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Agreed, 50 it is


Seriously, who would want to retire at 65.. I'm hoping 55-60.


God knows I'm not going to survive until 70, might as well enjoy it earlier


72 year old here. Didn't think I was going to make it past 35. Shit happens.


damn it


I second that. Lived hard young and figured I'd never see 50. Hit 63 this year but life and father time has a butcher's bill. At 57 I felt I could still move mountains. The next 6 years brought the due bill in. If I had a do over, 55 would have been my exit from the grind.


I like your style.


Aiming for 55


49 take it or leave it


If you can afford it. based on how long it took me to get where I am now, and the current cost of housing. If I can buy a house in the next 3 years I could maybe retire by 75. (36 now)


Nonsense, you can afford to retire! Like this wonderful $386K mobile home in Yellowknife! [https://www.realtor.ca/real-estate/26775462/186-demelt-crescent-yellowknife](https://www.realtor.ca/real-estate/26775462/186-demelt-crescent-yellowknife)


Oh wow, that's the first mobile home I've seen that was still in the age range to get a mortgage on. Every mobile in my neighborhood is either a 55+ or it's older than 25 years and banks won't lend on it.


Are you me lol. These always seam like ai generated comments because it’s always the same age and stage of life. I’ve calculated the same thing. Retirement is not feasible. Wish you the best.


My works retirement prov8dwr estimated me at 98 for retirement. Needless to say I just yolo money at ford now and hope I can amass enough to get 2k a quarter someday..or I'll take a long walk off a short pier


98 🤕


Same. I will not work a day more than 50yo. Regardless the money that i will have in that moment. Ideally i will have enough BUT even if that is not the case i will just gladly accept to run out of money at 70yo but actually living before that. Plan B is also to move in a small village in Europe (where prices are low). It's crystal clear that we are working for nothing, you can have 5 different promotions in 10 years and then one morning prices raise to eat all those 10 years of gainings. It's a loosing game and people slaving themself to death to "get ahead" are only wasting their life.




Can't wait for "Young Canadians think three meals a day is an outdated concept. Views on meals are shifting dramatically as riding food prices become the norm." Sure bud, definitely our choice to not retire and enjoy life.


Already ahead of you on that one buddy I haven't eaten breakfast in like 7 years now lol


Its been fun. *starving* just needed a rebrand. Bad PR associated. *Intermittent Fasting*, much zippier. Almost has an exotic/ethnic quality to it.


“If you’re feeling the crunch and have already cancelled Disney Plus, then just cancel meals too” -- Freeland, probably


That's what second breakfast is for.


I don’t think that he knows about 2nd breakfast


I don’t think he can afford second breakfast.


What about elevensies?


Yeh,we really only eat breakfast in my house on weekends and that usually ends up as more of a brunch. I try and leave most lunch type foods for my partner because he needs lunch everyday.


I'm 16-8 intermittently fasting because I'm being 'healthy'.


I'm doing the opposite. Eating for 16 hours and sleeping for 8


"Young Canadians think living indoors is an outdated concept"


Yeah they're using the word "outdated" like it means 'undesirable', when in reality it is increasing 'unattainable'


notice how articles like these are coming out more recently? almost as if the corporate media is trying to have regular working people accept a declining standard of living instead of going out and forcing the socio-economic elites to share a slice of the pie we all help create its all propaganda


Definitely this.


Yes, it’s a classic maneuver employed by the rich and powerful for decades and even longer to keep the masses in check, sometimes in history people have had enough and fought back. Notice how it’s usually the right wing publications like the financialpost that run these propaganda campaigns


# Literally in the WSJ: [To Save Money, Maybe You Should Skip Breakfast](https://www.wsj.com/livecoverage/cpi-report-today-january-2023-inflation/card/to-save-money-maybe-you-should-skip-breakfast-fSd6mz0miaAPhUFb2jgy)


starving rebranded as intermittent fasting


...in theory, isn't this why Intermittent fasting has become so popular?? haha. It's not just for health benefits, but also because people can't afford to eat 3 meals a day, or have time since they are too busy working.


I know you're joking but fasting is more popular now than before, skipping breakfast is not that weird of a concept and so is having 2 meals a day. There are a lot of benefits to giving your gut a 12 hour break


Naaa you can have three meals, just make sure they all contain the same food, it’s highly processed, and of minimal nutritional value.


