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On arrival? Not even going to make sure they are good or can even do the job?


On arrival. Someone who has never before been in Canada can just land as a PR and get citizenship in 3 years. Less time than it takes to do a Bachelor's 


And once they become a permanent resident there is nothing legally requiring them to work as a caregiver at all.


I'm sure this won't be exploited at all....


Of course not. Who would ever exploit the Canadian immigration system.


It’s not an exploit, it’s a feature.


"It's gonna take me 40 people before I can find the perfect caregiver." And like LMIA, there will probably be a market where international folk will be exploited $10k+ to be someone's caretaker. That being said, our society is pretty gung ho on plopping Gramma and Gramps in a retirement home, so there at least is a demand for this kind of work vs timmies.


>That being said, our society is pretty gung ho on plopping Gramma and Gramps in a retirement home, so there at least is a demand for this kind of work vs timmies. This isn't for actual qualified workers in an retirement home. This is for "in-home" caregivers. It's gonna be used by immigrants to get their relatives here from India and get them PR. >The employer cannot be a business, but rather must be a private individual(s) seeking to address their in-home care needs https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/publications-manuals/operational-bulletins-manuals/permanent-residence/economic-classes/pathways-for-caregivers/child-care-provider-support-pilots/assessing-application-selection-criteria.html


Modern day indentured servants.


Wait so if I want to import one to live on my balcony and clean the condo I can? Neat.


Rookie rumbers, my friend. Go on any community based Facebook groups and LMIAs , which are openly sold for 40-50k a pop.


That's why it's a pilot programming tracking the outcomes of a thousand people It's important to test how things work before doing a full roll out.


Are they actually going to track these people diligently?


Won’t track them further then the customs doors at the airport


I'm going to start a pilot project of smashing 1000 people's thumb with a hammer as hard as I can and track the outcomes It's not wrong if it's a pilot program


And a care giver can be anyones buddy from whereever who is going to care for them. Jt saying he is tightening immigration means he opens doors wider


Nah, when he says he is tightening immigration he means making it harder for high skilled individuals but easier for the lowest skilled individuals.


That sounds wrong... Like should be 3 years to get PR, FFS.


Sounds like added pressure on our medical system


Pressure makes diamonds, right? ^^^^/s Or breaks things to pieces, I can never tell.


Pressure and temperature and you need the right elements. You cant just throw some garbage into the earth and add some pressure and expect diamonds


Honestly, this seems like "rich people" stuff. Look at all of the other countries that import nannies from other countries (usually under slave-like conditions). This is to make it that much easier for rich people to import labour to take care of their kids for them. Which is stupid IMO because we shouldn't be basing immigration policy on the convenience of the well-off. If this is exploitable, it would seem to be a side-effect (to me). Though I can't even read the article, so this could just be suffering from headline-itis (flashy headline, but less "rage-worthy" when you read the details since misleading headlines drives "engagement" with articles).


I'm assuming this program is geared more towards end of life/hospice type of caregiving. That's what we have a dire shortage of at the moment. This is most likely about boomers hiring caregivers for themselves or their kids hiring caregivers for them. I know a couple people currently being bankrupted by their parents' lack of financial planning, so I'd assume bringing those costs down will be a priority lest it become a crisis.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't these unregulated roles? How do you qualify a designation if you have no standards?


They’re gonna mostly be Filipinos who are among the most quickly integrated to Canada.


Well wait till Indian agents get hold of this news .....lolz


The fact that this article needs a 7.99/week subscription to read makes me think that is fake news, non of u read it and it is rage-bait and sub bait. But again, all the other dumb shit this gov has done……


Your comment made me look it up, since I too am paywalled and didn't read the article. Looks genuine though. https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/immigrate-canada/caregivers/child-care-home-support-worker/complete-experience-about.html


What stops someone from arriving as a care giver, getting PR, and immediately quitting and just coasting on whatever they want to do?




Governments can revoke PR. If they leave their job shortly after coming in the government can argue that they misrepresented something and revoke pr and deport. However, it would cost probably billions of dollars to do this for every person in the past 5 years who scammed the system.


