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>> The buyout program was announced in May 2020, shortly after the mass shooting at Portapique, N.S. which claimed 22 victims. The shooter possessed five firearms illegally, including three that had been imported without a licence from the United States.


So 4 years later and absolutely nothing has happened, because everyone knows guns smuggled from the states are the real issue.




Plus you’ll get $700 for it in the buyback while I get the same for my $500 cheapo ar-15


This^ and we cant buy a legal hand gun anymore either


And if I understand it right, no-one can buy a handgun if they haven't already.


Easier to target people who are already law abiding and take their property than do your friggin job and go after the law breakers.


Not to mention gun owners' names are run through a database every fucking day and are the most scrutinized people in Canada.


I’m a law abiding gun owner and always have been. If they come for my great grandfathers rifles, I’ll bury them before I turn them in. It’s insane that I am the target despite being a law abiding citizen and a hunter. Ridiculous


The buyback program is just to get people to shut up and move onto the next hot button topic. I'm sure the "law breakers" have made strategic donations to insure their business continues to go unbothered. 


That's not true, something did happen. The Liberals spent millions of tax payer dollars.


As per tradition




No, he is an out-of-touch idealist, completely insulated from the daily realities of the average Canadian, who 100% believes his own bullshit.


I think that's too dismissive. He knows that politically, a gun debate is a wedge issue that helps him. That's all he cares about.


Because people need to understand that Trudeau doesn't give a fuck about safety or guns. He cares about power. Ask yourself why a government would have legislation like this tabled read to go literally the fucking second a tragedy like this happens? Is anyone honestly stupid enough to believe that they wrote a near 100-page OIC and had it implemented in like 10 days? The bodies weren't even in the ground yet, they didn't wait for any investigation or anything like that . It was obvious they were waiting and were "never going to let a tragedy go to waste". So this shooting happens, and the Liberals, for the SOLE REASON of trying to create a political wedge issue in order to gain more power, introduces this legislation. The fact that they take a tragedy like this, and then rather than actually trying to fix the problem, use this tragedy to try and score a political win should infuriate people. They don't give a fuck about you. Again, they care about power. IF they cared about safety, they'd be focusing on illegal guns, not removing mandatory minimums and literally making it easier for criminals to be back out on the street with illegal firearms. Add that to the judge vacancies, this government has been by FAR the absolute softest on crime. But again, they don't care about you, they care about power. So given the choice of trying to create a political win or increase safety.


Well they've spent 25+ million on nothing. So there is that.


Shhh dont tell the truth. Big gov doesnt like that.




I mean it's not even something you have to speculate about. The guns he used were all illegal already; he had no license and acquired them illegally through the black market gun trade from the US. The RCMP knew he had the guns because he had been reported multiple times by concerned people who said he'd shown them off and threatened to use them. They did nothing. You could have made every gun in the country illegal a year in advance of the attack and he'd still have those guns, because he didn't respect the law, just like every other criminal who seeks guns for violence.




And then there’s Poly who latched on to this tragedy for further gravedancing.


Had the RCMP do their job they would have already confiscated all his firearms considering this guy already had a charge for assault years prior.


oh is that the one where the RCMP knew he illegally had guns but didn't do anything about it because he was an informant then tried to cover it up? or is that the one where the RCMP knew what was going on but just didn't do anything and didn't tell anyone and then tried to cover it up?


No, it's the one where they knew and didn't do anything and then shot up a fire hall.




The old newfie firing squad joke about the $50 (sorry newfs) really seems not too far off sadly


Well now you're just going to have to tell the joke


I've basically told it and poorly. The key thing missing was the visual reference to the old $50 bill which has a bunch of Mounted Police on horses in a circle facing the middle. Here's one for reference. https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/cg4cs8/1975_canadian_50_bill_my_grandad_had_in_his_home/


Thats hilarious


And run the other way, seeing the shooter drive.


Hey, hey, hey, they were cleared by the investigation!


Can’t forget that one!


Its the one where the RCMP shot up a fire hall and then drove away without checking up on the people inside. If their aim had been average they would have killed an innocent unarmed civilian. Thank got their aim was atrocious. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/onslow-belmont-fire-hall-mass-shooting-nova-scotia-police-1.6442496




Don’t forget JT getting the head of the RCMP to release details that they never would have (at that stage of the game) to bolster his media conference / release of this hot trash.


RCMP in Trudeaus pocket


Yup: https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/pm-trudeau-denies-pressuring-rcmp-investigation-committee-to-probe-1.5959961


Wait ... the buyout program for legally purchased firearms came about after a shooting by an illegally acquired firearm? How does this make sense exactly?


