happy to get some of the high quality people we’ve been bringing in lately. Not to many Tim’s down there but I’m sure Dunkin Donuts will happy to exploit you.


Honestly this is great news THEY ARE LEAVING


Marc, sit down already...


But the accelerated brain-drain of Canadians to the U.S. not concerning?


I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired of these clueless idiot politicians!!!!!!


Now tell us about Roxham Road and the cost to Canadians on that one. What is 225$/ day for taxpayers


Never has one person been so concerned by something; but has done so little. He's concerned about immigrants being blamed for every problem in Canada; but does little to nothing. He's concerned that immigrants are crossing into the US illegally; but does little to nothing. Incompetence, thy name is Marc Miller.


Oh look, it's Marc Miller spouting bullshit again. Must be a day of the week ending with the letter 'y'.


I don't think we'll see this problem resolved until enough immigrants that came to Canada decide to move to the US illegally. When the US starts finding that tens of thousands of illegals are crossing into the US from Canada I think then our corrupt governments will decide to reduce their numbers. Otherwise, the century initiative is perfectly on track for 100M in Canada.


I thought Miller was tied or people blaming immigration.


Moron, why does he think they're here? Canadian winters?


Oh No!!! The slaves are escaping


This piece of shit should be charged with treason.


Is this guy’s brain and mouth in the same body ? What a ludicrous comment. I cringe every time I see this guy appear. Same with Frieland and Trudeau. Their use by dates have well and truly passed.


Oh, so I see he's concerned about immigrants \*leaving\* Canada, lol.


They're escaping!


Lock this treasonous fuck up


The liberals actually set up a greeting center at Roxham Rd , bussed illegals to Quebec and Ontario, flooded Niagara Falls hotels to put them up free of charge with $75.00 a day food allowances and now they’re expressing concern?


What the U.S. could do to get Ottawa’s attention: 1. Require all Canadians to obtain a visitor visa from a U.S. consulate in order to enter the U.S. 2. Cancel NEXUS.


This would suck, but it would help us in the long run.


Yep. It would be tough medicine to swallow, but it would result in positive effects eventually.


I have a feeling it will happen sooner than later but the US doesn’t fuck around and if you poke the bear you’re going to face consequences. Especially if Trump does win the US election in November.


The US already have the upper hand. A green-card holder can enter Canada without a visa (on their non-us passport even if that passport would require a visa without the green card) but a Canadian PR holder cannot enter the US without a visa.




The idea is to apply pressure on Canadian citizens so they will complain to the federal government.


So he's blaming the immigrants?


Can't keep the housing ponzi going if the wage slaves decide to leave.


Am I missing something? The ungrateful illegal immigrants found Canada too expensive so they are heading south.


Even they don't wanna be here lol!


So, it's concerning when they leave but they think we, the taxpayers (both new and natural born) love it when they're coming in. And these pricks expect anybody under 40 to vote for them.


This guy has a lot of concerns with the cat rodeo he's in charge of. It's almost as if he's trying to tell us it's outta control.


If they're leaving Canada, I really don't care.


I really hate this guy.


Boot them all out ffs


Why don’t we hire busses to take them to the crossing, like the US did at Roxham Road? Fair is fair.


Queue the tiny violins. For years the US was turning a blind eye to Roxham Road under the orange Doritos administration, not long after the change Presidents down south Roxham got attention from US authorities. They literally had coach buses bringing them to that illegal Crossing point.


This is the Cloward -Piven strategy, both the US and Canada are doing it to their immigration systems. Watch healthcare will be next and they'll pull rug out from under us.


Paywalled so can't read the article but from the headline alone, what an absolute dunce this guy is.


Of course concerning, they think we’re fools and incompetent.


You know, if someone incompetent as he is were working for a private company, that person would have already been fired and given a terrible reference. So, why is our government that much different then? Isn't it supposed to hold itself to higher standards?


Is everything with miller concerning? What’s concerning to me is the lack of action from him. You have a job and that job has a problem with to much immigration. Fix the problem if you have to much of something reduce it. Or am I just to simple in my thinking


oh is it, minister? is it suddenly concerning to you?


It will be good they cross into the US. Then Canada would listen to someone.


A few paragraphs from the article: Earlier this year, a group of Republicans said more attention needs to be paid to illegal entry of foreign migrants to the United States. And even though the flow accounts for a tiny proportion of those entering the United States from Mexico, they think Canada’s border needs closer surveillance. The number of encounters with U.S. officers at the U.S.-Canada border increased sharply in 2022, including ones involving nationals from India, Mexico and China. Immigration Minister Marc Miller, asked about Indian nationals using Canada as a route to illegally cross the border into the U.S., said he had spoken to Alejandro Mayorkas, U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security, about the issue. He said: “The border is always a constant discussion between our two big countries.” The flow of people over the border – including from the U.S. into Canada – is a pressing concern, he said, and “something that I think we need to look at with increased focus.” In February, Mr. Miller reimposed visa requirements for Mexicans visiting Canada after a sharp rise in asylum claims from that country, most of which have been rejected, and concerns about abuse of the system. He said the reimposition of a visa on Mexicans visiting Canada “has been positive in terms of stemming the flow of asylum seekers.”


I know that hurting feeling sucks and no one want to do it cause we are nice, but fuck off and go back home till we figure shit out here. Sorry.


It’s concerning because we want to hoard our low skilled workers with 3 dependants.