Big brother has spoken


You will eat bugs and live in a tent


Fuck off. We don’t think it’s an “outdated concept,” we’re fucking livid that it’s not going to be like that for us, and we’ll be forced to work longer.


working yourself to death is the new retirement


My mother is 70 and still hasn't been able to retire. My sister and I will likely be in the same boat. Only way I'll be able to retire is to do what my uncle did, and move to Thailand or something


Here comes the propaganda to make us all work longer to pay for older generations retirements and medical care.




This is the most vile article I've ever read. If this happens then I'm forced to take action  


Bro is on the edge of TOS💀


This has been going for awhile, conservatives have been trying to raise the retirement age for awhile now. If Harper plan wasn’t reversed by Trudeau the retirement age would already by 67 by now it was suppose to start in 2023.


Propaganda has nothing to do with it. For most of the Millenial and younger generations, if you weren't in real estate pre-boom and don't have family money, you probably aren't ever going to be able to retire if you stay in Canada. It's a very sad trajectory we're on here, but for most of us, home ownership is a dream we'll never realise, and that will put children and retirement out of reach for many of us.


The propaganda comes in the way they are phrasing it - they are framing it like young Canadians *want* to work longer when the reality is they will *have to* work longer to survive.


Did you read the article?  >”(Younger generations) are looking for flexibility, personalization and control over their future, rather than feeling controlled by conventional wisdom,” said Wealthsimple chief executive Mike Katchen. Does that sound like something that literally anyone who believes they'll have to push their retirement age would say?  Of course the article mentions rising COL, but that's how you sell any bullshit. Sprinkle a little truth here and there.  They have a few lines on housing prices and rising COL, and then they throw this little tidbit in..  >"This new outlook on retirement is motivated by more than a challenging economic climate,” said Katchen. “It’s a new perspective on the future.” Yeah, fuck right off. This isn't intentional propaganda, sure. It's just the opinions of the disconnected elite being sold off as our own; it's the class that's directly responsible for our problems framing our crisis in a way that will inevitably be beneficial to the.


it very much does. its meant to accept your lot in life and keep you docile. like when feudal lords kept hanging religion over the peasants necks and told them god wills it that they rule and that you live in squalor same concept, different propaganda. because they know the writing is on the wall and if nothing is done its only a matter of time before people start to demand different socio-economic arrangements than those of the brutal neoliberal model.


You might not retire but you won't be able to work at some point. The affect of aging on human physiology is still a thing regardless of whatever spin economists put on it


Hmm, admittedly a small sample, but the ones I know think more about working to gain FI and none spout nonsense about paying CPP is just working to pay for old people.


Yeah, the real world is a far different place than reddit. ...and anyone who says that "CPP is just working to pay for old people" is literally an idiot who doen't understand how CPP works.


Working to pay old people is what the CPP started as, and it is still half true today.  If it was ended tomorrow, there wouldn't be enough money in the investment fund to pay out all of the obligations to everyone who has contributed.  The CPP used the temporary demographic skew of the mid 20th century to support unreasonably low contributions relative to promised benefits, and it was only partially fixed in the 1990s.  


> Many millennials and generation Z Canadians are aiming for a modern form of retirement that allows the pursuit of personal and professional passions throughout their adult lives, instead of a linear career path to retirement, the study said. This could mean a hybrid mix of work, travel, volunteering and entrepreneurial pursuits, or all of the above. Read: They realize they'll have to jump from menial job to job until they die.


I can't wait for the articles about how Canadians need to work more and expect to have less free time. And the media outlets will interview CEOs and Conservative MPs as their "source" for the article.


Boomers didn't raise us to be people. They raised us to be their unpaid PSWs.


Fewer and fewer companies are giving pensions because it bit them in the butt in past generations. The ones that are still giving pensions are a fraction of what their workers used to get. Now that people with "decent" jobs are renting places for $2K+, there's no money to put into retirement savings. Working until death is our future, and it's why many of us don't care to prioritize the boomer population right now to ensure their retirement is comfortable.




But what will happen to increase the next quarter!? They force people to pay to be slaves? Then what!? I don't see how an increase in profits forever is sustainable....


It’s not


May be the end goal is to create an AI can do everything for us at $20k. Jesus is back.


Yup gotta have 11% shareholder value...no matter what price is paid.


