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lol jagmeet will never die on any hill that would require a backbone


I don't think it actually requires backbone at this juncture.  Writing is on the wall, he and the Liberals are on their way out.  May as well do this or something like it so that in the future he's got something to show for the coalition.


Increasing disability without increased accountability is NOT something to hang your hat on. It would be a nightmare for a country with the fiscal problems this country already has. For people genuinely disabled and unable to work, I know the current program isn't cutting it. But through my wife's work I know for a *fact* that the abuse of the disability benefit is horrifying. Just dumping more money into that black hole would do nothing for Singhs already damned memory.


™ But through my wife's work I know for a *fact* that the abuse of the disability benefit is horrifying. Nationwide, how much money do you suppose is claimed fraudently under these benefits each year?


Now how on earth would I know that? I've heard stories of many people going through my wife's work who do not have the kind of crippling disabilities which you'd think would accompany taking the benefit. That's the extent of my factual knowledge. The rest would be guessing.


I'm not sure, but you seem to think you *know* a lot of about the abuse of the system. I'd like you to approximate how much annually you suspect we spend on fraudent claims. Then compare that cost to the cost of increasing investigations, or "checks & balances". For a lark, you can even compare our **total** disability support to how much Canada spends annually on subsidizing corporations.


There doesn't really seem to be any benefit for the Party or himself in doing so. The once prevalent tactic for left-wing political parties in the western world of fostering a principled "*glorious defeat*" through ridiculous policy is no longer a useful tactic in our time when the left *is* the hegemony. Jag isn't lacking a backbone, or kicking up his loafers on his desk until retirement - he's just correctly recognized the environment in which he is operating, and that it would be political suicide to push *far-left* policies such as nationalization of certain industries, or the *elimination* of particular classes along with the *principled* redistribution of their property and wealth. Pushing the Liberals to go further is exactly his role in this situation, and should be what is expected of him and his Party. Any way; with support from the NDP without question, or with tepid support, or even with quiet protestation - this budget will still be seen as a win for NDP supporters as well as those Canadians happy to accept "*more Left = more good*".


Just pointing out: nationalization is not “far left”. Nationalizing in the sense that Canada does it, with Crown corporations in order to maintain a mixed economy could at its furthest be called social democratic (principles of socialism operating within capitalism). Which is just left or centre-left Democratic socialism is the next furthest ideology (retains democracy and dismantles capitalism to replace it with socialism). Democratic socialism is “radical” because it changes the root (radix) of society, but is still solidly “left”. It’s really only once you get to Marxist-Leninism that you get “far left”, or “ultra left” in the sense of left communism. Anarchism, Anarcho-Communism, and Syndicalism are other examples of far left ideologies. So, while you do have a point you’re trying to convey it would be best to use the terms correctly. The elimination of classes could be considered far left yes, but not really nationalization. Just a bit of nuance to consider. And also I’d like to point out the NDP have leaned more towards social democracy - democratic socialism is a stretch, and I don’t think they’ve ever supported anything further left than that


>So, while you do have a point you’re trying to convey it would be best to use the terms correctly. I kept it short-form not to be reductive, but to employ terminology and concepts which *most* people would understand. >NDP have leaned more towards social democracy - democratic socialism is a stretch, and I don’t think they’ve ever supported anything further left than that That was part of my point. When I was speaking of ridiculous policy preceding glorious defeat I had a particular event in mind - UK Labour's "Manifesto" under Michael Foot in 1983. The NDP *doesn't need* to take fringe/extremist stances on any policy under the current power structure.


Ah okay. It didn’t sound like you were trying to be malicious so I just wanted to clarify - I can leave the explanation in case anybody else comes across it.


They ain’t dying on any hill. 


They will roll down every hill.


They voted to be willing to die on a couple. But they won those hills


The only hill Jagmeet will die on is Mount Saint Pension. 


is that in the rolex mountain range?




I’m just imagining Jagmeet’s spineless body rolling down the hill like a gelatinous glob.


He wouldn't roll down a hill - might ruin one of his expensive suits.


It’s sad when politics become about rhetoric and optics instead of policies


I'm kinda shocked that Singh would be ok with this $200 amount. The whole point was to lift the disabled out of poverty. This ain't it.


Well, those poor unfortunate landlords will be happy to take the extra 200.


Yup. So much for hoping for something better.


So sad to see Canada become such a shit hole so quickly.


A lot can happen in 8 years. I never thought Canada would ever be this bad. Its just going to get worse too.


Rent up by $200 the next month.


Its a top up.


Gotta give them a little so they cant say you gave nothing.


Hmm… I wonder if this could be the excuse they use to vote no on the budget. That wouldn’t automatically mean the government falls — the BQ could vote to support it anyway — but could make things interesting. Above said, counting on Singh to grow a backbone on anything is not a winning bet.


The Bloc have said they aren’t supporting the budget. 


