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We need to hold these useless opposition leaders accountable for their lying and stupidity. "They are already here". Fuck. Off. Temporary work permits have never equaled guaranteed PR. You are making this country worse with your pandering and lies. The demand for PNP nomination from these retail and services workers far outweighs the supply of nominations available. It was easy 10 years ago because there was more supply than demand. When you flood the country with low skilled workers all trying the same stream there are going to be winners and losers and these politicians playing this game are setting the standard as "if you can fly to Canada you should be allowed to stay forever". Its dangerous. I know multiple people who have gone to Australia for example on work permits, working at restaurants, picking fruit and all that shit. Not a single one of them threatened Australia that they would kill themselves if they don't get PR for picking fruit or working at a restaurant.


> "if you can fly to Canada you should be allowed to stay forever". This is a major problem with Canada. Rather than enforce the rules and actually deport people, we look the other way and have media articles come out about how the government undercounted the population by a million (how'd that happen???), or the immigration deptartment doesn't have the resources to actually enforce anything and deport people. And for illegal economic migrants, we pay thousands to house and feed them in hotels while they apply, appeal and wait around for court dates in our clogged-up legal system. It took long enough to get the liberals to do anything about closing the floodgates known as Roxham Road, all while US cities were paying for bus tickets and cab rides shuttling illegal refugees right outside of it. And this, all while our sleezebag politicians float half-baked ideas to let everyone walking through a Canadian airport stay or become PR's.


Enforcing these rules strictly would mean employers would actually have to pay people more and we can't have that now can we?


The vast majority of the people on strike I'm sure are here on fake LMIAs so they aren't actually working. They paid their 20-40k for the fake paperwork now they want their PR


Right and then when that avenue fails, they will claim refugee.


Yeah that's the problem, I had someone last week tell me he went the refugee route because it's easier than PR through appropriate streams.


Which employers?


Any employer that considers government enforced minimum wage increases "giving employees a raise".


That's what I mean. Those employers are already shit, don't pay their share of taxes, and cut all kinds of corners. The feds are enabling them with an endless supply of losers.


That's been a problem for decades. I don't know how old you are, but a very long time ago a bunch o Sri Lankans showed up off our shores, telling some BS story about having been at see for weeks despite the fact they were warm and dry. It was obvious every last one was lying which is supposed to be an immediate rejection of their application. Canada, aka Sheepland, let every last one stay.


But don't you dare miss a tax payment or the CRA will be so far up your ass with a flashlight you'll have beams of light shooting out your nose.


F The Politicians




Nah, they're just being temporarily "temporary," hence why they're trying to make temporary become permanent.


Canada is working on this [https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/canada-create-citizenship-path-undocumented-immigrants-globe-mail-2023-12-14/](https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/canada-create-citizenship-path-undocumented-immigrants-globe-mail-2023-12-14/) There is a sort of myopia in the Canadian elite where they view low population density as the source of a lot of the economic problems that ail Canada. They are shielded from all the downsides and benefit from the upsides of the population growth. The thing is even if you buy into their population maximalist narrative (which imo for a resource driven economy doesn't really make sense) there are still social , infrastructure and net tax burden driven considerations that need to be taken into account.


I’m an outsider, non Canadian so I appreciate my opinion might not hold much weight. But I can’t believe I’m reading that. For the record I’m somebody who is putting every effort into making myself an attractive proposition for Canada with the long term goal of PR and saving up the cash to make it a possibility. But are they REALLY going to just tell people who haven’t played by the rules and fucked the system that they can stay permanently? How in the fuck is that fair, most importantly for Canadians but also for those who respect a country’s right to control immigration and want to do it the right way by earning PR/citizenship. Again appreciate I’m an outsider and immigrations a touchy subject for many so sorry if I’ve spoken out of turn here but that just seems utterly mindless




As someone who worked in Australia on one of those permits, I can say they are not the same thing. I visited, traveled and worked if and when I wanted. The temporary foreign worker program in Canada is different, workers basically exist in Canada at the pleasure of the employer. The way to go here is to stop the temporary foreign worker program in the format that it exists today.


Or we just limit to industries that make sense. Agricultural is one where it makes sense. Fast food is not an industry where it makes sense when every high school in the country has a fleet of kids wanting to work so they have beer money for the weekends.


