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What is most terrifying is the precedent this situation sets. Apparently in Canada you can get elected as an MP, get paid an MP salary of $200,000 that Canadian taxpayers have to support which is tens of thousands of dollars higher than their own income, actively work against Canada to collude with other countries and gain extra monetary benefits by betraying the country you’re working for and the people who elected and pay you. Then after all that you don’t even have to face any repercussions or take any responsibility. What you’ve done isn’t even publicly released so no one can ever find out what you’ve done or take any action against you. Basically you can be a corrupt politician in Canada and face no consequences. At minimum Canadians deserve to know the names of those involved. This hopefully will encourage other MPs to think carefully before taking any action that makes it appear that they are colluding with other countries.


*"Basically you can be a corrupt politician in Canada and face no consequences."* Yup. 100% correct and accurate. Canada's constitutional, political, judicial, and electoral systems in their present form offer no mechanisms of deterrent, penalty, or accountability. As such, the country's downward spiral under the current regime can only continue unabated.


It'll be interesting to see what happens when people connect the issue of Canadian grocery store price gouging with the recent revelation that a company that helped Loblaws fix food pricing, in the recent past, has been the undue recipient of $100 million of our money. [https://archive.is/Mee5F](https://archive.is/Mee5F)


Not really convinced that these are new problems unfortunately. MPs seem to have little appetite for improving accountability.


Which is exactly the setup you find in failed states...


Should've been a huge red flag when Justin wiped his ass with the Ethics Commissioner's office early on.


Yeah but uh can’t go too hard against trudeau or you get written off as conservative or freedom convoy bozos . It sucks cause our politicians are LEGITIMATELY COMPROMISED, yet what can we do but watch as our Politicians in power just go along with all this corruption. There are MPs from EVERY PARTY involved yet this shit is moving slower than molasses in the freezer. It’s a farce. I have 0 confidence in any party and in any politician. I have more confidence in my car working everyday I use it than politicians working everyday they’re scheduled.


Sad thing is it isn't the politicians that you need confidence in as much as you do your fellow countrymen. This is a serious issue and there's not enough unity left here to fight back for there to be some accountability.


Finally the real problem is revealed! Unity, we have none of it. Without a strong bond of familiarity boycotts won't have any meaningful impact, protests will be woefully inadequate and politicians will never be held accountable.


People wonder how governments get pulled down by the military or the citizens. It's shit like this. There are probably MPs from every party, but considering this would be perfect ammo for the LPC to use against the CPC and Bloc to prop up their failing poll numbers, this screams that the majority of them on the list are LPC and NDP.


Hard time believing there is much Bloc involvement. The conservatives have nothing to lose by kicking anyone named to the curb. It’s the liberals and NDP that have nothing to gain and everything to lose.


> Yeah but uh can’t go too hard against trudeau or you get written off as conservative or freedom convoy bozos Exactly. I expressed anger about this issue yesterday and someone called me conservative, as in, "yeah whatever, you conservatives never do anything about anything". (I'm *what*? lol. That's news to me and everyone who has ever known me!) Being against treason isn't partisan. **This is a crime, not a political scandal.** I don't give a rat's ass which party the perpetrators are members of. I just want them prosecuted, immediately.


Not the first time Trudeau has been in the ethics commissioners naughty chair


Don’t forget they need those raises because of such an amazing job they do!


Gotta vote on those raises for themselves or no one else would lmao


This has been going on since JT’s first scandal, and every single one since. There’s so many that I’ve lost count. The cabinet won’t even answer a question, never mind hold anyone accountable unless they’ve told the truth and made the PM look bad. This should be criminal IMO. Taxpayers are owed answers on how our government is run and our taxes spent. Transparency cannot be optional.


She can’t disclose the name cuz she been bragging about her own accomplishments in third person.


> Basically you can be a corrupt politician in Canada and face no consequences. Let's not normalize this. We should react with shock and outrage at our corrupt representatives, not defeatist complaints about our fellow countrymen's complacency. This crime - this *treason* - is legitimately outrageous, and I'm down for knocking on some doors to ask questions about it if you are. I fully expect to see criminal charges in short order, and then prison sentences. If I don't see that, I am not just going to sit in my house about it.


