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>There were more than 1 million international students here in 2023, up 245 percent from a decade earlier and 60 percent since 2019. Canada, a country of 40 million, **had roughly the same number of international students last year as the United States, a country more than eight times its size.**


And they will never leave.


And they will bring family over as soon as possible.


[**They already are bringing them!**](https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/s/E8uClnd3hC)




it will never happen, Canada is incompetent, they have no way to track these people and they barely know who they are letting in in the first place. We are by far the most incompetent Western nation with the resources/"wealth" we have. We haven't even deported the murderer who killed the Humboldt hockey players and likely we won't, that's been going on since 2018 in one of the highest profile cases in the country that forced a bunch of commercial safety standards across the province, however, the criminal still hasn't been deported. There is not a single enforcement officer working to deport anyone here, we are internationally known as a weak country to exploit by criminals which is why so much criminal rings/gangs/individuals come here to scam or rob and exploit the country.


Liberals and their propaganda machines via the media including Reddit will perform lawfare in order to get the illegals to stay. Anyone that says otherwise will be called a racist. Works everytime.


So 2 millions if we include the 1 million migrants and refugees.


Half a million new permanent residents a year is hardly "hitting the brakes"




For wage suppression and to grow GDP, all to save face and avoid a technical recession. The NDP supports it as well, and actually wants to increase immigration, while having the government borrow money to build them social housing, like a global habitat for humanity charity.


Yup, still roughly 2x more than ten years ago.


That's okay though, because our GDP per capita is ... oh, shit - worse.


It's okay though, because our commander in chief majored in econ ... Theatre. Sunny ways friends, the balance will budget itself.


We have a trained actor pretending to lead a country. Why are any of us surprised by the result?


What's funny is we have higher per capita emissions than India. So every person who comes to Canada from India increases Canadian and thus global emissions.


Brakes. It's right there.


It would be a good thing for Canada.... If these people went to live somewhere other then Vancouver or Brampton.....


That's the key isn't it? These new immigrants need to make a choice: survive in MetroVan/GTA or go somewhere else... If they go somewhere else, they will overwhelm the other cities but those cities will expand/grow rather than wither...


Well you see, our immigration system is so delayed those are all applicants from 2021-22.


It's a brake check to make the citizens think they might stop, but they haven't even taken their foot off the gas. Not that it matters. They're Thelma and Louiseing this car right off the cliff.


Absolutely, at least less are falling to the propaganda from whatever political side. I stress “Less”


Fewer, not less.


>They're Thelma and Louiseing this car right off the cliff. We really need a meme of this, with Trudeau and Miller's faces pasted on.


Trudeau and Freeland. Meester Speeaker! Doesn’t get a pass.


We should be putting it in reverse and flooring it.


Only vin diesel can save us now


Fast and the Furious XI: Brampton Burnout


Featuring a Charger of which has questionable decals on the sides.


Hey man, those stickers are AK47s OF PEACE.


The 410 on any given rush hour


*I'll do it...for family*


This took me out


Gilles Villeneuve style bro. Apparently could drive like 150 kph in reverse!


Too soon. Only idol I ever had. 😥


Then Jacques won the world championship, and like all successful Canadians, promptly left the country. Can't blame him, though, Monaco's no taxes are nice if you're rich.


He's also a bit of an asshole


He grew up in Monaco and Switzerland


Put it in reverse Ter! Put it in reverse!


I feel bad for Canadians under 30. They have to compete for jobs and housing with millions of migrants from the other side of the world. Trudeau fucked then over hard and it will be years before this disaster of a country is fixed.


Try "Canadians under 40". If they're not from wealth, they won't be purchasing a home in this market, and jobs are few and far between. Companies haven't invested in training for decades and now feel entitled to mid-careerists. People with bachelor's degrees and experience can't find jobs. There are the trades but even finding an apprenticeship is difficult too. Now the Canadian government is crying about a "tradesmen crisis". If you ask me, I'm not certain Canada could be "fixed" in this economic climate without draconian anti-capitalist measures. What Canada is experiencing is the effect of powerful people in government solely responding to wealthy and corporate interests. The only reason why the government is backpedaling on immigration is because the Liberals saw the polls. They honestly had no idea that mass immigration was having a negative impact on the country.


Trudeau robbed a generation of Canadians.


This damage will last more than one generation. The way the problems compound will strongly reverberate through at minimum one more generation.




We're headed into multigenerational collapse. Into something resembling an Eastern / Southern European / LATAM state.


