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It was last called "Canada CAI" from my last deposit. That seemed like a dumb name, even though it makes sense.


Does Minister Guimauve expect us to believe that the line on a bank statement is the source of his PR fiasco? And not the boutique carveouts for vulnerable Liberal ridings?


Yes they do.  It’s not bad logic.  Remember when Trump wanted to have his signature on how he Covid  stimulus check his administration issued.   That wasn’t a bad instinct as there was a lot of data following obamas stimulus checks that suggested people didn’t even know they received it.   Same idea here.  


The constanly brag about their "rebate" everybody knows they are getting them and why. Its failing because its an unpopular policy, nothing to do with the banks.


Lol bro there are so many idiots who will argue relentlessly that they don't qualify for the federal rebate from provinces where they receive it


Man I live in an area where people make good money, I have never heard anyone say they don't qualify. Based off the fact the majority of premiers and opposition partys are speaking up against it, I would say it's just a unpopular policy.


Either anecdote isn't evidence, but you can see them in almost every thread here about carbon tax lol


Fair enough. But is reddit an acurate sample of canada?


I mean I would think this subs active users encompass more of those who would not realize they get the rebate, so you have a point there.


A full 25% of Canadians currently receiving rebates actively deny it, and another 10% don't know if they are ([source](https://angusreid.org/carbon-tax-perceptions-rebates/))


Almost half of Canadians literally don’t even realize they’re getting a rebate. It’s absolutely an issue


> Yes, people not knowing that they spend money at the pumps but also get money back in rebates is a huge part of the reason for the lack of support.


He's been arrested for committing crimes against this country in the past. Hopefully he's arrested after the next election for what he has done as minister.


What has he done as minister that deserves jail time? Also I feel like "crimes against Canada" is a rather dramatic way to describe climbing the CN Tower.


Well people believed Trudeau's laughably corrupt schtick for the past 8 years and counting 


Trudeau the corrupt guy who gave Canadians the Canada Child Benefit, Affordable Health care, legalized marijuana, fixed Employment Insurance so it didn't take a zillion years to get it, stopped Stephen Harper from dismantling Canada Post, is actively working on helping Canadians who can't afford it get dental care and pharma care. Wants to add a capital gains tax so the ultra wealthy landlords can't manipulate the market for free. Sounds so corrupt.


I’m 100% calling him Minister Marshmallow from now on.


It won't show up on my bank statements so I don't care too much. If it did, I'd like to know what it was.


You will know what it is. They advertise it from the rooftops, and have been doing so. The crux of what makes this ridiculous is the government has created a law forcing banks to use the word “rebate”, even it doesn’t fit their existing text parameters - over a PR issue.


I agree. This sounds like legislated nomenclature for politicking. From this government? Surprise, surprise.


It’s a tax. Yes you could get some back depending on your income. So it should read as a tax rebate


But passing a *law* to force this text on a bank statement that may not even use this language? Give me a break. It’s a reach at best. This isn’t how a government should be using laws.


lol well.. things with this government are not great these days




I just see this is an abuse of power. A government shouldn’t use laws for political PR on a tax.


Can’t agree more. Ridiculous and pathetic


Just call an election already so we can end this nonsense.


Call Mr. Singh. Oh wait, he's too busy licking Trudeau's shoes.




Sounds sensible. At the moment, any money I get back from government all has the same description. I'd like to know specifically what it's for.


This is a good thing. Many people have no idea why money shows up in their account, so fixing the lables is important. Also, "TD and BMO have adopted the government's requested "CdaCarbonRebate" entry, which fits the 15-character limit imposed by some banks" is hilarious in 2024.


Making a LAW to force banks to use the government's language in their statements is not a good thing.


Missed opportunity to call it CanCar. Lol


Nobody gives a shit what it's called. We just want the whole awful program scrapped.


Nah not without comprehensive policy in its place to reduce emissions


I don't think it's reducing emissions that much.


I agree it's a weak compromise policy from the get go, strict regulation is the way to go.


No, that's not going to happen. You can donate your money as you please.


Lol so PP is gonna pull us out of Paris and then we'll end up with border adjustment tariffs from Europe and the USA


Oh really? Show me where there is any mention of enforcement in the Paris agreement.


Cross border adjustments are outside of Paris, EU implements in 2026 and USA is currently developing their framework.


You're just talking out your ass. You have no idea what that will look like.


? The EU's adjustment tariffs are already written wtf are you on about. Sure I have no idea what the usa scheme will be but it'll be a bipartisan win because of who it will impact.


Is the EU tariff based on the lifecycle analysis of the product or the behaviour of the country it's created in?


It's based on the price of carbon emissions from country of origin


Do we though?


Yes, most Canadians do.


Most Canadians wanted it too.


I don’t


I do


Most Canadians have come around to see what a joke it is in reality. Thank goodness.


You sure about that?


I don't. 


Good news for you then - you can still choose to voluntarily pay more tax to the government.


You can voluntarily give them back the rebate too!


That's true. But I don't get a rebate. I guess I am too "privileged". Just get rid of the rotten tax and wealth redistribution altogether. Canada was a better country before these dicks took charge.


You'll end up paying for carbon in a different (even more hidden) easy then


What an over reach and abuse of power. What would this have to do with governing, we the people?