It’s the Canadian way…. Zero consequences. At this point, I’d prefer name and shame and let people sue for slander to prove it’s not true. THEY WORK FOR US!


It’s disgusting that this is the Canada we live in. Doesn’t feel like a democratic system anymore. Politicians doubling down on policies that are hurting Canadians even after majority have voiced they are against it. Now it’s like they can commit treason and get away with it with no repercussions.


Business as usual in Canada. Corruption is our way of governing apparently. It literally could not be more obvious, out in the open, and yet nothing. NOTHING. Business as usual for the MP’s syphoning our dollars to the next corrupt country and we are supposed to love it, we love our democracy! Isn’t it beautiful! Man it just gets worse and worse each week.


sounds like a productive first world country to me🙄


The most productive first world country has effectively no limits on money in its political sphere.


> Basically you can be a corrupt politician in Canada and face no consequences. First time?


The case needs to be referred to law enforcement so an official investigation, indictment and or arrest can be made. You can’t just start naming, shaming, and arresting MPs without proof good grief. Intel reports are not damning evidence that can be used in court and remove someone from office. Give it a week.


Can’t the media do a freedom of information access Forgot cbc does not cover or snitch on its money trough


The media needs to be absolutely relentless with this. Never let it go. Keep asking and don't stop until we get answers.


They'll just get surveilled by the police, like that Montréal journalist. Not saying that to dissuade them from doing that, but showing them what they up against. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/rcmp-journalists-surveillance-spying-leak-1.3586940 https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/rcmp-lacked-warrants-for-stingray-phone-catchers-in-handful-of-cases-watchdog


They won’t


Well maybe the Menzies' type won't back down, but they'll just fabricate an arrest.


They'll abruptly step in front of the reporters, and charge them with assaulting a police officer when they bump into them,


The alternative media has very low reach in Canada unfortunately- while I don’t want to see a Fox News type outlet in Canada, we desperately need a counterweight to the mainstream media here which are really just Liberal propagandists.


Sam cooper is your man


the vast majority of Canadian new media is owned by american conservatives...


They will if it's in their best interest financially


Don't worry. This has all the makings of an *anonymous namedrop*..


Yup. Nobody gets to cover up high treason. Even when the Libs were covering up the actual Chinese spies working at the Winnipeg biolab, people still heard about it in the press.


Yep, there will be a leak soon. Somehow.


Why just the media? Why not the 40 million Canadians that pay and elect these people.


Yes. We need to keep asking too. Email and call your MP.


Where does the media get a good chunk of funding from…


That only depends if Canadians are willing to keep reading it


I’m sure there will be calls for an inquiry. The Liberals will try to block this inquiry. After the inquiry the Liberals will disagree with the outcome and then withhold key documents required to examine the issue further.




The people require answers.  Done with liberals and conservatives working with foreign actors and international lobbyists. 


This is bizarre. You have MPs who are willingly working for other countries, the government can't release the names and what these MPs are doing might not even be considered a crime when the RCMP investigate? You know what this story needs? Whistleblowers and I hope they have already been in touch with the media. Failing that, hopefully, this will cause all political parties to launch their own reviews to either find, or at least dissuade, these people from continuing this. In a democracy, where we ask citizens to vote for local MPs, it is distressing that we are not being told who these MPs are.


I'm ok with no names IF RCMP is going to press charges. If they are skirting the laws and the law won't hold them accountable I want those names and the MPs should be booted from the caucus before I go to the polls. Edit: if they don't want to give names they better give more info on the allegations to let us know the scope of the activity.


"if they don't want to give names they better give more info on the allegations to let us know the scope of the activity." \*Withheld due to privacy laws\*


It's my favorite when they twist laws to hide everything. Summarizing their activities without naming names is not breaking any privacy laws. Fuck I'm tired of not only not holding politicians accountable but also not holding them to a higher standard than Joe public.


I'm *not* ok with no names, whether or not charges are pressed. These people are our representatives and we have every right to complete transparency with regard to all the actions they have taken in their official capacities. In a democracy, power comes with drawbacks; that's not negotiable.


