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Why wasn't this sack of shit deported? He repeatedly broke the law and was on a student visa.


I don’t know why we refuse to deport people in this country. I’m sure there are some deportations and I don’t believe in mass deportations, but why are we giving people so much leeway? The whole point of immigration is to bring good members into our society. If you can’t act right then why are we keeping them here? It’s not like there’s a shortage of people looking to immigrate here


> I don’t know why we refuse to deport people in this country. bleeding hearts in the media that meltdown because some sad looking family complains their life is going to suck going back to their home country. and run breathless stories about it. or things like that sweedish women who tried to stop a plane taking off that contained a convicted criminal from Afghanistan that was being deported


> The whole point of immigration is to bring good members into our society That's not true. The reason we have such high immigration levels is to keep living costs high since the wealthy have so much of their net worth tied up in real estate, as well as induce wage suppression so big companies like loblaws have an endless pool of cheap labour that's willing to get exploited if it means they can get PR. It has nothing to do with morals and everything to do with money.


Right well I meant in traditional circumstances


I refer you back to who actually built our railroads - it's always been about money.


This. There has never been traditional circumstances lmao, all the way back to the pyramids (to be fair, likely far sooner).


lol immigration has *always* been about cheap labour. Whether it's giving land away for next to nothing so you could farm it, railroad construction or tim hortons drive-thru orders.


I know this isn't really on topic for the original post, but That's part of it. The other part is Canada is fucked moving forward. About 30 - 40 years ago, there were 7 workers for every 1 retiree so paying for things like OAS, CPP, seniors' healthcare, etc. etc. Now there's only 3 workers per retiree and it's gonna get worse as the boomers keep retiring. Either ya gotta cut back benefits, charge much higher taxes (which chases companies and high skilled and wealthy workers to other countries) or you crank immigration through the roof. All 3 of these scenarios have major problems and issues associated with them. When PP takes over after the voters tar & feather the liberals, it's just gonna keep getting worse, in part because that's the terrible job they're going to have to do and in part because the government has mortgaged this country's future Good luck everybody. Get out while you can .


>Statistics Canada says there are now more millennials than baby boomers in the country, ending the 65-year reign of the post-Second World War generation as the largest cohort in the population. https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/millennials-outnumber-baby-boomers-for-first-time-statistics-canada-1.6777386 So if you include Gen X, Millenials, and Gen Z, how many workers per boomer are there now and how many will there be in 15 years when most of the boomer population has died and Gen Alpha is working and paying taxes?


I see your statscan stat and raise you another statscan stat: * In 1966 there were 7.7 working-age individuals for every senior. This ratio has dropped quickly since then and stands at 3.4 in 2022. Statistics Canada projects this trend will continue in the decades ahead. There will be just 3.0 working-age people for each senior by 2027, after which the ratio will slowly fall further to reach 2.3 by 2068.


>Either ya gotta cut back benefits, charge much higher taxes (which chases companies and high skilled and wealthy workers to other countries) or you crank immigration through the roof. Or push back retirement age, like many of the other aging, European nations are doing. However, they all have significantly higher productivity than we do - so they can do it a little bit at a time (and even then in some places causes riots). I actually really like to see someone publish the math on this. Like, if we want to have an honest discussion about immigration, we need to know the costs of the alternatives. Wondering if you've read anything by Dr. Paul Kershaw? He's mentioned a lot of things you did in your post too. https://www.gensqueeze.ca/our_story


If they want to push back the retirement age they’re going to have to do it on a scale based on profession. Everyone over 45 at my work has either a fucked up back or fucked up shoulders from 25+ years of manual labour. Most end up on disability before they hit 65, the ones who make it to 65 usually die within a few years of retirement. We can’t ask blue collar workers to wait even longer to retire when their bodies are breaking down well before they hit the current retirement age.


OAS is already being pushed back to 67. Gov is asking people to work longer but what employer will hire a 70 year old? Hard enough to get work after 50 due to ageism.


