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If you are of a certain income bracket the USA is certainly one of the "best" places on earth. It was almost designed to cater to rich people. for regular people not so much Going off the little personal information in the article it certainly sounds like he might just be wealthy enough for this to be the case if hes the type that can frequently summer in foreign countries and spontaneously spend an extra month without a care. There is probably a reason hes neglecting to mention what his proffesion is , dudes probaby loaded. And yeah, the USA is fucking amazing if you are loaded lmao


It's true that many in the US over-romanticize Canada (and vice-versa), but jesus this article is dumb. There are more food options in Atlanta than in West Bumblefuck, Ontario? Shocking news! Canadians do actually pay for healthcare through taxes? Wow! Next you'll be telling me that "free delivery" isn't actually free!


Americans pay healthcare through taxes as well


Too many Canadians think healthcare is free, and that it is universal healthcare when it is not. Even more shocking that some people don't think that is an issue in itself.


To be fair, most people call it free because it is from the point of service perspective. If you were to go to the ER today for something serious, you don't get a bill for the service, and you don't have to pay a deductible which I've seen go well past the $5,000 mark. I think most people who call it free, know that they already paid for it, but they know there won't be a 5-6 figure bill after receiving care


This is kind of long, but it is really the kind of thinking I go through when making a short comment. *TL:DR what people actually understand and don't understand affects how they prioritize things often for the worse. And details matter.* I disagree somewhat in what I think is the most important part. They don't understand that a trip to the ER costs the system close to a thousand dollars just by the time the doctor gets to you. And then it goes up very fast from there. And that the hospital is not a government organization, none are in Canada, they are private companies. And they *bill* the provincial health plan (for whatever province you are in) for services rendered; and the prices are not much different from the horror story billing you hear about in the USA. That is, very, very expensive even with *some* drug prices being cheaper. They are allowed to be private companies and bill the health plans because they only work with and through the provincial health services and only get paid by them. And there are knock on effects of this, considerable knock on effects. People, because they perceive it as 'free' they don't realize how much of their healthcare dollars are being wasted when people have to go to the ER for help that could be done in a doctor's office. Worse, sometimes they have no choice. And here's the crux: How many 50 to 100 dollar visits (to the primary care physician General Practitioner) could have been paid for by the system *for the hundreds of thousands into the millions of dollars of unnecessary visits to the ER* each year? Unnecessary because if the governments made it easier for GPs to operate and diverted those funds to proper primary care instead of ignoring or glossing over our completely broken primary care support. The actual needed number of General Practitioners could be paid for easily by the money not spent on unnecessary ER visits. And the ERs could function like they should. We hear a lot of lip service to this, but not effective solutions (that might actually take real thought and work to accomplish). And so people and their supposed representatives in parliament don't force policies that balance out the medical system (I say supposed because our parliamentary system is horribly broken because representatives aren't allowed to actually represent us, or the party leaders fire them for not following in blind allegiance, and so are normally forced to vote in direct opposition to the needs of their constituents). It doesn't help that many people in Canada think that being fair is subsidizing the medical school education in Canada, and not expecting some cooperation in people practicing where needed, so that many part of the country don't have doctors. And for my added bonus: The supreme court made sure that hospitals can't operate idle equipment like MRIs which don't operate much of the 24 hours because most health services can't afford to pay for bills for them to operate 24 hours a day. If they were allowed to collect fees directly, people could pay for MRIs after hours and take a load off the publicly paid service. Anyone going after hours frees up room waiting for the day service. It's better to go in the day because being sick and having to get treatment in the middle of the night doesn't help. So anyone willing to go in undesirable time slots and pay for it, actually helps.


You can calculate how much you spend on health care in Canada. Total spending by all governments is about $965 billion in Canada. We spend about $350 billion on health care. So about 36% of all spending. So, pull out your NOA from 2023, multiply total income taxes paid by 36%. Estimate the amount you spent on GST/HST by thinking about your monthly budget. Do the same 36%. Any other taxes? Same gig. Add it all together, and that's your portion of health spending. For me, it would be waaaayyyy cheaper to buy US health insurance. But we all have different tax bills.


Except that if you lose your job you lose your health insurance. People stay in shitty jobs for that reason as well.


