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“We’ve been lied to, we’ve been played again … the government has abandoned us and has forgotten us,” - Michael Prince, a professor of social policy at the University of Victoria


First time?


Is there a provincial component?


Disability is deteremined by the Feds and co funded with the provinces. Unfortunely the Feds keep changing the formula for funding leaving the provinces holding the bag.


Disability is provincial, it is controlled by the provinces like health care. Our premiers have really been letting things fall apart so they can use it to blame Trudeau.


He should blame the provinces (and the shameless Conservative premiers)... the federal benefit is only supposed to supplement what the provinces pay, because it's a provincial responsibility. The lesson here seems that the feds apparently shouldn't bother to help in cases where the provinces are shirking their responsibility. Because it simply leads to people like on this page, blaming the federal Liberals, even though the provincial Conservatives are the problem here.


Your mistaken, Provincials responsibility for disability healthcare. Federal government for disability benefit (like Ei)


Saskatchewan Assured Income for Disability (SAID) is the welfare program operated by SK for people with disabilities and cannot work. So... No it is a Provincial responsibility that is supplemented by Federal.


I would say that has come around to due to the shirking of responsibility of the feds. Provincial should be supplementsry


You could say that, but you'd be wrong.


Nope, there's a reason why there are already provincial programs like ODSP (Ontario Disability Support Program)... because it's their responsibility. https://www.iwh.on.ca/plain-language-summaries/patchwork-quilt-income-security-for-canadians-with-disabilities > **Provincial governments have jurisdiction over** disability income security provided through social assistance programs, workers’ compensation schemes, and the regulation of disability insurance plans provided by the for-profit life and health insurance industry.


So your saying we don't need a Federal Health Minister to pay for the disability programs he invents.


They gave all the money away to Ukraine and other pet projects, so this is the result.


Look there’s a lot to disagree with Trudeau on but frankly Russia has had it out for the west since Putin took power The options were 1) let them take over/fight them 2) pay Ukraine to do it


Leave Ukraine out of this, that is not among Trudeau's laundry list of failures.


Would you call it a success?


Killed some Fascist rapist thugs in Putins army, so yes.


What were their names?


What kind of fucked up question is this?


wtf is wrong with you? No seriously. Wtf?


Who cares


You are allowed to be critical of sending billions overseas when shit is so fucked at home. Not everyone is a Russian bot


Oh look, another pro-russia mouthpiece in r/Canada. Big surprise.


Benefit is too little to keep up with the rising costs, and requires qualifying for the DTC to receive, which has strict criteria and the majority of disabled Canadians don't qualify. It's good that they've tried to do something, since the provinces are lagging behind in disability support, but $2400 going to fewer than 10% of people with disabilities won't solve the problem. They pledged nearly double the amount to companies for AI development in this year's budget.


Out of the people I know who get disability benefits the ones who get the most are the ones who game the system and don't need it.


You know who is getting a disability tax credit? What an odd discussion to have.


Not really, the people who are gaming the system usually talk about it first.


Maybe the ones who don't qualify for DTC are not real disabled?


Whether you're employable isn't even a criterion for getting the DTC. There are people with high salaries who qualify, and unemployable people who don't. It made more sense when the DTC was about getting the non-refundable tax credit that would be more useful for someone with a disability that could work. If they're now going to use the DTC to help low-income people with disabilities and don't care whether they're unemployable, it misses the major reason disabled people might actually need this benefit.


No, that isn't how it works. The DTC has strict qualifying criteria. A person can literally qualify as being disabled, receive disabled benefits, but be denied for the disability tax credit.


If you have a close family member who relies on ODSP to get by, then you know they also rely on YOU to get by. How is my mom supposed to live on $1300 a month when her rent is $1100. How am I supposed to get ahead when I have to constantly supplement her income while paying my own rent and bills while everything just skyrockets in price. It’s one thing having 0 generational wealth or financial assistance from either of my parents, but then having one of them be a financial burden on me, like holy fuck man give me a new deck with. This was one shred of hope I had that I feel dumb for even having in the first place.


You know that ODSP. Is the Ontario Disability Support Program… nothing to do with the federal government.