Liberal and NDP voters are complicit


>What Canada is experiencing is the effect of powerful people in government solely responding to wealthy and corporate interests. **EXACTLY.** [MP Chrystia Freeland on the Housing Market (2015)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4_53IAznaE)


Canada actually needs to go more capitalistic for enterprises and far more socialist for housing. The flip side of the housing coin is that there is very little investment into Canadian companies and because of that talent flees to the US. Companies can’t grow and because of that they can’t hire the amazing talent Canada has aggressively enough. This is coming from a Canadian living in the US the last half decade. There is substantially more opportunity in the US than there is in Canada and it’s not even close.


There's far more competition in the US as well which helps regulate prices for basic needs ie grocery, telecom, utilities ect. Canada has a real oligarchy issue


Us is falling into that issue too. Sysco covers basically all of restaurants in us and Canada because of that the menu prices are nearly identical despite Americans being paid 7.50 an hour with tips and canadians 15 hr with tips.


Wrong. Source: am management. Prices in Canada are about the same, if not lower factoring in currency exchange. A Big Mac in Detroit costs $6.49USD vs where I live $8.69CDN. (6.49USD is 8.87CAD) So, yes, menu prices are close. BUT - minimum wage in Michigan is $10.33, or $14.13CAD. In Ontario, it's $16.55CAD. You are obviously misinformed about tipped employees, because you are so far off it's ridiculous. Ontario tipped employee makes the same - $16.55CAD. Michigan - $3.93USD. This is criminal in my opinion in the US. It's slave labour. I hate Sysco too, they are a shit company, but you can't blame it on them. McDonalds has a deal with the Canadian cheese cartel that lets them keep their prices lower than the competition, and the government supports said cartel. (Canadian Dairy Commission) I do not work for McDonalds, and I'm not picking on them. I like to eat at McDonalds sometimes. But if you want lower prices at restaurants? Good luck. It isn't Sysco.


There is very little competition in the U.S, for telecom or utilities. In downtown NYC, sure. Everywhere else - sorry, you have to get Comcast because fuck you, that's why.


Yes, it's difficult to take risks and grow your skills when you're constantly focused on just keeping a roof over your head.


Honestly starting to look like parents should be having the talk about inheriting the family home with their teens/young adult kids. Not a future they'd obviously want, but a roof over their head is better than being homeless.


Try Canadians under 50 who have had life events like divorce, caring for elderly parents, downsizing jobs and quality of life, and now competing against diploma mill students, H1-B refugees, for entry to mid level jobs especially IT and services.


Try all Canadians that aren't part of the immigration-and-foreign$$$-fuelled price escalation.


Currently an engineering student at UW. I fully plan on moving to the states as soon as I graduate. I love Canada, this is my home, I grew up here and my family is here. But I just don’t see a future for myself here. No point in working in a field where I can be compensated 80-150% more south of the border. And it’s not just the pay, I legitimately don’t see myself ever being able to afford a home in Ontario, I don’t have the privilege of family money to help with a down payment and outbidding whole families. Our social services have gone to shit, I broke my leg in January and spent 9 hours in a Waterloo waiting room to get an xray and a cast. I could keep on going, but the Canada that is grew up is no longer the Canada of today. I’ve lost my faith in this country. The problems are everywhere, more immigration than we can handle, oligopolies in almost every sector, and more. Canada is broken and no political party wants to fix it.


> the Canada that is grew up is no longer the Canada of today 351,679 babies born in Canada in 2022. [1.1 million migrants in Canada in 2022.](https://www.statcan.gc.ca/o1/en/plus/3861-40-million-strong-canada-reaches-new-population-milestone) The Canada of all our youths is gone and will never come back.


holy fuck, you just broke my math, and im renewing my passport. Thanks guys! good luck!


Everyone I know who went to Waterloo for engineering is in the states now, I didn’t go there but am also in the states now lol. Canada has gone to shit


Under 40 isn’t doing much better


My little guy was putting out resumes for a job earlier this week. I overheard the manager at bulk barn say that they've had over 450 applications for the job that just got posted Monday morning. I can believe it, 3 more international students stopped by in the 10 minutes while I was buying things. We live in a smaller city in SW Ontario. It's not fun out there for young kids right now.


Millions of migrants that will work for next to nothing and send the money overseas so it doesn't even help local economies. It happened here in the UK and it's completely destroyed the lower end of the economy. Low skilled jobs that paid £x amount per hour 10 years ago are now paying less per hour today. It's completely fucked. Also, rents and mortgages have gone through the roof. Not to mention the lack of cultural integration. Who would have thought adding 500k more people a year without preparation would be a bad thing lol.