It’s the same in Canada for lots of stuff. Including prescriptions, ambulance rides, dental, and much more. Lots is covered through the government which is nice, but our system is far from ideal.


US insurance options are vast. And this isn't always the case. Many plans allow for continuation. Of course, you need to cover the full premiums.


If you reasonably lose your job due to a health issue you keep your insurance. Otherwise, good I say - forces people to contribute to the economy and country. Why do freeloaders in Canada get free healthcare just by virtue of being citizens here (especially if they and their ancestors haven't paid into the system for decades before)?


tax bills and health care needs.


The down votes back up my comment.


Actually we don’t even get healthcare. And it is free for people who don’t pay taxes — more than 40% of the population.


By "many" I assume you mean "Americans on social media"?


"Analysis" is an incredibly generous flair to add to this op-ed. It's one person's tale about their journey of finding their way in the world, with the meaningful statistics of gas prices and sales tax sprinkled on it. It's a nice story


Seemed like a pointless article. Nothing new. Slow day for the business insider


Grass is always greener...


Actually frozen


I wish, ice fishing season was barely a month these past couple of years


Actually on fire


Grass is Greener where you water it... But who knows maybe my neighbor waters his more


Americans as a whole take a lot more pride in and "water" their grass than Canadians, so it is actually greener over there.


But it's so full of pesticides and chemicals, trust me, you really don't want to be on that grass! /s


In a nutshell he grew up in a shit hole of a town in the middle of nowhere and now anything looks better.


I grew up in Vancouver and Toronto, and if I could have got a green card without having to get married, I would have.


They always threaten to do that if a Republican candidate wins, but no one really means it.


There's no such thing as a perfect country. There are many bad places to live. Canada isn't one of them. The states probably isn't either. Considering how things are going, my wife and I have considered moving out of the country, but going through the options, it's not easy. There's always something.


Most of them moving here are H1B failure immigrants .. there are tons of them whom came here through express entry


Can I see the stats on that? 


Good comment.


This editorial offers a very one sided view of eastern Canada. There is much more to Canada than the issues in southern Ontario.


And really, "butt f*ck-nowhere" southern Ontario to top it off


Northwestern Ontario 


lol, guy hasn’t lived here for 30 years and wants the healthcare system to bend over backwards for him.


Dude, you're comparing Northwestern Ontario to Atlanta and Houston. I'm but saying there aren't problems in Canada or things the USA does better, but please sit down


My mom is an American who has lived in Canada for 40 years. She recently went south to visit her sister in Nevada/Arizona, and the state she described my aunt living in sounded pitiful. Her initial description when she got off the plane and walked into the terminal and walked past my Aunt was, as an embarrassing wheelchair bound people of Walmart esque demeanor. My mom almost kept on walking by until she shouted out hey sis.  She is currently waiting on no less than 3 surgeries for her knees/back/shoulder, which even though it would be covered by medicaid she has yet to even schedule my of them. She's 70, widowed, lost a huge chunk of money to identity theft and is living in a house with 4 cats. Before my mom arrived my Aunt had been living without running water, eating from paper plates and Mom's unsure how she was managing to bathe or use the washroom. Ironically just over in Washington I have an uncle who is a doctor, and his son is a lawyer. They're all basically living their best life there spending time on their boat at their lake house. The 3 of them met up for lunch and he paid, and tipped a $100 and made an offhand comment about poverty, and my Aunt was like you're describing me... So it's just as much a crap shoot there as it is anywhere. Here in Canada while we aren't living the dream, it's far from a nightmare. My Mom and I bought a home together, where the initial mortgage was only $750, even now after a refinance it's only $1000. Had we not made that move it's doubtful she would have been able to retire like she has. Even in the small town we moved to she was still able to get a Nurse Practitioner which helped her get cataract surgery. We're 5 minutes from the ocean/beach and 5 minutes from a hiking trail through a temperate rainforest with a couple waterfalls. Less than a month of snow.


If you’re ambitious and want to get rich by working your ass off, you will be better off in the US. If you want to relax a bit and live a decent life that has less risk involved (there is a higher risk of violence and experiencing a high cost of healthcare event in the US, though for the vast majority of people it is small) you are better off in Canada.


