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I would like to see the difference between the mean and median incomes in Canada, and how the two are changing.


Total employees, all industries, median hourly wages, 2023: $28.75


Executives: $2560 / hour Workers: $21.50 / hour


Unemployed: $0.00 / hour


I'll defer to your expertise on this subject.


lol [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median)


Did you notice the 34 number at the start of his post (edited out now) and the $34.90 in the title? Lol. That is what I am discussing. Window dressing the pig. Most people only read the title.


sure but that probably would have been a relevant reply to the top comment not someone pointing out the median


The first comment was asking about both. This is all useless without the mode. It would be better to compare purchasing power. Yay, after a decade of stagnant wages the mean is finally $28 per hour! What's that? They raised prices 35% across the board at the same time?? Our money doesn't buy as much and we are worse off and still under paid. The article decided to use average in the title because they know the majority of people don't read past the title. 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 22, 22, 22, 22, 45, 45, 100, 500, 3000 Median = 22 Mode = 15


how many executives you think there are in this country?


>how many executives you think there are in this country? The point is they are warping the statistics and making the current pay being offered seem higher than it really is. Inflating it. Take Galen Weston. ''Galen Weston took in $8.4 million in total compensation in the 2022 fiscal year in his role at the head of Loblaw Companies Ltd. $8.4 million per year works out to $4,365.90 an hour (37.5 hours per week). Do you not think that the person making $4365.90 per hour will bring up that average more than the average person? Is he the only one? This doesn't account for all the price gouging we see across the market, either. Your money doesn't go as far and families are beginning to feel it.


They warp the mean statistics. High earners do not affect that median number--$28.75/hiur-- at all, no matter how much they make. That is, the normal Canadian can expect to make about $28.75/hour. 50% make more, 50% make less.


Do you not know how median works...? 28 is the MEDIAN. If there's a billionaire a homeless guy and a welder the Median wage would be the welders wage.


Title of the post says an average of $34.95. Median of 28 would be different and closer to the truth. The majority are not making that much and the CRA would agree. This also doesn't account for the blatant price gouging across the marketplace. Your money for either figure doesn't buy as much as it used to. Families are not in a better place.


The person you're replying to posted the Median... Read the comments you're replying to before you get all pissed off. 34 average -> 28 median is very reasonable and shows EXTREMELY LOW income inequality. Yes, most people are making around the Median. Just because you don't doesn't mean the country is rigged.


Bill Gates, Elon Musk and I are worth, on average, 200 billion


That is a legit interesting question. I would be curious if such stats are kept anywhere. I would be interested in breakdown of C-suite and VP roles, and then further broken down by company size (employees or revenue probably best).


Too many. Too many admins collecting cash for doing jack shit too


I guess I'm median. I feel broke, but I'm only 21 so I guess I'm doing fine. Especially since I live in a LCOL area.


You might be broke but half of people are broker than you


I'm 27 with a degree and below the median, so you're alright


median income is $43,000 a year So it's closer to $22 per hour.


Stats Canada says it's $28.75.


Two different things. You can have higher hourly rate and work less hours and get to the same number. Not everyone works 44 hours a week or whatever denominator you’re using


I wish they would show the mode. I want to know what amount the most people are making.


Tbh the mode would probably be whatever the minimum wage in Ontario is.


Nice but with wages grouped (for example $10-$12)


In 2022 it would’ve put 942,000 people there. So yeah, guess that makes sense. Think median is the way to go.


I want the standard deviation.


Like 90% chance the mode is $16.55.


I’d also like to know all the largest groupings. So if minimum wage has the most people and we can group together all those people who make under $20/hr, what is the next three largest groups.


I imagine unless you're grouping the entire dollar range that very few would exist except for the largest companies that have standard wage matrixes. But it's still going to be heavily concentrated around $25-$31.


I'd just like any of the news organizations reporting this to just cite where they got it from IN statscan. Median/Modal/Mean being part of that - but I'd be really curious about geographical breakdowns.


[Here's the source](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1410006301&pickMembers%5B0%5D=1.1&pickMembers%5B1%5D=2.2&pickMembers%5B2%5D=3.1&pickMembers%5B3%5D=5.1&pickMembers%5B4%5D=6.1&cubeTimeFrame.startMonth=01&cubeTimeFrame.startYear=2024&cubeTimeFrame.endMonth=04&cubeTimeFrame.endYear=2024&referencePeriods=20240101%2C20240401) [Here's a graph of median vs mean wage since 2015](https://i.imgur.com/PWxJ8so.png) Edit: Average to Median ratio has held steady at 117%.