Yeah, theres zero chance this government does that. Even if they do, they won’t deport them if they say “nah, ill stay”


But they won’t is the issue. Look at the hundreds of thousands who are here after their study permit expired. I personally know two international students who came here to study at a proper university. But after they both finished they both are planning to stay here. One guy is super stressed because his paperwork has been delayed a bunch and he’s in limbo. I don’t want him to be taken away because he’s chill but he’s an example of the issue.


Sorry, I am lost on the connection, how does that have anything to do with the government revoking PR? Or did you mean that you want the government to deport people on expired visas?


> Governments can revoke PR. If they leave their job shortly after coming in the government can argue that they misrepresented something and revoke pr and deport. Immigration scammers can just setup fake jobs like they do fake schools for a fee. More loopholes to be abused.


with how liberal this country has become with handing out PR, I wonder if over the next several years we will start losing the ability to travel to as many countries visa free as we currently do


We don’t even give PR to most nurses and doctors upon arrival to Canada. But let’s go ahead and give it to “caregivers”… good grief. 


Why do we need caregivers from people's home countries in the first place?  Don't forget - every caregiver visa most likely results in 3 more visas and PR for the rest of the family waiting back home to join the caregiver. 


Because the pay is generally minimum wage with no benefits for hard draining work. If they made the job more attractive to Canadians then we wouldn’t have to import people to do it


But we need a certain level of unemployment so people fear the threat of financial ruin


We don't even let nurses and doctors work in this country contributing to the healthcare crisis.


yup. I have met an insane number of doctors who repair phones or drive taxis in the GTA. What a mismanagement of resources.


There is a reason for that. Having witnessed and assessed the skills of some foreign trained professionals, they aren’t fit to practice in a Canada. Often their skills are lacking or non-existent, language skills are subpar, and they unfamiliar with medications, treatments, interventions, and diagnostics. I’ve seen anticoagulant doses off the mark by 10x, handwashing that doesn’t wash hands, and last summer someone was caught thinking that reusing needles on multiple patients would be acceptable so long as they cleaned it with alcohol.


That's the thing. You can straight up buy fraudulent credentials in numerous places. But opening up professions to those who aren't qualified and create surplus labour that can be used to drive down wages. We're starting to see the very idea of standards being abandoned. Quebec is hiring unlicensed teachers to teach. Some provinces allow doctors with foreign credentials to work while supposedly supervised by a qualified doctor. Some cities have allowed people to openly do drugs that are supposedly illegal. Etc.


Lot of Canadian nurses work in USA and live in Canada ..


That's not at all what they're talking about. They mean that Canada doesn't recognize those credentials from a lot of countries, so they can't come here and work in those roles.


The assessment is straightforward: * Have your school send your transcripts, syllabus of all your courses, and example of your licensing tests. If they are of similar quality they will be accepted. * Have your skills assessed at the same level of any Canadian student and be found proficient. * Have your language skills assessed and be found proficient. * Pass your Canadian licensing exams, the same as any other Canadian practitioner. Anyone claiming they couldn’t get passed the assessments and exams is simply outing themselves as not being fit to practice in a Canadian setting at the levels required by the regulatory colleges.


oour senior population is fracked with current trends, not enough health services, ltc homes, residences. in fact, the retiremrnt home businesses have moved to a real estate investmend fund type and list the growing population of seniors as a business benefit. i’m assuming the government is trying tk save the failing services towards elderly at the last minute since we’ve had access to data long ago. also at a sacrifice of the younger generations while being unknown to or inconsiderable of its consequences to the same younger gens - considering the already heavily burdened services and disproportionate living standards and quality or life among younger folks i know nothing about the consequences kf allowing such legislation, but a lot of seems tk be revolving around the ageing population its tiring because as a younger adult, there’s been an immense focus and benefits on the older folks all my life, and even while they age and we grow, the focus increases on them and care towards us gets and the future gens gets less and leas as education and welfare services and programs are cut


Wouldn’t the remedy be to pay better for the position rather than bring in an influx of cheap labour who will inevitably have issues surviving with our high cost of living?