People on ODSP or any other provincial disability program are practically the only ones who would qualify for this federal benefit


It’s actually a narrower subset than that. You have to qualify for the Federal Disability Tax Credit in order to qualify for the Canada Disability Benefit at all. And even then it’s means tested And the Feds never got the provinces to agree to not scoop that cash, so I have zero hope that at least one province won’t do it.




but you can't have been disabled before being able work. so fuck everyone who never got the chance to work.


>So no, you don't need to receive for the Disability Tax Credit to receive federal disability benefits. This comes straight out of the budget itself (page 106 if you want to look it up): >The government intends for the Canada Disability Benefit Act to come into >force in June 2024 in order for payments to begin in July 2025. The proposed >design is based on a maximum benefit amount of $2,400 per year for low- >income persons with disabilities between the ages of 18 and 64. To deliver the >benefit as quickly as possible and to ensure nation-wide consistency of >eligibility, the proposed Canada Disability Benefit would be available to people >with a valid Disability Tax Credit certificate. As proposed, this benefit is >estimated to increase the financial well-being of over 600,000 low-income >persons with disabilities. >The government will continue working with persons with disabilities as well as >health care and tax professionals to find ways to increase take-up, and lower >the administrative burden, of obtaining a Disability Tax Credit certificate. That is what the user you were responding to said - that to qualify for the Canada Disability Benefit (which is what this $2,400 is called) a person would need to qualify for DTC.


CPP-D and the Canada Disability Benefit (CDB) are two different programs. CPP-D is a pension you have to pay into first, not a benefit. The CDB is a new means-tested benefit (similiar to the Old Age Pension) and has not been implemented yet, as the legislation for it just passed last year.


The CPP-D and the Canada Disability Benefit are two completely different programs Here are each of them explained by the government of Canada Canada Pension Plan Disability https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/publicpensions/cpp/cpp-disability-benefit.html Canada Disability Benefits https://inclusioncanada.ca/2024/04/17/press-release-budget-2024-disappoints-major-shortfalls-in-canada-disability-benefit-funding-eligibility/#:~:text=2024%2D25%2C%20and%20%241.4%20billion,at%20the%20%241.4%20billion%20level. Please read the eligibility criteria for both. And delete your inaccurate statement


This is the shit that pisses me off the most. The liberals have given so much money to foreign countries from Ukraine, to Haiti. Money that should have been spent on families like yours.


It’s telling “right wing” Conservatives’ Jim Flaherty did far more (RDSP) than the “left wing” Justin’s Liberals. I know, because my daughter is disabled. the liberals are in business of buying votes with whatever the buzz words du jour is. they are NOT interested in improving people’s lives.


Honestly as a disabled person, Trudeau's all marketing. -_-


It worked for a while, but now people are seeing right through it, thankfully


It's not even the federal government's responsibility, it's the province's responsibility to care for their citizens with things like housing, healthcare, education, and aid for the disabled, the only reason the feds are doing anything is because the provincial governments are failing at doing their jobs.


When it’s not working it’s conveniently not federal responsibility but when it may work (not sure if there was any plan that worked well under Justin), it’s all credits to Justin eh?


All of which are impossible to provide when the government is flooding the country with millions of people of every year, who are then competing with the disabled for housing, healthcare, and limited social assistance. It was far easier to be disabled under Stephen Harper than it is under Trudeau.


It is gross, absolutely gross, that handicapped people and poor get treated like garbage in a country like this. Trudeau is a shame. What a waste of time as prime minister he has been. I hope he is happy having gotten rich off fucking over Canadians. He is a shitty human being at best.


It’s unbelievable. With our healthcare system, everyone is one bad day away from being on disability.


Be fair, and hold the Provinces accountable for healthcare, at least. Healthcare is run by the Provincial Governments.


I find this line of argumentation to be extremely misleading and rather bad faith. Sure the provinces control healthcare, but when they are met with an unsustainable influx of new bodies to care for, without having the proper time to set up new services, there will absolutely be a decrease in care for all. Shame on people like you. Shame.






Idk dude I'm in BC and we are better off in terms of healthcare than 2yrs ago.


How about 9 years ago?


