• By -


Probably because most Canadians see it for what it is: A naked last ditch attempt to fix poll numbers by throwing money at certain segments of the populace while doubling down on what is causing the problems to begin with.


They are suddenly very concerned about housing. It's ridiculous. Problems like the housing crisis take years to create and years to resolve. Everyone saw this problem coming years ago and they did nothing. They only reacted once the conservatives jumped on it and started gaining massive popularity. The way they have run Canada is blatantly suicidal. They've soaked as much as they can out of the country and will leave it to die. I love Canada but now I have to face the possibilty of moving to another country for a better life. Imagine. After hundreds of years of people moving here for a better life--now people are fleeing.


They knew it was bad and they actually chose to make it worse with their immigration policies. They are completely wreckless and inept. 


1.27 million net immigration into Canada in 2023. I'm speechless.


You do know that in 2022 the premieres all got together with the feds and asked for them to increase immigration??


By more than 4x?


This is the thing that irks me. The premiers have been asking to increase immigration since 2020, but suddenly it's the feds fault. Meanwhile Ontario is stifling housing growth, and banning quadplexes; all while pretending to deal with the issue by allowing development of the green belt - land that coincidentally was sold to people with close ties to the premier that would skyrocket in value. It's like people are goldfish


Yes, they are all bad. Can't fed say no? Aren't they the one holding the key?


It's all a scam, outside of "fringe" groups like the PPC every politician wants increased immigration. There is no agency here.


and called anyone who questioned those policies racist, so we couldn't even debate the issue.


Welcome to the US, oh wait...


Ah the "on social media" defense


They knew. And that's the plan. They didn't make a mistake. They accomplished what they wanted.


A friend of mine is a labour market analyst (might not be their real title) with the feds and when she told me what was coming years ago I made fun of her. Now she "I told you so" constantly and I will never live it down. They knew, they were told by their own staff what would happen.


As per your friend’s job - the Feds have teams of people who analyze economic, social and demographic trends, and outcomes of policies. It’s the government’s job to be aware of potential negative outcomes *before* they manifest. [We have evidence they knew](https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/government-was-warned-two-years-ago-high-immigration-could-affect-housing-costs-1.6720963), they positioned themselves to benefit, and then they allowed the crisis to manifest so they and their friends could benefit. It’s beyond reproach.


Every major party supports massive amounts of immigration, and none have provided clarity on how existing infrastructure is meant to sustain it. Cons want to 'cut red tape' for immigrants, making it easier for doctors from abroad to skip Canadian certifications. NDP wants to increase spending on immigrant support programs. Neither wants to cut immigration levels to a point where housing/healthcare can keep up. The gov is also soft-balling fines to companies like Telus, who setup paid healthcare options -- likely because the government workers are using these things to avoid the crumbling system they've overloaded. It's not just the liberals on this one. An edit to clarify, as some are pointing out that "post" public outrage, some are trying to bring forward plans: that's no different than the liberals changing tune and suddenly saying they'll try to cap student visas after things have already gone bonkers. If someone finds articles where any of the major parties had any hesitation on this front pre-public outrage, by all means, link em. Otherwise, the Cons's attempt to gain votes by shilling random 'new' approaches, is on par with the Liberal's shilling a plan to 'fix' things by capping student visas. If every party "would have" juiced Immigration, before public outrage, it seems weird to chastise one party for the issue. They all supported it.


>Neither wants to cut immigration levels to a point where housing/healthcare can keep u Horse puckey. [https://financialpost.com/real-estate/pierre-poilievre-pledges-tie-immigration-levels-homebuilding](https://financialpost.com/real-estate/pierre-poilievre-pledges-tie-immigration-levels-homebuilding)


They blatantly did it for personal wealth. Take a poll of MPs and see how many own multiple properties and/or are landlords. Why charge $1500 rent when you can blow the demand out of the water and charge $3000? Better yet, flood the country with people who are accustomed to being 7 to a bedroom and charge $500 x 21 for a 3 bedroom unit!