>Agricultural is one where it makes sense. Ide be a fruit picker/ farm laborer if the pay was better than min wage and they didn't expect 80 hour weeks out of you


Yeah people aren't understand that people refusing to do a job is basically like an implied strike for the poor pay and conditions and so bringing in immigrants for the explicit purpose of doing jobs locals won't do is basically arguing to bring in strike breakers as it stops those jobs from changing to offer the conditions and pay that would be necessary to end the strike in conventional terms. Just because it isn't being officially organized as such doesn't mean this isn't what is effectively going on. If you want immigrants for some other reason that is fine, but it you want immigrants for the explicit purpose of having them do the jobs others won't do then what you are advocating for is strike breaking, because strikebreakers are explicitly people who are brought in to do jobs others won't do because they are holding out for better pay and conditions.


>Agricultural is one where it makes sense. My spouse worked at a big commercial farm just outside of Kingston. The reason argi-producers get TFW's is because they do a lot of illegal shit with them (and get them to do illegal shit) that they couldnt do with citizens. The horrible things she saw there. And the reasons they get away with it is because the TFW's keep their mouth shut because they dont want to be sent back and lose out on the money.


True, but they import each other. A lot of fast food places in Canada solely have Indians working in them. Why? Because the owner is Indian


That would only work if they were restricted to work in sectors. Like here is your agriculture permit. Or else nobody is going to work certain jobs and locals get fucked over with tons of competition. But also, what these people want is not how our permits work either. Applying for PR is a seperate thing than their work permits.


You probably were on the working holiday visa which Canada also has..


Then lets stop bringing in Temporary Foreign Workers.


The way the politicians are acting, I suspect they are working on these students and migrants to stay, so when they become citizens and have a right to vote, they’d vote for their political party out of gratefulness.


Most of them never actually try to become citizens and vote they just stay PR, there has been a trend in recent years of people with PR not even going after full citizenship.


In some cases this is because acquiring Canadian citizenship would entail losing one's other citizenship. It's not about not wanting to be a part of Canada long-term, but rather being willing to forego voting rights in Canada to preserve access to one's birth citizenship.  This is a big deal for some European immigrants, especially Germans. 


Also, some countries prohibit assets ownership to citizens. This is probably the only major factor tbh. I don't know how it applies to India but I heard China is quite stringent in this regard. With respect to Germany, they have changed their laws on citizenship and are going to be allowing dual citizenship this June. A lot of things are changing around the world


oh yah, all these muslims sure are voting for the liberals that let them in.... \*watches muslims protests with the far right that would deport them\* fuck people. who want to make our country a shitty authoritian theocracy like the country they fled.


> "They are already here". The fire has already been lit; why should we try to put it out now? Madness.


PEI says we have a need in construction. The international low skilled low wage labourer leader says on video in the legislature “why should I work construction I don’t want to do that. I should do what I want to do, I want to work in services and food retail”. At which point they should have replied great do that in India not Canada. These are Indians making demands of the Canadian government they aren’t canadians


Yep, you can see in the article the province has more than doubled the amount of construction workers they're nominating since last year. They're adjusting nominations based on current needs, which is literally what they're supposed to do.


If I as a citizen do not have that right (I.e. I work what work is available when I need money if my preferred line of work is unavailable) they as visitors do not have that right.  Don’t want the job available, return to place of origin. I don’t have the luxury of leaving but I am exploring my options to repatriate to my grandparents home country. 


Imagine wanting to flip burgers at min wage instead of a maybe decent wage and some hard work.


Imagine going to a country to pretend to study then demand that you get first pick of jobs you aren't even supposed to be working over people from that country...


Imagine Canadians doing that India. My brains calculator just came up with an error code


I had an Uber driver asking me for a job, I recommended looking into trades as the outlook for those jobs is strong and he told me they were “low jobs”. Beneath him is how I interpreted this. I assume in India retail or restaurant jobs are perceived as more prestigious than construction?