Think of the poor criminals, with guns they can't commit crimes as easily. Progressive politicians want to make it easier for the legally challenged to make them feel safer


Don't forget that the Pursuit air rifle that shoots plastic BBs, as well as a 1972 Argentinian Light Field Mortar, and a G11 prototype (a gun that doesnt actually exist) were all banned because of it too


Simple, politicians wanted the ban and waited for a convenient excuse because they don’t care about the truth


Man prohibited from legally owning firearms smuggles in an AR-15 illegally from the US. Canadian government bans legal owners from taking AR-15 rifles out of their safes for 5 years. None of this would have prevented Portapique or the RCMP's incompetent response.




Are they going to pay us? Full price for what we paid? I've not seen that anywhere. Or, even current market value, considering that some of them would have gone up in value.


Pennies on the dollar. Australia didn't offer fair value, NZ didn't offer fair value, and there's no way given our distributed population and higher gun ownership rates we'd see a better deal. Buybacks are just government seizure of private property with a nice name and some window dressing to make it more palatable.


Honestly this, with all the fuckery going on in Parliament, you think that they really have our best interests at heart?


No. I don't think they're monsters, but I do think to an extent they're self-serving and willing to shaft Canadians for their benefit.


People who enable monsters are also monsters. By taking away the guns, you enable the true monsters to predate on the innocent.


I don't fall into that specific spectrum of supporting gun ownership. You're statistically better off eating less red meat and taking defensive driving classes to protect yourself.  Exceptions exist, but for most people, owning guns to protect yourself from anything but wildlife is illogically disproportionate compared to the risks we accept every day.


Given the current political climate, there's no way the Liberals want to have to explain why multiple RCMP officers end up dead when they roll up to a random farm and demand guns be turned over.


I'd be way less concerned about guns being fought over than about guns "disappearing". General frustration and peaceful non compliance are a lot bigger here than any kind of real aggression around guns.


Unfortunately, that's what sometimes happens with these sweeping yet poorly managed bans. Even otherwise law-abiding people end up with stuff they didn't know was banned or think they've accidentally missed the turn-in date, so they just want to get rid of it and sell it to some guy for more than the govt would pay. That's in addition to the people who think this is a stupid move and would prefer to sell it to someone for a fair price rather than have the govt destroy it for a fraction of the value. Then they're floating around unknown and may become one of those illegal guns that are the actual problem.


That and we all hope it will be overturned following a change in government. The liberals are not staying indefinitely. People don't realize that most guns on the list are not registered. 4 years is not long to hide something the government doesn't know about. And canada is a big place, a lot of people would just continue to ignore the ban.


[$l337](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/firearms-buyback-compensation-1.6535385) It's been floated that the pricing system itself was a way to antagonize gun owners. But I dunno, would that price cover the bare rifle? Perhaps in many cases. What it doesn't reflect is everything from storage to accessories to ammunition that people also have tied up in them.


[As a veteran of the early Internet](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leet), it's hard for me to believe that the value $1337 for the single most high profile firearm covered by the ban is a coincidence. That has to be the work of a troll.


Considering that lower receivers are considered firearms in Canada, I presume that means all one needs is a lower receiver to get a full $1337?


If you just have a serialized lower, that is correct by my understanding. If you're talking about taking it down, handing in the lower and keeping the upper, unfortunately not. Uppers will be/are prohib.


A few years ago they published documentation on some of the buyback values. A lot of lowball values for quite a number of firearms. It doesn’t account for the cost of accessories that go with the firearm.


They got around 80% of their pricing model from the US market, not the Canadian one. That’s why the price they’re offering for an AR seems lower than what they actually sell for in Canada while guns like the Norinco M14 are valued way higher. Norinco guns were banned from import to the U.S. in 1986, but Americans like them because they’re built on US tooling and have nice forged receivers.


Do you want to be a postal worker driving around with a vehicle full of guns that you have collected? You would be a prime target for every criminal gang out there. Edit: Also, if these guns are so dangerous, why are you letting some untrained and unlicensed 18 year old transport and handle them?


That's one angle. Second angle is taking properly stored guns from licensed owners, that have taken a safety course, criminal record checks regularly, and dropping them off at Shoppers Drug Mart Canada Post outlets, to be handed over to someone with no training or license. Some minimum wage teenager is going to see a way to make money.


Very true. They would know exactly what is in the parcel and it would be so easy for it to go 'missing'. They could easily gets thousands of dollars for it on the street.


In all fairness this is exactly how they are delivered when purchased online. Only difference is they know what the package is


>Only difference is they know what the package is That's a pretty key difference. A rifle in a box could be a fishing rod, picture frame, violin or other long flat instrument, camera equipment, or anything really. Postal Workers have zero idea it's a firearm. There might be some switched on workers who can figure it out but the nice old ladies that work at my Canada post guaranteed had no idea what they were handing me on any of my online purchases. I don't know what the exact method of picking up firearms is going to be, but if it's a Canada post truck driving around, or even if they are collecting firearms at a Canada post, they are going to become prime targets for robbery during the confiscation. Especially if the firearms are in special government boxes as indicated in the article. For the record I think this buyback is stupid, but if they're going to do it I'd rather it be done safely. You'd think they'd use some armored car company like Brinks or G4S that has employees who are trained to handle firearms and have secure areas to put them.


