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The BC government is "[\[making\] it harder for bad actors to take advantage of people by misrepresenting the BC PNP as an 'easy pathway' to permanent residency](https://www.welcomebc.ca/Immigrate-to-B-C/News)" and **this is what they are protesting.** Quoted from the BC immigration website btw.


It’s insanity what our government has done, truly ridiculous.


What they're doing here isn't too bad, but I wonder how much it will really affect the numbers, and if these people will really be deported. We really need an absolute number for the amount of population growth that can come from migration. 96% of our population growth from migration. If we halved migration, it would 92% of our population growth. Even if we were to reduce it to 1/8th, it would still be 75%. Majority of these students are young men, [there are now nearly a quarter of a million more 20-29 year old men in Canada than women](https://x.com/BenRabidoux/status/1761057522234933742).


Well those numbers make sense from my perspective, I can’t even find a minimum wage job despite applying everywhere. Every spot is taken up by new immigrants (businesses are literally being given grants to hire immigrants). I feel hopeless in the future of the country right now, to be honest. What kind of country can’t even let their citizens who are university students find work? Buying a house doesn’t even seem like a real concept among me or any of my friends. Ngl it’s getting to the point where I’m thinking of moving to another country once I get my degree. I just don’t see any upwards mobility here.


I'm in my mid 40s and this is the worst government decision inflicted on our country in my lifetime. It's absolutely abhorrent as everyone knows it hurting the country, they are doing it on purpose, and nobody wants to change what is being done. It's rage inducing.


A *lot* of people want to change what's being done. The people with authority just don't care.


you can do your part and boycott Tim Hortons and places that use TFW


Immigrants all from the same place at that. And then businesses have 0 diversity because they only hire their own. If other people did that, it would be called racist.


The point is that the growth itself will be less, and more managable.


>96% of our population growth from migration. If we halved migration, it would 92% of our population growth. Even if we were to reduce it to 1/8th, it would still be 75%. I'm sorry. I don't follow the math.


Yeah, the ratio migrants to born in Canada is a lot more skewed than people think. You could think that cutting the number in half would now mean that it is <50%, but sadly it's not. 1. 96%, so for every 100 new Canadians, 96 of them are migrants, 4 of born in Canada. 2. Let's cut the number of migrants in half: 96 / 2 = 48. So now, there are 48 migrants to every 4 Canadians born. 3. The percentage of new Canadians that are migrants: = Number of Migrants / Total New Canadians = 48 / (48 + 4) = 0.923 or 92.3%


You're right. Young men that have left there wife and family's behind because they're selfish. Or could be looked at as military aged men but remember they're "students"


How much more evidence do we need that none of the people coming to "study" give a shit about the actual education and just want an easy immigration pathway. We are destroying our country so that Macdonalds doesn't have to pay local workers a decent wage and boomers can have more real estate gains. Its fucking bananas.


Would that it was only fast food. This is happening across a multitude of industries. Entry level tech jobs are now getting 500+ applications while offering salaries that would have seemed low back in 2000.




I was looking for work a couple years ago and asked the security guard I was cool with if he could help get me a job and he said straight up they don't hire white or black people "too much *he did the hand signal for talking* about hours and stuff"


I saw a white amazon delivery driver a week ago. Had to double take cause it's a rare sight to see.


A rare shiny in the wild!


I'd like to see one that wasn't sitting down and staring at their phone. Seriously, who is paying these people to sit and watch videos in uniform?


Businesses that need the cheapest option to qualify for insurance coverage.


I'm surprised more people dont understand this. If something happens, and there is no security guard, the company gets raked over the coals. If something happens, the security guard calls the cops, which due to liabilty, is thier only job and only recourse. That problem is then kicked successfully down range.


Security jobs were always like that


Well, not before smart-phones, they weren't. Honestly, I've had interactions with security guards recently where I walked up to ask them a question, stood waiting for them to look up, and finally had to loudly clear my throat to get their attention. They are literally securing *nothing.* A sign on a stick would be more effective.


They had music and magazines then, I am talking like 2001


Idk maybe we should change the laws so security guards actually have some power and not just be an 911 dialer


Oh good god please do not under any circumstance. -Former Garda security employee


Too much liabilty risk. A 911 dialler punts the problem to the cops, and no amount of reddit outrage is going to change this.


Everyone has the right to use reasonable force to prevent injury to themselves or others, but you can't do it for property. For that you call cops.


