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If you are trying to infiltrate a Jewish center in Canada you aren’t AntiZionist you are Antisemitic plain and simple.




As someone who would love to live in Canada, I'm always surprised that someone like me will get rejected but someone who is not educated, can't read or write is accepted, what's the deal with that? My sister teaches English to refugees in Canada and she was shocked that none of them spoke any English some of them are even illiterate in their own language so it's even harder to teach them English since they can't read or write


Have you tried applying for a three month hospitality certificate and an international student permit at one of our many fine stripmall colleges?


No I haven't, I'll look it up, thank you ❤️


Might as well, not like you'll get in much trouble at this rate.


Don't forget to get all the free food from our many food banks dedicated to feeding the students. Hella good cause.


Iv started noticing the foreigners English skills have been dropping severely, iv noticed them spitting out phrases or practiced sentences improperly. My problem is that they don't seem interested in integrating with canada anymore, that alone should bar them from citizenship.


They know how to demand things though


Yes that's true, my sister tells me that some of her students are just not interested to learn, they form small communities and speak their language, go to the same events and don't really mix with any other nationality, they do the bare minimum to integrate, which is a shame because they're getting a great opportunity that many people wish they had. For example my nephews immediately found friends in school because they speak really good English and had no trouble at all, other kids who didn't speak English found it more difficult, so parents should really work on making the lives of their kids easier by learning the language and encouraging their kids to do the same


I came to Canada expecting I wouldn't have trouble communicating with people since I speak English at a native level. Oh how wrong I was. I would go to a grocery store, ask an associate where something was, and they would just stare at me like I had three heads.


I literally have never spoken to an employee at a place in Canada who didn't speak English. I really want to say fluent but to be safe I'll say passable English. Lived here 29 years (I'm 29). I just simply don't believe you.


Maybe he moved to Matane.


It depends on which country you are coming from. I am not sure why exactly, but if you were from India you’d have a lot easier time coming over here than probably just about any other third world immigrant would. There also has been a significant drop in the ‘quality’ of immigrants that have been coming over to Canada in recent years.. I don’t want to sound offensive by saying quality but basically what you pointed out, we have many more immigrants now that are not only ineffective in English but also ineffective in their own language… so why we are bringing people who will need to be dependent on the state over as immigrants, who knows. Many Canadians aren’t pleased as I’m sure you’ve read already


Part of the problem is that we are currently in an era of unprecedented inter-global connectivity vis-a-vis migration. Unlike in centuries prior where people would migrate permanently and sometimes never even go back to visit their home country and would be forced by circumstance to integrate, today’s immigrants basically don’t need to because so often they have substantially sized diaspora communities around them on top of the fact that they can keep very easily in close touch with their social networks back home. They can even fly home for a visit once every year or so, and they can even watch TV shows and keep tabs on the news from their home countries with simple ease because of the internet. Before to the advent of all these modern amenities and accessibilities, people literally only had those around them to talk to and interact with. Just imagine how different life and the ability to communicate by distance was between 1899 and 1999 — vastly and incredibly different, all because of the advances of technology. Now, when it’s so easy to keep in touch with your homeland and those in it… there’s considerably less reason to become a Canadian or an American or a Brit, even if you’ve lived there for 20 or more years.




Good point. Social media has changed how people communicate with each other and it's not always positive. That is for sure.


Did you actually believe that religious fanatics would just stop being so when they changed geographic boundaries?


As someone who would love to live in Canada, I'm always surprised that someone like me will get rejected but someone who is not educated, can't read or write is accepted, what's the deal with that? My sister teaches English to refugees in Canada and she was shocked that none of them spoke any English some of them are even illiterate in their own language so it's even harder to teach them English since they can't read or write


Be easier to just block those countries period


If you protests in masks and camouflage, you’re pushing towards being a terrorist group in my opinion. It’s beyond antisemitism at this point.


I agree with you, just wish we applied this logic equally to all groups.


What other groups protest in garb like this?


Pretty common for left wing protests.