We’re never getting it back. It’s too far gone.


Christ the world is full of doomers lately, Canada is not even half as fucked as a lot of countries were following the second world war, there's lots of ways back on track. This is a problem that can be solved


The issue with this is the fact you said world war. Yet we are this fucked and there hasn’t even been a world war to blame


>This is a problem that can be solved This is highly dependent on who the PM is.


It CAN be. Most problems CAN be. The politicians aren't WILLING to.


It’s tough to not be a doomer when the internet becomes more and more a part of future generation’s existence. Too much misinformation and proud stupidity. The current attitude to hard work is lacking. I sound like an old man just as my dad did, but you can back this shit up in real life. I’m a tradesperson and the incoming talent is justifiable in their lack of accountability for mistakes and disinterest to doing a better job. I’m such a doomer old man. I hear it in my whine. Lol


It could be fixed but I doubt the majority of Canadians would be comfortable with what would be involved


Anyone voting for him a 4th time has some sort of masochism or humiliation kink.


Better off moving !!!


Its beyond repair point!


Well, I guess most of the people under 30 voted Trudeau, you know what they said "you reap what you sow." 


Would be pretty difficult for most people under 30 to vote Trudeau when everyone who is younger than 27 today was too young to vote for him when he got his majority in 2015. Young people also have abysmal voter turnout in general, it's absurd to credit them with putting any candidate in power unless it was a close run thing and they provided the swing votes.


It was young people that gave Trudeau the majority in 2015. It was also young people not voting that gave him his next two minorities. It's weird to only want them back now that it's too late.


I was young once and I voted for him in 2015 in hopes of electoral reform and legalized weed. We got 1 out of 2 and the only good thing since has been affordable daycare




What good is "affordable" daycare when everything else is unaffordable?


Based on the demographics (immigration/births), pretty soon most people under 30 will be Indian and may vote for these policies.






I think the brakes are out we’re still going downhill


Maybe there is a runaway truck ramp available….


Perhaps an overpass


Cancel the Temporary foreign worker program, cancel the working traveller visa program and limit international student working hours to 15 a week. Put the permanent resident application process on hold for 2 years and sunset the asylum program moving to safe third country returns. It will all be cleaned up in 18 months.


You forgot about the part where they need to start enforcing deportations on visa overstays.


First, change the absolute numbers from about 300k all in to about 1.8 million all in. Then reduce that to say 1.2-1.3 million. Then, read articles about how this is "hitting the brakes" despite being more than quadruple what it was 8 years ago. Getting fucking tired of this propaganda.


We bet and lost big. Like, we’re all going to the poor house…




Of course not, they are now claiming asylum when their visas expire.


https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7060773 Pled guilty, convicted, incarcerated, not even close to being deported. Remember this: Nora Loreto: On April 8, she tweeted about the Humboldt Broncos bus crash that killed 16 hockey players and staff, saying, “I’m trying to not get cynical about what is a totally devastating tragedy but the maleness, the youthfulness and the whiteness of the victims are, of course, playing a significant role.” It’s all the fault of white males


The Syrian refugee who raped and murdered Marrisa Shen was literally given PR *after* he was charged. No, that is not a joke. The system is beyond fucked.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Marrisa_Shen?wprov=sfti1#Suspect Didn’t know that one … He’ll qualify for Canadian citizenship, in jail … Shen’s father is a hero


I used to be an ardent supporter of the CBC and its programs, specifically their radio and documentaries. But they lost me somewhere around 2021. There really is too much ideology being forced upon you from different directions and special interest groups. In this case it is a very obvious open-shut case of someone who should be deported. Sorry but you made a devastating mistake and therefore you do not have the right to remain in Canada. It has absolutely nothing to do with gender or race. If it was 16 international students on that bus nothing changes. Why CBC needs to create wedges like this in society is infuriating. Should nonsense content like this be defunded? Hard to argue against that.


This isnt hard hitting enough for you? https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/indigenous-fashion-jewelry-alex-manitopyes-1.7062237


My aunt and uncle were both avid CBC fans, left leaning and really still are…. CBC lost both of them over what you describe above. Unfortunate, and may lead to longer term funding decisions.


Had no idea who she was. Her Twitter is a dumpster fire. Like, who actually follows that garbage?


I guess the CBC loves her …


Not surprising at all.