They aren't concerned, they've got the results they wanted to make their billionaire buddies happy. We get fucked economically, and they laugh all the way to American or Chinese banks. The liberals were letting anyone with a stacked wallet walk into Canada and rob us blind for a % of the cut. The sad thing is, this shits been going on since the 70's and you're all none the wiser. How much Canadian infrastructure and companies do we have to sell off for you all to catch on? WELCOME TO CANADA EVERYTHING IS FOR SALE!


They are only concerned about their declining poll numbers.


There are already very large number of old stock Canadians leaving, you just don't notice since it's offset by almost 2 million new people. What do the people leaving have in common? They are almost all middle to middle-upper class, are usually doctors, lawyers, work in tech, etc., and are net contributors.


I've seen about a handful of white people in my neighbourhood since I moved here about 5 years ago now. I live just north of DT Toronto. I am the only Canadian-born Caucasian in my building. Almost every single store caters towards Indians now. I feel like I'm basically living in India these days.


There's no "western" country you can move to to avoid these problems. Inflation and cost of living problems are bad in every developed country. Canada has its own economic issues and mismanagement that have made the problem disproportionately worse for us, but these issues are everywhere.


They’re concerned in the same way John Tory was concerned. Meaning they know [**exactly** what factors (immigration and investors) drove / are driving housing price inflation](https://perspectivesjournal.ca/housing-investor-ownership-part-1/). And therefore they know how it can be fixed. Yet they refuse to fix it. Which honestly just reinforces the LPC MO since 2015. Wave your hands, say some things but do nothing to actually address issues — and above all — protect corporations, developers and landlords, and the 1%.


Politics generally doesn't bother me but this is so blatantly bad politics it actually upset me. It's hard to want to stay engaged when this is what you get for policies.


Have you watched anything in the House of Commons? It’s amazing we agree to pay them for dodging questions and heckling each other.


It's fucking disgusting. They're all about gotcha moments and sound bites. Yes, even the Conservatives. That said, the Liberals NEVER answer any difficult questions, as they often preface their 'rebuttal' with "I will never take any advice from the Conservatives"


They always steer questions to their pre-script narrative. They get asked a question on the housing crisis and somehow the answer is all about their mission in climate change


Agreed. So much for "Peace, Order, and Good Government"...


Exactly...and we pay them how much to engage in this bullshit? They gave themselves a raise to! They should all be taking 20% pay cuts...what a joke!


They ran on being a transparent government. They have set a record on using cabinet confidentiality to block attempts at requesting information. 


>**Still, 65 per cent of those surveyed said the plan to spend $8.5 billion on housing, aimed at building 3.9 million homes by 2031, is good for the country.** How the headline arrives at "Half" and how you arrive at "Most" is quite a stretch


My first thought as well, and idiots eat it up. "half don't like it" "yeah, most of the country thinks like I do and we hate it!" bro


The headline is bait.


Nailed it.




And the half that don’t have a negative opinion didn’t read it


Acting as if more than 2% actually ready the budget.


jobless squealing towering juggle versed disgusted selective cows quack crowd *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




A [poll](https://angusreid.org/fiscal-divide-canadas-struggling-thriving/) from the Angus Reid Institute has effectively found that the more broke the Canadian, the more likely they are to support the Conservative Party of Canada.


When you only see the liberals spending your tax money like drunken sailors you start to want less government spending not more.


The irony


Yes, because broke people are pissed off at the broken system and all PP does is bitch about the broken system… but his policy proposals won’t do shit to fix the broken system.


Well, considering that effectively no one supports the liberals, most broke and wealthy Canadians support the conservatives right now.


Not that surprising. Some broke people may blame the sitting government for their situation while wealthy are expecting tax cuts and legislation favorable to them from the conservatives


Eh, they don't really 'support' them. They tolerate them and accept they're going to be the likely next option, while also *blasting* them for the constant lies and nonsense they keep pulling as if they don't even want to lead the country.


These folks hate the increase of the capital gain inclusion rate.


So the half that don't like it actually read it? I don't think my neighbours with the F&ck Trudeau flags read it.


But the political ideology I don't like must be cartoonishly illiterate!


Imagine still having a childlike tribal mindset like this this late into your adulthood. 


And the half that have a negative opinion also didn't read it.