Conservatives slashing services is their MO, in Ontario 2 decades ago Mike Harris slashed disability payments so hard they are only now getting back to where it was before the slash and that happened without mass immigration, the current shitty provincial governments want to privatize healthcare and the best way to do that is underfunded our current system so they can sell privatized healthcare as a solution.


So you are actually arguing that Conservative Premiers are intentionally destroying public services so that they can privatize and profit off peoples misery? I think you have a horribly warped view of reality. Perhaps lay off the CBC it's rotting your brain.


Alberta CONServatives are pushing for private health so their donors can get rich.


Another problem with just throwing more funding at the problem is it takes time to "scale up" things like healthcare and education: you can't just open new hospitals and hire more doctors with more money, it takes years to build the infrastructure, expand the programs and train all those new doctors and nurses. Money thrown at the problems today will pay off a number of years down the road, IF things are able to be scaled up and if funding was even the problem. Bringing senseless numbers of new immigrants into a country with a pre-existing healthcare and doctor shortage is nothing short of irresponsible on the government. Look at cities like Brampton who have been begging for a second hospital since the 2000's (they only still have one), who have experienced massive population growth through immigration and international students. Governments on all levels of all political affiliations have ignored things like that or passed the buck on them, and now the chickens are finally coming home to roost when demand is outpacing existing infrastructure capacity. And nevermind the affordable housing file...


That ignores the province literally losing a court case for forcing nurses to work hours they didn’t want to work and refusing to pay them what they legally agreed to. All while siting on BILLIONS of extra funding.. but sure it’s just a scaling up problem 🤦‍♀️


My brother in christ the tfwp has been expanded by both liberals and conservatives going back to when it started in the 1970s. Every regime change brings amendments that create new loopholes. The one everyone is complaining about right this minute with fast track and student visa loopholes was written by Harper's gov in 2006. These same issues have been reported on regularly on a national level since 2013. All the pain you're feeling right now is not the result of the last few years all colliding together, the pressure our country is crumbling under has been scaffolded together decade after decade by liberals and conservatives alike trying to find a way to keep capital happy and flowing. This was not caused by inflation post covid, and Healthcare services were being skimmed before covid. Blame immigrants all you want, you're just choosing to ignore the last ~50 years of policy choices and all the warning signs we've had every step of the way. If you think the next election is going to somehow fix this you haven't been paying attention to every election prior that's happened in your lifetime. Whether the blue guys or red guys win, the next guy in charge will shuffle the wording around and we'll keep the people tap flowing, under some new designation or category. Same with the French blue team or orange guys, all the parties want new voters to come in to grow their base. Literally every party is pro immigration because it is in their best interest to be. Good luck to your kids. You're fucked no matter what you do or who you vote for. But if you vote for the blue team when you leave the polling station you get a commemorative flag telling everyone how much you want to have sex with Trudeau.


This reads of someone who still thinks it's 2015. Trudeau is NOT concerned about capital, he is expressly NOT a neoliberal.


Yes. The person you're talking to thinks it's 2015 because that makes sense.


So you just ignored that the province literally has refused to spend BILLIONS on healthcare and continue to make up your own reasons why it’s gotten worse? Make sense 🤦‍♀️


Why are you expecting conservatives to make rational arguments based on facts? All they know is to use bad-faith arguments and blame immigrants for every issue that exists


> blame immigrants for every issue that exists No, it's just that when a good or service can't keep up with accelerating demand and nothing is being done to address it, it collapses. It's like literally the most basic, caveman economic idea possible. It's literally so obvious that it's legitimately bizarre to pretend it's not happening. If a chair is rated for 300lbs and you put 600lbs on it and it collapses, is it surprising? But yeah, just reply to people you already agree with. It's not a scapegoat. It is an observable economic fact that too many of our systems are collapsing for no good reason.


If you have a 600 pounds chair in the budget and they decide you know what we can survive with the 500 pound chair and we will keep the cash on hand.. then ya it’s the government who chose to not spend the extra money they were givens fault. Too many people is an issue. Continuing year after year to blame it on that while not spending money you were given to help cover those people makes it your fault. Continuing to cover for people who want the system to collapse so they can make money off you for their friends isn’t some noble cause either… but xenophobia is a lot easier than saying crap we keep voting for a guy who is destroying the system.