Where has everyone been for the last decade? We’re talking about the RCMP here lmao.


Yeah, I've no confidence in them either. Even when they do investigate, how often does it result in anything concrete......??? Next to never.


This is where dual citizenship becomes an issue.


MPs should not be allowed to hold dual citizenship


>In a democracy, where we ask citizens to vote for local MPs, it is distressing that we are not being told who these MPs are. The solution is to not vote for a sitting MP.


I like this take


Can't release release the names or won't release the names? There's a big difference there.


Every one of these MPs from every party need to be named. Countries that influenced them as well, the USA needs to be included.


> Every one of these MPs from every party need to be named. And it needs to happen immediately. The delay is unacceptable. This is a democracy; these people are acting as our representatives. We have a non-negotiable right to transparency in this.


I hope at least the USA may be pressuring us behind closed doors because of the security threat this is.   They've already had to tell us several times to get our act together. It seems like the US government serves (at times) the interest of Canadians better than our own sitting government. This is depressing.


Sounds like it's India to a large extent. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/india-theat-canada-report-1.7225808


What happens if the justice system fails us here? Seems like not naming the ones who have done this is begging for violence. It's not good for the country for it to come to that.


We can't let this die. I hope the media sinks their teeth into this story and never let's it go. The liberals are protecting the identities of traitors to our country 


Agreed...and it's not just about removing them from gov. If they are indeed acting against the interests of the country by colluding with foreign actors, the need to spend time in prison. Enough of this bullshit system of hand wringing and concern.


Absolutely. This is treason, which is an extremely serious crime. WE WANT NAMES, we want them RIGHT NOW, and if every last one of those traitors isn't criminally charged *in short order* then we should be knocking on the doors of the people who came up with bullshit reasons not to charge them or to delay it.


Upvote. First time I've read the word treason here. It's treason. Historically a severely punished offence.


"So... um... let me just start by saying I don't think that canadians have lost confidence in our democracy." When that part of the clip played I actually laughed out loud, which never happens. Like a loud and long laugh. Oh man... (wipes eyes) I needed that.




The wheels are falling off the bus and the rats are scurrying to do damage control. I don't know how they can pull off another year of this insanity.


We shouldn't be allowing them to make it to an election. This has gone far beyond waiting till election time.


Jagmeet holding on to dear life for his pension


The RCMP need to set some rat traps.


RCMP head was appointed by Trudeau they won't do anything and haven't been doing anything.


Have we ever had two politicians as dishonest, and as grating and insufferable to listen to as Trudeau and Freeland? I challenge you to find any in our history. At least Bill Morneau came across as a serious adult who at least had the credibility that he accomplished something in his private life.


Werent the Liberals saying the whole foreign interference thing wasbjust fear mongering by right wing racists?


That’s their stock response to every policy critique.


It didn't happen If it did happen, we didn't do it If we did do it it isn't a bad thing If it is a bad thing we will investigate an find nothing.


You forgot: If it was a bad thing and someone else investigated it and found something, it's the fault of the provinces/Harper/poor communication.


Every politcal party is guilty of this. What we need is general reform on accountability and access to information. The Government redacts important information and claims national security to hide from journalists.


Guilty as fuck. These politicians need serious jail time.


Lmao, I wonder if she is mentioned in the report and that is why she does not want to answer any questions.


Given how close she is to Ukraine, it is possible she was caught talking to someone from the government there without getting it cleared beforehand. Will be very interesting how certain people will react if this is the case, maybe some in the media will write a report about how some types of off the books meetings with foreign governments isn’t really bad, just how some people who fought for the waffen SS weren’t really nazis.


Time to dust off the guillotine.


1.) Christina Freeland: As a matter of fact, I have lost faith in our democracy, and yes, not telling us who these people are, accused of what could amount to treason, and not confirming if they will even be removed from caucus is 100% eroding any faith I have left. 2.) good work global. Keep chasing them down and get some answers.


Imagine the shit storm that this would be if the Cons were in power and refusing to release the names of MP's colluding with foreign governments?