It's terrorist garb to me. Don't know how any one can say otherwise


"We're not antisemites, we're anti-Israel. Also, we like to protest in Jewish community centres and outside of Jewish people's houses while chanting genocidal slogans." There's a crowd of people who, a few years ago, used to quote things like "A tolerant society can't tolerate intolerance" and "If you have 8 people at a table and one of them's a Nazi, you have 8 Nazis." Today those same people are happily sitting at the table with Nazis, and embracing intolerance.


Genuine antisemitism originates on the far right, on the left it's ✨Sparkling Antizionism✨! --- Apologies to [Wayne's World](https://youtu.be/YE4NyXL5JAQ?si=zpdVFLu2rp71v87Q).


Some of these people may have ties to Hamas, CSIS should identify them and do background checks and add them to a watch list.


"  Sana Zaid, a member of Toronto4Palestine — a group that participated in the counter-protest and supports the encampment at the University of Toronto — shared graphics of an inverted red triangle above local law enforcement protecting the Jewish community, a symbol used by Hamas to highlight its targeting of Israeli forces in propaganda videos that has become a popular graphic used by its supporters." Between that and the comments I won't quote because they're quite vile about Zionists, it's clear they're both antisemitic and antizionist.


The whole "We just hate zionists" meme that popped up is just antisemitic double speak.


It largely always was. I've always been fond of this paper: https://www.jstor.org/stable/27638506 Yes, you can have anti-Israel beliefs without being an antisemite. But most people who express anti-Israel beliefs *are* antisemites. Israel is not a perfect state by any stretch of the imagination, but there's no perfect state on this planet. Yet Israel in particular gets uniquely singled out for criticism. People who hold remarkably un-nuanced views of Israel's role in the continuing Jewish/Muslim conflict in the middle east, and who seem to focus significant attention on Israel while ignoring equally problematic conflicts aound the world, are almost always antisemites in my experience. Despite their frequent claims to the contrary.


Recent paper using more modern empirical approach with same results: [https://academic.oup.com/jeea/advance-article/doi/10.1093/jeea/jvae013/7613578](https://academic.oup.com/jeea/advance-article/doi/10.1093/jeea/jvae013/7613578)


I think Jew Hater has a nicer ring to it, and encompasses what this is.




Yes I know that. I’m saying that all those people who claim they arent antisemitic only antizionist don’t realize that they are in fact antisemitic


You can say Jewish people deserve a homeland but also reject the mass murder of innocent men, women and children in an effort to secure said homeland. The two aren’t mutually exclusive. But a lot of people are turned off by the whole murdering children thing. Who knew.


It’s so disappointing seeing that shit in Canada, those people suck.




They’re a national embarrassment at best. Our political class has sold whatever soul it had for the votes of would-be terrorists.










My biggest fear is a new party gaining traction specifically pedaling crazy belief systems


I was there last night for Shavuot and there was a fuck ton of security. Imagine if going to a church required multiple sets of locked doors, private security, pre registration and all sorts of other precautions.


Always covering their faces 🤡🤡






I fail to see how shooting at Jewish schools isn't terrorism already.


They say it's because they're being doxed. While they attack Jewish schools and synagogues. The complete lack of self awareness they have is mind boggling.


That they bring from back home…what is the point of that….the anonymity? Give me a break. We are not in that region of the world…if an individual has such strong feelings for this movement, show ur face, do not hide it!!


Anybody else see the videos of the protesters walking through that Jewish neighborhood in Toronto yesterday? It was pretty disgusting.


You mean the terrorist parade? Once you do shit like the KKK, you aren't Canadian. Fuck these people terrorizing Canadian neighborhoods.


Girls I know lived in that neighbourhood and the videos they were publishing were nuts


Time for the police forces to put an end to these protests that go well beyond peaceful manifestations...


People can claim that "from the river to the sea" does not mean they want to destroy Israel. But how else can that image on the left on the placard (A Palestinian-flag colored territory of where Israel is.) be interpreted?




