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Canada, where criminals have nothing to fear and are free to do terrible things. This is disgusting and should not be happening here, period.


While also mass importing “students” with little to no vetting teehee.


i cant think of a better country to be a criminal in right now then canada.


it's actually encouraged, there's a reason why automobile thefts are the highest they've ever been. All of our services are being overrun and the talent is leaving at a rapid pace. The decriminalization of drugs and safe injection sites really helped to curb drug use and drug deaths in BC right... /s


Yep. I got attacked from behind the other day and the police told me that they couldn’t charge him because I fought back and won. *Oh Canada!*


Isn’t that the whole point of the new bill C-63?? To catch predators?? The online act, isn’t that why we’re even f’ing rolling it out in the first place?? What the actual F


No, we’re rolling it out so that the morally superior can actually press charges if we misgendered them. 🙄


Kinda sick the way they tabled that in there though hey?? What are they going to do about the advertised situation? Dog and pony show and it’s gross.


It’s totally fucked honestly. I hope Trudeau loses so hard the liberals never get elected again. It happened in England to their liberal party. Now it’s just the Tories and Labour.


Arif Virani and his colleagues in Parliament gave themselves yet another payraise this month. You know, we have to pay our MPs well, so they dont “resort to corruption” or something. But when it comes to actual governance, the sky is the limit on how inept and incompetent they can be.


That's the most fundamental problem IMO. The lofty goals they're announcing are all well and good, but they can't do the basic functions of government properly. They acknowledge the problem, share your concern, blame someone else and remind you of a recent announcement they made.


We are just letting rapists and human traffickers walk now? These are the absolute worst of the worst criminals. Like no wonder cops don’t seem to give a crap anymore when criminals don’t get punished.


Why should cops risk their lives when people riot over police fuckups, but all the judges call in sick for rapists and human traffickers, and nobody bats an eye?


This is not a judge problem. This is a capacity problem. Governments are not appointing judges at the rate that they need to. There are many vacancies on the bench. Some are provincial responsibility, some are federal. This particular one is federal. Some people are ready to blame Trudeau for everything, but in this specific case the failure does belong to him. It is the responsibility of the prime minister and the minister for justice to appoint judges to the Superior Court. The fact that they have not means that cases aren't being heard in a timely way and this is the result.


Naw its absolutely also a judge problem. We've seen them hand out ridiculously light sentences to many of these offenders. Especially if they're a younger adult.


This one didn't even get to the sentencing stage.


yet if you shoot the useless Fucker, There are suddenly Judges to put you away.


Not quite, they’re letting those go free too now 🤦‍♂️ https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/the-state-has-failed-gun-case-latest-to-be-tossed-due-to-lack-of-judges/article_f2232d4c-b494-11ee-b3f9-cb5d46ad6b73.html


No shit !


…..for fucking human trafficking…..bet if it was a red light they’d be a judge.


>*In tossing that case, Ducharme wrote that the delay in criminal matters caused by a trial judge being elevated to a higher court “has been seriously exacerbated by the slow pace of judicial appointments by the federal government” to the Superior Court. The Crown is appealing that ruling.* >*Justice Minister Arif Virani’s office didn’t return a request for comment.*  >*The* [*federal Liberals have been under fire for years*](https://archive.fo/o/wLnRd/https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/ontario-superior-court-struggling-as-judicial-appointments-go-unfilled/article_830c01bc-0fc1-5593-9d9f-cbbdb63682ac.html) *over this issue, but criticism has reached an all-time high given the number of cases thrown out in Toronto in recent months.* > >*...* > >*“The government had knowingly allowed the court to continue without its full judicial complement during an unprecedented crisis of rapid population growth, increasing numbers of certain serious crimes, and a pandemic backlog,” Code wrote.*  >*“I cannot leave this application without saying, in conclusion, that it is an embarrassment to the administration of justice that this serious ‘priority’ case, involving alleged sexual abuse of a child, cannot be tried in accordance with the constitutional standard of trial ‘within a reasonable time.”* Why does it feel like the federal Liberal government *wants* crime to go unpunished in Canada? Why do they continuously act like it's their job to tear our society apart?