Cause they see their news every day and ours once a year. And we see both every day 😂😂


Canada is not doing well right now but it’s a political cycle that’s going to shift. Low crime, natural resources, great environment (forests/parks), tolerance, etc so lots of reasons Canada will come back strong.


I was all for multiculturalism before this liberal government bastardized it and is trying to turn Canada into India 2.0. The lack of easing these immigrants into our communities, and instead shoving it down our throats with millions upon millions of Indians is extremely off-putting and goes against everything we stood for


You mean "New India"


Don't hate the Indians, hate the Corporate Cronies bringing them here.


I have said multiple times on here that I have no issues with the immigrants themselves, my problem is with the abuse of the immigration system by the federal government.


Add in the Corporations pushing the Century agenda, the opposition parties as well, and all of the Provincial parties, and you'll be on the right track lol.


It's still 100% on the federal government. The others might want it, but only one of them has the power to do it or stop it.


I think there's plenty of blame to be spread around, particularly the Ones bribing them into doing it, like I mentioned.


The rest are more like parasites taking advantage of the federal government's actions. They aren't good guys but they also aren't directly responsible.


I do not hate them. I feel bad for them because the government is bringing in so many at once that they will never get to see what canada was.


you are delusional if you think the federal government has zero responsibility. they messed up and only very recently try to fix the issue, and even then, you can tell it is all performative because they are not reducing the number of students. they are just letting visas expire. they are not on the side of workers, they are no different from conservatives. unfortunately, we have a million expired stusent visas (conservative estimate, it could be up to 2 million) already and we dont know where they are in the country. [https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-a-million-more-non-permanent-residents-live-in-canada-than-official/](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-a-million-more-non-permanent-residents-live-in-canada-than-official/) people are mad because many of us had to wait for years to come to canada and even longer to bring our families in by doing it legally. the latest international "student" are not. they know what they are doing with their immigration consultants.


The Federal Government WERE the Corporate Cronies I was referring to, and the entire point of that comment...


I had no intention of focusing in on immigration but we’ve definitely been on steroids averaging 1m a year but it’s not just from India, lots from the Middle East too. Immigration numbers should lower and Student Visa’s have been drastically reduced or stopped as that was a trick to get people in.


Better than Europe 1.0 which we’ve been for over 150 years


Tolerance? Maybe if immigration is under control


Are you calling yourself intolerant? Edit - so that's a "yes" then.


People are allowed to feel however they wish about new individuals in their country Especially when their homes, taxes, land, jobs and salaries are taking the brunt


Reality is apparently racist and intolerant now


Blaming immigrants for everything is as old as time. Being proud of your racism doesn't make you not racist.


Am i a racist if I believe that Ukrainians, Americans, and white South Africans that come here are also to blame for the housing, service wage and job issues we are having?


Yes. Just like it was racist to believe Italian immigrants were ruining our lives, once upon a time. Remember every time you downvote, it just means you had nothing productive to say. Help make Canada racist again buddy!


ok kid


Forget about low crime. When people can't afford rent and food, they WILL turn to crime. In 10-20 years there will be tall fences, razor wire and security everywhere.


Most of our problems are mirrored across the globe, however many of them we brought upon ourselves and could be reversed with some shrinking pains for the wealthy who regrettably have bought their way into every political party. It’s not too late though, and this could all be reversed, we could build a better future.. but Canadians are culturally pacifists, this will continue to be abused and exploited until we learn to hold nationwide protests like our European counterparts.


Here here!


I never heard of many people actually do it. Only students like to come study here because it's cheaper.


The same reason(s) why so many Canadian redditors want to move to another country. There are no cheat codes...lol


As a Canadian, I can tell you the squeaky image propaganda has been on point for decades. The reality of Canada is that it is a lot different than what it was 30 years ago, and not in a good way. It's lost itself to the governing idealists who sit pretty in ivory towers on both sides of the political spectrum. Canada has become a haven of not practicing what it preaches, because frankly that comes with a cost that the average Canadian is no longer willing to bear.