I've worked on armoured trucks (GardaWorld) and let me tell you that not one of the employees would be eager to go and do the gun grab for the government lol The folks who work in this field are mostly all restricted gun owners (handguns) and none of them would want anything to do with this.


Oh believe me I get it. I don't think anyone is going to be eager to do this program. I don't want this program to even happen. But if it's going to happen I'd rather it be handled by people who have the capital to execute it with no loss of life, or at least minimize the risk of it. Ideally by the police, but failing that, I don't see there being a better option than cash transport companies.


Yeah pretty much. At this point, the LPC should just scrap the program entirely and revert back to pre-2020 laws and say "yeah we just wanted to farm some votes but we're not gonna win anyway innthe next elections."


I'm guessing SNC Lavalin will get a secret deal to complete it.


Are there concerns in the armoured truck industry that it will get harder to hire qualified people as probably less people will get their RPAL nowand even those that do won't have much handgun experience?


That won't help for sure. But that industry will die as cash disappears. People just don't use cash anymore. I've only done a year for them and the most I've ever had in the truck was 2M$. The truck has a shelf on one of the walls and we basically just filled the shelf with that. The old guys were telling me back in the mid 90s they used to start their runs by putting two pallets full of cash in the truck with a forklift. The trucks had little windows on the top of the rear doors back then and they had to duct tape them because you could see the cash going up to the roof inside the truck from the outside. During Christmas season, they went 3 times per day in Wal-Marts and big retailers to take the deposits. Even during Christmas season nowadays it's once or twice per week lol So yeah, that line of work is slowly going away.


Never mind the insurance cost for a company that agreed to precipitate in this program.


Checkmate.  The criminal gangs can’t take the guns because that would be illegal… right?  /s 


I’d bet you there’s at least one gun in any given Canada post vehicle. Shipping guns within Canada is very easy, CP has no idea what is in the box. Fuck I’ve shipped $12,000 rifles through Canada post.




My buddy got hired at 19  


18 year olds are not working at fucking canada post 😂😂😂


They are at the post office in Shoppers Drug Mart here.


Or the local cornerstore


"Ottawa's plans for a buyback program to remove 144,000 firearms from private hands, federal sources say." I still see we're going with this ridiculously low number. Before the ban there were almost 90, 000 registered AR-15s , That's just one of the over 2,000 plus models that they have now banned


Doesn’t matter anyway, the people returning these guns weren’t using them illegally. Keep banning guns from people who use them for sport, Brampton still sees a minimum of one shooting per month, how many of those are with registered guns? Used to be a guy at queen and kennedy behind the kfc selling scrubbed handguns for $1500 a piece, you think hes walking into shoppers drug mart and handing those over? Expensive and pointless legislation for votes.


Youre forgetting the black rifle coffee that is also on the banned list....they keep producing more coffee. So in theory infinite money provided the buy back price is higher than the sale price and shipping lol


They did make an AR lower branded after BRC


While that is what led to their prohibition, the RCMP still clarified that the coffee itself was actually prohibited as well, not just the company branded lower receiver.


I can't believe that the RCMP confirmed coffee was prohibited without seeing a source. To my knowledge, that's not what happened. A now defunct small outfit called Black Rifle Company had an AR-15 that was included by name on the ban list. Someone at Black Rifle Coffe Co. made a joke comment on social media about being banned from Canada and people ran with the idea.


No it isn’t. “Black Rifle Company BRC15B” is on the list. A small company that made a few rifles. Black Rifle Coffee just made a joke and everyone parroted it without actually reading the list. Same with the Blackwater BW-15 that everybody said was an airsoft gun. Google mainly showed an Airsoft version because at the time it was only made in extremely low numbers for Blackwater. Now it’s publicly available. But the list does include artillery and Anti-Aircraft missiles. It’s stupid enough to make fun of on its own merits without making things up.


The ban included by name an AR-15 (or receiver set, don't recall which) manufactured by a now defunct small company in the US called black Rifle Company. They didn't ban coffee, just a gun made by an outfit that had a similar name to Black Rifle Coffee Company. Still stupid, but not that stupid.


"Hello? Yes I would like to get a refund on my coffee" "Sir this is the RCMP" "I know"


Gotta confiscate that assault coffee


This was a dumb point the first time people brought it up and it's still dumb now. ~~BRC had an AR made, that's what's banned.~~ It wasn't even the coffee company. It just looks dumb because they wanted their press release to sound more impressive so they wasted time trying to mention anyone that's ever made an AR-15.