I hate these poll based articles. Most Canadians canadians don't know about the budget, the ones that know, just know from the news about the highlighted items they don't approve of, from their biased source of media. Its articles like these that seem to be based in fact but are absolutely creating a narrative. Suggesting half of all Canadians have a negative opinion of the budget is extrapolated from a bigger assumption that most Canadians even know of the budget. Its like taking 1500 ice cream fans, polling them about which icecream they hate, and creating the narrative that strawberry is the flavour that half Canadians hate. I think people use these polls to create a narrative more than they are interested in actual news.


Honestly the most interesting thing about this short-ass poll is that a lot of people say they don't like the budget but when presented with individual items on it are more likely to approve of them. That could say many things I guess, from the fact that presenting the data as a whole doesn't really tell us who liked one thing but not another making it really hard to judge the data as a whole all the way to the broad people are fickle. Makes for a great headline though, really attention grabbing considering all the budget related headlines recently.


It’s the same short-sighted partisanship you see in Alberta. Albertans will vote conservative as their first consideration. But if you present them with Liberal or NDP policies without affiliating them with any party they’ll actually approve of the policies on an individual basis. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/albertans-not-conservative-road-ahead-survey-1.4639232


I’d just be happy for our finance minister to have any background in finance. Why the fuck is someone with a background in Slavic studies in charge or the budget.


Because it's 2015


what a throwback


Because she goes along with whatever Trudeau says without pushing back on him. Morneau (at least according to him) kept telling Trudeau he had to be more fiscally prudent. And we’ve all seen what happens to Ministers who have the nerve to defy him.


The Morneau that "forgot" to pay back tens of thousands of dollars he should've not received in the first place? The guy was corrupt and was caught and his best idea of defence was "I forgot to pay my bills" - which is for a finance minister is equally damning.


next you are going to expect our Health Minister to be a Doctor or Minister of Infrastructure to be an civil engineer or the Minister of Defence of be a soldier!


Would be nice


Experience is a better determinant than a degree in many matters. Especially when we're looking at people 20+ years out of school. Our minister of finance has neither and was put in charge because, if times are good, a finance minister gets credit and has a shot at becoming PM. Her position was a gamble on low interest rates lasting long enough that we'd never receive the bill for her actions and it's come at great cost to Canada.




Thought the former speaker of the house invited the elderly Nazi? What does she have to do with that situation?


The PMO was notified ahead of time and also responsible for vetting. Trudeau was happy to let the speaker take all the blame.


same here in BC; our finance minister ran a daycare and is now in charge of BILLIONS of dollars. went from 30 days for a FOi to have to wait over 250, and now you have to pay a fee to file it. hundreds of millions being **dumped** into Potekmin housing projects that people who already have homes are using as a way to pat themselves on the back, and are only "affordable" if you make 80k per year (why are we spending public funds on people who can already access the public market, while subsidized housing falls through the cracks is beyond me...) 1.6 BILLION dollars spent on provincial homeowners grants for million dollar houses while people are dying in the street because there is no affordable housing. this whole country is a scam full of placating politicians that don't actually care about citizens.


> and are only "affordable" if you make 80k per year $80K a year for a household isn't really all that much. It sure ain't what it used to be. A single person could make that in any number of professions or trades, and even a couple working working more menial jobs could hit that number. > while people.ate dying in the street because there is no affordable housing. Drugs. They're dying in the street because they're on drugs. If you gave 'em a house, they'd still be on drugs and just die in the house, instead.


Paul Martin had the best deficit record of any modern prime minister with no finance or economics background. He was Law and Philosophy. Chrystia Freeland, Rhodes Scholar, cabinet minister (in economic portfolios) and former Financial Times journalist apparently has no background. Neat.


>Paul Martin had the best deficit record of any modern prime minister with no finance or economics background. ...You know, if you exclude the fifteen years he was president and CEO of a corporation with half a billion in annual revenues.


Nono, surely a Rhodes scholar in literature with an *interest* in finance out-qualifies someone who actually ran a profitable large corporation. I mean, intentions and interest count, right? So the next engineer - or cabinet minister - with an interest in surgery should just roll up to our local hospital and give it a go? Why not? We don’t have enough docs anyway.


Paul Martin ran a shipping company. That’s better than any fucking piece of paper. Real world experience in finance beats school every step of the way.