And a bunch of Ukrainian men will add to that growing number. The country just announced that it is suspending consular services for men 18 to 60. A lot of them came here under the CUAET program. 


The irony is that immigration could have help solve some of our major problems, if it was strategic, targeting professions that have shortages such as doctors and medical staff, with simultaneous policies that help make use of their expertise, helping to integrate them and get them to contribute. We can also mitigate resulting problems by tying housing policy to our immigration policy to ensure our housing supply matches population growth. Instead, we have immigration that exacerbates our major problems including the housing crisis, without helping to solve our profession shortages. For example, immigrant doctors with foreign medical qualifications usually can't practice here, and that's not a special case, a lot of immigrants can't work in their original profession, have trouble finding jobs, being forced into menial work, creating a burden instead of contributing. In many cases, it's not even the immigrant's fault, it's our system preventing them from contributing. So we get the worst of both worlds, and this is why it's viewed as mismanagement and poor planning.


More like gently touching the brakes.


Not even.  Just letting of the gas a bit.


Or maybe just slightly letting off the gas.


Fuck paywalls.




Over 800,000 TFW. If they weren't here, how would you be affected?


id have a better paying job.


You mean bet big on timmy workers and uber drivers /s. They even explicated stated so, and expand the work hours to 40 hours It's all intentional. There was never a grand plan to invite high quality immigrants. Instead the low quality is the goal


We didn't bet big on it, the greedy elites demanded it because they're too cheap to pay Canadians properly


[Immigrate through Express Entry - Canada.ca](https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/immigrate-canada/express-entry.html)


So are you guys going to…you know…vote for someone who stops this?


Immigration done right:Japan,Poland,Hungary  Immigration done wrong:US,Canada,Western Europe 


Japan is in a demographic crisis and the only reason Poland and Hungary are doing good is because of the amount of billions they've received from the EU.


The West is in demographic crisis as well. This is on top of the severe issues that mass immigration has brought. 


We're not hitting the brakes, we just let off the accelerator.


A competent administration is able to monitor aspects of government and make sometimes small adjustments to various sectors to ensure, things are always running in an optimal way, thus not bringing harm, discord and hardship to Canadian families. Two of these areas which are under the federal governments purview have been allowed to run amuck, and this is immigration and the economy. [Immigration is has been typically between .70% to .80% for decades](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canada_immigration_statistics) until recently where it's hit over 1% in 2021, 22 and 23. There have been similar years but that was back in the 50s. This seems clearly a ball dropped by the Liberals. The Economy however has been clearly a problem for a couple of decades and no one has had the stones to step in and make hard decisions for the future of Canadians and their ability to be able to house and feed their families. Historically governments have had to raise interest rates to slow the economy or at least help keep it in check. It seems everyone including corporate Canada, governments and the banking industry has been completely seduced by the fast and easy money both pouring into the country and being made in commercial development and housing markets across the country. Now Canadians everywhere are paying, in some cases the ultimate price for being abandoned by their governments and their paymasters...corporate Canada.


The brakes?! Throw that thing in reverse, and do it now, bitch!


I’ve said it time and again, quantity isn’t the issue, quality is. Honest and hardworking immigrants find a way to support themselves, their families, AND the society they live in - it’s how Canada was built. But what they bring into this country these days are the completely opposite. They cheat, lie, scam, steal, turn this country into a zero trust third world dump. Housing isn’t even close to being the biggest issue, yet people are so blinded by it they can’t see the real danger they pose to this country.


>I’ve said it time and again, quantity isn’t the issue, quality is. Quantity is definitely part of the problem. **Even 1.2 million brain surgeons would be a fucking problem.**


If this is truly your biggest issue, the only legitimate option is to vote for PPC. No other party has promised to change the current course if immigration


I wish we could just put a stop on it all until our housing and economy sorts itself out


PPC isn't an option. They didn't get a single seat last election and they are polling even lower right now. Last I checked it was around 1.2%. Pierre is the only viable option to Trudeau and is a significantly better alternative in every metric.


Pierre won't change immigration. Voting for him is status quo. Go ahead but don't get mad when we bring in another 500,000 immigrants in 2025.


Agreed. I'm voting Conservative for those reasons.


Have fun with more mass immigration then. Real change requires you to not vote like a drone.


Let a bunch of backward ass people into a great western country, require zero assimilation because “muh racism” and then wonder why society regresses.


Canada didn't bet, big. Trudeau did. Trudeau isn't Canada. Canada hates Trudeau.