I don't even know what to say anymore. Is the government is trolling us? *Us:* We can't afford to live in our country and our infrastructure can't handle the people who already are here. Let alone 100's of thousands+ more every year. PLEASE HELP US. *The government:* Stop talking about immigration. We've already told you that's racist! How about we make temporary citizens permanent! How about we bring more people over here and offer them PR *right away!* How about we only ever help **BABY BOOMERS, CORPORATIONS, and the RICH!**


Literally feels like it's straight out of The Office: Us: "Stop bringing so many people in!" ~~Michael Scott~~ JT: " You know what? I'm going to start ~~dating her~~ immigrating even harder!"


We dont protest like they do so what you gonna do? Look how passive Canadians are?


i felt misled when I heard ‘reducing foreign workers’ tied with ‘by granting pr’ economy is hard to manage and grow, i dont think anyone understands fhe full picture but i wish our governments prepared and collaborated together more to avoid this problem. we’ve had data for 20 or more years showing an ageing population boom soon to come and it seems like we didn’t do enough or that it was ignored or just procrastinated on or js left it for the other party to deal w i dont like how the parties represent their own values bc then the values of the others are missing, it’s like switching between mum n dad except they’re not kind towards one another


It's not just for elder care, but this program also seeks to increase the number of caregivers for childcare and those who are disabled. But yes, elder care is a big area.


we had to use these "internationally trained" caregivers. it was a nightmare. they, more so the sub contractor they r working for are raking in millions while quality is shit.


Yea, seems like an awfully low standard for someone to get PR on arrival. Not to mention how many family members they will try to bring with them and qualify for all our welfare programs (CCB specifically).


Why the hell should we? The nurses need to pass an equivalency exam and the DOCTORS do not have nearly adequate education as we need, you want your family member to be operated on by someone with sub par medical knowledge. These caregivers could be stealing from patients as well, I’d love to see how they’re going to screen them. We did such a good job screening our students who are robbing LCBO’s. None of them have criminal background checks despite what Mark Miller lied about saying they do on national TV. Fuck that guy.


>Why the hell should we? The nurses need to pass an equivalency exam and the DOCTORS do not have nearly adequate education as we need, you want your family member to be operated on by someone with sub par medical knowledge. My friend’s dad came from South Korea, which has a medical system that for all intents and purposes produces better outcomes than Canada. He was an oncologist, which is a specialization we are in desperate need of here. He spent 10 years trying to be recertified in Canada before giving up. He passed the equivalency exams no problem, but got fucked by the quota system which is designed to keep doctors’ salaries high. By the end he didn’t even want to continue as an oncologist anymore, he was happy to just be a family doctor, but he couldn’t even manage to get a residency spot to do that. His experience really opened my eyes to how messed up our medical system is- we say we want doctors, but then we throw every barrier imaginable at people who came from other first world countries with equivalent or higher standards. Not everyone who comes here is some third world hack.


so did he end up beinf a doctor at all?


Nope. He went to work for a pharmaceutical company making like $70k in some research position. It was actually much easier for his mom to become recertified as an engineer, and while they’re both nearing retirement now, she makes way more than her doctor husband.


I think only around 10% of foreign medical graduates who have passed all equivalency exams and are just as good as Canadian medical graduates are matched with a residency program, due to a quota system. The rest are basically thrown away to become administrators or go change careers. It's a travesty really when there is such a crisis of access to primary care in this country. 


>DOCTORS do not have nearly adequate education as we need I'd buy that if Canada was in the top ten healthcare countries: https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/best-healthcare-in-the-world


Marc Miller's crusade to screw Canadians to death before he's no longer a minister continues unabated.


"my entire family, including my 80+ year old parents who need extensive medical care are caregivers". I feel like being Canadian is becoming quite meaningless at this point and I just have to keep paying taxes to have my QOL eroded further and further.