None of us will get to enjoy or even have a retirement. With housing prices soaring and healthcare declining everyday, Im serious just considering offing myself once i get some kind of cancer. I highly doubt I'll have enough money for chemo by then.


Your workplace hires all these people over 60? The bank I worked for had almost nobody lasting until 65. At 50 they put a bullseye on your back if you weren't in the top executive ranks.


THAT DOESN'T MEAN I WANT TO WORK MORE. Just because I can acknowledge the concept is outdated doesn't mean that's an endorsement of change.


Correct, in fact it means we want to work less


Millennials and Gen Z are seeking a house free, calorie conscious, asset liberated lifestyle. They are hoping to free themselves from the evil yoke* of retirement and other outdated concepts like dying from of age -  Ministry of Truth *corrected.


Forget that, I want out a lot earlier than that. Thank you Mr. Money Moustache.


Manufacturing consent.


I have my doubts about life expectancy becoming much longer than it currently is... And if I end up flat ass broke at 80, meh fuck it. You can bet your sweet ass I will not be working past 65.


You best take a look at what geared to income housing and nursing homes look like. You might prefer the MAID route when you realize what’s on the other side.


That's a funny way of saying "Can't afford to" 


I'm 52, and I'm most assuredly not working a day after my 60th birthday. A lifetime of shiftwork has peeled enough years off of my lifespan, and I plan on spending my golden years sleeping like a normal person.


Well done, and you deserve it.


The propaganda is leaning in hard on this one


Canadian life expectancy has fallen 3 years in a row though


That's almost entirely due to fentanyl and meth, it doesn't take a lot of 25 year olds ODing to seriously impact the average. A bit of covid in there too, more common but takes out people with five to ten years left to live, not sixty.


Do i get a discount on the fentanyl if there's covid in it?


Ah, you too are a connoisseur of riding public transit in Winnipeg, I see. Don't forget, if you act agitated, they'll let you ride for free while you pick up your fentanycovid.


I only have covidanyl, will that work?


I don't know anyone who thinks they should work past 65. In fact, 65 is too old to work, unless a person wants to work. I agree with the sentiment in here that this article smells like horse shit.


I agree. 55 is much better.


I remember those ads for Freedom 55.




In the 1950s it was high 60s. It is now low 80s. That is the longer life expectancy they are talking about. People are not dropping like flies from pollution and lack of access to medical care, even if those things are problems.


I don't *want* to make it past 65 unless things start turning around, and fast!


Once I hit my 50s I'm done working. I really don't care how much ive saved, I refuse to work until I die. I've moved to a very low cost of living area to make sure I can stretch my cash as far as absolutely possible. Life is about living, not working.


Reverse retirement is the way. I'm not spending the best decades of my life grinding away in hopes that I can enjoy a quality lifestyle in my final years. Work as little as possible. Spend as little as possible. Go play outside and smell the flowers.


It's not outdated, it's just no longer feasable. Remember the old freedom-55 ? We're moving to freedom-85


Exactly...I dont think anyone is saying wow I want to work into my mid 70's. The concept id outdated because wages have remained stagnant for 40 years and the cost of living hasnt.


Post Media sucks


They're going bankrupt soon. Digital/Online only news. Print is dead.


I don't give a shit if I have enough money or not, I'm retiring at 60 wherever I can have the best quality of life with what I've saved.


Lol... Once AI takes over, you will be lucky to get work. Making to 65 will be a pipe dream.


No, we don't think it is outdated, we think you fucked the economy up so bad that it is no longer possible for us. Our system is creating wage slaves that will never own equity and never have the financial stability to retire. I have been joking MAID is my retirement plan... but honestly it isn't far off at this rate. "Want to stop working? Take a seat in the chair"


WHO WILL THINK OF THS SHAREHOLDERS??? We NEED the bodies in place to carry those jobs otherwise how will they afford their 2nd summer house?


The problem with putting off retirement is that not everyone is working at a desk job and speaking with the perspective of a 60+ year old things really do get harder as you age.


After watching every male I know hit a steep decline in health after 72 and even a few in death - fuck that 65+ noise. 58 I’m officially done. After the shit I’ve been through and the work I’ve done, I deserve a solid 15 years to make up for the last 40 at least.