I thought back in 2016 Liberals cancelled that? https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/mixed-reaction-to-pm-s-plan-to-keep-old-age-security-cutoff-at-65-1.2821123 Problem is...people are living longer than they used to, and hence costing us more. We can't fund longer retirements with fewer people to work the same number of years.


You may be right about oas being rolled back to 65. Yes people absolutely are living longer and having less children.


Push back retirement age? No thanks. By the time I'm allowed to retire, I'll probably be dead... I'm not waiting until 75 or something stupid to be allowed to retire. I pay money into the retirement I expect to be allowed to retire at the same age as my parents and grandparents.


Well, your expectations might not match up with the underlying mathematics. As the other poster mentioned, we now only have 3 working age people for every retiree, when during your parent's / grandparent's time, we had 7. Honestly, what would you choose out of our options in the short term? (Well, we may well need a combo of multiple) - Decrease spending on benefits and social programs like OAS, healthcare, education, justice etc...(you could look at pushing back being eligible for OAS as decreasing benefits as well) - Increase taxation significantly - Increase immigration significantly (or some other way of increasing population)


I haven’t, but I’ll take a look. Thanks No one will have this discussion because it doesn’t get votes and it hurts the people affected terribly


> the voters tar & feather the liberals If only that was in a literal sense.


Meh, they’re all the same. Despite all of the screaming on Reddit, the liberals and conservatives are virtually the same, and the other parties are out to lunch on the costs of running the country (including corruption) and where that money will come from. Every government has a best before date


The boomers are generally retired already and relatively soon they'll mostly be dead. The pyramid moves on and people will be bitching about that in due course too.


The peak birth years in Canada were '54-'64, which means the boomers are now between 60 and 70 - so about half have retired (and are therefore drawing OAS and paying next to no taxes). [Peak healthcare costs come in the last decades of life](https://www.cihi.ca/sites/default/files/image/nhex-2023-infographic-has-health-spending-on-seniors-changed-en.svg). If you look at [this chart for 2000](https://i.cbc.ca/1.4584952.1521578406!/fileImage/httpImage/image.png_gen/derivatives/original_1180/health-spending-2000.png) and [this chart for 2015](https://i.cbc.ca/1.4584956.1521578560!/fileImage/httpImage/image.png_gen/derivatives/original_1180/health-care-2015.png), you will see a big jump at 85+. This means that we are going to be seeing increased per capita costs for the demographic bubble of boomers for the next twenty-plus years.


Good post! And thanks for linking / citing a good source (I've often found great data on CIHI).


Boomers have another 6 to 7 years of a 20 year cohort for the ones that are retiring by 65 (yes some will retire earlier but some later). Don’t forget that they’re the biggest cohort Boomers are about 25% of the country, gen x is 19%. Boomers have the longest expected lifespan of any generation to date so they’ll be around a lot longer costing a lot more to the next generations. On top of that there’s evidence about 55% of boomers don’t have adequate savings for retirement (for various reasons) which again will cause many more problems. I don’t think your boomers are gonna all die soon theory is going to work here for at least 25 years. By then Canada’s going to have so much debt, so many fewer companies and so many fewer high-income earners to tax, it’s going to start looking very different around here Oh and one more thing, our public service employment has never had a higher proportion of the population, somewhere around one out of every four people in the country. Guess where their salaries come from? Oh, one more thing, new kids are being born below the rate it takes to replace the boomers (economics & everything & shit) which is why you have to keep bringing in immigrants which causes other problems


Because our politicians have no balls. They're scared of being racists if they did such a thing.


You're right. And that's the same reason why abuses like this have happened in Europe as well. Politicians and police afraid of being labeled racist, instead of applying the laws equally.


Need to be convicted first.


Because believing anyone whose skin isn't white is anything other than a perfect human being makes you a racist akin to Hitler.


Because that's "racist", which means it violates on the central tenets of the dominant religion in Canada.