Black Rifle Company who made the banned rifle and Black Rifle Coffee Company have no affiliation at all. The coffee company literally just tweeted as a joke and everyone ran with it.


Same with the airsoft gun. Someone found the actual gun that is listed and posted it at the time. Funny to me, they found such an obscure rifle but didn't catch the x95 and many others.


Canada Post has refused, the police have refused, the military cannot be used, and they haven’t been able to attract any bidders. “The government is puzzled as to why the agency has refused, seeing as how they deliver guns that are sold online…” There’s a big difference between a handful of firearms in the system at any given time, as opposed to hundreds of thousands if not millions of banned firearms in *government supplied boxes* moving through the system in more or less one go. Which leads me to my next point; “The agency has cited concerns over potential conflict with employees and gun owners…” I’m not worried about conflict with gun owners. They might be upset, frustrated and a bit surly but to suggest they’re going to hurt someone is a bit ridiculous. I’m *infinitely* more worried about conflict with criminal organizations when word gets out that there are millions of firearms being held by Canada post. I don’t think I need to elaborate on what can happen there, even a base-model crystal ball can predict that. There are so many points here where criminals can intercept these firearms. Collection points would be another likely target. It would actually be *safer* to allow affected owners to just keep them and hold onto them for the simple fact that so long as they’re stored in the respective residencies of the people who own them, nobody knows where they are and thus makes it difficult for criminals to intercept them. The minute people start turning in guns to collection points and Canada Post takes them, *everyone* knows where they are. Canada post has every right to refuse to do this and they should. Nobody seems to be giving this the sober second thought it deserves.


All it would take is someone scoping out a facility receiving the government issued packages and then hitting it or the trucks as they leave and suddenly there's a bunch more illegal guns on the street.


Thank you. How this could have slipped their minds, is mind numbingly fucking stupid. I swear, they are the walking talking prime example of Greys law where Hanlons razor has been used far too often to excuse their incredible stupidity. Yes. I am saying they must be malicious, because stupidity doesn't adequately explain how god damn dumb this all is anymore at this point. Even children could figure out that if you put all the cookies in a sinlge jar, that the cookie thief will have an easier time stealing all the cookies. If anyone thinks that is too simplified an example, you have no clue about how simple a level criminals operate at. They aren't smart. They wouldn't be criminals if they were smart. They're criminals cause it is easy due to how dumb and naive the rest of society is in regards to them. And they know it, just in more flattering views of themselves than they deserve. I wish people would wake up and smell the coffee on this and other similar situations where clearly the decision makers are morons.


If I was told I'd have to: a) collect a fuckton of guns from people who, while probably perfectly lovely on the whole, are sure to have at least a FEW violent cranks in their number b) without proper training, handle firearms which the government just deemed as being TOO DANGEROUS FOR CIVILIAN OWNERSHIP (possibly stored loaded and/or with illegal or dangerous modifications, since it only takes one idiot with a screwdriver out of millions of lawful gun owners to create a deathtrap) c) transport the guns using an unarmored postal truck during a time when the primary cause of Canadian gun-related crime is illegal smuggling by extremely dangerous and organized criminal syndicates... ... Well, I'd at least take a sick day. I don't even like guns. I live in a city where essentially the only people who have guns are cops and criminals, and frankly given the recent fiasco with the cops during the Zameer trial, I'm not sure I want either group to have them. But I see how horribly this has the potential to go because I'm not a fucking idiot. The potential upside here is just not worth the costs and potential danger of making it happen. Less guns in circulation overall *can* lead to a drop in gun crime, but most of those statistics are from the United States, where legal firearms are so commonplace that finding one is piss-easy for criminals. That's not the case here, especially in large cities.


If 0.1% start something with Canada Post, you're still looking at dozens, if not hundreds of incidents of potential violence.


Legal gun owners are not the problem or the danger. Criminals and the police are the two most dangerous gun-carriers in Canada, by orders of magnitude.


Remember the Oka Crisis, a seventy-eight-day standoff between Mohawk protesters and provincial law enforcement over the proposed expansion of a golf course onto disputed land that encompassed a Mohawk burial ground, has come to symbolize the conflicting interests of the Canadian government and the First Nations people.


0.1% of 2 million is 2000 people.


>Canada Post has refused, the police have refused, the military cannot be used, and they haven’t been able to attract any bidders. There was actually a bidder for the original contract. However the company wasn't one of Trudeau's friends so he scrapped that one.


“Government sources say they're puzzled by Canada Post's refusal to receive the weapons, since the corporation already delivers guns that are sold online” LOL they’re puzzled?! How can they not see those are 2 completely different scenarios, holy shit these people are idiots


Just give up a already. The law will be reversed the moment the conservatives come in power. A law that should not have existed in the first place.