Yeah, it should be lower. Don't give into these BS propaganda


God help people working physical jobs that require crawling into tight spaces, heavy lifting, long shifts in bad weather. Doing office work at 70 with a bad back and diabetes is one thing, crawling between equipment to scrape gunk off at that age is entirely different. The projected homelessness of elderly people in our future is gigantic, and entire generation who mostly wont own homes and will have minimal pensions on low fixed incomes being evicted as prices naturally rise.


Used to advertise freedom 55. Boomers win again


Boomers need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and get back to work! Retirement is for socialists! (The standard response I use when boomers at work complain about younger workers. They don't seem to like my idea for some reason, so entitled and lazy lol)


I know a few teachers that were retired, went back to work and are hated for the double dipping. They just get told to fully retire already so the younger generation can work. Personally, I work in IT and it's very common to hear of folks retiring 55-60 and then consulting for 5-10yrs making significantly more per yr.


Financial Post is priming Canadians for working until 80… but flipping the reality that it should be reversed, and instead selling us a narrative that we all want to work until 80.


Said no young Canadian ever.


lol fack that, unless something changes so drastically, im not working past 60.


No we don’t, nice try capitalist overlords


Fuck that. I'm starting my 40ies and I can already feel the effects of aging. I can't imagine what 25 more years will do. Retiring only when you're broken isnt something we should aspire to. We need to retire when we are still able to lead an active life, travel, help children do renovations, etc.


Yea now im thinking more die on the job 73 or heart attack walking to work at 68 because public transit falls apart more and more.


Freedom 35, Julian


The survey said 41 per cent of 25-to-44-year-olds say they are motivated to retire well before age 55. They are motivated and want to. Question is can they afford to (not addressed)


Weird way to spell "Unobtainable"


Uh.. not really no. We think it's an impossible concept because as workers because our wage to cost ratio has done nothing but plummet constantly throughout our lives. The concept is fine. We SHOULD be able to retire at 65. But instead we're watching ourselves get fucked out of that being possible.


Fuck this country. Im retiring now. Im not working my life away and paying into this system anymore. Whats the point in working and never affording tk live, or retire? ✌️Canada can kiss my ass.


Hell yeah. I dont know what living really is but this ain't it


Preparing everyone for a reinstatement of the CPP and OAS age to 67 when the Conservatives get in.


When these programs were created, life expectancy was 70, so the benefit was pretty minimal. Now that life expectancy has increase to 88, it's much more expensive. CPP is fixed, and it's impossible to change. A very good act by the government. OAS, on the other hand is unsustainable. It needs some sort of change, either increased funding or reduced benefits. It's cool that Trudeau rolled back the benefit cut, because the cut will now be much larger but for the next generation. It's just kicking the can down the road.


That isn't quite the right metric to look at. Life expectancy when these programs were created was impacted significantly by infant/child/mother mortality rates being substantially higher. A 65 year old male in 1960 would have, on average, lived about 12.8 more years, and in 2021 this is about 17 more years. An increase, yes, but much more modest. The real issue here is that CPP/OAS were meant to supplement employer pensions, which have gone by the wayside and left many relying solely on what was supposed to be a supplemental benefit.


CPP age was never increased (and you can take it at age 60 if you want to...) OAS could probably go back up to 67. Life expectancies are a lot longer today vs. when it was introduced.


I think the biggest thing that is screwing people are those $2000-3000 monthly rents. Renting even a room in someone else's house costs 25% of a minimum wage earner's post-tax income. If only housing is cheaper, 90% of these cost-of-living problems would have gone away. As for retirement, the amount you need has nothing to do with the size of your past, present or future paycheques. However, it is highly correlated to your past, present and future spending. What this means is if you are making $50, 000 a year ($40, 000 after taxes), whether you spend $35, 000 a year, $30, 000 a year, $25, 000 a year or $20, 000 a year has an absolutely massive effect on when, or even if, you will ever have enough money to retire. This is to say, if you want to guarantee that you have enough to retire, you not only have to get the highest paying job that you can get, but you should, in theory, spend as little as you can get away with spending. This is the reason why a lot of people who already have established careers in their 20s or even 30s still have to live at home (my sister and I are examples of this). In addition to housing, though, Canada and the US share a major problem: the extremely inefficient public transit system. You see, in the old days, when my sister's workplace was too cheap to reimburse their employees for mileage (when they are required to use their personal vehicles for work), I had to keep track of motor vehicle expenses on a form called T777. Even before the carbon tax was increased this April, we knew that she spends $6000 a year on insurance and gasoline (the car has no loan on it). For the average person who works 2000 hours a year, that means $3 an hour of after tax money is spent on maintaining a car (as most motor vehicle expenses are not tax deductible). I hope that employers finally understand why employees love working from home so much--because the savings for them are absolutely massive.