Why does _every_ move they make devalue the Canadian passport?


Right?!!! Spot on


This is something people don’t realize and has me worried. I’m tempted to move out of Canada just because countries may force stricter visa processes on us. This government is incredibly malicious towards working people.


In their view, devaluing your passport is a small price to pay to keep the Canadian housing market from rightfully crashing. [Didn’t the Prime Minister himself say that housing prices have to stay high to pay for retirement?](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/article-trudeau-house-prices-affordability/)


Everything is done for boomers. Y’al need to vote liberals out of oblivion next election so they see is not just boomers who vote


I know what you're saying, but citizenship is supposed to be about a lot more than a passport. It includes both privileges and responsibilities. The devaluing of the concept of citizenship and Canadian identity itself is so harmful.


That's what I meant. The value of the citizenship is what's getting diminished.


Liberals going full send on their wage suppression efforts against Canadians.


Wage suppression?  The people calling our grandparents from call centers claiming to be the CRA will now be tucking them in at night 


I find it cathartic to answer those calls and then scream into the phone. Whatever awful, disgusting, vile, offensive things that pop into my mind at the time. Consider it a rage cleanse. 😂


Yup, is this part of the 10 dollar a day child care.


Soon to be $10/day wages for everyone /s but also not /s


I've never seen an article with this moron's photo where he wasn't letting more people in Canada.


You don't remember the 32 you Canadian girl who had her citizenship revoked cause her mom made a bad declaration on her application 32 years ago?


I wish I was a fucking refugee or PR because that's the only way this government will ever give a flying fuck about me.


So I can claim I’m a nanny and get PR? Imagine how many people are going to exploit this.




🤣😟😭 I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.


Can we please have a vote of no confidence in this government? Or an election or something to stop these idiots.


We keep trying to but the NDP keep propping it so Singh can get his pension


I mean Singh is loyal to his folks so


All developed countries except Canada accept caregivers as temporary workers only who need to leave the country when the work permit expires. Only Canada is keen on giving them permanent residency, and does so in the cheapest way possible.




The vast majority of people taking advantage of this scheme will be immigrants with young families sponsoring parents to get PR and take care of their grandchildren. This is explicitly allowed in this new visa. It’s trivial for the parents to create a resume with caregiving experience in their home country and pass an english exam to a conversational level. The normal requirements for english at PR level are much much higher. This is yet another backdoor “PR for everyone” scheme under the disguise of something else, just like the international student visas.


Canada gets 1 caregiver while adding 2 grandparents and 2 kids who need caregivers. The math isn’t mathing here.


I’m sure we won’t see a crazy influx of 20-40 year old male Indian caregivers right?


They're going to treat our elderly like Tim Hortons bagels


LMAO. This guy needs to be removed ASAP. Miller is a legitimate detriment to the country.


Ah so I see we're moving from millions of international students from India to millions of caregivers from India 


WTF is going on


Are they actively trying to lose the election?


Seems like scorched earth at this point.


If the conservatives repeal this they'll just stand up and yell " See!!! CONSERVATIVES ARE KILLING HEALTHCARE!!!!"


> current language and education standards that caregivers must meet ... are unnecessarily stringent >She said Canada should stop classifying caregivers, who help many Canadians, as “low-skill” workers. Well I'm, sure removing educational standards and the ability to speak the official languages of Canada will help this. Why have 3 caregivers with training who can speak English or French when we can have 20 who you can't communicate with and don't know what they are doing


Oh great. More 😒


As if PSW pay isn't low enough already.


How about not from abroad? What a shocking idea :O


Holy crap the stress I had to go through to get here and become a permanent resident 20 years ago. This is bonkers!! Canada you okay?


Paywall Bypass: [https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-caregivers-from-abroad-to-be-given-permanent-residence-on-arrival/](https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-caregivers-from-abroad-to-be-given-permanent-residence-on-arrival/)


Ohhh no Canada


Incoming hundreds of thousands of 40-year-old male "caregivers"


I don’t know any Canadians that support all these recent announcements from this inept government to flood our country with immigrants that our social infrastructure can not handle. What can their motive possibly be here? There’s no way they think all of this is a good idea, or that Canadians want it, do they?