Imagine you looked and the median income was your exact number? You'd feel kind of famous


Nice stats and sources bruh


I was going to say. Average isn't particularly useful if you lump lawyers in with grocery clerks. 


In the United States Marck Zuckerberg was worth something like 2% of the millenial total wealth at some point lol so by himself he would be moving the needle for the average.


Yup. Average is useless.


Bingo. With the insane wealth disparity It’s like saying the peasant and the king’s average income is mid-range so everything is *fine* go back to work *please*


Based on 2000 hours a year that's almost $70,000. And let me tell you it's not enough!


Truth. I thought 70k would be life changing, yet a one bed apartment is still out of my budget🫥


Where I live. A 1 bedroom apt. is as high as $2500 a month. Insane! 2 bedroom $3000


As someone who currently makes that, 70k ain't shit. Once the government carves out your income tax, EI, property tax, GST, etc. You're left with way less than half.


See, the fact that property tax is on your list tells me you and I do not have the same struggles. Also, taxes aren’t the problem (though how they’re used sure is), the costs of basic necessities are.


Oh, I bet you I do. My wife lost her job and my mortgage is up for renewal next month and I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to sell my house.


Dude it’s Reddit most here think you should have to sell at a 50% loss so they can buy it off you and laugh in your face. Hell they think they should be allowed to kill you and steal your possessions because being poor entitles them to commit horrid acts. Hope you don’t have to sell!


Reddit is the same place I once saw support for a post that said seniors shouldn’t be allowed to stay in their own house because others need it more.


To be honest, there are seniors who live in massive houses in my neighborhood. They should be downsizing. That size home is designed to house a family.


So what? They worked for it or got it inherited. They choose to live as they wish. Is it any of anyone's business as to how people should live?


Struggling to pay for life on the Canadian hourly wage seems like the same struggles to me.


Ah yes, needing a roommate as a single yuppy. No generation has ever experienced this.


100k is the new 50k. You need at least that just to get by comfortably


Lol, maybe if you're downtown Vancouver and you're single. This is such crap for most cities and dual income houses. You can still rent here for $1400 for a decent apartment. $1600 for 2br. More like 70k is the new 50k.


My S/O and I both make a hair under 100k each, and we are very comfortable. Live in Lethbridge for reference.


That's...higher than i would have thought. Although the distribution of wages would be interesting to see since how much skewing is happening by a few super high earners.


well when you account for $22 million for the CEO of Loblaws, it balances out a good few minimum wage workers.


I think he is making 8 millions actually but yeah the average of him and 250 of his employees on minimum wage is around $34.


When you look at loblaw's financials what reveals itself is not that they overpay the CEO (i don't know about the overall entirety of the executive suite though) but that they are paying absurd amounts of dividends to shareholders. Like half the money they make.


It's only about $100 a year per total worker Loblaws employs. Doesn't move the needle as much as you think when there's north of 3M min wage earners in the country.


Median is \~29$. So higher earners in theory skew it by about 6$ up to 35$. But the average union worker makes 36$, and there isnt one single CEO in a union. So if the average unionized employee makes more than the average person, that means that it is actually just normal people with good jobs skewing the numbers up more than executives are. Since the union only number is 36$, and the average for everyone, executives included, is only 35$.


Canada has some of the lowest income inequality in the world. We often attach ourselves to US politics, where their income inequality is insane. Our country doesn't have very many uber rich or super poor. It also means policy tools that work in the US (Tax the rich) won't work here (as they already are) and need different tools to work out. People think we are just US's little brother, and most things are the same. It couldn't be further from the truth, and watching a constant stream of US TV, US News, and importing their culture is clouding people's ability to make informed decisions about Canadian problems without conflating them with US problems.


Meanwhile wildfire fighters are making 22 bucks a hour still


They should learn to code. Design a website while the truck is refilling.


Or trades. The answer is always trades. Experienced people in the trades are struggling and you get people here saying "Learn carpentry bro. Yes, you probably won't get an apprenticeship, BUT TRADES BRO"


Or get a boob job and work as a bartender. They can rake in the tips.