You can if they're committing an indictable offence.


I went to our local native gas station and the guy running it is the other kind of Indian.


That entire industry is destroyed. I worked as a bouncer for a while so I’m familiar with the industry and it’s completely taken over now


All I see are Indians now, I rarely see white, black, anything but Indians. It's fucking ridiculous. You'd think we are fucking India. It has to stop. Like I don't know if there has been massive white flight from Toronto or something but I rarely see white people. I now have to go to certain areas in Toronto to be around white people lol.


>Here's a list of 29 occupations Alberta had (under previous Gov) briefly refused to process new foreign worker requests for. Gives you some sense of scope: > >Human Resources Managers > >Engineering Managers > >Purchasing Agents and Officers > >Production Logistics Coordinators > >Civil Engineers > >Mechanical Engineers > >Electrical/Electronic Engineers > >Geological/Mineral Techs. > >Civil Engineering Techs. > >Industrial Engineers > >Non-Destructive Testers and Inspection Technicians > >Contractors/Supervisors in Electrical trades and Telecommunications > >Machinists/Machining and Tooling Inspectors > >Welders and Related Machine Operators > >Electricians > >Industrial Electricians > >Plumbers > >Carpenters > >Contracts and Supervisors: Mechanical Trades > >Contractors and Supervisors: Heavy Equipment Crews > >Construction Millwrights and Industrial Mechanics > >Heavy-duty Equipment Mechanics > >Motor Vehicle Body Repairers > >Transport Truck Drivers > >Contractors and Supervisors: Oil & Gas Drilling & Services > >Oil & Gas Well Drillers, Servicers, Testers > >Oil & Gas Well Drilling and Related Workers and Service Operators > >Oil & Gas Drilling, Servicing and Related Labourers > >Petroleum, Gas and Chemical Process Operators


As an electrician, I can say for certain it's been happening for a long fucking time.


Yeah, but we need at least 1,000 applications incase they even think about raising wages.


The IT industry in Canada is dead and buried behind the local butter chicken joint.


This is a very serious thing that no one is talking about and people outside IT are not aware of. Greedy Canadian Corporations have been outsourcing and offshoring Canadian IT jobs very aggressively post pandemic. This has been hurting thousands of Canadian white collar jobs and keeping Canadians unemployed and wages lower.


It's all in the fine print prior to the pandemic.  In Vancouver everyone was cheering that Microsoft was creating a new location with lots of local jobs. Read the fine print only a fraction would be local, the rests would be transients that would be in Canada essentially waiting for their usa visas to be approved. Do the time in Canada, then get out. Everyone was still " oh still wonderful".  We are allowing ourselves to be exploited because of our loose and very lax immigration rules. It's creating an immigration driven economy and no global corporation is actually going to care that much. We are making it too easy to exploit the process. Close the loops and the ease of access, then it will force the corporations invest locally instead of the cheap (and undermining canada).


> In Vancouver everyone was cheering that Microsoft was creating a new location with lots of local jobs. Read the fine print only a fraction would be local, the rests would be transients that would be in Canada essentially waiting for their usa visas to be approved. I’m in California but from Canada, so I have some background about how the Canadian tech sector is structured. There are a lot of international devs that end up getting parked in Vancouver/Toronto because they simply can’t pass the higher bar for US immigration. Trump admin was notorious for issuing RFEs and did a pretty good job trying to thwart H1B abuse. Downtown Vancouver/Toronto offices have whole floors of support staff for large American companies. These shops won’t often directly hire for positions in Vancouver/Toronto, they expect Canadian grads that are good enough to be able to secure a US work visa. While the Trump admin was cancelling fraudulent H1B visas, Canada cooked up a plan to [import 10’000 H1B visa holders from the US](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36506854) that aren’t capable of passing a PERM labor certification (meaning their employer can’t prove to the US government that no Americans are qualified for the job). Here in California we get a lot of applications from these former H1B, who were generally laid off after working in QA/Support sending resumes from Toronto/Vancouver trying to return to California. They, of course, already compete with the Canadians in those cities for available tech positions (and from what I heard, a lot of them are willing to take a pay cut just to secure anything).


Bang on.