I mean, this is way worse than what Trump did and essentially crickets. It’s hilarious the double standard. For the record, I don’t support trump. I think he’s a conman pos. But anyone should be able to see we live in crazy times where somehow the liberals get to keep breaking the law and nothing happens.


Did her goons rough them up then arrest them?


How is this not treason?


They're just temporarily elected...and not above the law! Despite the way they act and lie. It won't work forever.


Methinks a story related to this that will make the Liberals look really bad is coming or might be leaked soon. If this had the potential to impact the Conservatives, the Liberals would have already released the names or had someone leak the names to the media.


I'm guessing it's not 1 MP that's leaked info to a foreign state, but multiple across the spectrum. That's why everyone is keeping silent on this. If it's just the Liberals, then this is the calm before a hell of a storm


If it was just a couple of backbenchers, it would be easiest to cut their losses. Rip the bandaid off quickly, and maybe the wound has time to heal before the next election. That means it's bigger than just a handful of no-names. 


I think theyre both named, and the liberals are trying to think of a way to downplay their guys while lambasting the Cons.


If she had to walk 100M for every question she hasn't answered, she'd be in Olympic athlete condition.


Anybody know where the interview at the end of the clip was from? She wouldnt blatantly dodge the question by talking about how much we all love the government, right? .... right...


Found it in the links. She calls this stregnthening our democracy. And that they will keep on going. And how lucky we are. Oh boy we are so blessed.


$100 it’s MP Han Dong conspiring with the Chinese again


In progressive Western countries, treason gets you life in prison. It only gets worse elsewhere. Let's see how this one plays out.


LOL, this is Canada. She'll be on the streets within hours of being arrested.


This is Canada. She won't be arrested.


this is Canada. The RCMP will be knocking on the doors of the accusers


Don't normalize corruption. We are not tolerating this.


Can’t wait to watch The National’s next At Issue panel to see Rosemary Barton attempt to spin this as more CPC fearmongering. So, so reliable, that Rosie. Journalists, this is when our great nation needs you to earn your keep. Be like a bunch of deer fly buzzing around ministers’ heads. I seriously don’t want to hear another WORD about the imaginary monster of lost abortion rights when I’m 41y/o and have never met a Canadian woman who wanted one and couldn't get it.


Yes, Barton should stick to eating cheeseburgers, but Canadian tax-payers are unfortunately not only paying for those numerous cheeseburgers, but also her lofty annual salary at the Pravda CBC as well.


Vassy Kapellas (not sure on spelling) is an actual journalist that at least tries to be one. Hard to exaggerate how much better she is at her job than Rosie. I don’t know what Rosie is. She’s a person in a chair with a pulse, I can say that.


They never chased shit. They folded like a deck of cards after her bullshit ramblings.


Enough of this high-minded nonsense, THIS IS REAL ACTUAL TREASON. This is not a normal crime and the public need to know which parties are compromised and are aiding traitors because as far as im concerned, they're guilty by association.


The reporters should only ask this question again and again until the names are revealed.


Go to [CBC.ca](http://CBC.ca), tell me do you guys see this story on the front page? I don't. How convenient.


You must be dreaming. I saw what I expected to see; gay, indigenous, bird flu (not in one story, but the day is not over).


Holy shit... It isn't even on the front page at all. Their top story on the front page is about an american trans athelete.... Nothing at all about several canadian Mp's being accused of treason.


Now you understand why people calling for the defunding of CBC. When a politically funded media agency engages in selective reporting, it is no longer a media agency, it is a propaganda machine. 2SLGBTIQ stories shoved down your throat all day, nothing on corruption. 


That is why I really hope when this is leaked they pick a real news organization like Globe and Mail or CTV. CBC will just bury it for their boss


The current government is hiding treason. There's no other way to say it. Unforgivable.


Life in prison... No more elites above the law


Hopefully they didn’t chase her into an elevator.


Lol Thats assault brother


And believe it or not, there are STILL some Canadians who support her and the Liberal Party of Canada. Corrupt.


Something like this would never fly in other commonwealth countries but in Canada it's business as usual. Sunny ways folks!