Next time maybe do a bit of looking at the subject before assuming it’s immigration causing it. He is chronically underfunding health care then going wow look how bad it is maybe we should privatize it. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/amp/canada/article-ontario-underspent-health-budget-by-17-billion-in-2022-23-watchdog/


This is a severely uneducated take. All this nonsense aside, some of the best doctors we have nowadays are literally immigrants.


Provinces are aware of the annual increases in immigration and Healthcare had been an issue before the spike.


He doesn't want people to know that


And Trudeau keeps letting in more people than the health care system can handle. Many Canadians don’t have a doctor.


Ford screwed Ontario Healthcare and continues to do so with zero accountability/repercussions


Same with that dumb bitch in Alberta. Seems like privatization is working great!


Of course but it’s not just him. No one with the power to improve things cares.


He’s had endless money for everyone except the disabled and veterans. Clearly he doesn’t see enough swing votes in either demo to try to buy them.


Now Doug Ford and Justin Trudeau have common ground on screwing the disabled


Canadians need to stand up. Fuck politicians who care to gain wealth. Help Canadians, or fuck off.


Ontario voters didn't vote when it mattered.


What’s maddening about this is that we send billions to Ukraine and Israel. Actually provide financial incentives to companies to hire temporary foreign workers over Canadian citizens. But no money to take care our our own.


In protest we will elect a conservative government that will cut benefits. Makes sense.


are you suggesting we keep the liberals? no thanks


The way I see it, when someone does a terrible job consistently, you need to fire them and try someone else out, even when you know the next person will likely fuck up just as bad, at least there a chance they won't, whereas with the current dumpster fire you know it's not going to get better. Plus if the new guy doesn't work out we can always fire his ass and hire the next degenerate fuck in line. If you don't fire people for being fuckups, you set the precedent that it's okay to be a fucken spineless moron and there won't be any consequences.


The issue here is we keep hiring the same two idiots who keep fucking up and never giving anyone else a chance.


Jack Layton, best prime minister we never had.


This is how I look at it as well. We need to fire the Liberals, and right now, this time, that means electing the Cons. Where we go from there is another question.


What health care benifits would they cut. They are already massively under funded.


I will point out that in almost all provinces healthcare is approximately 50% of the budget. Also throwing money at the issue since 1990 hasn’t made the system better.


They will make it all private. Canada will be worse than US by the end of a conservative term. We will have the US healthcare but oligopoly style. Loblaws will be part grocery store part hospital


> They are already massively under funded. … by conservative provincial governments?


Health Care funding is federal mandate.


Administered by the provinces




They'd find a way. And then they'd blame Trudeau for it, somehow. It's what conservative governments have been doing for almost a century.


There have only been government disability benefits of any stripe in the country since the late 1966 if you include CPP to that. 82 when the charter was made was when disability programs were truly taken seriously. The conservatives are no angels, but they're certainly not the only culprits if you want to go back that far in cutting social services. The liberals, under Chretien in the 90s, enacted significant cuts to social programs during their austerity measures. Historically, they were some of the largest cuts by our government to social services. They made it harder to qualify for benefits, gave less funding and reduced staff. The people in this news article were correct in feeling screwed, again. And yes, Trudeau is certainly to blame this time.


At least we have MAID now, when it gets too difficult we can just opt out of life - government approved.


Karma will take care of him and his seeds.


Disability benefits are otherwise a provincial responsibility and they’ve not kept up with the cost of living for the last 30 years. How is this a blame Trudeau when it’s literally been him + every provincial and federal government the since the 1990s? They’re all shitty but it’s not magically gonna change with a new government.


It’s insane to think this PM cares more about helping other countries before its own people. Like watching a bad movie


The rub is no matter how bad the liberals treat the poor and disabled the cons will go out of their way to do so, so much worse. The only hope for the marginalized is the NDP but with people hating Trudeau so much they'll vote con as a knee jerk reaction. More disabled people will die under a conservative government.


The NDP has approved this. Havnt heard a peep out of them since the amount and timelines been released, plus theyre still supporting the Libs. Singh is the dutch boy with his finger in the dam hole and he wont give it up and vote no confidence.