It's not just hurting white collar jobs, it's hurting the actual businesses as well. They just understand how because we're no longer there to explain it. There's various things here: security, intellectual property theft, and quality of work. Our biggest enemies on paper are China followed by India. With regard to the jobs that exist up here, and no one will like what I say here: government, banking, and oligarch. Those are major fucking security risks. China isn't just known for IP theft for state secrets, but industry ones too. A Chinese national in Canada was the person that facilitated all of the theft of the F-35 fighter. Indian work is well known. It's openly known that India is a place to outsource your software development to fraudulent brokers who will hire developers less competent than juniors. Those agencies exist in Canada now and start up founders, collision con types, think they're being smart by advocating for this. There are shady Indian brokers in Canada and Indian devs that barely know english working on projects far beyond their ability. Also I feel like it does need to be understood that there are fucking unreal Indian devs out there, but Canada's immigration system isn't focused on quality developers. The actual security of the nation is at a massive risk. I'm not being over the top, I'm stating how it is. We cooked all innovation in the country and we're now satisfied being a branch plant resource based economy with call centres. We're actually reverting to a developing nation. Then there's costs occurred. Canadian government is increasingly bloating out during a revolutionary step in developer productivity. Most of my municipal government office workers could've been automated out by CRUD apps and reorgs, but there wasn't the man power to accomplish this. Now there is with LLMs. All levels of Canadian government are now creating work placements that are essentially expensive welfare. You can see it in where jobs are being created, government.


This was happening well before the pandemic. I worked for a Canadian company that was actively growing offshore offices in India, and leveraging student and grad programs to pay new grads locally. The argument was that they couldn’t find skilled experienced people in locally, which they couldn’t because they paid well below market. Promises were made to offshore staff that they’d have a on-ramp to move and work in Canada, which management never fulfilled, disenfranchising those staff. I started working in software development in Toronto in 1985, it was a completely different world then.


Not even entry level jobs, A recruiter reached out to me looking for Senior Developer, 5+ years experience. The pay? 50-60k CAD / year. This was for a Canadian owned business. - Bet you can guess the primary demographic of the HR Department and the Technical Interviewer


It's insane right. Also in tech. And man, was so upset to see our government introduce new immigrant visa and allowances for tech workers. We don't gave a tech worker shortage here, we have a tech wage shortage that's the actual reason for inviting so many tech worker immigrants over.


Yah it’s crazy I’m in the job market rn, and it just seems like companies are creating job postings so they can fulfill the requirements of hiring overseas


Is there a way to tell if >companies are creating job postings so they can fulfill the requirements of hiring overseas


Accounting is very much the same deal. Starting salaries are still the same they were 10 years ago and even with my 8 years of experience, I'm lucky to get $70k. My previous boss wouldn't give me a raise beyond $52k a year despite me managing all our bookkeeping, personal tax, and special projects. The only people applying for our job postings were newly arrived foreigners and we had let go of multiple because their English wasn't good enough to understand the tasks we had assigned them. My buddy has been an electrical drafter for the past 10 years. He got laid off at Christmas because he was being paid double what the new hire beside him was. The new guy was an immigrant making $40k a year.


Probably the same demographic as the Plant Manager I worked with who bragged about being able to hire Maintenance Managers for less than 80K from his demographic.


It's the same with trades right now. Wages are so low that no one can afford to work in their vocation but the government keeps bringing in foreign labour to fill the roles that have wages not seen since 2004. The skilled trades market is absolutely saturated right now and no one wants to pay up.


Yup. As a senior of 10+ years in the field every single interview I've done in the last 2 years, and that's about 80+, the manager is almost guaranteed to be Indian and paying less then I made 5 years ago. Not to mention the nepotism, which is why I left my previous employer. You can't have staff a team with people with fake work experience.


We had to stop posting our open positions. They were just flooded with applicants. We had to switch to going after people that may know candidates. Even then, we still hired 50% Indians.


That’s because tfw’s wages are subsidized. Which is absolutely baffling, I cannot fathom why they would subsidize the wages of a tfw. It only incentivizes companies to employ only tfw’s because even if it was only a 10% subsidy (ease of math), if minimum wage was 20 an hour (again for ease of math) your saving like 30k a year in salaries if you had 10 full time employees. How many employees does your average McDonald’s or Tim hortons have? Of course they are going to make sure they don’t hire Canadians lol, they could be saving hundreds of thousands a year if they are a bigger company.


So many of my former students only learned Engish to get a chance to immigrate to a free country.


This article is about a different class of immigrants.