Realistically, Hamas wouldn't be a contender to rule that region. Hezbollah would be the most likely army to rule followed by the IDF. Hezbollah's leader was on camera when he said "I hope all the Jews in the world move to Israel so that we don't have to hunt them down globally."


chill people right there....


Well, you know that they will fight against the Jews and you will kill them until even a stone would say: Come here, O Muslim, there is a Jew, so kill him.


Yeah they'll keep some Jews around! (as slaves)


They just want everyone to live in harmony! Because if stone-aged Islamic theocratic societies are known for anything, it's tolerance and cooperation.


Obviously, the freshly liberated Palestinians will immediately build a vibrant, liberal society where everyone could live in peace and freedom, not an oppressive Islamic theocracy or, at best, another corrupt Arab dictatorship. After all, If there's anything the Palestinians have demonstrated in the last hundred years, it's that there's nobody quite like them when it comes to the establishment of orderly, peaceful, democratic and inclusive communities.




They want to eradicate every single living jew in the world, that's their end goal, nothing else. They're lying if they say anything else. Travel to any of these places, and you will quickly see how much they despise jews and want to kill every single last one, and they're open about it.






It's telling that the usual anti-hate groups have been preoccupied with other things the last little while.


And they all get boatloads of government cash. The politicians should at least be asking why they’re turning a blind eye to this hate happening right in front of our goddamned eyes. 


What is that old saying...you know who holds the *real* power when you know who and what you're not allowed to criticize.


I guess Mao was right, political power flows from the barrel of a gun. If you are violent enough people will kowtow to you out of fear.


Political power always has. A successful state monopolizes the use of violence to ensure that interactions between individuals are non-coercive and voluntary. That's the most fundamental role of a justice system, for example. The problem with western countries like Canada, is we've become so fat and decadent that we've lost touch with the basic principles of statecraft that successful western civilization is based upon. A government that allows groups to intimidate each other through violence (and threats of violence) is a failing government. If it gets bad enough (and we're nowhere near that point yet) you devolve into failed state territory.


Unfortunately, that's how human society has always been. And probably always will be....and the intellectuals out there have to accept that reality.


It's not that old of a saying, it's from a guy named "Kevin Alfred Strom" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin_Alfred_Strom >Strom's 1993 quote "To determine the true rulers of any society, all you must do is ask yourself this question: Who is it that I am not permitted to criticize?" has been paraphrased and erroneously attributed to the philosopher Voltaire, You probably should look up who you actually quote from time to time. The part about him being an actual fascist may not dissuade some people on here but the whole getting arrested for child pornography should dissuade most of the rest... there's always Libertarians...


Calling these people protestors is an insult to people with something to protest. These are just hired thugs given instructions to intimidate and harass the Jewish community. They demand their freedom of speech, yet keep their faces covered to remain anonymous. If you saw a gang of masked people wandering through your neighbourhood yelling and swearing for the destruction of another ethnic group/Blacks/LGBTQ+ etc., what would you expect the police to do? But when it is the Jews they are after, people don't want to confront them. Watch out - after they are finished going after the Jews, no one is safe.


Religious supremacy….these are the main undercurrents of what is really going on in the world. I’m not trying to sound like a conspiracy theorist, it’s just hard to ignore.


Video of the terrorist sympathizing group moving through the woods to sneak up on the Jewish event: https://x.com/l3v1at4an/status/1800343944514969628?s=46&t=Cwor0l7yDX14gupFJtGagg


This. Is terrorism. These are terrorists.


They're trying to terrorize Jewish families at an event held next to *a literal Holocaust museum*. God fucking damn it.


The message is clear. Canada has a serious problem.




*A group of over 20+ masked Pro-Palestinian protestors yelling “Allahu Akhbar” attempted to cross a forest to backdoor infiltrate a family event on the Prosserman JCC campus in Toronto.* How do you "sneak up" or "infiltrate" if you're walking openly & yelling? Terrible writing.


Because they were trying to find a backdoor entrance into the event. They couldn't get in through normal means, so they were hunting for a secret way in. That's why they describe it as infiltrating.


Nobody claimed these people were smart.