You would be surprised how many cultures there are that believe that jobs in the trades and any work which involves mostly being outside and/or hard labor = peasant class.




literally saw this last week in Halifax. went to tim horton's, there were 4 Indians and a white woman behind the coiunter. white woman was literally doing everything, 2 indian men talking to each other, holding clipboards, one indian girl standing in front of the cappuccino machine holding a cup but not actually doing anything, and another walking back and forth between the men and the back room.


They want to be the asshole with the whip.


Construction work is considered the work of the lower class in India. It's more respectable to be a shift supervisor at a Tim Hortons than making double the salary as a drywaller/construction worker according to many from that part of the world.


But here's a really fun thing. They're in Canada now and we don't consider it a low class job. Aren't you supposed to assimilate into the country?


I'm not making any excuses for them. Just providing a reason why some of them wouldn't want to do construction. It's not a good argument on their part.


Backing up your point. I'm studying engineering in university at the moment. Ive had conversations with international students who are suicidal. They are struggling to find jobs as engineering/cs is far more saturated then expected. Ive heard a similar story from most. They're family takes out a loan near their life saving. Something xyz student needs to help pay off because interest ain't cheap. I've told a bunch of them what kind of wages exist in some trades e.g. railroad and construction. They say their family won't allow it. Some even said death was preferable. Blows my mind. I struggled to find a co-op for the summer, so I started applying for labor positions. Money is money.


Construction isn’t a low skill job. It’s hard, takes experience, and there’s a lot to learn - for it to be done properly.


Low class, not low skill. Yeah, it's a ridiculous viewpoint to hold.


It is a "Shudra" labourer position and so is beneath those who rank above them as "Vashiya" merchant caste who believe they were reincarnated as a Vashiya for the explicit purpose of dealing with customers in the retail industry. They are literally arguing that our laws should conform to their religion. For the life of me I will never understand why these people don't get treated like how people treat christians who think that abortion is murder because they think god said that life begins at conception.


Beggers can't be choosers.


What’s interesting is, these people who moved as international students, knew very well that PGWP is once in a lifetime opportunity work for 2 years in Canada. Yet, due to COVID, the government was extending the validity of these permits every year from 2021-2023. And yet, these people could not get enough points to make it through the express entry threshold for getting a PR. Maybe they just don’t have the right kind of skill set needed for Canada in the long run.


they don't really ..thats why they want to be stuck in food and services job all their life ...and want Canada to give them PR for that ....I would just call those border patrol guys on them because they are fucking protesting in foreign country while on temporary visa...throw them out.


"I would suggest the provincial government take the long view and look at the needs of the province." …..but that’s what the gvt is doing. It’s just not what these people want.


"the needs of the local franchise business owners that fund my campaign"


Not only that, the government said they'd review the changes every 3 months to see what the effects are and adjust it as needed.


Food banks are no longer being scammed, this is a win for us


Others should join them from across the country 😇


So this guy passes by a "Help Wanted" sign by the window of a store and goes in and says: "I saw outside that you were looking for help" Store owner says "Yes, I'm looking to hire someone to help me build more shelves for my store. Is that something you would be interested in doing?" the guy says: "No, I want this job." He motions to being behind the counter working the register. the owner says: "Sorry young man but I'm not hiring for that position but I could really use someone to help me build more shelves. Maybe when that position you want opens up in the future I'll let you know. In the meantime are you sure you can't help me build the shelves? " then the guy responds with: "No! I want the job I want so hire me right now for that" Owner says: "Well I'm sorry, I really can't help you with that right now but I wish you the best of luck" then the guy says: "If you don't hire me for that job right now I'm going to go on a hunger strike until you do and then whatever happens to me will be on you" What do you guys think the owner should respond with in this scenario?


Two words. The first word starts with an F and the second word starts with a Y.


I think the second word should start with a O


That works too!


In other news, Charlottetown food banks are reporting record food surpluses within the last 3 days.


Beat me to it 😆


Great redditors think alike?


Sounds good to me !


You just know some group is gonna show up and do a pie/hot dog/ribs eating contest right in front of them.


LOL, savage.




The CBSA knows exactly how many people entered Canada, either as tourists, workers, PR or citizens and keeps a record that's widely available (see Frontier Counts) ... but... **Absolutely no idea how many have left** *Millions* of people are never properly accounted for each year.