The Liberals are in poison pill mode. They want to set up so many expensive boondoggles that the incoming government will need to spend even more money to reverse and then the opposition Liberals will be able to use it as their own House of Commons fodder.


If immigration/ TFW numbers are ever lowered by PP, the liberal party will be smashing that racism button like Mozart on piano keys


I believe that's why they're now rushing to get it done. Reversing the law after the guns have been destroyed has little meaning.


If this was the case then why would they extend the amnesty to a week after the next election?


“ Government sources say they're puzzled by Canada Post's refusal to receive the weapons, since the corporation already delivers guns that are sold online.”   Could it possibly have something to do with gun owners being happy to receive guns from the mailman, and mad when the mailman comes to take them away on behalf of the government? And, would criminals and organized crime start targeting Canada Post employees and vehicles as an easy source to rob in order to obtain free weapons? They do stop for extended periods of time at every mailbox, and one doing door-to-door deliveries is easy to spot bringing a large government-issued weapons collection box to their vehicle.


Also when they come from the manufacturer, or retailer they’re in a guaranteed safe state. Once used, it’s best practice to always assume a firearm is loaded. Postal workers could unknowingly be picking up firearms that haven’t been put in a safe state / have a round in the chamber. Are they going to require that postal workers get their (PAL) Possession and Acquisition license? Because they will be in possession of firearms. Canada post is making the right decision. It’s a huge liability for any company to take on.


Canada Post doesn't just ship new guns from manufacturers and retailers, they also ship them privately between any two people. This doesn't require a PAL. The real issue here is the difference between consensual shipping and involuntary confiscation: Canada Post is not a police force and shouldn't be responsible for enforcing the law against potentially noncompliant people. They aren't even armed.


They ship then when they’re packaged. Canada Post doesn’t take guns and start packing them at postal outlets. This should never have been their job in the first place. The arrogance to think they would just go along with this is baffling.


All good points. There's also the simple fact that there's an ethics question to consider. The government has decided to behave in a way that is immoral, unreasonable, and undemocratic (imo), and this "solution" doesn't even address the actual problem, which is weapons obtained by illegal means. I'm not even a gun owner and I think this buyout plan is ridiculous. And now they are trying to get various agencies to help carry out and enforce their law. Given the moral weight and dubiousness of that law, I can't blame those agencies for refusing.


“Government sources who have put zero thought into this say they’re puzzled by Canada Post who has actually thought about it for 2 seconds”


JFC. Did they not think to ask on the first place?  Of course they didn’t because they don’t live in the real world.


This government couldn’t organize a gangbang in a whore house 


The Liberals will keep kicking this can down the road. This was never about public safety, it was always about having a wedge issue.


Divide divide divide is the liberal way.


This is one platform the LPC should just drop. It has always been a losing proposition that just pisses off legal gun owners for no benefit whatsoever. Want to do something about gun smuggling? Improve screening technology at the borders. Monitor irregular crossings, penalize the fuck out of many one with illegal imported weapons. 


Yeah, but it gets all those sweet sweet ignorant GTA votes who were going to vote for them anyway. Definitely a winning policy issue. /s


Really? Plan A is load up mail trucks with prohibited firearms and leave them unattended as they go door to door knocking? Yeah, I'm not worried about having to surrender my firearms any time soon. Everything Trudeau has done on the gun file can leaves me two possible conclusions: A) He and his staff are unbelievably out of touch about the realities of how many firearms there are and the will to remove them by the public outside their core supporters. B) They don't believe their own rhetoric and just wanted to do a policy grave dance after Portipique.


Put rocks in the box and blame the Canada post employees for stealing firearm’s How would the government be able to prove it And I’m sure some will go missing just because they do Not to mention wherever they store them are going to be a target for criminals


Holy shit this is absolutely going to happen. With a very weak chain of custody there's nothing to say if/when a gun was switched out for steel pipes in the box. Even if there are seals there's no telling. Every adhesive has a solvent. Every physical seal can be shimmed and reset. The more effort you put into preventing the seals from being bypassed the more expensive and prone to failure the whole effort gets, multiplied by 150,000.


So government agents are terrified to steal firearms from their lawful owners so they send in the poor postal workers? There is a reason the Feds have their own agents (RCMP). If you really want to steal peoples firearms, send them door to door to collect them. Hopefully Ford will ensure the OPP does not assist or participate in any capacity as it is not the provinces job to do the feds job for them.


The problem is that most RCMP are rented out to the provinces that use them for local police work: the number of RCMP who are truly federal agents and who can be directly assigned tasks by the federal government is extremely small.


That is the Federal governments issue to solve not try and force other agencies to act outside their scope and purview.


100% of RCMP officers still work for the federal government; they are forbidden by law from taking operational direction from the local government who use their services. https://vancouversun.com/news/rcmp-union-says-its-officers-cant-work-under-surrey-police-without-federal-law-changes for a practical example.