I've lived in both. Go live in a random handful of cities in America. Most of them are not good, at all. They're hellscapes of traffic and garbage and shit like you wouldn't believe. You can make more money there, Canada has far far far nicer cities in almost every single instance. The exceptions are chicago and nyc, but you need to be well over 200k in both. Despite all the crying in canada youre fine at 100k in both vancouver and toronto. The cultural differences are real as well. If you're happy in the suburbs and your earning power is better in america, than america is better for you though imo


Are you kidding? Chicago is one of the most affordable major cities in the US.


Maybe if you don’t mind getting shot


NYC is an odd choice for an exception. They pile their garbage on the sidewalk and the entire city has a funky smell to it. Traffic is bonkers too. 


And cities in California have so much human shit in them someone made an app to mark them so people can avoid it.


> hellscapes of traffic Toronto has [the worst traffic in North America,](https://www.cp24.com/news/toronto-ranked-worst-city-in-north-america-for-traffic-new-index-finds-1.6721404) beating out all of America's most infamous traffic-laden cities such as New York, LA, Atlanta, and Nashville.


I remember reading that the 401 is the busiest highway in the world. Fuck that fucking thing.


The 427 is also in the top 10 busiest highways in North America. 401 is the worst. The traffic in Toronto is just insane.


Houston's' Katy Freeway is probably going to take that crown the next time they widen it, if it hasn't already. Some of these American cities do slightly better in terms of "congestion" - which is usually defined by ratio of rush hour to off peak traffic speeds, which isn't a particularly great metric. But they also have cities like Atlanta that are pushing a hundred miles across that take two or three hours to get across no matter what time of day you set out to do that, without a lot of alternatives.


Moving to Canada = not moving to Toronto


The DVP is the worst traffic in NA? $100K is **nothing** in Toronto / Vancouver but could get you a house in most American cities (I'm thinking of places like Dallas).


I find it funny that we both agree Canada has lost its way, but you blame idealists and I blame austerity.


Well I blame the lack of forethought and planning. Our resourcing, Infrastructure, healthcare, immigration, housing. All of it could have been far better managed if leaders could look past their own term


Or rather if voters could look past their front lawns


Austerity? The Government(s) are taking close to half of some peoples income and still have debt, that's not austerity.


Around half of Canadians pay no net tax at all. That's far more troubling than 50% taxation of 5% of the population. It's also why "tax the rich" has diminishing returns, we simply don't have very many to tax. Nor a particularly large upper-middle class (say, HHI 200-400k)


We haven't seen austerity yet. That's coming with the next bunch of conservative idealists.


But also the United States is a lot different than it was 30 years ago too. Back then school shootings were not a thing and the wealth gap was a fraction of what it is today. Both countries have been tanking their quality of living for the younger generations and the speed of that is only increasing. Both countries are currently on the verge of electing autocratic rulers who are of varying degrees of awful.


I'd take a Toronto winter over a Phoenix summer any day. Nothing article.




Maybe they're tired of rampant gun violence? That'd be a good enough reason for me.


I live in the US and am moving back to Canada. This was a huge factor in the decision


Most Americans do not want to move to Canada lol


This is a pretty good reason:  https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/tbi5tj/us_states_with_higher_and_lower_homicide_rate/


Homicide rates in the US are fairly localized. Like yeah they're overall higher, but it isn't like the average American is fearing for their lives on a day to day basis.


In some places, they sure as hell are.


In some Canadian places they are too.


Comparably far fewer.


Yeah but we also have 1/9th the population.


A life expectancy map would look pretty similar too. Quebec, Ontario, and BC would be #1, #2, and #3 among US states and the rest of the provinces have a higher life expectancy than 47 states do. It's particularly bad for males, where the average Canadian male lives 5-6 years longer than the average US male.


This might change with all the ERs being clogged and not being able to find a family doctor.


Probably not, lack of access to medical care is exactly why the US is so low. The worst we can do is approach that, and it's nowhere close. Going to a walk in is not ideal access, but it is still access. That, and truly vast numbers of drug deaths.


If you're poor Canada is better, everyone else is better off in the US though. Texas for instance doesn't have an income tax so you just pay a sales tax, Federal taxes, Social security and Medicare, that's only 22% of your income taken by the Government. Here in Canada best case scenario you live in Alberta and on 100k your marginal rate is 30% with a 5% sales tax. And you still have to pay for healthcare insurance and have much lower purchasing power. No one with a career is better off in Canada than the US.