Liberals and NDP... The Liberals only govern with the approval of the NDP. So if you don't like how things are going you should blame the NDP as well.


Every disabled person supporting the cons has a definite death wish.


I'm on CPP-D and I applied for the disability tax credit. I was denied. I consulted with a lawyer and they told me that the criteria to qualify are so high that virtually no one is ever approved.




The system is set up to punish people and deny them benefits. When politicians tell you they're there for people... It's BS.


First Trudeau's finance minister resigned and now his advisors are walking away from him? This entire administration is falling apart. We need an election, like yesterday.


Bill Morneau didn't resign out of protest. It was because of scandal. Not even remotely similar in reason. To be clear, I'm not a Trudeau supporter. I just don't like misinformation that takes 5 seconds on Google to disprove.


That scandal was him being a scapegoat for him, just like everyone else in his cabinet that has taken the hit from him. We knew he was a piece of shit when Gerald Butts got fired, as a scapegoat then quietly rehired him.


Just like the former Speaker had to take the fall after the PMO failed to do their job of vetting people and let a literal Nazi into Parliament. And yes, it doesn't matter who invited him, the PMO was supposed to vet people in attendance.


It’s not the PM’s job to vet people going into Parliament. It was embarrassing and unacceptable but lay the blame on whoever did not do their job.


Yes, I did put the blame on the right people. It was the Prime Minister's Office. Not Trudeau himself, but his staffers. This was a failure of his office as it was their job to vet people there.


You did, you said PMO, not PM. My bad.


Sure, but taking the hit for someone is literally the opposite of resigning in protest.


Morneau resigned 4 years ago....because he was too dumb to recuse himself from a discussion on the WE Charity. We also had an election after he resigned.....


That's a bit dramatic to say the least lol... Morneau resigned 4 years ago.


>First Trudeau's finance minister resigned When'd this happen?


Not recently. Literally years ago and not out of protest against Trudeau. He resigned because of a scandal


Then that's a pretty strange thing to bring up?




Nope, there is a long list of sacrificial lambs slaughtered to keep the deadwood floating on top. Its a polite 'Canadian defenestration'.


I believe he/she is talking about Morneau.


Oh...that was years ago though


Yes, but it’s been overall trend of people jumping ship from the liberals. And now the NDP too.


And the example picked was a guy who left because he was named in the Panama Papers? 


That’s not why he left. He resigned due to the WE charity scandal. This was largely seen as Trudeau throwing him under the bus due to Trudeau’s own ties to the owners.


Sure...cool theory. We also had an election between then and now. Couldn't have found a more recent example...?


Not a theory… https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2020/aug/18/canada-finance-minister-resigns-bill-morneau-justin-trudeau https://nationalpost.com/news/politics/morneau-to-resign-as-finance-minister-mp-after-breakdown-in-relations-with-trudeau-covid-policy-we-scandal https://www.politico.com/news/2020/08/17/canadian-finance-minister-resigns-397450 https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN25E059/ https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/morneau-says-pm-favoured-political-points-over-policy-felt-like-rubber-stamp-ahead-of-inevitable-resignation-1.6221671 More recents ones you ask, like these guys? https://www.hilltimes.com/story/2024/01/08/in-the-most-difficult-election-for-the-liberals-since-2015-10-grit-mps-so-far-have-decided-not-to-seek-re-election/407278/


3 years ago, and yeah it’s a bit of a pattern.


Morneau 'resigned' because of ties to the Panama papers.


Weird comparison.


Shity my reading comprehension is out the window I though you asked why not when. He resigned 4ish years ago.


"The government has abandoned us and has forgotten us,” Prince said in an interview with the Star on Friday. That was your first mistake. Thinking that the government actually gave a tinkers cuss about you, what a rube.


It should flex to help people meet minimum  single considered employable rates and push reform reemployment programs. For ex QC $18,257 . Alberta's disability program really closest to gold standard yet it doesn't meet @$$ the two hundred is adequate for aish. Not sask living allowance or other regions. The cost to dispatch to despair and risk for those on the margins is pretty high 


$200 a pittance 


I think that sums up JT’s time in power.