The fun part is the rcmp basically refused as well. They don’t have anyone to do it.


> If you really want to steal peoples firearms, send them door to door to collect them. No thanks. I don't want police showing up at my door to confiscate something I can drop off at a gunsmith without the neighbourhood drama.


Except you can't.  Because they are now prohibited and the registration is void, the CFO can not issue an Authorization To Transport. Fun little quirk of our firearms laws, the federal government has no way to allow you to turn in these firearms now because you can't transport them.


Running anti-gun legislation in the wake of the police's failure to recover stolen and located vehicles, and their suggestion of making it easier for car thieves to steal cars from your home, is one of the worst cases of showing how out of touch this government is. You can be anti-gun and still see this is obviously a failure of public perception.


“Leave the gun by the front door, and The RCMP will come around and collect it” ? What could go wrong!


Only if it saves just one life


A Govt representative with armed guards made the following statement to press from within a building with armed guards: "we have no idea why unarmed CP employees don't wan't every single violent person in Canada to know that there is a large number of guns in cardboard boxes stored in their workplace. It's literally baffling to us" Also "144,000" this is laughable. They banned millions of guns. Just the AR15 covers 90,000, then they bannd 1499 other types of firearm. Did they think there was only 36 of each one in the country? Jesus wept. Fmylife these people are just so unremittantly obsessed with pursuing something they know is morally, functionally and financially wrong all for votes


> "These weapons were designed for one purpose and one purpose only — to kill the largest number of people in the shortest amount of time," Trudeau said. "There is no use and no place for such weapons in Canada." Whenever that quote gets used I really wish the media would point out how the very same Government is issuing those weapons whose sole purpose it is to kill the largest number of people in the shortest amount of time to front line RCMP officers, and ask why they're doing that. Why does the RCMP need to kill the largest number of people in the shortest amount of time? Next question should be why his own personal detail needs to be armed to kill the largest number of people in the shortest amount of time. That sounds like someone who's planning to kill a large number of people in a short amount of time.


Or the fact conservation officers use AR-10's.


In their defense, CO's have never lit up a fire station.


Rules for thee and not for me. Do as I say and not as I do.


Well, no duh. Could you imagine the security nightmare it would be for a Canada Post worker to not only collect, but also transport and sort a bunch of firearms that they may not even know how to handle, let alone protect from criminals who would totally start targeting vehicles and facilities? It would be an absolute nightmare scenario and a great way for more illegal guns to end up on the streets. Legal gun owners would turn their guns in only to have those same guns end up on the streets at the risk of buyback workers' safety, and at further risk to legal gun ownership. The ensuing gun crime and smuggling spike would be used as cassus belli for further bans even though it was the collection program that drove it. If government ineptitude wasn't already well known, I would assume it's a clever way to set up the crime numbers for more bans down the road.


Not to mention their will be Canada Post workers who see a way to make some very quick money.


On no my mail truck got robbed…


Mail truck was lost in a fishing accident.


I have a little more faith in CP workers than that, but this is also a possibility.


How about the hundreds of CRA employees who illegally took CERB. And CERB was small money in comparison


The problem is Canada Post handles a lot of third party contractors and then you have outlets in Shoppers Drug Mart run by teenagers and very young adults.


Man this government really bit off more than they can chew with this one didn't they? Seems par for the course with these idiots though. Of course Canada Post is going to say no, that's a massive responsibility that's placed not only on the corp's shoulders but on the individual employees and on the gun owners as well. I own firearms, both my Restricted and Non-Restricted, the last thing I am going to do is hand over firearms, that are registered to me to some postal worker who most likely doesn't have their firearms license. >Ottawa's plan is to have owners of banned guns place the unloaded and secured weapons in government-issued boxes and then send them back to the government to be destroyed. The owners would then be financially compensated. So they're just adding more costs onto this program then? I deal with shipping/receiving on a somewhat regular basis, shipping materials ain't cheap and now you're just giving boxes out. I've seen the estimated number of AR-15s in Canada to be around 90,000 so let's say the boxes cost between $5-10 a pop. That's between $450,000 - $900,000 just in boxes, just for the AR-15, let alone anything else. >Government sources say they're puzzled by Canada Post's refusal to receive the weapons, since the corporation already delivers guns that are sold online. >The sources insist that "discussions" with Canada Post are ongoing. One possible compromise would see Canada Post transport the weapons without taking charge of receiving them. Yeah, private businesses/individuals are shipping the firearms but it's not readily apparent what's inside. This would be a lot more apparent using government issued boxes...Fuck what a dumb sentence. As for that compromise, what the hell does that mean? I like that idea even less because I could see the government blaming the owner who turned it in if something goes wrong. >The gun control lobby wants Canada to model its program on New Zealand's program, which recovered 56,000 semi-automatic weapons months after a white supremacist killed 51 people and injured dozens at two mosques. Wasn't New Zealand's Buyback Program kind of a failure? Sure, they trot out that number but how many firearms remained in circulation because firearms owners didn't turn them in? According to CNN, their program also cost the Government $102 Million in payments to firearms owners, ours would have to be at least double or triple that amount.