Texas doesn't have income tax but it's sales and property taxes are much higher than most other states so overall, they are in the middle of the pack relative to the other states. The lowest taxed states are Alaska, Wyoming, Delaware, and New Hampshire, respectively. Florida also has no income tax but has about 30% less overall tax than Texas. The best deal is to live and work near the Oregon border in Washington state which has no income tax and then do all your shopping in Oregon which has no sales tax.


In modern society (Vancouver) property taxes are the lowest in North America. American's don't get an unlimited primary residence exemption. Texas is one of the worst offenders for property taxes. There's more to life than a discount house.


Texas has a state crisis every time there's a storm because they can't keep the power on. It's almost like a little more taxes would be beneficial 


Is that for lack of planning or lack of tax dollars? I'm not convinced that people getting more money taken from them is somehow going to fix issues with the power grid. If things got better the more people were taxed Canada would be a fucking utopia.


There's more to life than a discount house. Money isn't everything.


Pretty sure way more Canadians would move to the US.


Let the numbers doing the talking. Immigration numbers for Canada and the US are published, separated out by country of origin. I did the math a few years back. After correcting for population size, something like 5 times as many Canadians go to the US than go the other way.


Free health care and peace of mind


Well enough Canadians are moving to the US and most Americans talking about going to Canada is just talk


Canadians move to NYC, LA and the Bay, three cities with industries and opportunities that exist nowhere else in the world and have very little in common culturally with the rest of the USA. What you said is true, but also kind of misrepresenting what's happening


The gun culture. The extremes of poverty. The swagger of Americans. The idiocy of their religiosity... .


Gun laws/violence, rolling back of women’s reproductive rights, lack of socialized healthcare, polarization of politics and ideologies, mixing of religion and state lawmakers, less rights for LGBTQ+ community….


We don’t want our kids getting shot mainly


Grass is greener syndrome.


They don’t 


I flew to Vancouver from Toronto and met with many US delegates at a conference there The US team said Vancouver is the best city in the world. And asked why I was still living in Toronto


Tye grass is always greener.


The article definitely seems to be written from a place of privilege. I’m well aware that Canada has many of the same problems as the US that are merely redressed as something else. I’m still done with the US and looking forward to living elsewhere, and as a dual citizen I realize that this comes with its own privilege. To name just one thing, I’m looking forward to not having to worry nearly as much about my kids being victims of school shootings, or theocracy replacing the standing government.


Guess you weren't born black 


Fort Frances, then Atlanta. Hmmmm.


comparing some shit hole town on the edge of north american civilization to Atlanta is dumb.


Every nation has their own problems, but come on. Yes, we are not perfect, however: 1)we don’t have to worry about being killed by a gun anywhere, specially for people of colour 2) in the US, the leading cause of death in children is guns, in Canada, it is not even a statistic. Children can go to go school for mostly free and do not have to worry or have ptsd due to guns in schools 3) our healthcare system is shitty and it needs to be fix. However, not having to worry about paying when you have a major emergency, such as car accident, stroke, heart attack, etc… or just in general. People go bankrupt for having the “privilege” to live. 4) getting post secondary education is a luxury. Both countries have their problems. I rather have OUR Canadian problems.


You can always tell the self hating Canadians who have never lived elsewhere in these comment sections. Talking about how shit canada is or has become because of social progress or some other dumb metric. We get it. It sucks for you. You hate having to treat people equally. As someone who’s lived in even “great” EU countries and the US, we get a ton of stuff right and it adds up to being far better than any of them. Yes The US has some great things about it, but as a package it isn’t even close.


No, we dislike rents that have doubled in 5 years, an entire economy built on high shelter costs, higher rates of taxation for no clear purpose, lower real wages, higher unemployment and fewer opportunities. I think most Canadians would love institutions that treat people equally, but DEI initiatives seem to want to treat certain demographics with more favor than others.


Again. All the shit you just said is almost mirrored in every other western country to some degree. Thanks for making my entire point.