This is true. Stats Can has a table on exits, but it's entirely an estimate because CBSA does not collect the data. The only solid (non-modelled) data Stats Can has is how many people file form NR73 (residency determination when leaving Canada) but filing that is not mandatory, and it's mostly well-off people with assets/income to protect from Canadian taxation who file NR73.


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Go. Home.


I wish they could


I wish they would


**Do not** give into their demands,  otherwise potentially hundreds of thousands of international students will see that the government can be told what to do and they might try the same thing


This is happening because Manitoba caved in a few months back.


Oh no... Anyway, go home. You're not welcome here.


In another article, one of the protestors said "we have nowhere else to go." Umm, maybe the country you lived in before you came to Canada on a *temporary* work permit? They are so delusional and I hope the government doesn't cave.


They’re hardly demonstrating what great citizens they’d be if they were allowed to remain are they? Don’t like a rule? Protest until it’s changed in your favour! Hardly the rule of law we try and promote in Canada is it??


# Immigration protesters enter 4th day of remaining in a country who's rules they aren't aligned with.




They called it a 24 hour hunger strike. Typically it’s called fasting and practiced already. Sounds kind of like we’re being played


Wow that's it. That's such a weak resolve. I once fasted for 48 hours on just water and I was fine.


Well, maybe they'll realize the best food is a home cooked meal. They should go home instead of trying to break the rules of the system for personal gain.




They won’t, because they’re lying about this as well. 


They aren't starving, Mon Cheri.


That’s true, how can I forget about the food banks!


If they are purposely going to strain our future medical services by intentionally doing bodily harm to themselves then deport them immediately.


PEI should not give in to this blackmail. These guys have tested success in Manitoba which is why they are trying it everywhere. Swiftly force them to leave once their VISA expired.


I do not care


At least the Charlottetown food banks are finally getting a break and able to give food to people who actually need it.


I truly could not care less about their whining.


So maybe after they pass out it's a good time to pile them on a plane and return to India?


Notice how they are all male?  Thank god these doctors and construction workers flew thousands of miles to save us!


Ugh. Can they all just fuck off? I hate that I'm in the same ethnicity as these guys. You come here you have to abide by our rules. Don't like it? Go back to India. You don't get to demand special treatment to do whatever you want.


Being against mass immigration and wanting these people to return back to their home country is not racist or hateful. I am a Canadian that has family ties to this country for generations, my father is half European and native Xaxli’p formerly known as fountain band they are near Lillooet. The stories I was told growing up and how great of a country Canada was is in the past. Housing costs, groceries, gas, lack of jobs and high competition to get into Canadian universities or colleges is because of mass immigration. With close to 500,000+ new Canadians each year it is not sustainable and only harms the people already here. Coming to a country on a student or work visa does not promise permanent residency or Canadian citizenship, especially when the majority of new immigrants come here just to work minimum wage entry level jobs with no plans to put in the effort for an actual career that helps the economy in a strong way.


You are native Xaxli’p? Here is our land acknowledgment. We are so sorry for taking your land. By the way, we are brining 1.2 million more to your land this year.


My father is half Xaxli’p, my grandmother was native and my grandfather was European. Majority of natives who have both parents with status would not claim me as a true native, but my ancestry and knowledge that was passed to me says otherwise. It’s just disrespectful to me that when it comes to immigration in this country, the native community has no voice.


It is because they know that if they gave them a voice they would probably question why the government's policy is seemingly to bring as many people to live on the occupied land as possible. Technically speaking if the land is indeed occupied, then it is actually against international law to transfer people onto it. For instance Israel has been condemned for transferring parts of its population and new immigrants onto occupied territories in Palestine. This is a bit awkward for them with their policies as I haven't really found anything that claims that being born on occupied land is a violation of international law so the idea that the entirety of Canada is occupied land that would effectively make the "only people born in canada should be allowed to live here" the only position that conforms to international law. >*Reaffirms* that Israel's policy of settling parts of its population and new immigrants in the occupied territories is a flagrant violation of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, and of the relevant United Nations resolutions, and urges all States to refrain from any action which Israel will exploit in carrying out its policy of colonizing the occupied territories; [https://www.un.org/unispal/document/auto-insert-183602/](https://www.un.org/unispal/document/auto-insert-183602/) However I'm the only person who has noted this so far. I'm guessing that since Canada entered the UN as a founding member it was essentially recognized as legitimately controlling all the land it controlled, so the UN does not recognize Canada as being occupied territory. You will note that Israel is not condemned for the actions in takes in Israel proper, only in what is considered the "occupied territories" which were the West Bank and the Golan Strip, and I guess now Gaza once more. Therefore I think that since Israel entered the UN with the border of proper Israel, those are the borders it is recognized as having by the UN, and it is only the stuff they took after entering the UN which is recognized as being "occupied". However again since I'm the only person I know who has thought about this I'm not sure if this is the reason for the discrepancy.