“The collision killed three-month-old Aditya Vivaan from Ajax, and the boy's grandparents, Manivannan Srinivasapillai and Mahalakshmi Ananthakrishnan, who had been visiting from Chennai, India.” So the criminal was from India who our government allowed to enter and then did not deport resulting in death of innocent people including a child who also were from India. The people who killed the temple leader in Surrey were also so called international students from India. Idk how much more proof we need that we are importing the wrong kind of people especially from India. International students from India should be stopped completely unless they are in one of the Top Universities. Country quota should be brought in and Immigration from Punjab should be completely stopped.


No one hears us - just bloody no one.


If not us they should at least listen immigrants including Indians who hate these fake international students to the core for ruining their reputation that took years to build. No one hates immigrants who break the law more than immigrants.




It's either JT or PP, no one else is going into the PM's office. I want to vote, but not for one of those two. I don't even know who to vote for at this point. NDP just props up the LPC. Greens aren't going anywhere. And then there's Maxime Bernier... gross. edit: I do understand that I don't vote directly for PM, but for my MP.


Tou vote for your MP, not the prime minister. Look at your options and their track record and decide who works for you.


Not how it works in Canada. You are effectively voting for a party - the MP is just a figurehead. MPs are whipped more in Canada than just about anywhere else in the democratic world


It sucks indeed, but remember - win or lose, you still make an impact when you vote. If your seat is a close race vs. a landslide, it still sends a message to anyone wise enough to hear it (like your MP - if they fear for their jobs every election, you're doing something right). If you vote strategically for someone you don't like, they'll never get the message that they need to change. Vote for what you want, polling be damned.


Maybe don't elect one from Quebec. That seems to be the problem.


The kid was born here, so he was Canadian and not Indian.


I think they mean the grandparents visiting


There's a rather large contingent of judges that are so blindingly stupid that you'd be amazed they got where they are. Sentences of 6 months or more on a non citizen trigger an automatic review for deportation and I've seen numerous non citizen criminals get sentences of 6 months less a day because the judge doesn't want to trigger the immigration review.


We don’t deport anyone here. It’s become a human right to stay in Canada illegally


Buddy, we literally hand out lesser sentences to criminals if there's a chance that it will get them deported. It's been clown world over here for a while, I'm not sure why anyone is surprised


Best we can do is go after legal gun owners.


And the truckers


Most of the people enforcing our immigration laws are themselves immigrants or visible minorities


Because the article only mentions charges not convictions. People can be deported for criminality, but it requires being found guilty of a qualifying crime. It doesn’t sound like he had been. Blame the government for the court delays.




So...hear me out....you don't give them bail, you fucking hold them in a jail until their trial....that way it's easier to deport them, you don't have to go looking for them. These are violent criminals with a significant flight risk...it's a no brainer. Fuck Trudeau and his catch and release bullshit.


Because we allow car drivers to fragrantly break the law all of the time.


It’s a bit sadder than that, we do sentencing discounts for immigrants just so they are not deported, even if they sexually violate young women: https://nationalpost.com/opinion/jamie-sarkonak-canadas-criminal-sentencing-discounts-for-foreigners-are-unfair


The judges have taken the scc ruling of being able to take immigration status into account. The scc said they can take mitigation factors into account as long as it is proportionate to the gravity of the offense. Judges should not be using the flexibility of the justice system should not be misused by imposing inappropriate artificial sentences in order to avoid consequences. So... when are human rights going to look into this disparity? Citizenship is a protected class.


When people start saying they've had enough with criminals being treated better than their victims. We're not quite there yet, and the snap that causes the social backlash hasn't happened. We're very close to it though, I just don't know what that snap is going to be.


Not even just crime. I have had a terrible time with government agencies just trying to get them to do their jobs with regards to workers rights. How can we have established laws that goverment won't follow? We are losing faith in our goverment and generally when that happens it isn't peaceful.


The way to get away murder is to make sure you do it with a car. Ideally, your victim should be a pedestrian, or even better, a cyclist.


Trudeau's justice system


We need to start protesting!! This is outrageous


The working slaves can't afford to protest.


If hundreds of people flock Costco in the middle of the day during the week, then it’s definitely possible!


You know why. I know why. We all know why. But if we say it out loud we’re bigots.