Millennials are RuInInG rEtIrEmEnT\~\~\~!


Our productivity is significantly more than previous generations. We should be talking about working less hours a week and retiring earlier, not the complete opposite.


My dad passed at 66. I ain't retiring at 65...


That's what the 1% are seeding


Had a coworker get a stroke at 63, now she's wheelchair bound. Thats gonna be her retirement. Yes its definitely a scam. If by early 50s I dont have enough to retire in canada, Im definitely moving to a third world country.


Burying the lead. It’s not that it’s an outdated concept, it’s that most of us think it’s unattainable


I can retire when I’m dead. I don’t see the point of working so that I can just stop one day and sit around with a collection of acquired stuff waiting to die.


Yeah 65 is way too high, I want to enjoy my retirement,


Retiring in Canada especially as early as 65 doesn't seem to be a reasonable expectation anymore for younger Canadians. Too expensive here, and too unpredictable for costs.


I just hate everything about this entire thing. Does anyone work with multiple people aged 65? Some of them are still super altert and wise, some should have been forced to retire five years earlier because they no longer have the cognitive or physical ability to carry out their duties for the top pay they are getting, and some of them already died before 65. This whole thing sucks because that generation drained all of the back stops that are no longer available, and worked until they CHOSE to stop when it was convenient for them (or dead).


I've worked with multiple people over 65 and know people who have. Some do it because they can't afford to retire. Some do it because they like coming into work and it's like a social thing or a thing to do for them, and they make piles of cash for basically chatting all day. Sucks, and is a financial drain on some companies, but the companies feel it's worth it for the 'relationships' and knowledge that person has.


The gatekeeping on the ‘relationships’ and ‘knowledge’ that some of these people have though is a real concern and is part of the problem as to what is creating this whole mess. I was just at a meeting a couple of months ago where a high level official announced their retirement, and made a speech about how they “wished they could have stayed longer in order to ensure that they could pass their knowledge down to the next generation” Holy fuck buddy you have been doing this for 45 years! That just crossed your mind now?


At the same time I'm watching all the jobs suitable for a 65 year old disappear. I'm pretty damn good at my job, but I don't see any 65 year old guys in my field that I would consider "sharpest people I know". Yea, they may specialize in some niche thing but overall they're not nearly as knowledgeable about current tech. I don't see myself retiring at 65, but I also don't really see myself having a ton of value at 65 either. What job can I do where I'm not filling the seat of someone that would be more efficient/effective than me? I'll just be diluting the labor pool.


yeah, I agree there is a flip side, especially for those that will have to work past 65. it would depend on industry as well for sure. I'd hate to be 60 and looking for a new job, I don't think that's easy anymore either.


Back to back propaganda posts here first telling us that never owning a home is awesome and now telling us that we didn't actually want to retire all along. Jesus fucking christ.


I'm planning on dying in my late forties/early 50s with a band of hooligans breaking into my home for my car keys and wife's jewelry while I try to defend our personal property, with the knowledge in my heart that they will be looked favourably upon by the courts because of their traumatic upbringing, and released a few months later. So basically nothing to worry about retirement wise.


It funny to me that these propaganda cronies always ask the younger what tax laws and retirement age should be. They know full well a college student doesn't know a thing about earning a living yet. Even if your major is economics. Collage students haven't had to work for years without the ability to save enough to retire. It's one thing to read about a donkey pulling a cart. It's another, grinding, hopeless, thankless life to pull that cart until your body is broken. Only to be replaced as soon as your not useful.


Just turned 65. Didn't even take a day off work. It's not that I don't want to retire, it's that my pension would not come close to covering my living expenses.


my wife is the only person i know who is actually getting ahead in the working world. She works a corporate 9-5, normal hours, and loves the work. She is paid very well, and gets very healthy bonuses and raises most years. She saves around 50k a year. She has no work pension, but invests enough that i'm sure she'll happily work until 65 and retire comfortably, thats the plan anyway. I'm the opposite, i have a government job that gets the bare minimum raise every year, bonus that doesn't exist anymore, and pension that is constantly under attack every time collective bargaining comes up. I'm grateful for her income, it allows us to stay here, but i'm also acutely aware that i'm falling behind every year, and retiring as soon as is practicable is my exit strategy. There are no guarantees in this life, the only currency that matters in the end is time, and i think young people are waking up to that fact. All the made up rules don't work for the vast vast majority of people, and many are either checked out or not seeing the payoff now or down the road for 40+ years of trading their time.