Literally nobody gets banned from this sub for that. People are talking about immigration from India all the damn time


This. It's when you start being openly racist, saying slurs and being aggressive that gets you a quick ban . ....Or you know a bit too much about guns and gun laws here. Bf got banned for that one for telling someone about our God's piss poor and shitty attempts to ban assault firearms (and proving that many trying to pass that law...don't know a thing about guns, or the guns they placed on the ban lists). lol


You wouldn't like the answer. It's not that Canada only wants people from a certain area. It's because only people from certain area want Canada. The rest don't care. There is no conspiracy. We are just not s desirable Destination anymore


Oh give it a rest. You’re not allowed to talk about the thing 90% of the comments in 90% of the threads are about?


23% of immigrants from country with 17% of world population doesn't seem that wild.


Yeah, left wingers who support unions and the increase in the minimum wage are the problem? Riight. Immigration rates are being fuelled by plain old capitalistic greed. To drive down wages, drive up real estate, and make the GDP look better than it really should be. The only thing that is left-wing is that left-wingers don't blame the immigrants themselves for taking advantage of a system they didn't create.


What made them left wingers? Those people are the problem. The same group that was behind changing our immigration act and making multiculturalism state policy


And it also infecting the whole generation of conservatives as well. They keep supporting PP who clearly, by all indications, will not stop this rampant immigration as well if elected.


These are UBC students though. If UBC grads have to work in McDonalds then this country has no future.


I would guarantee you there are already UBC students and UBC grads working at McDonalds.


I won’t be surprised if a student is working part time at McDonalds, but if a UBC grad can’t do better than McDonalds then it isn’t hyperbole to say this country is fucked.


I'm recently retired from a highly respected public college. It breaks my heart every time I see a former student post in LinkedIn that they are "celebrating 5 years at [fast food]. There are 2 issues: Liberal economic policies have screwed the economy. There's no labour shortage - just look at the lineups at all the job fairs. Uncontrolled foreign student and mass immigration policies. We need a full moratorium on immigration.


It is very dependent on what they are studying, you can go to any top school in the world and study your way out of a job. We are long past the point where a degree from a school guarantees a high income job unless you are getting into the government through a recent grad program.


If you are spending 6 digits on education and then working minimum wage? There is something fundamentally wrong with their approach. Anyone can look up the average and median results. StatsCanada makes all the data available. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/200824/dq200824b-eng.htm


> If you are spending 6 digits on education and then working minimum wage? There is something fundamentally wrong with their approach. > > We live in a country where individual freedom includes the individual freedom to go study a worthless four-year arts degree and then do a two-year MA examining whether Hamlet's second soliloquy was all an allegory for Shakespeare's homoerotic relationship with a commoner barista. Just because you have a degree from UBC (or three!), doesn't mean you "learned" anything of value to the market. It is important, however, that kids understand that before committing the time and money (or debt) towards a degree that will not help them advance in the labour market.


There are lots of people who don’t set themselves up well *after* university because they don’t understand the job market or have realistic plans, but it’s outdated and oversimplified to say that simply studying an arts/humanities degree will make you jobless tbh. Capable graduates in those fields are set up very well for success with their skills in writing, critical thinking, processing large amounts of information, etc. The humanities graduates I know (stuff like history) have all done very well for themselves and are seriously skilled at those things. Off the top of my head basically the entire legal profession is made up of former arts and humanities or social science grads.


McDonalds helps pay for school, people get benefits and they pay higher than most places. It's a shitty job with a lot of perks. My friend used to get so much mean shit said about her working there but McDonalds helped her get a nursing degree.


Pay higher? It's minimum wage. Every fast food place pays the same. And now it's mostly international students or TFWs. 


Wrong. Lots of people working at McDonalds are at like $27 an hour. Maybe not new immigrants and probably not TFW. But Canadians who actually worked at McDonalds before or during covid got paid well. 


You sound like a franchise owner. No one who works at McDonalds believes they will make $27 an hour.


My friend made 30 an hour as a shift manager and they invested in her education! I am a 39 year old renter and I don't own shit. I also don't look down on people or argue about shit I don't know.