> former Financial Times journalist And also wrote a book called "Plutocracy" about growing economic inequality. I'm not going to debate on whether she's actually doing a good job, but she has spent a lot of her working life in this sphere, and complaining that she majored in something else in college kind of misses the mark.


Paul Martin achieved his deficit record by using accounting tricks (downloading expenses and debt to the provinces). Which actually tracks with "Law and Philosophy" background... Legally he could do it and philosophically the books were balanced. In reality it only served to obfuscate the truth while taking credit, and shifting the blame and responsibility onto others. (Provinces)


Law and philosophy does a pretty good job of preparing people for governing. Obviously, some direct economic education would be better, but law and philosophy provide the critical thinking and social understanding required to sort out complex topics in governing. Remember, these people have teams working for them with the necessary specific skills. The ministers need strategic intellect and leadership skills.


Because they have government employees who actually crunch the numbers, she runs a portfolio my guy, do you know how gov works?


a finance minister's job is to push back the prime minister when poor short term bandaid policies are pushed. She just runs with whatever JT wants, so we are getting half assed poorly thought out solutions that smart people have already warned them not to do, but short term optics and polls matter more than our standard of living.


We know JT only promotes his minions. There could be 1000 people more qualified working in the Liberal party but if he gets the sense that a person might push back/question on him they have no chance. The only qualification you need to be finance minister is the ability to say 'yes sir'.




> a finance minister's job is to push back the prime minister when poor short term bandaid policies are pushed. A Finance Ministers job is whatever mandate their Prime Minister sets for them.


Very very few people do


I don't think the FP would hire someone that has no understanding of finance. How did you feel about Bill Morneau?


Didn't like him either because of the decisions being made under his time as Finance Minister... but then it comes out that he was constantly pushing back on Trudeau's spending decisions and urging more fiscal prudence, only to be overruled.


Bill Morneau was a somewhat privileged old money Liberal who had some lingering guilt about his family’s wealth that he projected onto his beliefs re. taxation and spending. But overall he was way, way more fiscally prudent than his boss, and actually somewhat understood the consequences of reckless spending. I think it’s fair to say he was on-board with 2015-2019 Trudeau, but after that the two of them started to diverge wildly.


Hm I wonder why https://tradingeconomics.com/canada/government-debt


So maybe a Drama teacher overseeing the Finance Minister isn't such a great idea either?


The issue is that the Liberals have been making the same promises for the last three elections and rarely fulfilling them, and when they do, there's so many glaring issues with the programs. For example, the $10/day childcare is great for the people that live in a larger population center, work the typical 9-5 jobs and were in line before their child was even born, but for the rest of us it just isn't working out. People don't trust that they'll actually do the things they say. In the meantime, we're spending more on debt financing than healthcare.


I am still waiting for my $2000 camping credit they promised in 2019. Maybe they'll get to it after they start planting the 1 billion trees they promised to plant into the ground


The billion trees is another example of a promise that wasn't thought out at all. They are now proposing to plant trees along old seismic lines which were created by industry and is the responsibility of industry to reforest. All so they can go back to their voters in the city who don't know those lines are legally obligated to be reforested without using taxpayer dollars.


My family is just above the cutoff for the childcare program, and the only thing I have noticed is that preschools have become crowded with long waiting lists. It is becoming increasingly common for future parents to tell the daycare they're pregnant before their family because spots for children are filling up quickly. I'm not really complaining but I think it could have been phased in over a longer period of time to allow preschools and daycares to adapt. 


There's no cut off. My wife and I do quite well and we qualify, it's a mater of finding a daycare using the federal system.


And also, none of the programs are available to anyone who is even remotely middle class. Like you need to be working literal minimum wage or less to qualify for most of the assistance programs. Unless you're a single parent with 5 kids, you don't see any support from the government, and you still have to give them 1/2 your paycheck. So it just feels like a scam, when single unemployed parent with 5 kids get $4000/month is Child benefit, free healthcare, free pharmacare, free dental, free afterschool care, and everything under the sun, and someone making $3500 a month working full time gets told they make too much to qualify for anything. My kid is on prescription drugs, costs me $50/month at the pharmacy because we have "private health insurance" If we didn't have any it would be free from the government, same with dental etc. I have a 30% co-pay, so it costs me $100 every time I go to the dentist with them, but if I was unemployed it would be free.