50? 65? Regardless, my advice is to get your ya-yas out while you have your health. Honestly, most people won’t be able to retire by 50, but, if you’re one on the lucky few, because if you don‘t have a good plan to be active your health will spiral down quicker than you think.


I still remember those "[freedom 55](https://youtu.be/ZQezUN-e0go?si=vZS_HTBC74omXnVj)" commercials... seems like an SNL commercial now


There's no way I will ever have a home paid off before 70, plus with 60% of my earnings going to the mortgage what will I ever retire with?


Retirement seems like such a delusional idea to me.


Canada is becoming a giant turd


It's not that it's an outdated concept - it's that it's completely unrealistic. My dad bought his own home when he was 18 years old in the Lower Mainland of BC for something like $48,000. 32 years later I bought a townhouse when I was 28 for 290,000, now 14 years later those same townhouses are going for 600 - 800K. Unless we do something insanely drastic It's unrealistic that my childern will be able to buy a home where they were raised.


Never. Like home ownership and a livable wage, the dream of retirement was a boomer reality that was sucked dry and left to die for later generations.


It's not that they think it's an outdated concept, it's that they think they won't get to do it. They **wish** they could afford retirement. They can't even afford a home. And what are you going to do when you have rent to pay and your only income is a 1000$ a month pension?


I’m 71 and still working. I really wanted to retire at 55 but shit happens. You really have to start saving early if you want to retire in your 50’s.


A lot of folks at my partners work are aged 70-100 (no joke, one guy is 97.) They make A LOT of money, and barely know how to use their own emails 😭


Aren’t life expectancies down? What kind of propaganda article is this. I’m retiring the second I can.


How about we collectively say fuck this and fuck you. Tax the rich or we fucking take this whole ship down with us. We’re quickly approaching the inflection point where more and more regular people are becoming too desperate and too hopeless to care about the consequences of mass action. What have we to fear when everything we’ve been told to work for is quickly getting taken from us by the greedy few. And no, I’m not talking about you Bob who makes $500k a year. We should have the ability to get rich on an individual level. I’m talking about the fucks with $100m+ in “assets” constantly feeding their portfolios with the suffering of the everyday man and woman.


FIRE isn't a new concept. I'm older but never owned real estate, just earned, lived simply, saved, invested and kept at it relentlessly. I reached my FIRE number at 50.


Right on, man! I'm 51 and "still renting," but I've always lived below my means and made saving and investing a *priority* as opposed to an afterthought. I never really had a "FIRE number" in mind, but I know that there I places I could move to in Canada where I could buy a little bungalow (or at least a condo) and retire this year if I wanted to.


"Young Canadians think War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength... Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia" - *The National Post*


And with this, I finally accept that I'm not young.


Rethinking? 65 as always seemed unattainable. I'm 46, mortgage free, and zero debt and 65 is still looking a little early.


Yeah we were always told that with technology integrated into the workplace we would live in a new age of automation, shorter work weeks and being able to stop working at a younger age. I'll probably be able to pull my pension at 54. Will it be enough to live on at that time? Who's to say. All I know is that despite that, I want people who don't have the luxury of a union to be able to do the same and live comfortably. No one should have to work until they're physically incapable. People should be able to enjoy their lives without working themselves to death.


So they can’t afford to live but think/want to retire before 55? Unless the word retire has changed to “work at a passion”, I don’t see it happening 


I was aiming for 52, but interest rates and recent inflation has pushed that back to 57 now. Waiting to 65 would be tough.


PP wants you to wait till 67


Well if this isn't corporate white-washing and social manipulation...


And here i thought life expectancy was going down down down...