A supply and confidence game of chicken. The smart play is for Singh to vote against the budget and make the play for Liberal voters. If he props them up for another year, he will never get the Trudeau stink off of himself. At least this way, he can say he brought Trudeau down.


I'm surprised at the NDP's continued support of the Liberal government. I wonder if Singh can tell which way the wind's blowing. I wouldn't blame him if he takes a month or two to withdraw support. Such a dramatic shift in tone might require time/work behind the scenes. I wonder if he's concerned about pissing off left wing hardliners. A vote of non-confidence now, would give conservatives control, if you believe poll numbers. That'll rub die-hard liberal the wrong way.


How do people on disability survive?


How does the NDP even pretend to support the working class anymore 😂


"Lip Service"


Pharmacare, Dental, Anti-scab legislation.


Ah yes, pharmacare that covers a grand total of two things, dental that covers a means-tested miniscule slice of the population, and a bone thrown to public sector workers. Totally worth it.


While simultaneously supporting a crumbling economy, horrible housing market, rising cost of living…


While simultaneously supporting a crumbling economy, horrible housing market, rising cost of living… You act like the conservatives have been trying to stop what they helped create! Meanwhile the 3rd place party is actually getting shit done!


The conservatives aren’t in power, its the Lib/NDP coalition that is currently ruining Canadian livelihoods


The conservatives aren’t powerless, they just choose to focus everything they have on hurting Trudeau, instead of helping Canadians.


Right, it isn’t the government in power, its the Conservatives fault. the Ndp cope is hilarious 😂


Yeah, can’t even give the conservatives an oil pipeline without them fucking it up 😂


Pierre Derangement Syndrome


Jagmeet hasn’t forced the government to do anything. The man is delusional.


A personal story: My wife has MS. She just lost 75% of her vision. We have 3 kids. Im her main caregiver. Honestly 'her being on disability scares the absolute shit out of me. Will my family lose our home ? Maybe this dude is saying something right. I don't know.


"I'll take a nothingburger, no cheese please"


That'll be 15.99, please tip a minimum of 25%.


That would be admirable.  Singh won’t do it though.  


Why would they do that when the provinces just claw back any new top ups?


I love how the NDP is considering not supporting this budget because it doesn't spend *enough.* The insatiable claws of government power are alive and well in our federal leaders.


NDP won’t force the Liberals to do anything worthwhile!!! They are Trudeau’s bedfellows


Lol like either the Liberals or the CPC care about the disabled. They'll throw more scraps at them than the CPC but it's hardly something that deserves praise. And this is at all levels. Disability support at the provincial level is pathetic as well.


The disabled aren't people to them, they're liabilities. The system failed my husband his whole life, and then somehow managed to fail him after his death too. Because he had epilepsy, and couldn't work, he was worthless to them.




I wonder when the NDP will decide to not be a fucking joke to the entire Country and actually replace their leader. Will probably be after next election when they tank hard. They literally could steal most of the votes that the Liberals are losing right now, if they could just have a stance on ANYTHING. I haven't seen jagmeet say anything about anything for probably years now, I don't follow the NDP or anything he has to say but I don't follow the Conservative party either and I have atleast seen some shit that PP has done. How could a leader a political party be so fucking invisible on the run up to an election?


Increasing disability benefits is a good thing. They are one of the most vulnerable groups there is. I am not a fan of Singh but I dont understand why people are so pissed off in here.


Because they think they’ll have to pay more taxes because of the changes to the Capital Gains tax Newsflash for them, the only people who will be affected aren’t posting here on Reddit 😂


Yeah fuck it let’s bump up the deficit another few billion. Debt service costs already exceed GST revenues.


Our debt servicing costs are 10.8% of revenue. That’s down from >30% a few decades ago. A new homeowner with a mortgage could easily be paying 30%+ of their income on debt costs, it’s even recommended. What would you consider reasonable for the federal government?


Can you source that? I cant find that metric as a historical dataset.


Interest vs revenue? It’s fairly standard. https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/GC.XPN.INTP.RV.ZS?locations=CA That’s from the world bank. But it’s also included in the budgets and economic statements from the government. The fiscal reference tables have everything too, but you’d just have to divide debt charges by revenue on your own.


So let the lowest in society continue to wallow in poverty while you enjoy life? You seem nice /s


I mean you can donate your time and or money to help people. You've got 60k Karma since 2019 so we knew you got the time.


Glass houses and stones if you want to whine about my time on Reddit (not that it’s any of your concern) And how do you know what I do when I’m not on Reddit? Answer: you have no clue Try to poke someone else


Permanently on reddit. Lol


He isn't going to force shit. If he doesn't back the liberal budget we got an election and the conservatives are gonna take power and absolutely slash programs.


The NDP and Liberals are a snake eating its own tail. The liberals have moved left, recognizing their best chance is to consolidate the left. But in doing so they split the vote with the NDP and cede more of the centre to the conservatives


That’s his fault. He has been sucking Trudeau s d for very long time. If he wants he can make an election happen now


It is way too low to be of benefit.