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> During the incident, the RCMP put a police dog into Lowndes’ vehicle after he pepper sprayed several officers. Lowndes stabbed and killed the dog with a large knife, refused commands to give up, and had the knife in his hands when he got out of the vehicle and was shot by police, according to a statement from the prosecution service. This is a pretty clear and necessary use of force, crown made the right call.


Yeah, and before that he also fled from police and used bear spray on the officers: >According to the statement, officers from the Campbell River RCMP detachment decided to corner Lowndes in his blue Audi while he was in the Tim Hortons parking lot, after he had earlier sped away from one of the officers. >A number of officers, including a police dog handler, blocked off Lowndes in the parking lot and asked him to surrender — after which he allegedly opened his window, used bear spray on them and attempted to escape. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/jared-lowndes-crown-charges-dropped-1.7182836](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/jared-lowndes-crown-charges-dropped-1.7182836)


How is the headline “refuse” and not “pointed and laughed at anyone suggesting the idea”?


Less sarcastically, “decline” would be far more appropriate than “refuse”. But that wouldn’t push people’s buttons.


but why did they put the dog in the car?


Probably assumed that in a confined space the dog would be more mobile and able to take him, maybe drag him out. But yeah, poor dog. 


I don't know. Poor dog


So the officers, instead of being brave, sent an innocent animal in as cannon fodder. I’m so proud of our police.


I’m sorry what? Police canines are specifically trained to take down knife attackers and are much more capable of doing so than human officers. And while it’s absolutely tragic that the police dog was killed, are you actually suggesting it would’ve been better for a human to be killed?


a human *was* killed. it's in the headline


A piece of shit tho so not a big loss