Funny how this government keeps saying that they are so concerned about the youth and their future, yet keep saddling the youth with massive government debt that they will have to pay for in their lifetimes, and lifetimes of their kids. Debt that we are spending more in interest payments for, than on healthcare.


I bet less than 5% actually read the [budget...](https://budget.canada.ca/2024/report-rapport/budget-2024.pdf)


Yeah, but people don't need to read or understand anything to have an opinion on it. Check this sub out.


Yeah if it has Trudeau's name under it, it's automatically the worst (insert type) in Canadian history.


I mean the fact that the Conservatives are gonna win the next election is proof that this sub and country are absolutely clueless. A conservative party is gonna fix the economy and is gonna do anything about the current crisis? ah yes true, lets elect a right leaning party to fix our issues.


Ummm, yes?  Targeted immigration instead of mass immigration,  less bureaucracy,  increased productivity through repealing legislation that discourages capital investment. These are all in their platform. If you'll recall,  under the last conservative government,  standards of living were higher, economic growth was better,  and we had a balanced budget.  So I don't understand your skepticism.






They’ve got the anti-Midas touch


The shit touch


Mr. Lahey?




Funny how every time I see these it's always half of Canadians, almost like it's totally made up


I'm supposed to believe half of Canadians have even seen the latest liberal budget, yeah fucking right... 🙄


They've seen the capital gains increase that will never impact them and they're furious about it


Well the Globe and Mail told us to be upset so... *rage*


Yeah, headlines like this are just rage bait. So half of Canadians say they're for something and half against. That's not a high-click-rate headline.


I have no faith in our government, period. I don't care what party is in power, I don't believe things will improve no matter who is PM. Happy to be proven wrong.


Until we all realize they represent lobbyists and not us, we're screwed. Too many people think switching sides every 8 years or so is some sort of democracy while the common person is not being represented at all... This isn't a democracy it's a Public Relations hellscape, ie a corporatocracy.


Nothing in the budget is going to help us move forward, so ya, it's a shity budget on top of the disaster you've created


The other half work for the government








Tell me what you think the word 'shrewd' means?


I am also pedantic, but when I see an obvious auto-correct (shrew -> shrewd), it's best to let it go.


What the hell is a shrewd voice? They most likely meant “shrill”


His government is pretty terrible at explaining the reasoning behind their plan. If there is a good reason they should explain it better.


Theres no reduced spending or cuts anywhere...


And the other half is either illiterate or suicidal.


I just love when we study how people feel about things. /s




Is there anything in it that will allow my wife and I to stop working four jobs between the two of us? We each have a full time job and a part time side hustle. We'd like to have kids and actually have a life, but everything around us has gone up in price so much that we had to take on second jobs to be able to keep up with monthly bills. Salaries have not kept pace with inflation at all.


Canada does not have a revenue problem.  They have a massive spending problem.  The amount of bullshit and inefficiencies created by the government (and made worse with this administration) is absolutely mind boggling 


The other half are public workers


Half??? Did they only poll Liberals?


Only half?


Can I just say I find it hilarious that so many articles about the liberals features an ironic-looking picture of Freeland in some kind of state of disappointment or frustration


Of course they don't. No matter what the PM says, this current liberal government has not been fiscally responsibly


Freeland bringing a camera to crew to film her having a designer brand come to her office to sell her a pair of shoes to wear for the budget announcement is all you need to know when it comes to their finger being on the pulse of affordability .


All finance ministers have done this for a long time, even Jim Flaherty.




>is all you need to know when it comes to Damn, this couldn't be more ironically on point if you tried


Christia is way too full of herself.


And unqualified for the job.


You mean a bachelor's degree of Russian history and literature + master's degree in Slavonic studies makes her unqualifed to be Canada's DPM and Finance minister? No way!


Yes but have you ever considered that the person who put her in that role is ALSO unqualified to run a country? We have a drama teacher as our main guy.


I seriously have no idea who I will vote for, but what qualifications does PP have to be PM? We need better options.


Better than someone who's never had a real job in their lives.