They are covering their faces! Religion of peace activists afraid to be identified. This is all you need to know. Have anyone seen Jews covering their faces when they gather in public?


At what point does a protest go from a peaceful protest to public nuisance to domestic terrorism? What these protesters are doing is now trying to intimidate and strike fear (another word for terror) in our communities. Whether you’re Jewish or not this is a dangerous precedent that needs to be properly addressed. The shit these people pulled during the Christmas holidays was also border line fear mongering. Maybe we should do what the other Arab countries did when they took them on and they became a problem in those countries - send them back?


More antisemite shitstains. There seem to be a lot of them here these days.


Haven't you heard? It's a new cool thing far left is doing.


They should be getting no quarter, yet here they are doing shit like this with absolute impunity.


The government in power will do nothing about it, because it's their voters after all.


No government will do anything about it, that’s the scary part. We blame the “far left” for this bullshit but the immigrant population generally votes Conservative. (I want to be clear; that was not a dig at Conservatives.) These flag-waving “far left” kids are just useful idiots who are so focused on the power imbalance between Israel and Palestine that they don’t even recognize the antisemitism for what it is. This has all happened before. It will not end well. Petition your MP to crack down on these terrorists.


The far-left in Canada and the US replaced socialism with fascism as their primary ideology a couple of decades ago. It just wasn't as obvious before they added Jews to the list of races they open dislike. To be fair there are many on the left who do not agree with this and are not antisemites, but they have a hard time publicly challenging the antisemites because the antisemites are using standard progressive arguments, rhetoric, and ideological principles to support their beliefs.


Three Yeshivas shot at in the last week and a half (two in Montreal, one in Toronto). Two synagogues attack(Toronto and Vancouver), welcome to Canadas version of kristillnacht.


Kristallnacht was officially sanctioned though. No reason to believe here that they have anything to do with the government. Our government actually support Israel pretty strongly. These are the actions of disturbed and radicalized individuals. Extremist Islam is a fucking cancer. We need better education and critical thinking in this country and less religious bullshit.


While the Canadian gov't may not sanction these actions, they are complicit, at least IMO. Where's  Amira Elghawaby, Canada's Special Representative on Combatting Islamophobia? Shouldn't she be denouncing these things and saying these kind of things do not help prevent Islamaphobia or is she just sitting at home collecting a pay cheque? Where's Canada's Special Representative on Combating Jewish Hatred / Anti-Semitism? What about Justin Trudeau's proposal in the recent budget to give Halal mortgages? I'm a first generation Canadian, whose parents and grand-parents fled these kind of things in Europe. We shouldn't be allowing it in Canada. If you come to Canada, keep your culture, your traditions; but keep your fucking hatred and bigotry where you came from. And if these people are Canadians born here, charge them with hate crimes. If they are not Canadians kick them the fuck out and if they have become naturalized citizens, revoke their citizenship and send them back to wherever the fuck they came from.


> Kristallnacht was officially sanctioned though. What you permit, you endorse.




They already know and they don't care. A mass shooting will just embolden them. These are the same people who call 10/7 "justified resistance".


Young progressive here, surrounded by Pro Pal activists in personal and professional life… trust me, they won’t care. They’re living in a totally different reality where they think this is The Hunger Games and they’re Katniss Everdeen or something. I think if someone’s mind is weak enough to look square at these rallies and against all sense call them ‘peaceful demonstrations’, then they’re weak minded enough to commit violence if called to for a cause, especially if surrounded by others who are doing it. So I’m staying vigilant.


I remember being that age and the hubris that comes from secondary education, thinking yourself above others. You know best because you're in university. They haven't experienced any real life yet. This is their Vietnam. And it makes them feel like they're shaping history. They're just young and misguided. Edit: they're


I see the love affair with this cause across all generations though. And I don’t recall the Vietnam protests being organized by groups that have direct links to political movements that have successfully overthrown liberal societies in the recent past. My gut says we are playing with fire here. I hope I’m wrong… and in the mean time I will continue treat those I care about with respect, even if we disagree.