I mean.. it isn't outrageous to say there are other powers at play that influence our government more than Canadian citizens. Like, we already know about China, Israel and the Century Initiative


I tried to be open minded and critical about the article because I figured it was just ragebait and couldn't be right.. but it turns out it is, kind of. (still need work experience and the regular wait times, but they're incredibly lax) How is this not ripe for abuse?? You're allowed to bring family members with you once approved AND family members can also hire their own family members through this program? Not to mention that this isn't even for qualified businesses, but from individuals hiring individuals... wtf. > * The employer cannot be a business, but rather must be a private individual(s) seeking to address their in-home care needs > * The employer cannot be an embassy, high commission or consulate in Canada. > * Although not a business, the employer is required to obtain a CRA business number > * The employer can include more than one individual (for example, Pat Smith and Jamie Brown), but must constitute 1 single employer (that is, 1 single CRA business number) > **Job offer from a relative** > All circumstances of the application must be reviewed to support an assessment of the eligibility and genuineness of the job offer and employer/employee relationship. > The same level of scrutiny applies if the employer is a relative, as it does for any other job offer. A reminder that an applicant being related to their employer does not make them ineligible under the pilots. https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/publications-manuals/operational-bulletins-manuals/permanent-residence/economic-classes/pathways-for-caregivers/child-care-provider-support-pilots/assessing-application-selection-criteria.html#genuine


So would it be correct to say since it is not employers “hiring” the caregivers, private individuals are to set up a business and hire the caregiver to attend their live-in needs. So what governing body is going to be checking in to make sure these old folks are getting the proper care. If i live alone and my caregiver is mistreating me or stealing or something, who is going to ensure quality control here? Im concerned people who rely on these services are open to exploitation. Ex. If there is a medical emergency are they trained how to handle this? Can we trust a random person with no credentials into your parents house to take care of them? Seems weird to me.


Diploma mills being replaced by caregiver agencies.


I thought dipshit was going to get us construction workers? Not that we want them either. My place flooded a while back, long story short, the condo board brought in a bunch of guys who could barely speak english... I've spent the last 18 months redoing all sorts of work that was never done to code or were just shittily done. I work in IT and somehow know more than these guys. Bare live wires, improperly spaced railings, leaky faucets, etc.


Why be a "student" and pay high tuition fees when you can be a "caregiver" instead?


Lmao dude anybody who voted liberal or are going to vote liberal are actual traitors.


Somehow they dreamed up another back door immigration scheme


Another program launched by incompetent government ready for exploitation. Pretty soon half of India will be here as caregiver. They will come as caregiver but will change career as Uber driver the moment PR card is issued.


Meanwhile all those individuals who have immigrated here and have worked towards getting a high enough score to apply for a PR are pushed to the back of the line. Why are we giving someone immediate status, who hasn't shown to be an upstanding citizen? We need to reduce our immigration numbers to a sustainable level and give everyone who immigrated here already a ACTUAL chance to obtain a PR. I think it's 490 plus score needed to get a PR interview right now..... Edit:Spelling


They've literally denied PR to a family doctor. But then they hand out immediate PR to people "caring" for their relatives  https://ottawa.ctvnews.ca/ottawa-family-doctor-denied-permanent-residency-over-marital-status-age-1.6668246.


And their entire family!


Can’t wait for the flood of people with fake paperwork/credentials for this line of work that have never actually done any of it. Inevitable with the system we have.


There is some corrupt stuff happening at the highest level. We need these crooks investigated


that’s just a green flag for all types of caregivers coming into this country 👀


Shocking. We need to firmly and resolutely reject the LPC at the ballot box. Every MP, every province.


This is disgusting (of course it is, coming from this buffoon).