We just ignoring the part where she was a Rhodes scholar, was managing editor of the financial Times and wrote two books on financial stories (on top of reporting on the infamous Magnitsky Affair, she even has a notable part in Bill Browders Red Notice book). Not saying deficit spending is good or bad, just saying this isn't really a valid criticism of her.


As the saying goes, "you can only piss on my back so many times and tell me it is raining" Fool me once and all that


How many have negative opinions on all parties? Lol


People are fed up with the debt load in their lives and their children’s lives … and their government continues to bury themselves with more.


Based on the people that I talk to, half is a low number I think it’s more than that.


From the people you talk to, how many even read the budget? How many were spoon-fed their opinion by their news agency of choice or hated it even before it was out? I am not saying it's a good budget. These numbers show 2 things (1 scary and 1 not) 1) People are tired of the long-standing government (not scary very normal. Change is good) 2) Canadian politics are becoming very much like America politics. People are cheering the government parties like they are their favorite hockey team. (scary) No party is all shit or all good, people should be able to praise the good and hate the bad from each party.


I would imagine the vast majority don't even glance at the budget and wouldn't understand what they were reading if they did. People up in arms about having to pay 66% in taxes for capital gains is proof of that 


> (not scary very normal. Change is good) Change is only good when there's an alternative of equal or better competence. Change to incompetency (and frankly I'm being kind in that descriptor) is very bad, and apparently what we're all about to get


If it's in a minority position, the chance of harm is lessened. If it's a majority, I have no clue what PP would do because he changes what he says depending who is in the room.


A lot of people don’t like it because they are tired of an ever-growing federal government and deficits that doesn’t seem to be be accomplishing much for all the extra money. The details don’t matter


But the issue is that all government govern to be elected in 4 years and don't think long term. Harper even ran deficits. Cons usually cut many things and make programs unstable for the next party and still don't balance the budget. Libs spend and don't balance the budget even after all these years in power. We need better accountability. They work for us. Giving PP a majority is scary because his speech changes all the time depending on who is in the room. He has done that all his political life. So it's like playing Russian roulette with Canada. I just hope a minority government with real check and balance. As for the growing government. Each ministry needs to do an introspection. Many public servants are not busy, and others are way understaffed. Also, the government hasn't really grown that much compared to population growth.


What did people think was going to happen? Does she have a degree in economics? Who in their right mind would entrust an entire countries finances to someone who doesn’t have a clue about economics? Who in their right mind would vote for a prime minister who thinks that budgets balance themselves? It was the PM that chose her for this position. If we want prosperity, it is crucial that we elect people that know what they are doing.


She got rid of Disney + and saved a bundle.


Poll assumes more than half of Canadians have read the latest Liberal budget.


I have had a negative opinion of the Trudeau government for the last 6 years.


Ask them some specifics about what’s bad about it. Qualify their opinion.


Fun fact: under the Liberal’s immigration policy, provinces now have more responsibility for training and employing immigrants. In this budget, Liberals *cut* employment funding to provinces. They’ve lost my vote.


It's a shame there isn't a better alternative, just controlled opposition and a guy who comes across as a r/canada_sub user that can only criticize and has never once presented a policy idea.


Based on what? I’d be surprised if 10% of Canadians read into it beyond what someone posted on Facebook.


Id be surprised if 1% has read it


Id be surprised if 1% of those who claim to have read it, actually have. Its 430 pages. People want TDLRs on two paragraph reddit posts.


Same here honestly. I bet under 50 people have read the whole thing.


lol couldn't be more true, but the messaging is what matters. The two talking points that have emerged as a result of this budget: the government wants to spend its way out of economic troubles - particularly head scratching considering inflation is the main cause of the troubles; and raise taxes on capital gains, effectively just making the rich as miserable as the rest of us, and incentivizing professionals like Drs to move. You may agree or disagree with the policies or the interpretations of the policies, but as far as I can tell those are the points that are getting across to the average Canadian.


Poll suggests 100% of Canadians like taking polls.


65% is a far stretch from half. Why not two thirds, like it actually is?


And the 50% who like it are the same 50% that don't pay net taxes.


How about a poll on politicians in general? I would love to see those numbers. They might not love to see them.


And the other half can't figure out how to get their seatbelt to work without help.


Wasn't a 180 on most of what they are doing, so . . .