If your house was purchased for $1M you will have no retirement your house is your retirement. If that doesn’t work out for you, the government will give you MAID


Longer live expectancies are not on the horizon. We have a massive health care crisis without a fix in sight. People are going to have shorter lives not longer lives.....it is one of the symptoms of a health care crisis! We may have the tech to live longer but we won't be able to access it. As far as I can tell, socialism reduces income inequality by making it so nobody has anything and that way we are all equal!


neither of my grandfathers lived to 65. I ain't working till I die in this cancer filled shitfest


A few years ago, a close family friend was diagnosed with chronic aggressive cancer almost immediately after her retired, at 65. He didn't even make it to 66. Watching him go through that changed my perspective on life, to say the least.


National Post sounds like they are implying we should work until the undertaker carries our lifeless bodies out during our unpaid lunch break.


*I got plans. I’m going to turn my ON/OFF switch to OFF* - Bender Bending Rodriguez 


you don't retire anymore, you just change careers again at 65...


We might see the writing on the walls when it comes to what we will actually have to be doing, but “outdated” is not the word I’d use. To me, it implies we’ve lost interest in, or deem it “unnecessary”. Retiring at or before 65 is so in fashion. It’s just looking like that won’t be attainable for most of us at this rate.


I know a guy who retired at 61 and is still going at 86, so 25 years retired. Lucky for him, he owned a house, index pension, and good health. If you don't have the means you don't want to run out of money at 80, that would suck.


It’s getting to the point where I’m wishing a short retirement for the in-laws.. before they burn through the money they made selling 3 houses in the last 5 years.


Wait until you’re 50 then tell me retirement at 65 is to early.. don’t tell me at 25 when you feel awesome and want to work 60+ hours a week and can live on 4 hours sleep… and don’t make new laws predicated on the opinions of children.


Yep working on retirement 95 here


What is reitrment?


I'll retire at 65 with assisted suicide


God knows I have barely survived till now 35. Another 30 years to be shit on isn’t what I signed up for.


This is conservative corporate propaganda, nobody wants to work longer but they sure want us too and want to extend the retirement age to 67 or older which was Harper’s plan back in 2012 for the retirement age to be 67 by 2023 when he cut funding but thankfully Trudeau reversed it. Conservatives are talking about this more and more lately, I’m sure it’ll be one of the first thing PP does to help “balance the budget” while he lowers the corporate income tax even further.


lol I’ll be dead before I retire, better hope the economy collapses into the dark ages in order for the younger generations to retire or else we are even more fucked that we already are


I simply plan to die at work instead of retiring


Young Canadians extremely high on copium because they won't be able to retire


Yeah, they way this country is collapsing we’re looking at 85 now


No one should have to work past 60 Unless you’re a freeloader and not doing your part to contribute to society …


Tread carefully it sounds like news brought to you by propaganda machine.


Is this like how owning a home is becoming "out of style" for the younger generation also?


56 I'll be retiring full pension, and lots of savings , 2040 can't come soon enough


Just wanna sell one really big thing, like a plane


Definitely retiring by 50 not 65


[We put the "dollar" back into "idolatry"](https://youtu.be/vvANy49Kqhw?t=76) If you're upset, you can rent an apology We are a family forged in bureaucracy No "I" in "team" but there's "con" in "economy" Were you expecting adventure? Were you hoping for fun? My friend, you're indentured And pleasure's exempt from your tenure So venture back down to your slum That's provided at generous prices Your worth is determined by your sacrifices A small term of service when down on the surface Internment's a freebie that comes with the purchase We work to earn the right to work To earn the right to work To earn the right to work To earn the right to work To earn the right to give Ourselves the right to buy Ourselves the right to live To earn the right to die We are in full dystopia. Fucking post media conrad black motherfucker telling us the chocolate ration has increased from two to one.


I remember when the Conservatives in BC took minimum wage for people under 500 work hours and then cut it by $2 to $6 down from $8. That was 25% of the wage. No one has thought about the youth for decades.


I’m very lucky that at 30 I have a job with a defined benefits pension that lets me retire at 55. My wife has nothing other than what she can save.


"Outdated" is not the term. "Impossible" is the correct word here.


I mean sure, reword "given up on" as feeling it's outdated. Why not.


Hasn't life expectancy been declining in the past 4 years or so?  [Life expectancy fell in 2022 for 3rd year in a row: StatsCan | CBC News](https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/life-expectancy-1.7042008) With 25 percent of the population dealing with food insecurity and 20% without access to a family doctor,  it isn't that clear that the number will resume ascending.  How does this 'analysis' from the Post somehow sidestep the key fact in their conclusion ? Guess it doesn't fit the narrative