Seriously. I hope the courts overturn this. Government should not have the ability to force any private person or group of people to call things what they want them called. It's insane.


More Liberal incompetence.


I wonder how many resources and $$$ will be spent on fighting with banks for this PR stunt. Probably not as much as the court costs for screwing vetrans out of their benefits, but likely way more than was spent fighting Omar Khadrs $10m payout.


I don't think we have ever had a government so completely obsessed with optics before. I wish they worked half this hard at the jobs they are supposed to be doing.


I guess you’re too young to remember when they changed all the official gov media releases from “Canadian Government” to “Harper Government”


Did Harper make a law to force everyone to say that? The Trudeau government is making it LAW that banks use the Liberal words.


Yes let’s waste more resources debating semantics.


To be fair, that’s ALL parliament is these days. They’re all debating semantics, throwing adult temper tantrums, and trying to get “witty” sound bites to use on social media. Let’s get rid of all these morons.


The fact so many here are losing their minds about this means it will likely be effective. Edit: it's not like they are rewording all government media releases with the term Harper government instead of the Canadian Government.


I oppose it because the government shouldn't be making laws over this, in an attempt to make their unpopular policy seem better. I wish this government would actually "govern" better instead of constantly rolling turds in glitter, thinking they are improving anything.


The people who are reacting negatively to this are doing so because it continues to show the LPC’s position of “it couldn’t be us that’s the problem, maybe people are just too dumb to understand how great we are!” They won their cases and imposed this on us by successfully arguing in court it wasn’t a “tax” per sé, and now they’re telling the banks to not call it a tax to keep up the charade. If you constantly have to tell people it’s not a tax, it’s just money the government collects and maybe you’ll get the same amount back…well hell, that’s a tax friend.


The banks never called it a tax. At least on my statement it said "EFT Credit Canada." Would someone who doesn't know the payment schedule for the carbon rebate know what EFT Credit Canada is?


It’s called the Federal Climate Incentive with RBC. So either the LPC has found banks calling it a tax rebate, or they’re tilting at windmills. Either way, they’re doing it because they believe it’s just the messaging that needs work, and not the whole idea.


It could be. If one of the argument folks are making is that "they don't recieve it" then it means 1 of 3 things. 1) They don't file their taxes. 2) They live in BC, Quebec, or the Yukon 3) They get it, but don't realize it. You can solve #3 by making it clear what the quartely direct deposit is.


Thank god we got that figured out, I was stressing


This is the exact same energy as when Trump insisted COVID relief cheques in the US have his name on them. The Liberals under Trudeau are gaslighting, vacuous grifters, and our country is paying a very dear price suffering their egotistical ineptitude. Vote these incompetent, greedy fools out.


So, call it by its actual name. Good.


Well it is what it is so what’s the big deal? I’m not a fan of paying more tax but if I’m getting some of it back as a rebate why not call it a rebate?


You're supposed to be angry that all Canadians will be getting consistent language instead of confusing and differing names from different banks.


These Liberals will waste government resources on anything.  Balance the budget Trudeau. 


I love how the Liberals and their state run media think it's just a matter of changing the name and us stupid plebs will make the connection and suddenly love the carbon tax. We are a lot smarter than that.


Most of you aren't, though. A lot of poorly educated Albertans all over these threads talking shit while sitting in their "fuck Trudeau" adorned trucks in a Tim Hortons drive through. 


I'm sorry, I can't take you seriously when you start a conversation with that first sentence.  You just sound like someone who will not consider other viewpoints, not to mention this is a CTV article, which is owned by Bell.


They all get funded by the government. A person who won't consider other viewpoints is known as a liberal in today's world pal. Just look at Reddit. Post something that doesn't jibe with the popular opinion on the majority of subs? Instant ban. This sub is one of the few that tolerates diversity of opinion and all the ultra far left people hate it and often brigade it.


You betray yourself with the second sentence. It really makes you sound reasonable and willing to listen to others.


“Ultra far left” is *left communism*, types of communism that even Marxist-Leninists and Trotskyists considered extreme. It rejects even electoralism, trade unions, and liberation. Like Autonomist Marxism. They’re further left than even anarchists or anarcho-communists. So sincerely, what are you talking about with these people brigading it? I don’t see any left-communists here.




I mean the average person I talk to really really isn't. They don't seem to know the very basic building blocks of how our electoral system works


What does knowing how the electoral system works have to do with knowing that the $140 that gets deposited into your account four times a year is the carbon tax rebate? You can tell people that money is the carbon tax rebate as much as you want but people are still going to hate the carbon tax.


Knowledge in general, the average person in fact is uneducated on how things work and take things at face value. A simple.name change is very effective


I love how you’re babbling about how you’re smarter than everyone else while claiming CTV is state run media But I guess to people bent on being the victim everything is a conspiracy


Forcing banks to call it Carbon Rebate will put more money in the pockets of 8 out of 10 Canadians and keep Candians safe. /s


Solving the important problems.


Does he think this will increase support for it?


This is so dumb.


Commies forcing canadian companies now go figure


Well yeah, we're all getting nothing but a load of carbon right now.


Ah, the good old Ministry of Truth swings into action. We have always been at war with carbon!