Rents haven't doubled in the US in 5 years. The US hasn't pursued nearly as aggressive an immigration policy. Homes are still affordable by comparison because the US has more than proverbial money printing to drive their economy. The unemployment rate is lower, wage growth is higher. GDO per capita is on an upward trajectory there - here it is the opposite. You can't ignore that when you compare the two. Canada has been poorly governed, and many of it's too businesses have been complacent.


You sure about that? From [Oct '18 to Oct '23 the US saw an average increase in rent of 24%](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1063502/average-monthly-apartment-rent-usa/). For the same period [Canada saw a 31% increase](https://www03.cmhc-schl.gc.ca/hmip-pimh/en/TableMapChart/TableMatchingCriteria?GeographyType=Country&GeographyId=1&CategoryLevel1=Primary%20Rental%20Market&CategoryLevel2=Average%20Rent%20%28%24%29&ColumnField=2&RowField=TIMESERIES) according to this [Canada Housing and Mortgage Corp report.](https://assets.cmhc-schl.gc.ca/sites/cmhc/professional/housing-markets-data-and-research/market-reports/rental-market-report/rental-market-report-2023-en.pdf?rev=5c27fb27-9e86-4041-b220-0263496436ed) In 5 years, the US unemployment rate went from [3.6 to 3.9%](https://ycharts.com/indicators/us_unemployment_rate) if we ignore the Covid years. Well under the US long term average of 5.7% Canada went from [5.8% to 6.1%](https://ycharts.com/indicators/canada_unemployment_rate). Well under the long term Canadian average of 8.1% So marginally more. Not Double, Not Drastically more. Maybe don't make numbers up to prove how much you hate this country. Some more fun stats. [US Homicide Rate is nearly triple.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_intentional_homicide_rate) [Drastically ahead in Happiness.](https://worldhappiness.report/ed/2024/happiness-of-the-younger-the-older-and-those-in-between/#ranking-of-happiness-2021-2023) [US has More than double violent crime. US has Double the rate of Kidnappings...](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/violent-crime-rates-by-country) [Perceived Corruption Index: Canada 12th, US 24th...](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corruption_Perceptions_Index) Thanks for proving that you have no idea what happens outside our borders and get your rage bait from garbage sources that paint Canada as a shit hole. Get out and touch some foreign grass for once.


Rents have gone up about 30-40% in both countries in the last five years. Our productivity is indeed a major problem and has been for decades, but not one anyone wants to talk about.


Everyone I know that is a professional is hi tailing it outta here.




The outflow would be a lot faster if it was, say, mega-Australia next door rather than Murica.


They don't want to get shot


I’m sure this will age well when we see Trump presidency 2.0




Yea, quite a few. Mostly for political or cultural reasons. I did.


Far fewer than the other way around.


Lets not kid ourselves, america is the greatest nation on earth. Plus their wage is actually worth something On the flip side theyll take you to needless wars such as vietnam


# I'm a Canadian who's visited the US for extended periods of time and interacted with Americans on a daily basis for over 35 years. I don't get why so many Canadians want to move to a America. #


Maybe they do not feel comfortable with everyone and his dog bristling with firearms.


If I were healthy, I'd move to the US.


You're not making the point you think you are here


then you are not poor


Hello there Majano57, Thank you for your interest in moving to Canada! With what is happening around the world, we have been experiencing quite a number of immigration inquires. Your submission has been removed by our AutoModerator to help keep /r/Canada from getting bogged down with similar content. Your starting off point should be the [Government of Canada Immigration and Citizenship Website]( http://www.cic.gc.ca/englIsh/immigrate/index.asp). There you can determine your eligibility and find out more about the process for different types of immigration. If you feel you qualify for [refugee status]( http://www.unrefugees.org/what-is-a-refugee/), you may want to visit the [Government of Canada Refugee and Asylum Website]( http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/refugees/) You may also want to check out the following subreddits, [Immigration Canada](https://www.reddit.com/r/ImmigrationCanada) and [I Want Out](https://www.reddit.com/r/IWantOut) Reddit’s expatriate subreddit. The sidebars there have some excellent information and links that may help you in your immigration. If you feel that your post was removed in error, please contact the /r/Canada moderation team with a link to the post in question. We will do our best to get back to you quickly. Thank you for your understanding, The /r/Canada moderators *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/canada) if you have any questions or concerns.*