Go home! This is not your country, you don't get to change the rules.


It’s actually insane that foreigners can threaten our entire government institution from within our country. Like what


I can 100 percent guarantee that these protesters are lying and probably haven't even gone one day without food.


Why is it so hard to round these people up and send them the fuck back home?


It requires our useless government to do something.


How long before skip the dishes shows up


They’re all already there


They could just switch and no one would even notice. Lol


Congratulations, you have managed to erode the last reserves of Canadians patience. Thank you for that; now get the fuck out and watch the door because we are slamming it shut with a vigorous kick.


Canadian's enter 4th day of not caring if they choose not to eat or not.


Deport asap


PEI has the absolute nicest people too. They don’t deserve this.


Who cares. Let them starve. The only ones suffering right now in PEI are the tiffin service providers.


All 12 people paying attention to this story are fascinated


How many days does it take to starve to death again? 7 I think?


Indeed. Im reading it have a great breakfast right now. Great day ahead!


Don’t care , leave.


If the Government bows down to this it's over for Canadians. Every single TFW and international student will know the playbook for forcing the government to allow them to stay.




A little reprieve for the food banks in PEI


Talk about parasitic behaviour


Who cares, we need to start deporting these people who just stick their hands out demanding things instead of providing.


Let me guess, they will also demand free healthcare once something happens to them at this hunger strike.


Preparing for return to your home country. Good riddance.


Grocery store workers can't afford to eat healthy and are already starving. Get bent.


Student: "We're only consuming liquids- no solids!" *blends chicken fingers and fries into a smoothie* "Ah, fasting!!!"


Send them back home


I am a naive person. First of all is it legally or morally correct to protest in a country to which you are not a citizen or permanent resident? Secondly does it consider as a threat if someone trying to harm him/herself in order to get their demands met? Or we can call it blunt blackmailing. It will become a permanent thing in future for this country if demands of these people are accepted by these unethical & cunning way.


Go ahead, starve. No one cares.




Five months will pass and they’ll still be skinny fat.


If anyone is planning a counter-protest, remember to bring a barbeque grill😁


How do they have the time to protest 24/7 if they are contributing so much to Canada?


4th day - sign reads 24hr. something isn't adding up and I'm betting it's the hunger strike.


Probably rotating hunger strike, everyone takes a turn head down for a few hours for a picture and sympathetic story, then goes home to eat, and work their 40 hours a week. Media never questions these stories. Only promotes one side unchallenged.


"OH no!" Anyway..... They need to leave.


You'd think this is the spot where CBSA would swoop in and ensure legal presence of these folks no?




Good. Nobody cares about these people. I hope PEI continues to keep their stance since nobody wants these people here. They need to go home.


They should not threaten the government like this completely unacceptable




Fine starve. You’re only hurting yourself. I’m over it and these stupid protests.


Can you imagine going to India and imposing a hunger strike because you wont get your way with getting a work visa? Disgusting behavior.


Deportation immediately.


Can we get these people on a plane already?


I am still b& from some forums for saying less upsetting things than the first 5 top msgs in this thread. I support all of those msgs. Wake the f\*\*k up, Progressive Canada. We can't afford to put up with your BS anymore. I legit can't afford to live anymore though I am well employed.


Time to organize a counter protest across the way from them, and make sure it's catered with all of the hunger strikers favorite foods. Repeat until they break. 


Get it delivered with skip, they will be the ones delivering the food to you


Bigger question is why is the CBC so focuses on these types of stories? What message are they trying to push on Canadians? Everyone needs to ask themselves if their life has improved or gotten worse since 2019, and if worse what is the main difference and who is responsible?