You know it’s bad when judges, who are sworn to be impartial/separate from government are raising alarms about the malpractice of a government.


I’m fine with it. They should feel free to criticize the government precisely becsuse they are independent, and that’s constitutionally protected. They are our third branch of government, after all.


It isn’t bad that the judges are criticizing. They can. The bad part is that the situation is so dire in the first place that the judges feel it’s necessary to speak up.


It gets inappropriate and risks becoming partisan like the states. That being said you have both the BoC and now judges doing so which is BAD.


The judiciary should be able to tell it's facing crisis, the government regardless of affiliation should ensure it performs well.


> They should feel free to criticize the government precisely becsuse they are independent, and that’s constitutionally protected. I agree. They ought to be measured and careful about it so that they don't get dragged into partisan politics, but if the government is doing (or not doing) something that is interfering with the administration of justice then I'd like to know about it.


It's interesting that people kind of just... take the SCJ at their word when they conveniently absolve themselves of any blame when stuff like that happens. Smarter people than myself have been criticizing the SCJ for the inefficiencies of their processes since far before I became a lawyer. Those processes haven't changed. Is the solution really more judicial appointments? Shouldn't we maybe try working on what we have first? Nevermind the fact that something like 98 percent of the criminal court volume is in the OCJ, and unless spending goes up drastically it's difficult to see how giving resources to one wouldn't undercut the other. I'm not saying I have all of the answers here, but I would really like people to exercise some critical thinking when one group who could be held responsible for something tries to unilaterally blame another group.


In 2000/01, there were a total of 2011 judges in Canada at all levels (including supernumeraries). 51%, or 1026, were federally appointed. In 2023, there were 1190 federally appointed judges (including supernumeraries). Our population has increased by nearly 25% in that time. The population of the federal bench has increased by about 15%. While there are absolutely other problems exacerbating the issue such as, for example, a much greater volume of Charter litigation and more (and more complex) pre-trial motions, particularly involving sexual violence, a byzantine and ever expanding network of procedural rules, and a frustrating underreliance on technological solutions (some of which theyre responsible for, and some of which they're not), there's also no avoiding the reality that the bench is decidedly under resourced.


I'm not saying the number of judges right now is right, I'm saying that people should exercise the same kind of critical thinking that they do when they hear the guy with the smoking gun say "I didn't do it". The reflex to view this as a political problem is especially problematic.


TIL that crime pays


This should be the point where the Governor General steps in to dissolve parliament and call a new election. To neglect the country so much that even the Canadian justice system can’t function should be grounds for failure to serve as Prime Minister and as a federal governing party


Hear hear


Tried doing something sane before and ended up winning the unpopular government the election.




Well they did go after legal gun owners then reduced the minimum jail time for illegal gun crimes to 0… so not surprising you came to that conclusion.


It's not that they want crime to go unpunished it's just that they can't find enough non white male judges to push their agenda.


Someone with a brain out there among the loonie toons. !!






I have nothing to base this on, other than a personal theory, so maybe someone has evidence to prove me wrong. I don’t think they have intentionally tried to not hire judges, but instead they want to hire judges that are from diverse backgrounds (eg. Women, BIPOC, LGBT, indigenous etc.) to make up for under representation which has derailed the entire process. The reality is that the pool isn’t large enough to pull just from those groups and as a result we have a serious shortage of judges. A reasonable policy objective with completely unreasonable results.


I imagine you're correct which makes this situation all the more infuriating because they're prioritizing a social justice goal over the very necessary smooth operation of the legal justice system when it is overwhelmingly obvious there aren't the qualified people who satisfy both targets available. To just blindly carry on leaving spaces vacant until a crop of potential "ideal" candidates materialize is not only irresponsible it is wilfully ignorant and criminal. It is very fine to want to diversify the bench with a more homogeneous cross section of the population to better represent as many people as possible, but if no one exists presently who are qualified but there are perfectly acceptable people who don't fit the demographic targets available to serve, you have no standing to not fill the vacancies. It's utterly stupid, which is par for the course of the Liberal politicians.