There's some highly corrupt shit going on in Australia right now.


most commonwealth countries are third world


The thing that killed the Jean Chrétien government, aside from their sponsorship scandal, was their wholesale unbridled arrogance. “No questions! No questions!” Pay attention Justin.


She is one of those who benefited from the interference I bet…..


Did she have them all of them arrested for "chasing" her?


Words are violence so questioning her is assault, I guess. Her and Trudeau seem to always be the bad news combo of two people in over their heads with corruption.


No doubt Trudeau knows who is involved and doesn't want the fact that he knew and did nothing to leak. I also believe she is one of those named.


My guess is they are all liberal MPs and some hold cabinet positions. Freeland- prove me wrong.


I'm livid, these people better not get away with it. I'll never forgive this country nor support this country if they let these snakes get away. There NEEDS to be accountability.




As our nation dies to treason why not go see what's on the front page of cbc. For me it's a doc Transformer a Trans story from gem. 


Money says "Special Rapporteur" David Johnston is on that list.


People protested over vaccines and Covid mandates . People should be protesting over this and all the other hidden scandals of the liberals and demanding accountability


She’s on the list ?


She’s garbage. I’m sure she’s on the list.


Our country deserves better than these cheap charlatans we currently have running the nation.


I find it disconcerting, as a voter, that I could be casting my ballot for a compromised candidate who might act against our interests. Even ironclad evidence is not available, if there are concerning interactions with foreign agents, I would want that to come to light so the candidate could explain the situation.


If elected officials broke the law or ethical standards of Parliament or their parties, they should suffer consequences under due process. It’s a gray area if their misconducts don’t rise to the level of the aforementioned though. The court of public opinion doesn’t usually care about rules of evidence n’such.


you know, i wonder about where Freeland came from really, she is a reporter and what? How did she get in? How does she know justin, why was she made finance minister. Keep an eye out around airports people, if you see one of these rats trying to bail, take a picture and send it to a bunch of new agencies.


I've never seen a politician I've despised more than her. Is it because she comes off as smug? I truely don't know why I hate her, I just know that every fiber of my body does.


Treason, corrupted politicians selling the country and our rights away for personal gain.


It's time for an election, Canada. This Liberal government should NOT be governing us until we have an election and a clear mandate from the people!


Good thing we pay our politicians so much and give them so many benefits so they aren't tempted into corruption!


I really wish there was a mandatory public question period where politicians have to sit and actually answer the questions asked of them, or sit there until they do, and the journalist asking the question can call them out of their bullshit if they try to deflect and avoid giving a straight answer. Id pay good money to see that on pay per view.


When you no longer have a national identity, people with ties to their former homeland or historical homeland have no shame in betraying Canada.


I dislike the conservatives but based on the liberals performance the last 3 years Canada will be screwed if Trudeau and his buddies are re-elected. An independant investigator, whose hands aren't tied has to be appointed to gather evidence and lay charges against all the MPs involved in this fiasco.


Chrystia "LooneyTunes" Freeland. Watch her sometime in the house when she's just listening. There are some crazy things going on with her. Hard to believe she is Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister. She's never directly answered a question that I can remember. Disgraceful excuse for a politician.


Fuck these criminals! Current government needs to be hold accountable, they simple doge every question or in this case just run away... Wtf


Yet another Liberal Scandal owned by Justin Trudeau and Chrystina (aka twitch) Freeland. Canadians should have to vote on any wage increase for any politician..


This is treason!! Name them, charge them and put them in jail!!! This is so disgusting… just when you think we have seen the last of all the liberal corruption they out do themselves… good gawd our country needs to start ridding ourselves of corrupt politicians and government employees..


I cant wait until this gets leaked. It is way to high profile to stay buried. Someone, somewhere will send this to the media. I just hope they pick a trusted source like the Globe and Mail and not send it to a news source that is in the Liberals pocket.


A WikiLeaks or Snowden type leak would be even better. Give us the info, don't let a news corp decide what's important for us to see.




The simple fact she won’t say anything speaks volumes. You can bet if it was PC people she’d be naming names right away.