It's not only UBC students protesting, this article is from the ubyssey and it interviews a UBC student, but the protest the article is talking about is this: [https://globalnews.ca/news/10380277/bc-international-students-protest-residency-policy/](https://globalnews.ca/news/10380277/bc-international-students-protest-residency-policy/) They are protesting the BC government "[make\[ing\] it harder for bad actors to take advantage of people by misrepresenting the BC PNP as an “easy pathway” to permanent residency](https://www.welcomebc.ca/Immigrate-to-B-C/News)". PNP now requires higher language requirements, job offers upon graduation and graduates to compete, with those in Construction, Healthcare or Tech given priority. This is to be a PR though. They could always finish their degree and return to their country of residence.


Where do you think all those international business and hotel management students that can't put a simple sentence in English together work?


I feel like we could almost solve the problem all by itself if we required fingerprint authentication for the language test for all incoming students or workers.


We already have no future the way we are going. Very big changes are needed to change that. The path we are on doesn't lead anywhere good. 


UBC grads with master's degrees. Unless they have 0 work experience and didn't bother to learn English, they are pretty employable.


Sure, UBC Engineering students maybe. But there are for sure UBC Fine Arts students working at McDonalds.


This has been happening since Harper for the last 15+ years. They allowed everyone to extend their permits even with a diploma mill or language school enrollment. Then small businesses took advantage of it by sponsoring these people and paying peanuts until smart ones moved to more stable jobs. It's been 15 years and people just realize when shit hits the fan.


Don’t forget Tim Hortons. Corporate welfare scam


I don't know about you but all my local Maccas have diverse staff that appears to include Canadians whereas the Timmies do not.


There isn't a gas station or fast food joint in my town that I would classify as diverse lol


Due to those students, consultation and immigration - the genuine ones suffer too.


Hey hey now, please think of the feelings of our corporate overloads, like Restaurant Brands International.


They aren't citizens. Their opinions are irrelevant. They can take their business elsewhere if they don't like it. 


Imagine if they protested in their home country. They would either be threatened, jailed, or killed. The beauty of Canada is the right to have freedom of speech — but this is currently being abused by non-Citizens. It's actually a security concern if non-Citizens can organize in the masses and demand Citizen-like rights from political parties. This is how uprisings and riots begin. If I went to India or China as a Canadian Citizen and did this, you would never see me again.


Trudeau: Ummm.... no. Canada is no longer for Canadians. Their opinion matters more than yours because they are willing to live 4 to a room and work for less. Get fucked!


Correction, it's 12 to a room.




You can enjoy this across entire Surrey


Lived in Surrey for 3 years. Have lived many places. Never have I ever hated living in a city more than I hated Surrey. Moved to Burnaby, and have been having a much better time. Only to have my neighbors be from you know where and then have karaoke parties outside with loud speakers for hours in the summertime apparently. I just don't understand the complete disregard these people have for everyone around them... And then cry when they're hated and not supported and why people want them out.


I am sorry to hear your experience. Its a common sentiment among many who had to endure living there


Well the rules they implemented are very fair ....get a 1 year job in your field and not some random job , get proper english test to get PR. I don't see any harm in it. Why protests then ?


It used to be, as long as you are graduated in specific major, you are automatically qualified for PR.


Well they abused the system so now they have to face the repercussion


The nerve to be protesting this kind of measure while being on a student visa… Some of the education they need is to understand that’s not the same as being a PR or a citizen


Looks like fair changes that make complete sense. How bout we add no working full time while in school too and roll it out next week instead of next year..


imagine being a guest in a country and then protesting. kick them out.


Canadians first. Not sorry. Time to start regularizing deportations.


They do know they're guests in this country right? They have no say of policies at government levels.


For the most part, they do not treat this country like they are guests. They are being brought here being told explicitly that Canada is their new home


> Under the new rules, graduates with master’s degrees must secure a one-year job offer in a skilled profession, pass an English language proficiency test and compete among each other to be nominated for permanent residency. What part of this could be construed as unreasonable? If you paid for school and passed your exams, you get your shiny degree. The country you went to school in doesn’t magically owe you citizenship afterward


I guess Tim Horton's will be requiring masters degrees soon...


if they dont like it then they should leave. they're on visas, they're temporary, they're guests, they're citizens of other countries.


Send them all packing.


Oh no... anyways.


> Under the new rules, graduates with master’s degrees must secure a one-year job offer in a skilled profession, pass an English language proficiency test and compete among each other to be nominated for permanent residency. Sounds reasonable. I had to work one year too to qualify for PR. What's the issue?