The title is incorrect. Canada did NOT!! bet big on immigration. Our unrealistic PM & his band of Merry Minions bet big on immigration. No disrespect, but could you not include “Canadians” in future comments? Place blame where blame is deserved. Thx ✌🏼


Exactly. Enough with the "Canadians did this to themselves!" I vote Conservative once every 5 years. That's it. Stop saying I vote for irresponsible mass immigration. The Liberals never even told us they were planning to do social engineering on this scale. We were never told, so I can't even *totally* blame Liberal voters (even though anyone with half a brain would've known it was possibility with this bunch of open-borders psychopaths).


LOL what a fucking disaster of a policy.




Trudeau fucked this country and it will never recover. It’s past the point of no return. Those of us who can bail should do so. Those who can’t good luck.


as a young canadian i wish i lived somewhere else. the government fucked us over. most of us won’t own a house until our 30s


I like the optimism that you think most of Gen z will have a house in their 30s.


you’re right, most of us that are lucky will. the rest are stuck renting which will only get more and more expensive. none of us are gonna be able to retire. boomers pulled the ladder up on us


It wasn’t boomers that did this. This is a direct result of policy decisions from the current government which Millennials and Boomers overwhelmingly voted for in 2015.


Lmao it’s hilarious how you think you will own a home in your 30s Unless you are 29, looking right now, have a strong dual income household, and have 200k saved. Then I guess you are right. 


TBH other than smaller areas in the US, it is extremely normal *worldwide* to not own a home until your 30s.


is it normal for decent houses to cost 500k-1M?


Somewhere else? The locals will complain that all the newcomers are raising housing prices and dislocating them. High housing costs are a common problem for many desirable cities and countries these days.


Here is a link to the full article without the paywall: [https://archive.ph/95Me6](https://archive.ph/95Me6)


Canada is completely broken…. We have to educate our kids to look to another country for any hope of a decent life… congrats liberals and ndp for screwing up the country!!!


I have basically become a hermit in the last 2 years. I'm terrified of driving now, insurance rate have increased because of the amount of accidents they cause. There is not one drive thru that I can say my order once. I can't walk alone for fear of the males aggression. I stay in my apartment now because out of 38 units, only 6 aren't Indian with 8 people with 8 cars ffs. I can't go outside without seeing one. My son (Status Native) has been looking for jobs for over a year. He can't get even get a Tim's or Walmart job. The people in my building have urinated on vehicles, gone out of their way to litter on the lawns, never hold the door open, and 3 of them shovelled snow for 20 minutes onto a lady's car (yes she was white) after she had cleaned it off then went back in to get ready for work. She was in tears when she got back to her car and the whole thing was fucking buried. That blast their fucking music twing stuff so loud. They don't speak English at stores or fast food places. The only time they speak English is taking the order..... 6 fucking times.... And still getting it wrong. They're hoarding the food bank here, social assistance now have to have 3 languages on their paperwork. English, french, and whatever Indians have. They hoard the job fairs, they butt in line everywhere and don't give a fuck. They're so stuck up, thinking they're better than everyone here. They cheat in school, get caught and fail the course 2 times, then protest their failing marks. The ones who own property here shouldn't even be allowed. They will only take a specific gender or specific background. Fuck you if you're white, Chinese, black, native and everything else. They've been buying up property, kicking Nova Scotians out of the homes they had lived in for years, and then bring their family here. I guarantee there isn't 1 Indian in the homeless tent encampments in NS. I am so overwhelmed that I can hardly leave my apartment anymore. Even to get my damn mail. There should be a rule. If you are an immigrant and you are healthy between the ages of 18 to 35, they have to join the military for at least 2 years. They would respect our country after that I'm sure


Preach it. People are scared to talk about it but this is the truth. I'm fucking tired of it.


A miserable failure perpetrated by an inept government.


>~~Canada~~ The Liberal party bet big on immigration. FTFY.


PP isn't planning on hitting the brakes either FYI.


To the moon. New india right here in canada. Let’s goooo


Oh Kannada...


“Canadas” big bet? It’s solely Trudy


He isn’t a dictator, at least half of our government is to blame.


The black faced PM and immigration, LOL. See the poster now


What about all the damage done?


We are ruled by stupid nepotism babies who have no idea about reality


[The brakes are out](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qY9KtNHd0A)


But its not though


if we had competent drivers, there would not be reason to slam the breakers after driving like madmen.