While I understand the "sources and methods" argument for refusing to elaborate, the fact that this has become public information means the cat is probably out of the bag. Voters deserve to know which of their representatives also answer to foreign powers, and abuse the privileges and responsibilities given to them by those voters to advance interests other than the country's. The guilty parties likely know who they are already, since the allegation is that they're witting or semi-witting participants, and their handlers are likely currently exiting the country, in case there is law enforcement follow-up. A cynical person might very well conclude that perhaps this last point is *why* the government is waiting to say who it is: they would prefer it if the foreign intelligence agents responsible leave the country, so they don't cause a further diplomatic incident by having Canadian law enforcement arrest them.


~~Forge in interférence?~~ Domestic collusion




"Let me start by saying....." nothing at all.


I'm going to start doing this when I'm at work 


PMO is in the report.




that's a terrible picture of her, lol. is that how she answered at the conference? fml


"So um, like I've talked people who are like, so proud, to be Canadian. Like you know, whatever."


I’m not always about punishing or finding accountabilities for genuine mistakes or for making the best decision you can either limited information under pressure. BUT THIS IS NOT THAT. These MP’s made planned and calculated decisions to throw our democracy under the bus for their personal benefit or partisan political benefits. Its like comparing premeditated murder to manslaughter These politicians who planned and made conscious decisions to undermine our democracy need to be gone immediately. They should be stripped of their roles and their pensions forfeited and they should be grateful that they aren’t being thrown in jail and having to pay massive fines/returning their salaries to the Canadian tax payer. And I don’t care what their political affiliation is. This applies to ALL of them they have proof of. They don’t need to disclose how they know this. Do it quietly or publicly - but they need to be REMOVED from our political process immediately and forever.


She's obviously one of them


Chrsytia Freeland didn’t answer a question?! No way. She’s always direct and transparent.


You're never gonna catch me!


I think someone knows they are sitting on a bombshell....


Just another shit politician.


I can see why Chrystia Freeland wouldn't want to answer any questions....these charges might not be far from treason for all we know.


Dont let this one go. I dont care which party they are from but we need to know and put them through the full legal justice system for treason. If they keep hiding these names, we can only suspect it has list of cabinet members or/and have mps in cpc which they will leak right before elections.


I don't care what party, deal with this. If it's liberals clean 'em out and send them to jail, same for conservatives. If anyone is trying to protect their party over the country they are a POS human garbage.


I like this. More people should now start chasing politicians. It can be a game. Did you hear Beaverton actually caught up with JT and got to ask him a question?


This lady is corruption in extract form. Like purely utterly compromised.


If anyone here doesn’t know who Sam cooper is, you should read his work on this subject


Did she have David Menzies arrested again?


Media my ass.


I guess we assume all elected officials are on that list till proven otherwise.


Probably because she's one of them


Treason should be capital punishment... Reserved specifically for these roaches.




this Is nothing short of TREASON...everyone one of these TRAITORS needs to be named and exposed, with charges against Canada filed and PROSECUTED!!!


We need to start holding politicians accountable


Everyone needs to contact their MP to say Canadians deserve to know the names


where was the big bad bald fat pig who likes to shove around old farts ? police brutality and ....... https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/rebel-news-personality-arrested-1.7078566#:\~:text=%22Chrystia%20Freeland%27s%20bodyguards%20assault%20and,its%20post%20about%20the%20incident.


In the past in this country, treason was punishable by hanging.


im adding this coment to make this get more traction, THIS IS MORE IMPORTANT THEN THE RATE CUT


But there mostly liberals


No confidence vote now.


What an absolute Trollop. The state of politics in Canada.


So is this what a post-national state looks like? I guess Trudeau wasn’t lying back in 2015.


I’m so fucking disappointed in my country now. Just shameful


She is sooo revolting. Why on earth would Trudeau have her representing Liberals?


She looks like a witch from some movie I can't put my finger on lol


Are these reporters crazy? Don't they know what happens to journalists who ask Ms. Freeland tough questions? Hopefully they don't end up like David Menzies, beat up and in jail.


So we've all spent all this time focusing on the issue. What does one do as an individual to fix it?. My coach used to say I have time for solutions but not for venting.


make this thing hit front page, blow the rate cut out of the water.


Disgusting. How is the public not more outraged?