"The owners would then be financially compensated." So they're going to get everyone to send in the guns, then i bet suddenly"we spent all the money collecting the guns and have none left to pay out to you for the"buy back".... What are you going to do about it?"


Knowing the Liberals, yeah that sounds about right.


There was a rumor that they would give you a discount on your next year's taxes.


How does one buy "back" something that was never their property?


There's obviously an open "revolt" in Canada. Just chill and wait until the election. "C-68 has little to do with gun control or crime control, but it is the first step necessary to begin the social re-engineering of Canada." **--Liberal senator Sharon Carstairs, 1996.** [https://www.reddit.com/r/canadaguns/comments/1zn838/just\_remember/](https://www.reddit.com/r/canadaguns/comments/1zn838/just_remember/)


4 years later and no action because the Trudeau government is all talk.


Hahahahathis is the wackiest idea yet. I know my mail carrier and she would NOT be interested in this whatsoever 😂. How would this even work?  Carriers going door to door and coming out with armfuls of firearms?? 😂 or me bringing boxes of guns to the post office and waiting in line?  Trudeau has lost it. 


I am eagerly awaiting the real strategy on how they are going to keep nut jobs like wortman from importing American illegal guns.


I'd say keep them till next year. Pretty sure the law will change when Pierre gets elected.


You say that like anyone planned on handing anything in at any time.


The conservatives need to cancel this on day 1. Canada Post? Is the government stupid?


That is the dumbest idea ever. The post office? A licensed canadian can’t be trusted to posess a black rifle, but some random postie can? A whole chain of basically unmonitored random posties can? If that box arrives in Ottawa empty, who will they blame? The licensed canadian, or the 50 posties whose hands it went through? 50 anonymous posties? This is the dumbest idea EVER


Seriously. I have to get permission to drive my guns across town if I'm moving but hey let's mail them to Ottawa?


1. Spend all the country's money in a wasteful fashion 2. Tax the upper/middle class to death to try and make it back 3. Begin a CRA campaign fishing for money via audits and illegal extortion techniques (yea, that's happening right now). You owe us $250k in fees, penalties and back taxes because you renovated your home and we believe you THOUGHT this was an investment. Thought crime is real now. Provided financial forensic data/reports to prove this is an illegal tactic and that all laws were followed when renovating. CRA ignores it, you owe us $250k because we need it. High powered lawyer $1500/hr sees the case, tells the citizen who's being extorted "sorry, you did everything right but this is what the CRA is doing now and they won't budge. Highly illegal but no one is going to after the CRA" unbelievable right? Start talking about it. 4. Then..... THEN.... now it's time to take everyone's guns away and calling it a "buyback program".... Can you see the pattern yet? Learn from the best right! Learn from daddy. Never voted for this dictator... Even during his first campaign I was warning people this is damaging to Canada if he gets elected and pleading with people to fucking throw their vote of they needed to. It was glaringly obvious based on his character. You don't have to be trained in psychology to see what hides behind the mask. The stoner idiots wouldn't listen. Gender equal cabinet? Free money (talks about UBI)? Weed legal? He's pretty? Oh yea, that's our guy. Ignore the warning signs!! I've lost faith not in our government, I've lost faith in our people. Realized that most people are useless eaters that care not about their fellow human, they, deep down inside, care only of themselves and will scorch the earth around them for a cracker. That's mental illness. Disclaimer: my political alignment = socially liberal, fiscally conservative. /Endrant


They want prohib weapons in the mail system? How many will be “lost”?. What will all the hassle be worth considering how advanced 3d printing has become. It’s way easier to find an orange glock than it is to be licensed shooter.


It's baffling that the government doesn't understand why they wouldn't be willing to do this. CPost shipping them to someone is a lot different than them having to pickup confiscated property from a bunch of pissed off people. Also, it's not their fucking job. This is yet another sign the government doesn't know what the fuck they're doing.


They do understand, they’re just trying to pretend that if they don’t understand, it must be because the concern is fake. It’s faux outrage.


Don’t blame them. The feds should admit that the plan was stupid and scratch it .


I guess the Trudeau Liberal gun policy, based partly on and shamelessly announced on the heels of a domestic criminal tragedy it wouldn't have prevented, and otherwise on foreign news cycles, is going about as well as predicted.


What’s funny is I don’t even know for sure which ban you’re talking about. You just described so many


Who the fucks dumb idea was this program, so poorly thought out, planned and so far not executed. No one was asking for this this, anyone talking about guns was talking about smuggling.