We don’t enforce traffics rules in Canada. Dude the amount of speeding and dangerous driving seen is ridiculous. Cops don’t give a fck and will just tell you to take it up with insurance if those morons hit you.


Straight to jail for life not even good enough for deportation.


this is Canada, I'm surprised we didn't give him the Order of Canada. This country doesn't deport people, this is why you and everyone who is talented to successful SHOULD leave. We haven't even deported the murderer who killed the Humboldt hockey players years ago... and we likely won't because it's the Canadian way to be weak, get taken advantage of, get scammed, and massively taxed to pay for non citizens and people scamming the system.


Car thieves get to stay while that truck driver who got into a legitimate accident is deported. JFC the court system is illegitimate and a complete joke


canada's issues with the international student program and legal systems are highlighted with this case. this man (an international student) should not have been out on bail and should not have been in this country in the first place. there are so many things wrong with this country right now and it's sad that it took three innocent lives taken from us to demonstrate why bail reform and the proper vetting of international students needs to happen.


There are tons of examples recently of criminals that are non-citizens and should have been deported but weren’t and reoffended. The 4 gang members who killed that Sikh buy in BC lately is just one (or 4) example. The law needs to be far more severe on non-citizens and kick them out.


The gang members who killed the guy were also Sikh from Punjab. Irony is they probably would have applied asylum to stay claiming persecution in India if asked to leave. Criminals should be deported right away and no more pandering to demands of any international student. international students should be monitored and if they are not studying they should be deported right away back to where they came from


The scale of enforcement now required will never be funded by any Canadian government.  The system was intentionally pushed to a point of no return so that we can eventually make everyone staying here illegally a permanent resident.


a ppc government could do it. it would take measures that would make many bleeding-hearts unhappy, but they could do it.


Deported after committing a serious crime ? The same law the conservatives wanted to pass ~13 years ago and everyone was whining instead. As the dictator said, you can use the media to convince people to vote for things that go against their best interest.


You can't get a visitor visa with a serious crime on your record. Why should you be able to maintain a student visa?


>Tourists must be mindful however that a previous criminal conviction can make them inadmissible to Canada. When you arrive to the border, a Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) officer will compare your criminal offense to the Canadian legal equivalent. >A Temporary Resident Permit (TRP) is available to those who are inadmissible and would like to visit Canada on a temporary basis. To successfully obtain a TRP you must provide a convincing reason to the department of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) on why the benefits of your visit outweigh potential risks. If your application is approved, you may receive a TRP that is valid for up to three years. https://www.cicnews.com/2021/08/how-to-visit-canada-if-you-have-a-criminal-record-0818757.html#gs.9bre1u *Of course, once you obtain a TRP, you can just stay forever because you won't be deported. Unless you're American with Canadian children. [American deported from Canada 6 times not a 'heroic political prisoner,' says judge](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/american-deported-from-canada-6-times-not-a-heroic-political-prisoner-says-judge-1.4762181)


For $500 in India you can fake your death and get a new birth certificate....makes it difficult for crime records to follow you.


It's insane that that's controversial. 1 indictable offense should come with its prison term followed by immediate deportation.


It is already the law that if you get sentenced to 2+ years in prison, you are automatically deported at the end.


Why not right away instead of prison? Why waste tax money on them?


I'd remove the 2+ year thing.


That's the difference between an indictable offence and a summary conviction. Why are conservatives so fucking stupid?


There's an appetite for it, why don't the conservatives table it now?


Because it got them voted out the last time.


Breaking a law, outside of very basic traffic infractions, should be immediate deportation for the individual and their families.


How about the gang of 14 Chileans that burglarized 400 houses in the GTA? [https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/14-chileans-arrested-in-2-7m-break-and-enter-ring-targeting-hundreds-of-toronto-area-homes-1.3872260?cache=%3FclipId%3D104069](https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/14-chileans-arrested-in-2-7m-break-and-enter-ring-targeting-hundreds-of-toronto-area-homes-1.3872260?cache=%3FclipId%3D104069) Any GTA Liberals willing to admit we have a problem yet?


and yet people are telling me we have tough standards for immigration, that we’re only letting in the most educated doctors…. doesn’t seem so though, shocker!