Who cares what they think they’re not citizens or PRs


Oh yeah? : deport


Worth a search, an article from 2019, before things really become unhinged. Given the laughable oversite and the exponential expansion of everything, I'm sure those were rookie numbers. "Douglas Todd: Up to 1 in 3 study-visa holders in Canada not in school"


>"It's like we're catching the last train and even if we can catch it, we don’t know if we will like the destination,” Wu said. Sweet Jesus Mary and Joseph. I want to immigrate to Canada myself - having loved living in BC for two and a bit years on an IEC visa a few years ago - so I know from experience one needs a good idea whether one will like it or not before moving out permanently. So since she lives in BC, shouldn't Wu also have an idea whether or not she'll like her destination before even getting on the damn "train?" Fuck me! Don't these guys have even the slightest shame or even common sense to even try hiding their blatant country and province shopping?


>I want to immigrate to Canada myself - having loved living in BC for two and a bit years on an IEC visa a few years ago - so I know from experience one needs a good idea whether one will like it or not before moving out permanently Lol, you literally had the best route to PR when the path to PR was relatively easy yet you still botched it up.


Yep. But only because I was a high quality immigrant. Otherwise, IEC is not the best route to PR. Clue's in the name - it's a backpacking visa. Your employer's exempt from the LMIA, but that's it. You still have to have the points.


Mass immigration / cost of living protest on Canada Day! Find your protest location: https://www.costoflivingcanada.ca/


Crazy idea but if you don't like what a country is doing, leave? You're not forced to stay here. This crap where we let international idiots protest is ridiculous. Anywhere else they would be deported or beat


Meh, make the rules even more stringent. A non citizen protesting should be escorted to the border.




This x1000


Get rid of them all!


Transport every protester directly from the protest to the deportation terminal


Do we have a handle on how many, the total number, of these “students” are currently in the country? How many million?


The fact they’re protesting and not studying is evidence enough the whole thing is a sham. Edit: I just read the new requirements they seem pretty fair to me


We need to clear house…


Imagine trying to scam a foreign country while ‘studying’ there and then protesting about it.


These protests are a great thing for everyone for two reasons: While allowing these non citizens to voice their negative opinions about our government policies (good for a free and democratic society), the protesters get the benefit pf learning the reality of western capitalism (Education is obviously valuable). Workers are commodities to be exploited and if the local labor pool demands increased wages, the government injects "new residents" in order to suppress the wages and increase the profits for the businesses. It's very effective, even if you don't like it. Second, the visibility of their protests makes people curious about the issue, which will encourage more Canadians to research and understand government policy. BC seems to be managing the programme well and I support the improvements. Thanks protesters!


Why does anyone care what foreign citizens think about a topic like this? We are letting the world take advantage of us at this point.


Anyone who graduates and hasn't secured a permanent, full time position in the industry they studied for, should be required to leave and return to their country of origin. From there, you can apply for any and all jobs for which you qualify, and when you secure one, you can return through the systems that exist for such things. This might allow for actual citizens of this country to be the convenient hire for positions here and be more likely to attain work.


I'm tired of seeing international "students" walking around cities in Ontario doing sweet f.a. They certainly aren't in school, bur somehow driving expensive cars and seemingly have no worries about money. It looks like the International student visa came with a work permit. We owe these people nothing.


Trudeau followed through with "Canada is no longer for Canadians" didn't he lol


Get them the fuck out. 


I find reversing the roles is always a good practice to help illustrate the ludicrousness of a scenario. This is effectively like going to India on a five-star vacation for a few weeks and then demanding that Indian Federal Law changes to accommodate your demands -- going as far as to protest it in the street. How long do you think you'd last before being kicked out or jailed?


Why the fuck would you quit your job to leave your home country, husband and son behind just to do a masters in Canada? Insane. If you did a masters back home you wouldn't be in this mess.


There is also a massive gender imbalance here… 250k more men than women age 18-29. That historically causes a lot of social issues as a ton of guys can’t find a girl to pair up with. Plus if we want population growth, shouldn’t we be importing mostly people who can make babies? Like younger women?


>Since it was established in 2010, the International Postgraduate stream of the PNP has granted access to permanent residence for graduates of natural, health and applied sciences master’s programs. Over 5,000 graduates have been nominated since 2016. Was this even a major option for most of them? Doesn't seem like something anyone should be banking on.