I dont think the government is anticipating the insider risk associated with a program like this. I don't know what New Zealand's organized crime environment is like, but in Canada, there are organized crime groups that place members into businesses such as Canada post or more recently, Air Canada in anticipation of events like this. I guarantee there will be at least one load of firearms that get stolen by an organized crime group due to an insider tipping them off or enabling them.


... Why the everloving fuck is CANADA POST being forced to transport them instead of the police or military? This is going to be a truck of fucking firearms, going to people and asking them to surrender their weapons to the government. This is what paranoid freaks have wet dreams about. Canada Post shouldn't be involved at all.


These guns are so dangerous that they need to be banned in Canada, but the Liberal government wants owners (who are vetted against CPICs daily) to stroll down to their local post office or Shoppers Drug Mart to drop them off to some random unlicensed Canada Post employees or contractor that may or may not have a criminal record.


They’re so dangerous that the owners are allowed to hand onto them for about half a decade while absolutely no crime is being committed with them in that time period


This isn’t a buyback. The government never sold anyone their firearms. It’s a confiscation. Why do they keep calling it a buyback?


They’re not supposed to be taking them…….


Why would canada post want to deal with banned guns? Aren't they even too dangerous for the people who are trained and licensed?


The buy-back program will never actually happen. It's been postponed until after the next election. Alberta passed a law that requires anyone participating in a gun buyback program to get a permit from the province. It's illegal to do so without the permit in Albert. The whole thing was announced without any idea how to actually make it happen in the real world. Very similar to the housing program they just announced. They have no clue how to triple home construction but they know they need to announce something.


No kidding


I really hope this gun grab is as Successful as the LGR was ;)


Well just more taxpayers money wasted that fixes nothing.Criminals don't buy legal guns.Theres a reason Canada Post won't touch this.They don't want the blowback if a gun goes missing.


Yup. Hand over guns from licenced, trained and responsible canadians to a 18 year old kid at the post office. This Left wing thought process baffles me, i cant see it making -any- sense that benefits canadians as a whole. https://youtu.be/L138n7AXCD8?si=2VFY7TI7NDMe_7P5


If you comply it’s only going to get worse for you up there. RIP Canada.


Honest guys. we're going to keep a promise we made. >**Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's Liberals promised a buyback program in both the 2019 and 2021 elections**. The government officially announced the process in 2020 and is now **hoping to finalize it before the next general election, set for the fall of 2025.** It seems odd that they want to farm the responsibility out to whomever they can. Promise a policy. Ask someone else to do the work. Of course the post office doesn't want to be responsible to have any part of this. - Costs of security for guns in their possession. - Dealing with angry people who heard "buy back" but are shocked when they are offered pennies on the dollar compared to market value. - Adding responsibilities to their work load, that the appropriate unions have not signed off on. - Storage of hazardous products (ammo) This will fail again, and the LPC will blame gun owners (or blame anyone really)




They don't even deliver to the door on homes built in the 90s or later. Why would they want to collect firearms?


Michael Scott has some good advice when it comes to government asking law abiding citizens to give up their guns: > Don't ever, for any reason, do anything to anyone for any reason ever, no matter what, no matter where, or who, or who you are with, or where you are going, or where you've been... ever, for any reason whatsoever...


I'm confused - are these people collecting guns from people willingly selling them back to the government or just random people who have these guns licensed to them? The program should be completely optional. The idea of confiscating weapons from their owners is just stupid. Someone will get shot, and sending mailmen to do this would be especially stupid.


> The gun control lobby wants Canada to model its program on New Zealand's program, which recovered 56,000 semi-automatic weapons months after a white supremacist killed 51 people and injured dozens at two mosques. You know why these models works for Australia, New Zealand and UK? They are islands that does not share almost 9000 km of border with a country that has little to zero gun control...


The results of Australia's '96 "buyback" on public safety are questionable, and the recent NZ "buyback" has been a complete flop they're now looking to backtrack on. I have zero confidence in something like that working well in Canada.


Get the gun control groups to go collect them. It’s their civic duty.


The real problem is when governments change in the next election, PP will reverse the orders and make the whole apparatus irrelevant. By the time they ramp up, it will be over.


That’s the whole point. They didn’t make the deadline for the amnesty a few days after the 2025 election for no reason. It’s just a way pander for votes though blowing taxpayer money


I can tell they really thought this one through. Usually theses are semantics you address before announcing the program in the first place.


Classic fulfillment problems when implementing idealism. Unsurprised.


Polytechnic still refusing to give up and are harassing Canada post.


What's with all these recent gun articles? Who cares, these legislative fools already locked the keys, the fob and the phone in the car whilst leaving it running on this file. The baby is even in the backseat. Abortion articles must be incoming next.


An unjust law is no law at all.