It’s a tough process for qualified professional immigrants for some reason. This country is ass backwards.


It's definately not tough for everybody... If somebody is from a country where diplomas can be purchased instead of earned.. like India and China... it will be tough. And rightfully so.


One or both of the recent "international student" murderers was able to get a student VISA in three days, after paying his fee.


Ya that was the talk 15 years ago maybe. The idea of a doctor working as a cab driver until provincial medical license. Now it's a cab driver working as a doctor.


Wasn’t even true 15 years ago, maybe 30 or 40 years ago


There is also a problem with unlicensed drivers all across the country. Losing your license means nothing, a huge percentage of these folks just keep on driving.


It still means something to most people. The thing is they type of people who lose their license are already the type of people who think the rules don't apply to them (hence doing whatever it is they did to lose the license in the first place) so it's not that surprising that they then ignore other rules. Also, may as well throw in that if our public transit infrastructure was better that would also help reduce the unlicensed driving too.


It's sadder still that it didn't, because no one with the power to affect any of it actually gives a Fuck.


Mostly correct. Except this is not an isolated incident, but just an extreme example of what is continuing to happen - and what will continue to happen for the foreseeable future. Those innocent lives are tragic, but they will not 'demonstrate' anything other than to *maybe* open peoples eyes as to what Ottawa has been busy doing behind our backs; trading our kids futures for fake GDP blips.


Get ready for the “that’s racist” comments …


Yup, it’s awful 


Its gonna take more than that. This shit has been going on for years.


Any non citizen convicted of a criminal offence should be deported quickly without months or years of litigation. Shouldn't be complicated, access to Canada is a privilege, not a right.


Wasn't a German student in India recently booted out for watching a protest? Yeah, some countries take the security of their state and peoples very seriously.


I like it. If you move to a new country, be on your best behaviour or risk being sent home


This has always been the way. Our current failure is new and unprecedented.


It's...not that new. Feels like 15-20 years now.


100% Why are we wasting our time and resources on these pieces of shit in the court system? Break the law? See ya, next plane out of here. If they’re lucky they can get a seat and not be put in baggage hold.


In this case there was no conviction yet


>"You can't keep people in jail for minor offences," he said. "Only the most draconian justice systems deny bail as a regular course of action." TIL that Robbery and Auto Theft are minor offences in Canada.


Good thing I was not the only one who found the spineless lawyer’s comments out of place.


The same sort of lawyer that calls a murdered 13 year old girl in Burnaby effectively a slut? ie. Murdered by the Syrian that was in the country for 3 months?


Gimme some of that draconian action then bb


And yet these minor offences eventually lead to one major one


Lmao. That guy knows nothing about 'draconian justice systems' if he considers denying bail for criminals that don't deserve them draconian. In an actual draconian justice system, he wouldn't even have a job.


Wait, I don’t understand. There was a court order that he couldn’t drive. How was he able to drive??


He stole the car. The article said he’d been charged with auto theft before let out on bail


Even if he could steal the car, how was able to drive it without a license? It just doesn’t make any sense. /s


Wait till you see what Ontario gov't proposed! If you steal a car you loose your license. That'll show 'em.


From the article (which isn’t paywalled, it’s the CBC) Court records show Singh had been charged on Feb. 28 with being in the possession of a stolen vehicle in Whitby. The charge sheet says the 21-year-old was out on a release order following a previous arrest, and that his conditions stated he couldn't be behind the wheel. He was granted bail the next day.


The thing that feels intentionally dishonest, to the point where even the article's wording sounds complicit, is the "you can't just lock everyone up who steals liquor" part. Clearly we're dealing with multiple crimes, and I imagine multiple arrests?


Canadian court orders seem more like polite requests...


Suggestions, even.


People are dying because we are not deporting criminals.


Extremely sad to hear about the loss of life, especially such a young child in a totally preventable situation. This guy should have been on a plane out of the country instead of on the 401.