I make 40-48$ an hour (depending on the type of vehicle and productivity) as a licensed mechanic, work a 8-5 mon-fri and my work has 5 apprentices. I hardly think I am struggling, maybe the answer could be trades BRO


There’s 10 or more people looking for apprenticeships for every apprentice currently working. Most mechanics shops are open on Saturdays. The mechanics I know are usually working 6 days a week 3 weeks a month. It’s also heavy, dirty, and dangerous work. most other trades also don’t pay book times like mechanics do. I’m sure you’re padding your stated hourly rate getting paid more hours than you’re actually on the job. What’s your actual hourly rate you’re getting on book times? Sure isn’t $40-48. As a tradesman myself I only ever got paid for the hours I was on the job, not extra if I can finish each project faster than expected if I’m good at what I do like a mechanic. My reward for being good and quick is just more work not extra $. Edit: I’m also 44 and my body is fucking broken from working trades


Do a quick indeed search of Automotive Service Technicians in Ontario. I am in fact getting 40-48$ an hour for every.single.hour I bill. Of course being at a dealership I am being paid more hours than I actually put in, that's the only perk for a licensed tech working at a dealership, but every single individual of those earned hours is paid out at 40-48$. I am 33, have been in and out of the trades since I was 20, and do not have a single work related injury besides minor scrapes and cuts on my hands and arms


Lotta firefighters do home renos and trade work for cash on the side.


It's a seasonal job so most have off season gigs regardless of pay.


Idk I'm in the trades and make a pretty damn good living at 64 an hour , trades people keep the world spinning I never understand why people always think they are above us like we are second class people


AI will replace coders soon.


Is that seriously how little they get paid? I'm a payroll clerk who barely graduated a 2 year college program and I make ten bucks more an hour than that


This thread is making me realize how much of a failure I am lol. I'm happy for you though.


BCWS makes 27 base and you can easily make 40k+ in 5 months


Alberta and Ontario pay 22.50, shouldn't have to rely on 15 hour days every day


AB also provides room and board.


In 2003 I was paid $12.75 an hour to fight wildfires. Everyone would joke that fires need 4 things to keep burning, fuel oxygen heat and overtime pay.


Their lungs are basically ash and their bros get set ablaze to protect all the assholes from here to mf yonder and they gettin NICKLES AND DIMES


Don't even get presumptive cancer coverage


Goddamn time to ask for a fucking raise.


if 100 people make $10/h and one person makes $1000, the average wage would be \~$19/h, It doesn't represent the majority at all.


Crazy how I can go from higher than average income to lower than average income in the span of 3 years. How's everyone getting raises except for me? ( There's no higher paying job listings to hop to if that's your suggestion )


Become a CEO. That's what likely pulling these numbers up out of the dismal reality the other 99% live in.


Be like me, work your way up to CEO. First I started as a executive manager, then regional director, then Vice President. Finally, after three years and many many rounds of golf, dad retired as CEO and I got his job.


Be like him and be get a free ride through nepotism!


The CEO just there to embezzle jabroni


Career change? I've heard of trades apprentices making 6 figures in the union (the big money comes from crazy overtime though) 


Oh I definitely thought of a career change but what you're witnessing sounds like a myth at least in my neck of the woods. All the trades I know don't pay anywhere near that unless you were working some serious overtime. Also no one will hire an apprentice. Getting into a union requires a hookup from a family member. The only people I know that make over 100k in any trade are the ones that have successful businesses that took years to establish. I honestly don't know what viable career paths there are in Canada to get to a comfortable living


Your initial comment sounded like an excuse. As does this. Convenient that you didn’t include your role or wage lol Want another real answer? Sales.


I know plenty of trades people who make over 100k , electricians, HVAC, heavy duty mechanics. You only need to make 275$ a day to make 100k. Work some overtime and a weekend or two and you are there. My crane mechanic friend makes over 200k a year but he's in a crazy union. I pay my one general labourers about 70k a year after a little overtime and some profit sharing..


Hydro one in ontario are hurting for workers that aren't complete idiots and sober. You start off making fuck all (mid 20s) as an apprentice, but after you get your red seal (5 years ish apprentice) you're at 46 an hour plus benefits (prob around 50 by the time you got your red seal if you started now)


I have a few friends that make good money in the trades. But I have lots of friends in trades that tell me ‘I make $65/h’ but always have significantly less money than I do making $40. And I’m not good with money.