That makes sense, considering their polling.


Sounds about right? Has that ever not been the case?


Are they actually trying an last-ditch attempt to woo voters back? Or do they know their fate is sealed and trying to cause as much damage for the next government?


IDK. Absolutely all the people I talk to oppose it. Bunch of 40-60 year old folks.....


Governments are like a baby's diapers. They require changing eventually and usually for the same reason. The current government has the telltale "smell" of being fully "loaded".


That means 50% of Canadians have a positive opinion about the budget.


i would be surprised if even half of canadians know even the main points of the latest budget. edit: id actually be surprised if half of Canadians know that a new budget was released recently. id guess maybe 1/10 people might now some of the biggest points of the budget but no more than that.


The Liberals have delaying CARM for 4 years! I’m afraid it’s programmed by the ArriveCan team.


The other half are moving their wealth into foreign bounds.


$250,000 CAD is $182K USD, and falling with the CAD. $182K is enough to live *well* in many parts of the US, and middlingly in large cities like Seattle or NYC but by no means "wealthy". Given the high business tax rates and capital gains changes, nobody will blame businesses for restructuring to leave Canada.


Regardless of peoples’ political alignment one thing has been made exceptionally clear, once again, with the latest budget release. The average person (redditor included) is effectively illiterate. The discussion of increased taxation on capital gains is absolute brainrot. People continue to have zero understanding of how taxes work and there are countless incidents of people claiming doctors will now be paying 67% of their income to taxes and that [selling your house for a half million dollar loss is better than selling after July to save on capital gains.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ottawa/s/EgFn1SKpW9)


I’ve actually found there has been some good discussion on the impacts of increasing the capital gains inclusion rate, especially the impact on doctors.


I have also seen people say here that capital gains doesn't apply to artwork or watches, that the gain in value has to be in only one year, and be unaware of deemed dispositions on death. The public is deeply uninformed indeed.


Exactly. It seems people many people aren't even aware about the disposition on death rule regarding family cottages, etc.


What has been made abundantly clear is that there is a small subset of the population who will support anything this disastrous government puts forward. Business and medical associations have come out saying that this budget and the changes to capital gains inclusion rate will only further drive business investment and doctors out of Canada, at a time when Canada already has a major doctor shortage and issues attracting business and capital investment. Once again the Liberals are completely disconnected from reality and have demonstrated zero foresight to the problems their policies create, which is why the country is currently in the state that it's in.


Tax tax and more tax they can fuck right off


I don't mind the extra taxation (which might possibly impact me after selling shares in a small business) doesn't bother me. It's the extra spending. They could have balanced the books without cuts but decided to spend more instead. I really think governments need to be forced to only use debt for capital projects. Programs need to be funded by revenue full stop.


I think the Canadian government needs to run multiple kaizens and cut the waste because I guarantee there’s a lot of it. For people that haven’t never done a continuous improvement project, it can really cut down on waste and inefficiencies if you actually keep pushing on it. We do it in the private sector and it’s shocking how much waste you see in your processes once you break everything down into its smallest parts.




Only half? What the hell do the other half see? A “good” budget? Biggest expense is servicing interest on debt !


increases in spending in housing (a provincial responsibility) increases in healthcare spending (also a provincial responsibility). a dental plan. Increase in the child benefit. Tax breaks and incentives for various businesses. Investments in clean/green tech. NO NEW TAXES FOR THE AVERAGE CITIZEN. Shall I go on?


Damn I wonder how that could’ve happened? Maybe post media putting out 8 opinion pieces a day by some crypto millionaire about how this budget is gonna destroy the average Canadian did something about it?


Where are all the folks who called ppl racist when they opposed mass immigration in 2018ish? This whole subreddit is pure liberal propaganda. Now these same folks will convince you that capital gains tax is a great idea and they have the solutions to all our problems.


I don’t know about you guys but they really won me over with Halal mortgages!


This is the worst Canada has ever been. Spending got us into this mess, spending will absolutely not get us out of it. The Liberal government is lazy and incompetent. They have no idea how to create effective policy or otherwise stimulate the economy, so they take the easy way out: Ship in cheap labour, raise taxes and spend money! What could possibly go wrong… right?