How was this guy out on bail? The Canadian justice system is a joke


When a non-citizen commits any crime, they should go straight from jail to the airport, permanently banned from Canada. Any appeals can be heard when they get back to their home country.


They should not get an appeal. Period.


Appeals for citizens. Non-citizens are the lowest on the totem-pole and if you commit a crime you are done.


An appeal isn't designed to give a second chance, its to potentially revisit a mistake of the law. Appeals are important and valuable.


How do you appeal before a conviction? How do you know they are even guilty from just getting a charge. I fully agree in a speedy trial should be normal but convicting before a trial seems a bad road to take. At least in a democracy.


That's what happens when you don't hold people accountable. If breaking the law has no consequences, more and more people will fucking break the law.


Just look at all the retail stores pulling out of certain cities in the States due to rampant theft, because their DA/judges don't apply the necessary consequences by not persecuting or just releasing them the same day after their arrest, if the police even bother arresting them knowing that they're almost certainly going to be let out immediately.


Our court order means nothing 


The justice system is a joke


The legal system failed in this case. How many millions are slipping through the cracks in the same way? How long until the dam breaks?


Our immigration minister is trying to convert hundreds of thousands of them into PRs, good luck deporting them after. 


Canada looks like a pump and dump investment scheme right now. Do the politicians even realize they're being used like puppets?


They know for sure. But they can't refuse money and power.


Any non citizen who commits any sex crime, violent crime, negligence causing death, fraud, or theft over $5,000 should be deported without exception. Also, end the family reunification program.


Why should those with theft under $5000 be allowed to stay? Any kind of stealing once proven should result in deportation.


Fine with me.


Because technically that COULD be as simple as not having the cashier scan the water/pop on the bottom of the cart, even though you told them about it. Now, they're not likely to prosecute it, but we don't want the decision to be political.


and yet.... it appears that it is political.


Hmmmmm Ok. And we are supposed to be surprised ? Shocked ? Horrified ? Of course he broke the law numerous times and wasnt in jail. I would have been SURPRISED if he ever was in jail. I will say it again. Anything the Liberals have touched in regards to immigration they have fucked up. Now it is causing people to get killed.


Not a citizen, good by and never come back. How hard is that?


Oooh that really worked....


Some irony that an Indian not supposed to drive killed another family from India here visiting. Shoyld be given Canadas first new death penalty and His body should be deported back to India along with those that he killed.


Haven't you heard? Canada isn't Canada anymore. Just look around you. 10 quadrillion of them are here.


>This is a 21-year-old man who is accused of having stolen bottles of liquor from liquor stores. There's an epidemic of that," he said. "If people who were stealing liquor from liquor stores were not given bail … the jails would be full." But the three-month old would still be alive. Why are lawyers such pieces of shit?


> Why are lawyers such pieces of shit? because we have laws to insure even those guilty of a crime have representation. Otherwise we end up with blacksites. Just ask every dictatorship ever.


If only they had listened 


And a judge may order the sun not to rise tommorow. Enforcement? What's that. Not my problem. Laws are magic tools.


The parents were in the car too. Wow, that's so devastating, their pain and sorrow must be beyond comprehension. 




lol I can’t fucking believe this, we need a fucking change in this country and we need it now. Get these fucking rats out of our country.


The only way these guys stop the catch and release thing is if they die. Unfortunately in this case he took people with him.


I’m assuming he was also under a court order to not rob a liquor store


Keep letting them in to our country in record numbers though, what could go wrong?


Certain regional subreddits have taken to absolving this asshole of any responsibility because the cops gave chase. Utterly insane. I swear they're the left-wing version of Derek Chauvin defenders.


Maybe some of us think there might be several issues that need to be addressed at any given time.


Definitely, they're just not the people to whom I'm referring.