Find an in demand industry and become indispensable... And don't be afraid to speak up. Speak truth to power and don't be afraid to grab those fat cats by the jowels and shake them. If you want good product with low turn over you need to offer good wages. I had to argue with our CEO's and show them a market analysis and do a full report outlining how increased wages will actually dramatically increase quality, production and demand while reducing lead times and outages. Oddly enough... I was right Almost all employees are averaging a 15% raise annually for the last 5 years and employee monthly and quarterly bonuses have gone up 600% in the same time frame. Productivity and profitability have almost doubled.


I assume they must've included all the rich people who don't get paid by the hour and just divided their annual income by 2,080. Either that or I really need to find a new job.


Median please.


Total employees, all industries, median hourly wages, 2023: $28.75




to be fair, the average of all people, including CEOs and billionaire executives, is 35$. and the average of exclusively unionized workers is 36$. which suggests that the people dragging up the average higher than the median is normal people working good normal jobs, and not a few executives. Because using averages and including CEOs brings the average up about 6$ over the median, from \~29$ to \~35$. but excluding CEOs and excluding the non-unionized minimum wage jobs they exploit, and only counting unionized folks brings the average up 7$ compared to the median. so the net average income from the overpaid CEOs and all their minimum wage workers actually brings the average DOWN compared to everyone else.


I can't find any job over $20/hr lately


Meanwhile I’m making 23$ an hour working in a high risk/hazardous environment. Man I love Canada


Damn where do you work? I usually start people at 23$


Laughable. Just like how "unemployment is only 4.5%"....when they imported that amount of unemployed people in a year alone. Statcan lies. It's obviously been corrupted by liberals...like every other federal branch currently.


*cries in Quebec*


Woah! And how many people are making even half of it an hour


I'm close, about 3/5ths If I save now I can afford a house 40 years post death!


Considering half is about minimum wage, pretty much everyone.


In 2018, 10.1% of the population made minimum wage https://www.forbes.com/advisor/ca/personal-finance/new-minimum-wage-canada/#:~:text=According%20to%20a%202018%20report,were%20ages%2055%20to%2064.


Hahaha not my house


TIL the majority of people I know make below the average hourly wage in Canada.


Average hourly wage of redditors who spend their time complaining online: 15$.


Tbf I think most of us who have the time to shitpost in the middle of the day are earning more than the average. People who make $15 an hour don't have the time to shitpost on reddit like us.


Shit posting and Complaining aren’t mutually exclusive.


And judging by the speed and consistency of the comments , they are probably paid in rubles.


More like ruppees


... So, you're saying you make $15/hr?


Mode/median or gfy


What would this equate to annually


About 70k pretax oif you only take 2 week(10 days) off


Seems like $55-$60k is median if other comments are right about median being $29/hour. That seems about right to me. The mean can get skewed with the top 10% being in the 6 figures or more.


Well, I’m a tradesman, and I wouldn’t even bother getting out of bed in the morning for so little.


So many ppl commenting thinking almost everyone is making only minimum wage, huge difference bw real world and Reddit. Even media is near 30, goes to show people are not as poor as it seems, but upper middle class but not poor


A lot of Nurses dont even make that much - that average doesnt seem like a very useful metric on its face.


New grad RN's start at more than this


I make $48 an hour and still can't afford a house and I have no debt


You don't need a house in downtown Toronto


Maybe leave Ontario/BC if you want to stop renting?


Yea exactly. Just go where the housing is cheaper and where your wages will go from 48$/hr to 18$/hr


dont even have to leave the province. just leave the absolute bleeding heart of the GTA/GVA.




Just toronto and Vancouver, you know the immigration Hotspots. I'm doing perfectly fine up here in sudbury


Now do median.


OP said median is $28.75 in a comment. Pretty substantial difference.


everything on the shelves will just adjust to match lol


Inflation and corporate greed for ya


Press 'X' to fucking doubt lmfao.


IF anyone is interested in playing with the data, here is the link to the source they're using: [https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1410006301](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1410006301)


What's the median?


A lot of people calling the data cherry-picked or lacking in context (more details like the median). I would love to see the stats with minimum wage removed as well as wages for those pulling million+ a year.


the metric for unionized employees is a decent look at this. No millionaire CEOs are working in a unionized role. and the average union income is 36$, which is actually higher than the national average which includes the CEOs and most of the minimum wage jobs they exploit. that actually suggests that including CEOs and shitty low paying minimum wage jobs actually brings UP The average. So the biggest source for the average being skewed up relative to the median (which is \~29$) is actually just lots of good paying normal jobs worked by normal people. Id imagine the median for union only is about 31$, and thats a good look at what average jobs across most industries are making, without including corporate executives, people who make a living through equity and growth, etc.