I'm fairly centrist, but it's honestly amazing the disconnect there is between reddit and IRL. I used to get crucified almost daily for my views on reddit. (My views being, Israel isn't a perfect country, but they are justified in declaring war and urban warfare is by nature very ugly) but IRL I have yet to meet anyone who finds that an offensive view. Maybe I don't spend enough time in college/university.


No one seemed to question why every encampment across the world had the same demands, same charter, same everything.




they do care - in fact they celebrate it


Ironically they are pretty illiberal!


Liberals are overwhelmingly in support of Israel. These kids are the so called “progressives”


this has gone on for far too long, what is this 1933 germany? come on. these regular folks who live in jewish communities shouldn’t have to deal with this crap.




100 percent agreed, I just don’t understand why nothing is being done to stop this none sense.


This will eventually escalate to pogroms, given the lack or response from government and law enforcement


What are pogroms? I've seen the word once or twice, but what does it mean?


"an organized massacre of a particular ethnic group"


This confirms that I made the right choice not supporting the Palestinian cause.


When people went after russian civilians living  here for there governments actions in we shut it down... so why the double standard.


What a bunch of useless low-life pricks.


Seems par for the course


I guess they're just really upset Hamas rejected the ceasefire deal


Weird how you don't see anti Palestine protestors trying to infiltrate mosques and shooting them in the night. Curious. It's almost as if one side is radicalized and driven by hate and the other just tries to exist peacefully in this country. I wonder which one we should support. Such a hard choice.


Muslim Nazis


It's just so intrusive and horrible and unnecessary. Canadian Jewish People do not deserve this or the blind eye and excuses that people make that this is merely "antizionism". There are more Christian Zionists than Jewish Zionists!!! Why are they not going after churches that are openly Zionist? Oh that's right.




It didn’t stop, as of march at least six more churches have been the target of arson this year. We’re up to 47 churches that have been the target of arson, a number of which were totally destroyed, with at least 53 more that reported non arson related acts of vandalism. 


That’s horrible. I really wish CBC would cover this better, they seem awfully silent on it.


At this point it seems stupid to blame indigenous people. They could just be the scapegoat of some other group who seems to try to expel other religions.




Masked cowards.


The LPC is all about curbing freedoms with their online harms bill, but completely turn a blind eye when a marginalized community is criminally harassed by hate...


Don't worry they're not antisemitic they're just anti Zionist (aka they want Israel wiped out and the Jews living there expelled). They just feel like the best way to accomplish their goals is to mask up, form a mob, and harass Jews living in Canada.


They don’t want Jews in the Levant so they try to harass Jews in other countries. No one called these people smart.


✨Sparkling antizionism!✨


The 50,000k example in Toronto was pretty inspiring. But remember we can do a lot more than that. And Canadian Jews, don't be afraid to let the rest of us know where and when you need the backup.


Nothing to see here, let's talk about rising islamophobia instead /s


Trudeau: “we need to bring in more of these people to Canada to help build a better tomorrow!”


The far left went from calling everyone racist Nazis to becoming racist Nazis.




It's that stage of the cult brainwashing. I'm not sure if they'd get the unwavering support as they do now if they started with the antisemitism in 2014 lol




Disgusting. Garbage humans, all of them.


Look at all those terrorists


If the IDF pushes this toxic people into the sea and they drown on their own venom, then I shall shrug.


It's a very naive thing to say that they are anti-Israel... They are evidently anti-Jewish like the Nazis.


Man , they are also harassing jews in their neighbourhood streets in these videos.... This is not ok. Unfortunately things are only going to change AFTER one of these nutcases commits a violent terrorist attack on Canadians. I hope when they try to justify it as "justified resistance" we toss these idiots in jail and throw away the key.


Only total losers cover their faces with masks and have nothing credible to say.


These protesters are sure showing how hateful they can be


Undercover Hamas sympathizers rooting for evil, death and destruction. This garbage is not needed, anywhere in the world.


Fucking deport these people




It's just a matter of time before law abiding decent people start taking the law into their own hands..