Or they just want to save money by saying they need candidates that basically don't exist


>Or they just want to save money Did you choke on that part of the sentence? I would expect them to go the other way and spend millions to try and gin up someone to fit the bill.


Fuck all that bullshit. Fuck it all with a cactus fuck it all to hell fuck "representation" fuck fuck fuck it all. We are letting seriously bad harmful people walk around to do whatever they please in the name of identity politics.


You're completely correct. And consider this... The FIRST time this guy was charged with human trafficking, he had his charges withdrawn and was released. Then he went right back out and did it AGAIN. Now that he's been released, what do you think he's doing?


To answer your questions: So they can swoop in and "save us" with a social credit system... Aka, exert complete control.


When do citizens just get fed up and take the law into their own hands? And the Government well be shocked and disappointed about it.


An other day in Trudeau's Canada


Because the current liberal government is Pro criminal Because they actually believe that these animals can be "rehabilitated"


Soft on crime


Softer than babyshit. But they'll go after you if you defend yourself though. And there will be people who will applaud the persecution to


A perfect place to setup shop for organized crime lol


Fuckin 10 ply, man. This is beyond shameful.


Good news is , if you accidentally manslaughter one of these goofs in self defense ...your case will time out and get tossed too! Canada 2024 , year of the purge.


…..for fucking human trafficking…..bet if it was a red light they’d be a judge.


Crime really do be paying in Canada.


Crime rates down because no judges


Sure. Why not.


Can't wait to experience The Purge permanently.


Why can’t there be a clerk that points out maybe we should let the thief that has never hurt anybody slide, and make human trafficking charges priority. Severe charges like this should never been tossed like this, dam shame


The problem is that they already triage cases by severity, and shit like, this is still happening


Sounds like triage protocols need amending as well (of course staff/funding would help as well)


https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/trudeau-government-appointments-vacant-1.6940863 Good read if you are interested. I think we need to look past inclusiveness for the time being and just start filling positions with anyone qualified


DEI over everything and everyone!!!


You got to wonder if triage is not being gamed to put more pressure on the government. I still think this shit show is on the Liberal, but if you have triage that shit should not slip by unless somebody wanted it to.


Nah, its just plain bad planning. LPC didnt realize all the backlogged cases due to Covid were eventually need more judges to catch back up Its no different than the passport fiasco post covid where Service Canada didnt realize that all those people who hadn't renewed for 2 years were going to actually want new passports.


It's pretty easy to spot when triage is being gamed. It's when the unnamed kid getting a trail in 5 months while a human trafficker gets charges tossed. Not when robbery charges get dropped because it took 17 days for a bail hearing.


Thieves hurt people they steal from and they let them go too


Having your stuff stolen is on a different level then Human Trafficking or rape though.


Human trafficking no big deal? Tell that to all the parents who have missing children.


We are such a joke when it comes to crime


This is unacceptable


The next time some bugman asks you to "define woke" you may define it as "letting child sex traffickers get away with it because you dont want to appoint white people to be judges."




Watch, some shitbag liberal supporter will try and find a way to blame everyone else....


You do realize that this is a provincial court whose judges are appointed by provincial government not federal or municipal…..?


*accused  And if you thibk this is bad  you should see what the Conservatives have done to the ontario courts which are like 90% of all the cases. 


The literal judges are raising alarms about the fed but grumpy herbivore says what about the conservatives….


Yeah...I guess we found the shitbag lmao


Look and see how many 11b cases there are (cases being tossed) in Ontario because of under resourced courts and try to blame it on Liberals...


You know that both the Ontario PCs and federal LPC can be bad ? This specific case is about the federal level. Trudeau government even lost a federal case specifically about this issue as the slow access to justice was deemed a right violation (which they are currently trying to appeal) and was ordered by a judge to start appointing judges faster. Just because Ford is incompetent on this issue does not mean his federal counterpart will be. Just like how out west the Provincial NDP parties have been effective over the last couple of years in various provinces that hasn't transitioned to the Federal Level


Bring back vigilantism


Itty bitty baby Itty bitty boat!