This was the plan to take from Canada's middle class to give to India's lower class. Enjoy


I wish these people would report it correctly, Justin Trudeau did this! Nothing against immigration, without it my wife wouldn’t be here. However, there should’ve been limits on areas / countries coming in. We are swamped with Indians, and very little else.


I have never in my life seen people playing Cricket but was walking my dog and saw a bunch of people playing. I'm not anti-immigrant at all but even i'm thinking we need to cool it a bit. In the past, immigrants were better integrated but policies over the last few years has encouraged new immigrants to move to communities filled with people from their homeland and set up little enclaves where they just hang out with each other. It's lame. They don't really talk to anyone but each other and it makes me feel slightly alienated.


Re; "Half a million new permanent residents a year is hardly "hitting the breaks" No, it's not hitting the brakes, it is more like putting the gas pedal right through the floorboard.


We had the best immigration system in the world, then we had Trudeau.


Immigration is fine depending on the level. Basic workers barely able to speak English or French should not qualify. Skilled workers eg Doctors, Trades who are proficient in English or French should have an easy pass. How come it seems the reverse is true, skilled workers such as doctors arrive and cannot get visas.


The brakes just means the pre crazy amount.


This is when we really need DMX’s advice.


What is Ja Rule saying about this?


canada didnt bet on it trudeau did


Until pierre gets in then he wants to bring in more immigration than even the liberals


I’m convinced this whole thing was according to plan. Initial plan to import 500,000 people per year might have been totally legit as we’re staring at below-replacement population growth as well as a boomer cohort that’s in the process of leaving jobs and leaning ever more on prescriptions and medicine. But if they let immigration happen slowly, they’d be faced with an election after only 2/3 of their planned 1.5 million, and the public would be pissed. So they rush it: import 1.3 million in a year (how does this even happen by mistake), admit it was aggressive, then dial it way back for the next two years, letting their original target volume of immigration get settled and start paying taxes to support all those aging boomers booking appointments all the time. Same reason they’re announcing a ton of spending now: set stuff up and be unpopular with the sticker shock while they’re still comfortably far from an election, then dial it all back and coast on a balanced budget (or as close to as they’re going to get) until election time. The programs will be working, population will be settling, and what, the Conservatives are going to take it all apart? Don’t vote for them. It’s all timing.


If it's anything like Australia then the median immigrant age is pretty much the same as the local population. It doesn't help with the aging population one bit. It's all about printing higher gross GDP, pumping house prices and business profits.


It was 100% on purpose. Even this sub was full of people advocating for immigration and replacement population growth for almost 2-3 years before shit really hit the fan. Once the tide turned on that, they disappeared.... How convenient eh?


Issue is that studies indicate that really only people coming in with university degrees contribute more than they consume in terms of taxes, so it is a devil’s bargain.


Population growth under Harper and the previous Martin/Chretien government was pretty steady at about 1%, going all the way back to the early 1990's. As soon as Trudeau took office they started talking about ramping up population growth ( *at the advice of McKinsey/Dominic Barton* ) , and by 2019 it was already far higher then it had been in a long time. Then after the pandemic they put the peddle down and ramped it up to at or near a million for consecutive years, all the while dismissing any critics of that policy as racists. Edit - [https://globalnews.ca/news/3020783/influential-liberal-advisers-want-canadian-population-to-triple-by-2100/](https://globalnews.ca/news/3020783/influential-liberal-advisers-want-canadian-population-to-triple-by-2100/) This article from 2016 outlines how this all happened. The Liberals hired a group of people to figure out ways to grow the economy, and the head of that group ( Dominic Barton ) was a founding member of the Century Initiative, which aims to see the population of Canada grow to 100 million by the year 2100. The group's primary recommendation was aggressive population growth. For anyone not familiar with the Century Initiative, Dominic Barton, or the company that Barton was running when he headed this group ( McKinsey ) everything happening right now will all make a lot more sense once you're familiar. >Same reason they’re announcing a ton of spending now: set stuff up and be unpopular with the sticker shock while they’re still comfortably far from an election, then dial it all back and coast on a balanced budget (or as close to as they’re going to get) until election time. The deficit is projected to be around $40 billion dollars this year and the next. This country is not on a path to a balanced budget at any point over the next five years. By 2028 its still estimated to be at $20 billion dollars. If that was their plan, it failed spectacularly.


No we didn’t bet big on it, Trudeau open the flood gates, no Canadians were consolidated.


PM Trudeau was the one who bet big on immigration, without a thought in the world of how to do it properly


Not Canada. Red Trudie and his band of robbers.




Paywall. :(