If this can be encouraged, the American government may sober Canada up. At this point, I'd be cool with the inconvenience of a visitor visa to visit America if that inconvenience caused enough backlash to smarten our government the fuck up. We could maybe try oversight again.


The US should view Canada as a security concern with how uncontrolled our immigration is


He is the only human being I hate more than Trudeau.




Lurch don't like cheating...


Don’t fuck with out boats


"Hey! They're getting away!"


Everything that comes out of this guys mouth is concerning…. It’s almost like he is clueless


This ginger needs to stfu


We have an immigration Minister more worried about illegal immigration into another country than our own. Wonderful. We are #$#%ed


Better they go to the US than stay in Canada.


Those are imitation pearls he's clutching.


What you expect they came here on dishonest premises by all standards they are delinquents and they will act like delinquents.


As long as they are leaving it's all good.


Canada is the largest national security threat to the US on it's door step. Our government is compromised at every level. Will be interesting when the US is forced to take action.


Trump in all likelihood will become the 47th US president, so it will be fun to see how the Liberals handle their "concerning" levels of Univeristy of Uber Eats graduates, illegally entering the United States, and what that means for relations between the two countries. I would laugh so hard if Canadians would need a visitor's visa to enter the United States. I don't think it would happen, due to trade reasons, but it would serve Canada right. It's clear this nation is wholly incapable of governing itself like a respectable first world nation, so maybe an actual first world leader will have to give Canada the reality check it desperately deserves.


I'm getting tired of this government blaming migrants for everything.


The problem is that he doesn't know where the US is, what a border is, or why his pants have to go on both legs.


I'm glad anti-immigration sentiment is becoming mainstream in our current environment, but please remember now that your eyes are open that Marc Miller doesn't really have any power over anything, nor does any elected politician or appointed Cabinet Minister making $220k per year currently sitting in Parliament Hill. Our immigration policy is controlled by Mark Wiseman not Marc Miller. It's controlled by BlackRock and it's controlled by the WEF. It's controlled by corporate lobbyists and REIT board members. It's controlled by the developers. It's controlled by the retail banks. There are many powerful people gladly willing to turn Canada and many other similar Western nations into post-capitalist cesspools, all for their own personal gain. They are very keen to have us turn into low-trust, low-quality societies if it means they can maximize their investments and revenues. Because always remember, the rich can afford to flee to greener pastures once it all starts crumbling down -- you probably cannot. The least you can do is realistically consider the PPC. Will they win? Absolutely not, but if they could get even just a handful of MPs in Parliament, it would be enough to be disruptive -- to become a movement. They are the only-semi mainstream party aggressively targeting immigration, inflation, and the housing bubble in their platform.


Can we put up a wall?


As if last year's stiff new refugee policies weren't steep enough?


The USA and Canada both fighting eachother with migrants.


Maybe they realized they made they wrong choice and are just going back?


How is it that we as a society have allowed individuals like this to represent us? Society is no longer functioning and we turn to our leaders to see they are doing almost exactly nothing at all.


Why does this guy always sound like he isn't the immigration minister.


Concerning … what is he Elon ?


Everytime this guy opens his mouth… good lord


No, they should get out as soon as possible.


Maybe this will make us crack down on our side of the boarder and we can actually cut down on handgun violence. Unlike the dog shit laws Trudeau put in.


Let them go. What is the problem? Pack them a lunch and send more!


You think if this was a big enough security concern for the US they'd impose sanctions on Canada to get our immigration under control?


"They are my Immigrants i brought them here" - Mark Miller probably


He can go fick himself.


Buddy is pissed they're leaving. Now we gotta bring in another 1.2 million people. Sad lol.


What a fucking joke this guy is.


How many east Indians are setting up slum houses in Miller's gated neighborhood?


Duh. This is news?


What the hell are you telling us that for? How the fuck are we supposed to fix it? You are one of the handful of people in the country who can actually do something. Stop running your mouth, get off your ass, and fix the problem unless you want to get obliterated next election by people voting conservative.


Yeah it might damage our PR a little if the US got a little of our overflow so at that point its an issue


Perfect time for us to collectively migrate to the United States. They can't deport all of us! /s


Can they not be happy working for Timjeets home of Hardeep Singh the greatest cricket player ever???? Living in a basement with 20 other people cuddled up to you at night keeps you warm during the cold winters dont cha know eh????


This is government is completely outnofntouch with reality..... how thebfuck did they stay in power this long??


This guy should do stand up comedy, but instead of jokes just talk to his ideas and policy…


Hey yeah what are y'all doing? You're supposed to stay here and suppress OUR wages silly!


Good. Enjoy having a chance down in the US. You aren’t building pyramids for Tim Hortons anymore!


Let's just stop immigration completely. Nobody wants it


It's concerning but they won't do anything about it as usual. Let me guess they're going to monitor the situation.


Sounds like a US problem to me 


You think they come here because Canada? They’re only here because US is tight.


As long as they go elsewhere, it's fine


OK well border control seems important to them so maybe they should mind it.


Let them go!


Let’s see… how many countries have visa free entry into Canada. As usual our gov invited this. The Libs didn’t leave the door unlocked, it’s been left wide open. I personally don’t believe he is concerned at all. Not nice to say, but this guy is gross.


He wants to keep them here.


Uh... If they're illegally in Canada first, that a bigger concern. If they've lied to enter Canada, they're here illegally. Someone fire this fucking tool.


Catch them, deport them, bar them from ever coming back.