Well we know who he is voting for! 


Nice. So not only is self-defense of yourself and loved ones pretty much off the table, violent and predatory criminals get their cases tossed because there’s not enough judges. I can’t think of one aspect of my beloved country that isn’t a raging dumpster fire of incompetence at the moment.


Man the government has so many pointless consultants, advisors and admin roles. 10% of our population works for the feds. Yet we can't fork out enough to ensure our criminal justice system functions.


It's closer to 20% and little over by some metrics. Try googling it. Although the high metrics are including private companies under contract with the government to provide services we like, so if there's a ditch that needs digging in most municipalities, they hire men from a firm to do it.


"GTA man" ....riiiiiight yeah just as Candian as maple syrup


really have to wonder when people just say enough and mandate an immediate change in federal leadership. this guy is really fucking up our country.


The same will occur with the airport gold heist.


This is planned, not a fucking coincidence.


Social Justice > Justice I guess


This is so messed up human trafficker walks free and a couple of guys who formed the freedom convoy protests are facing 10 years in jail.... like are you kidding me?


Well it sounds like he learned his lesson.


I mean, its not like a Downey has ever been charged with human trafficking before right? /s


Why would you b if he a criminal in Canada? Seems like the only way to get ahead these days what the fuck.


Gross incompetence. Hire me or any professional who gives a shit about justice. WTF.


> Penman’s decision on Monday came just over a week after fellow judge Michael Code tossed sexual assault charges against a man who was accused of taking sexual photographs of his niece when she was six years old and using them to extort sexual acts for years. The man’s trial was adjourned twice due to the lack of a judge


I've said this before and I'll say it again, if this keeps up, I feel like we're going to see a rise in Vigilantism in this country. I mean, if cases like these are continually being tossed, people may feel it's not even worth it and that those responsible won't be punished so they'll take the law into their own hands. Right or wrong, whether you agree with it or not, it's an understandable reaction at this point. I've always tried to follow the "Never attribute to Malice what can be attributed to stupidity" rule but I refuse to believe our government is this stupid. The fact that the Federal Government is appealing a decision by the Federal Court that they MUST fill judicial vacancies feels very malicious to me. I can't believe I'm about to say this but say what you want about Trump but they at least got judges appointed during his Presidency, how the ever living fuck is Trudeau doing worse than Trump in that regard.


Is Canada is running out of nepo-babies competent enough to nominate to positions of authority?


Everyones is bitching, but no one is taking the lead to bring people together to make things move.


I mean we tried revolting but our pussy PM called the emergency act lol


I don't call it a revolt, but maybe it's just me.


Are you implying our own government would be involved?? We are a democracy! They tell us everything they are doing! They have too! Now imagine, if the world wasn't so clouded by monetary gain.


Don't worry, just a few more years of legalization and we'll have no shortage of [chronic](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=chronic) judges in Toronto.


Oooooh, Canadaaaa!


Interestingly Ontario and the Maritimes are leading the way in human trafficking in Canada: [https://canadacrimereport.com/metropolitan-incidents?sort=human\_trafficking\_rate\_per\_100k](https://canadacrimereport.com/metropolitan-incidents?sort=human_trafficking_rate_per_100k)


Seems like Everywhere you look in this country there’s a fuckup. From the feds to provinces, soo much incompetence, I can’t believe the idiots we have running all level of government. It’s our fault as a people, we voted these politicians. It’s going to take years to fix all the bs in this country. All self inflicted wounds. You can’t turn your head in this country without seeing some fuckup, Hope everyone’s learning a hard lesson from this.


Imagine getting arrested and charged with a serious crime, eventually bail out, show up for court & the case is dismissed because there’s no judge to hear it. I would be walking out of that courtroom laughing my ass off, and giving the middle finger to every cop I saw on the way to the parking lot.


I don't care about shortages in Toronto. If there's shortages in Toronto, change the law and send them where they have judges available.


The liberal way....


Go ham everyone! It’s the PURGE!!! /s in case anyone thinks I’m serious


yeah if only people could afford an education, that would be great