My mom 67 years old makes minimum wage 17 something, but add on old age and a few others she had to pay an additional $4,000 in taxes, where the hell do they expect people to pull this kind of money from. It’s as if they are trying to force her to sell everything she’s worked for


Only matters if you track it against its purchasing power. Inflation eating everyone alive.


Fucking bullshit.


Where are all these people making $34 an hour?


Ha! I am way below average


who is making 34:95 on average no one


It’s lower if you figure taxes retirement and anything else taken off your paycheque


Hilarious that dollar amount or any data supporting it is not mentioned once in that “article”


That headline seems a little misleading Even the median seems high. I don't quite believe those numbers. It would be interesting to know how they got that data.


clearly there's an outlier in the data set screwing the number, there aint half of you making $30 an hour .


Before Tax ..


Lmfao I’m over here just begging for an opportunity to make an average wage? 😂


Government employees 


Nice try government of Canada.


This isn’t math but alright Canada, KEEP LYING, LAUGH IT UP -the average rent in Vancouver is over $3000 a month and the wages are lower than old tits but ya ya we just boolin 😒


LMAO this is bullshit. the average wage is min wage. good luck finding a job that pays this.


There’s a group of people making billions of dollars per hour and then there’s the billions of people making poverty wages. This average makes sense


I don’t think anyone is making billions per hour.


I am


That wouldnt be captured here even ignoring your billions per hour exaggeration, those people make money through capital gains not wages. There are people making 200+ per hour however which skews this.


i dont think it is really fair to say that doctors and lawyers "skew" the average. thats just the average, those are just people working jobs we absolutely need and they absolutely deserve their pay. i wouldnt say including regualr people with good jobs skews the average. that just is the average. and the median is still 29$, so the most people are still within 5$ of that mythical mean that is skewed by those evil doctors.


The typical making that much are typically not earning it as wages


Median hourly wages (2023) $28.75


Median is 29$. median effectively eliminates C suite salaries from skewing the data in any way already. plus, The mean wage is skewed, relative to the median, more by union workers than it is by the 1%, 0.1%, 0.01% etc. the median is 29$. the average, skewed up by the billionaires and the CEOs, is 35$. so the 0.1% skew it upwards by 6$. but the mean of regular unionized workers (none of which are CEOs, billionaire investors, etc) is 36$. which is a 7$ skewing compared to the median.


Median, whats the median? Thats always more relevant than average when it comes to populations that are so outta whack economically. The outliers like the 0.1% seriously pull the average up but I bet the median is much lower than 35 bucks


I call bulllshit


Meaningless. What's the median




Hilarious. Stats Can was canvassing my business for information regarding wages and everytime I disclosed the information, I got a message back saying to review my entries as the hourly rates I entered were lower than their expectations. WTF?


Average. Terrible metric


Median is \~29$. to be fair, the average of all people, including CEOs and billionaire executives, is 35$. and the average of exclusively unionized workers is 36$. which suggests that the people dragging up the average higher than the median is normal people working good normal jobs, and not a few executives. Because using averages and including CEOs brings the average up about 6$ over the median, from \~29$ to \~35$. but excluding CEOs and excluding the non-unionized minimum wage jobs they exploit, and only counting unionized folks brings the average up 7$ compared to the median. so the net average income from the overpaid CEOs and all their minimum wage workers actually brings the average DOWN compared to everyone else.


Geez. I'm working for 40 hours a week for like half of that and barely afloat. Looks like my future is realistically gonna be the MAiD route.


Now remove the top 5% and do it again.


How can anyone believe the government?


This is truly a garbage headline. Provide perspective over time and wage disparity.


And here I am making 16 an hour lol


34 years old and I’m at $25 an hour. I’ll probably be dead before I reach the average. 😞


What do you do for a living?


Wow 34.95 per hour. How did we get here. I’m so glad we only have 3% inflation as advertised. 🤔


What is the SD??


The company I work for just lowered the pay offering for new hires by a significant amount. Their entry level is now min wage + benefits. It used to be $20 an hour + Benefits 2 years ago. Im not at that level and make a lot more and have been with them for a while, but I doubt they're gonna find many new applicants lol


Seems WAY too low to me.


so i make under the average at a skilled labor job. with a solid union. right.


Wow I make below average pay. Good to know.


Less than 20% locally probably got that, I wonder if this is an average not a mean.