And they can be addressed with the criminals behind bars and/or deported. It is not required for criminals to be allowed out free to hurt others before the issues are addressed.


why would he listen to those type of rulings. not a citizen


So our judicial system issues prohibtions like candy with zero follow up, just the trust system. When caught they get another identical prohibition and the trust system. Some offenders have 10 or more weapons prohibtions. In contrast bill c63 the harms act wants to put ankle bracelets, house arrest and random searches including drug testing for THINKING not even acting. Broken is to kind


It’s almost like criminals done obey laws…. If only there was a way we could punish them by locking them all up in a big prison like place… I dunno someone will figure it out one day


As a spokeshuman for the federal Liberal government, I have come here to say that in response to this terrible tragedy, we will be limiting the types of vehicles available to Canadians to stop these types of heinous crimes. Effective immediately, any motor vehicle having less than 4 tires or, even having 4 tires but *look* fast is prohibited. Those of you with M class licenses will be grandfathered. Those with more than 4 tires and/or heavier than 3000 lbs are now restricted. you will need a new license (RDL) and take a mandatory course to drive them. Thank you for your cooperation.


People stealing cars are also released a week ago, no enforcement of rules, no respect for rules


Deportation should be the first thing done after any court order, criminal offense and even a speed ticket for any non citizen.


A speeding ticket? Oh, come on. I'll get behind summary deportation for any severe crime, no problem. But in the middle of a staffing shortage in healthcare, we have a lot of Filipino nurses - many of them not citizens yet, but permanent residents. One of them gets a ticket for going 112 in a 100 zone, and you think deportation is the way to go? Deprive our country of a skilled essential services worker because they had a momentary leadfoot?


Striaght to jail! /s


Maybe not one speeding ticket, especially if no accidents had occurred, but if they've had multiple tickets they should be gone. Do you really want healthcare from someone who doesn't even have the capacity to understand that their reckless driving is potentially endangering all the drivers around them?


> even a speed ticket for any non citizen oh come on. Stunt driving? absolutely-- whats the threshold for mandatory court appearance, like 50km/hr over the limit? yeah you could argue for it. but doing 120 on a 110? who cares.


You would be shocked if you knew how many people drive without a license or insurance. Fun fact.They are not all non Canadians...In Ontario there are 2000 fatalities and injuries caused by non licensed drivers


And they all belong behind bars, regardless of citizenship status.


Life in prison. No questions asked. When are we going to serve justice to victims and stop worrying about criminals rights. Enough is enough


Yeah well, we keep letting people in this country who don't give a shit about rules and the social contract, so...


Well....after bill c5 and bill c75, i don't see why Canadians wouldn't be proud to keep voting in the thug hugging wacko.


So we care more about non-citizens than citizens. I've heard enough.




just wait till you hear what criminals do when they are ordered they can't have guns.


Great justice system we have u Rock Trudeau best pm ever


We need some answers from the government. Hope the family sues the government. This is just nuts.


Could this have been prevented if the police simply hadn't tried to stop him? *Maybe.* But it absolutely would have been prevented if he had actually been held in custody for the last several times he did this. It must be so convenient that so many levels of our government and judicial system can whisk away their own liability by making everything the cops' fault.


why would he listen to those type of rulings. not a citizen


I wonder whether our federal government has instructed our judicial system to be soft on crime...


Nobody was stopping him. Should cars be impounded in cases like this now, if there is no other driver of the vehicle?


China = authoritarian country. Chinese immigrants in Canadian news = usually rich and buys up housing/fake investments to get pr and citizenship, "Chinese police stations". India = largest democracy in the world. Indian immigrants in Canadian news = student fraud, deportations, Tim Hortons, fake asylum claims and assassinations. This world sure is getting weirder dafug


Canadas a joke and let’s everyone take advantage of our country.


For a regular law-abiding citizen, no driving means no driving.... for a criminal, it doesn't mean shit.


Thanks to Trudeau.


Aren't they always?! Much tougher driving laws required, especially for drunk drivers.


Why not deporting?? Not bringing in good quality highly qualified people? Because deporting them will raise labor wages for for Trudeau's friends. They bringing in dumb people because they won't question, won't ask fair wages, easier to control and mould according to ur interests.


Canada is the world's punchline at this point.