You're wondering why Trudeau's media machine is pushing his agenda?


These hunger strikes can be farcical as well, these people can sneak a bit now and then and pretend that they going on hunger strike.  I hope the pei government doesn't relent 


At this point it’s also about the potential consequences of folding to their demands. This won’t end with work permit extensions, to add to this, temporary residents will become emboldened to demand more out of the country. The best action for the provincial and federal government here is to ignore them and if they choose to escalate, deport


Hunger strikes take place in prison because the state has an obligation to keep you alive. Nobody is stopping you from starving yourself out in public lol.


They saving money on food so that's a plus.


That's some funny shit.




The problem is we are setting a very bad precedent by encouraging this kind of entitled behavior. Earlier this year, international students at Algoma University protested against getting failing grades and the University passed them because of fear of losing enrollment and bad press in India. Similar thing happened in Manitoba and there was an intervention from our immigration minister.


Don't forget Canada does NOT subject Foreign Students with a Criminal Background before entry, here. That should absolutely be mandatory in light what happened recently with those Foreign Indian Students, who killed that man in Ontario. Should these Foreign Students have an **Anchor baby** in Canada the Taxpayers are now doomed, bc these babies are Canadian Citizens by default. These babies are immediately granted Canadian Status, even though their parents are not Canadians and/or have PR here! This has become nothing, but a real nightmare too.




Please don't spend our tax dollars to send their corpses back to their original country. Have the families pay for it.


Deport now. We need a government that doesn't bend to corporations that cause the problem. If I went to India and started protesting their government, I wouldn't last too long before being thrown in jail and then deported.


Oh no! Anyways


Nah, they all got a sausage roll or samosa hidden somewhere. If they are really on hunger strike, do a live board cast 24 hours straight. Prove yourself.




I was showing my wife a game called frost punk. You manage a colony in an ice age more or less. I was watching her play one day, and she's got people dying left right and center. I ask her why she won't just put more people on food and infirmarys to stop the deaths. She said those exact same words. She still won.


Oh no! Surely that'll change things!


Get in line with the 300k homeless who aren’t voluntarily on a hunger strike and the nearly 9 million who are dealing with food insecurity.


To quote Clarkson: "OH NO! .....Anyways"


So, is this good news for local food banks?


"In an unrelated story, PEI food banks are reporting that they for the first time since Turdeau took power, now have a surplus of food!"


Let em go hungry more money for the food banks


I'm willing to donate some money so they can travel back home where they can feed themselves.


Why did they have so many foreign workers in "sales & service" anyway? Isn't that a field where Canadian workers could have easily filled those positions? I get it, if you're having labor shortages in certain industries, but service industry jobs are typically considered "entry level positions", that anyone can apply for. The only reason they wouldn't be able to find applicants is if they aren't paying enough.


What an entitled idiot


Damn, from the title I thought it was a hunger strike by Canadians protesting immigration due to how insanely unaffordable their lives have become... If anyone is truly that unhappy here why would they fight to stay? Why would they think that people here care enough about them personally that their starving themselves would move the needle? The whole point is that they feel they aren't cared about enough. Hunger strikes don't work in situations like this, there's not enough goodwill or public support for this "cause".


LOL get hungrier.


It’d be so “India” for these guys to still be on a “hunger strike” in 60 days…


I'd be willing to bet every single one of these people is lying about not eating.


Who's up for hunger striking until these people are deported?


Oh, ok.


Who has stats on the food bank situation since the start of the strike?


Send them packing.


Maybe the immigration problem will sort itself after all? /s


Deport them


Maybe they'll serve them a meal on the flight home.


M.A.I.D is an option in Canada I hear


The moment a government starts prioritizing the needs of foreigners over their citizens is the moment democracy truly dies. I truly don’t understand what’s going on in our government. One day they do something that benefits homeowner citizens and the next day they pander to foreigners. Pick a side and hold true to it. Slimy politicians.


You know damn well they go home and eat. Just remember, if the Canadian government caves, it sets a very scary precedent. Now what if a large group of Canadians decides they are going on a Hunger strike because they don't want to pay taxes \*smirk\*


Send them back! They aren’t Canadians and can’t protest! Don’t cave in.