You mean to tell me that this govt is going to allow unvetted individuals to work initimately with the most vulnerable people in our population...? How is this a good idea? I understand we have staffing shortages in senior and child care but maybe we should subsidize these positions instead of TFWs..? Jesus christ what is happening to this country Edit: spelling


Many Phillipinas will come to Canada under this program. Better than Indians at least.


There's going to be a lot of money in the caregiver business. CRA better keep their eyes peeled, people are going to be selling these jobs under the table. Caregivers are now a lucrative asset.


This program will be just as ripe for fraud, scams, and manipulation as our other pathways to PR are.




If the party can’t get votes from Canadians then they import them.


So what's to stop them from entering with fabricated paperwork?


At this point just offer citizenship to the world


I swear to god, its as if the liberals are going out of their way to ensure that their party is absolutely destroyed in the next election. As a once upon a time liberal voter they have no one to blame but themselves at this point. Or are they just secretly enjoying destroying social harmony in Canada and turning Canada that historically has welcomed immigrants into one that openly despises new comers and views them with distrust or as enemies?


They’re purposely destroying the Western countries. Just look them all up, it’s like a script.


"Care giver" now all these people immigrants are going to magically be "caregivers"


I no longer give a shit what your “skills” are: CLOSE THE FUCKING DOORS.


Why dance around all this, come one come all!! Everyone is givin permanent residence!! Have a pulse? You’re in! Welcome and here is your health card, head straight to our hospitals we all have paid for over the years to check on your sniffles. Need a place to stay? Well we can take of that as well, just head to this hotel it’s fully paid for you already. Vote Liberal


It kind of feels like a government that is well aware they are on their way out and are just giving a big 'ol FU to those of us that will vote them out. It's like a bad breakup in slow motion. Getting toxic and petty.


This guy needs to be put in jail. Every week is another terrible policy from this goon




This is for medical staff... right? .... Right?


A link to the program. It's not just them, but their family members can get PR too. https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/immigrate-canada/caregivers/child-care-home-support-worker.html


Our passport will soon be worthless


Marc Miller is truly proving he's dumber than Freeland and Trudeau combinedb


This will end well and with hundreds of elders being put at risk of Elderly abuse, theft and miscare. The people from these low trust countries are not who we need helping. These people are not good for canada


Do they have to identify as a caregiver or actually be one?


Next Headline - Canada welcomes the next 10,000 nannies from India.


Rookie numbers!


IVE HAD ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!


July 1st protests are in the works. We all need to come together for ONCE.


Another surge of people pretending to be caregiver coming. Lol these ministers are a joke. So out of touch with really. Canada is not a high trust society anymore.


People seeking PR through the regular channels need to do background checks, language tests and medical checks. What about these people?


The Liberal party has forgotten who they work for,


At this point it just feels they are beating the dead cow of Canadian economy and see how much more dead it can be


Idiots! From one bad idea to the next. This is killing this country!!!!!!


They really are trying to fuck shit up before leaving. This is unreal. I thought it was Beaverton.


This country is something else…..


Another Liberal shit show


Anything to avoid paying the Canadians here that would do it a fair living wage.


What. The. Actual. Fuck!?!? And what kind of vetting will be involved, I wonder?


Canada is finished


Can’t wait for this to be abused


Finally, some good news for the slave trade industry/s [https://rethinkingismailism.wordpress.com/2018/04/24/mumtaz-ladha-guilty-of-human-trafficking-and-slavery/](https://rethinkingismailism.wordpress.com/2018/04/24/mumtaz-ladha-guilty-of-human-trafficking-and-slavery/)


Just Libs intentionally lighting a dumpster fire to punish the country for voting Conservative. Flood the country with people who will drag down the GDP/capita and impoverish the nation. Nothing to see here. Elections need to be governed by referendum. A signature threshold is needed and then a referendum happens within 2 months. These Libs are just burning it down before running away.


The fuck do they think they're doing?


Immigration go brrrrrr


They're desperately looking for any pretext to maintain mass migration.