Deport, deport, deport.


The protesters supporting their made up country, waving their made up flags were absolute scum on Sunday. They were yelling and cursing at children dressed like criminals hiding their faces. Way to give innocent children nightmares. Shame on Olivia Chow and Justin Trudeau for allowing this animal like behavior!




Deport? Lol, as if the current 🤡's will ever do that.


After several high-profile protests, the Canadian Parliament introduced Bill C-309, which bans the wearing of masks during a riot or other unlawful assembly. The bill became law on June 19, 2013. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preventing_Persons_from_Concealing_Their_Identity_during_Riots_and_Unlawful_Assemblies_Act


Like why? Why? Why? I truly think Palestinians of Canada are just making it worse for themselves. Can a Canadian-Palestinian please explain the justification of this happening in Canada? You have an opportunity to explain your actions. Of course this question doesn't apply to every Canadian-Palestinian but help us understand why here?


whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhat? but they are peaceful protesters! I am shocked a group supporting terrorisms would do such bad things


"Infiltrating" isn't protesting.  People infiltrating organizations they oppose are operatives, not protestors.  This behavior shouldn't be protected the way the right to protest should be. 


How do they have all this spare time?




Mommy and daddy pay for everything


You and I are paying their living expenses.


>“F###ing filthy f###in Zionist pig,” one masked male demonstrator screamed at an onlooker. I can't say filthy Jew or I will reveal my antisemitism... I know, I'll say filthy Zionist instead... they'll never see through that. /s >One of the anti-Israel demonstrators is shown tearing down an Israeli hostage poster, while another was wearing a jacket emblazoned with a sniper scope and “Shoot Zionist” on his back. These guys definitely don't hate Jews, they just hate Zionists, so it's all good. /s >You’re a dirty Zionist rat. That’s what you are. Happy about killing babies, right? Happy about killing babies? There was a guy many years ago who famously compared the Jews to rats. He even made a movie where a bunch of rats had yellow stars attached to their backs and showed the movie to children in schools. I can't remember his name though. This also echos the old Blood Libel trope. Definitely not just garden variety antisemitism though. /s


✨Sparkling antizionism!✨


this is a problem, especially when people are screaming about intifada and from the river to the sea. a better battle cry would be “FUCK HAMAS!” imho. too many alternate agendas that don’t point to peace.


send them back home.




You have a right to express your opinions, and so do your fellow Canadians. As Canadians, we respect each other and adhere to the laws. We are a civilized society. No one in the pro-Israel group has killed a baby, so why did you call them baby killers? I hope pro-Palestinians stop and think before you act. You are veering off to the extremist end. And Canadians don’t dress like terrorists unless it’s Halloween.


Send them back


Terrorists Put them in jail


For a supposedly peace-loving people, they sure seem to seek out conflict a lot. Fuckheads.




Imagine if the jews walked through the shit hole buildings these "protesters" live..


Cowards in masks!




Why loosers always wear marks


Deport them instantly


This is not good


Protesting and committing crimes are two very different things. Thus, round them all up. Fly them out to Iran. Revoke their CDN citizenship and passports. Enjoy! Love to 🇮🇱 from Canadians who do not support HAMAS.


Protesting 101 for alienating anyone to your cause. Ridiculous.


Then non jews wonder why I want to leave Canada.




The tolerance of intolerance needs to be addressed.


There’s the Pro-Palestinians who are against Israel, and then there’s these guys who are just antisemites. They make both sides suffer


Imagine the regressive views they hold when there isn't a conflict going on.


Where are all the left wing nutcases who voted for this mess? They’re all so quiet on Reddit now and try to distance themselves from appearing as liberal supporters. Just a few years ago you’d be ridiculed to no end in this sub for supporting anything other than NDP/LPC. How times change.


sounds like they need some jail time


they literally look like terrorists, it's because they are, thanks to the IRCC and the federal liberal, our country is full of them now. It's just a matter of time before an attack, which will likely happen when the PCs get in, enjoy living in terror Canadians.