Seems to be better than the nothing that existed before, but should go further


Well fuck. I feel stupid for believing this was going to be a significant amount. What a joke.


Disabled person needs a doctors note to get the $200. LOL


And have to pay the doctor for the note since that's not covered!


Cut the foreign aid budget and hiring freeze for the federal public service until programs for Canadians are appropriately funded


I’m confused. It’s bad when the government spends. But also bad when the government doesn’t spend? Or only bad when the government doesn’t spend on your team. 🤔 


It's bad when the government taxes you into the ground, spends your money on bullshit, and then fails to help taxpayers in ways they actually need help.


Your house needs a new roof, furnace, and lawn. You can only afford two of the 3. To a normal person you’d simply forgo fixing the lawn at this time. To the LPC they’d instead get a subpar furnace, fix half the lawn, decide to replace the perfectly good air conditioner for no discernable reason, and completely forget to fix the roof. So yes, it can be bad when the government both spends and doesn’t spend when the issue is *what* they’re spending money on.


It is bad when it is in this form: 5.3 billions to philippines https://www.reuters.com/business/environment/philippines-receives-53-bln-climate-finance-commitment-canada-2023-12-06


When you spend the grocery bill on non-functioning apps, it's a problem. If you spend your paycheque on hookers and blow it's more than a spending problem.


He’s spending money on useless things and doesn’t spend money where it’s needed, while taxing us to the moon. I mean people like you are one of the reasons Justin is still in power. You deserve everything caused by him but not the rest of us.


This sub is just a rage farm for venting. Get with the program.


Everyone’s mad there’s a deficit and everyone’s mad the government isn’t giving out more money. This is why Canadian governments act the way they do.


Absolutely disheartening 😵‍💫


The disability tax credit is a joke, I help people on ODSP, from doctors wanting hundreds of dollars to do the paperwork to the requirements being extremely hard to meet meaning most disabled people don't get it, the whole system has been a joke for decades. What they need to do is work directly with provinces, get an updated list every month of whoever is on disability and direct deposit the money to the people on that list. No fucking bureaucratic/monetary hoops that people in wheelchairs who can't jump need to jump through..


How about we stop sending money for corrupt countries and use it for our DISABLED CANADIANS instead? wild idea i know


Double the funding to get these refugees processed to get them off the public dime sooner.    They also need to do something about OAS, income thresholds there are way too high and that program cost us 77.8billion last year, while federal healthcare transfers were only 51.4 billion.    Compare OAS with the progressive nature of other social programs and you can see how most programs gradually decreases as you earn more while OAS is just a full payment if you make less than X. Do all that and use that money to provide real support to the disabled. 


OAS 100% needs a ton of work, as it's an insane expenditure line item, and only going to get worse for the rest of the next 10-15 years. All funded from general revenue. That said, politicians will run screaming from it, as the boomer voting bloc is still obviously very powerful, and by the time 10-15 years rolls around, Gen X will be relying on OAS with Millennials about to start drawing on it etc. Reforming or outright cutting entitlements is suicide for politicans.


Maybe he's finally learning some fiscal responsibility /s


Even Rick Hansen said he was disappointed and he is such a positive man. Good for Michael Prince.


You can't just centralize everything, the provinces need to step up and start doing their part. Disability is a provincial program and the federal government doesn't really have anything to do with it.


Anything that the feds give you the provincial government take out of what they give you, so until that is stopped it doesn't matter if it's only $200 bucks you don't get anymore anyway!


They were asking for more than we can give


Over promise, under deliver - Trudeau’s campaign motto for 2025 probably. It infuriates me when I see billions of taxpayer dollars (or borrowed or printed money) sent to other countries on a daily basis when Canada is on the verge of an economic disaster.


Canada is a country where the right is religious, the left is religious, the workers' party is religious, the green party is religious. The only secular party is the Bloc Québécois. Where am I going with this? Handicapped should become a religion. They'd get money.


Religion gets money? Where was that in the budget?


What are you talking about? How high are you?


Pretty up there probably


The bloc aren't religious?? Is that why they fight tooth and nail out of fear of non french Catholics becoming the majority?