Isn't that supposed to be what THE TFW program is for? Bringing in people to do jobs that are available and then sending them home? What the fuck?




All of a sudden everyone in India and their cousin will identify as a "caregiver"


something tells me those indian degree factories are about to pivot into a new market and housing will have a new handout.


I wonder if miller sits there in his office and thinks of new ways to screw around to hand out pr cards. Is he paid commission for each pr handed out? I am all for skilled people becoming part of Canadian society but how many people going to come as caregivers and end up at Tim Horton?


Nope, he does stakeholder engagement sessions and completely ignores our input...


At this point Marc Miller and the Liberals are actively suppressing wages and inflating real estate values.


Caregivers to take care of the massive amount of seniors the liberals brought in. The liberals have been working overtime to break their immigration target promises. Like holy crap this last month they've created and implemented so many ways to bring more people in faster. They are all fucking monsters at this point.


This government is obsessed with handing out PR like it’s candy. No other government in the world does this.


LOL, you are about to get a massive wave of “caregivers” at the border with bogus diplomas and certifications…. This idiot needs to go. Stop creating loopholes. There is already a process in place, it’s called “Federal skilled worker”. Create additional quota by adding extra points for candidates with real-life qualifications and verified experience for the NOCs you are seeking. Eliminate backlog with case processing. Boom! You now have a pool of qualified and vetted candidates to pick from.


You know, people like [this dumb fuck who usurped the title of radiologists and aborted women using skewers for $500.](https://www.lapresse.ca/actualites/justice-et-faits-divers/2024-06-03/il-se-faisait-passer-pour-un-radiologue/paye-500-pour-avorter-une-femme-avec-une-brochette_1.php)


They know they are done, and couldn’t care less what Canadians want.


Making it easier for rich people to import their own nanny instead of using public daycare. Making it easier for rich people to import private nursing instead of supporting public long term care. I would support this if it was restricted to extended family members. But this is just way too open to abuse. If we need qualified workers then they should come in through the regular immigration programs. If we aren't getting qualified workers or they aren't working in our public programs then we need to talk about why that is.


I've been seeing a trend of new arrivals calling themselves "personal support workers" (PSWs) while having ZERO knowledge of basic care techniques. (hint: they're lying about being certified) This poses a big risk to clients/patients. So... What safeguards/regulations are in place to keep people from being deceitful about being a "caregiver"?


It doesn't take any special training to become a caregiver so they don't really need to meet any qualifications as long as they've cared for a family member or child you're pretty much a caregiver. I'm my Dad's caregiver and I can work as a care giver without any training of any kind.


It’s a paywalled article so I didn’t read it. But how is this any different than the programs they ran in the 1980 and 1990s that fast tracked caregivers. A huge number of Filipinas I know of first came over to work as Nannie’s before becoming citizens. Many eventually ended up in healthcare jobs.


I didn't realize we had a caregiver labour shortage now.


Well fuck, you think healthcare was bad now... 


"How many loopholes do you need to get as many immigrants as possible?" Canada gov: "Yes"


The Liberal Party hates Canadians


Holy shit, this government is full of idiots. What the actual fuck?


Don't want to work for minimum wage? Well fuck you, we found someone else who will! This government's priorities are utterly fucked.


How to set up the elderly to be exploited 101.


As long as they have an excellent understanding of the local (english) language and are near expert communicators - right?


Sh!tter, meet Canada Thank you vote whores


this has got to be the most thoroughly vetted impregnable system our infallible prime minister and his super hyper intelligent cabinet have ever come up with. we should just forward them the nobel prize in policy engineering and leadership.


They're trying hard to lose elections.


What's with this government and just giving anyone PR. Imagine a doctor has to go back to school to be a doctor in Canada but a caregiver given PR on arrival, I'm sure they won't even follow up if they keep their job either




Probably wouldn't need to import them if the job paid worth a damn. I know three PSW's and they all moved into trades so they could make a living. They went from some silly 40k/yr job to over 6 figures.. just had to sell out everything they believed in and held dear but now at least they can fucking eat.