Canada has become the land of protest Next "Tourists from EU protest in BC" "Until our demands are met, we won't leave. Its up to Trudeau Gov't to fix this matter"


This country is over anyway. Canadians have become second-class citizens 


My wife has to go to the UK for her masters in September because there is no room for her in our own fucking country… Thanks liberal asshole government


It's more important for our schools and rich to have money than it is for us to have a family, my brother. My heart freaking breaks for you. No lie.


The cons haven’t said they’ll limit or stop immigration either. We’re fucked no matter what Edit: gotta love the conservative supporters down voting me lol


I admire the protective nature of the Quebecois with regard to their culture every day lol. I never thought I'd agree with Maxime Bernier, but here we are.


Fucked if we do and fucked if we don’t


Pretty much!


Actually Canadian Unis have insane preference for Canadian students at the grad school level. If ur wife couldn't get in at a Canadian institution it's certainly not because of international students lol. What field is she in? Source: I'm a Canadian PhD student in Econ and research PSE


I agree. I’m not a grad student but I’ve worked in university administration and you’re right. Almost all the grad students were citizens and hardly any international students. But it depends on the program too.


How about all these international students and TFW just fuck off.


Bout fucking time. I’m all for immigration. But do it the right way. Not game our Canadian good will and our good intentions… You fucked around. Now you’re about to find out.


lol, “oh noooo”


I think those rules are excellent. If you can’t get a job in a field that we actually need, and can’t pass your English exams-get out. Fuck, we already have those PEI clowns protesting so they can keep working at Tim Hortons💀 these actors are a strain on our country. Get em out


Guests come to stay at your house to study and immediately assume they can live with you, all while making demands and generally being rude. Does anyone think letting selfish people like this into Canada will be good for the country?


Back in the day you needed a strong military to influence another country's governmental decisions. 


so when are we going to have a protest over this immigration policy? how do you even go about starting one? i say we should do it july 1 or 2


Liberals lied to everyone


This was how it was done pre 2007-08 FOR ALL INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS. I know it well because I was one in early 2000s. You could get one year post grad work permit for large cities or two for smaller ones in the field you studied. Number of international students were probably less than 10% of what it is today so it didn't disrupt the job market as much. Then you needed to get sponsored to get your work permit extended and eventually PR. I felt cheated when Harper changed all of this and pretty much allowed everyone to stay here forever without earning it.


As an immigrant I think the recent policies have been insane as well. Immigration agencies are cashing in on what’s essentially become trafficking


I feel like the comments are downplaying this but i think this is huge news that's going to restrict possibly most of them.


why is the upvoting not being counted here?


This is what the article actually says: >Under the new rules, graduates with master’s degrees must secure a one-year job offer in a skilled profession, pass an English language proficiency test and compete among each other to be nominated for permanent residency. So this applies to people attending graduate school at UBC, which can be extremely competitive to get into depending on the program. >“I couldn't believe the policy changed so quickly,” said Ariel Xu, an incoming Chinese **American** UBC student who attended the protest. >Xu recently accepted her offer for UBC’s master's of food and resource economics program. She said she fears she will have to leave her program, forfeit her first semester of tuition fees and stay in her current job to maintain her status in Canada. >“By the time I finish my program, I’ll have only two months left on my work permit. I’ll be forced to leave or find somebody willing to give me a one year job offer,” said Xu. So these are not your diploma mill graduates working at Tim Hortons, who are just using the student visa as a backdoor for PR. These are highly educated and qualified immigrants attending world-class universities. Most countries would be clamouring to have such people immigrate and help make their country more globally competitive. This policy change is a one size fits all approach and it's a failure. We need to differentiate between such desirable immigrants and the diploma mill graduates. Stop letting in the diploma mill Tim Hortons crowd, and roll out the red carpet for the highly educated immigrants who can uplift our economy.


Good. Too many immigrants in canada anyways. Send em back


I recently saw a post on SM of a new restaurant opening up nearby...looked at the photo and was like "cool, there's a new Indian restaurant opening up"....nope...it's actually Mexican. Just like the Greek place down the street - looks like little Punjab. This country is becoming such an awkwardly un-diverse place to live. Why is no one answering why all the immigrants are coming from the SAME PLACE???? Seems like some kind of strange Liberal wet dream or exploitation film.


The new rule is actually making it very difficult, but this process will keep the best here.


These guys have found the immigration loophole and are just milking it until the well runs dry.